German-DAK-Support-List-1941 To 43
German-DAK-Support-List-1941 To 43
German-DAK-Support-List-1941 To 43
Note: The following are my attempts to model the various, basic, German infantry units that took part in the
battles in North Africa from 1941 to 1943. They are based on the German K.St.N. which are charts showing
the theoretical organization and composition of the units in the German army. I have abstracted these
slightly for gaming purposes (for example many of the messengers and hangers on have been left out), but
the basic shape of the units is there. One notable difference is the removal of the additional Senior Leader
in each of the platoons. Lack of senior leadership was a problem for the Germans in Africa, so it felt right to
do this. If you wish to add in a senior leader, then they will be available as supports so the option is still
available to you! To suggest changes/additions please contact Benjamin Joseph Still on the CoC FB group.
Leutnant, Senior Leader, with machine pistol Leutnant, Senior Leader, with machine pistol
Leutnant, Senior Leader, with machine pistol Leutnant, Senior Leader, with machine pistol
Obergefreiter, Junior Leader, machine pistol Obergefreiter, Junior Leader, machine pistol
Note: Note:
The K.St.N. indicates the platoon would be The K.St.N. indicates the platoon would be
transported in 4 x Mannschaftskraftwagen transported in 2 x mittlere Schützenpanzerwagen
(Kfz.70) with the HQ and messengers etc. in (Sd.Kfz.251/1) with the HQ and messengers etc.
mittlerer, gl. Pkw. mit Gerätkasten (Kfz.15). in 2 x leichter Schützenpanzerwagen
The K.St.N. also indicates the possibility that they
could also fight as four sections each of 7 men If using Sd.Kfz.251/1s as transport, two of the
and each with a junior leader. If you wish to try men from each section would act as driver and
this then the Platoon Force Rating would then gunner. As such, on disembarking, sections
become: Regular, 0. would be of 10 men with one LMG if the halftrack
is to remain manned.
Representing mechanised infantry units who Representing the fallschirmjager units that fought
arrived as reinforcements in 1942/43. Based on at the second battle of El Alamein in October 42
K.St.N.1114 (Schützenkompanie b (gepanzert), and in the defence of Tunisia. I can’t find a K.St.N
Panzergrenadierkompanie a) 1.11.1941 for the fallschirmjager so I have based it on the
information found here:
Platoon force rating: Regular, +2
Command Dice: 5 ug39
General Notes:
There is also some debate as to whether the LMG teams should be 2 or three men at this point. I have
decided to go with 3 men for consistency the with newer published lists, but of course feel free to make
changes if you feel it better represents the period (though this will affect force ratings). I hope it is helpful!
German Forces in North Africa 1941 to 1943: Supports
The satchel charge is shown on Table Seven, Hand-Held Anti-Tank Weapons. The charge may be used
once by any Section on the table when commanded by the Senior Leader commanding the platoon who is,
we assume, carrying it with him up to that point. How the charge works is detailed in Section 9.3.4, Tank
Hunters. A maximum of two satchel charges may be selected by a German force.
Three motorcycles with side-cars transport the reconnaissance squad. It has one LMG with two crew on
one machine and three riflemen on the other two. When dismounted this operates with one Junior Leader,
a two-man LMG Team and a five-man Rifle Team.
The 2.8 cm sPzB 41 AT rifle was seemingly associated with the fallschirmjager units and the Ramcke
Fallschirmjager Battalion may have had MG42s in the advance to El Alamein around June 1942.
Only two of these experimental halftracks were produced and tested at the battle of Gazala where one was
captured and the other destroyed, but after knocking out three enemy tanks.
German Forces in North Africa 1941 to 1943: Arsenal