Operations and Material Management
Operations and Material Management
Operations and Material Management
Material Management
Operations and Material Management
Introduction to Operations
Learning Objectives
• Goods are tangible physical items that can be touched, • Services are activities that are experience based
seen and experienced. and provide various combinations of time, place,
characteristics or psychological value.
• They include raw materials, work in progress material,
assemblies, sub-assemblies. • They include psychological value and experience.
For example, Central Processing Unit (CPU) that gets For example, these are achieved from whatever we do, eat,
assembled into computers and final products such as cell travel, rest, and wear.
phones and automobiles.
The optimum situation for any organization is to match supply demand side, there are sales and marketing.
and demand of goods or services. Having excess supply or excess
Production is the use of raw material and other resources for
capacity results in wastage and high costs, whereas, having too
producing goods, which may involve several stages of processes.
less means losing the battle in the marketplace and possible
opportunity that results in customer dissatisfaction. In both the A service does not produce anything tangible but only provides
situations, the organization loses the market. The key functions a feel or experience to the user. Customer must be physically
on the supply side are, operations and supply chains and on the present most of the times and be a part of service delivery. It is
completely experience based and the customer will remember Objectives of Operations Management
the experience after using that service. The operations in services
are different than in the manufacturing sector. The objectives of operations management include performance
objectives and cost objectives:
1. Visible Cost or Direct Cost
• Raw material
• Rework
• Labour cost
• Maintenance cost
2. Invisible Cost or Indirect Cost
• Inventory
• Non-availability of goods
• Late delivery
• Material handling cost
• Appraisal cost
• Machine stoppage time
The operations must work to achieve the above-mentioned functions. Management is a science of decision making hence,
objectives. Operations mainly affect management and its decision making is a basic process of operations management.
These decisions are affected by operations and can be categorized into:
The decisions that are taken occasionally The decisions that can be structured are
and cannot be reversed easily are called routine and can be reversed are called
periodic/strategic decisions. continual or operational decisions.
01 Forecasting
Motivating and
02 Capacity Planning
Facilities Assuring
03 and Layout 06
04 Scheduling
1. Forecasting: It is about various important factors such as other essentials.
weather conditions, a seasonal spike in demand for tickets 6. Assuring Quality: Delivering high quality service every time
and growth prospects for road travel. and in every aspect is essential for smooth operations over
2. Capacity Planning: It is imperative for a travel company to an extended period. Attention to quality should be paid in
have a smooth cash flow and decent profit margins because those areas where the emphasis is on quality, such as the
having too many idle buses or selection of less busy routes behavior of Drivers and Conductor, dealing with customers,
will ultimately have a bearing on profits telephone and online reservations in flying and maintenance
utilization of personnel and equipment. 7. Motivating and Training: All employees shall be properly
4. Scheduling: Various schedules need to be managed trained and highly motivated in various aspects of operations
Finance Marketing
• Operations are the backbone of the organization, which others are all interrelated with operations management.
converts customers’ requirement into deliveries.
• The activities under operations are repetitive and non-
• The activities in all other areas of business organizations repetitive. The main part is the flawless execution of the
such as finance, accounting, human resource, marketing and activities.
Operations can be broadly divided into two categories: Customer contact Low High
Ease of Location of
manufacturing users
Review Questions
Decision Making
Learning Objectives
Decision Environments
A condition is certain when the outcomes of all alternatives are A condition where the probability of various outcomes of all
certain in nature. alternatives is known. Consider the example below for decision
making under certainty when the outcomes of three alternatives
are not known.
Alternative /
Where p is probability and x is a payoff • The Principle of Insufficient Reason – Equal probability is
So expected payoff for alternative 1 = 0.4 × 50 + 0.1 × 40 + 0.5 × 10 = 29 allocated to all conditions and the alternative with maximum
expected value is selected.
Alternative 2 = 0.4 × 20 + 0.1 × 60 + 0.5 × 20 = 24
• Maximin – The substitute with the best out of the worst payoffs
is selected.
Alternative /
Alternative / Minimum
market payoff
Alternative / Minimum
market payoff
Alternative / Average
market payoff
Identify the maximum of average payoff which is 33.3 for The Principle of Insufficient Reason
alternative 1 and 2. So, based on Laplace principle, alternative 1
Allot equal probability to each future state of nature and calculate
and 2 are equally preferable.
an expected value for each alternative. Since there are 3 possible
states of nature, so a probability of 1/3 is allotted to each.
Alternative / Expected
market value
The decision is made based on a minimum of maximum regret. So, alternatives 1 and 3 are equally
preferable as they have the lowest regret of 20.
Decision-making is the process of identifying and choosing alter- natives based on the
values, preferences and beliefs of the decision-maker. It is required in all phases of life and
in all fields. Every single action that we make is the result of a decision. Moreover, decision-
making plays an important role in various fields of management. It is a significant tool for all
businesses as it helps make efficient decisions during planning thereby reducing risks.
Review Questions a. Maximin
c. Minimax Regret
Alternatives Profit if future demand is
2. Consider the following payoff table:
Low Medium High
Alternatives Future Conditions
X 10 50 70
Low Moderate High Very high
Y –10 44 120
A 100 100 100 100
Z 0 20 140
B 90 130 150 140
Which alternative would you choose based on:
C (-100) 150 300 160
Operations and Material Management
Learning Objectives
A manufacturing company produces 100 units of a product in 10 Total cost = 1000 + 2500 + 2000 + 10000 = 15500
hours shift. The resources consumed are as under:
Multifactor productivity = 100 / 15500 units per Rupee spent
Labour 10
Energy [email protected] KW
There are the many areas, on the identification of which results in the improvement of productivity. Few of the examples are:
The main objective of any organization is to sell competitive Competitiveness is affected by marketing in various ways such
products in the market. Competitiveness has an important role as pricing, promotion, advertising and identification of customer
in determining whether an organization would grow, barely get- wants.
by or would fail. Different business organizations compete on the
basis of a combination of key factors such as price, delivery time, 1. Identification of Consumer Wants or Needs: It plays a vital role
quality, differentiation points. in establishing competitiveness of business and plays a vital
role in the decision-making process. Every company strives
to achieve the perfect balance between customer needs and products and develop a special place in their minds.
company offerings.
Operations of a company are influenced by a host of co-related
2. Price and Quality: This is essential to comprehend the trade- parameters such as cost, quality, inventory, supply chain, product/
off decisions made by the consumers amongst quality and service, post-sales service, location and various others.
price as it plays a crucial role in the final purchase decision.
1. Product and Service Design: This is a key factor that
3. Promotions and Advertising: These are used by companies consumers consider while making a purchase decision is
to inform consumers about the features and benefits of their unique features and characteristics of a product or service. In
order to ensure the presence of such unique characteristics,
it is essential that the various departments of the firm work
together and establishes harmony between consumer wants,
financial capabilities, operations capability and supply chain
capacities. Innovation and time-to-market are two other
critical factors affecting consumer decision making.
Operations Strategic Senior Moderate to Broad Low Product design, choice of location,
long choice of technology, new facilities
Productivity encompasses the various parameters to measure the efficiency of an organization and plays a vital role in enhancing
production performance of the company as well as the nation. An increase in the national productivity ensures improvement in
the standard of living of the people and improves their purchasing power to afford important products and services including better
housing, good education, nutritious food and leisure, etc. Growth inproductivity assists business in enhancing their profitability.
4. Explain measures of improving productivity. 8. Why is mission statement important and what is its
contribution to the growth of any organization?
5. Explain various competition strategies.
9. List ten operational strategies that a bank requires to
6. If a plant produces 350 units in 700 man hours and
attract customers.
Operations and Material Management
Forecasting: Techniques
and Errors
Learning Objectives
2. Trend: a continuous increase or decrease in demand over demands of certain products are dependent on the demand for
Forecasting based on views of direct sales staff or customer • Failure to differentiate amid what consumers want to do and
service staff. what they would actually do
• Influenced by recent experience Drawbacks
• Salesmen have an advantage in providing low sales estimates • It is a time taking process.
• Expensive and time-consuming • It involves sharing of ideas by the experts. The ideas are ranked
by the experts and rankings are subject to mathematical
• Low response rate
4. Delphi
Techniques Based on Time Series
Delphi involves forecasting based on questionnaires to a group
of managers and experts. The questionnaires are modified, and 1. Naïve Forecast
responses sought till the consensus arrives.
The actual demand for any period is considered as a forecast of
succeeding period.
all given periods.”
Example 4.1
sum of demands for all time periods
Consider the following data, which is available for the past 6 SA =
Number of periods
periods for a manufacturing firm
Period Actual Demand D The major benefit that simple average extends is in the form of a
1 55 reduction in chances of being swayed by gross fluctuation which
2 37 may take place in a fixed period. The disadvantage is that in case,
3 62 the defined pattern changes over time, the simple average method
4 31 will not be able to find out this change.
5 33
Example 4.2
6 48
The forecast for period 7 on the basis of the naïve forecast would Period Actual Demand D
be 48 as it is the actual demand for the last period. 1 100
2 120
2. Simple Average 3 80
4 90
“A simple average is the average of demands/prices incurring in
5 110 Period Actual Demand D
6 70 1 50
2 60
The forecast for period 7 based on simple average will be 3 40
100 + 120 + 80 + 90 + 110 + 70 / 6 = 570 / 6 = 95 4 45
5 55
3. Simple Moving Average 6 50
sum of demands for periods The forecast for period 7 based on 3 periods simple moving
MA = average will be
the chosen number of periods
45 + 55 + 50 / 3
Example 4.3
= 150 / 3 = 50
4. Weighted Moving Average 0.3 × 70 + 0.2 × 110 + 0.5 × 90
= α Dt-1 + (1 − α) Ft-1
Example 4.6 ∑ t = 15
∑ y = 50
Consider the following data:
∑ ty = 176
Period t Actual Demand D
1 5 ∑ t2 = 55
2 8
3 9
n ∑ ty − ∑ t ∑ y
4 12 b=
5 16 n ∑ t2 – (∑ t)2
6 70
= 880 – 750 / 275 – 225 forecasted demand – actual demand
= 130 / 50 = 2.6 n
∑y – b ∑ t
a= forecast error
n BIAS =
= 50 – 39 / 5 = 11 / 5
(forecasted demand – actual demand)
= 2.2 =
So, D = a + bt D = 2.2 + 2.6 t
(actual demand – forecast)2
For t = 6, MSE =
D = 2.2 + 2.6 × 6
Sources of Forecast Errors
= 2.2 + 15.6 = 17.8
Example 4.7
Period Actual Forecast A−F RSFE ∑ Bias ∑ IA− FI MAD IA−FI TS RSFE /
Demand (A−F) (A−F) / n /n MAD
1 170 155 15 15 15 15 15 1
Since the value of TS exceeds 4 in period 5 and 6, the forecasting technique is no more suitable.
Summary Review Questions
Forecasting is the technique of giving estimates regarding the future 1. What are the mutual features shared by all types of forecasts?
based on analysis of past and present data along with analyzing
2. What is the relevance of forecasting in operations management?
various trends. With markets becoming highly competitive Forecasting
has found a wide range of applications in multiple fields which are 3. Differentiate between Delphi and nominal group.
highly competitive. Forecasting comes handy in various situations
4. What is forecasting error? What are the measures of forecasting
where analysis of future data is essential:
• Product Forecasting • Economic Forecasting 5. Explain the use of tracking signal in forecasting.
• Political Forecasting • Outcome Forecasting and 6. Forecast demand for April was recorded as 350 units, but actual
demand happened to be only 290. If the firm is using a single
• Credit Score Forecasting • Supply Chain Management
exponential smoothing technique, with α = 0.3, what would be the
• Weather Forecasting forecast for the month of May?
Case Study: Why does
Productivity Matter?
It is important to emphasize the significance of productivity for
an economy. There are declared as well as reported figures of
every nation in terms of GDP, income and Balance of Payments.
They may give a different opinion; sometimes good, sometimes
negative, but they cannot be always taken into consideration. Do
these key economic indicators affect anyone?
Location Selection
Learning Objectives
Location planning is one of the strategic decisions, which an Factors Affecting Location
operations manager makes. Deciding location is important
because this decision is very difficult to reverse. The main factors Following is a list of factors that affect decisions related to territory
that affect location decisions are geographic factors, regional and site selection. The territory is the broad geographical area
factors, different group considerations and site-related factors. whereas site is a specific piece of land in a given geographical
Group factors are related to the community that consists of area.
quality of life, services and perceptions, various types of taxes,
environmental regulations and development support system.
• Dispersal of industry
Some decisions are based on subjective factors. These factors are discussed below:
Factor Point Rating • Factor points are allocated to each site for each factor.
• The factors affecting location are identified. • The total points are determined.
• A common scale is established for comparison. • Site with the highest total is selected.
Example 6.1
F3 Attitude of a community −6 −3 0 3 6
S1 S2 S3 S4
F1 Adequate 0 Fair −12 Good 6 Adequate 0
F2 Adequate 0 Poor −3 Excellent 3 Fair 1
F3 Adequate 0 Adequate 0 Adequate 0 Adequate 0
Rating of sites 0 −15 9 −1
Site S 3 is selected as it has the maximum total rating. Variable Weight Method
Example 6.3
Example 6.2
Maximum points S1 S2 S3 S4
S1 S2 S3 S4
F1 300 200 250 250 50
F1 2 5 9 2
F2 100 50 70 80 100
F2 3 3 8 3
F3 150 5 50 10 40
F3 6 2 7 3
Rating of
Rating of sites 11 10 24 8 255 370 340 190
The fixed and variable costs for various plants of a manufacturing company are shown below:
Karnataka 1, 25,000 6
Kerala 50,000 12
Sale price 20
Whether it be the government or businesses, site selection involves carrying out of new location facilities and is in extensive use
now-a-days. Post completion of internal site selection procedures, the Indian government needs development of new facilities.
Though the practice is not widespread, most of the state governments and their agencies have published their personalized site
selection guides. Services of independent advisors or in-house staff can be employed for the purpose by the businesses as well
as the government. Most of the big corporations take services of internal site selection teams for ongoing new facility needs.
Review Questions
4. Which method, according to you, is the best method facilitating decision making for location in a business?
Operations and Material Management
Layout Planning
Learning Objectives
• Highest equipment utilization The different types of layout are product layout, process layout,
hybrid layout, cellular layouts and fixed position layout. Indeed, all
types of process layout are important for an organization. • Work centers in sequence of operations
Figure 7.1 shows raw material delivered to Station 1 for storage, which is then delivered to Station 2 for storage. It is further delivered to
Station 3 for storage and then, finally to Station 4 where the finished product is produced.
Process Layout
Non-standardized products are which the organization produces without standard specifications.
Selecting Process Layout is acquired, and layout is formed. The following information is
required for process layout.
The process layout selection is a process in which the information
Comparison between Product and Process Layout
The comparison between product and process layout can be understood with the help of the flowchart given below:
• Operational Inefficiency
However, only taking the right decisions for the formation of a lay- Minimum discomfort
out does not make it a good one. There are many other factors, Maximum visibility
which affect a layout. The other criteria that make a good layout Inherent safety
are discussed below.
Efficient process flow
Layout planning is planning on the most efficient physical arrangement of resources consuming
space in a facility. Layout planning is a critical part of overall organizational planning as it
helps enhance the effectiveness of production process and meeting the employee needs. The
importance of a layout would be better appreciated if one understands the influence of an
efficient layout on the manufacturing function as it makes it smooth and efficient.
Review Questions
1. What are the objectives of plant layout?
2. Explain the layout that will be suitable for an FMCG product (Chips) manufacturing plant.
Capacity Planning
Learning Objectives
The quantity that a plant can produce at a specified time is called its capacity. The two most important functions of capacity planning are
selection capacity and effective capacity.
These two functions of capacity can be used to find the efficiency Example of Selection
and utilization. The formulae for calculating these are given
below: With the following information, calculate the efficiency and
Actual Output utilization of vehicle maintenance department:
Efficiency = × 100%
Effective Capacity
Actual Output
Utilization = × 100%
Design Capacity
In the above example, the actual output of 36 units per day • Using redundant equipment
looks efficient in comparison with the effective capacity of 40
units per day. But when actual output of 36 units is compared It is necessary to understand what factors are constraining
with the selection capacity of 50 units per day, it might look less effective capacity to improve the effective capacity as
impressive but is more meaningful. maximization of utilization depends on it.
The real key to improve capacity utilization, with effective capacity The purpose of studying about capacity is fruitful, only when the
acting as a ceiling on actual output, is through: capacity of utilization is clear to you. So, first, let us know what
capacity utilization is.
• Maintaining equipment in good condition
• Training eEmployees
Capacity Utilization (CU)
• Correction of quality problems As the name suggests, capacity utilization is the degree to which
resources are being used. The formula used to find the capacity
utilization is given below: Factors Affecting Capacity Planning
Average Output Rate Decision
Capacity Utilization = × 100%
Maximum Capacity
The factors that affect capacity planning decisions are as follows:
Capacity Planning
1. Product/service market demand
As an Operations Manager, itIt is important for you to know that 2. Capital to be invested
an operation may have different levels of capacity. However, when 3. Desired levels of automation
an operation has the lowest capacity, it’s worth analyzing. When
4. Level of integration (i.e., vertical integration)
an operation has the lowest capacity, it is called a bottleneck
operation. An operation that has the lowest capacity of any 5. Type of technology selected
sequence of operations or the operation that takes the maximum 6. Dynamic nature of all factors affecting the
time in a facility and limits the system’s output is called bottleneck determination of plant capacity, such as changes in
operation. To consider that an operation has the highest and the product selection, process technology, market
conditions and product life cycle, etc.
efficient capacity, it is important to fulfill the necessary steps in
the process of capacity planning. Let us quickly study the steps
in capacity planning. Capacity Planning Classification
Long-Term Capacity Sstrategic capacity planning with a time frame of two to three
years is covered under medium-term capacity planning.
Production capacity, sustainable capacity, and effective capacity
determine the long-term capacity of an organization: Short-Term Capacity
• Selection Capacity: It defines the maximum possible Strategic capacity planning with a short time frame such as hours,
output under ideal working conditions as described by the days or weeks falls under the purview of short-term capacity planning.
manufacturer of the equipment.
Steps in Capacity Planning
• Production Capacity: It defines the maximum possible output
output from the equipment in a day under normal working The steps in capacity planning are listed below:
1. Selection of a suitable process owner for capacity planning:
• Sustainable Capacity: It ddefines the maximum possible
Selection of an adequately suitable individual is the initial
output achievable in realistic work conditions after making
step towards the development
provision for normal hiccups.
of a strong capacity planning
• Effective Capacity: It defines the optimal output levels under process. This person would
pre-defined work-schedules and making provisions for act as the process and owner
machinery breakdown, maintenance schedules, etc. and would be responsible for
3. Measure the utilization or performance of the resources:
Performance of resources which have been previously
selection, implementation, and maintenance of the process. identified would now be measured. Two important bits of
His powers also include carrying out negotiations with information are derived from this information:
developers and relevant support groups.
The Complexity
Capacity planning involves planning for the To conclude, capacity planning must ensure that:
optimum quantity at optimal time as per business
requirements for lower is the capacity, poorer • All functions can be perfectly performed
would be the response time and severe would be by infrastructure components and can be
Review Questions
1. Define capacity. How can you measure the capacity? Give formula also.
Process Selection
Learning Objectives
The characteristics of different types of processes are mentioned below on the basis of different parameters. Consider the chart given
Table 9.1 Characteristics of Different Types of Processes
While studying the process of selection, having an idea about the terms process re-engineering and process
improvement is quite important.
Process Re-engineering and Process Improvement
Operations management can be described as tactical Process selection encompasses tactical choice of work
overlooking of production methods and human resources processes to be included in the production process.
to ensure maximization of output, minimization of errors Process selection and facility layout form a critical part
and continuous enhancement in product quality. of operations management.
Facility layout covers the aspects as to how organizations A thorough understanding of each of them, as well as
work equipment such as machinery, workstations, their inter-relation, helps ensure improved efficiency of
machinery, etc. and human resources are positioned at production processes.
Review Questions
1. What do you mean by process selection?
Case Studies
The restaurant business is a kind of business where the inventory where it will not perish? One option is that some dishes are partially
and capacity have its own role. They are able to cater to different cooked and kept ready for use. The other option is to get frozen
varieties of customers with varied demands. Do these restaurants food from other suppliers and serve the dishes according to the
have big stocking area to store perishable goods and keep them requirements. The big giants like Oberoi, Taj and KFC food chains
fresh and hygienic? The business needs prompt service with are some of the followers. They need to take care of the ordering,
minimum preparation time. Are the chefs quick enough to do it? handling and other cost and maintain equilibrium in pricing.
Do they prepare these stuff beforehand and store it in a condition
Review Questions
1. What advantages of outsourcing in a restaurant?
Product and Service
Learning Objectives
A product lifecycle encompasses various stages in a product or service’s life. It explains various stages that a product goes through from
the initial introduction in the market till it completely disappears from the market. Understanding the stage of a product in its life cycle is
vital for a manager to make rational decisions, as each stage requires a unique and specific strategy.
The product life cycle comprises of four stages that are discussed below:
1. Product Introduction/Development Stage 3. Product Maturity and Saturation Stage
It is the first stage of the product lifecycle. It includes idea At this stage, the product attains full market potential, and
generation, new product designing, re-engineering and the entire the business becomes highly profitable. It is observed that
manufacturing process. In this stage, the product is given a growth slows down in the middle phases of this stage and new
name and a complete brand identity that differentiates it from competitors enter to control the market. Many businesses focus
competitors. on marketing activities and lose huge amounts of money in this
stage since they lose loyal customers to their competitors.
2. Product Growth Stage
4. Product Decline Stage
In this stage, rapid growth in sales and revenue is observed.
Growth is attained when number of consumers appreciate the The product decline stage is the last stage of the product lifecycle.
worth and advantages offered by a product. It takes several years This phase occurs when companies do not take necessary
to attain growth. Sometimes, the product might even vanish from preventive measures in the late-maturity stage. Once this phase
the market without a rise in its demand. Therefore, it becomes is reached, the product would never recover again or grow and
essential to establish demand at the introductory stages with would slowly be obsolete. Sometimes, the decline of a product
good marketing plans. is inevitable, especially in consumer technology goods. In such
industries, the companies need to be very responsive and prompt
in foreseeing changes or shifts. Staying relevant, launching
innovative products and being at the forefront of change is more
important for the leaders than smaller players as they have made reliability through immediate failure rates vs. time from inception
much bigger investments. CD player makers have continued to till the end, which shall be observed if waiting period is long and
launch innovative products like Blue Ray players and UHD players a record for given a set of items.
to stay relevant, but more and more people watch movies on their
phones and tablets. TV industry is in the maturity stage and
innovations like curved TV do not see huge adoption.
Product Reliability
Initial Failure
How to Measure Product Reliability
This is the first period, which is depicted by flatting out of the
Figure 11.2 uses ‘The Bathtub Curve’ to demonstrate the product
slope of the curve on the left side. It marks decreasing failure rate
in the first period. It shows that during early stages of in a product like standardization, mass customization, robust or modular
or service’s life it is more likely to fail against well-established design, delayed differentiation, etc., while keeping in mind the
products and services. characteristics discussed in the curve.
The second period of the graph is used to depict the ‘useful life’ of Standardization is one of the important strategies for an
a product through the flat bottom curve which shows the random organization, which helps in creating products. It is so because
occurrence of products and services over a period. Here, it is a the manufacturers are not available with many options to make
little hard to predict which failure mode will occur, though the them unique and lowering the price. Standardization offers many
chances of failure remain predictable. significant advantages along with a few disadvantages.
Wearout Failure
• Market test: A market test is used to gauge customer between them. So, it becomes quite essential for operations
preferences and get the required feedback. Once the feedback managers to understand the differences between them and then
is received, the product is resent to design review phase where deal with the issues related to products and services separately.
another session of brainstorming starts. Following are the certain differences between a product and a
• Product introduction: Marketing department introduces the
product into the market and conducts necessary promotion
1. Services are intangible and focus on factors such as
ambiance and experience whereas products are tangible
• Follow-up evaluation: On the basis of feedback received from and focus on factor such as packaging and appearance of
customers, necessary changes are made and forecasts are the product.
2. Services are generally created and delivered simultaneously
for, e.g., a car wash, a haircut, etc. Whereas in case of
products prior planning and inventory management are
required to ensure timely delivery to the consumers. those with little or no customer contact to those that have a
3. It is not possible to prepare an inventory of services. As a very high degree of customer contact e.g., Insulated technical
result, the flexibility and capacity are restricted whereas in core, Little customer contact (software development),
case of products a proper inventory can be easily managed. Personalized service (haircut, medical service), Consumer
participation (diet programs, dance classes), self-service
4. Services should be developed with a consideration that they
(supermarkets). If there is no customer contact than service
are highly visible to the customers, which adds an additional
design is almost similar to product design.
dimension to the design process, which is generally not the
case with the product design. 8. Variability in demand can lead to extreme situations, either
waiting for lines or idle resources. If variability in demand
5. As services have low entry and exit barriers which required
is a critical factor, process designers can take either of the
innovation and cost-effectiveness for the service design to
following approaches:
retain competitive advantage.
• Cost and Efficiency (it is basically a product design
6. Choice of location is highly relevant to service design
and Service design and Location are intricately related to
ensuring convenience for the customers. • Customer Service (it is basically a service design
7. Product designs do not have significant customer contact
whereas in case of service design there is little to the very Designers try to limit customer participation during process
high degree of customer contact. Service systems range from designing as it can lead to unpredictability in demand process.
Summary Costs Review Questions
Product and service design are the most • Development of Samples 1. What are the various
important factors to be considered phases of the life cycle of a
• Formulation of Product Specification
during the introduction of a new product?
product or service. It is imperative to As the designing process has a
2. Explain the necessity of R&D
satisfy basic principles to accomplish a critical impact on an organization
(research and development).
successful design, which includes: it is necessary that it is in line with
List its components.
organizational strategy and goals
• Identification of Needs and Wants of
(long term and short term). There are 3. Explain the term product
multiple levels in the designing process reliability through an
• Refining existing Products and illustration.
• Motivation 4. Differentiate between
• Development of new Products and
standardization and
Services • Improvement Scope
• Establish Quality Parameters • Organizational Capabilities
5. What is mass
• Manage Production and Delivery • Forecasting customization?
Operations and Material Management
Aggregate Planning
Learning Objectives
The figure 12.1 shows the relationship between the cumulative Chase Plan: Under this plan monthly demand is expected to be
demand and cumulative days. It shows the level output planning met by the management of monthly output. In order to match
changes with respect to change in cumulative demand and the capacity with demand, the planned output is set at expected
cumulative days. demand levels for a specific period.
Figure 12.2 Level of chase planning
The figure 12.2 shows the relationship between cumulative changing output rates only as and when required, instead of
demand and cumulative days for chase planning. changing the output rate every month.
Intermediate Plan: This type of aggregate planning focuses Business Plan: A business plan involves analyzing data related to
the profit of a business. It considers forecast sale, product costs in the long run.
and labor costs. A business plan helps a business to be profitable
Factors Affecting Aggregate Planning with short-term production success and as such is a crucial
operational activity for an organization.
Aggregate planning aims to balance long-term strategic planning
Aggregate planning ensures that organizational goals and
objectives can be fulfilled with the management of workforce
levels, production rates and inventory levels.
Aggregate planning is a medium-term planning process for production capacity and spans over a maximum
period of twelve months with an objective to keep the costs of operations low. Organizations do aggregate
planning to make decisions on their capacity because the demands for seasonal variations are difficult to
forecast precisely. The primary objective of the organizations is to complete utilization of available resources to
meet the expected demand. This objective can be accomplished by considering the factors such as employment
levels, inventory levels, decisions on output rates, overtime, back orders and subcontracting work.
Review Questions
3. What is aggregation?
Operations in Service
Learning Objectives
established as it is produced right at the time of consumption. A service cannot be generated earlier and stored, it must be
Some examples of services include postal service, beauty salon, produced right at the time of consumption. For instance, a
barber delivering a haircut and a consumer getting one, all is satisfaction and continuous improvement in the services
done at the same time. provided. Service quality is important because the chance of a
In order to complete the service process, it is necessary to customer being dissatisfied is more with services compared to
consider and accomplish some requirements which will establish production. The criteria on the basis of which customer evaluate
the provision of a service to a consumer. Based on the client’s service quality are the reliability of the service, credibility,
expectations and specifications, an assessment is done to competence, assured guarantee and safe to use. Services can
deliver service in a desired manner defining the quality of service. broadly be classified into different types.
Types of Services
As the Operations Manager of an organization in the service their core promises regarding the service attributes and their
sector, one would often have to measure the measures of quality out-comes.
of services. • Responsiveness: This dimension of a service quality
emphasizes on promptness and attentiveness while dealing
Service quality has five dimensions: tangibility, reliability,
with requests, complaints, questions or problems specified by
responsiveness, assurance and empathy.
the customer. Customers judge responsiveness on the basis
of time taken to answer questions or resolution of problems.
Service Dimensions
• Assurance: It is defined as the ability of the service provider or
• Tangibility: As services are intangible, in order to measure the their employees to infuse confidence and trust in the consumer
service quality, consumers compare the quality of the tangibles through prompt service, knowledge of the work and courtesy.
associated with them. Such as appearance of the personnel, This parameter comes in handy especially when the service
equipment used for the service and communication material involved is expensive or carries high risk.
shared. • Empathy: It involves providing personalized attention to the
• Reliability: Reliability implies that the service provider can customer because it infuses trust and confidence in consumer
deliver on the promises they make, whether it be about the time and helps foster loyalty. In many countries, it is considered
or quality or cost, it is necessary to walk the talk. Customers necessary to show individual attention to a customer to show
want to avail services of only such providers who can keep that they hold extreme value to the customers.
Importance of Service Quality customers. In the service industry, quality of service is established
by how well the customer expectations are met with the delivery of
In order to deliver superior service quality, it is necessary for the service.
service provider to first understand what does quality mean to their
One of the major challenges faced by hospitality industry is an organization is perceived by the customers and determines its
delivery of high quality services as it is a vital necessity for success chances of success in the highly competitive industries.
in highly competitive international hospitality markets. Quality is
a dynamic state associated with services, products, people and Service quality in terms of customers can be explained as the
environment which meets or exceeds expectations. It is very difference between what the customer expected and what was
essential to achieve customer satisfaction. Quality defines how delivered to them. The only way to ensure good service quality
is exceeding the customer expectations. When, where and how Gap Analysis Model
the service is delivered also has a bearing on the service quality
perceived by the customer. Gap analysis model attempts to identify the aspects of service
quality and the areas where service quality can be hampered. The
There are two models that make the process of operations in gap analysis model presents 5 gaps that affect and reduce the
the service sector possible thereby giving great results. These perceived quality of service.
models are termed as ‘GAP Analysis’ and ‘The Augmented Service
Gap 1: Between the customer’s expectation and management’s
Offering model.’
GAP analysis is based on the evaluation of real performance with Gap 2: Between management’s perception and service quality
anticipated performance. A company will fall behind its potential specifications.
in case it fails to make optimum use of resources or overlooks Gap 3: Between the specified quality of service and deliverable
investment in capital or technology. This concept is very similar services.
to the situation where an economy’s level of productivity is under Gap 4: Between delivery of service and external communication
the possible production levels. to customers.
Gap 5: Between estimated service based on expectations and
Therefore, while studying the importance of operations in the
service. based on various perceptions.
service sector, it is essential to appreciate the concept of GAP
1. Accessibility
Service providers that produce goods can adopt either a make-to-order approach
Just like benchmarking, a GAP analysis can
(in which products are made to customer satisfaction) or make-to-stock approach
be used to compare processes performed at
other places. For the analysis, each process is (in which products are made for inventory) for manufacturing them.
Inventory Control
Learning Objectives
the inventory levels. Generally, Inventory implies stock of finished finished goods are obtained. It is necessary for companies to
products only, but in certain cases, it may also include raw have adequate stock of finished goods to cater to the market
Risk and Costs of Holding Inventors • Capital Costs: To maintain adequate inventory levels, it is
necessary for the firm to invest a significant portion of their
The holding of inventories involves blocking of a firm’s funds and financial resources. This can lead to cash crunch for daily
incurrence of capital and other costs and exposure to certain operations, and the firm must resort to arrange for additional
risks. Different costs and risks involved in holding inventories funds, either from own sources or from external sources.
have been mentioned below: • Cost of Ordering: Every time an order is placed with the
suppliers, a certain cost is involved, it could be in the form
of paper-work or communication with the supplier. It is a periods can result in deterioration in the quality of inventories.
necessary cost of maintaining inventory levels. Total annual
cost of ordering can be obtained by cost per order multiplied Objectives of Inventory Management
with a number of orders placed.
Following are the major objectives of inventory management:
• Cost of Stock-outs: Stock-out is a situation which occurs
when the firm does not have enough inventory for a product, • Ensure smooth flow of goods into the market, so that customer
but there is a demand for it from the customers. There is a requirements are met and there is no loss of sales.
significant cost of stock-outs because it results in loss of
• Control of inventory levels and short-term and long-term
orders or loss of customers.
• Risk of Price Decline: In uncertain market situations there
• Perpetual inventory control to ensure that material is reflected
is an inherent risk of reduction in prices of inventories. This
in the stock registers tally with the actual material present in
reduction may be due to market conditions, stiff competition
the stores.
or increased supplies in the market.
• Avoid overstocking and stock-out costs.
• Risk of Obsolescence: There are certain risks involved in case
of technology related items such as obsolescence due to • Minimize losses through wastage, pilferage and damages.
technological changes, changes in consumer tastes, etc. • Ensure optimum investment in inventories as per sales and
• Risk of deterioration in Quality: Storing materials for longer operational activities
• To keep control material cost so that overall reduction in costs
of production can be achieved.
Example 14.1
Inventory control is an 1. Define inventory. What are the objectives of b. If the EOQ has to be reduced to 200, how
important aspect of the growth inventory? much the ordering cost per order has to be
of the company as it ensures reduced?
2. What are the characteristics of inventory?
smooth functioning of company
8. An online boutique store sells 1,000 branded
3. Inventory is a necessary evil. Comment.
operations. Inventory control is
kurtas and pants per month and maintains the
necessary to ensure that the 4. What are the pros and cons of holding
inventory turnover rate at 15 per year. Once a
stocks of all the products are inventory?
customer places an order, the shopped Kurta/
maintained at optimum levels.
5. What are the few factors that affect the process Pants will be shipped directly from a warehouse
In operations management, to customer. Each warehouse worker can ship
of inventory control?
logistics and supply chain 2 Kurtas/Pants per hour and works 8 hours /
6. What is economic order quantity?
management, software day, 250days / year.
programmes are necessary 7. Following is data for an inventory item.
a) What is the average time a Kurta / Pants
for inventory management.
Monthly demand: 1,000 units
spends at the warehouse?
Inventory control also helps Ordering cost: Rs. 4,000 per order
in reduction of overall costs Cost of unit: Rs. 500 b) How many workers are required for
without hurting sales. Holding cost: 20% shipping?
Operations and Material Management
Case Studies
1. Azibuck is a manufacturing firm that uses approximately
4,500 pounds of the colouring material in a year. Presently,
the firm purchases 250 pounds per order and pays $2 per
pound. The supplier has just announced that orders of 1,200
pounds or more will be filled at a price of $2 per pound.
The manufacturing firm incurs a cost of $100 each time it
submits an order and assigns an annual holding cost of 17
percent of the purchase price per pound.
K36 30 700
M10 100 20
M20 10 1,020
Z45 80 140
F14 1,500 10
F95 300 20
F65 4,800 5
Operations and Material Management
Supply Chain Management
Learning Objectives
It is the primary objective of supply chain management to control The elements of a supply chain are a supplier, manufacturer,
the total cost of the supply chain to meet given demands. This distributor, retailer and customer. The flow of goods in a
total cost may be comprised of a number of terms including: supply chain occurs when a manufacturer sells his goods to
the distributors who further sell the goods to the retailers and
• Raw material and other acquisition costs customers. The distributor distributes the goods to various
• In-bound transportation costs retailers. Retailers directly connect with customers and provide
the goods to them for a cost. The flow of information and the flow
• Facility investment costs
of funds occur inversely from the customer to the supplier.
• Direct and indirect manufacturing costs
In the process of the supply chain, the purchasing cycle plays an The Purchasing Cycle
important role. It involves the purchase of raw materials for an
organization. The purchasing cycle starts with a request from within the
organization to purchase material, machines, equipment,
suppliers or other items from outside the organization and the
cycle ends when the purchasing department is notified that a shipment has been received in satisfactory condition.
1. Receiving the requisition: The requisition includes the goods at minimum costs. In case no existing supplier meets
following: the criteria, it is advisable to look out for new ones. Vendor
• A description of the item or material required ratings may be referred with respect to selecting vendors or
perhaps rating information can be relayed to the vendor for
• The quantity and quality needed
upgrading future performance.
• The desired delivery schedules
3. Placing the order: If the order value is high, like in case of
• The team/department(name) requesting the purchase capital equipment, vendors may be asked to join a bidding
2. Selecting a supplier: It is the duty of purchase department process in which personnel from operations and designs
to shortlist those suppliers who can supply the required will also join in for the negotiation process.
• Large Volume items which are required on a continuous guidelines to suppliers to give them enough time to manage
basis shall be procured through blanket purchase their schedules.
orders, which involves annual negotiations of prices and 5. Receiving orders: Team responsible for receipt of orders
deliveries scheduled throughout the year periodically. should thoroughly check incoming shipments regarding
• Moderate Volume items can either be covered through quality and quantity. If the goods received are in order,
blanket purchase orders or small orders on an individual proper notification should be sent to purchase, accounts
basis, as suitable to the enterprise. and operations department. In case the goods are not as
• Small Volume items are handled directly between the per specifications they shall be returned to the suppliers.
unit requiring it and the supplier. But there should be However, the elements in a supply chain and the purchase cycle
some controlling mechanism in place to avoid any are all possible due to a common aspect of managing them
unnecessary purchases. smoothly. Logistics is such an aspect of the supply chain that
4. Monitoring orders: It is necessary to ensure regular follow- manages the flow of materials in a production area and layout.
Coordination of movement of materials must take place to • The need of organization relative to the quantity to be
arrive at the appropriate destinations in desired or required shipped and time to market targets
times. Care must be taken to ensure that the items are not • Potential shipping delays/disruptions
lost, stolen or damaged during transportation.
Evaluating Shipping Alternatives • Use in manufacturing
• Electronic transfer of funds done by departments • Storage Space Utilization: It refers to the average amount
of storage capacity used over a period of time. It helps the
• Improved control of operations
managers with an assessment of the fact, if there is any
• Reduced non-skilled labour need to change the layout of the storage area and identify
• Increased accuracy obsolete products that should be junked.
• Order Fill Rate: Describes the orders that can be filled on the
Problems in Just in Time Deliveries basis of inventory at hand in terms of percentage. It helps
in determining the balance of the inventory and forecasting
Just in time or JIT is a methodology aimed primarily at reducing
the sales figures that could be achieved with the present
flow times within production system as well as response times
from suppliers and to customers.
• On Time Delivery/Shipments: On time delivery and on time
• Frequent deliveries of small shipments shipments are very important for every business as they
• Increased traffic ensure that the material is being received on time and are
being delivered as per schedule.
• Increase in transportation cost
• Perfect order metric: It is a higher-level performance Customer Preferences
measure that is formed by a combination of performance
By now we already know that global supply chains are very complex.
markers and is essential to this list.
This includes product characteristics that are rapidly changing,
Challenges in Supply Chain Management where the challenge is even more. As soon as a new product is
announced, customers start pressing the companies to up the
The challenges in supply chain management are as follows: ante and come up with the next big thing. This is where innovation
comes into the picture as it helps the companies retain competitive
Globalization advantage. But it also poses a serious challenge because, in order
One of the greatest difficulties in the supply chain is the manner to improve upon a product, companies need to redesign their supply
by which to limit the cost of inventory network. To fulfill the network and fulfill market demand in a customer friendly way.
expectations of customers, firms have restored their assembling
to minimal effort countries over the globe in order to diminish the
Market Growth
immediate and backhanded expenses and to cut duties. However, The ever-going pursuit to acquire new customers poses a serious
having worldwide providers contributes altogether to the many- challenge to the supply chain. It is important to keep the cost of
sided quality that originates from extended delivery lead times. development of a product low, so the companies look to expand
Customers not only want low priced goods, but they also want that into new markets to grow their market share and expand their
those goods are delivered on time. revenue. Nowadays, companies all around the world are expected
to expand their network in the home as well as overseas market.
Importance of product design has assumed great importance in present times due to globalization and
ease of access to alternative products. As a result, the markets are limited, but the expansion plans of
companies are on the rise. In such a situation pricing decisions takes a back seat and product design
plays the role of a differentiator by adding attractive features to push the demand further.
Review Questions
2. What is logistics?
Learning Objectives
the defective part is below the specified limit, the lot is accepted quality specifications. The method of sampling involves certain
otherwise rejected. aspects which make the process of inspecting easy and effective.
2. In process
In a production process, products are inspected at three stages:
3. Finished product
The purpose of inspecting raw materials before production is
to make sure that inputs are of acceptable quality. The reason
for inspection during production is to check if the process of
converting inputs to outputs conforms to the estimations made
earlier. The purpose of inspecting conformance of finished
product is to make a final verification of product quality before
delivering products to customers.
Importance of Sample Inspection • As all units of a lot are to be checked before dispatch, the
quality inspectors can be fatigued by the repetitive work
The importance of sample inspection can be understood by the and might end up passing some defective pieces, but with
following points. sample selection, those errors could be identified as there is a
thorough inspection.
• It involves inspection of lesser quantity to derive at a decision
• As only a few samples are checked, there is no harm caused
about the quality of a product.
to rest of the units of the lot.
• In a few cases, checking the quality of the product involves 1. Raw materials
destroying the product during tests or in case of certain 2. In the processing of products
products chemical analysis is required, it is not possible to
3. Finished products
employ 100% inspection.
4. Spares and consumables
Sample Size and Frequency of Inspection
Self-inspection and a Quality Function
It depends on the inspection cost and the cost of any flaws
processed further. The sample size is an important feature of The following factors come under Self-inspection:
any empirical study in which the goal is to make inferences about Decisions are faster
a population from a sample. In practice, the sample size used in a
• Workers are responsible for producing a quality product
study is determined based on the expense of data collection and
the need to have sufficient statistical power. • Lower cost
In manufacturing, inspection is usually carried out at the following • More systematic inspection
stages: • Better quality and fewer defects
• Since only a sample is being inspected, all the remaining units • Destructive testing is involved.
of the lot are untouched and are not affected in any way.
While studying acceptance sampling, it is also important to study
• Rejection of a complete lot based on a sample creates positive about sampling plan.
pressure for betterment in quality and control processes.
Sampling Plan
Acceptance Sampling
A sampling plan is the basis of sampling inspection. Sampling
Acceptance sampling is a form of inspection which involves the
plans specify the lot size (N), the sample size (n), and the
acceptance/rejection criteria. e.g., If there are 1 lakh customers, it is
not possible to conduct an interview with 1 lakh customers. Instead, Summary
it will be required to take a sample population of 1000 customers i.e. An inspection is, most generally, an organized examination or
1% of your total population. This sample gives primary data and this formal evaluation exercise. It is applicable in various fields,
is assumed to suit 99% of the customers. Naturally, the 1% of the such as the process of manufacturing, business, government
people interviewed need to be important to the company. Hence, the administration, road vehicles, engineering and mechanics,
need for a sampling plan arises. medical sciences, military, railroad, real estate, software
engineering and so on.
Acceptable Quality Level (AQL)
Review Questions
AQL defines the difference between a good and a bad lot. An AQL of 2%
1. Explain the stages in production where inspection is required.
means that the probability of a lot, with more than 2% defectives is being
accepted and a lot with up to 2% defectives getting rejected is very low. 2. Explain the process of sample inspection?
Statistical Quality Control
Learning Objectives
All SQC tools are really helpful in evaluating the service quality and Quality Control is a significant tool for every company, comprising
it uses diverse tools for analysis of the quality problem. of the following parameters:
• Receiving Materials
• Rejecting Materials
• Customers either directly or indirectly, to buyer requirements and gratification,
Control Charts two groups, Variables, and Attributes. Control chart for variables
monitors measurable characteristics with a continuum of values
Statistical Process Control commonly makes use of control charts, such as weight, height or volume, etc.
to measure any characteristic of a product such as weigh of a
packet of chips, number of cigarettes in a pack. The characteristics A control chart is a graphical technique that records process variation
that can be measured using control charts can be divided into and gives a signal when the variation exceeds natural limits.
The General Layout of a Control Chart Control Chart for Attributes
Using statistical methods for monitoring and controlling a process, Statistical Process Control (SPC) is an efficient method for
quality control. It lowers wastage percentage by ensuring efficient operation of a process and more specification compliant
products being manufactured. SPC can be applied to any process where specification compliant products can be measured. SPC
makes use of certain tools such as control charts, run charts, focus on improvement and design of experiments.
Review Questions
5. Explain the method of determining control limits for p-chart and c-chart.
Operations and Material Management
Learning Objectives
• Effective maintenance can improve profits and decrease cost. • Adverse impact on product quality
• Efficient maintenance adds value through better utilization of • Safety threats for workers
Types of Maintenance
• Maintenance should be considered as an organizational
function that functions in parallel with production. The different types of maintenance are as follows:
• Maintenance significantly affects multiple aspects of
production costs. • Breakdown Maintenance
It is the repair of equipment in the event of a failure while in It is the periodic check of the equipment as per a predetermined
operation. schedule. The preventive maintenance reduces the chances of
failures of equipment in the plant.
• Preventive Maintenance
Maintenance is a system of maintaining and improving the integrity of production and quality systems through
the machines, equipment, processes and employees that add business value to an organization. It focuses on
keeping all equipment in top working condition to avoid breakdowns and delays in manufacturing processes.
It is an important factor that is required in several fields, such as maintenance of an organism, aircraft
maintenance, car maintenance, railroad track maintenance, software maintenance and property maintenance.
Review Questions
Case Study
William E. Mitchell, President and CEO of Arrow Electronics offered find out the scope for improvement.
10 guidelines regarding the reduction of product quality issues
5. Sourcing should only be done from companies willing to
and associated risks in an offshore supply chain. Although the
provide a written guarantee for their products.
guidelines were aimed at electronics suppliers, they did offer a
great beginning point for a lot of companies striving for reduction 6. To avoid the risk of counterfeit products caution should
of risk and probable quality problems. be exercised while buying from companies not having
Alpha Chemicals is in the business of manufacturing welding Mr. Rohit Pant, the quality manager, was assigned the task of
accessories since 1992. The company is quite cautious about the meeting the customer and resolving the issue. During the meeting,
quality of its products and views any quality problem very seriously. the client’s management informed Mr. Rohit of the high variation
in the weight of units. This variation was causing a lot of trouble in
In August 2015, a major client of alpha chemicals called the production at the client’s plant. Mr. Rohit assured to look into the
representative of the company for discussing a serious quality matter and get back soon with the solution. As a first step, the data
issue. The client was a major client for welding electrodes of weights of products for the last 15 days i.e., from 1st July to 15th
manufactured by the company. The electrodes apart from physical July, was compiled as follows:
Date Weight
1 2 3 4 5
1 2.4 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.2
2 2.3 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.1
3 2.1 2.3 2.1 2.3 2.4
4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.4 2.4
5 2.4 2.5 2.3 2.2 2.4
6 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.2 2.5
7 2.3 2.1 2.4 2.5 2.2
8 2.4 2.3 2.4 2.3 2.3
9 2.4 2.4 2.2 2.1 2.5
10 2.1 2.2 2.5 2.3 2.3
11 2.5 2.4 2.1 2.2 2.1
12 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.4 2.2
13 2.1 2.1 2.3 2.4 2.4
14 2.3 2.3 2.5 2.3 2.5
15 2.3 2.4 2.2 2.2 2.1
Review Questions
Materials Management
Learning Objectives
• External suppliers provide materials better, cheaper and more It is necessary that supplies are obtained from the vendor after
efficiently because of their expertise and economy of scale. deep evaluation and recognizing their overall capabilities. There
are two different scenarios in front of a buyer.
• Expertise and knowledge of vendor becomes available to the
1. The performance of the vendor has to be evaluated before
• Production of the part may be restricted by a patent. the delivery. This concept is known as vendor evaluation.
• Outsourcing offers added flexibility. 2. The performance should be evaluated after the delivery of
the products. This is known as vendor rating.
• The organization can focus on the core activity.
Risks in Outsourcing
Firm undertakes to improve a Supplier’s performance and • Rendering necessary technical assistance
capabilities to meet the Buying Firms’ supply needs.
• Providing quality data in lieu of incoming inspection
The main features of vendor management are mentioned below: • Reviewing vendor’s performance periodically and providing
• Communication of essential and helpful information like
design, specifications, standards, practices, etc.
Materials management involves planning and designing for delivery, distribution, storage, collection and
removal of materials and services. It is usually an additional service that is offered as part of a campus
planning process or a building design project. It is highly useful for educational, healthcare and corporate
environments. Materials management takes care of the planning and designing considerations required
to support effective delivery and movement of goods and services that support occupant activity.
Review Questions
Management of Projects
Learning Objectives
Consider the following activities: Do you see anything common in all these activities? Do you see
anything common in first set and second set of activities?
• An underpass is constructed in a city.
You can observe that although these activities are entirely different
• Metro rail is built in Hyderabad.
from each other, they are temporary in nature, that is, they have
• A plane is built for Airforce. a start and a finished timeline, unlike the mass manufacturing
• A new hospital is being constructed. operations, which are perpetual.
Do you see anything common in all these activities? All the activities described above fall in the category of projects.
Now consider some more activities: A project can be defined as a temporary endeavor to achieve a
specific well-defined objective.
• A company launches a new product development program.
Projects in Contemporary Organizations
• A manufacturing organization launches a survey for assessing
customer satisfaction with its products.
Initially, the projects were considered different to the conventional
• A manufacturing organization constructs a new warehouse. manufacturing systems. The word project was associated with
large projects like infrastructure, shipbuilding, construction, etc. would result in higher efficiency for the organization.
But in due course of time, it was realized that if conventional
manufacturing systems could adopt project methodology, it So, the project method comprises of three major entities:
The parent organization selects the team leader and the team Characteristics of Projects
members from its different divisions as per requirement of skills
and qualifications for the project. The project team is responsible The projects differ from traditional forms of production and are
for interacting with customer and ensure that the outcome must characterized by some unique features as follows:
meet the requirements of the customer for that project.
The projects have a purpose: Each project has a well-defined
Note that the customer for the product may be the parent purpose or objective e.g., the project of new product development
organization itself e.g., development of IT system for a company’s may have the objective of achieving a competitive edge. The
operations or construction of a new warehouse or installation of construction of a flyover on the road may have a purpose of
new technology. reducing traffic congestion. The purpose of constructing an
underpass on the road may be to provide a safe road for the Project Life Cycle
pedestrians to cross.
One of the characteristics of projects are temporary endeavors
• Projects have a life cycle: The projects are temporary and characterized by a life cycle. Although the projects differ in
endeavors. While the projects are in progress, they pass size, nature, product and requirements, the life cycle of all projects
through some well-defined stages of life cycle. is typically similar. The phases in the life cycle of projects are
• Each project produces a unique product: The projects are not shown in the form of a graph below. The X-axis of the graph
repetitive manufacturing activities. The product of a project indicates the time and the Y-axis indicates the level of effort
is unique. The same specifications of a product will never be required during various stages.
The during project progress evaluation provides the basis It is also important to understand the life cycle of the project with
for taking corrective actions if needed and the end of project reference to the speed of the project. Typically, the projects have
evaluation is carried out to learn from the completed project so a slow beginning followed by quick momentum and finally a slow
as to perform the future projects in a more efficient and effective finish. It can be explained by the graph given in the Figure 22.4.
manner. The technique generally used for evaluation is called
project audit.
Network analysis is the most widely used technique for project Let us understand the use of circle and arrow for drawing the
scheduling. The technique involves identifying the precedence network of the project.
Two notations are used for drawing of the network: activities are completed.
Example 22.1
After the development of the network, the interrelation of the • The activities those are done during this path are known
as critical activities.
Example 22.3
Apply CPM to identify the project completion time for the following
D C 3
E A, B 7 B–E–F–H
F E, D 3 C–D–G–H
G D 2 C–D–F–H
H F, G 2
Calculate the time taken by each path by adding the time taken
by an activity.
Let us see a network development in a project:
A–E–F–H 15 The technique involves identifying 4 values for each activity:
B–E–F–H 17
C–D–G–H 14 • Early Start: The earliest time to start an activity. It depends
C–D–F–H 15 upon earliest accomplishment time of all predecessor
The critical path is the longest path in the network. • Early Finish: The earliest time for finishing the activity is
obtained by adding the activity time to the earliest start. e.g., if
BEFH with a time requirement of 17 days is the critical path as it
the earliest start of activity is 32 and time required by activity
has taken the maximum time. The time required by critical
is 4, the early finish will be 32+4=36.
path is called as project completion time and is equal to 17 days
for this project. • Late Start: The latest time by which an activity must start to
complete the project in time. To calculate it, the activity time
However, the method requires physically identifying all paths is subtracted from the late finish time of the activity.
and calculating the time required by each path. If the number of • Late Finish: The latest time by which an activity must finish.
activities is more, the network gets complicated and it becomes It depends on the late start of all succeeding activities. Each
almost impractical to identify each path by observation. So, a activity must finish latest by the time of late start of the
more scientific technique is required to identify a critical path on succeeding activities to ensure that project is completed in
the network. time.
Let us try to determine Early Start (ES), Early Finish (EF), Late Activity E can start after both activities A and B are completed.
Start (LS) and Late Finish (LF) for the activities in above network. So, E can start earliest at 5 and its activity time being 7, its EF is
Activities A, B and C have no predecessor, so they can start at
F can start after completion of D and E, so it starts at 12 (ES) an
time zero. The activity time is 3, 5 and 7 respectively, so early
finishes at 12+3=15.
finish for these activities is 3, 5 and 7.
G can start after completion of D, so it’s ES is 10 and EF is 12.
D can start after C is completed, so D cannot start before 7, that is The last activity H can start after F and G that is at 15 (ES) and
ES of D is 7 and its activity time being 3, its EF is 7+3=10. finishes at 17.
Activity ES EF LS LF As the time of last activity for the early finish is 17, the project
A 0 3 cannot be completed in less than 17 time periods. Hence, 17 is
B 0 5 the project completion time.
C 0 7
D 7 10 Let us now find out the LS and LF for all activities.
E 5 12
Since we would like to finish the project at the earliest, the LF of
F 12 15
G 10 12 last activity is equal to its EF. So, LF for H is 17. Since H has to
A 0 3 2 5 LS is 9–7=2.
B 0 5 0 5
Observe the ES and LS of all activities. The Activities B, E, F, and G
C 0 7 2 9 have equal LS and ES. They are critical activities, so BEFH is the
H 15 17 15 17
Example 22.4
6 F 20 45 115 140
So, the critical path is ACGHIJ and project completion time is 170
transport time, manpower availability, etc. A software development The probable time and standard deviation of the events are
project may need redesigning because of unacceptable test calculated, which is then used to derive the completion time,
results, leading to increasing in time. On the contrary, if the which is expected of the project and standard deviation of the
situations governing the activity time are highly favorable, the project. This information helps in anticipating probability of the
activity may even take less time than expected. project being completed in a specific time.
So, the time estimates of various activities in a project are in (PT + 4 MLT + OT)
Expected time =
general probabilistic rather than deterministic. The technique 6
used for network analysis when activity time is probabilistic is
(PT – OT)
called PERT. Standard Deviation =
Three different time estimates are determined for each activity of (PT – OT) 2
the project viz. Pessimistic Time (PT), Optimistic Time (OT) and Variance =
Most Likely Time (MLT).
Example 22.5
• PT: The time activity will take under adverse conditions.
The time estimates and precedence requirements of activities
• OT: The time activity will take if conditions are favorable.
involved in a project are as under.
• MLT: The time activity will take with the highest probability.
Time estimate (days)
S. No. Task code Immediate predecessors
Optimistic time Most likely time Pessimistic time
1 A - 1 3 5
2 B - 1 3 11
3 C A, B 2 5 8
4 D C 3 4 11
5 E C 4 7 16
6 F D 1 2 3
7 G E 4 6 14
8 H F, G 1 1 1
Determine the expected completion time, standard deviation and variance for all activities.
Time estimate (days) ET Variance
S.No. Task code
Most likely (PT + 4 MLT + OT) (PT – OT) (PT – OT) 2
Optimistic time Pessimistic time
time 6 6 2
1 A 1 3 5 3 4/6=1/3 1/9
2 B 1 3 11 4 10 / 6 = 5 / 3 25 / 9
3 C 2 5 8 5 6/6=1 1
4 D 3 4 11 5 8/6=4/3 16 / 9
5 E 4 7 16 8 12 / 6 = 2 4
6 F 1 2 3 2 2 / 6 =1 / 3 1/9
7 G 4 6 14 7 10 / 6 = 5 / 3 25 / 9
8 H 1 1 1 1 0/6=0 0
The expected time estimates can now be used to estimate the project. The standard deviation of the project completion will
expected completion time of the project on the same lines as depend upon the standard deviation of critical activities.
in case of CPM. With the above-mentioned data, the standard
deviation can also be calculated for the completion time of the To estimate project completion standard deviation:
• Draw a network for the project. • Calculate the standard deviation of the completion time of the
• Identify critical activities.
• Calculate the summation of it. Determine the approximate time for project completion and
standard deviation for example 22.5
Let us draw the network for the project. The time indicated for each activity is the Expected time for the activity.
The paths from start to finish in the network and the time required • B–C–E–G–H (4+5+8+2+1=20)
on each path can be identified as
BCEGH being the longest path, becomes the critical path for the
above network and activities are critical activities for this path.
• A–C–D–F–H (3+5+5+2+1=16)
The project completion time is equal to the time required by
• A–C–E–G–H (3+5+8+2+1=19) longest path that is 20 days.
• B–C–D–F–H (4+5+5+2+1=17)
Sum of variances of the critical activities is expected to follow a normal distribution. For determining the
probability of project completion in a specific time T, normal
= 25/9+1+4+25/9+0 variant Z needs to be calculated:
= 95/9=10.56
T – Te
Standard deviation is equal to square root of the variance of σ
Solution: 17 – 20
Z= = 0.92
The value of the area under the curve for Z = 0.92 (from normal
distribution table) is 0.3212. This is the area between Te and T.
The area on the left side of Te is 0.5. The normal curve being the
symmetrical and total area under the curve is 1.0.
Example 22.8
T – Te
22 – 20 The value of area under the curve for Z = 0.62 (from normal
Z1= = 0.62
3.25 distribution table) is 0.2324 and for Z = 0.31, the value is 0.1217.
So, area between 20 and 22 is 0.2324 and area between 19 and
19 – 20
Z2= = 0.31 20 is 0.1217. The total shaded area is 0.2324+0.1217=0.3541
The probability of project being completed in 19 days to 22 days
is thus 0.3541.
The value of area under the curve for Z = 0.62 (from normal
distribution table) is 0.2324 and for Z = 0.31, the value is 0.1217.
So, area between 20 and 22 is 0.2324 and area between 19 and
20 is 0.1217. The total shaded area is 0.2324+0.1217=0.3541
Project management involves planning and organization of a company’s resources to move a specific task, event
or duty toward completion. It typically involves a one-time project rather than an ongoing activity and resources
managed include personnel, finances, technology and intellectual property. A project manager helps to define the
goals and objectives of the project and determines when the various project components are to be completed
and by whom. He also creates quality control checks to ensure completed components meet a certain standard.
Review Questions
3. “The tasks involved in a project are independent entities but interdependent.” Elaborate.
4. Explain the stages involved in a project’s lifecycle with the help of a diagram.
Stores Management
Learning Objectives
• Handle materials safely and save them from damage Functions of a Store
• Save material against theft, fire or pilferage Store personnel is responsible for carrying out the following
Let us now have a look at the methods by which we can keep records for controlling stores.
Records for Controlling Store
• Bin Card
Bin Card is attached to the individual bin and it keeps track of the
quantity of material coming in the bin and going out of the bin. It
also keeps indicating the balance available. It also sometimes
specifies the desired inventory levels. One card is attached to each • Stores Ledger
bin on the shelf containing the material and record remains with the
storekeeper for reference. The following is a format of a bin card: Store ledger along with the quantities incoming and outgoing also
records the financial value of the parts. While bin card is one for
each bin, the ledger contains information about many items. The
following is a format of a stores ledger:
• Main lanes should usually be 1.5–3 meters wide, depending
upon the type of material and the amount of traffic involved.
A professionally managed store has a clearly defined process and space, for receiving incoming materials i.e.
‘Receiving Bay’, storing them safely until they are required i.e. ‘Custody’ and send them out to relevant departments
as and when required i.e. ‘Issue’ . In case of a manufacturing unit, this is a continuous process and forms a cycle
which is essential for smooth functioning of daily operations. The elementary task of the stores is to act as overseer
and supervisory manager for parts, supplies and materials to assist the departments with their requirements.
Review Questions
Sustaining and Improving
Learning Objectives
o PDCA Cycle
o Fishbone Diagram
o Value Analysis
o Kaizen
The objective of improving the various operational activities can be achieved by several methods, which are discussed as follows.
PDCA Cycle There are four steps in the cycle:
PDCA implies ‘Plan Do Check Act’. It is one of the most straightforward 1. Plan: Identify need for improvement and establish the
and unassuming techniques for process control and ongoing improvement plan specifying objectives.
improvement. It helps in improving the process and performance of 2. Do: Carry out the improvement plan. Collect data to analyze
operational activities in a staged and steady manner. It is primarily the extent of improvement.
used in manufacturing and service industries for development of
3. Check: Carry out an evaluation of data and verify that the
latest products and is used in software development lifecycle.
improvement results are as per the plan.
4. Act: If results are not achieved, analyze the plan and make
the necessary changes.
1. SEIRI: It means Sort Out. It is the sorting out and discarding is based on innovative thinking and creation rather than small
2. SEITION: This means to organize. After sorting, they should A process subjected to re-engineering should be a core business
organize. process of the firm. Re-engineering focuses on the complete
3. SEISO: This word means to shine the workplace. Keep your process in totality rather than focusing on the part of the process.
belongings neat and clean.
Some aspects of BPR are as under:
4. SEIKETSU-SEIKETSU: It refers to Standardization. There
should be standard rules and regulations related to the • Cross-functional Teams: BPR is a team work, which requires
usage of the things. personnel from various cross-functional departments.
5. SHITSUKE or Self Discipline: It is the most crucial factor • Critical Processes: The focus should be on improving the
to achieve success. Individual self-discipline can create core and critical processes in totality.
• Information Technology: Use of IT plays a vital role in BPR
Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) efforts.
Six Sigma is a business process that aims to improve quality, • Designing the processes and strategies related to it.
reduce costs and enhance customer satisfaction. Statistically, six • Measuring the parameters that are important for quality.
sigma means reducing the number of defects during any process,
• Analyzing and developing substitute of superior quality.
product or service per million opportunities to less 3.4 .
• Designing the processes and its complete detailing.
Conceptually, the term is much broader; it aims to reduce the • Verifying the process and implementing the same.
instances of defects so that lower costing is achieved and customer
• Controlling the process at the same time so that they should
satisfaction is improved, through a well-developed program
not surpass the limitations.
based on usage of specific tools and techniques, to accomplish
key business objectives with specific projects. In the business
world, six-sigma programmes have become a key way to improve
quality, save time, cut costs, and improve customer satisfaction.
The success of the business will become more efficient if they can improve their operations management. If any organization
wants to achieve success in modern day highly competitive environment, it has to pursue Operational Improvement. In addition,
it plays an enormous role in driving growth and profitability. The organization always tends to decrease waste, reduce costs,
and set up maintainable programs for achievement of reliable results. For this, Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is used by
organizations as it is a key performance indicator, for analyzing operational efficiency.
Case Study: Initiatives in an
Industry and Sustainability
Case 1
That is a lot of activity but hardly tells the whole story. From a
more overall perspective, e.g., in early months of 2017, ‘Project
which are covered in the index, company achieved the goal of
buying 70% of goods sourced from US from suppliers participating
in the index.
The bottom line is that if you are part of its supply chain, you will
be part of its Social Responsibility efforts big time.
Review Questions
Initially, announced in 2009, the Sustainability Index for Suppliers
has witnessed significant progress. 1. What is your take away from the case?
2. Do you think any area that the company has left for
The company also cites progress with its Sustainability Index for
achieving sustainability?
suppliers, first announced in 2009. In FY-2017, the categories
Case 2
The market survey indicated an encouraging response from the The commercialization of Sensofast began soon and product
market and Mr. Kohli decided to launch the project. Discussions development was initiated to make it suitable for industries. Side
by side, vigorous marketing also was initiated. It took 3 months daily. However, as the time passed, he realized that the potential
to convert the laboratory prototype into product prototype. The was not as high as he had anticipated. During the years 2014 and
sales personnel were very enthusiastic about the response from 2015, against an anticipated sale of 100 pieces, he was able to
industry. mature sales of 10 pieces only. Although a lot of enquires were
flowing in, they did not seem to materialize into sales.
The financial estimates were made with respect to annual fixed
expenses and variable expenses per product, which were Rs. The sales force started getting frustrated because even after their
5,75,000 and Rs. 1,11,000 respectively. best efforts, they were not able to generate sales. Anil Kohli also
started reviewing his decision. While he was still in a dilemma, a
The final commercial prototype was ready in December 2013. letter was received from ERDA, extending the contract for another
Anil Kohli decided to launch the product in a seminar. A seminar 3 years as initially requested by NDL.
was organized, and invitations were sent to senior personnel of
the industry. The attendance at the seminar was encouraging.
The technical experts from ERDA explained the fundamentals of
Sensofast and a practical demonstration was also arranged. The Review Questions
product was priced at Rs. 1,35,000. 1. Was NDL right in venturing into Sensofast?