28 Noviembre Ingles
28 Noviembre Ingles
28 Noviembre Ingles
Eph 5: 19-20
Sing and make music to the Lord in your hearts, always thanking God the Father for all things in
the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
O God, who always listen mercifully to your servants in distress, we humbly beseech you, as we
give thanks for your kindness, that, free from all evil, we may constantly serve you in gladness.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy
Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
O God, the Father of every gift, we confess that all we have and are comes down from you;
teach us to recognize the effects of your boundless care and to love you with a sincere heart
and with all our strength. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with
you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
King Solomon stood and blessed the whole congregation of Israel, saying in a loud voice:
“Blessed be the LORD who has given rest to his people Israel, just as he promised. Not a single
word has gone unfulfilled of the entire generous promise he made through his servant Moses.
May the LORD, our God, be with us as he was with our fathers and may he not forsake us nor
cast us off. May he draw our hearts to himself, that we may follow him in everything and keep
the commands, statutes, and ordinances that he enjoined on our fathers. May this prayer I
have offered to the LORD, our God, be present to the him day and night, that he may uphold
the cause of his servant and of his people Israel as each day requires, so that all the peoples of
the earth may know that the LORD is God and there is no other. Your heart must be wholly
devoted to the LORD, our God, observing his statutes and keeping his commandments, as on
this day.”
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every
spiritual blessing in the heavens, as he chose us in him, before the foundation of the world, to
be holy and without blemish before him. In love he destined us for adoption to himself through
Jesus Christ, in accord with the favor of his will, for the praise of the glory of his grace that he
granted us in the beloved. In him we have redemption by his blood, the forgiveness of
transgressions, in accord with the riches of his grace that he lavished upon us. In all wisdom
and insight, he has made known to us the mystery of his will in accord with his favor that he set
forth in him as a plan for the fullness of times, to sum up all things in Christ, in heaven and on
In him we were also chosen, destined in accord with the purpose of the One who accomplishes
all things according to the intention of his will, so that we might exist for the praise of his glory,
we who first hoped in Christ. In him you also, who have heard the word of truth, the Gospel of
your salvation, and have believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, which is
the first installment of our inheritance toward redemption as his possession, to the praise of
his glory.
Alleluia, Alleluia the Almighty has done great things for me, and holy is his Name. R/. Alleluia,
Gospel Lk 1:39-56
Mary set out and traveled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah,
where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth.
When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the infant leaped in her womb,
and Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, cried out in a loud voice and said,
“Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.
And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
For at the moment the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the infant in my womb leaped
for joy. Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord
would be fulfilled.”
And Mary said: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my
Savior, for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant. From this day all generations will call
me blessed: the Almighty has done great things for me, and holy is his Name.
Mary remained with her about three months and then returned to her home.
For the gifts you have bestowed, O Lord, we offer you the sacrifice of praise, humbly begging
that what you have conferred upon us in our unworthiness we may give back, to the glory of
your name. Through Christ our Lord.
O God, who have given to us as spiritual food the saving Sacrament of your Son, which we have
offered you in thanksgiving, grant that, being strengthened by gifts of courage and joy, we may
serve you more devotedly and be worthy of still further blessings. Through Christ our Lord.