Sample Questions For Economics of Education
Sample Questions For Economics of Education
Sample Questions For Economics of Education
which wants and desires of people are converted into a limited number of
material goods and services through the judicious use of scarce productive
that the resulting qualities are employed for future purposes. Such an act
10. Human capital is the economic value of the abilities and qualities of labor
11. Within business, two types of Knowledge are usually defined, namely
The high demand for university education has likenedthe university to market placeWhat on your
opinion are the factors responsible for this situation?(b) Suggest the necessary strategies to redress
theeducation supply gap
The mounting educational aspirations of parents and theirchildren(2) The faith placed on education as a
catalyst in over allnational development cum the democratic values in thepolitical power drama.(3) The
boom in the number of school age segment of thepopulation
What is the meaning of cost –benefit analysis? Discuss its purpose and problems
Explain the meaning, scope and importance of economics of education. Why is education considered an
Education is the main determinant of economic growth. Discuss . state and explain tangible and
intangible benefits of education
What are the reasons that explain the demand for education?
Human capital theory. Implications. Consumption theory. Theory of signaling. The intergenerational
transmission of inequality.
Mincer wage equation. Estimation of the returns: methods, main findings in the empirical literature,
limitations (biases), possible solutions. Effect on the probability of unemployment. Applications. Are
there too many university graduates (over-education)?