Maternal Daw
Maternal Daw
Maternal Daw
• In just 38 weeks, a fertilized egg (ovum) maturity each month. Once the mature ovum is
matures from a single cell to a fully released, fertilization must occur fairly quickly
developed fetus ready to be born. because an ovum is capable of fertilization for
• Fetal growth and development are only 24 hours (48 hours at the most). After that
typically divided into three periods: time, it atrophies and becomes nonfunctional.
− Pre-embryonic (first 2 weeks, Because the functional life of a spermatozoon is
beginning with fertilization) also about 48 hours, possibly as long as 72 hours,
− embryonic (weeks 3 through 8) the total critical time span during which sexual
− fetal (from week 8 through birth) relations must occur for fertilization to be
Terms Used to Denote Fetal Growth successful is about 72 hours (48 hours before
• Ovum ovulation plus 24 hours afterward). As the ovum
is extruded from the graafian follicle of an ovary
− From ovulation to fertilization
with ovulation, it is surrounded by
• Zygot
− a ring of mucopolysaccharide
− From fertilization to implantation
fluid (zona pellucida)
• Embryo
− and a circle of cells (corona
− From implantation to 5–8 weeks
• Fetus The ovum and these surrounding cells (which
− From 5–8 weeks until term increase the bulk of the ovum and serve as
• Conceptus protective buffers against injury) are propelled
− Developing embryo or fetus and into a nearby fallopian tube by currents initiated
placental structures throughout by
pregnancy − the fimbriae—the fine, hairlike structures
• Age of viability that line the openings of the fallopian
− The earliest age at which fetuses tubes.
could survive if they were born at A combination of peristaltic action of the tube
that time, generally accepted as 24 and movements of the tube cilia help propel the
weeks, or fetuses weighing more ovum along the length of the tube.
than 400 g. Normally, an ejaculation of semen averages 2.5
mL of fluid containing 50 to 200 million
FERTILIZATION spermatozoa per milliliter, or an average of 400
• also referred to as conception and million sperm per ejaculation. At the time of
impregnation ovulation, there is a reduction in the viscosity
• is the union of an ovum and a (thickness) of the cervical mucus, which makes
spermatozoon. it easy for spermatozoa to penetrate it. Sperm
• This usually occurs in the outer third of a transport is so efficient close to ovulation that
fallopian tube, the ampullar spermatozoa deposited in the vagina generally
reach the cervix within 90 seconds and the outer
FACTORS THAT MAY AFFECT end of a fallopian tube within 5 minutes after
FERTILIZATION: deposition. This is one reason why douching is
➢ equal maturation of both sperm and not an effective contraceptive measure.
ovum Spermatozoa move by the combination
➢ ability of the sperm to reach the ovum movement of their flagella (tails) and uterine
➢ ability of the sperm to penetrate the zona
pellucida and cell membrane and contractions through the cervix➡️body of the
achieve fertilization. uterus➡️fallopian tube toward where the ovum
− final process that sperm must undergo to • Once fertilization is complete, a zygote
be ready for fertilization. migrates over the next 3 to 4 days toward
− This process happens as the sperm move the body of the uterus, aided by the
toward the ovum, consists of changes in currents initiated by the muscular
the plasma membrane of the sperm head, contractions of the fallopian tubes.
which reveal the sperm-binding receptor • Mitotic cell division, or cleavage, begins.
sites The first cleavage occurs at about 24
hours; cleavage divisions continue to
All of the spermatozoa that achieve capacitation occur at a rate of about one every 22
reach the ovum and cluster around the protective hours.
layer of corona cells. • By the time the zygote reaches the body
Hyaluronidase (a proteolytic enzyme) is released of the uterus, it consists of 16 to 50 cells.
by the spermatozoa and dissolves the layer of • Morula a bumpy outward appearance
cells protecting the ovum. One reason that an (from the Latin word morus, meaning
ejaculation contains such a large number of “mulberry”). The morula continues to
sperm is probably to provide sufficient enzymes multiply as it floats free in the uterine
to dissolve the corona cells. Under ordinary cavity for 3 or 4 additional days. Large
circumstances, only one spermatozoon is able to cells tend to collect at the periphery of the
penetrate the cell membrane of the ovum. Once ball, leaving a fluid space surrounding an
it penetrates the cell, the cell membrane changes inner cell mass.
composition to become impervious to other • At this stage, the structure becomes a
spermatozoa. An exception to this is the blastocyst. It is this structure that attaches
formation of hydatidiform mole, in which to the uterine endometrium. The cells in
multiple sperm enter an ovum; this leads to the outer ring are trophoblast cells. They
abnormal zygote formation. are the part of the structure that will later
form the placenta and membranes. The
Immediately after penetration of the ovum, the inner cell mass (embryoblast cells) is the
chromosomal material of the ovum and portion of the structure that will form the
spermatozoon fuse to form a zygote. Because the embryo.
spermatozoon and ovum each carried 23
chromosomes (22 autosomes and 1 sex
chromosome), the fertilized ovum has 46
− If an X-carrying spermatozoon entered
the ovum, the resulting child will have
two X chromosomes and will be female
− If a Y-carrying spermatozoon fertilized
the ovum, the resulting child will have an
X and a Y chromosome and will be male
Implantation or contact between the growing EMBRYONIC & FETAL STRUCTURES
structure and the uterine endometrium, occurs The placenta, which will serve as the fetal lungs,
approximately 8 to 10 days after fertilization. kidneys, and digestive tract in utero, begins
Ater 3rd to 4th day of free floating (about 8 days growth in early pregnancy in coordination with
since ovulation), the blastocyst sheds the last embryo growth.
residues of the corona and zona pellucida.
The structure brushes against the rich uterine The Decidua
endometrium (in the second [secretory] phase of − Latin word for “falling off”
the menstrual cycle), a process termed After fertilization, the corpus luteum in the ovary
apposition. It attaches to the surface of the continues to function rather than atrophying,
endometrium (adhesion) and settles down into its because of the influence of human chorionic
soft folds (invasion). gonadotropin (hCG), a hormone secreted by the
trophoblast cells. This causes the uterine
The touching or implantation point is usually endometrium to continue to grow in thickness
high in the uterus, on the posterior surface. If the and vascularity, instead of sloug. hing off as in a
point of implantation is low in the uterus, the usual menstrual cycle. The decidua has three
growing placenta may occlude the cervix and separate areas:
make birth of the child difficult (placenta previa). 1. Decidua basalis, the part of the
The blastocyst is able to invade the endometrium endometrium that lies directly under the
because, as the trophoblast cells on the outside of embryo (or the portion where the
the structure touch the endometrium, they trophoblast cells establish communication
produce proteolytic enzymes that dissolve any with maternal blood vessels)
tissue they touch. This action allows the 2. Decidua capsularis, the portion of the
blastocyst to burrow deeply into the endometrium that stretches or
endometrium and receive some basic encapsulates the surface of the
nourishment of glycogen and mucoprotein from trophoblast
the endometrial glands. As invasion continues, 3. Decidua vera, the remaining portion of
the structure establishes an effective the uterine lining
communication network with the blood system
of the endometrium.