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(2011 Admn.)




1. Author of ‘Spirit of Laws’.

(a) Rousseau (b) J S Mill (c) Montesque (d)Bodin
2. Father of the theory of separation of powers
(a) Montesque (b) Marx (c) Aristotle (d)Bodin
3. Theory of separation of powers found its best expression in the constitution of ……..
(a) India (b) USA (c) China (d) Britain
4. Who first made a distinction between deliberative, magisterial and judicial functions
(a) Plato (b) Aristotle (c) Bodin (d) Garner
5 Author of ‘Politics’
(a) Plato (b) Socrates (c) Aristotle (d) None of the above
6. Who classified powers of government into Legislature, executive and Federative
(a) Aristotle (b) Plato (c) Bodin (d) Locke
7. Author of ‘Civil Government’
(a) Locke (b) Rousseau (c) Bentham (d) Mill
8. Who is famous for the dictum “I am the State”.
(a) Napoleon (b) Hitler (c) Louis Fourteen (d) Rana Ranjith Singh
9. According to Montesque separation of powers is needed to safeguard………….
(a) Duty (b) Power (c) Authority (d) Liberty
10. Montesque’s writing influenced the……………….. revolution.
(a) French Revolution (b) Russian Revolution (c) Revolt of 1857 (d) The First World War.
11. Legislature of USA is called
(a) Duma (b) National assembly (c) Congress (d) parliament
12. In India central legislature is known by the name
(a) House of Deputies (b) Parliament (c) assembly (d) Duma
13. Legislature of Spain is ………….
(a) Parliament (b) House of representatives
(c) Congress of Deputies (d) National Assembly
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14. French parliament is known by the name
(a) Congress of Deputies (b) National Assembly (c) Parliament (d) Congress
15. The word parliament comes from the French word “parler” which means
(a) to argue (b) to fight (c) to show (d) to talk
16. The most important function of legislature is ………..
(a) law making (b) rule application (c) administration (d)rule adjudication
17. In cabinet system a bill is normally introduced in the parliament by …………
(a) President (b) Governor (c) concerned Minister (d) Cabinet Secretary
18. The rule making department of the state
(a) Executive (b) Judiciary (c) Legislature (d) none
19. In Parliamentary system ministers are collectively responsible to ………….
(a) Parliament (b) Judiciary (c)President (d) Governor
20. In parliamentary system ministers can continue in office till they enjoy the confidence of the ………
(a) Judiciary (b) President (c)Legislature (d) people
21. To remove the political executive, parliament can pass the motion of…………………
(a) no- confidence (b) cut motion (c) censure motion (d) none of the above
22. A majour financial function of parliament
(a) constitutional amendments (b) passing of annual budget
(c) impeachment of the President (d) election of the President
23. Highest court of appeal in UK
(a) House of Lords (b) House of Commons (c) Supreme Court (d) administrative tribunal
24. The impeachment trial of President of USA takes place in the …………
(a) National Assembly (b) Supreme Court (c) Congress of deputies (d) Senate
25. In India the…………….. takes part in the election of president and vice-president
(a) Parliament (b) Judiciary
(c)all the eligible voters of the country (d) All the above
26. In most countries, including India the power to change the constitution rest with the ………………
(a) people (b) Judiciary (c)President (d)Parliament
27. In India supreme court judges can be removed by the……………
(a) Prime Minister (b) Chief Justice of Supreme Court
(c) people (d) Parliament
28. In USA all international treaties signed by the president needs…………..
(a) the ratification of Senate (b)approval of Supreme Court
(c) Cabinets approval (d) all the above
29. The legislature of a country organized into two chambers are called
(a)Unicameralism (b) Bi- cameralism (c) Multi-cameralism (d) Cameralism
30. When the legislature of a country has only one chamber ,it is called
(a)Unicameralism (b) Bi- cameralism (c) Multi-cameralism (d) Cameralism
31 In India the upper house is ………..
(a) the House of the people (b) Lok Sabha (c) Rajya Sabha (d) none of the above
32. In India the lower house is ………………
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(a) the House of the people (b) Lok Sabha (c) Rajya Sabha (d) none of the above
33. In India members are directly elected in the………….
(a) Lok Sabha (b) legislative council (c) Rajya Sabha (d) Cabinet

34. In India Money bill can be introduced ………………….

(a) only in the Rajya Sabha (b) only in the Lok Saha
(c) In both Lok Sabha and Rajya- Sabha (d)in joint sitting of both the houses
35. Unicameralism exists in
(a) India (b) china (c) USA (d) UK
36. Unicameralism exists in
(a) India (b) Israel (c) USA (d) UK
37. Bi-cameralism exists in
(a) Israel (b) New Zealand (c) India (d) Bangladesh
38. Hasty and ill considered legislation can be checked by the presence of
(a) Unicameralism (b) Bi-cameralism (c) Cameralism (d) Multi-cameralism
39. In India president can nominate…….. members to the Rajya Sabha
(a) 10 (b) 8 (c) 14 (d) 12
40. Rule application is the function of the ………….
(a) Legislature (b) Executive (c) Judiciary (d) Supreme Court
41. Prime minister and his council of ministers constitute the ………………..
(a) Political Executive (b) permanent executive (c) Nominal executive (d) Legislature
41. President of India is the…………..
(a) real executive (b) nominal executive (c) permanent executive (d) none of the above
42. Bureaucracts constitutes the ………………………
(a) nominal Executive (b) political executive (c) permanent executive (d) none of the above
43. In India Prime Minister and his cabinet constitutes the……………..
(a) nominal executive (b) permanent executive (c) real executive (d) none of the above
44. Plural executive exists in…………………
(a) India (b) USA (c) UK (d) Switzerland
45. The executive in Switzerland is the …………………..
(a) Federal Council (b) Federal assembly (c) Federal Tribunal (d)Federal Legislature
46. In USA the President can only be removed from office by the process of ………………
(a) amendment (b)Impeachment (c)censure motion (d) no-confidence motion
47. Ordinance is the law made by the ………….
(a) Legislature (b) Judiciary (c) Executive (d) Prime Minister
48. In parliamentary system a bill becomes an act when it gets the formal assent of the ……………..
(a) Prime Minister (b) head of the government
(c) real executive (d) head of the state
49. Rule adjudication is the main function of the ………………….
(a) Legislature (b) Executive (c) Judiciary (d) executive and legislature
50. In India judges are………………..

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(a) elected by the Legislature (b) appointed by the Legislature
(c) appointed by the Executive (d) elected by the executive
51. In Switzerland judges are …………………..
(a) elected by the people (b) appointed by the Legislature
(c) appointed by the Executive (d) elected by the executive
52. One way of ensuring the independence of judiciary is…………………….
(a) giving short tenure in office (b) making the removal of judges easy
(c) security of service (d) appointment by the people
53. Judicial review is a feature of countries with …………………..
(a) un written constitution (b) unitary system
(c) unwritten constitution and federal systems (d) written constitutions and federal systems
54. Doctrine of judicial review originated in ……………….
(a) India (b) UK (c) France (d) USA
55. The power of the court to examine legislative and executive acts and to declare them constitutional or
unconstitutional is ………………….
(a) judicial activism (b) judicial review (c) judicial overreach (d) none of the above
56. By the constitution of India, the article that entrust the court with review power is ……………
(a) Art. 17 (b) Art.18 (c) Art.21 (d) Art. 13
57. The assertive role played by the judiciary to force other organs of government to discharge their
constitutional obligations is known as………………….
(a) judicial activism (b) judicial review (c) judicial overreach (d) none of the above
58. What is the full form of PIL
(a) public interest law (b) president initiated legislation
(c) public interest litigation (d) Prime Minister initiated legislation
59. The former chief justice who played a key role in promoting public interest litigation in rendering justice
to people
(a) Justice P N Bhagwati (b) Justice K G Balakrishnan
(c) Justice K T Thomas (d)Justice A S Anand
60. All power concentrated in the hand of the central government is called ………….
(a) federal system (b) unitary system (c) parliamentary system (d) presidential system
61. Unitary government exist in ……………..
(a) India (b) USA (c) UK (d) Switzerland
62. A major demerit of unitary system is ………………..
(a) administrative efficiency (b) quick decisions
(c) lack of regional autonomy (d) none of the above
63. Uniformity of administration is a feature of countries with ………………. System.
(a) federal System (b) confederal system (c) parliamentary system (d) unitary
64. Word federation is derived from Latin word ‘foedus’ meaning ………….
(a) strong (b) treaty (c) state (d) power
65. Division of powers between central and regional governments is a feature of
(a) unitary system (b) federal system (c) confederation (d) all of the above
66. Which is a federation
(a) UK (b) Italy (c) Sri Lanka (d) USA
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67. In India the residuary powers rest with ……….
(a) regional governments (b) central government (c) both the centre and the states (d)the president
68. Which is not an essential feature of federation
(a) supremacy of the constitution (b) independent judiciary
(c) distribution of powers between centre and states (d) single citizenship
69. Regional autonomy is a feature of …………. System
(a) federal system (b) unitary system (c)Presidential system (d) Parliamentary
70. In Parliamentary system the political executive is immediately responsible to …………..
(a) President (b) judiciary (c) legislature (d) cabinet
71. Parliamentary government is also called……………… form of government.
(a) cabinet (b) unitary (c) federal (d) state
71. Parliamentary form of government exists in …………..
(a) USA (b) Brazil (c)Cuba (d) India
72. In Parliamentary system Prime Minister and his council of ministers constitute the ……………
(a) real executive (b) nominal executive (c)permanent executives (d) none of the above
73. In UK the nominal executive is …………….
(a) Prime minister (b)king or queen (c)cabinet (d) President
74. In Parliamentary system legislature is the creator of the …………….
(a) permanent executive (b) Judiciary
(c) political executive (d) permanent executive and political executive
75. In Parliamentary system who presides over the cabinet meetings
(a) President (b) Prime Minister (c) Cabinet Secretary (d) home minister
76. Collective responsibility is a feature of ……………. System
(a) Parliamentary (b) Presidential (c) authoritarian (d) military
77. In parliamentary system a government can continue in office only till they enjoy the confidence of
(a) Judiciary (b)Legislature (c) President (d)people
78. Who selects the ministers in the parliamentary system
(a) President (b) Legislature (c) Governor (d) Prime Minister
79. A major demerit cited against parliamentary system is ……………..
(a) its stability (b) its instability
(c) it is not responsive to public opinion (d) it is autocratic
80. System based on the principle of separation of powers
(a) Presidential system (b) Parliamentary system (c) socialist system (d) none of the above
81. Political executives enjoy a fixed tenure in …………………
(a) Presidential system (b) Parliamentary system (c) socialist system (d) none of the above
82. Who is the nominal executive in presidential system
(a) President (b) Prime Minister (c) Cabinet (d) no nominal executive
83. In Presidential system ministers are ……………
(a) nominal executive (b) members of legislature
(c) not members of legislature (d) elected by the people

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84. In presidential system ministers are ……………
(a) elected by the people (b) elected by the legislature
(c) selected b the President (d)nominated by the legislature
85. In presidential system ministers can continue in office …………………
(a) till the expiry of their term (b) till they enjoy the confidence of legislature
(c) till the age of 65years (d) till they enjoy the confidence of the President
86. In Presidential system ministers are …………… of the President .
(a) the colleagues (b) subordinate officers (c)of same status (d) none of the above
87. In USA the power enjoyed by the president to turn down a bill passed by the legislature
(a) foedus (b) Presidential review (c) judicial review (d) veto
88. In Presidential system is the ……………
(a) nominal executive (b) permanent executive (c) real executive (d)none of the above
89. One organ of government act as a check on the power of the other organ is doctrine of…………..
(a) checks and powers (b)balance of power (c) checks and balances (d) stable power
90. Select the one which is a limitation on the powers of the president in USA
(a) President cannot select his ministers (b) President cannot turn down a bill passed by the legislature
(c) President does not have affixed tenure (d )President cannot initiate a bill in the legislature
91. Chief merit of presidential system is its …………
(a) stability (b) authoritarianism (c) simplicity (d)rigidity
92. System which is considered suitable for dealing with emergencies
(a) Presidential system (b) Parliamentary systems (c) plural executive (d) all the above
93. Origin of party system is connected with which country
(a) India (b) china (c) France (d) England
94. Political parties of the modern kind first emerged in ………………..
(a) India (b) France (c) Italy (d) USA
95. Which is not a feature of political party
(a) members agree on fundamental principles of the party (b) members share same ideology
(c) members are organized (d)does not aim to capture power
96. Political parties may be formed on the basis of ………….
(a) economic interest (b) ideology (c) human nature (d) all the above
97. Political parties ……………. the political process.
(a) unite (b) simplify (c) stabilize (d) all the above
98 Who act as a link between government and people
(a) legislature (b) political parties (c) executive (d) ministers
99. Which is not a function of political party
(a)rule adjudication (b) political education (c) political recruitment (d) political socialization
100. Single party system exist in ………..
(a) UK (b) USA (c) Russia (d) china
101. One party rule is generally associated with ……………..
(a) democracies (b) monarchies (c) totalitarian regimes (d)none of the above
102. One party dominates the politics and administration of a country

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(a) bi-party system (b) two party system (c) multiparty system (d) none of the above
103. Italy under Mussolini was an example of ……………
(a) bi- party system (b) multi-party system (c) single party system (d) none of the above
104. Great merit of one party system is its ………………..
(a) democratic nature (b) stability (c) responsiveness (d)ability to take right decisions
105. Single party systems are ………….
(a) less expensive (b) expensive (c)very democratic (d)slow to take decisions
106. Single party systems ………….
(a) may eliminate opposition (b) may lead to elite rule
(c) may lead to authoritarianism (d) All the above
107. Bi-party system exists in …………….
(a) France (b) USA (c) China (d) Italy
108. Bi-party system means
(a) only two major parties exist in a country (b) only two parties exit in a country
(c) more than two major parties exist in a country (d) only one party is allowed in a country.
109. In USA the two major parties are the Republican Party and the ……………….
(a) Labour Party (b) Conservative Party (c) Democratic Party (d) Congress Party
110. The two major parties in UK are the Conservative Party and the……………
(a) Labour Party (b) Republican Party (c) Democratic Party (d) Congress Party
111. Multi-party system exists in ………………
(a) UK (b) USA (c) Cuba (d) India
112. Coalition governments are a feature of countries with ………… system
(a) single party (b) two party (c) multi-party (d) bi-party
113. Multi-party system does not exist in ……………….
(a) UK (b) India (c) Italy (d) France
114. Which system is considered more democratic
(a) single part system (b) two –party system (c)multi-party system (d) Monarchies
115. Main drawback of multiparty systems is its ………………….
(a) authoritarian nature of governments (b) instability of governments
(c) Genuine alternative for the people to choose (d) all the above
116. Groups or associations formed for the realization of specific interest
(a) political party (b)government (c) interest groups (d) executive
117. Choose the correct one. Pressure group
(a) differ from political party (b) is bigger than political party
(c) is a multi-interest group (d) one cannot be a member of many pressure groups
118 Which is not a pressure group
(a) SNDP (b) all Kerala private Bus owners association
(c) congress party (d) CITU
119. Identify the pressure group
(a) congress party (b) Kerala Congress (c) BJP (d) RSS
120. Which is an example of Institutional Pressure Groups
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(a) NSS (b) bureaucracy (c) Bar Association (d)INTUC
121. Parties represented in parliament in direct proportion to their overall electoral strength is …………
(a) Proportional representation (b) First past the post system
(c) Single member plurality system (d) none of the above

122. Two varieties of proportional Representation are the Hare system and
(a) Just System (b) droop system (c) List system (d) none of the above
123. Hare system is associated with…………
(a) George Hare (b) Thomas Hare (c)Bryce (d) Laski
124. The idea of individualism originated in………….
(a) Italy (b) UK (c) France (d) Russia
125. Ideology that advocates maximum possible freedom to individual and minimum of state functions
(a) Fascism (b) Marxism (c) Individualism (d) Gandhism
126. Author of the book ‘wealth of Nations’.
(a) Herbert Spencer (b) J S Mill (c) Laski (d) Adam Smith
127. Who among the following is not associated with Individualism
(a) Spencer (b)Adam Smith (c) Hegel (d) J S Mill
128. Individualist consider state …………….
(a) as a necessity (b) ethical institution (c) necessary evil (d) totally unwanted institution
129. Primary duty of the state according to individualist……………………..
(a) regulate economic life of man (b) protect the individual from violence and fraud
(c) Regulate social life of man (d) none of the above
130. Policy of laissez faire is otherwise known as …………..
(a) Fascism (b) Marxism (c) Socialism (d) Individualism
131. Chief exponent of biological argument of Individualism
(a) Herbert Spencer (b) J S Mill (c) Adam Smith (d)Laski
132. Who among the following is associated with modern Individualism
(a) Adam Smith (b) Spenser (c) Graham Wallas (d) Laski
133. Classical liberalism stood for ………….
(a) liberty of individuals (b) democratic institutions (c) free enterprise (d) all the above
134. In the political sphere liberalism entails …………………
(a) Freedom of press and judiciary (b) freedom of thought and expression
(c) free and fair elections (d) all the above
135. Who among the following is considered a father figure of Liberal tradition
(a) Hegel (b) Karl Marx (c) John Locke (d) Plato
136. Who among the following is not associated with modern Liberalism
(a) Barker (b) Hobhouse (c) Mac Iver (d)Adam Smith
137. Author of communist Manifesto
(a) Hegel (b) Marx (c) Barker (d) Laski
138. Dialectical method is associated with …………….

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(a) Barker (b) Laski (c) Hegel (d)J S Mill
139. Marx considered the…………… as the basis of this world
(a) idea (b) spirit (c) organization (d)material object
140. According to Marx all fundamental historical changes are determined by the ……………..
(a) state (b)working class (c) capitalist class (d) economic forces
141. According to Marx ‘superstructure, constitutes …………….
(a) mode of production (b) social relations of productions
(c) ideas of society (d) all the above
142. The difference between value paid to the labourer and the value appropriated by the capitalist Marx
called it………
(a) Profit value (b) theft (c) additional profit (d) surplus value
143. Literal meaning of bourgeoisie
(a) capitalist class (b) working class (c) middle class (d)none of the above
144. By proletariat class Marx meant ……………
(a) the working class (b) the middle class
(c) the capitalist class (d)middle class and capitalist class combined
145. The class war is between ….
(a) middle class and Proletariat class (b) Proletariat class and working class
(c)Bourgeoisie and Middle class (d) Proletariat and Bourgeoisie
146. According to Marx, in the class war …………….. will come out victorious.
(a) Bourgeoisie (b) Capitalist Class (c) Proletariat (d) Middle Class
147. Dictatorship of the proletariat is a ………………
(a) quasi-state of the working class (b)dictatorship of the capitalist
(c) new state of the working class (d) is full- fledged state of the proletariat
148. The task of the dictatorship of the proletariat is ……………..
(a) centralize production (b) increase production (c)to expropriate the Bourgeoisie (d) all the above
149. According to Marx after the success of revolution and overthrow of capitalism the state will…….
(a) reduce its functions (b) wither away
(c)become a class institution of the workers (d) become powerless
150. Marx predicts
(a) a classless society (b) communist society (c) society without contradictions (d) all the above
151. The ideology of fascism emerged in which country
(a) Germany (b) Russia (c) Italy (d)Spain
152. The ideology of Fascism was developed by ….… …..
(a) Hitler (b) Stalin (c) Napoleon (d) Mussolini
153 The word fascism originated from the Italian word….
(a) fasces (b) Feodus (c) fas (d) none of the above
154. The word fasces in Italian means ………….
(a) power (b) bundles (c) strength (d) state
155. Fascism stood against …………..
(a) democracy (b) liberty (c) internationalism (d) all the above
156. Fascism advocated ………………

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(a) aggressive nationalism (b) hero-worship (c)irrationalism (d)All the above
157. The ideology that considered the state as an end in itself
(a) Liberalism (b) Individualism (c) Marxism (d) Fascism
158. The ideology that consider democracy as the worst form of government
(a) Liberalism (b) Individualism (c) Marxism (d) Fascism
159. The ideology that advocated aggressive war fare and imperialist expansion
(a) Fascism (b) Marxism (c) Liberalism (d) Individualism
160. Tolstoy’s book that made a great influence on Gandhi
(a) Unto This Last (b) Civil Disobedience
(c) The Kingdom of God within You (d) none of the above
16. According to Gandhi ”Avoiding injury to anything on earth in thought word or deed” is …….
(a) Satyagraha (b) violence (c) Ahimsa (d) penance
162. According to Gandhi Non-Violence is the quality of…….
(a) weak (b) brave and effeminate (c)villagers (d) strong and brave
163. To Gandhi Ahimsa is
(a) supreme love (b) supreme kindness (c) supreme self sacrifice (d) All the above
164. According to Gandhi, the highest form of non-violence………..
(a) Non-violence of the brave (b) passive non-violence of the helpless
(c)Passive non-violence of the coward (d) none of the above
165. Satyagraha
(a) is based on the concept of suffering (b) never injures the opponent
(c) tries to wean the opponent from error by love and self suffering (d) All the above
166. A technique of Satyagraha suggested by Gandhi in which people voluntarily exile from the place of
(a) Hijrat (b) strike (c) civil disobedience (d) Non-violence
167. According to Gandhi’s concept of trusteeship which is correct
(a) An individual free to hold wealth for his selfish interest
(b) Character of production determined by social necessity
(c)There will be affixed minimum wage but no maximum wage
(d) Gandhi recognize the right to private property and one can use it as he desires
168. Which is true. Gandhian society will be
(a) state less society (b) classless society (c) socialist society (d) All the above
169. According to Gandhi
(a) ends are more important than means (b) only our means should be moral and not ends
(c) moral means leads to moral ends (d) our ends should be moral and not means
170. According to Gandhi
(a) religion and politics are separable
(b) Religion and politics are inseparable
(c)political exploitation of religion is permissible in some cases
(d) Hind religion is superior to all other religions
171. In Greek ‘Demos’ means
(a) power (b) state (c) democracy (d) people

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172. In Greek ’Kratos’ means
(a) power (b) state (c) democracy (d) people
173. India follows
(a) direct democracy (b) participatory democracy
(c) representative democracy (d) none of the above

174. Which of the following is not a necessary condition for the success of democracy
(a) social and economic equality (b) sound party system
(c) freedom of press (d) state religion
175. Verdict of the people sought on a proposed law or constitutional amendment is………
(a) Recall (b) Referendum (c) plebiscite (d) Initiative
176. Facultative referendum is … …
(a) all laws passed by the legislature are referred to people
(b)All laws are referred by the people to the legislature
(c) some laws are referred by the people to the legislature
(d)certain number of people can ask for a bill be submitted to the people for referendum
177. Power of the people to propose legislation
(a) Recall (b) Referendum (c) plebiscite (d) Initiative
178. In Unformulated Initiative , Initiative is ………
(a) in the form of proper law (b) taken by the legislature
(c) taken by the executive (d) in the form of a general demand
179. The word plebiscite is derived from the French word plebiscitum meaning………….
(a) power of the people (b) will of the people (c) decree of the people (d) rule of the people
180. Plebiscite is ………..
(a) a law (b) a bill for consideration of people
(c) a popular vote on matters of political importance (d) the law making power of the people
181. Power of the people to call back elected representatives before the expiry of their term
(a) Recall (b) Referendum (c) plebiscite (d) Initiative
182. People have the right to ‘recall’ in which country
(a) china (b) UK (c) Italy (d)Switzerland
183. An opinion to be considered as public opinion…………….
(a) it must emanate from the people as a whole (b) it should not be a sectional interest
(c) it should have the consent of the minority (d) All the above.
184. Pick the correct answer.
(a) public opinion is a belief and not a theory.
(b) pressure groups does not create public opinion
(c) political parties are not agencies that create public opinion
(d) public opinion does not have the consent of the minority
185. Which is an agent of public opinion
(a) political party (b) press (c) educational institutions (d) all the above
186.Choose the correct one .
(a) legislature is an agent of public opinion (b) government is not an agent of public opinion
(c) Internet do not help in the creation of public opinion (d) Public opinion never change

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187. Which is a method of minority representation
(a) The Limited vote plan (b)The cumulative vote System
(c) The Separate Electorate System (d) All the above
188. Choose the tactic not generally associated with pressure groups
(a) lobbying (b) strike
(c) Generating favourable public opinion (d) use of muscle power
189. Primary reason for the formation of pressure group is ……………..
(a) to capture power (b) self interest (c) to amass wealth (d) All the above
190. Pick a demerit ( or demerits) of bi-party system
(a) Unstable governments
(b) minorities may not get adequate representation in party and government
(c) choices available to the electorate in times of election
(d) All the above
191. Bi-party system exists in ……
(a) India (b) Pakistan (c) Sri Lanka (d) none of the above
192. Which one of the following is true.
(a) satyagrahi injures the opponent (b) a satyagrahi has be deeply religious
(c) Satyagrahi appeals to the soul of the opponent (d) satyagrahi makes the opponents suffer
193. Which is a democracy
(a) China (b) Myanmar (c) Sri Lanka (d) All the above
194 Which is not an essential characteristics of democracy
(a) Universal Adult Franchise (b)Elective legislatures
(c) civil liberties (d)perfect economic equality
195. Which is not a direct democratic device
(a) Initiative (b) Recall (c) Plebiscite (d) Refer
196. Parliamentary system exist in ……..
(a) USA (b) Brazil (c) china (d) none of the above
197. Leadership of the Prime Minister is a feature of ……
(a) Presidential System (b) Government of USA
(c)All Latin American Countries (d) none of the above
198. The President of India is…….
(a) Directly elected by the people (b) elected by the Rajya Sabha
(c) elected by the Lok Sabha (d) none of the above
199. Which is true. In single party system
(a) only two parties exist in the system (b)Power alternates between the two parties
(c) Coalitions governments are a permanent feature (d) none of the above
200. Democracy assures the people…………
(a) political freedom (b)Economic liberty (c)Human rights (d) all the above


Political Science (Part II) Page 12

School of Distance Education


(1)c (2) a (3) b (4) b (5) c (6)d (7) a

(8) c (9) d (10) a (11) c (12)b (13) c (14) b
(15) d (16) a (17)c (18)c (19) a (20)c (21)a
(22)b (23)a (24)d (25) a (26)d (27)d (28)a
(29) b (30)a (31)c (32)b (33) a (34)b (35)b
(36) b (37) c (38)b (39)d (40)a (41)b (42)c
(43)c (44) d (45)a (46)b (47) c (48)d (49)c
(50)c (51) a (52)c (53) d (54)d (55) b (56) d
(57) a (58) c (59) a (60) b (61) c (62) c (63) d
(64)b (65)b (66) d (67)b (68) d (69) a (70)c
(71)d (72)a (73)b (74) c (75)b (76) d (77)b
(78)d (79)b (80) a (81) a (82) d (83)c (84)c
(85) d (86)b (87)d (88)c (89) c (90) d (91) a
(92) a (93) d (94) d (95) d (96) d (97) d (98)b
(99) a (100) d (101)c (102)d (103)c (104) b (105) a
106) d (107) b (108) a (109) c (110)a (111) d (112 ) c
(113)a (114) c (115) b (116) c (117) a (118) c (119) d
(120)b (121)a (122)c (123) b (124)c (125)c (126)d
(127) c (128)c (129) b (130)d (131)a (132) c (133) d
(134)d (135) c (136) d (137) b (138) c (139) d (140) d
(141) c (142) d (143)c (144) a (145) d (146) c (147)a
(148) d (149) b (150) d (151) c (152) d (153)a (154) b
(155) d (156) d (157) d (158) d (159) a (160)a (161) c
(162) d (163) d (164) a (165) d (166)a (167) b (168) d
(169) b (170)b (171)d (172)a (173) c (174)d (175) a
(176)d (177) d (178) d (179) c (180) c (181)a (182) d
(183)b (184)a (185) d (186) a (187)d (188) d (189) b
(190) b (191)d (192) c (193) c (194) d (195) d (196)d
(197) d (198) d (199 b (200)d

Political Science (Part II) Page 13

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