Lab 1
Lab 1
Lab 1
Laboratory Manual
BS in Computer Science
Department of Computer Science & Information Technology
Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology
University Road Karachi - 75300
Course Learning Outcome(s):
Exceeds Meets
Developing Unsatisfactory
Criteria Expectations Expectations
(50%-69%) (<50%)
(>=90%) (70%-89%)
Able to use
Able to use software software with its Able to use software
with its standard and standard and with its standard Unable to use the
advanced features advanced features features with software
without assistance with minimal assistance
Programming/ Able to program/ Able to program/ Able to program/
Unable to
Simulation simulate the lab tasks simulate the lab simulate lab tasks
(5) with simplification tasks without errors with errors
Able to achieve all the
desired results with Able to achieve most
Results Able to achieve all Unable to achieve
alternate ways to of the desired results
(2) the desired results the desired results
improve with errors
Laboratory manual
has several
Laboratory manual
Laboratory manual -Laboratory manual grammatical/
has very few
has no grammatical has multiple spelling errors and
and/ or spelling errors. grammatical/ sentence
Lab Report spelling errors.
All sections of the spelling errors. construction is
(1) All sections of the
report are very well Few sections of the poor.
report are
written and report contain -All sections of the
technically accurate. technical error s. report contain
multiple technical
Exceeds Expectations Developing Unsatisfactory
Criteria Expectations Score
(>=90%) (50%-69%) (<50%)
Able to demonstrate the Able to Able to Able to
project with achievement demonstrate the demonstrate the demonstrate the
of required objectives project with project with project with
having clear achievement of achievement of achievement of
understanding of project required a*t least 50% less than 50%
limitations and future objectives but required required
enhancements. Hardware understanding of objectives and objectives and
and/or Software modules project limitations insufficient lacks in
are fully functional, if and future understanding of understanding of
Project applicable. enhancements is project project
Demonstration insufficient. limitations and limitations and
(5) Hardware and/or future future
Software modules enhancements. enhancements.
are functional, if Hardware and/or Hardware and/or
applicable. Software Software
modules are modules are not
partially functional, if
functional, if applicable.
Criteria Score
Laboratory (15)
Examiner: _______________________________