Nguyen Hoang Son - 2110CCP - Proportionate Ethical Form

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Proportionate Review Form

The Proportionate Review process may be used where the proposed research raises only minimal ethical risk.
This research must: focus on minimally sensitive topics; entail minimal intrusion or disruption to others; and
involve participants who would not be considered vulnerable in the context of the research.


Name of Researcher: Nguyen Hoang Son

Student/Course Details (If Applicable)

Student ID Number: HAN21080044
Name of Supervisor(s)/Module Tutor: Alex Gaja Ortega
PhD/MPhil project:
Taught Postgraduate Award Title: BA (Hons) Contemporary Creative Practice: Photography
Undergraduate Module Industry Investigation
Project/Assignment: Title:

Project Title: Transcending Kinship: A Comprehensive Study on the Intimate Dynamics

Within Adoptive Families
Project Outline: A qualitative study on into the dynamics and intricacies of families with
adopted adolescents. A sub-study of how the context is interpreted through
visual and screens.
Give a brief description of This topic explores deep into the dynamics and intricacies of families with
participants and procedure adopted adolescents. The topic provides a comprehensive overview of the
(methods, tests etc.) various interactions, both positive and negative, that may arise within these
By understanding these interactions, one can gain valuable insights into the
complexities of blended families and the special bonds that can be formed
despite the challenges. The aim is to shed light on the nuances of relationships
within such families, highlighting the differences and similarities.

Expected Start Date: Jan 2024 Expected End Date: April 2024

Relevant professional body ethical guidelines should be consulted when completing this form.
Please seek guidance from the Chair of your Faculty Research Ethics Committee if you are uncertain about any
ethical issues arising from this application.
There is an obligation on the researcher and supervisor (where applicable) to bring to the attention of the
Faculty Ethics Committee any issues with ethical implications not identified by this form.

Researcher Declaration

I consider that this project has no significant ethical implications requiring full ethical review by
the Faculty Research Ethics Committee.

I confirm that:

Proportionate Review
1. The research will NOT involve members of vulnerable groups.
Vulnerable groups include but are not limited to: children and young people (under 18 years
of age), those with a learning disability or cognitive impairment, patients, people in custody,
people engaged in illegal activities (e.g. drug taking), or individuals in a dependent or
unequal relationship.
2. The research will NOT involve sensitive topics.
Sensitive topics include, but are not limited to: participants’ sexual behaviour, their illegal or
political behaviour, their experience of violence, their abuse or exploitation, their mental
health, their gender or ethnic status. The research must not involve groups where
permission of a gatekeeper is normally required for initial access to members, for example,
ethnic or cultural groups, native peoples or indigenous communities.
3. The research will NOT deliberately mislead participants in any way.

4. The research will NOT involve access to records of personal or confidential information,
including genetic or other biological information, concerning identifiable individuals.
5. The research will NOT induce psychological stress, anxiety or humiliation, cause more than
minimal pain, or involve intrusive interventions.
This includes, but is not limited to: the administration of drugs or other substances,
vigorous physical exercise, or techniques such as hypnotherapy which may cause
participants to reveal information which could cause concern, in the course of their
everyday life.
6. The research WILL be conducted with participants’ full and informed consent at
the time the study is carried out:

• The main procedure will be explained to participants in advance, so that they

are informed about what to expect. N/A

• Participants will be told their involvement in the research is voluntary.

• Written consent will be obtained from participants. (This is not required for
self-completion questionnaires as submission of the completed questionnaire
implies consent to participate).
• Participants will be informed about how they may withdraw from the
research at any time and for any reason.
• For questionnaires and interviews: Participants will be given the option of
omitting questions they do not want to answer.
• Participants will be told that their data will be treated with full confidentiality
and that, if published, every effort will be made to ensure it will not be
identifiable as theirs.
• Participants will be given the opportunity to be debriefed i.e. to find out more
about the study and its results.

If you are unable to confirm any of the above statements, please complete a Full Ethical Review Form. If the
research will include participants that are patients, please complete the Independent Peer Review process.

Supporting Documentation
All key documents e.g. consent form, information sheet, questionnaire/interview schedule are
appended to this application.

Proportionate Review
Signature of Researcher: Date:

NB: If the research departs from the protocol which provides the basis for this proportionate review, then
further review will be required and the applicant and supervisor(s) should consider whether or not the
proportionate review remains appropriate. If it is no longer appropriate a full ethical review form MUST be
submitted for consideration by the Faculty Research Ethics Committee.

Next Step:
STUDENTS: Please submit this form (and supporting documentation) for consideration by your Supervisor/
Module Tutor.
STAFF: Please forward this form to the Chair of Faculty Research Ethics Committee who will arrange for it to
be considered by an independent member of the Faculty Research Ethics Committee.


I consider that this project has no significant ethical implications requiring full ethical review
by the Faculty Research Ethics Committee.
I have checked and approved the key documents required for this proposal (e.g. consent
form, information sheet, questionnaire, interview schedule).

Signature of Supervisor: Date:

Next Step: Please forward this form to the Chair of Faculty Research Ethics Committee who will arrange for it
to be considered by an independent member of the Faculty Research Ethics Committee, having no direct
connection with the researcher or his/her programme of study.


This research proposal has been considered using agreed University Procedures and is now
This research proposal has not been approved due to the reasons given below.

Proportionate Review

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