G9 Art
G9 Art
G9 Art
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The document provides information about several prominent artists from the Renaissance and Baroque
periods, including Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Donatello, Caravaggio, Bernini, Rubens,
Rembrandt, and Velasquez. It describes some of their most famous artworks such as Michelangelo's
Sistine Chapel ceiling and David sculpture. It also provides background on the Renaissance beginning in
Italy and the emergence of the Baroque style in the 17th century.
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which means, .
rebuilding of in Rome.
(1475-1564) ”
and Dusk”.
(1475-1564) ”
(1452- 1519) ”
The most famous and most imitated
“Last Supper”
This shows Jesus having his last dinner with his 12 disciples.
compositional skills.
“The Transfiguration”
School of Athens
Disputation of the
Holy Sacrament
Penitent Magdalene
Donatello was able to create
Magdalene. It represented a
Michelangelo Merisi or
He was the as
architectural designs.
The famous
(1577- 1640)
“Las Meninas”
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2. LOOP A WORD Encircle 15 words that are connected to the Renaissance or Baroque Period.
3. Loop-a-word Encircle 15 words that are connected to the Renaissance or Baroque Period.
5. Italian Renaissance began in the late . The word “renaissance” comes from the word, , which
means, . This era is a period of many changes. It is also the time of “Rebirth” of the composers of
modern era. The greatest cathedral building of the age was the rebuilding of in Rome.
7. Michelangelo was an Italian sculptor, painter, architect, and poet. He was considered the greatest
living artist in his lifetime, and ever since then he was considered as one of the greatest artists of all
time. Here are some of his famous artworks. “Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (1475-
1564) ”
8. “Bacchus”, “Moses”, “David”, “Dying Slave”, “Dawn and Dusk”. He also created two of the most
influential works in fresco in the history of Western art: the scenes from Genesis on the ceiling and the
Last Judgment on the altar wall of the in Rome. is a technique wherein the pigments are mixed with
water and directly painted onto the wall. “Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (1475-1564) ”
9. “PIETA” One of Michelangelo’s best-known works is The Pieta and David, which were sculpted before
he turned thirty.
10. Like the da Vinci, he also mastered anatomy of the human figure
11. He was a painter, architect, scientist, and mathematician. He was popularized in present times
through the novel and movie, “Da Vinci Code.” He is known as the ultimate because of his intellect,
interest, talent and his expression of humanist and classical values. He is widely considered to be one
of the greatest painters of all time and perhaps the most diversely talented person to have ever lived.
“Leonardo di ser Piero Da Vinci (1452- 1519) ”
13. “Last Supper” The most reproduced religious painting of all time. This shows Jesus having his last
dinner with his 12 disciples.
14. Raphael was an Italian painter and architect of the High Renaissance period. Together with
Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci, he formed the traditional trinity of great masters of that period.
His main contributions to art were his unique draftsmanship and compositional skills. His famous
works were: “Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino (Raphael) (1483-1520)”
16. The Transfiguration was Raphael’s last painting on which he worked on up to his death. “The
18. Donatello was one of the Italian great artists of the period. He was an early Renaissance Italian
sculptor from Florence. His works included the following statues and relief: Donato di Niccolo di Betto
Bardi (Donatello) (1386- 1466)
19. It was the first known free- standing nude statue produced since ancient times. “David”
20. Penitent Magdalene Donatello was able to create artworks that show emotions such as sorrow or
suffering and joy. In 1455, she completed the wooden sculpture, the Penitent Magdalene. It represented
a gaunt looking Mary Magdalene
22. The term Baroque was derived from the Portuguese word which means “irregularly shaped pearl
or stone. Baroque developed in Europe around the . Baroque Art aims to give an effect that wants to
carry the viewer’s away with the force of its impact. In the , the Baroque style was carried by the
Spanish and Portuguese to the Philippines. It influenced the Intramuros (the pre- colonial walled city of
23. He was better known as . He was an Italian artist who wanted to deviate from the classical masters
of the Renaissance. Caravaggio’s models at this period were either himself or young persons who have
an air of being promising but wicked. Among his famous paintings were: Michelangelo Merisi or
Amerighi da Caravaggio (1571- 1610)
25. Bernini was an Italian artist and the first Baroque artist. He practiced architecture, and sculpture,
painting, stage design, and was also a playwright. He was the as seen in his design of the Piazza San
Pietro in front of the Basilica. It is one of his most innovative and successful architectural designs. The
famous Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680)
26. The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa depicts a scene that Teresa wrote about in her own autobiography. In it,
she described an angel who pierced her heart multiple times with fire-tipped spear. “Ecstasy of St.
28. Rubens was a Flemish Baroque painter. He was well known for his paintings of mythical and
figurative subjects, landscapes, portraits, and Counter- Reformation altarpieces. His commissioned
works were mostly religious subjects, history paintings of magical creatures, and hunt scenes. His
famous works were: Peter Paul Rubens (1577- 1640)
30. Rembrandt was a brilliant Dutch realist, painter and etcher. He is generally considered as one of
the greatest painters and printmakers in European art. No artist has painted himself as often as did
Rembrandt. His well- known work was his Rembrandt had produced over 600 paintings, nearly 400
etchings, and 2000 drawings. Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606-1669)
32. Velasquez of Spain developed out of the Baroque. He was one of the finest masters of composition
and one of the most important painters of the Spanish Golden Age. He worked out solutions to pictorial
problems of design that transcend the style of any period. His famous works were: Diego Velasquez
(1599- 1660)
33. “Las Meninas” Las Meninas is an oil painting by the Spanish painter Diego Velázquez. It was
painted in 1656. The word means (a girl who serves in a royal court).
Editor's Notes
In these Modules in Arts for the second quarter, we will focus on the Artworks of Renaissance and
Baroque periods., specifically, the most famous paintings and artists from the different art periods. This
will be all the lesson for all the modules in Arts.
Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni is known is it one of the greatest artists in the Italian
renaissance period. He was born on March 6 ,1475 in Caprese, Italy. His father you Leonardo was briefly
serving a magistrate there. due to his mother Francesca's illness Michael Angelo live with a family of
stone cutters. Due to his innate gift he had the resolution the will power of our regiment, not once did
he deliver an inferior piece of artwork. he accepted every Commission offered to him. He loved carved in
marble. He worked day and night, learning to draw enter cut stone. at the age of 13 he was a pupil of
Ghirlandio, 2 one of the most successful thinkers in Florence. under him Michael Angelo was playing in
fresco painting.
When he was 25, he carved the pieta a figure of the Virgin Mary with the dead Christ in her arms. This
masterpiece brought him fame.Virgin Mary is certain in her feminine ranked and suffering spirit.
Michael Angelo threw the safety of Lawrence into an uproar by carving a nude figure of David from the
block of marble. He knew the rules of anatomy and proportion but his sculpture of the biblical Slayer of
the giant Goliath broke those rules for a more dramatic effect. he draw attention to the subject's hands
and head.David's huge head with its forceful and determined expression has become a symbol of the
spirit of the Renaissance.
Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452. he was a son of a lawyer and a peasant. he's
wonderful time began to shine early. he loved the examine the formation of rocks and to follow the
courses of rivers. He was captivated by the flowers, faces the flying birds. he also excelled in
mathematics and love drawings and modeling figures in clay. He painted so many artworks, he left many
unfinished paintings . some of which that survive are Saint Jerome in the wilderness in the Vatican
museums: ; adoration of the magi in Uffizi, Florence. and the two version of the virgin of the rocks in
National Gallery in London and in Louvre in Paris
When the French conquered Milan Leonardo drifted onto the knees then to Florence where he served
as military engineer. during his stay there, he was busy where the portrait of Mona Lisa. during
leonardos last years, his hands became paralyzed that disabled him to paint. despite this he continued
his researches in science. his mastery of the elements of art for example composition, color, surface
design, individual characterization, interior and exterior space, and psychological understanding of
content) has never been equaled. the emotional impact of his artworks is unique and probably accounts
for the stronghold of his fame.
In the dining hall of holy Mary of grace and Milan, he painted the Last Supper. it highlighted da Vinci’s
artistry and is considered one of the world’s iconic paintings. However, this believed to be in terrible
condition. the painting began to deteriorate after da Vinci had finished working on it. He wanted to
achieve grander luminosity for the painting that is why here rejected the traditional technique fresco on
wet plaster. he invented his own technique using tempera on stone. thanks to restore the painting were
made, but it was only in 1980 when it was ultimately restored.
Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino Was born in Urbino on April 6 1483, son of a painter and poet. at age 11, his
talents were already much talked about. at age 16, he entered the studio of Pietro perugrino, One of the
most honored painters in Italy . Right at age 18, he is skillfully painted like his master. He was into
portraiture and altar pieces. he also excelled in the secrets of placing figures in celestial settings. at age
21, he went to Florence. he's drawings were about human anatomy and movements. he was fascinated
with the Mona Lisa and from that masterpiece he learned how to capture the sweep puzzling beauty of
a woman's smile. he borrowed concepts from others, but he made them into his own style
From 1504 - 1507 in Florence, he produced a series of Madonna. this one him an immediate fame, and
his style became a standard idea of the mother God. His figure of a Madonna presented a woman filled
with glory of the inward soul. his Madonna figures we're usually blonde girls, whom he might knew,
loved, or glorified.
Overworked,Raphael caught a fever. after 10 days, on Good Friday, he passed away beside his largest
canvas transfiguration. he was revered as the Archangel of painting.
Rafael was summoned by Pope Julius II to work in the Vatican. as an artist,he was very determined and
energetic. he was able to finish numerous artworks, many of which are found in the Apostolic palace in
Vatican. here is where the four Raphael rooms that mark high renaissance art are located. with his
assistants, he covered each room with paintings, mosaics, and tapestries Representing Catholic faith,
philosophy, law , poetry, and the history . he headed to preserve the relics of ancient Rome and serve as
one of the architects of Saint Peter's Basilica his murals in the Vatican set the standard for wall paintings
for hundreds of years
Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi Is one of the greatest Florentine sculptors and considered as one of the
most influential artists of the 15th century.he was born around 1986 in Florence Italy. his father, Nicola
was a member of the Florentine wool combers Guild. this gave young Donatello the status as the son of
the Craftsman, thus paved a path for him to work in trades. Donatello Began to develop his own style of
realistic and highly emotional sculptures .
In 1408, he returned to Florence to work in the cathedral of Florence. in the same year, he carried the
first David. this marble sculpture followed the gothic style emphasizing long graceful lines and an
expressionless face.
His lifelong relationship with the Medici family earned him a retirement allowance to live on the rest of
his life. he died on December 13 , 1466 in Florence and was buried in the basilica of San Lorenzo.
Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio Was born on September 29 1571 in Milan. he was the founder of a
school of realist painters. Caravaggio's paintings were considered controversial during the time because
of his technique; the intense color of light and dark colors, which is called tenebrism. It is an excessive
use of chiaroscu that intends to reduce the two-tone effect of light and shade. Artists under his
influence were called as “Caravaggisti” or Caravagesques, and Tenebrists or Tenebrosi.
THE PAINTINGS OF CARAVAGGIO He was condemned as the Antichrist of painting for his controversial
and revolutionary artworks. he depicted religious scenes with extraordinary art approach and expressive
human feelings and sentiments. His style inspired many artists throughout the ages. despite his
scandalous life, it is his giftedness all the creativity that has won his place in the world's history of art. he
died on July 18 1610 in Tuscanyhis cause of death was also controversial but reports said he might have
died of poisoning. Youtube
Gian Lorenzo Bernini was born on December 7, 1598 in Naples, Italy. He was one of the most brilliant
proponents of rogue sculptures and a key figure in baroque architecture. he was a child prodigy and
regarded a genius like Michelangelo. he executed various projects for a papacy and promoted the power
and grandeur of Rome. one of his noted sculpture is the ecstasy of Saint Teresa
One of Bernini’s best-known works is the sculpture Ecstasy of St. Teresa. Saint Teresa's love of God and
her desire for spiritual union with him found expression in a vision in which an angel pierced her heart
with a golden spear and sent her into a dream. It is the central marble group of a sculpture he signed
and completed for the Coronado Chapel in Rome. it is one of the sculptural masterpieces of high Roman
baroque. he was also appointed by the Pope or won the 8th to the chief architect of Saint Peter's
Basilica. he is not only known for his architecture his fountains and papal monuments were public works
that stand at different Piazze/Piazza or cities squares in Rome.
Bernini died on November 28, 1598, as a result of stroke. his thumb lies in basilica de Santa Maria,
Peter Paul Robbins was born on June 28 1577 in the town of shijin Germany. he received his education
and artistic training in Antwerp Belgium after his mother died. he served as an apprentice to several
established artists and was admitted into Antwerp’s professional Guild for painters in 1598. he studied
in Venice, Mentua, Rome Spain and Flanders. his clients included members of royalty and churches.
Robbins also loved to paint his family.
His paintings covered wide variety of subjects from religion history hunt scenes and mythology. Rubens
died on May 30, 1640, in Madrid due to heart failure.
Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn Was born in Leiden Netherlands on July 15 1606. during his childhood
he was fascinated with shadows. he loves sketching his family watching colored sails and salty faces of
the bargemen and filling his head with human impressions. at age 14 he enrolled in a Latin school Leiden
university. However he would cut his glasses and go to the local zoo to draw animals or visit docks to
sketch laborers the university was not for him . he then trained under Jacob van swanenburgh, a Leiden
painter with whom Rembrandt learned the basic skills of art. his second teacher was Peter Lastman, an
artist from Amsterdam . from him Rembrandt learned the craft of etching. Etching is the process of using
a strong acid to cut into a metallic surface to create a design.
At age 19 he made his first sign painting. the stoning of Saint Stephen. he created more than 300
artworks that are inspired from biblical stories. he painted key figures from the old and new testaments.
he also covered the episodes from the passion of Jesus. Rembrandt captured his subjects or models
character and emotions on canvas. he made the person look directly at the viewer. he would not only
paint people’s still, but he would also make them appear active ; His skill in playing with light and
shadow achieve a very interesting mode in his artworks. He was regarded as the greatest artist of Dutch
golden age for his outstanding ability . his techniques in various art media exhibited his great sensitivity
and spontaneity that incorporated in his artworks sense of freedom sharp intelligence and originally. he
died a poor man on October 4 1669.
Diego Velazquez the Spanish painters in the baroque. Typified the most extra characteristics of the
baroque style as a whole in all Europe. Mysticism, brutal realism, excessive pietism, sentimentality, and
oriental exoticism pervaded their productions with exception of the painter, Diego Rodriguez Sylvia
Velasquez. Diego Velazquez was born on June 6 1599 in Seville Spain. he was influenced by the
technique of Caravaggio. he became known for painting numerous portraits. the last guest was the
leading artist in the court of king Philip he did a lot of renditions of scenes of historical and cultural
significance . he also painted squares of portraits of the Spanish royal family and other notable European
figures, and commoners. his most notable painting of the Spanish royal family is the last mininas or the
ladies in waiting.
Las Meninas shows a large room in the Madrid palace of King Phillip IV of Spain . Several people are in
the painting, and we know who they are. Some are looking at one another and others are looking out
from the painting at the viewer (the person who is looking at the painting). He is revered as one of the
greatest masters of western art. his works strongly influence Spanish artists like Pablo Picasso and
Salvador Dali. even the French impressionist artists Edward Manet described him as the painter of
paintershe died on August 16 1660 in Madrid Spain.
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