Higher-Order Theories For Composite AND Sandwich Cylindrical Shells With Co Finite Element

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Provided by Publications of the IAS Fellows

Conlpursrs & srrua4rcs Vol. 33, No. 5. pp. 1191~1204. 1989 0045.7949189 $3.00 + 0.00
Printed in Great Britain. 0 1989 Pergamon Press plc


T. KANT? and M. P. MENON
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Bombay 400 076, India

(Received 3 November 1988)

Abstract-A higher-order displacement model for the behaviour of symmetric and unsymmetric laminated
composite and sandwich cylindrical shells based on Co finite element discretization is presented. Two
theories, namely, (1) Geometrically Thin Shell Theory, based on the assumption that the ratio of the shell
thickness to radius (h/R) is less than unity, and (2) Geometrically Thick Shell Theory, in which (h/R)’ 4 1,
are developed. These theories incorporate a more realistic non-linear variation of longitudinal displace-
ments through the shell thickness and thus eliminate the use of shear correction coefficients. The influence
of (h/R) for a thick shell is studied and the results are compared with those of geometrically thin shell
theory and other available results.

INTRODUCTION also incorporates the bending-stretching coupling

due to unsymmetric lamination in composites. Dong
A shell of revolution is an important structural and Taylor [2] presented an extension of Donnell’s
component in all industrial applications, especially shallow shell theory to thin laminated shells. These
those relating to nuclear, aerospace and petro- theories are based on the Kirchhoff-Love hypothesis
chemical engineering. The multilayered composites in which transverse shear deformation is neglected.
are important structural materials in weight sensitive In the case of composite shells, which are generally
aerospace applications, where high strength-to- identified in practice as (i) ‘Fibre Reinforced Shells’,
weight and stiffness-to-weight ratios are desired. Such in which layers of composite material with high ratio
composites, idealized as orthotropic lamina, are of Young’s to shear modulli are bonded together, and
bonded together to form a laminate and are used as (ii) ‘Sandwich Shells’, in which layers of isotropic
structural components. material with some layers having significantly lower
The finite element formulation provides a con- elastic moduli than others are bonded together, the
venient method of solution for such laminated effects of transverse shear deformation are significant
composites having complex geometry, arbitrary and thus Love’s theory is inadequate.
loadings and boundary conditions. In recent years, an attempt has been made to do
Any two-dimensional shell theory is an approxi- away with one or more of the foregoing Kirchhoff
mation of real three-dimensional elasticity problems. assumptions. This is to establish a more rigorous base
The solution of problems in three-dimensional theory for the numerical analysis of a wide spectrum of shell
of elasticity involves vast complications, which are problems. Dong and Tso [3] were perhaps the first to
overcome only in a few special cases. present a first-order shear-deformation theory, which
In a shell theory the three-dimensional system is included the effect of transverse shear deformation
reduced to a two-dimensional one by deploying a set through the shell thickness, and then to construct a
of simplifying assumptions. The classical Love’s thin laminated orthotropic shell theory. The theory is only
shell theory is based on Kirchhoff’s hypothesis. It applicable, however, to cylindrical shells in which
assumes the laminae to be in the state of plane stress the orthotropic axes of each layer coincide with
and neglects the effects of transverse shears and the reference axes of the shell surface. This theory
normal strain in the thickness direction. The first thin can be regarded as an extension of Love’s first-
shell theory for laminated orthotropic material was approximation theory for homogeneous isotropic
developed by Ambartsumyan [l]. This author as- shells. Another refined theory for laminated aniso-
sumed that the individual orthotropic layers were tropic cylindrical shells was presented by Whitney
oriented such that the principal axes of material and Sun [4], who derived a set of governing equations
symmetry coincided with that of the principal co- and boundary conditions which included both
ordinates of the shell reference surface. This theory transverse shear deformation and transverse normal
strain. Widera and Chung [5] derived a first-
approximation theory for the unsymmetric defor-
t To whom all correspondence should be addressed. mation of a non-homogeneous anisotropic cylindrical

1192 T. KANTand M. P. MENON

shell through asymptotic integration of elasticity HIGHER-ORDER THEORIES FOR COMPOSITE

equations. LAMINATES

The second-order transverse shear deformation

The development of the present theory is based on
effects have been included by Kant [6], who has
the following displacement model:
developed governing equilibrium equations for a
thick shell theory. The theory is based on a three-term
I , +ze~+z%:+z%*,
I (i= l,2)
Taylor series expansion of the displacement vector
and generalized Hooke’s law, which is applicable to
v, = u, (1)
orthotropic material having planes of symmetry coin-
cident with the orthogonal reference flame and also in which the functions Vi (i = 1,3) are defined in
for a system comprising layers of different materials. space at a distance z with reference to a curvihnear
Bhimaraddi [7] has presented a higher-order theory surface. The mid-surface of the shell is treated as this
for a cylindrical shell, using assumed displacement reference surface. The remaining functions (IQ, u2, uj)
form which results in parabolic variation for trans- and (f?,, 0,) are the reference surface displacement
verse shear strains and also satisfies shear-free surface components and rotations respectively, whereas UT
boundary conditions, by introducing a function i(z) and @,*(i = 1,2) are the corresponding higher-order
in the displacement expression, whose first derivative terms of the Taylor’s series expansion [6] and are
vanishes at the extreme fibres. In another paper, defined at the reference surface only. These are
Bhimaraddi and Stevens [8] have given a procedure two-dimensional quantities. Equation (1) contains
for developing the governing equilibrium equations the minimum number of terms to include the effects
for a cylindrical shell using a vectorial approach in a of transverse shear deformation with warping of the
correct and consistent manner. In this paper a few transverse normal cross-section. Thus the generalized
other alternative forms for c-function have been displacement vector 6” of the reference surface in the
given. Rogers and Knight ]9] have formulated a linear she11coordinates consists of
higher-order finite element which uses a single high
displacement order finite element to mode1 through SS=(U,,U*,Uj,e,,s,,u:,u:,BT,e:)‘. (2)
thickness of an axisymmetric composite structure.
The displacement order for the inplane directions By substituting eqn (1) into the strain-displace-
remains linear while through thickness, a higher order ment equations (see Kraus [I I], Kant [6]f and reducing
is used. This is achieved by increasing the number of it for a cylindrical shell, the physical strain compo-
nodes along the thickness direction. Numerical inte- nents are derived. In the present work, two theories
gration for stiffness is evaluated with respect to the have been developed: (1) a Geometrically Thin
varying material property and laminate thickness in Shell Theory, in which the ratio of the thickness to
each individual element. Murthy and Reddy [ 101have radius of curvature is negligible compared to unity,
proposed a higher-order theory for the analysis of i.e. h/R e 1 and (2) a Geo~etricaif3~ Thick Shell
composite cylindrical shells, by expanding the dis- Theory, in which the square of the ratio is negligible
placement variables in the form of power series and as compared to unity, i.e. (h/R)’ 4 1, where h and R
retaining a finite number of terms. The formulation are thickness and radius respectively. The strain
allows for arbitrary variation of inplane displace- components, thus, for the two theories are given as
ment. However, all the above works are based on C’ fol1ows.
continuity. Geometrically thin shell:
In first-order shear defo~ation theory we assume
a constant shear rotation through the shell thickness e? = (ci + ZK,+ 2%: + z’rci*), (i = 1,2)
and this requires the use of a shear correction co-
efficient whose accurate prediction for an anisotropic ri* = (CIZ+ ZK,2+ z%& + z3rc(3:2)
laminated shell is cumbersome and problem depen-
dent. In addition, this theory does not include the ~~f3=(#i+Z~i+z2~~), (i = 1,2). (3a)
effect of cross-sectional warping which is very essen-
tial in the case of thick sandwich shells, which are The 18 new functions appearing in eqn (3a) form the
generally composed of a middle weak core sand- generalized strain vector F of the reference surface
wiched between stiff facings, and hence a refined and are related to the generalized displacement vector
theory, which considers more realistic parabolic vari- 6” by the following matrix relation:
ations of transverse shear stresses through the thick-
ness and warping of the transverse cross-section, is
found essential. Thus a Co finite element formulation
based on a higher-order displacement model and
including the effect of transverse shear deformations,
which is suitable for the analysis of thin/moderately
thick anisotropic laminated cylindrical shells under
any arbitrary loadings, is developed here.
Higher-order theories for composite and sandwich cylindrical shells with Co finite element 1193

and c is a differential operator matrix of size 18 x 9

and its non-zero elements for a cylindrical shell are
obtained by substituting eqn (1) in the strain-
displacement equation (refer to Appendix A).
Similarly for a geometrically thick shell:
(1’,2’,3’) - Lamina reference axes
Ei = (t, + ZK, + Z*C: + Z3KT)/(1 + Z/R)

tj = (62 + ZK2 + Z*C: + Z3K;)

2 *
Y72 = (t,2 + ZKl2 + Z 612 + Z3K;“2)/(1 + Z/R)

+ (Q, + ZK21 + Z*C,*, + Z3K;,)

Yi3=(4,+Z$,+z24:+z3$:). (44

The 23 new functions appearing in eqn (4a) form the (1 ,2,3 ) - Laminate reference axes
generalized strain vector E of the reference surface
Fig. 1. Laminate geometry with positive set of lamina/
and are related to the generalized displacement vector laminate axis, displacement components and fibre
6” by the following matrix relation: orientation.

Z=FSS (4b)
principal material coordinates (I’-2’-3’) to shell co-
in which ordinates (l-2-3) using coordinate transformation
matrix [12]. This is given by the relation

Q= [T-‘][C][T-‘I’. (5c)
KI, K2, KIZ, KZI, KI * , K:, K:2, K:,,
The elements of matrices C and Q are defined in
~*,~,,~:,~:.~*,~lr~:) (44
Appendix B.
The total potential energy 7cof the system could be
written as
and F”, like c, is a differential operator matrix of size
23 x 9 for a geometrically thick shell theory and its
non-zero elements for a cylindrical shell are obtained
by substituting eqn (1) in the strain-displacement
equation (refer to Appendix A).
The stress-strain relationship for the Lth layer
(lamina) of the composite has the following form.
By introducing the stress resultants and couples,
which are obtained by integrating the physical stress
components through the shell thickness in eqn (6a),
defined per unit arc length of the reference surface of
the shell, the potential energy of the system can be
written as

The components of the stress resultant vector Csare

This is written in a compact form as
as follows for geometrically thin and thick shell
a = QL (sb) Geometrically thin shell (h/R Q 1):
where u and t are the stresses and the strains with
respect to the cylindrical axes as shown in Fig. 1. The
stiffness matrix Q with respect to shell coordinates is
obtained by transforming the stiffness matrix Q in the
1194 T. KANTand M. P. MENON



in which

N = (N, >N2, NJ; N* = (N:, N;, N:;)

(W M=(M,,M2,M12)1; M*=(M;,M:,M$)

Geometrically thick shell [(h/R)2 Q 1]: Q = (Q,> PI)‘; Q*=(Q:,Q:,S>&)

1% N:l Gl=(~,7~2r~iZY; 60
*- -(~?,~:,~:2)’

I1 N2 N:
N,, Ni%
N,, NT,j
I KO=tK,,K?,Kl?)t; K$=(K:,K:,K:2)

40 = (92 144 )‘; 40*=(42*,4:?ti23ti,)’


for geometrically thin shell theory, and

N = tN,> N2, N,,, N,,)‘; N* = (N:,N;,N;",,N,*,)'

M = (M,,M,,M,,,M,,)';


Q=(QzrQ,K Q*=(Q2*,Q:,%,S,rS:)

~o=(~,r~2,E,*r~2,)‘; ~o*=(t:,~:,C:2,t:,)l

b2 Kg=(KirK2,KmK21)f; “$=(K:,K:,K:?,K:i)
X [a, z3Idz
r71 40 = (#J21&)‘; cPo*=(dG,+:.$*?)I/r,ti:)’

for geometrically thick shell theory. The individual

sub-matrices of the rigidity matrix D are
r,,Az dz
Qrmembrane rigidity matrix

L=l s
where A = (1+ z/R)and NL is the number of layers.


tn[z,z.‘]dz, (7b)

QB--flexure rigidity matrix

coupling matrix

Thus by substituting eqn (5) in eqns (7a, b), for &--shear rigidity matrix.
geometrically thin shell and thick shell theories re-
spectively, and using eqns (3b) and (4b), we get the The elements in each of the above mentioned sub-
constitutive relationship for the shell, which is as matrices are defined in Appendix C and Appendix D,
follows. for the geometrically thin and thick shell theories
&I DC 0
N" 6s
___- ___*s.___--_-- “--
= 0: DB 0 @a)
M* Kg* We follow the standard finite element discreti-
__-- ___*___*_____ --- zation procedure in which the total domain fz is
Q 40 subdivided into NE sub-domains or elements such
0 0 Ds that the total potential energy of the system can be
Q* cpo*
Higher-order theories for composite and sandwich cylindrical shells with Co finite element 1195

expressed in terms of the potential energies of the composite cylindrical shells. Unless stated otherwise,
elements given by the expression in all numerical examples, a quarter shell is dis-
cretized with two or three elements in the circumfer-
IT(s) = F Ilysq
c= I
ential direction and eight elements in the meridional
direction. In the case of cylindrical tanks with the
same boundary conditions at the opposite ends, only
where II and I’I’ are the potential energies of the half of the tank is considered for the discretization.
system and the element respectively. We further have The selective integration scheme, namely 3 x 3 x 2,
has been employed for the contributions of mem-
I-P(P) = U’ - W’ (10) brane, flexure and shear to the element stiffness. The
displacements and the stress-resultants are presented
in which U’ and WVare the internal strain energy and in non-dimensional form using the multiplier as
the external work done respectively. Thus the total defined in the respective examples such that
potential energy of the system can be written as
follows. Non-dimensional radial displacement
= m, x actual displacement

Non-dimensional circumferential force

= m, x actual circumferential force
It can be seen that the potential energy given by the
above expression contains only the first derivatives of Non-dimensional meridional moments
the elements in 6” and thus only Co continuity is = m, x actual meridional moment
required for the shape functions to be used in the
element formulations. In the Co finite element theory, Non-dimensional circumferential moments
the continuum displacement vector within the = m, x actual circumferential moment
element is discretized such that
Non-dimensional transverse shear
= m, x actual transverse shear.

where hJ,(B, X) is the interpolating or shape functions Example 1

associated with node i, Sf is the displacement vector An isotropic cylindrical shell, fixed at the ends and
corresponding to node i, and NN is the number of subjected to uniform internal pressure (PO)= 1 kg/
nodes per element. Equation (11) ensures that the cm* is analysed for various radius-to-thickness ratios
displacement vector S” is not only continuous within (R/t = 5, 10 and 20). The uniform pressure is
the element but over the entire domain since the same assumed to be acting on the mid-surface in geo-
value of 6” is used for all the elements at the common metrically thin shell theory and on the inner surface
nodes. Thus Co formulation makes the relation (9) a in geometrically thick shell theory. The material
true one. For more details, reference may be made to properties are E = 2.1 x IO’ kg/cm* and p = 0.1. The
Zienkiewicz [13J, Cook [14], Chaudhary [15], Kant length of the shell L = 800 cm and radius R = 200 cm
et al. [16], Kant [17], etc. [Fig. 5(a)]. The various non-dimensional multipliers
To avoid membrane/shear locking, a phenomenon are given as
quite well-known with Co formulations of shear-
deformation theory, the contributions to the stiffness Eh 1 4 4
m,=-’ m2=_. m3=-..--’ ma=------.
terms are evaluated in parts-membrane, flexure and poR2 PER’ poRh’ PpoRh
shear. The contribution of the individuals to the
stiffness terms are evaluated using the selective inte- Their variations along the length of the cylinder are
gration technique. There exists an extensive literature shown in Figs 2(a-l), and are compared with values
on this selective integration technique (see e.g. Kant obtained by Kant [6].
and Kulkarni [ 181, Malkus and Hughes 1191).
In the present work, a four-noded bilinear and
Example 2
a nine-noded quadrilateral element from the
Langragian family and an eight-noded quadrilateral A cantilever cylinder subjected to a uniform radial
element from the Serendipity family have been used shear (P) = 1 lb/in. at the free end is considered. The
along with isoparametric formulation. material properties and size of the cylinder are as
follows. E = 30 x lo6 lb/in’, p = 0.3, L = 25 in.,
R = 10 in. and the thickness h = 2.5 in. [Fig. 5(b)].
The non-dimensional values of the radial displace-
A computer programme incorporating existing ments and the stress resultants are calculated using
higher-order theories is developed for the analysis of the multipliers defined below. Their variations along

Geometrically thin shell theory

- Geometrically thin shell theory Geometrically thick shalt theory
with 8/3 node qusdrilsteral
“7’ Geometrically thick $teli theory (R/h-5)
with s/s node quadrdateral Ref. Nbl

‘-I- Ref. 161

0 200 400
0 200 400 6
z Distencefrom fixed end
Distance from fixed end

- _ Geometrically thin shell theory

- Geometrically thin shell theory
---- Geometrically thick shell theory
Geometrically thick ehell theory with s/s node quadrilateral
with s/s node quadrilateral (f?/h~lO)
(R/h=lO) ‘-~- Ref. IsI
I--- Ref. 161

0 200 400 E 0 200 400

Distance from fixed end Distance from fixed end

i - Geometrically thin shell theory

- Geometrically thin shell theory - --- Geometrically thick shell theory
Geomatricaliy thick rhell theory with 8/9 node quad~l~teral
node quadrilateral fR/h=5)
‘-‘- Ref. [61
‘-‘- Ref. 161

-1.1 r
0 200 400 0 200 400

Distance from fixed end

Distance from fixed end

(d) th) 0.3 I-


- ---
Geometrically thin thell theory
Geometrically thick ehell theory
- -- -
Geometrically thin shell theory
Geometricaliy thick shell theory
with s/s node quadrilateral
(RI hm.10)
;WR:“hyrn;de qurdrrlaterrl
‘-‘- Ref. [ST
o-‘- Ref. 161
i .. .
0 200 400
200 400
Distance from Rxsd end
Distance from fixed end
Fig. 2(a-h)
Higher-order theories for composite and sandwich cylindrical shells with Co finite element 1197

0) (ki
0.3 I-

k_ 1”
z g -0.1
.o E
Q .!!
- Geometrically thin ehell theory
---- Geometrically thick ahsll theory 5 P)

with 819 node quadrilateral
Ref. [61
c r& -0.4
I -
Geometrically thin ahell theory
Geometrically thick ahell theory
with s/s node quadrilateral
g (Rlh=lO)
5 ‘-‘- Ref. [Sl
0 200 400 -1.1 -
0 200 400
Distance from fixed end
Distance from fixed end

- Geometricallythin eholltheory 0.3

---- Gynetrioally thick ?helltheory 4, ‘?
~;;~y~;“de quadnlateral
‘\ ‘_.
-0.1 ‘. -___________________.

Il _ ,“‘thinahelltheoy
---- Gpometrically thick rhell theory
v$Fh”/“2;;de quadrtlateral

200 400
- 0 200 400

Distance from fixed end Distance from fixed end

Fig. 2(i-1)
Fig. 2. (a) Variation of radial displacement along the length of the cylinder, for R/h = 20, (b) for
R/h = IO, (c) for R/h = 5. (d) Variation of circumferential force along the length of the cylinder, for
R/h = 20, (e) for R/h = 5, (f) for R/h = 10. (g) Variation of meridional moments along the length of the
cylinder, for R/h = 5, (h) for R/h = IO, (i) for R/h = 20. (i) Variation of circumferential moments along
the length of the cylinder, for R/h = 5, (k) for R/h = IO, (1) for R/h = 20.

the length are shown in Fig. 3(a-d). C,r = 0.233190 x C,, kg/cm2
C,, = 0.266810 x C,, kg/cm2
L = 800 cm, R = 200 cm,
4Jjij; M =4@ thickness h = 40, 20 and 10 cm.
m3=m; 4

Example 3 The variations of non-dimensionalized radial dis-

A cylinder fixed at the ends, made up of ortho- placement and stress resultant along the length of the
tropic material subjected to an internal pressure shell have been presented in Fig. 4(a-I), using the
p,, = 1 kg/cm2 is analysed [Fig. 5(a)]. The material multipliers defined below. The maximum values of
properties and geometry of the shell are defined as these quantities are presented in Table I.
follows [6].
ml=-’ E,,h
c22 = 2.1 x IO5 kg/cm2 m,=-; m)=-’
C,, = 0.26293 1 x C,, kg/cm2 poR2’ P,R p&’

16 1
C, , = 0.543 103 x C,, kg/cm2 m,=-; m,=-.
C, = 0.1599 14 x C,, kg/cm2 PoRh P,fi
1198 T. KANTand M. P. MENON

Geometrically thin ahell theory

Geometrically thlok shell theory
with 8/9 node quadrilateral

Distance from free end

2.8 I-

- Geometrically thin ahell theory

A Geonwtrto~ltythick *hell theory
with a/s node quadrilateral
---- Ref. (61
0 Ref. 1221

Distance from free end

Fig. 3. (a) Variation of radial displacement along the length of the cylinder. (b) Variation of circumfer-
ential force along the length of the cylinder. (c) Variation of meridional moments along the length of the
cylinder. (d) Variation of circumferential moments along the length of the cylinder.

Example 4
A fixed cylindrical shell made up of four-layered 1.25 x 10’ psi, G13 = 0.63 x lo6 psi = G,3 and P,~=
angle-ply, (45”/ -45”/ -45”/45”) and (0°/90”/90”/oO), 0.25. The general shape of the tank is defined as
of equal thickness and subjected to internal pressure L = 20 in., R = 20in. and h = 1.0 and 0.20in.
of p,, = (6.41/n) psi is considered. The material [Fig. 5(a)].
properties of the fibres are given by [20], as fol- Table 2 gives the maximum value of the normal
lows. E, = 7.5 x lo6 psi, E, = 2.0 x IO6psi, G,,= displacement at the centre of the cylindrical shell.

Table 1. Maximum values of displacement and stress resultants in Example 3

Non-dimensional form of dependent variables
Theories a3 x ml N, x ml M2 x m3 Ml x m4 Q2xmS
5 Geom.
thin 1.049 1.025 - 1.092 - 1.050 0.675
thick 0.947 0.925 - 1.020 - 0.960 0.602
Ref. [6] 1.061 1.030 -1.2i6 -1.150 0.704
10 Geom.
thin 0.998 I .032 -1.163 - 1.090 0.722
thick 1.049 0.980 - 1.095 - 1.070 0.682
Ref. (61 1.089 1.035 - 1.351 -1.200 0.750
20 Geom.
thin 1.024 1.037 - 1.131 - 1.056 0.732
thick 1.049 1.013 -1.100 - 1.024 0.712
Ref. [6] 1.086 1.035 - 1.430 -1.200 0.800
Higher-order theories for composite and sandwich cylindrical shells with Co finite element 1199

Geometrically thin rhell theory

Geometrically thidc ehell theory - Geometrically thin eheil theory
with 84 node quadrilateral ---- Geometrically thidc ehell theory
(R/h-5) with 5j3 node quadrilateral

200 400
200 400
Distance from fixed end
Distance from fixed end

c 27
ii -
‘f(D E0 0.5

I ,
- Geometricallythin ahell theory
._ ---- Geometrically thick shell theory
uop - Geometrically thin rhell theory
& .m with a/s node quadrilateral
(RI h=101 --- - Geometrically thick lheli theory
z with 8/D node quadrilateral
(RI h-20)

0 200 400 I
200 400
Distance from fixed end
Distence from fixed end

Distence from fixed ends

- Geometrically thin ehell theory

- -- - Geometrically thick rhell theory
with s/s node quadrilateral - Geometrically thin ahell theory
(Rl h-20)
---- G?ometrically thick ?hell theory
;tFhyl;;de quadnlateral

0 200 400

Distance from fixed end

(d) (h)

--w--_ -_

Distance from fixed ends

- Geometrically thin lhell theory

---- Geometricrlly thick ehell theory
with 819 node quadrilateral -0.1 Geometrically thin ahell theory
G?ometrically thick thell theory
r;yhy55;0de quadnlateral

Distance from fixed end -1

Fig. 4(a-h)
1200 T. KANT and M. P. MENON

0) (k)

Distance from fixed ends

- Geometrically thin ahell theory - Geometrically thin shell theory

---- Geometrically thick ahell theory ---- Geometrically thick ehell theory
with s/9 node quadrilateral ;Y;I:hNJ;;de quadrdateral
( R/ h40)


5E o ‘. _____-______-___
.g E
‘-,_Dietance from fixed ends

ts Distance from fixed ends

- Geometricallythin shell theory u?!

---- Geometrically thickshell theory
cc -05 - Geometrically thin ehell theory
r;;;f55;0do quadrdateral SE * ---- Geometrically thick ehell theory
z y;tFhy2;;de quadrdateral

-1 I--

Fig. 4(i-I)

Fig. 4. (a) Variation of radial displacement along the length of the cylinder for R/h = 5, (b) for R/h = 10,
(c) for R/h = 20. (d) Variation of circumferential force along the length of the cylinder for R/h = 5, (e)
for R/h = 10, (f) for R/h = 20. (g) Variation of meridional moments along the length of the cylinder for
R/h = 10, (h) for R/h = 5, (i) for R/h = 20. (j) Variation of circumferential moments along the length of
the cylinder for R/h = 5, (k) for R/h = IO, (1) for R/h = 20.

Because of symmetry of the layered shell, only a orientations considered are (-45”/45”); (45”/ -45”/
quarter of the shell was discretized. -45”/45”) and (O”/90”/90”/Oo). The material proper-
ties and the geometry of the shell are the same as
Example 5 described in Example 4. The problem is solved for
A 90” cylindrical shell clamped at all the edges and different thickness to radius ratios given as R/h = 20,
subjected to a uniform pressure of p. = (6.41/x) psi 100 and 300, and for each different fibre orientation.
is considered [Fig. 5(c)] [20]. The different fibre The maximum value of radial displacement at the

Table 2. Radial displacements u, x (E, h/P,,R2) in Example 4

Thin shell theory Thick shell theory Reference[ZO]
R Fibre Nine- Eight- Four- Nine- Eight- Four- 4x4 6x6
r, Angle noded noded noded noded noded noded mesh mesh
20 (45”/ - 45” 2.21 2.21 1.94 2.16 2.16 1.89 2.20 2.21
100 (45”/ - 45” I .95 1.96 I .98 1.94 1.95 1.91 1.91 1.96
20 (0°/900 1.67 1.61 1.51 I .63 1.63 1.47 1.64 1.64
100 (P/90 1.55 1.55 1.59 1.55 1.55 1.58 1.55 1.55
Higher-order theories for composite and sandwich cylindrical shells with Co finite element 1201

-.-.- -.- -.-._.-._._._,_.

P +P
I- *I

(c) (4


.- -.-.-.--._.-.-.-.--.-




Fig. 5. (a) Cylindrical shell, fixed at the ends and subjected to internal pressure. (b) Cantilever shell
subjected to radial shear at free end. (c) 90” cylindrical shell clamped at all the edges and subjected to
uniform pressure. (d) Cylindrical shell with free ends under a distributed line load around the central circle.
(e) Shell discretization for Example 6.

centre is given in Table 3. Because the problem is shell is discretized as shown in Fig. 5(e). The material
non-axisymmetric, the full shell is discretized to get and cross-sectional properties are: (a) three layered
the solution. sandwich, isotropic shell, thickness of facing
t, = 0.2 in., thickness of core t,.= 2.0in., material
constants E(= 10’ psi, G,= 3.846 x 106psi, p, = p[=
Example 6 0.25, EC= 10’ psi, G, = 3.846 x lo4 psi; (b) cross-ply
A sandwich and layered circular cylindrical shell shell (O”/900/O”), thickness of each layer = h/3 =
under uniformly distributed line loads of P = 14417 0.8 in., material constants E, = 10’ psi, E2 = 4 x
lb/in. around a central circle is analysed [21]. The lo5 psi, Glz = 2 x 10’ psi, G,, = G,, 10.8 x lo5 psi;
geometry is as follows: length L = 80 in., total thick- (c) cross-ply shell (90”/O”/90”) has the same properties
ness h = 2.4 in., radius R = 18 in. [Fig. 5(d)]. The as in (b). The results are shown in Table 4.
1202 T. KANTand M. P. MENON

Table 3. Radial displacements u, x (E,h/P,R*) in Example 5

Thin shell theory Thick shell theory Reference[ZO]
R Fibre Nine- Eight- Four- Nine- Eight- Four- 4x4 6x6
h Angle noded noded noded noded noded noded mesh mesh
20 -45”/45” 3.51 2.71 1.76 3.42 2.70 1.71 2.68 2.68
100 -45”/45” 2.12 2.05 1.63 2.10 2.04 1.63 1.52 1.64
300 -45’145” 3.60 2.00 I .62 3.59 2.00 1.62 I .87 2.06
20 (45”/ - 45” 3.53 2.75 1.77 3.44 2.68 1.72 2.68 2.67
100 (4501- 45” 3.59 2.06 1.63 3.57 2.06 1.62 1.65 1.65
300 (45”/- 45” 3.60 2.01 1.62 3.59 2.00 1.62 1.91 2.03
20 (OD/90” 2.99 2.51 1.50 2.91 2.44 1.47 2.10 2.11
100 (0”/90” 3.03 1.98 1.44 2.96 1.97 1.42 1.35 1.36
300 (0”/90” 3.04 1.90 1.43 3.03 1.90 1.43 1.63 1.61

Table 4. Maximum value of stresses and displacement in sandwich and cross-ply (Example 6)
Shell Eh,/%
N, x df% h4* x lo M, x lo
Types Theories “’ POR2 PoR P&G Remarks
Sandwich Geom.
isotropic thin 5.610 1.040 1.552 - 1.678 E = E,
thick 5.640 0.990 1.657 -0.580
Ref. [21] 7.122 1.206 1.526 - 1.452
Ref. [23] 6.180 I.128 1.531 - I.531
Cross-ply Geom.
(0°/90”/00) thin 3.010 2.009 0.726 -0.596 E = E,
thick 3.011 2.008 0.727 -0.681
Ref. [21] 2.802 1.534 1.044 - 9.760

Cross-ply Geom.
(9O”/W/90”) thin 3.581 1.199 I.441 -0.056 E = E2
thick 3.596 1.199 1.439 -0.063
Ref. I211 3.772 1.194 1.457 -0.095

CONCLUSIONS observed that the displacements and membrane

stresses for a thick shell do not vary much in these
The results from a set of higher-order theories
two theories. The slight variation is merely due to the
(geometrically thin shell and geometrically thick
assumption that the loadings act on the mid surface
shell) for a composite and sandwich cylindrical shell
for geometrically thin shell theory and on the inner/
subjected to different loadings and end conditions are
outer surface as the case may be for geometrically
presented. These theories do not require the usual
thick shell theory, which is actually so.
shear correction coefficients. The results show excel-
The cross-ply shell shows a drastic redistribution of
lent agreement with the other theories for thin to
stresses in the shell due to the layering effect and
thick shells. In the case of axisymmetric isotropic,
anisotropy. The results in Table 4 show that the
orthotropic, sandwich and cross-ply (symmetrically
(0”/90”/0°) arrangement is definitely the more efficient
layered), under axisymmetric loadings, it is observed
one, compared to (90”/0’/90”).
that eight-noded and nine-noded elements yield the
Thus the geometrically thick shell theory should be
same results.
used for a more reliable and accurate analysis of both
It is seen from the result shown in Figs 2-4 that
thick and thin shells, under any arbitrary loading and
both the theories discussed here give the same results
boundary conditions.
in the thin limits and the value is one predicted by the
classical Love theory of shells.
The influence of (h/R) ratio in thick shells is quite REFERENCES
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Q,2 = cz s’(C,, + C,, - 4. C,,) + c,# + s4)

Q,,= c3.s(C,,
- C,,- 2 C,,) + c s3(c,, - c,, + 2 c,,)
The non-zero terms of strain displacement matrix c for
a geometrically thin shell theory are given as follows. Q22= s4C,, + c4C2, + 2 c2s2(C,, + 2. C,,)
1204 T. KANT and M. P. MENON

Qs, = c . s)(C,, - C,r - 2. C,,) + s c’(C,, - Cz2+ 2. Cs3) The elements of the DC matrix are obtained by replacing H,,
H, and H, by Hz, H4 and H6 respectively in the Du matrix
Q,, = (s4 + c4)C,, + c’s*(C,, - 2 C,r + Cz2- 2 . C,,) mentioned above. Similarly the Da matrix is obtained by
replacing H,, H, and H, by H,, H5 and H, respectively in
Q4 = c2C, + s2C,,; Q45 = c . s (C,, - C,) the D,,, matrix.

Qs5= s2C, + c2C,,

where, if a is the angle between the fibre axis (1’) and
laminate axes (1) as shown in Fig. 1, then, c = cosG(, The elements of D matrix for the thick shell theory are
s = sin a, c2 = cos2 tl, s2 = sin2 a and so on. defined here as follows. If we set

The elements of D matrix for a geometrically thin shell
theory are given here as follows. If we set

H:=(H,+K.H,+,), whereK=k

such that i takes an integer value between 1 and 7, then the and i takes an integer value between 1 and 8, then the
sub-matrix can be readily obtained in the following forms sub-matrix can be readily obtained in the following forms
based on the geometrical assumption, (h/R) * I. based on the geometrical assumption, (h/R)* 4 I.

H,Q,, H,Qn H,Q,, H,Q,, H,Qu 4Qu Lth layer

H,Q,, H,Q,, H,Qz H,Q,, 4Q2,
Dw= f H,Q,, H,Q,, H,Q,, f&Q,,
HsQ,, H,Q,, %Q,,
f&Q22 fhQ2,
Symmetric f&Q,,_

H,Q+, H,Q,, H,Qw H,Qe 428~ %Qe Lth layer
ff,Q,,H,Qs H,Qs KQM 4Qs
&= F HsQH HsQe 4Qu fbQ45
H,Q,, BQu KQss
H,Qu H,Q,s
Symmetric H,Qs _

H;Q,, H,Qu H;Qu H,Qu H;Q,, 4Qu H;Q,, H3Qu Lth layer
H: Q22 H, Q2, H: Q2, f&Q21 H: Q22 H,Q,, H: Q23

H; Q,, H, Q,, H, Q,, H, Q,2 H; Q,, H,Q,,

K’Q,, f&Q,, H:Q,, H,Q,, H: Q,,

H;Q,, f&Q,2 H;Q,, HsQ,,

Symmetric I-G Q22 H, Q2, W Q2,

H; Q,, KQ,,

H: Q,, _

H: Q44 H, Q45 H: Q44 H, Q4, H: Q44 H2 Q4s H4 Q45 Lth layer

Hr Qss ff,Qs4 HcQ,, H2Q9 H; Qss ff, Qs

H: Q44 H, Q45 H: Q44 H4Q45 f&Q45

H; Qs H4Qs4 Hc Qs H, Qs

H: Q44 H, Q45 HsQ4,

Symmetric H; Qss H;Q,,


The elements of the D, matrix are obtained by replacing H, ,

H:, H;, H,, H:, H,, H,, Hz and H; by Hz, H:, H;,
H4, H4+, H; , H6, H,C and H; respectively in the QM matrix
mentioned above. Similarly Ds matrix is obtained by replac-
ing H,, Hf , H;, H,, H:, H;, H,, H: and H; by ff3>
H:, H,, H,, H:, H,, H,, HT and H; respectively in the
I& matrix.

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