Pathology I

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THEORY: 1 Credit (20 hours) (includes lab hours also)
DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to enable students to acquire knowledge of pathology
of various disease conditions, understanding of genetics, its role in causation and management of
defects and diseases and to apply this knowledge in practice of nursing.
COMPETENCIES: On completion of the course, the students will be able to
1. Apply the knowledge of pathology in understanding the deviations from normal to abnormal
2. Rationalize the various laboratory investigations in diagnosing pathological disorders.
3. Demonstrate the understanding of the methods of collection of blood, body cavity fluids, urine
and feces for various tests.
4. Apply the knowledge of genetics in understanding the various pathological disorders.
5. Appreciate the various manifestations in patients with diagnosed genetic abnormalities.
6. Rationalize the specific diagnostic tests in the detection of genetic abnormalities.
7. Demonstrate the understanding of various services related to genetics.
T – Theory

Unit Time Learning Content Teaching/ Learning Assessment

Outcomes Activities Methods
I 8 (T) Define the Introduction  Lecture  Short answer
common terms
used in  Importance of the study of pathology  Discussion  Objective type
pathology  Definition of terms in pathology  Explain using slides
 Cell injury: Etiology, pathogenesis of reversible  Explain with
Identify the and irreversible cell injury, Necrosis, Gangrene clinical scenarios
deviations from  Cellular adaptations: Atrophy, Hypertrophy,
normal to Hyperplasia, Metaplasia, Dysplasia, Apoptosis
structure and  Inflammation:
functions of
o Acute inflammation (Vascular and Cellular
body system
events, systemic effects of acute
o Chronic inflammation (Granulomatous
inflammation, systemic effects of chronic
 Wound healing
 Neoplasia: Nomenclature, Normal and Cancer
cell, Benign and malignant tumors, Carcinoma
in situ, Tumor metastasis: general mechanism,
routes of spread and examples of each route
 Circulatory disturbances: Thrombosis,
embolism, shock
 Disturbance of body fluids and electrolytes:
Edema, Transudates and Exudates

II 5 (T) Explain Special Pathology  Lecture  Short answer

changes in
Pathological changes in disease conditions of  Discussion  Objective type
selected systems:
disease  Explain using
conditions of slides, X-rays and
various scans
1. Respiratory system
 Pulmonary infections: Pneumonia, Lung  Visit to pathology
abscess, pulmonary tuberculosis lab, endoscopy unit
and OT
 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease:
Chronic bronchitis, Emphysema, Bronchial
Asthma, Bronchiectasis
 Tumors of Lungs
2. Cardio-vascular system
 Atherosclerosis
 Ischemia and Infarction.
 Rheumatic Heart Disease
Unit Time Learning Content Teaching/ Learning Assessment
Outcomes Activities Methods

 Infective endocarditis
3. Gastrointestinal tract
 Peptic ulcer disease (Gastric and Duodenal
 Gastritis-H Pylori infection
 Oral mucosa: Oral Leukoplakia, Squamous
cell carcinoma
 Esophageal cancer
 Gastric cancer
 Intestinal: Typhoid ulcer, Inflammatory
Bowel Disease (Crohn‘s disease and
Ulcerative colitis), Colorectal cancer
4. Liver, Gall Bladder and Pancreas
 Liver: Hepatitis, Amoebic Liver abscess,
Cirrhosis of Liver
 Gall bladder: Cholecystitis.
 Pancreas: Pancreatitis
 Tumors of liver, Gall bladder and Pancreas
5. Skeletal system
 Bone: Bone healing, Osteoporosis,
Osteomyelitis, Tumors
 Joints: Arthritis - Rheumatoid arthritis and
6. Endocrine system
 Diabetes Mellitus
 Goitre
 Carcinoma thyroid
III 7 (T) Describe Hematological tests for the diagnosis of blood  Lecture  Short answer
various disorders
laboratory tests  Discussion  Objective type
 Blood tests: Hemoglobin, White cell and platelet
in assessment
counts, PCV, ESR  Visit to clinical lab,
and monitoring biochemistry lab
of disease  Coagulation tests: Bleeding time (BT), and blood bank
conditions Prothrombin time (PT), Activated Partial
Prothrombin Time (APTT)
 Blood chemistry
 Blood bank:
o Blood grouping and cross matching
o Blood components
o Plasmapheresis
o Transfusion reactions
Note: Few lab hours can be planned for
observation and visits
(Less than 1 credit, lab hours are not specified

Bibliography – Pathology

1. Harsh Mohan : Text book of Pathology, IV Edition Jaypee Brothers, New Delhi 2000.
2. Heller : Pathology: Comprehensive Review 1999 Edition.
3. Emanuel Rubin M D, John L Farber : Pathology , III Edition , Lippincott, Philadelphia 1999.
4. Carol Mattson Porth : Pathophisiology ,VII Edition Lippincott Philadelphia 2002.
5. Ramzi S Cotran etal : Robins Pathologic basib of disease, VI Edition, W B Saunders coy USA
6. JCE Underwood : General and systemic pathology , III Edition, Churchill liuvingstone ,
Philadelphia 2000.
7. Canjanov and Linder : Anderson’s pathology, X Edition , Lippincott , Philadelphia 1996.
8. Vinay Kumar M D etal : Basic Pathology , VI Edition W B Saunders coy USA 1997.
9. Walter F Coulson : Surgical Pathology , II Edition J B Lippincott coy Philadelphia, 1988.
10. Parakrama Chandrasoma : Concise pathology, III Edition, Hall International, USA,1998.
11. Lynne’s Gracia, M S & David A Brucker : Diagnostic medical parasitology , III Edition ASM
press, Washington’2005.
12. Haber et al : Differential diagnosis in pathology , W B Saunders coy, Philadelphia, 2002.

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