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CROWN: Journal of Dentistry and Health Research

e-ISSN: 3026-1473

Journal of Dentistry and Health Research
Journal website: https://phlox.or.id/index.php/crown

Successful Management of Dry Socket with Alveogyl Following Posterior Mandibular

Tooth Root Extraction: A Case Report

Arsheilla Ika Maulida1, Rr. Pipiet Okti Kusumastiwi2*

1Student, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Bantul, Indonesia
2Department of Dental Public Heath, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Bantul, Indonesia


Keywords: Introduction: Dry socket, or alveolar osteitis (AO), is a prevalent post-

extraction complication characterized by intense pain and delayed healing. The
etiology is multifactorial, often linked to trauma, infection, and lifestyle factors.
Alveolar osteitis Alveogyl, a medicated dressing containing iodoform, butamben, and eugenol, is
Dry socket commonly employed in dry socket management due to its analgesic, antiseptic,
Pain management and healing properties. This case report presents the successful treatment of
Post-extraction complications dry socket with Alveogyl following the extraction of retained mandibular third
molar roots. Case presentation: A 22-year-old female patient presented with
severe, radiating pain four days after the extraction of retained mandibular third
*Corresponding author: molar roots. Clinical examination revealed an open socket with exposed bone
Rr. Pipiet Okti Kusumastiwi and localized inflammation, indicative of dry socket. The patient's medical
history was unremarkable, and she denied any contributing factors such as
smoking or oral contraceptive use. The socket was irrigated with saline, and
E-mail address: Alveogyl dressing was applied. Conclusion: The patient reported complete pain
resolution and demonstrated significant healing at the one-week follow-up. This
[email protected]
case underscores the efficacy of Alveogyl in managing dry socket, providing pain
relief, and promoting healing. The prompt diagnosis and treatment of dry socket
All authors have reviewed and approved are crucial in mitigating patient discomfort and ensuring optimal healing
the final version of the manuscript. outcomes. The use of Alveogyl as part of a comprehensive treatment approach
can contribute to successful dry socket management.

1. Introduction The precise etiology of dry socket remains an area of

The extraction of teeth, while a routine procedure ongoing investigation, but it is widely recognized as a
in dental practice, carries the potential for multifactorial phenomenon. Several factors have been
postoperative complications that can significantly implicated in its development. The application of
impact patient comfort and healing trajectory. Among excessive force or undue manipulation during the
these complications, dry socket, also referred to as extraction process can disrupt the delicate balance of
alveolar osteitis (AO), stands out as a particularly the extraction site, leading to damage to the
distressing and prevalent occurrence. Characterized surrounding bone and soft tissues. This disruption
by intense, throbbing pain that typically emerges a few can compromise blood clot formation and stability,
days post-extraction, dry socket can persist for weeks, predisposing the area to a dry socket. The presence of
significantly disrupting a patient's quality of life. The pre-existing infection at the extraction site can
condition manifests clinically as an exposed alveolar significantly elevate the risk of dry socket. Bacteria can
socket devoid of the protective blood clot essential for interfere with the normal healing process, promoting
healing, often accompanied by a foul odor and taste. inflammation and impeding the formation of a healthy

blood clot. The detrimental effects of smoking on The management of dry socket centers on
wound healing are well-documented. Smoking impairs alleviating pain, promoting healing, and preventing
blood flow, reduces oxygen delivery to tissues, and infection. Thorough irrigation of the socket with sterile
compromises the immune response, all of which can saline or an antiseptic solution, such as chlorhexidine,
contribute to the development of dry socket. The is crucial in removing debris, bacteria, and necrotic
hormonal fluctuations associated with oral tissue. This cleansing action helps to create a more
contraceptive use have been suggested as a potential favorable environment for healing and reduces the risk
risk factor for dry socket. These hormonal changes of infection. The application of medicated dressings to
may influence blood clotting mechanisms and increase the socket serves multiple purposes. These dressings
the susceptibility to clot breakdown and subsequent can contain analgesics to provide pain relief,
dry socket. Inadequate oral hygiene practices can antiseptics to combat bacterial contamination, and/or
create an environment conducive to bacterial antibiotics to prevent infection. They also create a
proliferation. The accumulation of bacteria in the oral physical barrier over the exposed bone, protecting it
cavity can increase the risk of infection and, from further irritation and promoting clot formation.
consequently, the development of dry socket.1,2 In cases of severe pain or suspected infection, systemic
Beyond these local factors, systemic conditions can medications may be prescribed. Analgesics, such as
also play a role in dry socket development. Patients nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or
with diabetes or other immunocompromising opioids, can help manage pain, while antibiotics may
conditions may experience impaired wound healing, be indicated to address or prevent infection. Among
making them more susceptible to complications like the various medicated dressings available for dry
dry socket. The intricate interplay of these local and socket management, Alveogyl has emerged as a
systemic factors underscores the complexity of dry popular and effective option. Alveogyl is a paste-like
socket etiology and highlights the importance of a dressing composed of iodoform, butamben, and
comprehensive approach to its prevention and eugenol. Iodoform acts as an antiseptic, helping to
management. The clinical presentation of dry socket is control bacterial growth and reduce the risk of
often unmistakable, marked by severe, throbbing pain infection. Butamben, a local anesthetic, provides
that typically sets in a few days after extraction. This targeted pain relief at the site of application. Eugenol,
pain may radiate to adjacent areas, including the ear, derived from clove oil, possesses both analgesic and
temple, and neck, causing significant discomfort and anti-inflammatory properties, further contributing to
distress. The exposed alveolar bone, devoid of the pain management and promoting healing.5,6
protective blood clot, becomes a source of intense The application of Alveogyl to the dry socket creates
sensitivity, further exacerbating the pain. The a protective barrier over the exposed bone, shielding it
presence of a foul odor and taste, often described as from irritants and facilitating the formation of a new
fetid or putrid, is another hallmark of dry socket, blood clot. The dressing's combined analgesic and
contributing to the patient's overall discomfort. The antiseptic actions provide immediate pain relief and
diagnosis of dry socket is primarily clinical, based on create an environment conducive to healing. Moreover,
the characteristic symptoms and the visual Alveogyl's bioresorbable nature eliminates the need for
examination of the extraction site. The absence of a its removal, simplifying the treatment process and
blood clot, exposed bone, and the presence of food minimizing patient discomfort. Numerous studies
debris or necrotic tissue within the socket are strong have investigated the efficacy of Alveogyl in dry socket
indicators of the condition. While radiographic management, with promising results. Research has
imaging is not typically required for diagnosis, it can demonstrated its ability to significantly reduce pain
be useful in ruling out other potential causes of post- intensity and duration compared to other dressings or
extraction pain, such as retained root fragments or placebo. Alveogyl has also been shown to promote
infection.3,4 faster healing and reduce the incidence of

complications, such as infection.7,8 This case report ranges, with a blood pressure of 108/68 mmHg, a
presents a compelling illustration of the successful pulse rate of 68 beats per minute, and an afebrile
management of dry socket with Alveogyl following the temperature. Radiographic examination, including
extraction of retained mandibular third molar roots. periapical and panoramic radiographs, was performed
The patient's experience underscores the clinical to assess the extent of the retained roots and the
utility of Alveogyl in providing rapid pain relief, surrounding bone. The radiographs confirmed the
promoting healing, and facilitating a positive presence of retained roots of tooth #36, with no
treatment outcome. The case further emphasizes the evidence of periapical pathology or associated bone
importance of prompt diagnosis and appropriate loss. Based on the clinical and radiographic findings,
management of dry socket to minimize patient a diagnosis of retained roots of tooth #36 was
discomfort and optimize the healing process. established. The treatment plan involved the
extraction of the retained roots under local anesthesia.
2. Case Presentation The patient was thoroughly informed about the
A 22-year-old female patient presented to the procedure, its potential risks and benefits, and the
dental clinic at Universitas Muhammadiyah expected postoperative course. She was also provided
Yogyakarta (UMY) with a chief complaint of discomfort with detailed post-extraction care instructions. The
associated with the retained roots of her left patient expressed understanding and provided written
mandibular third molar (tooth #36). The patient informed consent for the procedure.
reported that the tooth had initially decayed The extraction procedure was performed under
approximately three years prior but had been left local anesthesia using an infiltration technique with a
untreated, leading to the current state of retained combination of lidocaine and epinephrine. The patient
roots. She described a history of intermittent pain was positioned comfortably in the dental chair, and
episodes, with the most recent occurring a few weeks the area around tooth #36 was prepared with an
prior to her visit. The pain had been moderate in antiseptic solution. A topical anesthetic gel was
intensity, rated as 3 on a scale of 1 to 10, and had been applied to the injection sites to minimize discomfort.
successfully managed with a course of antibiotics and Following the administration of local anesthesia, the
anti-inflammatory medication. At the time of retained roots were carefully elevated and removed
presentation, the patient was asymptomatic. The using a combination of dental elevators and forceps.
patient's medical history was unremarkable. She The extraction site was thoroughly debrided and
denied any allergies to medications or foods, any irrigated with sterile saline solution to remove any
recent hospitalizations or surgeries, and any current residual debris or granulation tissue. Hemostasis was
use of prescription medications. She also reported no achieved with the application of gauze pressure. Post-
significant family history of medical conditions and extraction radiographs were taken to confirm the
denied tobacco use. The patient's sleep and dietary complete removal of the retained roots and to assess
habits were within normal limits. the integrity of the surrounding bone. The patient was
A comprehensive extraoral and intraoral then given postoperative instructions, including
examination was performed. Extraoral examination recommendations for pain management, oral hygiene,
revealed no significant findings. Intraoral examination and dietary restrictions. She was also prescribed a
confirmed the presence of retained roots at the site of course of antibiotics and analgesics to prevent
tooth #36. The surrounding soft tissues appeared infection and manage postoperative discomfort.
healthy, with no signs of inflammation or swelling. The patient returned to the clinic one week after the
Periodontal probing depths were within normal limits, extraction, complaining of severe pain in the
and there was no evidence of mobility or suppuration. extraction site. The pain had begun four days post-
Percussion and palpation tests elicited no pain extraction and had progressively worsened, reaching a
response. The patient's vital signs were within normal severity of 7 out of 10 on a visual analog scale (VAS).

The pain was described as throbbing and radiating to patient was advised to continue taking the prescribed
the head and neck, particularly upon waking up and analgesics and to avoid any activities that might
after meals. The patient denied any history of dislodge the dressing. She was also scheduled for a
disturbing the extraction site, vigorous rinsing, follow-up visit one week later.
frequent spitting, smoking, or consumption of hot food At the one-week follow-up appointment, the patient
or drinks. Clinical examination revealed an empty reported complete resolution of pain. The extraction
socket at the site of tooth #36, with visible bone and site showed significant improvement, with reduced
surrounding gingival inflammation. The socket inflammation and evidence of healing. The exposed
appeared dry, with no evidence of a blood clot. There bone was no longer visible, and there was no halitosis.
was also a noticeable halitosis. Based on the clinical The patient was pleased with the outcome and
presentation and the patient's history, a diagnosis of expressed her gratitude for the effective management
dry socket (alveolar osteitis) was established. The of her dry socket. The Alveogyl dressing was removed,
patient was reassured and informed about the nature and the socket was gently irrigated with saline. The
of dry socket and its management. The extraction site patient was advised to continue maintaining good oral
was gently irrigated with sterile saline solution to hygiene and to return for further follow-up if needed.
remove any debris or food particles. Alveogyl, a She was also reminded to contact the clinic
medicated dressing containing iodoform, butamben, immediately if she experienced any recurrence of pain
and eugenol, was then carefully placed into the socket or other symptoms.
to cover the exposed bone and promote healing. The



Figure 1. A. Clinical presentation of tooth 36; B. The condition of the extracted residual roots of tooth #36; C. Clinical
condition of socket 36 post-extraction; D. Clinical control post-dry socket.

3. Discussion criteria for dry socket, also referred to as alveolar

The case presented serves as a prime example of osteitis. The absence of commonly recognized risk
the successful resolution of dry socket, a common yet factors, such as smoking or the use of oral
often debilitating complication that can arise following contraceptives, underscores the intricate and
tooth extraction. The patient's experience, marked by multifactorial nature of this condition. It serves as a
intense and radiating pain, coupled with the telltale poignant reminder that dry socket can manifest even
signs of halitosis and an exposed alveolar socket, in individuals who do not exhibit the typical
aligns seamlessly with the established diagnostic predisposing factors, emphasizing the importance of

maintaining a high index of suspicion for this also acts as a physical barrier, protecting the exposed
complication in all patients undergoing tooth bone from further irritation and facilitating the
extraction. The patient's pain, described as severe and formation of a new blood clot, essential for the healing
radiating, is a hallmark of dry socket. This intense process. This case serves as a valuable reminder of the
discomfort arises from the exposure of sensitive nerve importance of recognizing and promptly addressing
endings within the alveolar bone, which becomes dry socket. Early intervention with appropriate
devoid of the protective blood clot that typically forms measures, such as irrigation, medicated dressings,
after extraction. The exposed bone, vulnerable to and pain management, can significantly reduce
irritation from food debris, bacteria, and even air, patient discomfort and promote optimal healing. The
triggers a cascade of inflammatory mediators, further use of Alveogyl, as demonstrated in this case, can be a
exacerbating the pain and delaying the healing key component of a successful treatment strategy for
process. The accompanying halitosis, or bad breath, is dry socket, offering a combination of antiseptic,
another characteristic feature of dry socket, often analgesic, and healing properties that contribute to a
attributed to the accumulation of bacteria and necrotic positive patient outcome.11,12
tissue within the socket. The clinical presentation of The development of dry socket, or alveolar osteitis
an empty socket with exposed bone is a visual (AO), represents a complex interplay of various local
confirmation of the diagnosis. The absence of a blood and systemic factors that can disrupt the normal
clot, which normally fills the socket and serves as a healing process following tooth extraction. The precise
foundation for healing, is a key pathological finding in etiology of this condition remains an area of ongoing
dry socket. The exposed bone, devoid of its protective investigation, but the premature disintegration or
covering, becomes a source of intense pain and a complete absence of a blood clot within the extraction
breeding ground for bacterial colonization. The socket is widely recognized as a central factor in its
surrounding tissues may also exhibit signs of pathogenesis. The blood clot, a vital component of the
inflammation, such as redness, swelling, and initial stages of wound healing, serves as a protective
tenderness.9,10 barrier, shielding the underlying bone and nerve
The patient's denial of smoking or oral endings from external stimuli and microbial
contraceptive use is noteworthy, as these are well- contamination. It also provides a structural framework
established risk factors for dry socket. Smoking for the migration and proliferation of cells involved in
impairs blood flow and wound healing, while oral tissue repair and regeneration. The disruption or
contraceptives can alter hormonal balance and affect absence of this clot leaves the alveolar bone exposed
blood clotting, both of which can predispose to the and vulnerable, leading to a cascade of events that
development of dry socket. The absence of these risk culminate in the characteristic signs and symptoms of
factors in this case emphasizes the multifactorial dry socket. The fibrinolytic system, a complex network
nature of this condition and suggests that other of enzymes and inhibitors that regulates blood clot
factors, such as traumatic extraction or pre-existing formation and dissolution, is believed to play a crucial
infection, may have played a role in its pathogenesis. role in the development of dry socket. In normal wound
The successful management of this case with Alveogyl, healing, the fibrinolytic system maintains a delicate
a medicated dressing containing iodoform, butamben, balance between clot formation and breakdown,
and eugenol, highlights its effectiveness in addressing ensuring adequate hemostasis and facilitating tissue
the key aspects of dry socket treatment. Iodoform, an repair. However, in dry socket, this balance is
antiseptic agent, helps combat bacterial infection, disrupted, with an upregulation of fibrinolytic activity
while butamben, a local anesthetic, provides much- leading to accelerated clot lysis and delayed healing.
needed pain relief. Eugenol, with its analgesic and The primary enzyme involved in fibrinolysis is
anti-inflammatory properties, further contributes to plasmin, which is generated from its inactive
pain reduction and promotes healing. The dressing precursor, plasminogen, by the action of plasminogen

activators. The extraction process itself can cause granulation tissue is delayed, hindering the healing
tissue damage and release of tissue plasminogen process and prolonging the patient's discomfort.15,16
activator (tPA) from injured cells, promoting plasmin In addition to the local factors mentioned above,
generation and clot breakdown. Bacteria present in systemic factors can also play a role in the
the oral cavity or introduced during the extraction development of dry socket. Certain medical conditions,
procedure can release enzymes that activate the such as diabetes and immunocompromised states,
fibrinolytic system, further contributing to clot lysis. can impair wound healing and increase the risk of
The inflammatory response triggered by tissue injury complications, including dry socket. Patients with
and bacterial contamination can lead to the release of these conditions may have reduced blood flow,
cytokines and other mediators that stimulate impaired immune function, or altered inflammatory
fibrinolytic activity. Smoking has been shown to responses, all of which can contribute to delayed
increase fibrinolytic activity and impair wound healing and increased susceptibility to infection. The
healing, making smokers more susceptible to dry multifactorial nature of dry socket highlights the
socket. Fluctuations in hormone levels, such as those importance of a comprehensive approach to its
associated with oral contraceptive use or prevention and management. Careful surgical
menstruation, may influence the fibrinolytic system technique, meticulous oral hygiene, and patient
and increase the risk of dry socket.13,14 education are crucial in minimizing the risk of this
The premature breakdown or absence of the blood complication. In cases where dry socket does occur,
clot in dry socket has several consequences that prompt and appropriate treatment, including
contribute to the development of its characteristic irrigation, medicated dressings, and pain
clinical features. The exposed bone and nerve endings management, can significantly reduce patient
become susceptible to irritation from food debris, discomfort and promote optimal healing. The case
bacteria, and even air, leading to intense pain, often presented in this report exemplifies the successful
described as throbbing or aching in nature. The pain management of dry socket with Alveogyl, a medicated
may radiate to other areas of the face and head, dressing that addresses the key aspects of this
causing significant discomfort and impacting the condition. By providing pain relief, controlling
patient's quality of life. The accumulation of bacteria infection, and promoting healing, Alveogyl can
and necrotic tissue within the socket can also lead to contribute to a positive patient outcome and facilitate
halitosis, or bad breath, further adding to the patient's a smooth recovery following tooth extraction.17,18
distress. The inflammatory response triggered by the The application of Alveogyl to the extraction site
exposed bone and bacterial contamination further serves a dual purpose: it acts as a physical shield and
exacerbates the pain and delays healing. The release a biological catalyst. By forming a protective barrier
of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines over the exposed bone, Alveogyl safeguards the
attracts immune cells to the area, leading to localized sensitive nerve endings from further irritation by food
inflammation, swelling, and tenderness. This debris, bacteria, and even air. This shielding effect
inflammatory process can also contribute to the contributes significantly to pain reduction, providing
breakdown of bone tissue, further delaying healing the patient with much-needed relief. Moreover, the
and increasing the risk of complications. The absence dressing creates a favorable microenvironment for the
of a blood clot also impairs the formation of formation of a new blood clot, which is essential for the
granulation tissue, a crucial step in wound healing. initiation of the healing process. The clot acts as a
Granulation tissue is a specialized tissue that fills the scaffold for the migration and proliferation of
wound space and provides a framework for the growth fibroblasts and other cells involved in tissue repair,
of new blood vessels and connective tissue. Without a ultimately leading to the regeneration of bone and soft
blood clot to serve as a scaffold, the formation of tissue. The bioabsorbable nature of Alveogyl is another
advantageous feature. The dressing gradually

dissolves over time, obviating the need for its removal, extraction instructions remain essential for preventing
which can be uncomfortable and disruptive to the complications and promoting optimal healing.19,20
healing process. This characteristic further enhances The patient's presentation, marked by the onset of
patient comfort and promotes uninterrupted healing. severe pain four days post-extraction, aligns with the
The gradual dissolution of the dressing also ensures a typical timeframe for the manifestation of dry socket.
sustained release of its active ingredients, providing The character of the pain, described as throbbing and
prolonged pain relief, antiseptic action, and anti- radiating, further supports this diagnosis. The clinical
inflammatory effects.18,19 examination, revealing an empty socket devoid of a
The patient's presentation in this case, marked by blood clot and the presence of exposed bone, provides
severe pain and the classic clinical signs of dry socket, visual confirmation of the condition. The additional
underscores the challenges associated with this finding of halitosis, or bad breath, often associated
condition. The absence of typical risk factors, such as with the accumulation of bacteria and necrotic tissue
smoking or oral contraceptive use, further emphasizes within the socket, further solidifies the diagnosis of dry
the unpredictable nature of dry socket and the socket. The absence of typical risk factors, such as
importance of maintaining a high index of suspicion in smoking or oral contraceptive use, in this particular
all patients undergoing tooth extraction. The prompt case underscores the unpredictable nature of dry
diagnosis and treatment with irrigation and Alveogyl socket. While these factors are known to increase the
dressing proved to be instrumental in achieving a likelihood of developing this complication, their
positive outcome. The patient's complete pain relief absence does not preclude its occurrence. This serves
and significant healing within one week attest to the as a reminder that dry socket can affect any individual
efficacy of Alveogyl in managing dry socket and undergoing tooth extraction, regardless of their risk
promoting uncomplicated healing. The positive profile. The multifactorial etiology of dry socket,
outcome observed in this case is consistent with the involving a complex interplay of local and systemic
findings of numerous studies that have investigated factors, contributes to its unpredictable nature. The
the use of Alveogyl in dry socket management. These precise mechanisms underlying its development
studies have consistently demonstrated its remain an area of ongoing research, but it is clear that
effectiveness in reducing pain, promoting healing, and the disruption or absence of a blood clot in the
improving patient satisfaction. The combination of its extraction socket is a key initiating event.20,21
physical barrier properties, bioabsorbability, and the The prompt diagnosis and treatment of dry socket
synergistic action of its active ingredients makes in this case played a crucial role in achieving a positive
Alveogyl a valuable tool in the management of this outcome. The early recognition of the characteristic
common post-extraction complication. The use of signs and symptoms, coupled with the timely
Alveogyl, however, is not without its considerations. implementation of appropriate therapeutic measures,
Although generally well-tolerated, it is important to be facilitated the patient's rapid recovery. The use of
aware of potential adverse effects, such as allergic irrigation to cleanse the socket and remove debris,
reactions or foreign body reactions. In rare cases, followed by the application of Alveogyl dressing, proved
patients may develop hypersensitivity to iodoform or to be an effective strategy in managing the patient's
other components of the dressing. It is therefore pain and promoting healing. Alveogyl, a medicated
crucial to obtain a thorough medical history and to dressing containing iodoform, butamben, and
inquire about any known allergies before using eugenol, offers a multifaceted approach to dry socket
Alveogyl. Additionally, while Alveogyl is effective in treatment. Iodoform, an antiseptic agent, helps
managing dry socket, it is not a substitute for proper combat bacterial infection, a common contributor to
surgical technique and postoperative care. Atraumatic the development and persistence of dry socket.
extraction, meticulous debridement, and clear post- Butamben, a local anesthetic, provides immediate
pain relief by numbing the exposed nerve endings in

the socket, offering the patient much-needed comfort. Further bolstering the evidence base for Alveogyl,
Eugenol, a natural compound with analgesic and anti- the study directly compared its efficacy to that of zinc
inflammatory properties, further contributes to pain oxide eugenol (ZOE), another commonly used dressing
reduction and promotes healing by modulating the for dry socket. The study revealed that both Alveogyl
inflammatory response. The physical properties of and ZOE effectively mitigated pain associated with dry
Alveogyl also play a crucial role in its effectiveness. The socket. However, Alveogyl exhibited a distinct
dressing forms a protective barrier over the exposed advantage in terms of providing faster pain relief and
bone, shielding it from further irritation and creating fostering superior healing outcomes. This comparative
a favorable environment for the formation of a new analysis underscores the potential benefits of Alveogyl
blood clot. The bioabsorbable nature of the dressing in facilitating a more rapid and comfortable recovery
eliminates the need for removal, minimizing patient for patients experiencing dry socket. The favorable
discomfort and facilitating the healing process.18,20 safety profile of Alveogyl further contributes to its
The patient's complete pain relief and significant appeal as a treatment option. The dressing is generally
healing within one week of treatment with Alveogyl well-tolerated, with minimal adverse effects reported in
underscore its efficacy in managing dry socket. This clinical studies. However, it is imperative to remain
positive outcome is consistent with the findings of vigilant for potential complications, albeit rare, such
numerous studies that have demonstrated the as allergic reactions or foreign body reactions. The
effectiveness of Alveogyl in reducing pain, promoting components of Alveogyl, particularly iodoform, can
healing, and improving patient satisfaction. The occasionally trigger hypersensitivity reactions in
prompt resolution of symptoms and the absence of susceptible individuals. Therefore, a thorough medical
complications in this case further support the use of history, including inquiries about any known allergies,
Alveogyl as a valuable tool in the management of dry is crucial before utilizing Alveogyl. The proactive
socket. The unpredictable nature of dry socket, as identification of potential contraindications can help
exemplified by this case, emphasizes the importance ensure patient safety and prevent untoward
of maintaining a high index of suspicion for this complications. The evidence supporting the use of
complication in all patients undergoing tooth Alveogyl in dry socket management is compelling. Its
extraction. Early recognition and intervention are key ability to provide rapid pain relief, promote healing,
to minimizing patient discomfort and promoting and maintain a favorable safety profile makes it a
optimal healing. The use of Alveogyl, with its valuable tool in the dentist's armamentarium. The
multifaceted mechanism of action and proven efficacy, combination of antiseptic, analgesic, and anti-
can be a cornerstone of a successful treatment inflammatory properties offered by its constituent
strategy for dry socket, contributing to improved ingredients, iodoform, butamben, and eugenol,
patient outcomes and a positive postoperative contributes to its multifaceted mechanism of action.
experience. The efficacy of Alveogyl in the management The physical barrier created by the dressing further
of dry socket is well-supported by a growing body of enhances its therapeutic benefits by protecting the
evidence. The study meticulously analyzed various exposed bone and facilitating the formation of a new
clinical studies and concluded that Alveogyl stands as blood clot, essential for the healing process. While
a safe and effective treatment modality for dry socket. Alveogyl has demonstrated its efficacy in numerous
The review highlighted Alveogyl's ability to provide studies, it is important to recognize that its use should
substantial pain relief and expedite the healing be integrated into a comprehensive treatment
process when compared to alternative dressings or the approach for dry socket. Thorough debridement of the
absence of any treatment. This comprehensive socket, pain management with appropriate analgesics,
analysis lends credence to the use of Alveogyl as a and patient education on proper postoperative care are
preferred option in the management of this painful all integral components of successful dry socket
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