Yarn B: Susan 4 Family white 64 (50g, 120m) Yarn C: Susan 4 Family black 21 (50g, 120m) Yarn D: Susan 4 Family pink 10 (50g, 120m)
Other materials
Crochet hook size 2.5mm
1 pair of 6mm safety eyes, 1 black nose size 7*9mm Tapestry needles, black thread, pins, stitch markers, scissors, polyester fiberfill
Ch Chain (…) Work all stitches in the same stitch
Sc Single Crochet […]…x Repeat instructions in Inc Single Crochet Increase brackets…times Dec Single Crochet Decrease Bobble Bobble Stitch (4 Hdcs in the same st) Hdc Half Double Crochet BLO Back loop only Mr Magic Ring FLO Front loop only Dc Double Crochet BPDC Back Post Double Crochet Rnds Rounds FPDC Front Post Double Crochet Sts Stitches Tr Treble Crochet Slst Slip stitch Double Double Treble -it’s just like Treble st, Tr but you yarn over 3 times (4 loops on the hook) INSTRUCTIONS
Donut (yarn A)
1-27 Repeat rnd 1-27 of the (32)
Dragon’s Donut (the 1st pattern)
Break the yarn, use a tapestry needle to sew
2 edges together, stuff firmly along sewing (pic 1).
Nose (yarn B)
1 sc 6 into a magic loop (6)
2 [sc 1, (sc 3) on the next st] 3x (12) 3 sc 2, (sc 3) on the next st, [sc 3, (sc (18) 3) on the next st] 2x, sc 1 4 sc 18 (18) 5 sc 2, (dec 3 sc at the same time), (12) [sc 3, (dec 3 sc at the same time)] 2x, sc 1
Break the yarn, insert 7*9mm black nose (pic
2). Sew the nose on the donut (pic 3).
Eyes (yarn C, X2)
1 ch 10, start on the 2nd st from (20)
the hook, sc 8, (sc 3) on the last st, continue to crochet on the other side, sc 7, inc 2 inc, sc 5, hdc 2, [dc inc] 3x, hdc 2, (26) sc 5, inc 2, break yarn C, skip the next 3 sts, join with yarn B 3 slst, sc 5, [hdc, hdc inc] 3x, sc 5, (21) slst