Slides 2 Statistics
Slides 2 Statistics
Slides 2 Statistics
Marianopolis College
Hadi Bigdely
1. Bernoulli distribution:
A Bernoulli random variable has only two outcomes, with probability
Example 4.21:
1. When (e.g., for tossing a coin), we have
2. The Binomial Distribution:
Definition: A binomial experiment is an experiment with all the
Let n be fixed.
Perform a Bernoulli (Failure and Success) trial n times in sequence .
Assume the individual trials are independent .
Assume the probability of a success is .
Example: Toss a coin 6 times (n=6). Assume success is facing Head.
with probability
( ) (
Definition (Binomial random variable):
The binomial random variable associated with a binomial experiment consisting
of n trials is defined as
= the number of success among the n trials
Suppose, for example, that n=3. Then there are eight possible outcomes for the
Proposition: Consider a sequence of independent success/failure
experiments, each of which yields success with probability . Let
denote the number of successes then we have
Remark: Because the pmf of a binomial rv depends on the two
parameters and , we denote the pmf by , so
Proof: This expression follows from the fact that any specific sequence with
exactly successes (hence failures) has a probability
. There are such sequences.
Example 4.23: Toss a coin 12 times.
a) What is the probability that you get 3 Head?
b) What is the probability of having at least 8 Head?
c) What is the probability of having at most 1 Head?
The Binomial mass and cumulative distribution functions for n = 12 , 𝑝 =
Example 4.24: Rolling a die 12 times where
Success=Result is six
Fail=Result is not having six
Example 4.25: Everyday one of your classmates is taking the tram twice
without any ticket. There is a 5% chance of meeting inspectors each time one
boards the tram. What is the probability that he is going to be caught at least
twice in a 30 day month?
Answer: Answer: Let be the number of times he will meet inspectors per
year. X is a binomial random variable with , p = 0.05 and
Example 4.26: Your friend pretends that he is able to distinguish pepsi
from coke. You give him a test. Out of 5 trials, he gets the right answer
4 times. What is the probability that he just got lucky?
Answer: Let be the number of right answers. If he answers
completely randomly, then is a binomial with n = 5 and . We
This is no convincing evidence that your friend can distinguish the two
Using Binomial Table:
Example 4.27:
Cumulative Binomial Probabilities Table:
Variance and Expected value of a Binomial rv:
Theorem: If then , and
Proof: We know where each is Bernoulli rv.
We do not prove V(X) result.
Example 4.28:
Example 4.29: What is the probability of obtaining 45 or fewer heads in 100 tosses
of a fair coin?
3. The Uniform Discrete Distribution:
Definition: Let be a discrete rv taking values . Assume that all these values have
equal probability, i.e.
Then this distribution is called a Uniform discrete distribution or equally likely distribution
and we write
Example 4.29: Random experiment where this distribution occurs is the choice
of an integer at random between 1 and 100, inclusive. Let be the number chosen. Then
Remark: (Why?)
Theorem: Let Geometric rv where the probability of success is p. Then
4. The Hypergeometric distribution:
Consider a box containing balls of which are white and
are black. We take a simple random sample (i.e. without replacement) of size
Let the number of white balls in the sample. The Hypergeometric distribution
is the distribution of under this sampling scheme and for example
Example 4.29: Consider a room with 10 people inside, 4 of which have flu.
We choose 7 persons from the room without replacement.
a) What is the probability that 2 of them have flu?
b) What is the probability that more than 2 of them have flu?
Answer: Let =the number of people in the sample who have flu
- -
Example 4.30:
Theorem: The mean and variance of the hypergeometric rv having
pmf are
Example 4.31: Suppose a company fleet of 20 cars contains 7 cars that do
not meet government exhaust emissions standards and are therefore
releasing excessive pollution. Moreover, suppose that a traffic policeman
randomly inspects 5 cars.
a) How many cars is he likely to find that exceed pollution control
b) What is the probability of 3 polluting cars?
a) N=20, M=7, n=5, X=# of cars exceed pollution control
An Interesting Application:
• In industrial quality control, lots of size N are subjected to sampling
inspection. The defective items in the lot play the role of “S” elements
and their number M is typically unknown.
5. The Poisson distribution:
The Poisson random variable approximates the Binomial random
Definition: A discrete rv, taking values is said to be a
Poisson random variable with parameter if
Example 4.32:
Remark: Recall that for the Binomial random variable
, and when is small.
Indeed, for the Poisson random variable we will show that
The probability that more than 2 customers arrive is
Proposition: Suppose that in the binomial pmf we let
and in such a way that approaches a value . Then
→ 30
• Practically this means that if a large number of trials n are made
which have a success probability p such that np is moderate then we
can approximate the total number of successes by a Poisson rv of
parameter , or
when we take
( the average number of successes ) .
This approximation is “close to accurate” if n is large and p small .
Indeed if
Example 4.34:
Table 3.2 shows
the Poisson distribution for
along with three
binomial distributions with
, and the Figure 3.8
plots the Poisson along with
the first two binomial distributions.
The approximation is of limited
use for , but of course
the accuracy is better for
and much better
Theorem: If has a Poisson distribution with parameter , then
Example 4.35: There are 50 misprints in a book which has 250 pages and assume
the number of errors in a page follows a Poisson distribution of parameter
a) Find the probability that page 100 has no misprints.
b) Find the probability that page 100 has 2 misprints.
Answer: If we let be the r.v. denoting the number of misprints on page 100 (or
any other page), is a Poisson r.v. with parameter . So we have
Example 4.36: You have a 10 meter by 10 meter plot of land, which is divided
into a grid of 100 squares. You scatter 500 seeds on this plot. We assume that each
seed falls at random, so that it is equally likely to fall on any of the 100 squares.
Consider the square in the upper left hand corner.
a) What is the probability that exactly 4 seeds fall on it?
b) What is the probability that 0 seeds fall on it?
Answer: Think of this as dropping 500 seeds, one after the other, and recording
whether the seed falls into the upper left hand square or not. “Success” means
falling into the square, and that happens with probability 1/100 = .01. So, n = 500,
and p = 0.1. The expected number of successes is np = 5. By the Poisson
approximation, we have
Example 4.37: The following compares the binomial (blue) and poisson (red)
distributions. Here is And we know
4.2 Continuous Random Variables and Probability Distributions:
For the time being, we have only considered discrete random variables (rv) - set of
possible values is finite or countable - such as the number of arrivals in a given time
instants, the number of successful trials, the number of items with a given characteristic.
In many practical applications, we have to deal with random variables whose set of
possible values is uncountable.
Example 4.38:
• Waiting for a bus. The time (in minutes) which elapses between arriving at a bus
stop and a bus arriving can be modelled as a rv, taking values in
• Share price. The values of one share of a specific stock at some given future time can be
modelled as a rv, taking values in
• Weight. The weight of a randomly chosen individual can be modelled as a rv, taking
values in
• Temperature. The temperature in Celsius at a given time can be modelled as a rv,
taking values in
Definition: A continuous random variable is a random variable with both of the
following properties:
1. Its set of possible values consists either of all numbers in a single interval on the
number line [this interval can be ] or all numbers in a disjoint union of
such intervals (e.g., ).
2. Any single value of the variable has zero probability, that is,
for any possible value .
Definition: Let be a continuous rv. Then a probability distribution or probability
density function (pdf) of is a function such that for any two numbers a and b with
That is, the probability that takes on a value in the interval is the area above this
interval and under the graph of the density function, as illustrated in Figure 4.2. The graph
of is often referred to as the density curve.
Remark: For to be a legitimate pdf, it must satisfy the following two conditions:
1) for all
2) area under the entire graph of f(x) , 40
• 𝑓 (𝑥) is NOT a probability, e.g. 𝑓 (1) is not the probability that
𝑋 = 1, it is a probability density.
• For a continuous rv, the probability of any single value 𝑐 is zero; i.e.
for any 𝑐 in ℝ, we have 𝑃 𝑋 = 𝑐 = 𝑃 𝑐 ≤ 𝑋 ≤ 𝑐 = ∫ 𝑓 𝑥 𝑑𝑥 = 0
• 𝑃 𝑋 = 𝑐 = 0 implies that
𝑃 𝑎≤𝑋≤𝑏 =𝑃 𝑎<𝑋≤𝑏 =𝑃 𝑎≤𝑋<𝑏 =𝑃 𝑎<𝑋<𝑏
Definition: Let be a probability density function (pdf) of the rv, . The
associated (cumulative) distribution function is
( )
Therefore we have .
Remark: and
→ →
Example 4.40:
Example 4.41: Assume you are told that the pdf of a rv, satisfies
Definition: A continuous rv, is said to have a uniform distribution on the
interval if the pdf of is
Example 4.43:
Proposition(Using to Compute Probabilities):
Let X be a continuous rv, with pdf and cdf Then for any number ,
Example 4.44: Draw graphs of the distribution and density functions
Definition: The median of a continuous distribution, denoted by , is
the 50th percentile, so satisfies
That is, half the area under the density curve is to the left of and half
is to the right of .
Example 4.46: A group insurance policy covers the medical claims of the
employees of a small company. The value, , of the claims made in one year is
described by
where X is a random variable with pdf
What is the probability that exceeds 40,000 given that exceeds 10,000?
Expected value of a continuous rv:
Definition: The expected or mean value of a continuous rv, with pdf
Definition: If is a continuous rv with pdf and is any
function of , then
( )
Remark: and
Proof: Exercise
Uniform Density: As we had the following is a uniform density function of on the
4.2.1: The Exponential Distribution:
The family of exponential distributions provides probability models that
are very widely used in engineering and science disciplines.
Definition: is said to have an exponential distribution with parameter
if the pdf of is
Proposition: Let have an exponential distribution with parameter Then its cdf
function is
Proposition: Let have an exponential distribution with parameter
Example 4.49:
Example 4.50:
Remark: The exponential distribution is frequently used as a model for
the distribution of times between the occurrence of successive events,
such as customers arriving at a service facility or calls coming in to a
switchboard. The reason for this is that the exponential distribution is
closely related to the Poisson process.
a) Let have a uniform distribution on , then the median of
b) Let have an exponential distribution with parameter λ, then the
median of is .
4.2.2: The Normal Distribution:
The normal distribution is the most important one in all of probability
and statistics. Many numerical populations have distributions that can
be fit very closely by an appropriate normal curve. Examples include
heights, weights, and other physical characteristics, measurement
errors in scientific experiments, anthropometric measurements on
fossils, reaction times in psychological experiments, measurements of
intelligence and aptitude, scores on various tests, and numerous
economic measures and indicators. In addition, even when individual
variables themselves are not normally distributed, sums and averages
of the variables will under suitable conditions have approximately a
normal distribution; this is the content of the Central Limit Theorem
discussed in the next chapter.
The Standard Normal distribution:
Definition: A continuous rv has the standard normal distribution if its pdf is
Definition: We denote the cdf of a standard normal variable by
so . Also The graph of f(z; 0, 1) is called
the standard normal (or z) curve.
3) Let then
Example 4.52:
Definition: A continuous rv, has a normal distribution with parameters
and ( if its pdf is
and we write .
Remark: Let .
1- )
Proof of 3) To show , we show
( Using a u-sub.)
When then equals ,
however this integral is not simple. So probabilities involving are
computed by “standardizing.”
The standardized variable is . Subtracting shifts the mean from
to zero, and then dividing by scales the variable so that the
standard deviation is 1 rather than
Theorem: If , then
Example 4.54: The breakdown voltage of a randomly chosen diode of a particular
type is known to be normally distributed. What is the probability that a diode’s
breakdown voltage is within 1 standard deviation of its mean value?
Answer: This question can be answered without knowing either or , as long as the
distribution is known to be normal
Example 4.55: Suppose .
Use the standard normal Table to determine:
• P( X ≤ −0.5 )
• P( X ≥ 0.5 )
• P( | X − μ | ≥ 0.5 )
• P( | X − μ | ≤ 0.5 )
Answer: This means
Approximation of a Binomial Distribution Using a Normal Curve:
The normal distribution is often used as an approximation to the distribution of
values in a discrete population. In such situations, extra care should be taken to
ensure that probabilities are computed accurately.
Remark: The correction for discreteness of the underlying distribution in Example 4.56 is
often called a continuity correction.
Proposition: Let X be a binomial rv based on trials with success
probability . Then if the binomial probability histogram is not too
skewed, has approximately a normal distribution with and
. In particular, for a possible value of ,
Example 4.57:
5. Sampling and Central Limit Theorem:
The observations in a single sample were denoted in Chapter 1 by
Consider selecting two different samples of size n from the same population distribution.
The s in the second sample will virtually always differ at least a bit from those in the
first sample. For example, a first sample of cars of a particular type might result in
fuel efficiencies , whereas a second sample may give
. Before we obtain data, there is uncertainty about
the value of each . Because of this uncertainty, before the data becomes available we
view each observation as a random variable and denote the sample by
For example,
is a linear combination of and with , ,
and .
2) is a linear combination of
Definition: Two random variables and are said to be independent if for every pair
of and values
when and are discrete
when and are continuous
If the equality is not satisfied for all then and are said to be dependent.
Example 5.1: The random variables X and Y with density function
Theorem 5.1: Given a collection of n random variables ,
1) Whether or not the are independent,
2) If are independent
Example 5.2:
5.2 Sampling:
Sampling can consist of
• Gathering random data from a large population, for example,
− measuring the height of randomly selected adults
− measuring the star ng salary of random CS graduates
Definition: A random sample from a population consists of independent, identically
distributed (all with the same distribution) random variables, .
Theorem 5.0 : Let be a random sample from a distribution
(population) with mean value
standard deviation .
Then , and .
Also , and
Theorem: If
Proposition: The CLT also applies to discrete random variables.
Example 5.3:
Example 5.4:
Definition: A statistic is a function of random variables
• Thus a statistic itself is a random variable .
1) The sample mean is a statistic.
2) The sample total is a statistic.
3) The sample variance is a statistic.
4) The sample standard deviation is a statistic.
5) The sample range, the difference between the largest and the
smallest observation, is a statistic.
6. Statistical inference:
6.1. Confidence Interval (CI):
Suppose that the mean of a population is unknown while
1. The population distribution is normal
2. The mean of a sample is known.
3. The value of the population standard deviation is known
How do we approximate ?
Motivational example:
Let be a random sample from a normal distribution with mean and standard
deviation equal . We know that, is normally distributed with mean and
standard deviation .
Because the area under the standard normal curve between and is ,
Remark: The interval is random because the two
endpoints of the interval involve a random variable. It is centered at the sample
mean and extends to each side by . The interval’s width is not random;
only the location of the interval (its midpoint ) is random (Following Figure). Now
can be rephrased as
“the probability is that the random interval
includes the true value of .”
Before any experiment is performed and any data is gathered,
it is quite likely that will lie inside this interval.
Definition: Let be a random sample from a normal distribution with
mean and standard deviation (these are for the whole population).
Assume we observe , we compute the observed
sample mean and then substitute into in
, the resulting fixed interval is called a 95% confidence interval (CI) for . This CI
can be expressed either as
Example 6.1:
Deriving the confidence interval (CI):
For a given we define ⁄ -critical value as the number satisfying
- 𝜶⁄𝟐 𝜶⁄
where is the standard normal distribution.
We can show that ⁄
Now Let be a random sample from a normal distribution with
mean and standard deviation . Assume we observe
- ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄
So by , ⁄ ⁄ , so
Theorem: confidence interval for the mean of a normal population
when the value of is known is given by
A Confidence Interval for a Population Proportion:
Let p denote the proportion of “successes” in a population. How can
we approximate p using the proportion of successes in a sample ?
For example, assume 5 of 50 randomly selected computers need a
service, then what proportion of all the computers need a service?
Theorem: Let p denote the proportion of “successes” in a population (is unknown).
A random sample of n individuals is to be selected, and is the number of successes in
the sample.
(Provided that n is small compared to the population size, X can be regarded as a binomial
rv with and where . Furthermore, if both and
, has approximately a normal distribution.)
Assume is the proportion of “successes” in a sample. So is also a rv. We have
and . As we know since is approximately normally distributed,
is also approximately normal. By standardizing it we have
- ⁄ ⁄
So to summarize,
Assume the population proportion is unknown. Let be the sample
proportion in a large sample size n. Then the confidence interval of
for is
where ⁄ .
Note that the interval can be written as
Example 6.3: In a sample of 1000 randomly selected consumers who had opportunities to send in a
rebate claim form after purchasing a product, 250 of these people said they never did so (“Rebates:
Get What You Deserve,” Consumer Reports, May 2009: 7). Reasons cited for their behavior included
too many steps in the process, amount too small, missed deadline, fear of being placed on a mailing
list, lost receipt, and doubts about receiving the money. Calculate an upper confidence bound at the
95% confidence level for the true proportion of such consumers who never apply for a rebate.
Based on this bound, is there compelling evidence that the true proportion of such consumers is
smaller than 1/3? Explain your reasoning.
Answer: 𝑝̂ = = = 0.25. So 𝑞 = 1 − 𝑝̂ = 1 − 0.25 = 0.75
We should find 𝑧 ⁄ , while 1 − 𝛼 = 0.95. 𝛷 𝑧 ⁄ =1− =1− =0.975. Using the table for
standard normal, 𝑧 ⁄ = 1.96. So
𝑝̂ 𝑞 𝑝̂ 𝑞 0.25 × 0.75 0.25 × 0.75
𝑝̂ − 𝑧 , 𝑝̂ + 𝑧 = 0.25 − 1.96 , 0.25 + 1.96 =⋯
𝑛 𝑛 1000 1000
1) The width of the CI of a population mean, is ⁄
7. Tests of Hypothesis:
7.1. Test of Hypothesis based on a single sample:
A parameter can be estimated from sample data either by a single number or an
entire interval of possible values (a confidence interval). Frequently, however, the
objective of an investigation is not to estimate a parameter but to decide which of
two contradictory claims about the parameter is correct. Methods for this
comparison is part of statistical inference called hypothesis testing.
In any hypothesis-testing problem, there are two contradictory
hypotheses under consideration. For example:
1) The first claim and the other
2) Then first claim and the other
The null hypothesis, denoted by
the claim that is initially assumed to be true (the “prior belief” claim).
The alternative hypothesis, denoted by
the assertion that is contradictory to (“researcher’s hypothesis”) .
Remark: The alternative to the null hypothesis will look like one of
the following three:
Definition: A test procedure is specified by the following:
1. The parameter (we only cover ) on which the decision (reject or do not
reject ) is to be based
2. A rejection region, the set of all test values ( values) for which will be
Example: suppose a cigarette manufacturer claims that the average
nicotine content of brand B cigarettes is (at most) 1.5 mg. It would be
unwise to reject the manufacturer’s claim without strong contradictory
evidence, so an appropriate problem formulation is to test
versus .
Consider a decision rule based on analyzing a random sample of 32
cigarettes. Let denote the sample average nicotine content. If is true,
, whereas if is false, we expect to exceed 1.5. Strong
evidence against is provided by a value that considerably exceeds 1.5.
Thus we might use as a test statistic along with
the rejection region .
• A type I error consists of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true.
We define and
In the nicotine scenario,
A type I error: consists of rejecting the manufacturer’s claim that
when it is actually true (for example .
Example 7.2:
Test of Hypothesis for Mean of a Normal Population:
Let represent a random sample of size n from the normal
population. Then the sample mean has a normal distribution with
expected value and standard deviation . Then the following
is hypothesis test with significance level
where ⁄ and
Test of Hypothesis for Mean for Large-Sample:
The previous Test is true even if represent a
random sample of size n from a population with any distribution as
long as n is sufficiently large . Since will be approximately
normal by CLT. Note that in this case we will let Test statistic to be
Example: A dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) is used for measuring
material resistance to penetration (mm/blow) as a cone is driven into
pavement or subgrade. Suppose that for a particular application it is
required that the true average DCP value for a certain type of pavement
be less than 30. The pavement will not be used unless there is conclusive
evidence that the specification has been met (Let %5 significance level
when it is not mentioned). The following data was collected for DCP:
14.1 14.5 15.5 16.0 16.0 16.7 16.9 17.1 17.5 17.8
17.8 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.3 19.0 19.2 19.4 20.0 20.0
20.8 20.8 21.0 21.5 23.5 27.5 27.5 28.0 28.3 30.0
30.0 31.6 31.7 31.7 32.5 33.5 33.9 35.0 35.0 35.0
36.7 40.0 40.0 41.3 41.7 47.5 50.0 51.0 51.8 54.4
55.0 57.0
Should we use this pavement? 125
Answer: Since the number of sample elements n=52>40 is large by CLT, is
normal with mean and stand. Deviation
1. true average DCP value
2. :
3. : (so the pavement will not be used unless the null hypothesis is rejected)
where ⁄ and
7.2. Test of Hypothesis based on two sample:
The inferences discussed in this section concern a difference between the
means of two different population distributions. An investigator might, for
example, wish to test hypotheses about the difference between true average
breaking strengths of two different types of corrugated fiberboard. One such
hypothesis would state that that is, that . Alternatively, it may
be appropriate to estimate by computing a 95% CI.
In this section we consider the following assumptions:
Basic assumptions:
1. is a random sample from a distribution with mean and variance .
2. is a random sample from a distribution with mean and variance .
3. The samples are independent of one another.
In this section we want to study the difference between two samples
Since are independent
Hypothesis Test for Difference of Two Means in a Normal Population:
Assume Population distribution is Normal and assume
1. is a random sample from a distribution with mean and variance .
2. is a random sample from a distribution with mean and variance .
3. The samples are independent of one another.
The Test Hypothesis for with significance level , is (note that z is standard
Hypothesis Test for Difference of Two Means in Large Samples:
The assumptions of normal population distributions and known values of and are
fortunately unnecessary when both sample sizes are sufficiently large ( .
In this case, the Central Limit Theorem guarantees that has approximately a
normal distribution regardless of the underlying population distributions. Then we have
𝟎 𝟏 𝟐 𝟎
𝟏 𝟐
𝒂 𝟏 𝟐 𝜶
𝒂 𝟏 𝟐 𝜶
𝒂 𝟏 𝟐 𝜶 or 𝜶
𝟐 𝟐
8. Chi-Square Test for Goodness-of-Fit:
In this section, each observation in a sample is classified as belonging to one
of a finite number of categories (e.g., blood type could be one of the four
categories O, A, B, or AB). Let denoting the probability that any particular
observation belongs in category (or the proportion of the population
belonging to category ). We then wish to test a null hypothesis that
completely specifies the values of all the
(such as , when there are four
The test statistic is based on how different the observed numbers in the
categories are from the corresponding expected numbers when is true.
A binomial experiment consists of a sequence of independent trials in which each trial
can result in one of two possible outcomes: S (for success) and F (for failure).
Considering and , we presented a large-sample z test for
testing (note that this can be written as ,
Remark: Before the multinomial experiment is performed, the number of trials that will
result in category ( ) is a random variable such that .
In Multinomial Experiment with categories, each with probability and elements
in the sample
Assume that , then if is true
We usually consider a table where the expected values when is true
are displayed just below the observed values. The ’s and ’s are
usually referred to as observed cell counts, and are the corresponding
expected cell counts under .
Chi-Squared Test 𝟐
9. Linear Regression and Correlation:
9.1. Correlation:
There are many situations in which the objective in studying the joint behavior of
two variables is to see whether they are related. In this section, we first develop
the sample correlation coefficient as a measure of how strongly related two
variables and are in a sample.
Theorem: Given numerical pairs …, . We have
9.2. Regression Line:
Much of mathematics is devoted to studying variables that are
deterministically related. Saying that x and y are related in this manner
means that once we are told the value of x, the value of y is completely
There are many variables x and y that would appear to be related to
one another, but not in a deterministic fashion. A familiar example is
given by variables
x=high school grade point average (GPA) and y= college GPA
The value of y cannot be determined just from knowledge of x, and two
different individuals could have the same x value but have very different
y values.
Regression analysis is the part of statistics that investigates the
Relationship between two or more variables related in a nondeterministic
fashion. In this section, we generalize the deterministic linear relation to
a linear probabilistic relationship.
The simplest deterministic mathematical relationship between two
variables and is a linear relationship .
is called independent, predictor, or explanatory variable.
is called dependent or response variable.
Consider a sample data consisting of observed pairs
We want to find an estimate regression line that can best
approximate our sample data.
Such a line should have the property that
Using multivariable calculus and least squared estimate, we obtain the
Theorem: Consider a sample data consisting of observed pairs
Then the estimate regression line is
So We estimate that the expected change in true average cetane number
associated with a 1 g increase in iodine value is , i.e., a decrease
of .