Classroom Management

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District 5 Education Council Teacher Refresh Training

Day One: Class Room Management


1.Rev. Diacrame George Kangba

Cell #s: 0777404141/ 0880486214

2. M. Darh Kleekpo

Cell #s: 0777918370/

Classroom Management can be the action teacher takes to establish and sustain an environment that
foster students emotional and moral growth(education)

Classroom Management Steps, Rules and Routine

1. Predict problem

2. Plan to avoid

3. Monitor the behavior of the students

Students Behavior
1. Agitator: A student who intentionally tries to provoke or disturb others in the classroom, usually
through disruptive behavior or instigating conflicts.

2. Arrogant: A student who displays a sense of superiority or self-importance, often belittling others or
acting condescendingly towards classmates and teachers.

3. Attention demander: A student who constantly seeks attention from others, whether it be through
disruptive behavior, talking out of turn, or needing constant validation from teachers.

4. Negative group: A group of students who tend to have a pessimistic attitude, complain frequently,
and resist participating in classroom activities or following instructions.

5. Trouble Makers: Students who consistently disrupt the learning environment, break rules, and show
little concern for the consequences of their actions.

6. Unprepared: Students who consistently fail to complete assignments, come to class without necessary
materials, or fail to study for exams, leading to poor academic performance.

7. Gradegrubber: A student who obsessively focuses on grades and achieving high marks, often at the
expense of truly understanding the material or engaging in the learning process. This can manifest in
behaviors such as constantly asking about grades, arguing for higher grades, or prioritizing grades over
actual learning.
Handling student behaviors can be challenging, but there are strategies that can help address and
manage these issues effectively. Here are some tips on how to handle the behaviors mentioned:

1. Agitator:

- Set clear expectations for behavior in the classroom and consistently enforce consequences for
disruptive behavior.

- Address the behavior privately with the student to understand the underlying reasons and work on
finding solutions together.

- Provide positive reinforcement and praise when the student demonstrates positive behavior.

2. Arrogant:

- Foster a positive and respectful classroom environment where all students are encouraged to show
empathy and kindness towards each other.

- Encourage the student to practice humility and empathy by engaging in group activities that promote
teamwork and collaboration.

- Provide constructive feedback and model respectful behavior in interactions with the student.

3. Attention demander:

- Provide opportunities for the student to receive positive attention through praise and recognition for
their achievements.

- Set boundaries and expectations for appropriate behavior in the classroom, including taking turns to
speak and respecting others' contributions.

- Encourage the student to find alternative ways to seek attention, such as participating in class
discussions or volunteering for tasks.

4. Negative group:

- Address the group's negative attitude collectively by facilitating open discussions and problem-solving
activities to address any underlying issues.

- Encourage positivity and a growth mindset by highlighting achievements and fostering a sense of
community within the group.

- Provide opportunities for the group to engage in activities that promote teamwork and cooperation.

5. Trouble Makers:
- Set clear rules and consequences for disruptive behavior, and consistently enforce them in a fair and
respectful manner.

- Address the underlying reasons for the student's behavior by providing support and guidance to help
them cope with any challenges they may be facing.

- Encourage positive behavior through positive reinforcement and opportunities for personal growth
and development.

6. Unprepared:

- Work with the student to identify any barriers to their preparedness, such as time management or
study skills, and provide support and resources to help them improve.

- Set realistic expectations for assignments and deadlines, and provide reminders and follow-up to
ensure the student stays on track.

- Offer extra support and resources, such as study guides or tutoring, to help the student improve their
academic performance.

7. Gradegrubber:

- Encourage the student to focus on the learning process rather than solely on grades, emphasizing the
importance of understanding and mastering the material.

- Provide regular feedback on the student's progress and offer opportunities for reflection and self-

- Help the student set realistic goals for academic achievement and support them in developing a
positive attitude towards learning for its own sake.

Overall, it's important to address student behaviors with empathy, understanding, and a proactive
approach to create a positive and supportive learning environment for all students.

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