Local Plastic Surfaces For Cracking and Crushing in Concrete
Local Plastic Surfaces For Cracking and Crushing in Concrete
Local Plastic Surfaces For Cracking and Crushing in Concrete
A D Jefferson
Cardiff School of Engineering, Cardiff University, Newport Road, Cardiff CF24 0YF, UK
Abstract: The experimental failure envelope for concrete has the form of a curved Coulomb failure
surface, which can reasonably be assumed to be related to a principal plane of shearing. This assumption is
used in the development of a multiple surface plasticity model for concrete, in which the same local yield
function is used to simulate directional fracture and isotropic compressive behaviour. A function is derived
from experimental data that provides the transition from directional cracking behaviour to isotropic
compressive behaviour. The local responses from all active plastic surfaces are coupled in a multisurface
plasticity formulation, which provides the interaction between compressive and tensile behaviour in a natural
way. The model is validated against experimental data from uniaxial and multiaxial compressive tests as well
as tensile fracture tests. The model has been implemented in the nite element (FE) program LUSAS, and a
summary of the implementation algorithm is provided. A number of stress path examples are considered, and
the results from two FE analyses are presented.
where sn and t are the normal and shear stresses on the local
plane respectively.
The cohesion-friction factor, ru , is calculated such that the
surface exactly matches the Hoek–Brown function at the
peak uniaxial compressive strength point. This is given by
ru ˆ …4†
… ft ¡ snc †2/3 Fig. 1 Local failure surface
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2.2 Local and global stress and strain systems The plastic potential, which takes a similar form to the
yield function except that the dilatancy parameter, rc , is
The local and global coordinate systems of a POD are used in place of rf , is as follows:
shown in Fig. 2, and the relationship between the local
and global stresses is as follows: Áp!3/2
s2s ‡ s2t
G…s; rc ; fs † ˆ sr ‡ ¡ fs ˆ 0 …11†
si ˆ N i s …7† rc
where i represents the POD number and and the ow rule is given by
qG _
e_ i ˆ l …12†
s ˆ ‰sr ss st ŠT and s ˆ ‰sxx syy szz txy tyz txzŠT qsi i
where the overdot denotes the time derivative.
Dep ˆ NTi Dei …9†
The elastic stress–strain relationship is given by
Á ! Á !
n X
qG _
where s_ ˆ D e ¡ NTi ei ˆ D e¡ NTi l …15†
iˆ1 iˆ1
qsi i
e ˆ ‰er es et ŠT and e ˆ ‰exx eyy ezz gxy gyz gxz ŠT where D is the elastic constitutive matrix.
The isotropic plastic parameter is dened by
and n denotes the number of PODs. …
kIi ˆ k_ Ii …16†
2.3 Model components
The local yield function is given by
1 ¡ b…s† p
Áp!3/2 k_ Ii ˆ e_ T e_ …17†
s2s ‡ s2t iˆ1
F…s; rf ; fs † ˆ sr ‡ ¡ fs ˆ 0 …10†
and the directional plastic parameter by
where ru 5 rf 5 r0 . k Di ˆ k_ Di …18†
k_ Di ˆ b…s†_er …19†
function, which accounts for the fact that ductility increases yield surfaces. For local yield surface i, the consistency
with the conning stress. These functions are as follows: condition may be written as
8 9
< s p
> > qF qF
2 = s_i ‡ h ‡ Y …kD † k_ I ‡ hDi k_ Di ˆ 0 …27†
r / sr ‡ ss ‡ st
2 2
bˆ1¡ q …20† qsi qr r
>…0:9s †/ s2 ‡ t2 >
: ;
nc nc c
where hr ˆ qr/qkI , hI ˆ qfI /qkI and hDi ˆ qfDi /qkDi .
Using equations (12), (17) and (l9), equation (27) may be
rearranged as follows:
wˆ4 …21†
fc qF
s_i ¡ AIj l_ j ¡ ADi l_ i ˆ 0 …28†
qsi jˆ1
where sm ˆ 1…s
2 1
¡ s3 †.
In order to simulate prepeak hardening and postpeak
softening, the function for rf is divided into two phases as
follows: s
qF 1¡b qG T qG
AIi ˆ ¡ h ‡ YhI
rf ˆ r0 ‡ …ru ¡ r0 † qr r w qsi qsi
Á !
rf …kI /kp † qG
£ if 1 4 kI 4 kp …22a† ADi ˆ ¡bi bT h
…rf ¡ 1†…kI /kp † ‡ 1 qs Di
0 1 i
b ˆ @0A
rf ˆ r0 ‡ …ru ¡ r0 †…1 ¡ ZI † if kI > kp …22b†
where rf ˆ 5, kp ˆ 2:3…ec ¡ … fc /E††, ZI ˆ …kI ¡ kp †/…km ¡ kp †,
Using the transformation (7) and the elastic stress–strain
ec is the axial strain at peak uniaxial compression (as a
relationship (15) in equation (28) gives
positive number), E is the initial Young’s modulus, r0 is
xed at 0:5ru and km ˆ 5ec . " Á ! #
qG _
The tensile strength fs takes the initial value of ft and then Ni D e_ ¡ NTj l
either the value fI for isotropic surfaces or fD for directional qsi jˆ1
qsj j
surfaces, with fI and fD dened as follows: X
¡ AIj l_ j ¡ ADi l_ i ˆ 0 …29†
rf …1 ¡ ZI † jˆ1
fI ˆ ft ; 0 4 ZI 4 1 …23†
…rf ¡ 1†…1 ¡ ZI † ‡ 1
This may be arranged into the form of a matrix equation
fD ˆ fI Y …kD † …24† with l_ i as the unknowns. These coupled equations are
shown in (30) for the case where the rst two PODs are
Y …kD † ˆ erD ZD …25† active:
2 T T 3
qF qG qF qG
where rD ˆ 5, ZD ˆ kD /kDm and kDm ˆ e0, the end of the 6 N1 DNT1 N1 DNT2 7
uniaxial tensile softening curve. 6 qs qs qs qs 7
6 1 1 1 2
The dilatancy function depends upon the isotropic plastic 6 ‡AI1 ‡ AD1 ‡AI2 7
6 7
strain parameter as follows: 6 T T 7
6 qF qG qF qG 7
6 N2 DNT1 N2 DNT2 7
4 qs 2 qs 1 qs 2 qs 2
kI ‡AI ‡AI2 ‡ AD2
rc ˆ c0 ‡ …cm ¡ c0 † r …26†
2km u 2 1 3
" # qF
_l 6 qs NT1 D_e 7
where c0 ˆ 0:25 and cm ˆ 0:001, except in the tensile 6 7
£ 1
ˆ6 1
7 …30†
_l 4 qF 5
region when rc ˆ ru . 2 NT2 D_e
qs 2
2.4 Elastoplastic constitutive tensor This is written in compact matrix form as follows
The relationship between incremental stresses and strains is
derived using the consistency condition, applied to all active W L_ ˆ G e_ …31†
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Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 216 Part L: J Materials: Design and Applications
Hence, the vector of plastic parameters can be expressed as Compute the principal stresses, spr,
from s0 ,
L_ ˆ W ¡1 G e_ …32† Compute the preferred POD plane and
check if new POD(s) should form
Substituting equation (32) into relationship (15) gives the If the principal stress order has
following relationship between the stress and strain rates: changed,corner violation has occurred,
introduce a new POD adjacent
s_ ˆ ‰D ¡ XW ¡1 GŠ_e ˆ DT e_ …33† to the existing POD at a corner
If the number of active PODs has changed,
where reset plastic variables and carry out
steps B to E with a new set of active PODs
qG qG Perform a further check on corner
X ˆ NT1 NT2 …34† violation and introduce a new surface
qs 1 qs 2
if required
Record orientations of directional and
isotropic PODs along with kI ; kDi
The model has been implemented in a constitutive driver
program and in the FE program LUSAS. The constitutive
driver program is arranged such that the same material
A tangent cutting scheme [12] is employed for the stress routines are employed in both the driver and the FE
recovery algorithm. It is recognized that implicit algorithms programs.
[13] can give better overall convergence, but the present
algorithm is attractive for its simplicity and generally good
The algorithm checks for the creation of new permanent 4 STRESS PATH TESTS
and non-permanent PODs and updates the plastic variables
as well as the stresses. The algorithm is described by the In this section the model is considered for experimental data
following steps: from uniaxial tension, uniaxial compression and multiaxial
s0 ˆ sr¡1 ‡ DDe compression tests. The material properties used for the
For i ˆ 1; n; s 0i ˆ N i s0 ; End loop (i.e. for analyses are given in Table 1.
all existing PODs)
If F…s0i ; kI ; kDi † > 0; di ˆ 1; Else di ˆ 0
(Identify active surfaces) 4.1 Stress path tests
Enter an iteration loop for the active
existing surfaces Example 1 provides a comparison with a uniaxial tension
curve from Hordijk [14], which was derived from a wide
L ˆ W ¡1 F…s0 † range of experimental data from direct and indirect tension
tests. Example 2 uses data from a uniaxial compressive test
undertaken by Kupfer, Hilsdorf and Rusch (KHR) [15]. The
sn ˆ s0 ¡ D NTi l_ i di results from examples 1 and 2 are presented in Fig. 3, which
qs0 i shows that for both cases the model results match the
…Only active surfaces included † experimental curves closely.
In Example 3, comparison is made with data from a test
series by Kotsovos and Newman [16]. Data from two
s0 ˆ sn
triaxial tests are used for comparison, one with a conning
Update kI ; kDi stress of 35 N/mm2 and the second with a conning stress
If F…s0 † < tol, Exit loop, otherwise of 70 N/mm2 . The graphs shown in Fig. 4 have been
continue plotted in the compression positive convention of the
Close loop experimental data. The comparison shows that the model
Fig. 4 Comparison with triaxial test data from Kotsovos and Newman
The results from two FE analyses are presented. The rst is FE example 2
of an unreinforced notched fracture beam test and the
second is of a reinforced concrete beam test without shear The second example is the analysis of a rectangular rein-
reinforcement. The examples are relatively standard but they forced concrete beam tested by Bresler and Scordelis [18].
do illustrate that the model performs reasonably in an FE The beam is simply supported and is loaded with a central
context, and in both cases the overall responses and crack point load. It has two layers of longitudinal reinforcement
plots are reasonable when compared with the experimental but no shear reinforcement. The testing arrangement and the
results. reinforcement are shown in Fig. 7, which also shows the
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Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 216 Part L: J Materials: Design and Applications
half-mesh used in the analysis. The concrete is simulated properties are E ˆ 205 000 N/mm2 , fy ˆ 553 N/mm2 and
with eight-noded elements and the reinforcement with three- H ˆ 15 000 N/mm2 . The numerical and experimental
noded bar elements. The concrete material properties used responses are compared in Fig. 8, in which a numerical
in the analysis are given in Table 2. The reinforcement crack plot is also given.