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Senior Professional Staff Member Martin Marietta Corporation Electronic Systems P 0. Box 555837, MP 200 . Orlando, Florida 32855-5837 Telephone: (407) 356-3278 TeleFax: (407) 356-0933

Gary A. Killen

The Advanced Technology Millimeter Wave SeekerTestbed (ATMMWST) may be characterized by these descriptors
1) High range resolution (HRR)via synthetic, coherent

processing 2) Complete polarization scattering matrix in a circular basis 3) Dual-plane sum-anddifferencemonopulse with complex angle processing.

ventional and complex-indicated-angle monopulse signals, and anglescanning monopulse processing. The arrays support demonstrating and illustrating, ina simple manner, the combinations of range resolution, angle resolution, and polarization resolution. After demonstrating the basics of coherent/polarization/monopulse processing, representative radar targets have been measured at several ranges toindicate theeffectsof target-induced noise, system thermal noise, as well as other application factors. INTRODUCTION There are a number of applications where (MMW) radars operating at short-to-moderate ranges are quite attractive. The four mapr application areas' are: 1) surveillance and target acquisition radars, 2) tracking and fire control radars, 3) seekers and terminal guidance radars, and 4) instrumentation and measurement radar systems. Future radar systems have a need to field an all-weather, low-visibility, compact seeker/sensor with high system effectiveness in difficult, complex clutter scenes. These require that more information be extracted about the target and clutter scene. Thereareseveral possibleradar techniques that maybeusedfor target selectioninthecompetingclutter environment. Thisseeker technology embodiesthe following techniques2: 1) HRR,2) HRR with monopulse, 3) crosssection fluctuations, 4) inverse synthetic aperture array IISAR), and 5 ) polarization. Additionally, the radar system should be capable of interfacing with several airframes and their avionics. The problem is to satisfy the requirements of future radar system applications in a reasonable time frame, at a satisfactorycost when in production, and adaptability to the variety of applications. In past MMW programs, emphasis has been on functional performance without regard for size, cost, and mission flexibility. The thrust of the ATMMWST project is to develop a baseline design of system elements, including hardware, software, and processing algorithms that can be efficiently converted to a number of eventual radar system applications. This has been accomplished by developing a welldocumented and characterized baseline system design that is small, modular, and software reprogrammable. One principal application for the ATMMWST radar system

This seeker technology is coupled with statistical pattern

recognitionalgorithmsfor target/clutter discriminationand tracking algorithms for guidance signal generation. The algorithmsare embedded in the signal processing software/ hardware system. The ATMMWST system consists of a seeker, a signal processor, an instrumentation system and data recording system, and an independent line-of-sight reference system(E0SRS).The systemis used in both tower and captive flight programs to collect target signatures and to demonstrate various aspects of the mission scenario. The ATMMWST system, with application to a variety of missions from severalplatforms, can demonstratethe several millimeter wave (MMW)technologiesbeingappliedto these missions. The hardware and software implementation approach, primarily software-driven, allows a flexible adaptation to the variety of potential missions and demonstrations. Furthermore, the ATMMWST subsystem characteristics and radar system characteristics are compatible with the various missions. To authenticate the signal processing methodology for the radar targets, first radar/site characterizations and phearrays should be measured and processed nomenolot! correctly. urrently, the ATMMWST has been involved in tower evaluations with characterization and phenomenology arrays. The tower evaluations are for collecting data related to target discrimination, tracking, and imaging in either one, two, and three dimensions simultaneously. These arrays, along with the signal processing, verify the signal and data processing techniques and confirm the HRR processing coupled with polarization and monopulse processing. The arrays are a small ensemble of point scatterers whose different arrangements demonstrate HRR processing, angle-error generation from the HRR profiles, the con-





8~CH2685-6/89/0000-0035 $01.OO 1989 IEEE

is with precision-guided delivery systems with the radar unit providing the "brilliant guidance'". Brilliant systems are those having the capability of acquiringand identifying a valid target without a man-in-the-loop process. In the ATMMWST system,the decision-makingprocess is software based and embedded in the digital signal processor. Autonomous target detection, classification, identification, and tracking of targets is accomplished in preselected regions with appropriate information from the radar platform. Such systems then serve to increase the system effectiveness and survivability of aircraft and pilots. To perform these four major functions, radar signaturesof both targets and clutter are required before processing algorithmscan be designed and implemented. These radar signaturedatabasesmust be calibrated, intrinsic radareffectsmustberemoved/modified, and provisionsmade to allow futureexploitationof emerging technologies such as MMW imaging. ATMMWST FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The ATMMWST system consists of five major units: 1)the radar seeker; 2) the test instrumentation system; 3) the TV system, which provides an independent line-of-sight reference system; 4) the digital signal processor unit; and 5 ) the general electronics unit. The radar system and the lens/ camera unit are illustrated in Figures 1and 2, respectively. The transmitter/receiver, Figure 3, is the more common moving target indicator (MTI)designzconcept with frequency agility incorporated in the frequency agile exciter. The radar waveform, Figure 4, has been designed to accommodate both stationary target and moving target concepts being pursued to classify and identify targets in their clutter background through high range resolution, cross-section fluctuations, synthetic aperture radar (SAR), and ISAR technologies. The 6-inch diameter antenna utilizes spatialcombining of linear polarizationwhich providesalternating transmit circular polarizations, dual-circular polarizations on receive, with sum-and-difference monopulse ports. Radar signal processing is accomplished in the digital, software-based signalprocessor. (Dataprocessingalgorithms are discussed in the Radar Signal Processing section.) Figure 2. Lens/ camera unit Basically, motion compensation has been incorporated to remove the range cell shift and quadratic distortion due to radar platform motion. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) processing focuses the data in the measured range cell at all fine range cells and Doppler cells simultaneously or, alternately, provides coherent integration or waveform ambiguity function.

This system configuration provides: 1) HRR via synthetic,

coherent processing; 2) complete polarization scattering matrix in a circular basis for radar targets; 3) and dual-plane sum-and-difference monopulse with complex indicated angle processin . Processing only the sum channel data supports signapprocessing techniques of Doppler-beam sharpening (DBS, a S A R technique), ISAR, and high range resolution. When coupled with monopulse signals, the advantages of complex angle processing are available, and generation of angle- error signals with glint reduction through frequency agility is provided. The primary radar parameters and their values are provided in Table 1.Of these parameters,the interrelationshipamong the range resolution (pulsewidth),range sampling rate, and frequency steprequiresthat even-indexed range cell samples be scrolled after being transformed from frequency space to range space. The even-indexed cells have the samplingpoint located at the zero frequency line with lesser range objects aliased into the last cells of the frequency/range transform (Figure 5). RADAR DATA PROCESSI N G ~ Thecoherentdata processing sequencesarebetterillustrated in a set of figures. Digital processing to generate the HRR profile, cross-section fluctuation profile, and HRR with monopulse profile is illustrated in Figure 6. Similarly, the DBS and HRR with monopulse profiles are illustrated in . Figure 7 Calibration and data adjustmentsare discussed in the Radar Calibration and Representative Data section.

Figure 1. Radar System


Table 1.ATMMWST radar parameters

CENTER FREQUENCY TRANSMllTER Peak Power Polarization Isolation P u b Wdth PRF Number of Frequencies Freqwney W n g ANTENNA Gain Beamwidth (one way) Polarization

35 G M
10 watls

20 dB 64ns 4okHz

64 7.95 M M
29 dBi

Figure 4. Radar waveform

Channels Noise Figure Bandwidth Gain control Extent Range SamplingRate Detection Ouanlizatiigital code SIGNAL PROCESSOR coilerent Bandwith Channel PRF -g n i Types RANGE R E S O L W N Pulse HRR plocessing RANGE A M I G W Y PRF Frequency *P RANGE RATE Doppler Ambiguity 1 dB Disbllion Limit



53 lr 0Z a >25 dB
Sum and Difference >25 dB
4,2 simultaneous 8.5 dB (SSB)
15 MM 76 dB @ 0.5 dB inc 15.91 M M

8 bib, natural 509 MHz 2.5 ldiz I-D DFT with monopulse


9.4 in 0.29 m
3.75 km 18.8 m
0.56 R/s 19.1 ws

-4 7. 5

Figure 5. Relating range sampling, range response, and unambigious range extent


RADAR CALIBRATION AND REPRESENTATIVE DATA Typically, the MMW radar functions as either an instrumentation measurement radar, a prototype demonstration radar system, or simultaneously satisfies both functions.Formeasurements where theradar isutilized to collect detailed target and clutter signaturecharacteristics, the radar is generally considered an instrumentation radar without the additional system complexities.

The radar system has four major types of data: 1)HRR, 2) polarization scattering matrix data, 3) ISAR data, and 4) complex monopulse data. There are other pertinent factors (e.g., gain control, noise level)that must be calibratedas part of an overall system calibration. These calibrationsestablish and validatethe correctprocessingof the data and determine the systematic (deterministic) distortions induced into the data via the minor distortions of the radar system. The minor distortions include power fluctuations of the bandwidth, phase distortion over the bandwidth, inphase

Profile of

A d (1)



3D Display MS8A3k3E

?@re 6. Digital processing to generate 1-D range profiles and 3-D images (from echoes of a single burst of n frequency steps)

P h u Ad@mentn

Compbx. n l l u n n t Error sbpmle Fmm N Burets.. Vrocltycmmtod

s h l t Rmg. md D ~ Q C

T h e Hbtoq

d *Pk.
nlbmant Rdllr d Error Sbml w. h g . (N h f l l r )

Error Slgml

n.n S h t -

Figure 7. Digital processing to generate 2-Dand 3-D images from echoes of N bursts of n frequency steps


and quadrature imbalance, relative phase in the sum and difference channels5, and relative spatial orientation of the polarizations. To fully characterize a coherent, polarimetric, monopulse radar system, a 14-element characterization measurement sequence is utilized as shown in Table 2. No radar field measurement is without the competinginfluence of noise and clutter; all measurements are made at a high signal-to-interference ratio to minimize the bias and fluctuation of the measured parameter. These empirical measurements, when accompanied by corresponding system analysis, demonstrate the quality of the MMW radar system utilized in the measurements. Analysis of these radar/site characterization measurement scenariosindicates the variouspertinent radar characteristics usually desired or questioned. Experience indicates that these will support and enhance a quality signature measurement effort. Most of the items are radar metric items.

Table 2. Radarkite characterization measurements

1) Radar Intrinsic Noise 2)Cross Polarization and Channel Balance 3) MeasurementStability
Repeatabilii y Reproducibility 4) Dynamic Range 5) Range Ambiguity Coherent Processing Envelope Processing 6) Range Cell Weighting 7)Clutter Level at Sie 8) Multipath/ Elevation Plane Weighting 9) Radar I TurntableAlignment 10) Azimuth Weighting 11) PolarizationScattering Matrib Distortion Factors 12) Gain ControlTransfer Charaderistics 13) PhenomenologyAmaging Arrays

The basic characteristics of the ATMMWST system are its coherent HRR processing, dual-polarization processing, complex indicated angle and conventional angle monopulse processing, and imaging in two dimensions via ISAR processing4.6. A 3-element array, with polarization selective scatterers (i.e., trihederal, dihederal) and its responses are shown in Figures 8 and 9(a)-(e), respectively. Shown are four and one-half scans across the array. The high range profile is numbered 0 through 64 (1 ft) and the 400 H R R profile sequence is displayed. Amplitude is the magnitude of the quanta values after DFT. This array is an exemplary sample of range resolution, polarization resolution, anglescanning monopulse, and angle resolution. The complex



A - Trlhednl

Figure 8. Range, angle, and polarization resolution angle-scanning monopulse demonstration array

Figure 9. Angle-scanning monopulse/polarization/rangeresolution



T -

indicated angle processing, phase adjustment (75 degrees), and conventionalmonopulseprocessingareshowninFigures 10, 11, and 12, respectively. A polarization selective phenomenology/ISAR array and its accompanying responses are shown in Figures 13 and 14(a) and (b), respectively.

Radar _____) Location


Real term of deltdsum

Range Sample Polnt Turntable Center

Figure 10. Complex indicated angle processing phase adjustment

Real term of deltahum

Figure11. Conventional monopulse processing


a. 3-D presentationA

V b. 2-D presentatil

0 .I

' " c

a !




0 Angle


Figurel2.Monopulse error signal dihedral response

Figurel4. Phenomenology array, trihedral response (Inverse Synthetic Aperture)



Target acquistion, clhification, and identification are becoming increasingly important in several applications. Radar targets must be located in adverse environments in difficult clutter situations. In most previous MMW radar applications, the types of information extracted from the backscattered signal are target presence and, if a target is present, target positional information. Target contrast with the background provides insufficient signal information for acquisition, classification, and identification. In most previous radar applications, properties of the target measured have been its presence (i.e., detection)and relative spatial coordinates (range, range rate, angles). It is possible, however, to extract more information about the target based upon the variations in amplitude, more importantly phase, and polarization. This additional information is utilized in a pattern recognition system. Generally pattern recognition with a radar sensor involves examining the structure of the backscattered signal in more detail than required for target detection. For radar-based pattern recognition systems, several possible techniques may be used singly or jointly for target classification and identification problems. The pattern recognition system, Figure 15, consists of three major components: 1)radar sensor, 2) feature extractor, and 3) classifier. The radar sensor interacts with its environment, which contains the target, and outputsan observationvector (e.g., the HRR profile) periodically. The particular source

generating the observation vector is unknown; the probabilistic decision (under some decision rule) is used to specify the source type.The featureextractor processes each observation vector to form a corresponding feature vector. Values of the feature vector components are used in a decision process (i.e., classifier) which results in specifying themost similar class to associate with theinput observation vector. Further processing of the feature vector will identify the most probable target type within the target class. The pattern recognition system performs the functions of target detection, recognition, and identification by providing an indication only when targets are assigned to the input data. The pattern recognition system design methodology and philosophy have been particularly useful for MMW radar programs. This methodology and philosophy are the outgrowth of several separate measurement efforts and classifierdevelopmentseffortsutilizing variousradar sensor configurationsand reflect the programmatic realities among measurement effortsand pattern recognitionsystemdesign. The pattern recognition methodology, Figure 16, for MMW radar-based systems has been used successfully to develop statically based pattern classification systems. This methodology is considered as three major units: 1)source database, 2) observation vector generation and feature selection,and 3) classifierdesignandperformance evaluation. Realizingpatern recognition is an interactiveprocess, Figure 16shows the nature of pattern recognition design efforts. It depicts the basic relationships and three unitswith the major paths while the myraid of reciprocal relationships, dynamic relationships, and judgements are not indicated.


Figure15 Pattern recognition system

Figurel6. Automatic pattern recognition system

1) Cume,N.C.andBrown, C. E.,Principlesand Applications of Millimeter-Wave Radar, Artech House House, Inc., 1987
2) Skolnik,Merril I., Introduction to Radar Systems, 2 Ed. McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1980 4) Wehner,Donald R., HighResolution Radar Artech House,

Inc., 1987 5 ) Sherman, Samuel M., Monopulse Principles and Techniques Artech House, Inc., 1984 6) Mensa, Dean L., High Resolution Radar Imaging Artech House, Inc., 1981

3) Steere, R. E, 'Tomorrow's Weapons - Not Just Smart, . They're Brilliant", Journalof Electronic Defense,September, 1988


-7 I





Moore, G. Raju, W. Xin, C. Davis, K. R. D e m a r e s t and D. Radar Systems and Remote Sensing Laboratory U n i v e r s i t y of Kansas Center f o r Research, I n c . 2291 I r v i n g H i l l Road Lawrence, Kansas 66045-2969

I. Rummer

INTRODUCTION The U n i v e r s i t y of Kansas Radar Systems and Remote Sensing Laboratory has been engaged i n t h e development and a p p l i c a t i o n of spec i a l purpose r a d a r s f o r remote s e n s i n g of t h e environment over t h e past s e v e r a l decades. The Coherent A n t a r c t i c Radar Depth Sounder has been under development f o r t h e p a s t t h r e e y e a r s i n a p r o j e c t funded by the N a t i o n a l Science Foundation A n t a r c t i c Res e a r c h Program. A p r o t o t y p e system w a s f i e l d e d d u r i n g t h e 1986-87 season a t t h e South P o l e s t a t i o n f o r t e s t i n g . A imn proved v e r s i o n w a s tested d u r i n g the 198788 season, and u s e f u l mapping d a t a were obtained. A s u b s t a n t i a l mapping e f f o r t h a s j u s t been completed d u r i n g t h e 1988-89 season.

A 150-MHz c o h e r e n t radar h a s been developed

f o r sounding t h e A n t a r c t i c ice cap, b u t it may have o t h e r a p p l i c a t i o n s . The r a d a r h a s a peak p o w e r of 20 W, b u t has a c h i r p g a i n of 26 and c o h e r e n t p r o c e s s i n g g a i n from 256 t o 64,000, depending on c o n t r o l s e t t i n g s and a p p l i c a t i o n . W e needed t h e low t i m e bandwidth p r o d u c t f o r t h e c h i r p t o a l l o w o p e r a t i o n from t h e s u r f a c e of t h e ice w i t h a minimum range of o n l y 250 m. The r a d a r w a s tested s u c c e s s f u l l y i n b o t h s u r f a c e and a i r b o r n e modes i n West Antarct i c a d u r i n g December 1987. For t h e s u r f a c e mode, w e mounted t h e r a d a r i n a plywood h u t on r u n n e r s , w i t h t h e separate t r a n s m i t t i n g and receiving 8-element-array antennas suspended from a t r a n s v e r s e s t r u t mounted on the r o o f . A t r a c k e d v e h i c l e p u l l e d the h u t across t h e s u r f a c e . The a i r b o r n e t e s t w a s i n a D e Havilland Twin O t t e r f l y i n g a t a b o u t 500-m h e i g h t . The 4-element a r r a y s were suspended from t h e wings, one on each side. For both tests t h e bottom of t h e i c e w a s c l e a r l y seen a t 1200-m d e p t h , a l o n g w i t h l a y e r s w i t h i n t h e ice. The system u s e s 17-MHz bandwidth t o a c h i e v e a b o u t 5-m r e s o l u t i o n i n ice o r a b o u t 9 m i n air. A pair of SAW d i s p e r s i v e d e l a y l i n e s p r o v i d e l i n e a r FM pulse expansion and compression. A m p l i f i c a t i o n is provided a t t h e 1 50-MHZ carrier frequency, u s i n g a programmable STC. W e t h e n beat t h e s i g n a l t o baseband and d i g i t i z e t h e in-phase ( I ) and Coherent i n t e q u a d r a t u r e (Q) components. g r a t i o n of t h e s e components i s provided i n real t i m e . Up t o 256 p u l s e s may be added c o h e r e n t l y i n a r e c i r c u l a t i n g special processor (18.75 M z sampling r a t e ) . H For f u r t h e r coherent processing, square-law d e t e c t i o n , and non-coherent p r o c e s s i n g , we u s e a DSP c o n t r o l l e d by a Compaq p o r t a b l e microcomputer. Recording of the d a t a is on a B e r n o u l l i box. The system mounts i n a s i n g l e 36-inch-high s t a n d a r d rack.


RF P o r t i o n

The r a d a r system operates a t a c e n t e r f r e quency of 150 MHz, and t h e b a s i c system d e s i g n emphasizes the need f o r i n c r e a s e d signal-to-noise r a t i o with moderately l o w RF t r a n s m i t t e r p o w e r . This i s achieved by c h i r p i n g t h e t r a n s m i t t e d p u l s e and by f u l l y coherent integration. The o v e r a l l system is shown i n t h e block diagram of Fig. 1 , and t h e R ? system i s d e p i c t e d i n Fig. 2. I The b a s i c p u l s e is a b o u t 60 ns wide; it modulates a stable carrier frequency of 150 MHz. The carrier s i g n a l i s o b t a i n e d by multiplying a s t a b l e c r y s t a l o s c i l l a t o r , which o p e r a t e s a t 9.375 MHz. The modulated p u l s e i s expanded t o a b o u t 1.6 usec i n a SAW expander. The expanded p u l s e is amplif i e d and g a t e d t o reduce t h e range s i d e l o b e s and a m p l i f i e d f u r t h e r i n s e v e r a l s t a g e s t o a c h i e v e a peak RF power of 20 watts. A p a i r of four-element d i p o l e a r r a y a n t e n n a s s e r v e as t h e t r a n s m i t t i n g and r e c e i v i n g antennas.

68CH266S-6/69/0000-0042$01-00 1 g89 IEEE

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