Data Sheet JSS 56

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Jena Spaceborne Scanner JSS 56

Jena-Optronik applies modern imaging principles and components to build low-

cost optical spaceborne scanners in the VIS/NIR and SWIR wavelength ranges.

The JSS 56 is a compact, lightweight, long life and low cost multispectral imager product
applicable to all professional small satellite platforms. Covering the Earth’s surface conti-
nuously line-by-line (pushbroom principle) the imager of Jena-Optronik enables the precise
data acquisition of an 77 kilometres wide strip of land with a pixel size of 6.5 metres out of
630 kilometres orbit height.

Space proven technology

The first JSS 56 are the payload of the RapidEye satellites. Composed of five identical Earth observation satel-
lites, this worldwide unique constellation, is equipped with one multi-spectral imager from Jena-Optronik on each
satellite. Launched on 29th of August 2008, the German company RapidEye AG established with the help of the
imagers from Jena-Optronik, a commercial geo-information service (GIS) able to gather over 4 million km² of high
resolution, multi-spectral imagery per day.

space for success

Jena Spaceborne Scanner Performance

Imager 641 mm x 385 mm x 865 mm
Electronic Box 280 mm x 253 mm x 232 mm
46 kg [including Imager & Electronic Box]
Temperature Range
Operational -10 °C...+30 °C [depending on satellite configuration and orbital data]
Power Consumption
93 W [peak simultaneous image take & downlink]
Spectral Bands
in VIS and NIR range
Blue 440 nm ... 510 nm
Green 520 nm ... 590 nm
Red 630 nm ... 685 nm
Red edge 690 nm ... 730 nm
Near infrared 760 nm ... 850 nm
Image Field
Swath width at 630 km 77 km
Ground sampling distance 6.5 m
end-to-end system modulation transfer function [MTF]
in VIS range of ≥ 11% ACT, >25% ALT at Nyquist sampling rate
Revisit Capability
nominally off-nadir imaging
Digital Data
12 bit signal digitisation

All data is subject to change without notice. Copyright 04/2015 Jena-Optronik GmbH.
Data storage capability of 48 GBit
Data Compression
Lossy compression DCT
Lossless compression Differential Huffman

Jena-Optronik GmbH · Otto-Eppenstein-Straße 3 · 07745 Jena · Germany

Phone +49 3641 200-110 · Fax +49 3641 200-222
Email [email protected] · Web

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