CFM56-7B-WPG Master For Rev 8 03282014

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March 2014
Revision 8

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CFM Proprietary Information

The information contained in this document is CFM Proprietary Information and is disclosed in confidence. It is the property of CFM and shall
not be used, disclosed to others, or reproduced without the express written of CFM. If consent is given for reproduction in whole or in part,
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this document may also be controlled by the U.S. export control laws. Unauthorized export or re-export is prohibited.
Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION __________________________________________________________ 7
Introduction________________________________________________________________________ 8
General Workscope Recommendation____________________________________________________ 9
Engine Workscope Selection__________________________________________________________ 14
Workscope Forecasting / Planning Factors______________________________________________ 15
Time On Wing Expectations__________________________________________________________ 16
CFM56-7B Engine Family_____________________________________________________________ 16
CFM 56-7B Engine Takeoff Performance Rating Conversion _______________________________ 18
Engine Maintenance Planning _________________________________________________________ 18
Organization of this Workscope Planning Guide__________________________________________ 18
Continued Time Workscopes - Check Inspections ________________________________________ 19
Minimum workscope_________________________________________________________________ 19
Performance workscope_______________________________________________________________ 20
Full Overhaul Workscope_____________________________________________________________ 20
Life Management_____________________________________________________________________ 20
Life Limited Part Stub-Life___________________________________________________________ 20
Special Investigation Workscopes & Test Requirements_____________________________________ 21
Workscope Planning Guide Updates____________________________________________________ 21
Service Bulletin and Commercial Engine Service Memorandum_____________________________ 21
Service Bulletin Compliance key definitions:____________________________________________ 22
ENGINE WORKSCOPE_______________________________________________________ 23
Engine Workscope Decision___________________________________________________________ 24
Engine Assembly Overview___________________________________________________________ 25
Engine Conversion Service Bulletins & Documents________________________________________ 26
Highly Recommended Service Bulletins & Documents (Engine Level)________________________ 28
Highly Recommended Service Bulletins & Documents (Fan Major Module Level)_______________ 34
Fan Major Module Minimum Workscope________________________________________________ 37
Fan & Booster Module Minimum Workscope_____________________________________________ 39
Fan Blades and Associated Hardware Full Overhaul Workscope_____________________________ 40
Fan & Booster Module Full Overhaul Workscope__________________________________________ 42
No. 1 & No. 2 Bearing Support Module Minimum Workscope________________________________ 44
No. 1 & No. 2 Bearing Support Module Full Overhaul Workscope_____________________________ 44
Fan Frame & Case Assembly Minimum Workscope_________________________________________ 46
Fan Frame & Case Assembly Full Overhaul Workscope_____________________________________ 47
Inlet Gearbox Full Overhaul Workscope_________________________________________________ 49

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Table of Contents

HIGH PRESSURE COMPRESSOR MODULES _______________________________________ 52

Highly Recommended S/B & Documents (High Pressure Compressor Modules Level) ____________53
HPC Rotor Module Minimum Workscope _________________________________________________ 58
HPC Rotor Module Performance Workscope _______________________________________________ 58
High Pressure Compressor Modules Performance Effects ____________________________________ 59
HPC Rotor Module Full Overhaul Workscope____________________________________________ 60
HPC Stators Modules Minimum Workscope________________________________________________ 62
HPC Fwd Case Module Performance and Full Overhaul Workscope___________________________ 62
HPC Rear Case Module Minimum Workscope ____________________________________________ 65
HPC Rear Case Module Performance and Full Overhaul Workscope ________________________ 65
COMBUSTION MODULE ______________________________________________________________67
Highly Recommended S/B & Documents (Combustion Module Level) __________________________ 68
Combustion Module Performance Effects _____________________________________________70
Combustion Module Minimum Workscope ______________________________________________ 70
Combustion Module Performance Workscope (Performance Items)____________________________ 70
Combustor Case Module Full Overhaul Workscope_________________________________________ 73
Combustor Chamber Performance and Full Overhaul Workscope _____________________________ 75
HIGH PRESSURE TURBINE MODULES _______________________________________ 76
Highly Recommended S/B & Documents (High Pressure Turbine Modules Level)_________________ 77
HPT Nozzle Module Minimum Workscope_________________________________________________ 84
HPT Nozzle Module Performance and Full Overhaul Workscope______________________________ 84
HPT Rotor Module Minimum Workscope_________________________________________________ 86
HPT Rotor Module Performance Workscope_______________________________________________ 87
HPT Rotor Module Full Overhaul Workscope______________________________________________ 87
HPT Shroud Support & LPT Stage 1 Nozzle Module Minimum workscope _____________________ 90
HPT Shroud Support & LPT Stage 1 Nozzle Performance and Full Overhaul Workscope _________ 91
Highly Recommended S/B & Documents (Low Pressure Turbine Major Module Level) __________ 95
Low Pressure Turbine Major Module Minimum and Performance Workscope__________________ 98
LPT Rotor / Stator Module Minimum and Performance Workscope _________________________ 101
LPT Rotor / Stator Module Full Overhaul Workscope_______________________________________ 102
Low Pressure Turbine Major Module Performance Effects___________________________________ 104
LPT Shaft Module Minimum Workscope _________________________________________________ 106
LPT Shaft Module Full Overhaul Workscope______________________________________________ 106
LPT Frame Module Minimum Workscope________________________________________________ 108
LPT Frame Module Full Overhaul Workscope____________________________________________ 108

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Table of Contents

ACCESSORY DRIVE MODULE ________________________________________________ 109

Highly Recommended S/B & Documents (Accessory Drive Module Level) _____________________ 110
Accessory Drive Module Minimum Workscope __________________________________________ 114
Accessory Drive Module Full Overhaul Workscope ________________________________________ 115
CONTROLS AND ACCESSORIES WORKSCOPE ___________________________________ 116
Controls & Accessories Time Limits (Thresholds) _________________________________________ 117
Controls & Accessories Workscopes _____________________________________________________ 125
Test Cell Vibration Recommendations-Special Test Recommendations ________________________ 136
Workscope Guidelines for Troubleshooting Engines Removed for High N2 Vibration ___________ 137
Workscope Guidelines following a High N2 Vibration event, significant HPC Blades
damage or No. 4 Bearing failure ________________________________________________________ 141
Workscope for VSV Bushing Quickturn _________________________________________________ 142
Workscope for Oil Smell in Cabin / Oil Leakage at FWD Sump ______________________________ 144
Workscope for Oil Consumption & Rear Sump Leaks ______________________________________ 147

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All technical documentation and information contained herein, with respect to

assembly and disassembly, cleaning, inspection methods and limits, repair
methods and limits, operational limits, life limits and the like, have been
developed and approved for use with engines and parts that have been
manufactured and/or approved by CFM and that have been maintained in
accordance with CFM technical documentation and recommendations. CFM
has no contractual or legal obligation for, nor knowledge of, non-CFM-approved
parts and repairs. Accordingly, this document is not intended to apply to non-
CFM-approved parts and repairs.

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This workscope planning guide is intended to highlight and consolidate the major features of the engine technical
publications into a workable engine management tool, with the goal of improving the engine time between shop visits and
reducing maintenance costs, while maintaining the reliability of the CFM56 engine in service.

The initial CFM56-7B Workscope Planning Guide was issued in September, 1998. Since that initial issue, CFM International
has conducted several Parts Condition Assessments of engines to review engine hardware conditions, performance
deterioration, and to identify needed repair/durability enhancements. The lessons learned from these PCA’s have been
collected in this Workscope Planning Guide. In addition, a full review of the performance influence coefficients has been
accomplished and the results are published in the appropriate sections. These are used to determine the impact of hardware
condition on the performance of the engine.

This revision to the Workscope Planning Guide highlights the key service bulletins (S/B) that should be considered when the
engine is inducted into the shop.

Performance Workscoping for the CFM56-7B engine is outlined in this guide and is very similar to other CFM56 engine
models. As the fleet continues to age, and more shop visits are driven by performance, lessons learned from the shop visits
will be incorporated into this guide. The WPG has been expanded to provide customer with additional special workscopes
(Special Investigation Workscopes & Test Requirements) to optimize the level of disassembly needed to correct hardware
issues. This will aid in the workscope management with an attempt to reduce cost in shop via lower exposure of modules to
piece part.

The recommendations contained within this Workscope Planning Guide are not intended to alter the “on-condition”
maintenance concept of the CFM56-7B engine, but to optimize the maintenance performed during each shop visit. These
recommendations are directed towards improving EGT outbound performance margins, improving the durability of the
engine hardware, as well as improving the reliability of the engine. These are RECOMMENDATIONS ONLY, and should
NOT be interpreted as requirements in addition to those currently applicable per the operator’s Approved Maintenance Plan.

The Workscope Planning Guide provides an approach for incorporating an “on-condition” maintenance concept for the
CFM56-7B engine. Maintenance planning and the determination of the engine workscope during shop visit should be
determined by actual condition of the hardware in the engine, performance level prior to removal from wing, and
accumulated cycles on the life-limited parts.

To perform “on-condition” maintenance, the installed engine must be trend-monitored for performance, and inspected on a
periodic basis to determine when the engine should be removed and overhauled.

The goal of the Controls & Accessories thresholds listed in this guide are provided to help the operator plan maintenance
actions during the shop visits to maintain the reliability of the engine on wing. The threshold recommendations have been
determined using combined knowledge of overall CFM56-7 on wing experience as well as findings of the C&A items during
inspection/overhaul. Operators need to apply their own experience given in this manual and adjust the thresholds

The Workscope Planning Guide is not a replacement for any customer, government, or CFM controlled publications,
including the CFM56-7B Engine Shop Manuals (ESM’s), Component Maintenance Manuals (CSM’s), Service Bulletins
(S/B’s) etc. The responsibility for the production and the assurance of the quality for the engines/modules produced using
this guide are that of the customer.

The Workscope Planning Guide is ONLY a Guide and does not force a full disassembly of the engine at each shop visit. It is
also not necessary to perform a full performance restoration once the engine has enough EGT margin.

Please pass along any questions, clarifications, and/or corrections to your CFM International Representative for
incorporation in future revisions of the WPG.

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General Workscope Recommendation

CFM56 Operational experience has shown that extending the time/cycles between shop visits may optimize the cost of
engine operation. Controlling the type and extent of the workscope performed at shop visit is where the operator is able to
influence the time an engine remains on wing before shop visit is required.

Preparation of a workscope for an incoming engine is critical to assuring a cost effective maintenance program. The first
step of this process is defining the current condition of the engine. Without a proper assessment of the engine condition at
removal, the workscope might not adequately address adverse engine conditions that may exist that could result in a
premature return to the shop. The second step is establishing outbound goals for the engine that meet or exceed the
desired on wing life. Ignoring this second step (defining outbound goals for the engine) may result in addressing a specific
engine problem while failing to produce an engine that meets operator on wing life expectations. Achieving or exceeding the
on wing goal is the mark of a successful workscope and will pay dividends in lower overall operating costs.

Factors which help define the present condition of an engine include the removal cause (high vibration, bearing failure, over-
temperature, performance deterioration, etc.), time and cycles accumulated since last engine shop visit, performance trend
analysis, observed hardware conditions, on wing operational and maintenance history, cycle-limited parts, and inbound test
run results. These should all be considered when establishing the level of workscope to be performed.

Outbound goals should be established to enhance on wing longevity, and must take into account several time/cycle factors.
These include the determination of a minimum stub life for cycle-limited parts, minimum performance margin based on a
calculated on wing life goal, and reliability/durability improvements, which will ease the on wing inspection burden to the
operator, while enhancing the reliability of the engine.

The CFM56-7B engine program has more than 10,000 engines in service with approximately 75 customers. The breakdown
by engine model is as follows: SAC – 47%, Tech Insertion (/3) - ~30%, 7BE - ~22%, and DAC (/2) - <1%. Distribution of
these engines is shown in the pareto below.

Today, SAC Engines represent 88% of all Shop Visits (81% of flying hours)
Tech Insertion/-7BE Engines represent 5% of all Shop Visits (17% of flying hours)
DAC Engines represent 6% of all Shop Visits (1.1% of flying hours

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Operational Environments

The figure below shows the operational regions of the world for the CFM56 engine program. The following table shows a
breakdown of the engines operated in these regions.

The focus of this revision of the Workscope Planning Guide is to highlight the reliability and durability improvements that
CFM has introduced to improve the expected Time On-Wing for engines operated in the different regions of the world.
These improvements include HPC Blade erosion coatings, Combustion Chamber modifications (material, cooling hole
modifications, and TBC HPT Forward Outer Seal re-design to improve HPT blade reliability, HPT Shroud repairs, HPT
Hanger air filters, Internally coated LPT Stage 1 Nozzle, HPT Nozzle Pt-Al Coatings to improve part durability, and Nitrided
bearings to increase resistance to environmental contamination.

The Table on page 11 “A breakdown of Shop visits by Shop Visit Cause (top 50 causes) by Operational Environment for
Visit #1” shows an important area of interest in engine operations within certain world regions. Aft Sump issues (oil leaks, tail
pipe fires, O-ring deterioration and high oil consumption) are beginning to drive more Shop Visits as the engine ages. It is
important to incorporate the Service Bulletins (S/B’s) that will improve reliability. S/B’s examples: S/B’s 72-0873, 72-0904,
72-0921 and 72-0764.

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Table: “A breakdown of shop visits by Shop Visit Cause (top 50 causes) by Operational Environment for Shop Visit #1” is
shown below for the years 2010 thru the end of 2013. Note that LLP is still the #1 Shop Visit Cause in the CFM56-7B

PSE Shop Visit Cause Baseline North Arabian China India Grand
Africa Peninsula Total
LLP 247 3 29 5 284
HPC Rotor/Stator Contact - S/B 72-0515 177 7 22 3 209
IGV Actuation Ring 11 1 12

VSV System 2 2 4
HPC Honeycomb 1 1
HPC Blade Damage 21 2 6 1 30
Customer Convenience 131 4 5 53 10 203
LPT Stg 1 Nozzle - Internal Corrosion 25 1 1 72 6 105

LPT Stg 1 Nozzle - Fuel Nozzle 15 15

Fuel Nozzle Replacement 4 4

Combustion Chamber Distress 17 3 1 13 3 37

HPT Nozzle Distress 21 7 62 12 102
HPT Shroud Distress 13 1 2 16
HPT Blade L/E Distress 1 1 16 15 54 87
HPT Blade Distress 30 1 19 9 26 85
HPT Blades

HPT Blade Management - S/B 72-0696 40 5 1 21 1 68

HPT Blade Management - S/B 72-0821 17 1 3 21
HPT Blade Management - S/B 72-0918 6 9 15
HPT Blade T/E Distress 5 1 1 7
HPT Blade Evaluation 3 3
HPT Blade Management 1 1
Performance Deterioration 29 3 22 1 55
FOD 32 2 3 1 38
AGB/TGB Bearing 6 1 1 17 25
AGB Line 3 Bearing 6 1 7
AGB Line 4 Bearing 8 1 9

AGB Line 5 Bearing 8 8

AGB Line 6 Bearing 1 1
AGB Line 7 Bearing 1 1
AGB Line 3 Plowing 1 1
No 4 Bearing 17 6 23
No 3 Bearing 11 1 6 2 20
Fan Case Damage 11 2 1 14
Fan Hardware

Fan Case B1/B4 Flange 7 1 1 2 2 13

Fan Disk Damage 4 1 5
Fan Frame Damage 3 3
VBV System 1 1
No 3 Aft Air/Oil Seal 10 10
Oil Smell in Cabin 5 4 9
Aft Air/Oil Separator 9 1 10
Oil Leak - Aft Sump 6 2 8
Aft Sump Hardware

Rear Extension Duct 4 1 1 6

Tailpipe Fire 5 1 6
MCD Findings - Aft Sump 3 2 1 6
High Oil Consumption 3 1 1 5
Oil Leak - Aft Sump Oil Cover O-Ring Deterioration 2 2
MCD Findings - Silver Flakes 1 1
TRF - Aft Sump Nipple Crack 4 4
No 5 Bearing Support Housing 2 2
Miscellaneous 79 7 0 20 1 107
Grand Total 1067 43 54 411 134 1709

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The following table shows the bulletins that are recommended by operational region for improved reliability and durability of
the CFM56-7B Engine. This is a combination of On-Wing Inspections, Rework Instructions, and New Part Introductions.

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In addition to the service bulletins called out for regional distress above, the following are a list of Service
Bulletins for the CFM56-7B engine program introduced to improve Reliability, Durability and Performance. The
customer should evaluate each of these service bulletins to determine if they should incorporate at engine shop

• HPC Rotor-to-Stator Contact

– S/B 72-0515 On-Wing BSI of HPC with composite only bushings at 24,000 hours
– S/B 72-0665 Hybrid bushings (terminating action for S/B 72-0515) or 72-0581 (metallic

• LPT Stg 1 Nozzle Distress (Caused by internal corrosion)

– SB 72-0734 Incorporation if SVPA internal coating

• SAC LPT Stg 1 Nozzle Distress (Caused by Deteriorated SAC Fuel Nozzles)
– S/B 72-0728 On Wing BSI of LPTN 1-3
– S/B 72-0785 On Wing BSI of LPTN 1-3
– S/B 73-0132 – Improved fuel nozzle O-ring material

• HPT Blades
– S/B 72-0326 – Root Trailing Edge (RTE) crack inspection for P04/P05 HPT blades
Remove by 12,500 CSN – Fleet is nearly 100% complete

– S/B 72-0584 – Introduction of the 2100M96P02 HPT blade (TI) set

– SB 72-0696 – HPT Blade Management Plan

– P/N 2002M52P09 / 1957M72P01, Replace/Retire at or before 20,000 CSN
– P/N 2002M52P11/P14 and P/N 1957M72P02 with specific S/N Prefix, replace/retire at
or before 16,000 CSN
– P/N 2002M52P11 and P/N 1957M72P02 without specific S/N Prefix, replace/retire at
or before 20,000 CSN
– P/N 2002M52P14 without specific S/N Prefix, replace/retire at or before 25,000 CSN
– No repairs for blades with the Specific S/N Prefix

– SB 72-0818 – Introduction of P/N 2100M96P04 – Leading Edge Split Shelf Removal

– For engines operated in sandy and dusty environments that cause leading edge
distress to the HPT blades
– Current Tech Insertion Spare Part Blade

– SB 72-0821 – HPT Blade Management Plan

– Remove P/N 1957M10P01 and P/N 2100M96P02 before 25,000 CSN
– Specific Population of 1957M10P03 blades – retire at or before 16,500 CSN
– Remaining 1957M10P03 Blades – replace/retire at or before 25,000 CSN

– SB 72-0895 – Introduction of P/N 2404M91P02 blade for 7BE engines (76 blades per set)
– Introduce with new 7BE HPT Rotor
– SB 72-0918 – HPT Blade Management Plan
– Remove P/N 2002M52P14 and 1957M10P01 by 15000 cycles if engine operated
more than 50% in China region
– Recommends the removal of some specific 1957M10P03 S/N blades listed in the SB

• AGB Bearing Reliability

– S/B 72-0368 – Line 4 – Removal of specific S/B bearings at shop visit – Line 8 included in S/B
– S/B 72-0445 – Line 2 - Removal of specific S/B bearings at shop visit
– S/B 72-0617 – Line 3 – Clean Alternator and re-torque studs at shop visit
– S/B 72-0689 – Line 5 – Intro of new roller bearing at Shop Visit – Line 9 and 11 included in S/B
– S/B 72-0731 – Line 7 - Removal of specific S/B bearings at shop visit
– S/B 72-0927 – Line 4 - Deletion of Ball Bearing 335-304-401-0 alternative for the handcranking
line next shop visit

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• #3 Aft Air/Oil Seal and Oil Drain Cover Delamination

– S/B 72-0574 New high temperature adhesive (FM57) replaces EA9689 – Modify at Core LLP

• Aft Air/Oil Separator – Leading Indicator Program

– Oil consumption & MCD monitoring
– Incorporate 6-weld design at SV per S/B 72-0904

LRU Overhaul – Updates made to Version 6 of the Workscope Planning Guide

• HMU Improvements
– S/B 73-0170 : Ring Chip Population
– S/B 73-0172 : Cu-Ni FMV Resolver Wire
– S/B 73-0174 : P14 Cat 7 (5945 and lower)
– S/B 73-0175 : P14 Cat 3 (SN 5946 – 8599)

• Overboard Drain Leaks

– S/B 73-0174 or 73-0175 HMU Fluorocarbon O-rings
– S/B 75-0036 HPTACC Fluorocarbon O-rings
– S/B 75-0040 TBV Fluorocarbon O-rings

• Optional actuators test in AMM to clear or confirm an overboard drain fuel leak

Engine Workscope Selection

The goal of a full overhaul engine workscope (LLP/Performance Restoration) should be to produce an engine that
incorporates reliability and durability Service Bulletins, while performing performance restoration of the engine. This should
drive the majority of the subsequent shop visits to either Performance or LLP. This guide provides Service Bulletin
recommendations to eliminate many of the other shop visit causes being experienced today. CFM recognizes that LLP build
recommendations are unique to each operator, operational environment and situation.

Regarding on wing entitlement for performance, with the exception of the engines operated at 27K thrust engines, very few
engines are expected to be removed for Performance prior to reaching Core LLP on first run engines. In the figure below,
based on average EGT margin and average deterioration, a 27K engine is expected to be removed around 9000 cycles for
performance. All other CFM56-7B engine models have adequate margin to achieve LLP or close to LLP before being
removed for performance.

At shop visit, today’s workscopes are demonstrating on average a recovery of within 15-30 degrees C of the original average
production EGT margins when performing a full core restoration (overhaul) workscope. This 15-30 degrees C is a range for
an average engine – it should not be applied on an individual engine basis, and it should not be considered a minimum or
guarantee. For top/bottom case procedure for fixing rotor/stator contact due to bushing deterioration, a 5-15 degree EGT
margin recovery is typical.

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Tech Insertion nameplate engines have ~5 deg additional EGT margin as well as hybrid VSV bushings and an improved
HPT Blade, which should eliminate the engine removal around the 14,000 cycle time period. In addition, the Core LLP lives
are 20,000 cycles across the board.

CFM expects a large majority of pre-Tech Insertion engines to be removed prior to reaching core LLP for HPC Rotor/Stator
contact, HPT Blade recommended removal time, or some other reliability issue. The chart on the previous page showed
typical removals in the 22,000-30,000 hour time period. Based on an average flight leg of ~1.8 hours/cycle, typical cycles at
shop visit are around 12,000 to 15,000 cycles. At that time, CFM recommendation is to perform a minimum workscope
(bushing and/or blade replacement), which should permit the engine to run to core LLP (17,600 cycles for 26-27K thrust
engines and 20,000 cycles for 24K thrust and below thrust engines).

At that time, the customer can decide to run the engine to 25,000 cycles (by replacing the Core and LPT LLP hardware) or
replace the Core and LPT LLP hardware and run the engine out to 30,000 cycles, where a Fan LLP visit is carried out. This
set of scenarios is shown below. At 30,000 cycles, a minor workscope is performed on the fan to replace LLP hardware and
the engine is run to 40K cycles.

It is possible that this scenario can be cut short by some other un-foreseen issue, but the workscope philosophy is to
minimize the number of shop visits over the life of the engine. Each scenario needs to be evaluated and decisions made
based on that evaluation.

One additional option for minimizing the number of shop visits over the life of the engine is to replace all LLP hardware
(Fan, Core, LPT) at the Core LLP shop visit. This makes the engine capable of running an additional 20,000 cycles since
this is the Tech Insertion Hardware life limit, regardless of thrust category. This workscope will require replacement of
HPT Blades as well as all LLP hardware. This option is not right for all operators, but it should be evaluated as one of the
engine management scenarios.

15 5

Workscope Forecasting / Planning Factors

Some of the factors that can enter into workscope decisions are listed below. This is not an inclusive list and some of
these situations may or may not enter into the workscope decisions. Each situation is unique

LLP Remaining – Determines which modules need to be exposed for LLP replacement
LLP Stub Life Criteria – Be sure to “match” LLP lives across the engine
Engine Configuration – Review S/B Status versus Maintenance Specification
Airworthiness Directives – Comply with at Shop Visit

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Lease Return Requirements – EGT and LLP Requirements are significant driver to workscope
Equipment Operation Horizon – Consider the age of the Aircraft and future operational requirements
Engine Distribution (TSV/CSV) – May need to build on wing entitlement into engines to stagger fleet shop visit
schedule in the future
Shop Loading/Manpower – How quickly do we need the engine back? May drive heavy vs. light workscope
Engine Reliability – What S/B’s are to be incorporated at shop visit?
Environmental Factors : erosion, pollution, ambient temperature
Performance Deterioration- Any upgrades available to reduce deterioration?
Derate Usage – This can impact deterioration rates
Engine Thrust – Any opportunity to re-rate engine – Impact on LLP life?
Water Wash Program – This can impact the engine TOW significantly. CFM recommends operators evaluate
their engines using CESM 014 - Gaspath Cleaning Recommendations for Installed engines

Time On Wing Expectations

Regarding Time On Wing Expectations for the CFM56-7B engine, the following table attempts to show CFM’s expected
Time On Wing capability for an average engine in terms of cycles (average flight leg of 1.8 hours/cycle), for a typical
takeoff derate of 8%-10%, operating in normal environmental conditions. The capability projections in the following table
are not actual data, but engineering estimates based on performance/durability expectations

20-24K 26K 27K

12,000-16,000 10,000–13,000
1st Run 15,000-18,000 cycles cycles cycles
Pre-Tech Insertion
9,000-14,000 7,000-12,000
2nd Run 12,000-17,000 cycles cycles cycles

14,000-17,000 11,000-14,000
1st Run 16,000-20,000 cycles cycles cycles
Tech Insertion
11,000-15,000 8,000-12,000
2nd Run 13,000-18,000 cycles cycles cycles

* Second run projections are based on a projected full core performance restoration.
* It is assumed that the VSV bushing wear would have been managed with a top case.

CFM will continue to analyze these TOW expectations based on actual field experience, to update the engine
deterioration, and will update this manual as appropriate to help guide the maintenance provider for the CFM56-7B

CFM56-7B Engine Family

Engine Thrust T/O Thrust

Airframer Model Combustor 3D Aero
Family Level Bump
CFM56 7 B X / (none) = SAC 1 1
/ 2 = DAC 1 1
/ 3 = Tech Insertion B1 F

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For the CFM56-7 Engine -7BXX

7B27/B1 is the max capability rating – same sea level static thrust as the 7B27
7B27/B2 is the 7B27/B1 with a different mission for life calculation purposes
7B27/B3 is the 7B27 rating with a different mission for life calculation purposes
CFM56-7B Red line: 950°C
Flat rating temperature (°F / °C): 86 / 30

Aircraft Engine Model Takeoff Thrust FADEC Engine Model

737-600, 700 CFM56-7B20 20.6K FADEC II & III SAC
737-600, 700 CFM56-7B20/2 20.6K FADEC II & III DAC
737-600, 700 CFM56-7B20/3 20.6K FADEC II & III Tech Insertion
737-600, 700 CFM56-7B20E 20.6K FADEC II & III 7BE
737-600, 700 CFM56-7B22 22.7K FADEC II & III SAC
737-600, 700 CFM56-7B22/2 22.7K FADEC II & III DAC
737-600, 700 CFM56-7B22/3 22.7K FADEC II & III Tech Insertion
737-600, 700 CFM56-7B22E 22.7K FADEC II & III 7BE
737-600 CFM56-7B22/3B1 22.7K FADEC II & III SAC
737-600 CFM56-7B22E/B1 22.7K FADEC II & III 7BE
737-700, 800, 900 CFM56-7B24 24.2K FADEC II & III SAC
737-700, 800, 900 CFM56-7B24/2 24.2K FADEC II & III DAC
737-700, 800, 900 CFM56-7B24/3 24.2K FADEC II & III Tech Insertion
737-700, 800, 900 CFM56-7B24/E 24.2K FADEC II & III 7BE
737-600,700, 700GW CFM56-7B24/B1 24.2K FADEC II & III SAC
737-600,700, 700GW CFM56-7B24/3B1 24.2K FADEC II & III Tech Insertion
737-600,700, 700GW CFM56-7B24E/B1 24.2K FADEC II & III 7BE
737-700, 800, 900 CFM56-7B26 26.3K FADEC II & III SAC
737-700, 800, 900 CFM56-7B26/2 26.3K FADEC II & III DAC
737-700, 800, 900 CFM56-7B26/3 26.3K FADEC II & III Tech Insertion
737-700, 800, 900 CFM56-7B26E 26.3K FADEC II & III 7BE
737-700, 800, 900 CFM56-7B26E/F 26.3K FADEC II & III 7BE
737-700, 800, 900 CFM56-7B26/3F 26.3K FADEC II & III Tech Insertion
737-BBJ CFM56-7B26/3B1 26.3K FADEC II & III SAC
737-BBJ CFM56-7B26E/B1 26.3K FADEC II & III 7BE
737-BBJ CFM56-7B26/B1 26.3K FADEC II & III Tech Insertion
737-700 CFM56-7B26/B2 26.3K FADEC II & III SAC
737-600, 700 CFM56-7B26/3B2 26.3K FADEC II & III Tech Insertion
737-600, 700 CFM56-7B26E/B2 26.3K FADEC II & III 7BE
737-600, 700 CFM56-7B26E/B2F 26.3K FADEC II & III 7BE
737-600, 700 CFM56-7B26/3B2F 26.3K FADEC II & III Tech Insertion
737-600, 700 CFM56-7B26E 26.3K FADEC II & III 7BE
737-800, 900, BBJ CFM56-7B27 27.3K FADEC II & III SAC
737-800, 900, BBJ CFM56-7B27/2 27.3K FADEC II & III DAC
737-800, 900, BBJ CFM56-7B27/3 27.3K FADEC II & III Tech Insertion
737-800, 900, BBJ CFM56-7B27E 27.3K FADEC II & III 7BE
737-800, 900, BBJ CFM56-7B27E/F 27.3K FADEC II & III 7BE
737-800, 900 CFM56-7B27/B1 27.3K FADEC II & III SAC
737-800, 900 CFM56-7B27/3B1 27.3K FADEC II & III Tech Insertion
737-800, 900 CFM56-7B27E/B1 27.3K FADEC II & III 7BE
737-800, 900 CFM56-7B27E/B1F 27.3K FADEC II & III 7BE
737-BBJ CFM56-7B27/B3 27.3K FADEC II & III SAC
737-BBJ CFM56-7B27/3B3 27.3K FADEC II & III Tech Insertion
737-800, 900 CFM56-7B27/3B1F 27.3K FADEC II & III Tech Insertion
737-AEW&C CFM56-7B27A 27.3K FADEC II & III-P02 SAC
737-AEW&C CFM56-7B27A/3 27.3K FADEC II & III-P02 Tech Insertion

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CFM 56-7B Engine Takeoff Performance Rating Conversion

Delta EGT Margin Sea Level Corner Point

CFM56-7B27 CFM56-7B26 CFM56-7B24 CFM56-7B22 CFM56-7B20
CFM56-7B27 +21 +52 +51 +80
CFM56-7B26 -21 +31 +30 +59
CFM56-7B24 -52 -31 -1 +28
CFM56-7B22 -51 -30 +1 +29
CFM56-7B20 -80 -59 -28 -29
Delta EGT Margin Worst Case
CFM56-7B27 CFM56-7B26 CFM56-7B24 CFM56-7B22 CFM56-7B20
CFM56-7B27 +13 +52 +51 +56
CFM56-7B26 -26 +31 +30 +35
CFM56-7B24 -57 -39 -1 +4
CFM56-7B22 -56 -38 +1 +5
CFM56-7B20 -85 -67 -28 -29

Engine Maintenance Planning

The on-condition maintenance concept requires that the installed engine be trend monitored and inspected on a regular
basis to determine the optimum time for removal and overhaul. Procedures and limits for inspecting the installed engine are
in the Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM). Also, procedures for inspecting installed engines for specific conditions may be
provided in Service Bulletins (S/B).

The goal of on-condition maintenance is to maximize the time / cycles an engine can be operated between shop visits.
Several factors influence the time between overhaul including: the type and extent of the workscope at the previous
overhaul, the engine operating procedures, the environment in which the engine is operated, and the engine type and thrust
rating of the engine. Controlling the type and the extent of the workscope at overhaul is the area where the operator is best
able to influence and optimize the time / cycles between overhaul. The time/cycles between overhaul is optimized by
ensuring that all hardware meets integrity standards provided in the Shop Manual and Service Bulletins, and by emphasing
performance restoration procedures during the overhaul of an engine.

Several benefits, such as reduced number of shop visits, optimum fuel consumption, can be derived for the operator by
ensuring the integrity standards of the hardware and emphasizing performance restoration procedures during engine

Organization of this Workscope Planning Guide

This Workscope Planning Guide is organized in chapters by module: Fan Major Module, Core Major Modules (HPC,
Combustor and HPT Modules) LPT Major Module and AGB and TGB Modules and external hardware. Also, chapters that
summarize engine workscope decision (applies to engines incoming to the shop prior to disassembly), and Service Bulletins
are included. Each module chapter includes the following:

A list of highly recommended Service Bulletins and Documents.

Where applicable, a summary of calculated effects on performance restoration is most applicable
Four recommended workscope levels.
o Continued Time Workscopes - Check Inspections
o Minimum Workscopes
o Performance Workscopes
o Full Overhaul Workscopes

When using these different levels, note that they build on each other. Meaning, the Performance workscope level includes
the Minimum workscope recommendations and the Full Overhaul Workscope of an engine must include:

Items from the Minimum and Performance workscopes. The Controls and Accessories are organized in one section
of the Guide with both Minimum and Full Overhaul Workscope levels defined together.
The level of workscope to be performed on an engine inducted in the shop is dependent on the removal cause;
time accumulated on the engine modules, observed hardware conditions, trend data at removal and airlines goals.

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Continued Time Workscopes - Check Inspections

Engine condition assessment must be accomplished prior to induction to ensure Continued Time workscope effectiveness:
Verify that engine performance trends are satisfactory and that the engine will have adequate performance margin
for return to a service condition.
Verify that the engine has LLP stub life consistent with post repair goals. Refer to chapter 05 (Life Limits).

When possible, verify that all engine related fault messages have been reviewed and appropriate maintenance action
identified for the engine and parts

The following workscopes are considered Continued Time Workscopes:

Containment case replacement
HPC blades replacement
HPC bushings replacement
HPT nozzles replacement
HPT blades replacement
LPT STG 1 nozzles replacement
LPT rear frame replacement
AGB intervention
TGB intervention

NOTE: Consult CFM PSE for Continued Time Workscopes possible combination or for proposal of other Continued
Time Workscopes.

During these Continued Time activities, the engine will be considered to be continued time when Time between two
scheduled shop visits (LLP replacement or Performance restoration as per removal plan) for heavy maintenance is
Continued time is defined as there being no maintenance action that would result in what was to be the next
scheduled shop visit of the engine being extended:

Example 1: An engine has heavy maintenance activity for a scheduled shop visit and next scheduled shop visit will
occur in 6000 cycles. After 1000 cycles the engine has minor maintenance activity in accordance with
Check Inspection (ESM 72-00-00) and Special Procedure 010. The engine will returned to service and
the next shop visit scheduled shop is the original intended and will occur in 5000 cycles.

Example 2: When a shop visit objective is partial or full core engine performance restoration or for a LLP
replacement, engine is not considered continued time. However Continued Time activities can replace
parts with a performance impact. These activities could include Air/Oil Separator replacement or HPC
Top/Bottom Case Bushing replacement.

The Check Inspection as referenced in the ESM 72-00-00 (Special procedure 010) is a procedure that gives instructions for
a Check Inspection during a Continued Time Workscope through Visual Inspection for overall condition of engine assembly,
major modules, minor modules, and parts exposed or removed for access.
Check Inspection is a visual examination of engine, engine systems, subsystems, components and/or parts, to
detect structural failure, deterioration or damage; and to determine the need for corrective maintenance.
Check Inspection for overall condition is a check limited to visual inspection; any other inspection methods (as
dimensional inspection, Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection (FPI), Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI), Radiographic
Inspection, Ultrasonic Inspection, Eddy current Inspection, Hardness measurement and Special processes) are not
Parts or modules visually checked per ESM 72-00-00 Special Procedure 010 must be reinstalled on the same
engine. Due to continued time concept, no transfer of parts is permitted with a check inspection instruction. Parts or
modules must be inspected per appropriate ESM section to be reinstalled on another engine.

The Check Inspection procedure is applicable only when a Continued Time Workscope can be performed.
These Workscopes as defined by CFM Product Support Engineering (PSE) can be applicable to one or more of the
An engine that has a shop visit for designated Service Bulletin activity. There may be more than one service bulletin
applied at one time.
An engine that is reworked or retrofitted per PSE procedure.
An engines for a Quick turn (QT) shop visit to apply corrective or preventive maintenance as specified in, Special
Procedures (for example, top case or bottom case removal).

An engine that has limited maintenance activity that results in the engine being a Continued Time Engine.

NOTE: The Continued Time Workscopes define the areas concerned by Check Inspection ESM 72-00-00 Special
Procedure 010 during the maintenance activity.

NOTE: The term: Low maintenance workscope is being replaced with the words “Continued Time Workscope”. The
modification is to be available in the next revision of the ESM 72-00-00 (Special Procedure 010).

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Minimum Workscope
Engines inducted into the shop with low time since last overhaul, have sufficient performance margins, and were removed
for a known cause can have this level of work and inspections performed. This level highlights preventive maintenance and
helps identify if additional levels of work are required.

Experience shows that it is not cost-effective to refurbish the Fan/Booster and LPT unless they are being disassembled for
cause. A Minimum workscope is usually performed on these two Major Modules during an engine performance restoration.

Performance Workscope (Performance Restoration)

To determine if a performance workscope is required, use the following guidelines:

Engines with .low in-service performance prior to removal

Engines with less than 10°C EGT margin at Inbound Test.
Cause for removal
Not all modules have a Performance Workscope
CFM defines a Performance restoration workscope as all Core Modules having an expectation of EGT Recovery.

To obtain the maximum time between shop visits with the resultant lower Cost per Engine Flight Hour, the complete core
should be restored (both the HPC and HPT). Experience shows that Performance restoration on Fan & Booster and LPT
modules has limited impact on overhaul engine performance restoration results.

A table of derivatives to assess the performance effect of used engine hardware, namely on the approximate change in
Exhaust Gas Temperature Margin (EGTM), is entitled and can be found in this chapter.

Typical rub depths and clearances after test cell acceptance test (i.e. seal break-in and performance run) for new engines or
engines refurbished to the performance restoration workscope are provided. The corresponding derivatives are used to
assess the performance effects (book keep the losses) for changes beyond these "post break-in" values.

Cost-effective performance restoration requires determination of the items having the greatest potential for regaining EGT
and SFC margins. Approximate performance changes may be calculated by comparison of inbound measurements to
baseline values (after break-in and performance testing). The post break-in values and coefficients are theoretical
calculations that have been adjusted using actual engine data.

Full Overhaul Workscope

This workscope level applies when the module needs to be disassembled for:

LLP cause
Removal cause

At this time, all priority Service Bulletins should be complied to and customer option Service Bulletins evaluated. Also, it may
prove cost-effective to replace LLP, although cycles remain in their life.

Life Management
Refer to Shop Manual Section 05-11-00 thru 05-11-04 for the latest rotating part lives.
Refer to Shop Manual Section 05-12-04 for the latest Frame lives.

The operator should establish minimum remaining life goals (i.e. Stub Life) for each of the modules depending on his
operational requirements.

Life Limited Part Stub-Life

The “Stub-Life” of the engine is the shortest life remaining of all life-limited parts installed in the engine. It is desirable to plan
the stub-life such that engines are removed for LLP at Cycles Since Shop Visit that are consistent with operator goals.

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Special Investigation Workscopes & Test Requirements

Some special investigation workscopes and test requirements have been developed and included in the Workscope
Planning Guide. One of the goals is to summarize the main investigations to perform for some special removal causes.

Located at the end of the WPG, the Investigation Workscopes provide guidelines for troubleshooting engines which have
experienced Oil Smell in Cabin, High Oil Consumption, or High N2 Vibration.

CFM Product Support Engineering can provide any other specific Investigation Workscopes per customer request.
Please note that all Shop Finding Reports are much appreciated to improve/update these Workscopes.

Workscope Planning Guide Updates

CFM would like the WPG to be considered a document that is widely used and shared between all Customers. So, all
Customer comments and proposals, which will help complete and improve the WPG, are welcome and will be taken into
account when updating the document.

Service Bulletin and Commercial Engine Service Memorandum

To assist the operator in the determination of the important Service Bulletins and Commercial Engine Service Memorandum
to consider at a shop visit, condensed lists which highlights the Service Bulletins to be incorporated on an accelerated basis
have been developed and included for each modules in its corresponding chapter. It is not all inclusive; reference should be
made to the complete Service Bulletin list for recommendations on each Bulletin .

These Service Bulletins and Commercial Engine Service Memorandum have been sorted in five categories to show their
impact in terms of Durability (letter D), Performance (letter P) and / or Reliability (letter R) and to highlight some of the
Inspection (letter I) Service Bulletins. The last category is for Others (letter O) Service Bulletins including either those
providing some Additional Improvements (letter AI) or those mentioned for Information (Info) purpose.

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Service Bulletin Compliance key definitions:

Category 1
Definition: Mandatory compliance generally as a result of Direccion general de Aeronautica (GAC) or FAA
Action, ie.,Consigne de Navigabilite (CD) or AD. Example; AD, pending
AD, NRPM, or CFM technical requirement (safety of flight, etc.). Will cause customer action.
CFMI recommends that you do this Service Bulletin before subsequent flight OR before ______
hours, ______ cycles, (OR) ______ a specified end date (OR) ______ specified interval.

Category 2
Definition: When an aircraft can stay for a suitable time at a line station or maintenance base having the
capability to perform the procedure. May cause customer action.
CFMI recommends that you do this Service Bulletin as soon as possible without effect on revenue
service but before ______ hours, ______ cycles, (OR) ______ a specified end date (OR)______
specified interval.

Category 3
Definition: Requires compliance regardless of reason for shop visit.
CFMI recommends that you do this Service Bulletin at the next shop visit of the engine/module.

Category 4
Definition: Requires compliance when area is exposed.
CFMI recommends that you do this Service Bulletin when the (area) is exposed.

Category 5
Definition: Do when the affected part is exposed at the piece-part level.
CFMI recommends that you do this Service Bulletin as soon as the (affected part) is removed from the

Category 6
Definition: Do when affected part is exposed and repair is planned.
CFM recommends that you do this Service Bulletin when the (affected part) is routed for repair.

Category 7
Definition: Do at customer convenience after the old parts are all used. Do at customer option if the old
parts will be supplied (date supported) for engines that have not been changed.
CFMI recommends that you do this Service Bulletin at customer convenience (OR) option.

Category 8
Definition: Customer option to incorporate.
Spare Parts Release.

Category 9
Definition: Information only. If the Service Bulletin is no longer recommended, issue as Cat 9.
Information only.

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Engine Workscope


CFM Proprietary Information CFM56-7B WPG

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Engine Workscope

Engine Workscope Decision


Engine removal

Removal reason Check on-wing history

Check LLP status
(stub life)

Incoming inspection
external / BSI / MCD Filter screen
checks Controls & Accessories

Refer to WPG
" Highly recommended SB "
"Engine assy recommeded S/B"


Perform Module(s) Perform Module(s)

Performance Perform Module(s) Full Overhaul
Perform Perform
Workscope Minimum Workscope Workscope
Controls & Accessories Controls & Accessories
Minimum Workscope Overhaul Workscope

Fan Major Module


HPC Rotor Module

Refurbishment of :
HPC Stator Modules
refurbishment - Fan & Booster Module
- N°1 & 2 Bearing Support Module
Combustion - IGB Module Fuel & Control
Fan Major Module - Fan Frame / Case Module System
( CDP stat. seal )
Refurbishment of : Refurbishment of : Ignition System
HPT Nozzles
- HPC Modules - HPC Rotor Module
- Combustion Modules -HPC Forward Case Module Air System
( FOS stat. seal )
- HPT Nozzles Module - HPC Rear Case Module
- HPT Rotor Module - Combustion Modules
HPT RotorModule - HPT Shroud Support & - HPT Nozzles Module Indication System
( JO5 ) LPT stg 1 Nozzle Module - HPT Rotor Module
refurbishment - HPT Shroud Support &
LPT stg 1 Nozzle Module Oil System
LPT Major Module
HPT Shroud Refurbishment of :
Support & Starting System
LPT stg 1 Nozzle - LPT Rotor / Stator Module
Module - LPT Shaft Module
Accessory Drive Module
refurbishment - LPT Frame Module
( AGB / TGB )
LPT Rotor / Stator Accessory Drive Module
Module ( AGB / TGB ) refurbishment

LPT Frame Module


Reassemble engine Engine

as required serviceable

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Engine Workscope

Engine Assembly Overview

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Engine Workscope

Engine Conversion Service Bulletins & Documents


Introduces the standard designation (CFM56-7B) for engine models. The suffix addition
will not be used in the CFM56-7B. Each engine model is individually listed on the Type
72-00 72-0001 Info 7
Certificate. Type Certificates E00055EN/E00056EN (FAA), and EASA TC, No. E.004,
applicable to the CFM56-7B engine model, comply with this requirement.
Provides a list of conversion Service Bulletins that are used to convert a CFM56-7B
72-00 72-0003 Info 7
engine model to a different CFM56-7B engine model.
Provides instructions for conversion of any single annular combustor (SAC) CFM56-7B
72-00 72-0006 Info 7
engine model to a CFM56-7B18 engine model.
Provides instructions for conversion of any single annular combustor (SAC) CFM56-7B
72-00 72-0007 Info 7
engine model to a CFM56-7B20 engine model.
Provides instructions for conversion of any single annular combustor (SAC) CFM56-7B
72-00 72-0008 Info 7
engine model to a CFM56-7B22 engine model.
Provides instructions for conversion of any single annular combustor (SAC) CFM56-7B
72-00 72-0009 Info 7
engine model to a CFM56-7B24 engine model.
Provides instructions for conversion of any single annular combustor (SAC) CFM56-7B
72-00 72-0010 Info 7
engine model to a CFM56-7B26 engine model.
Provides instructions for conversion of any single annular combustor (SAC) CFM56-7B
72-00 72-0011 Info 7
engine model to a CFM56-7B27 engine model.
Provides instructions for conversion of any DAC CFM56-7B engine model to a CFM56-
72-00 72-0081 Info 7
7B20/2 engine model.
Provides instructions for conversion of any DAC CFM56-7B engine model to a CFM56-
72-00 72-0082 Info 7
7B22/2 engine model.
Provides instructions for conversion of any DAC CFM56-7B engine model to a CFM56-
72-00 72-0083 Info 7
7B24/2 engine model.
Provides instructions for conversion of any DAC CFM56-7B engine model to a CFM56-
72-00 72-0084 Info 7
7B26/2 engine model.
Provides instructions for conversion of any DAC CFM56-7B engine model to a CFM56-
72-00 72-0085 Info 7
7B27/2 engine model.
Provides instructions for conversion of any single annular combustor (SAC) CFM56-7B
72-00 72-0166 Info engine model to a CFM56-7B26/B1 engine model. 7

Provides instructions for conversion of any single annular combustor (SAC) CFM56-7B
72-00 72-0167 Info 7
engine model to a CFM56-7B27/B1 engine model.
Provides instructions for conversion of any single annular combustor (SAC) CFM56-7B
72-00 72-0168 Info 7
engine model to a CFM56-7B27/B3 engine model.
72-00 72-0308 Info Provide instructions for conversion of the any single annular combustor (SAC) CFM56-7B
engine model to a CFM56-7B22/B1 engine model.
72-00 72-0309 Info Provide instructions for conversion of the any single annular combustor (SAC) CFM56-7B
engine model to a CFM56-7B24/B1 engine model.
72-00 72-0588 Info Provides instructions for conversion of any affected CFM56-7B model engine listed in
paragraph 1.A, 1.A of S/B. Effectivity to a CFM56-7B18/3 engine model.
72-00 72-0589 Info Provides instructions for conversion of any affected CFM56-7B model engine listed in
paragraph 1.A, 1.A. of S/B. Effectivity to a CFM56-7B20/3 engine model.
72-00 72-0590 Info Provides instructions for conversion of any affected CFM56-7B model engine listed in
paragraph 1.A, 1.A of S/B. Effectivity to a CFM56-7B22/3 engine model.
72-00 72-0591 Info Provides instructions for conversion of any affected CFM56-7B model engine listed in
paragraph 1.A, 1.A of S/B. Effectivity to a CFM56-7B22/3 engine model.
72-00 72-0593 Info Provides instructions for conversion of any affected CFM56-7B model engine listed in
paragraph 1.A., 1.A of S/B .Effectivity to a CFM56-7B24/3 engine model.
72-00 72-0594 Info Provides instructions for conversion of any affected CFM56-7B model engine listed in
paragraph 1.A, 1.A. of S/B. Effectivity to a CFM56-7B24/3B1 engine model
72-00 72-0595 Info Provides instructions for conversion of any affected CFM56-7B model engine listed in
paragraph 1.A, 1.A. of S/B. Effectivity to a CFM56-7B26/3 engine model.
72-00 72-0596 Info Provides instructions for conversion of any CFM56-7B model engine listed in paragraph
1.A, 1.A. of S/B. Effectivity to a CFM56-7B26/3F engine model.
72-00 72-0597 Info Provides instructions for conversion of any affected CFM56-7B model engine listed in
paragraph 1.A., 1.A. of S/B. Effectivity to a CFM56-7B26/3B1 engine model.

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Engine Workscope

Engine Conversion Service Bulletins & Documents


Provides instructions for conversion of any affected CFM56-7B model engine listed in
72-00 72-0600 Info 7
paragraph 1.A., 1.A. of S/B. Effectivity to a CFM56-7B27/3 engine model.
Provides instructions for conversion of any affected CFM56-7B model engine listed in
72-00 72-0601 Info
paragraph 1.A., 1.A.of S/B. Effectivity to a CFM56-7B27/3B1 engine model.
Provides instructions for conversion of any affected CFM56-7B model engine listed in
72-00 72-0602 Info 7
paragraph 1.A., 1.A. of S/B. Effectivity to a CFM56-7B27/3B3 engine model.
Provides instructions for conversion of any CFM56-7B model engine listed in paragraph
72-00 72-0603 Info 7
1.A., 1.A.of S/B Effectivity to a CFM56-7B27/3F engine model.
Provides instructions for conversion of any CFM56-7B model engine listed in paragraph
72-00 72-0604 Info 7
1.A., 1.A.Effectivity to a CFM56-7B27/3B1F engine model.
Defines differences between the CFM56-7B single annular combustor (SAC) and CFM56-
7B/3 tech insertion (TI) engine models. Also to provide the instructions for the conversion of
affected engines to CFM56-7B/3 TI engine models. Conversion from CFM56-7B SAC to
72-00 72-0699 Info 7
CFM56-7B/3 TI engine model requires an engine hardware change, an electronic engine
control (EEC) software change (7BR3 or later authorized software version), an identification
plate modification or change, and a rating plug change.
Provides instructions for conversion of any affected CFM56-7B model engine listed in
72-00 72-0706 Info 7
paragraph 1.A., 1.A.Effectivity to a CFM56-7B26/B2 engine model.
Provides instructions for conversion of any affected CFM56-7B model engine listed in
72-00 72-0707 Info 7
paragraph 1.A., 1.A.Effectivity to a CFM56-7B26/B2 engine model.
72-00 72-0708 Info Provides instructions for conversion of any affected CFM56-7B model engine listed in
paragraph 1.A., 1.A.Effectivity to a CFM56-7B26/3B2F engine model.
72-00 72-0837 Info Provides instructions to convert any of the affected CFM56-7BE engine models listed in
paragraph 1.A., 1.A.Effectivity, to a CFM56-7B20E engine model.
72-00 72-0838 Info Provides instructions to convert any of the affected CFM56-7BE engine models listed in
paragraph 1.A., 1.A.Effectivity, to a CFM56-7B22E engine model.
72-00 72-0839 Info Provides instructions to convert any of the affected CFM56-7BE engine models listed in
paragraph 1.A.,1. A. Effectivity to a CFM56-7B22E/B1 engine model.
72-00 72-0840 Info Provides instructions to convert any of the affected CFM56-7BE engine models listed in
paragraph 1.A.,1.A. Effectivity to a CFM56-7B24E engine model.
72-00 72-0841 Info Provides instructions to convert any of the affected CFM56-7BE engine models listed in
paragraph 1.A,1.A. Effectivity to a CFM56-7B24E/B1 engine model.
72-00 72-0842 Info Provides instructions to convert any of the affected CFM56-7BE engine models listed in
paragraph 1.A.,1.A. Effectivity to a CFM56-7B26E engine model.
72-00 72-0843 Info Provides instructions to convert any of the affected CFM56-7BE engine models listed in
paragraph 1.A., 1.A. Effectivity to a CFM56-7B26E/B1 engine model
72-00 72-0844 Info Provides instructions to convert any of the affected CFM56-7BE engine models listed in
paragraph 1.A., 1.A. Effectivity to a CFM56-7B26E/B2 engine model.
72-00 72-0845 Info Provides instructions to convert any of the affected CFM56-7BE engine models listed in
paragraph 1.A., 1.A. Effectivity to a CFM56-7B26E/F engine model.
72-00 72-0846 Info Provides instructions to convert any of the affected CFM56-7BE engine models listed in
paragraph 1.A., 1.A. Effectivity to a CFM56-7B26E/B2F engine model.
72-00 72-0847 Info Provides instructions to convert any of the affected CFM56-7BE engine models listed in
paragraph 1.A., 1.A. Effectivity to a CFM56-7B27E engine model.
72-00 72-0848 Info Provides instructions to convert any of the affected CFM56-7BE engine models listed in
paragraph 1.A., 1.A. Effectivity to a CFM56-7B27E/B1 engine model.
72-00 72-0849 Info Provides instructions to convert any of the affected CFM56-7BE engine models listed in
paragraph 1.A., 1.A. Effectivity to a CFM56-7B27E/B3 engine model.
72-00 72-0850 Info Provides instructions to convert any of the affected CFM56-7BE engine models listed in
paragraph 1.A., 1.A. Effectivity to a CFM56-7B27E/F engine model.
72-00 72-0851 Info Provides instructions to convert any of the affected CFM56-7BE engine models listed in
paragraph 1.A., 1.A. Effectivity to a CFM56-7B27E/B1F engine model.

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Engine Workscope

Highly Recommended Service Bulletins & Documents (Engine Level)

CFM Sorting
Introduction and spare parts availability of new bracket assy 340-017-306-
72-00 72-0040 M 0. The modified bracket assy achieves best accessibility to the two bolts of 7
the IDG oil cooler on the bracket. In Shop
Introduction and spare parts availability of brackets 1895M84G01,
1895M85G01, 1895M86G01,1870M12G01, 1870M82G01, 1895M87G01,
72-00 72-0044 M 1895M88G01, 1895M89G01, and 1895M90G01 with bolt AS3251-06. 7
Support bracket improves the positioning and routing of the CJ9 harness In
Introduction and spare parts availability of brackets 340-091-105-0 and
72-00 72-0064 M 340-089-106-0. Replaces two brackets and improves the attachment and 7
maintainability of the J12 harness. In Shop or On Wing
Introduction and spare parts availability of Bracket 340-115-303-0.
Modification of a bracket attaching MW0312 harness to improve removal /
72-00 72-0071 M 7
installation of the fuel pump and HMU in reduced time. In Shop or On
Introduction and spare parts availability of Screws J952P16A or
alternatives 649-200-011-0 and 340-084-403-0, J952P11A or alternatives
72-00 72-0078 M 649-781-775-0 and 340-084-502-0 and 649-200-010-0 and or alternative 4
J952P13A. The longer screws improve self-locking screws on the LPTACC
panel. On Wing
Production introduction and spare parts availability of Stage 1 Nozzle
Segment 338-108-608-0 or 338-108-609-0, 338-108-708-0 or 338-108-
72-00 72-0089 x 709-0, Stage 1 Segment Seal 338-112-604-0 and Sealing Plate 338-151- 7
102-0. Must be done in concurrence with S/B 72-0047, 72-0079, and 72-
0552. In Shop
Introduction and spare parts availability of LPT cooling manifolds 340-027-
506-0 and 340-027-556-0. Improves mechanical behavior and free
72-00 72-0090 x 7
expansion of the forward mounting lug of the LPT cooling manifolds. In
Introduction and spare parts availability of Mount Harness 340-099-503-0
and Harness J9, 325- 025-202-0 and Harness J10 325-034-802-0, Harness
72-00 72-0093 M MW0311 325-029-902-0, Harness MW0315 325-027-303-0, Harness 7
MW0316 325-027-403-0. The new mount harness design is to insure
correct tightening of harnesses. On Wing
Introduction and spare parts availability of J5 harness (SAC configuration)
325-034-902-0 or (DAC configuration) 325-101-102-0 and J6 harness
72-00 72-0101 M (SAC configuration) 325-035-002-0 or (DAC configuration) 325-101-202-0. 7
New angular position of connectors to prevent interference between J5 and
J6 harnesses. On Wing for replacement and In Shop for rework
Introduction and installation instruction of a reconfigurable hybrid
technology identification connectors. New plug allows operators to change
72-00 72-0106 M 7
some of the engine configuration parameters in the plug without replacing
Introduction and spare parts availability of clamps 1794M49P03 New
72-00 72-0107 M clamps provide consistent and easier installation around wear sleeves. In 7
Shop or On Wing
Introduction and spare parts availability of VBV fuel manifold bolts AS3237-
72-00 72-0108 M 12 and VSV fuel manifold loop clamp bolts AS3237-06. Will improve the 7/9
maintainability of the VBV fuel manifold. In Shop or On Wing
Provides the latest salable parts information. This includes new stage 1-3
72-00 72-0116 x 8
HPC blades with Al-Br dovetail coating (SPR).
Provides instructions to RTV application on the new Vee Groove System
72-00 72-0119 M Will improve sealing of the V-groove system to prevent potential leaks. In 7
Introduction and spare parts availability of washers AN960C416L. Washers
72-00 72-0120 x will improve the reliability of the bolts securing the PC fuel tube and the fuel 3
distribution manifold to the fuel supply manifold. In Shop
Introduction and spare parts availability of air tube 340-021-802-0 or 340-
021-852-0 and bracket 340-143-501-0. Replacement of Rigid Air Tube by a
72-00 72-0133 x 2
Semi-Rigid Air Tube to improve mechanical and vibratory characteristics.
On Wing

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Engine Workscope

Highly Recommended Service Bulletins & Documents (Engine Level)

CFM Sorting


Introduction and spare parts availability of new fire detection brackets
340-140-102-0, 340-140- 502-0 and 340-140-902-0 with retaining
plate 338-108-102-0 and 340-097- 202-0 supporting the electrical
72-00 72-0135 x 7
harness CJ9. Also responsibility transfer of three Fire Detection
brackets from Boeing to CFMI. Improves the attachment of the fire
detection brackets. On Wing
Production introduction and spare parts availability of MW0325
harness 325-027-504-0 (SAC) 325-102-503-0 (DAC) and MW0326
72-00 72-0136 x 7
harness 325-027-604-0 (SAC / DAC). To improve the holding of
ground lug and terminal lug in position to the wire. On Wing
Production introduction and spare parts availability of J7 harness
325-025-702-0 and J8 harness 325-025-802-0. A heat shrink sleeve
72-00 72-0138 M 7
has been added to avoid removal by error of the connector nuts on
the DJ0704 and DJ0804 leg. On Wing
Production introduction and spare parts availability of LPTACC tube
72-00 72-0141 M 340-091-604-0. The new tube avoids incorrect installation of the 7
LPTACC tube V-band clamp. In Shop or On Wing
Provides instructions to inspect J9 harness 325-025-202-0 and to
72-00 72-0143 x replace it. The replacement of the three J9 harnesses by brand new 3
one will correct the potential lack of shielding. In Shop
Production introduction and spare parts availability of Air Tube PS3
72-00 72-0144 M 340-006-103-0. To improve the routing of PS3 Air Tube. In Shop or 7
On Wing
Production introduction and spare parts availability of Bolt J644P07B.
72-00 72-0148 M Improve the safetying of oil return Tube. 7

Production introduction and spare parts availability of the new VSV

72-00 72-0154 M fuel tube 340-010-402-0. To improve the routing of VSV fuel tube. In 7
Shop or On Wing
Provides instructions to perform the two improvements of the ignition 2 / 3 at
system wiring and also introduces the new bracket assembly 340- next
72-00 72-0188 x 007-304-0. Correct the non-compliance of ignition system wiring. In shop
Shop visit
3 if
Production introduction and spare parts availability of VSV fuel post
72-00 72-0189 M manifold 1867M67G01 and Reintroduces VSV manifold bracket 72-
1894M15G01 removed by S/B 72-0179. In Shop 0179 or
Production introduction and spare parts availability of bolt AS3237- 4 DAC
72-00 72-0191 x 06. The new shorter bolt to increase gap. In Shop or On Wing
Production introduction and spare parts availability of hose fuel tube
72-00 72-0246 M 340-134-002-0 and 340-134-052-0. New hose fuel tube improves 7
routing and assembly. In Shop or On Wing
Production introduction and spare parts availability of the new bracket
assy 340-018-905-0. S/B also provides instructions to rework the old
72-00 72-0247 x bracket assy 340-018-904-0 to 340-018-905-0. Improves attachment 7
of J5 electrical wiring harness to the bracket assembly. In Shop
Production introduction and spare parts availability of a new bracket
72-00 72-0255 M assy 340-097-203-0. To facilitate the assembling of the T49.5 7
harness. In Shop or On Wing
Production introduction and spare parts availability of N2 speed
sensor 320-549-004-0. Also provides accomplishment instructions to
rework and re-identify old N2 speed sensor from 320-549-002-0 to
72-00 72-0259 x 6
320-549-004-0 or from 320-549-003-0 to 320-549-004-0. N2 speed
sensor design improvement. In Shop or On Wing reworked of sensor
In Shop

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Highly Recommended Service Bulletins & Documents (Engine Level)

CFM Sorting
Provides accomplishment instructions to rework and re-identify of the Core
72-00 72-0269 x fire detection harnesses in service. To improve the MW0325 and MW0326 7
reliability. In Shop or On Wing
Rev. 02 announces the production introduction and spare parts availability
of clamps 649-411-981-0, 649-411-982-0 and 649-411-983-0. New clamps
72-00 72-0285 x 7
have an inner diameter material thickness increase to avoid sliding of the
harnesses CJ9 and CJ10. Accomplished In Shop or On Wing
Production introduction and spare parts availability of: The new Drain Tube
Bracket 340-126-405-0 and a new Power Feeder Bracket Assy 340-091-
109-0. S/B also gives the instructions to do the following: Replacement of
72-00 72-0316 x the old drain tube bracket and the old power feeder bracket assy by the 7
new one, and Re-identification of the old AGB 340-046-503-0 to the new
AGB 340-046-504-0. New brackets & routing will prevent touching with the
fan cowl. In Shop
Production introduction and spare parts availability of PS3 air tube
1971M49G01, 340-006-104-0, 340-005-104-0, 649-439-014-0, 649-438-
014-0, tube nipple J1238P04, and the rework of PS3 air tubes 340-006-
72-00 72-0333 x 3
103-0, 340-005-103-0, 649-439-013-0, 649-438-013-0, 1867M69G01,
1970M21G01, or 1969M83G01. Improves the reliability of the PS3 air tube.
In Shop
Production introduction and spare parts availability of fuel tube support
clamp bolts AS3237-08 and AS3237-10. A stack-up for the old bolts
72-00 72-0341 x 5
showed that the joint does not meet the two-thread length protrusion
requirement for a bolt going into a self-locking nut. In Shop
Production introduction and spare parts availability of the bracket assy
340-140-503-0. It also provides instructions to have old bracket assy 340-
72-00 72-0358 M 140-502-0 reworked to new bracket assy 340-140-503-0.Improve the 7
maintainability of the bracket assy 340-097-102-0 with a oblong hole. In
Provides instructions procedure to determine if some stage 1 LPT blades
moved rearward due to bent stage 1 LPT ring retainer rotation and
72-00 72-0383 x x disengagement. Inspect stage 1 LPT blade trailing edge for evidence of 2 DAC
blade misalignment as a result of blade retaining hook disengagement. In
Shop or On Wing
Provides instructions to remove IDG air/oil cooler acoustical panel and to
72-00 72-0440 x x inspect the fan frame shroud. To improve reliability and inspect the Fan 2
Frame shroud. In Shop or On Wing
Production introduction and spare parts availability of MW0312 Harnesses
325-045-301-0 and 325-045-401-0 with a new DP1204 Connector
72-00 72-0462 x 44267KS10SL4S .new harness reduces the number of cracks found in 7
DP1204 connector on the low pressure sensor of hydraulic Pump. In Shop
or On Wing
Production introduction and spare parts availability of the elastomer
dampers 340-253-501-0. Elastomer damper provides dampening and
72-00 72-0465 x 7
cancel the link weight effect by limiting the gap between the link ends and
the fittings. In Shop or On Wing
Production introduction and spare parts availability of a new air tube 340-
021-803-0 or 340-021-853-0 and a new bracket assy 340-088-903-0. The
72-00 72-0475 x 3
new Air tube and new bracket incorporate safety wire holes. To reduce the
possibility of loose B-nuts. Do at next shop visit. In Shop
Production introduction and spare parts availability of fuel supply tube 340-
72-00 72-0484 x 021-003-0. Fuel supply tube design at weld location was not robust 3
enough. Do at next shop visit. In Shop or On wing

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Engine Workscope

Highly Recommended Service Bulletins & Documents (Engine Level)

CFM Sorting
Provides accomplishment instructions to do the replacement of squeeze film
72-00 72-0516 x oil tube. Interference between No. 5 bearing support nipple and the oil tube 7
nut can cause oil leak. Do at next shop visit. In Shop
Production introduction and spare parts availability of the new identification
72-00 72-0522 x plate 649-804-027-0. Old part does not meet the new regulatory 7
requirements. Can be replaced in shop or On Wing.
Provides instructions to remove riveted IDG air/oil cooler acoustical panel
fastener's self locking nut from the fan frame shroud, and to inspect the fan
72-00 72-0531 x frame shroud at FWD U+0026 AFT attachment holes. To perform a one- 3
time inspection on all affected engines at first shop visit opportunity. In
Shop or On Wing
Production introduction and spare parts availability of a new O-Ring 649-
72-00 72-0543 x 788-432-0. New O-ring will prevent oil leaks at Oil Inlet cover. In Shop or 4
On Wing
Production introduction and spare parts availability of the new MW0301
Harness 325-035-503-0.This S/B also provides the accomplishment
instructions to rework the old MW0301 Harness 325-035-502-0 to the new
72-00 72-0560 x 7
MW0301 Harness 325-035-503-0.
Introduction of a new routing (new or rework) to prevent interference. In
Shop or On WIng
Provides information on reduced inspection intervals. CFM has gathered
field experience on CFM56-7B engines operating in Algeria, Bahrain, Chad,
Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mali,
Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan,
Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, or Yemen, and found distress due to
sand, dust, and dirt ingestion into the core engine flowpath. HPC blades
show erosion of the airfoils that could lead to engine stalls. HPC stage 4
72-00 72-0636 x 2
vane sectors have shown trailing edge erosion which on one engine had
lead to a vane sector liberation and subsequent in-flight shutdown (IFSD).
The HPT blade airfoils have experienced leading edge (LE) burning and in
some cases mid-airfoil separations, these distresses are due to blade
internal cooling passage plugging with sand, dust, and dirt. Perform this
Inspection no later than 4,888 cycles in this environment. Can be done On
Provides instructions for one time inspection of magnetic debris monitoring
system and oil filter due to No. 4 Roller Bearing suspected batch.Do as
72-00 72-0661 x soon as possible without effect on revenue service no later than 500 engine 2
flight hours after S/B issuance and if the filters have more than 200 engine
flight hours. Can be done On Wing
Introduces a new tech insertion (TI) high pressure compressor (HPC) kit
P/N 737L387G02, also known as the HPC performance modification
72-00 72-0688 x configuration for the CFM56-7B. The new TI HPC kit includes new HPC 7
stages 1 through 9 compressor rotor blades with erosion coating and
compressor stator stage 4 vane sectors (stage 4 vane sectors). In Shop
Provides instructions for removing the oil scavenge filter from the list of
affected engines above and sending them to a laboratory for analysis. To
72-00 72-0704 x 2
reduce IFSD rates as a result of No. 3 bearing deterioration by using oil
scavenge filter analysis. Can be done On Wing
Provides instructions to inspect torque and safety cables on the fuel nozzle
72-00 72-0713 x 2
coupling nut. Can be done On Wing.
7 for
Production introduction of two Brackets Assy 340-091-110-0 and 340-018- 7B27A
72-00 72-0726 x 907-0 with a new design. Do before next flight on ESN 362102 to 362105. 2 for
In Shop or On Wing CFM5

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Highly Recommended Service Bulletins & Documents (Engine Level)

CFM Sorting
Identifies fuel large tip nozzle (fuel nozzle) replacements, flexible borescope
inspection (BSI) requirements, and distress limits for stages 1, 2, and 3 LPTN
of the LPT, caused by deterioration of O-rings internal to the fuel nozzle VIN
6840023M1 (P/N 1317M47G01 ). To prevent stages 1, 2, and 3 LPTN
72-00 72-0728 x distress from deteriorated fuel nozzles, CFM recommends you replace fuel 2
nozzles VIN 6840023M1 (P/N 1317M47G01 ) installed in any of the upper-11
positions that have been installed for more than 5,000 flight cycles and have
operated, on average, between 2.5 and 4.5 flight cycles per day. In Shop or
On Wing
Production introduction of the new Bracket Assy 340-020-309-0 , 340-020-
310-0 and 340-127-604-0 with a new design. The design of the new brackets
72-00 72-0744 x assy increase the clearance between the Bracket Assy 340-020-303-0 or 7
340-020-304-0 and the hose and between the Bracket Assy 340-127-603-0
and the drain manifold. In Shop
Identifies flexible borescope inspection (BSI) requirements, and distress
limits for stages 1, 2, and 3 LPT nozzles, caused by internal deterioration to
the dual annular combustor (DAC) fuel nozzles. A flexible BSI is required to
identify the level of distress in stages 1, 2, and 3 LPT nozzles in the upper
72-00 72-0785 x x 2
half of CFM56-7B/2 engines. CFM56-7B/2 revenue experience has shown
that when you replace the upper-10 DAC fuel nozzles, further deterioration of
the stages 1, 2, and 3 LPT nozzles slows down. Can be accomplished In
Shop or On Wing.
Provides instructions to attach in field the MW0325 harness 325-027-503-0
or 325-027-504-0 or 325-027-505-0 or 325-027-506-0 with two new bolts
72-00 72-0822 x AS3237-07. Refer to [Figure 1]. Title: ENGINE - General (72-00-00) - 7
Introduction of New Bolts to Attach the MW0325 Harness. In Shop or On
Releases a new manifold HPT clearance control bracket P/N 2464M87G01
72-00 72-0824 AI as part of the upgrades for the core fire detection harnesses MW0325 and 7
MW036. Concurrent do S/B 72-0759 with this S/B. In Shop
Production introduction and spare part availability of the new Bolt-Washer
Assembly 340-206-302-0. Also provides accomplishment instructions to
72-00 72-0893 x 7
replace the old Bolt J644P07A by the new Bolt-Washer Assembly 340-206-
302-0. In Shop or On Wing.

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Fan Major Module Workscopes

Fan Major Module Assembly (72-00-01)

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Fan Major Module Workscopes

Highly Recommended Service Bulletins & Documents (Fan Major Module Level)

CFM Sorting
New fan blade 340-001-026-0 and fan blade pair set 340-161-303-0.
instructions to rework (Fan Blade pressure face Undercut and re- identify
the old fan blade from 340-001-022-0 to 340-001-027-0.To reduce the
72-21 72-0253 x 3
local crush stress level during operation on fan blade and fan disk
pressure faces. In Shop or On Wing – Rework to be done in a validated
Repair Shop
One time eddy current inspection of the forward flange lug attachment
holes on all booster spool 340-000-814-0 that have not been equipped
72-21 72-0295 x x 2
with counterweights 340-251-201-0 and associated hardware since new.
In Shop or On Wing.
Production introduction and spare parts availability of counterweight P/N
340-251-201-0 and new threaded pins P/N 649-782-300-0. Also provides
instructions to install, On Wing or In Shop, 24 counterweights and new 24
72-21 72-0296 x 2
fan blade platform threaded pins on all CFM56-7B engines being operated
(including spares) equipped with booster spool P/N 340-000-814-0 or P/N
340-000-815-0. Being done to avoid forward lug separation
Introduction of reworked Fan Disks 340-000-471-0 , 340-000-472-0 , 340-
000-473-0 and 340-000-474-0, recondition fan disk pressure faces by
72-21 72-0324 x 7
machining and peening, to remove worn material can increase the life
span of the fan disk. In Shop
New spacer 340-001-216-0 and rework and re-identify old spacer from
340-001-215-0 to 340-001-217-0. The spacer is redesigned with
72-21 72-0344 x 7
decreased sharp angles and tighter tolerances resulting in reduced
interferences with the retaining flange. In Shop or On Wing
New fan retaining flange 340-001-110-0 and rework and re-identify the old
fan retaining flange 340-001-108-0 to 340-001-111-0. Improves the
72-21 72-0366 x reliability of the fan retaining flange and of the fan and booster assembly 7
by preventing interference between retaining flange and front of spacer.
CFM recommends to comply with S/B 72-0344. In Shop
VBV Guide pad inspection at each shop visit for evidence of
missing/disbonded PTFE pad - to perform them one-time replacement if
needed. Some cases of VBV SIGNAL DISAGREE Maintenance Message
72-21 72-0369 x x 3
have been reported leading to put engines under 150 hours time limited
dispatch condition (short time dispatch fault). Trouble shooting identified
the root cause as VBV guide PTFE pad missing / debonding. In Shop
Provides instructions to perform a one-time tightening with an increased
torque of fan retaining flange Pins and fan disk mid-flange lug Pins To
72-21 72-0450 x assure On Wing reliability, this S/B implements an increased Torque value 2
for fan retaining flange Pins and fan disk mid-flange lug Pins. In Shop or
On Wing
One- with an increased torque of forward booster spool pins. In order to
72-21 72-0451 x 2
assure On Wing reliability
Rework and re-identification of the old fan and booster vane assy to
prevent the corrosion. To Stop the corrosion with the desoxidation
72-21 72-0454 x 7
procedure and apply corrosion paint to protect the surface of the fan and
booster vane assy. In Shop
New shim 340-252-306-0. Current shim retention lugs may contact the fan
72-21 72-0481 x 2
blade forward face. On Wing or In Shop
Fan Disk Dovetail Pressure Faces Wear depth inspection on all Fan Disks
referenced 340-000-410/420/471/472/473/474-0. High local stress at the
72-00 72-0525 x Fan Blade/Fan Disk mating surfaces in addition to Fan Blade coating 2
flaking can lead to local wear on the Fan Disk dovetail pressure faces. In
Shop or On Wing
Elastomer spacer 340-116-931-0. The new elastomer spacer is to limit the
72-21 72-0548 x tangential displacements of the fan retaining ring forward lug to reduce 2
wear. In Shop or On WIng
Rework of fan disks 340-000-475-0. The rework will allow extended fan
disk life limits, depending on cycles accumulated by the disk before
72-21 72-0585 x 7
rework. The addition of shims reduces the wear rate at the fan blade. Do
concurrently with S/B 72-0777. In Shop

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CFM Sorting
New fan blade platform with a new elastomer seal design. Also provides
instructions to rework and re-identify the fan blade platform from 340-
72-21 72-0586 x 7
001-814-0 to 340-001-816-0. A new 3D elastomer seal design has been
defined. In Shop or On Wing
One time inspection of the booster spool forward flange to monitor the
depth of wear caused by the rear surface of the fan blade shank.
72-21 72-0632 x 2
Inspection intends to monitor the booster spool forward flange wear
depth. In Shop or On Wing
Booster spools are reidentified after inspections to allow tracking of part
life limit. Booster spool life limit increase is permitted depending on
72-21 72-0634 x 7
inspection results per S/B 72-0295 and S/B 72-0632. In Shop or On
New Shim Assy 340-252-307-0. The redesigned shim deletes the
interference fit of the shim chamfer on the fan blade root, The shim
72-21 72-0649 x interference fit on the fan blade platform by limitation of the axial shim 3
displacement, and the distortion on opening of the lugs by introduction of
a welded retaining plate. In Shop or On Wing
Provides accomplishment instructions to rework the fan blade rear shank
72-21 72-0753 x and re-identify the fan blade. In Shop 7
Fan disk middle lug rework in field for life limit extension. Apply with S/B
72-21 72-0777 x 72-0324 or 72-0585 (refer to configuration chart) In Shop 7
72-21 72-0796 x Fan Blade Interchangeability limitations In Shop or On Wing 4
Fan Blade Moment-Weight Mismarking : make sure that the last
72-21 72-0797 x engraved moment-weight value of the fan blade is in accordance with the 3 / 5/ 6
value listed in paragraph 4.a - appendix a. In Shop or On Wing
Introduction of new fan blade part numbers and re-identification of old
fan blades in field. Re-identification of the Fan Blades to improve the
72-21 72-0834 x 7
traceability. All Fan blades post S/B 72-0834 are effective for 7BE. In
Shop or On Wing
Repetitive On Wing Inspection of the fan blade platforms for engine
operated less than 1500 hours per year. Due to Cases of fan blade
72-21 72-0884 x 2
platforms forward and mid lugs cracking have been reported. One IFSD
(In Flight Shut Down) has occurred due to mid lug failure. On Wing
Production introduction and spare parts availability of the new Fan Blade
Platform 340-001-817-0 This S/B also provides accomplishment
72-21 72-0909 x instructions to replace the old Fan Blade Platform 340-001-814-0 or 7
340-001-816-0 with the new Fan Blade Platform 340-001-817-0. In
Shop or On Wing
Introduction of a new bracket 340-188-301-0 assy and increasing of the
72-22 72-0243 x x nipple tightening torque improves oil supply tube attachment. In Shop 4
Two improvements of the ignition system wiring and also introduces the
72-23 72-0188 x new bracket assembly 340-007-304-0. In Shop or On Wing 2/ 3
Production introduction and spare parts availability of bracket assy 340-
095-705-0. The new clamp is hinged and the geometry support is
72-23 72-0266 x 7
modified to permit the installation and the opening of the hinged clamp.
In Shop
Probe housing 340-091-805-0. Rework and re-identify Probe H the
72-23 72-0298 x temperature probe may cause oil housing insert deterioration. In Shop or 3
On Wing
Announces the rework and the reidentification of the old containment
72-23 72-0553 x case to prevent erosion. Introduction of an Anti-Erosion Paint On the Fan 7
Frame Assembly. In Shop
Production introduction of the new spacers 340-204-501-0, 340-204-601-
0 and 340-204-701-0 on the B6 front flange of the fan frame. The New
72-23 72-0569 x spacers with increased outer diameter improve the attachment of the 7
external hardware onto the flange of the fan frame and fan case. In

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CFM Sorting
Rework several brackets (refer to paragraph 2.C.) installed on the fan case and
fan frame shroud flanges and replacement of external hardware on the fan case
72-23 72-0570 x and fan frame shroud flanges. New flat washers and new spacers with increased 7
outer diameter, and redesigned brackets improve the attachment of the external
hardware onto the flanges of the fan frame, and fan case. In Shop or On Wing
Provides accomplishment instructions to do the rework of the Containment Case
B1 Flange 340-059-815-0, 340-059-817-0, 340-059-818-0, 340-059-819-0, 340-
059-820-0, 340-059-821-0 with a reinforcement flange 340-256-701-0 and the
72-23 72-0580 x re-identification of the parts to 340-059-822-0 , 340-059-823-0, 340-059-824-0, 7
340-059-825-0, 340-059-826-0 and 340-059-827-0. NOTE: Refer to BOEING
Document: FLEET TEAM Digest Reference: PPBU 71-00-02 Figure 4-1 Item 5-
In Shop or On Wing
Introduces a new stationary No. 3 bearing seal 1853M10G03 with an improved
adhesive FM57 for applying the Teflon rub strip and oil drain pad cover. The
original adhesive becomes oxidized and brittle over time, allowing the Teflon rub
strip to delaminate from the seal body, resulting in pre-mature engine removal
for oil consumption. An improved polymide adhesive FM57 is being introduced
72-23 72-0574 on production engines for the application of the Teflon rub strip and drain pad 4
cover to the stationary No. 3 bearing seal. In addition to this polymide adhesive,
a liquid epoxy and an epoxy paste are being applied to the oil drain cover for
improved sealing of the drain pad cover. This will improve the durability of the
adhesive at high temperatures. Recommendation is to incorporate at first
exposure or core LLP replacement, whichever comes first. In Shop
Provides instructions to re-identify the Containment Case from 340-059-813-0 to
72-23 72-0730 x 340-059-815-0 and 340-059-814-0 to 340-059-816-0. Because remarking had 3
not been done before engine delivery to customer. In Shop
Provides accomplishment instructions to do the rework of the containment case
B1 flange 340-059-815-0, 340-059-817-0, 340-059-818-0, 340-059-819-0, 340-
059-820-0, 340-059-821-0, 340-059-822-0, 340-059-823-0, 340-059-824-0, 340-
059-825-0, 340-059-826-0 and 340-059-827-0 with a reinforcement flange P/N
72-23 72-0780 x 7
340-206-101-0 and re-identification of the parts to 340-059-828-0, 340-059-829-
0, 340-059-830-0, 340-059-831-0, 340-059-832-0, 340-059-833-0, 340-059-834-
0, 340-059-835-0, 340-059-836-0, 340-059-837-0, 340-059-838-0 and 340-059-
839-0. Concurrent with Boeing S/B n 737-71-1682 In Shop or On Wing
A non quality issue has been detected which can result in poor electrical
bonding. This discrepancy can cause improper ECU grounding and electrical
72-23 72-0858 x shock hazard for ground personnel. S/B to inspect in order to reduce the risk of 3
engine operation problem due to improper ECU grounding and to reduce the risk
of electrical shock hazard for the ground personnel. In Shop
Production introduction and spare parts availability of nuts 9663M71P07. Also
Instructions are provided to replace the old nuts (J149P07) with new nuts
72-61 72-0014 x (9663M71P07) using an updated double torquing procedure when working on 4
the IGB and No. 3 bearing assembly. The old nuts have a tendency to reduce
clamp force which may contribute to the nuts loosening. In Shop
Releases nitride hardened ball thrust No. 3 bearings (No. 3 ball bearings) P/N
2411M39P01, P/N 2124M95P01, and P/N 2124M95P02 to the affected inlet No.
3 bearing assembly gearboxes and releases inlet No. 3 bearing assembly
gearbox P/N 9324M54G06 with nitride hardened No. 3 ball bearings to the
72-61 72-0812 x 7
CFM56-7B engines. The new No. 3 ball bearings with nitride hardening will have
improved reliability as the nitride hardened outer raceway, inner raceway, and
rolling elements provide increased resistance to hard particle contamination and
reduced spall propagation rates. In Shop
Provides instructions to reduce inspection intervals of the forward sump
magnetic chip detector (MCD) or debris monitoring system (DMS). CFM has
identified a manufacturing lot of ball thrust No. 3 bearings that have been
associated with four field events. All four of those events involved engines with
72-61 72-0554 x relatively low-time bearings time since new (800 to 1,500 flight hours), and all 2
four events resulted in an in-flight shutdown (IFSD). There have been a total of
four in-flight shutdowns on engines with bearings produced in a single
manufacturing lot 1010145 of 50 ball thrust No.3 bearings and specific to a list of
24 engines. In Shop or On Wing
Releases inlet No. 3 bearing assembly gearbox P/N 9324M54G06 with nitride
72-61 72-0792 x hardened ball thrust No. 3 bearings (No. 3 ball bearings) to the CFM56-7B/3 7
engines. In Shop

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Fan Major Module Workscopes

Fan Major Module Minimum Workscope (72-00-01)

The Fan Major module is assembled for this level of workscope however Fan blades and the minor Shop modules may be
Refer to Fan Frame & Case modules Minimum Workscope in addition to this workscope
Refer to Fan blades Full Overhaul Workscope for removed Fan blades
Experience shows that Performance restoration on a Fan module has limited impact on overhaul engine
performance restoration results.

The following items are the most effective.

Perform hand cleaning of the Fan and the Secondary Flow Section refer to ESM 72-00-00 cleaning 001.
If the Booster module is not removed during shop visit, perform a water wash during engine test to assure flowpath

Key Maintenance tasks

Visually inspected major module per 72-00-01

Perform BSI of Shop module 21
o After F.O.D. events or high speed stall per AMM 72-21-00, Perform Borescope Inspection (BSI)
o To determine the need for Booster maintenance and check module serviceability
o To check the presence of dirt to evaluate the need for engine water wash
 Removed SM21 for cleaning at modular level if too dirty

Clean and inspect Fan Blades per ESM 72-00-01

o including the leading and trailing edges contour for FOD, erosion and distortion.
o Do a visual inspection for blend repair on the Airfoil. Examine the blend repair for peening under white

Assure the Fan Blade tip clearance is within the limits of the ESM.
o If not, restore the Fan Abradable per ESM 72-00-01
o During re-application of the Abradable, pay particular attention on the Fan Case cleaning, in order to
prevent an unbounded Fan Case Abradable

If oil fume reported in cabin or oil reported in flowpath, remove the No 3 Aft Air/Oil Seal (G01 seals only) per ESM
72-23-19/20 and modify per S/B 72-0574 (Introduction of FM57 adhesive to Teflon seal and oil drain cover)

NOTE: The Teflon seal will delaminate from the seal body in the 16,000 to 24,000 Hour time period. The improved
FM57 adhesive has demonstrated significant improvement in durability over the original EA9589 adhesive. S/B
72-0574 modifies the G01 part by replacing the EA9689 adhesive on the Teflon seal and oil drain cover to
FM57 adhesive. After replacement of the adhesive, part is re-marked as a G03.

Install dampers on the Accessory Gearbox Axial Link Ends per S/B 72-0465.
Carefully inspect AGB links for bearing wear (even post S/B 72-0465)
Inspect AGB mounts dampers eccentricity. Replace as necessary per ESM 72-23-02 / Repair 010.
Following high N2 vibe or No. 4 bearing failure events, check IGB bolted flange assembly per the following
o When MM02 removed during the shop visit, remove for inspection per ESM 72-23-20.
o Expose the IGB by removing No. 3 Aft Air/Oil Seal
o Measure and record the seating torque (tightening direction) of the 24 nuts that attach the No.3R Bearing,
No. 3B Bearing, and Spring Housing onto the IGB Housing.
o Map and record all values; note any loose nuts or broken studs
o If all nuts meets shop manual torque, no further steps are necessary
o If not, remove the IGB module
o Carefully and thoroughly inspect the mating surfaces for fretting and wear per S/B 72-0014.
o This includes all the flange and nuts mating surfaces
o Look closely, wear can be subtle; fretting or wear is not serviceable
o Do not re-use any nuts
o Reassemble the IGB, incorporating the new Waspaloy nut and double-torquing procedure

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Fan Major Module Workscopes

Fan & Booster Module (72-21-00)

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Fan Major Module Workscopes

Fan & Booster Module Minimum Workscope (72-00-21)

Fan and booster module should be removed and remains assembled for this level of workscope
Fan blades and associated hardware (spinner cones, fan blades, spacers…) are removed to piece part level.

Experience shows that Performance restoration on Fan module has limited impact on overhaul engine performance
restoration results.

The following items are the most effective at this level of assembly.
Perform a water cleaning of the module assembly removed.
If stage 1 & 4 Booster Outer Shroud abradable show rubs or erosion, perform partial disassembly of Fan and
booster module to restore if needed per ESM 72-21-09, Repair 003. And restore Booster Inner Shroud abradable
for rub per ESM.

Key Maintenance Task

Inspect the module per ESM 72-00-21.

Fan Disk
Inspect Fan Disk for wear of base material reported on the dovetail slot pressure faces per S/B 72-0525.
o Use disk wear evaluation tool CFM tool 856A4633 (mechanical) or CFM tool 856A1837 (laser).

NOTE: To get accurate measurements, the dovetails must be clean. To get a clean area you may have to
remove the disk.

Introduce elastomer spacers to reduce fan disk forward lug wear per S/B 72-0548.
Apply S/B 72-0450 for tightening with increased torque.
Refer to Fan disk configuration figure to determine S/B to be applied in accordance with fan disk stub life

Fan Disk P/N Life Extension Flowchart

YES 340-000-485-0

340-000-410-0 SB72-0324 SB72-0777
<15,000 ?

0-4,999 340-000-471-0
5,000-9,999 340-000-472-0 SB72-0777

10,000-14,999 340-000-473-0
15,000- more 340-000-474-0 SB72-0777

340-000-415-0 SB72-0585
340-000-475-0 SB72-0777 340-000-486-0


340-000-420-0 SB72-0777 340-000-490-0

Booster Spool
Inspect booster spool FWD flange surface for glazing/wear due to contact with fan blade rear shank (within 15000-
20000 cycles) as per S/B 72-0632.
Inspect Booster spool forward flange lug attachment holes (Eddy Current Inspection) per S/B 72-0295.

NOTE: To apply only on P/N 340-000-814-0 with counterweights, that have accumulated between 15000 and 20000
cycles since new.

Install counterweights on Booster spool per S/B 72-0296.

NOTE: To apply only on P/N 340-000-814-0 and P/N 340-000-815-0.

Apply S/B 72-0451 for tightening with increased torque.

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Fan Major Module Workscopes

Apply S/B 72-0374 for tightening on P/N 340-000-814-0 and P/N 340-000-815-0 not equipped with counterweights.

NOTE: S/B 72-0634 allows to increase P/N 340-000-815-0 and P/N 340-000-816-0 booster spools potential life to
30000 cycles if S/B 72-0632 permits, and re-identifies them respectively to P/N 340-000-825-0 and P/N 340-

NOTE: S/B 72-0634 allows to increase P/N 340-000-814-0 booster spools potential life to 30000 cycles on post S/B
72-0296 and if both S/B 72-0632 and S/B 72-0295 permits, and re-identifies it to P/N 340-000-824-0.

NOTE: For S/B 72-0634 application, IGV booster needs to be removed.

Fan Blades and Associated Hardware Full Overhaul Workscope (72-21-00)

Fan blades and associated hardware (spinner cones, fan blades, spacers) are removed to piece part level for this

Spinners (ESM 72-21-05)

inspect spinner front cone and rear cone per ESM 72-21-05
Pay particular attention to:
o damage to protective coating on the front cone spinner and
o damaged surface protection on rear cone
o for corrosion if evidence of missing coating

Restore surface protection per 72-21-05 Repairs 001 and 014

Fan Blades (ESM 72-21-01)

Inspect fan blades per ESM 72-21-01

Check fan blade leading and trailing edges for erosion, FOD.
Check for wear at platform seal area.
Clean and inspect the condition of fan blade dovetail for missing Molydag coating, Cu-Ni-In coating flaking, and
wear on the pressure face.
Perform Fan blade flaking evaluation using tool (gage) CFMI.856A4628G01/G02.
Recondition the Cu-Ni-In thermal spray coating on the root of the fan blade, and the dry film lubricant coating per
ESM 72-21-01 Repair 0020
Restore the leading and trailing edge contours after FOD, erosion, and distortion. Blend / and repair defects per
ESM 72-21-01, Repair 012-016.
Restore fan blade surface finish. (ESM 72-21-01, Repair 001)
It is recommended to rework Fan Blades with geometrical modification of the blade root using the new smoother
undercut per S/B 72-0253 or introduce new P/N 340-001-026/ 027

NOTE: Do not recommend the intermix of original fan blade set with new undercut fan blades. (ESM 72-00-21)

Repair of the fan blade rear shank by specific plasma coating and identification of the Fan Blades per S/B 72-0753.

NOTE: Fan blade root / fan disk slot lubrication recommended interval: 3000 cycles or 5000 hours (CESM005).

Check configuration of fan blades installed per S/B 72-0796

Re-identify fan blades per S/B 72-0834.
Check moment weight of fan blade and re-map as required. (ESM 72-21-00, 72-00-21, and 72-00-01.
Assure a fan blade tip clearance within the ESM limits, restore Fan abradable if necessary

NOTE: Follow CFM Fleet Highlite recommendation to install abradable per April 2010 FHL. Article describes the
recommended Best Practices when repairing the CFM56-7B Fan Containment Case abradable liner. (Fan
Containment Case Abradable Liner Epoxy Liner Repair (10-04-7223-04)). CFM recommends using this Best
Practice provided during repair of the CFM56-7B Fan Containment Case abradable lining to help prevent
repeated disbonding of the lining. This Best Practice has been shown to provide more consistent and reliable

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Fan Major Module Workscopes

Progression Chart for extending Life of Booster

SB72-0834 340-001-036-0


340-001-022-0 SB72-0253 340-001-026-0 SB72-0753 340-001-028-0 SB72-0834


340-001-027-0 SB72-0753 340-001-029-0 SB72-0834


Fan Blades Spacers

Inspect Fan blade spacers per ESM 72-21-10
Pay a particular attention to torn polyurethane, tear and disbanding.
It is recommended to introduce the rework per S/B 72-0485 associated to S/B 72-0366 to reduce interferences with
the retaining flange.

Fan Blades Shims

For Fan disks post S/B 72-0777, S/B 72-0324 or S/B 72-0485, install new design of fan blade shims per S/B 72-

Fan Blades Platforms

Inspect Fan blade platforms per ESM 72-21-20
Pay a particular attention to:
o Seal for debonding
o The surface protection for damage.

For engine that operates less than 1,500 hours per year, do the repetitive inspection per S/B 72-0884 to avoid the
risk of IFSD
It is recommended to replace the seal per S/B 72-0586 to improve reliability.
When fan blade platform replaced, install last standard per S/B 72-0909 in shop visit.

NOTE: S/B under revision to allow interchangeability between post and pre S/B 72-0909.

NOTE: Carefully follow ESM indication for platform installation procedure.

Retaining Flange
Inspect Fan retaining flange per ESM 72-21-18.
Pay a particular attention to
o wear/contact marks in the slot corners
o mating surfaces for fretting wear.

Hand blend repair procedure available to salvage defective fan retaining flange
Hand blend rework available to modify the fan blade spacer geometry and prevent fan from further distress in
contact area.
o It is recommended to replace or rework per S/B 72-0366 associated to S/B 72-0344 to reduce
interferences with the fan blade spacers.

One Time Tightening with Increased Torque of Fan Retaining Flange Pins and Fan Disk Mid-Flange Lug Pins on all
CFM56-7B Engines per S/B 72-0450.

Retaining Ring
Inspect mating surfaces for fretting wear per ESM 72-21-21

NOTE: Prior to reinstalling the Fan blades, lubricate the fan blade roots and fan disk dovetail slots per CESM005.

Fan & Booster Module Performance Workscope (72-21-00)

Fan & Booster module is removed and could be partially disassembled for this level of Workscope. These are additional
recommendations to the Minimum Workscope describe previously.

The fan disk and the booster spool should be unstacked for LLP On-condition inspection requirements. All visible areas of
stacked fan & booster should be inspected per piece part ESM 72-21-03/04.

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Fan Major Module Workscopes

Experience shows that Performance restoration on Fan & Booster module has limited impact on overhaul engine
performance restoration results.

The following items are the most effective.

Perform hand cleaning of the Fan and Secondary Flow Section following ESM 72-00-00 Cleaning 001.
If the Booster module is not removed during shop visit, perform a water wash during engine test to assure flow path
If the booster is removed for minimum workscope, perform a water cleaning of the module assy removed.
If stage 1 & 4 Booster Outer Shroud abradable show rubs or erosion, perform partial disassy of Fan and module to
restore if needed per ESM 72-21-09, Repair 003.
Restore Booster Inner Shroud abradable for rub per ESM and S/B 72-0454 for corrosion resistance.
Check fan blade tip clearance within the limits of the ESM; if not restore fan abradable.

Additive Performance Items

Booster blades and vanes surface finish reconditioning could be performed during full module workscope.

Fan & Booster Module Full Overhaul Workscope (72-21-00)

The Fan & Booster module must be removed from the engine and disassembled in piece part for this level of workscope.

Key Maintenance Tasks

Fan and Booster Module Hardware

Additional recommendations to the Minimum and Performance Workscopes described previously.

Booster Blades (ESM 72-21-02)

Restore Booster blades dovetail coating per ESM 72-21-02, Repair 002.

Booster Stator
Restore booster vanes shroud per ESM 72-21-09.
Check Erosion marks on Booster shroud stage 1 abradable.
Restore Booster shroud abradable stage 2-3 and stage 4 for missing coating ESM 70-51-11 and -12.

NOTE: Heavy corrosion is reported on engines operating in a sensitive environment. Repair as necessary (dry
abrasive blast). Painting for corrosive atmosphere is available per S/B 72-0454

Restore the booster vanes, including the leading and trailing edge contours for FOD, erosion, and distortion. Blend /
repair defects per ESM 72-21-09, Repair 001.

Additive Performance items

Booster blades and vanes surface finish reconditioning could be performed during full module workscope :
Prior to module assembly, pay close attention to rotor cavity cleaning for oil / dust accumulation in order to prevent
vibration problem. (ESM 72-00-21, Inspection & Installation).

Fan Disk (ESM 72-21-03)

At piece part level, perform disk FPI and disk bore & dovetail ECI
It is recommended to rework fan disk and introduce new hardware per S/B 72-0777 for reliability and also to
increase its potential life.

Booster Spool
Clean and inspect the Booster spool per ESM 72-21-04.
Check and restore VBV Pad guide for unbonding of seal per S/B 72-0369.

Assembly Recommendation

During module assembly, in order to prevent future vibration problems, pay close attention to the
cleaning of rotor cavities for oil / dust accumulation, and, if rotor was unstacked, pay close attention to proper
seating of rotor mating faces and to torque procedure / values of assembly bolts per ESM 72-00-01 Installation.
Perform system balance of Fan & Booster module per ESM 72-21-00

Fan Blades and Associated Hardware

Refer to the Workscope described previously.

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Fan Major Module Workscopes

No. 1 & No. 2 Bearing Support Module (72-22-00)

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Fan Major Module Workscopes

No. 1 & No. 2 Bearing Support Module Minimum Workscope (72-00-22)

No. 1 & No. 2 Bearing Support Module is removed and remains assembled for this level of workscope
Module should be inspected per modular ESM 72-00-22, unless otherwise stated.

Key Maintenance Tasks

Inspect module per ESM 72-00-22.

Introduce S/B 72-0243: a new bracket assembly and increase of the nipple tightening torque to improve oil supply
tube attachment.
When exposed, inspect No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 Bearing Air / Oil Seals per ESM 72-22-11/72-23-19/72-23-20 for
evidence of oil leakage
At installation, airflow check the forward sump assembly as part of fan frame assembly.

No. 1 & No. 2 Bearing Support Module Full Overhaul Workscope (72-22-00)
No. 1 & No. 2 Bearing Support module should be removed from the engine and disassembled in piece part for this level of

NOTE: Proper preservation and handling of bearings during Shop Visit is important. (CESM 008)

Key Maintenance Tasks

Remove the No.1 and No. 2 bearings and inspect per ESM 72-09-01.
Inspect the fan shaft per the ESM 72-22-10, including MPI.
Pay attention to the forward rabbet diameter
Apply protective oil CP 2858
Inspect oil separator ducts for cracking and missing pieces.(ESM 72-22-11)
Inspect stationary air / oil seal for missing or delaminated abradable
Inspect No. 1 stationary air / oil seal for partial debonded skin (double piece design).
During reassembly, apply engine oil protection on bearings to avoid corrosion.
Introduce S/B 72-0243: a new bracket assembly and increase of the nipple tightening torque to improve oil supply
tube attachment.
At installation, airflow check the forward sump assembly as part of fan frame assembly.

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Fan Major Module Workscopes

Fan Frame / Case Module (72-23-00)

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Fan Major Module Workscopes

Fan Frame & Case Assembly Minimum Workscope (72-00-23)

Fan Frame & case module is removed and remains assembled for this level of workscope

Key Maintenance Tasks

Inspect the module per ESM 72-00-23.

NOTE: Reference CFM Fleet Highlite published 12/2012 (CFM56-7B – Fan containment case and fan frame shroud
(12-12-7223-04) for details on template inspection of containment case nicks, dents and scratches.

Check the fan abradable for heavy wear or rubbing.

o Perform tap-test to evaluate quality of bonding
o Recondition per ESM 72-23-02 Repair 011 if required.

Inspect Fan case B1 to B8 flanges for bolt hole elongation.(ESM 72-00-23)

o Recondition the attachment holes per ESM 72-23-02 Repair 019.
o Inspect fan case B1 Flange for elongation or cracks at fire loop bracket (position 11:00 – 12:00 / holes 103
and 104). (ESM 72-00-23)
• Apply S/B 72-0580 for repair as necessary. (See Illustration below)

o Inspect fan case B1 flange for elongation or cracks at position 84 and 85 (position 9:00-10:00)
• Apply S/B 72-0780 for repair as necessary. (See Illustration below)

Inspect Fan Frame flange for holes elongation, at first elongation improve the Supporting Hardware per S/B 72-
0570 and introduce new spacer on B6 Flange per S/B 72-0569 or Boeing S/B 737-71-1682. (See Illustration

Remove strut panels and inspect VBV system.

o Check for damage or looseness
o Inspect door seals for leakage per ESM 72-00-01.

If exposed, inspect No. 3 bearing forward & aft stationary air/oil seals for evidence of oil leakage.
Re-identification of the Containment Case 340-059-813-0 & 340-059-814-0 per S/B 72-0730
If the TGB is removed, check the outer radial drive shaft housing for the following:
o Replace the O-ring seal per ESM 72-23-05; experience shows that used seals leak.

Check housing for cracks and visual fan frame strut for wear per ESM 72-00-23.
Inspect OGV's, paying attention for erosion per ESM 72-00-23.
o Recondition protective coating as necessary per 72-23-03, Repair 008.

If any OGV is removed:

o Check for corrosion at OGV attachment holes on OGV or fan containment case. Repair as necessary
ESM 72-23-03, Repair 008 or 011 (for OGV) and/or 72-23-02, Repair 022 or 023 (for fan containment
o Check for missing protective coating at fan casing attachment holes.

Inspect fan frame outer shroud for cracks at 6:00 (location of removed acoustical panel). (S/B 72-0531)

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Fan Major Module Workscopes

If cracks above limits are evidenced, refer to both repairs available:

o Rework & re-identification of fan frame shroud with an aluminium doubler per S/B 72-0495
o Fan frame shroud TIG welding (Remove fan frame outer shroud per ESM 72-00-00, Special Procedure

Introduce anti-erosion paint on the Fan Frame Assembly for specific environmental operation per S/B 72-0553.
Inspect outer fan frame shroud V-groove outer ring for varnish protective coating missing per ESM 72-00-23.
Recondition varnish PTFE per SPM 70-63-15
Apply S/B 72-0298: S/B introduces for replacement or rework of the oil pressure probe housing an increased length
inserts with 6 threads interface in housing to stop excessive torque being applied to the attachment bolts of the
temperature probe which if not upgraded may cause oil housing insert deterioration.

Fan Frame & Case Assembly Full Overhaul Workscope (72-23-00)

Fan Frame & case module is disassembled for this level of workscope

The IGB, AGB / TGB, No. 1 & No. 2 Bearing Support, and Fan & Booster modules should be removed from the Fan Frame /
Case module for this level of workscope.

The Fan Frame / Case module is partially disassembled for this level of workscope and should be inspected per modular
ESM 72-00-23, unless otherwise stated.

Key Maintenance Tasks

Inspect the Fan Frame / Case per ESM 72-00-23.

Recondition missing protective Surface coating (anodization) per ESM 72-23-00.

NOTE: If Fan Frame / Case requires disassembly due to condition, inspect parts per piece-part per ESM 72-23-03.

Remove and Inspect OGV's per ESM 72-23-03.

o Recondition Surface coating for erosion

Remove and Inspect strut and acoustic panels per ESM 72-23-07 and 08
Remove and Inspect Fan Fairing per ESM 72-23-23.
o Recondition Fan Fairing Surface coating (sulfuric anodization) for erosion

Remove and Inspect VBV system linkage for looseness or damage per ESM 72-23-16.
o Assure doors seat properly and are rigged within ESM limits

Visually check AGB mount brackets, Thrust mounts, and Axial load mounts for security. (ESM 72-23-02, 72-23-22 /
Remove and Inspect the shroud segments per ESM 72-23-32.
o Recondition missing surface protection (sulfuric anodizing) per ESM.

Remove and inspect the outer radial drive shaft housing per ESM.
o Replace outer O-ring seal (replace inner O-ring seal if Inlet Gearbox module is removed); experience has
shown used seals may leak
o Check housing for cracks and visual fan frame strut for wear / damage

Restore Fan abradable and assure a fan blade tip clearance within the ESM 72-00-01 limits.

NOTE: Reference CFM Fleet Highlites dated (April 2010). Article: (Fan Containment Case Abradable Liner Epoxy Liner
Repair (10-04-7223-04)) describes the recommended Best Practices when repairing the CFM56-7B Fan
Containment Case abradable liner. CFM recommends using this Best Practice provided during repair of the
CFM56-7B Fan Containment Case abradable lining to help prevent repeated disbonding of the lining. This Best
Practice has been shown to provide more consistent and reliable adhesion.

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Fan Major Module Workscopes

Inlet Gearbox Module (72-61-00)

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Fan Major Module Workscopes

Inlet Gearbox Full Overhaul Workscope (77-61-00)

The Inlet Gearbox module should be removed from the fan frame and disassembled in piece part for this level of inspection.

Refer to Fan Frame /Case Module Full Overhaul Workscope for No. 3 Forward Stationary Oil Seal & Aft Stationary Air / Oil
Seal recommendations.

Engine experiencing High N2 Vibrations (No. 4 Bearing or HPT Blade Failure):

During disassembly, check bolt torque values at the following locations:

The following check is highly recommended if engine has been removed following a high N2 vibs event, significant
HPC or HPT Blade damage or a No. 4 Bearing failure. (Refer to Special Investigation Workscope)
o No. 3 bearing inner support housing on IGB housing:
 Check torque of the 24 nuts that hold the No. 3B and No. 3R bearings onto the IGB housing in
the tightening (seating) direction. If these torque values are below ESM values, inspect flanges
and rabbets for abnormal fretting/wear.
o No. 3 bearing forward stationary oil seal on IGB housing
 Check the torque of the nuts that attach the IGB and Seal onto the Fan Frame

Key Maintenance Tasks

Inspect the piece-parts per the applicable section of the ESM 72-61-00.
Inspect the No. 3B and No. 3R bearings per the ESM 72-09-01. Reference S/B 72-0812 for release of nitride
hardened ball thrust No. 3 bearings. The new No. 3 ball bearing with nitride hardening will have improved reliability
as the nitride hardened outer raceway, inner raceway, and rolling elements provide increased resistance to hard
particle contamination and reduced spall propagation rates.

NOTE: Proper preservation and handling of bearings during Shop Visit are important. (CESM 004)

Verify that the serrated ring in the No. 3 bearing locknut is in good condition. Repair as required per ESM.
During reassembly, apply engine oil protection on bearings to avoid corrosion
When installing the IGB, assure proper seating of the No. 3 bearing locknut / locking ring.
If not previously complied with, introduce the 24 nuts that hold No. 3B and 3R bearings onto the IGB Housing. Use
nut P/N 9663M71P07 and double torque procedure as per S/B 72-0014.
If not previously complied with, modify No. 3 Aft Air / Oil seal per S/B 72-0574 which introduces new FM57
adhesive to oil cover and Teflon.

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Core Major Modules Workscopes

High Pressure Compressor Major Module (72-00-02)

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Core Major Modules Workscopes

Core Engine Minimum Workscope (72-00-02)

The Core Module should be removed from the Fan Major Module and is fully assembled for this level of inspection.

Visually inspect all exposed areas of the modules per ESM 72-00-02.

HPC Modules

Check variable stator vanes for proper engagement of lever arms, thread protrusion, and witness marks; check
lever arm pins for proper engagement in actuation rings and bridge connectors.
Check variable stator vanes for looseness. Replace bushings if looseness is excessive. See Performance
Workscope Section for CFM recommendations concerning HPC Bushings.
Suggested paint stripe on lever arm pin heads at the bridge connectors to assure proper assembly in connecting
links per S/B 72-0021.
If not previously complied with, install “2D aero” configuration Stage 9 HPC blades by doing a top casing procedure.
On assembled engine, BSI all stages of the HPC per AMM 72-00-00.
Top case the HPC module if BSI results in cause exposure of HPC airfoils.
o Inspect all blades and exposed vanes per 72-00-31, Special procedure 002/003 and 72-31-01/02/03.

Apply blend repair procedure to HPC Blades per AMM 72-00-00 OR Top case the HPC module if blend limits are

o There is a 25 cycle reinspection requirement if boroblend is used.
o The maximum number of Blades which can be replaced without Rotor removal is 25% on each Stage
and/or 3 full Stages of Blades.
o After a HPC Top Casing for Blades repair/replacement, it is not mandatory to perform an Outbound test
except for a vibration test which is highly recommended and which can be done On Wing.
o Do not intermix Tech Insertion configuration with Non Tech Insertion when replacing the Stage 1 to 9 HPC
o If vanes are removed for inspection or replacement, the circumferential position should be marked for
reassembly at the same location.

During installation of Core Engine module on Fan Frame module, in order to prevent future vibration problems, pay
special attention to torque procedure and values of the HPC casing to fan frame attachment bolts and of the No. 3
bearing nut.

Combustor Modules

On combustor, CFM highly recommends you perform B.S.I. inspection after F.O.D. events per AMM 72-00-00-200-805-
F00 or TASK 72-00-00-200-816-F00.

Perform a borescope inspection of Combustor Inner Cowl bolts for looseness per S/B 72-0304. If needed, refer to
dedicated combustor workscope to replace non-serviceable cowl.
Perform a borescope inspection of combustor outer cowl damper wire for wear per S/B 72-0227. If needed, refer to
dedicated combustor workscope to replace the non-serviceable cowl.

When igniters are installed, take care to assure the igniter ferule in the combustor is lined up with the combustion case
and that the ferule is free to move. Damage can occur to either the igniter or the combustor outer liner.

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Core Major Modules Workscopes


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Core Major Modules Workscopes

Highly Recommended S/B & Documents (High Pressure Compressor Modules Level)

CFM Sorting
Reduce the possibility of release of honeycomb seal J-hooks or straight
72- pins into the flow path. The new low profile nuts have the minimum thread
72-0530 x 4
00-02 extension requirement. This provides a visual check that the locking feature
of the nut is tested. In Shop
Announces the common use of unique nuts to the appropriate locations at
core assembly level. The variable stator vanes (VSV) actuator assembly
uses two different nuts which are virtually identical and difficult to
72- distinguish. The main difference between the nuts is the contact surface
72-0551 M 7
00-02 diameter and the "G" class designation for the threads. Commonality
between nuts at specified location at core assembly level. This will improve
the assembly procedure and time will be saved by reducing examination to
identify the two different nuts. In Shop
Releases new HPC rotor and HPT rotor hardware to maintain commonality
with CFM56-7BX/3 hardware. New compressor rotor stages 4 through 9
spool assembly 2048M20G03, and rotating air rear seal 2116M25P01 have
revised features to improve low cycle fatigue (LCF) capability. The new self
wrenching hook bolt 2116M22P01with new bolt retainer 9391M73P01 have
72- a different anti-rotation and retention mechanism. The new HPT rotor front
72-0643 x 7
00-02 shaft 2048M21P03 has revised features to improve LCF capability and
shorter length to accommodate the revised new rotating air HPT front seal.
The new rotating air HPT front seal 2116M20P02 has revised features for
improved LCF capability and for prevention of dust accumulation. The new
HPT rotor disk 1498M43P07 has revised features for reduced dovetail edge
of contact (EOC) stress and improved LCF capability. In Shop
Adds new stage 2 high HPC blade kit 737L332G01 and stage 4 HPC blade
kit 737L334G02 to the spare parts list for the CFM56-7B engine model. The
new HPC blade kits will simplify the replacement of stage 2 and stage 4
72-0226 x HPC blades during field top case repairs by providing preground blades 7
ready for installation. In addition, an extra wide platform stage 4 blade is
provided to make sure the rotor platform gap requirements are met. In
Introduces new High Pressure Compressor (HPC) rotor balance weights for
incorporation into stages 6-9. These balance weights will have higher
72-30 72-0343 x durability than the weights they replace. Introduction of two new balance 7
weight part numbers to the HPC rotor assembly which have lower stresses
than the current design. In Shop
Production introduction and spare parts availability of stage 9 blades
P109P38/P39/P40/P41. Accomplishment instructions are provided for the
72-31 72-0021 x replacement of the old stage 9 blades. The old P339 series blade has 9
shown a sensitivity to separated flow vibration (SFV). The Sensitivity to SFV
is not present in the new P109 series blade. In Shop
Introduces a tech insertion (TI) high pressure compressor (HPC) kit P/N
737L387G01, also known as the HPC performance modification
configuration for the CFM56-7B. This includes the new HPC stage 1
through stage 9 compressor rotor blades and new compressor stator stage
4 vane sectors (stage 4 vane sectors). The new HPC stage 1 through stage
9 compressor rotor blades are changed to improve HPC efficiency with
72-31 72-0583 x 7
open tip clearances. The new HPC stator stage 4 vane assembly has
reshaped bleed holes on the outer flowpath which provides additional
cooling air to the low pressure turbine (LPT) nozzle and the HPT clearance
control system. The HPC performance modification configuration improves
compressor efficiency to provide additional exhaust gas temperature (EGT)
margin and reduced fuel consumption. In Shop

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Core Major Modules Workscopes

CFM Sorting
Introduces a HPCR stage 3 disk 2116M23P01 that has
improvements to the dovetail slots. The high EOC stress can
72-31 72-0641 x create fretting and dovetail slot damage. The new dovetail 7
shape will reduce edge of contact stresses and will reduce the
possibility of damage caused by EOC stresses. In Shop
Introduces a HPCR stages 1 and 2 spool 1558M31G07 that
72-31 72-0642 x has improvements to the HPCR stages 1 and 2 dovetail slots 7
and to the aft flange. In Shop
Introduces the compressor rotor blade kit with erosion coated
blades P/N 737L388G01. This kit consist of stage 1 through
stage 9 high pressure compressor (HPC) blades. The
72-31 72-0710 x 7
proposed erosion coated blades are being made available to
those operators that would like to use HPC blades that have
additional erosion protection in their engines. In Shop
Introduces the rework procedure for uncoated HPC blades to
72-31 72-0798 AI be reworked to an erosion coated configuration in the field. In 7
Introduces the rework procedure for uncoated TI HPC blades to
be reworked to an erosion coated configuration in the field.
Complete engine sets are not required and mixing of erosion
72-31 72-0799 7
coated and uncoated TI HPC blades in the same engine is
permitted as long as rotor balance requirements are met. In
Releases new HPC TI kit P/N 737L387G03 and HPC TI kit P/N
737L387G04. These kits have tungsten carbide erosion
coatings on HPC stages 1 through 3 blades, and a physical
vapor deposition (PVD) erosion coating on HPC stages 4
through 9 blades. The HPC TI kit P/N 737L387G03 also
contains new compressor stator stage 4 vane assemblies and
applies to all CFM56-7B classic commercial engines. The HPC
72-31 72-0863 x TI kit P/N 737L387G04 does not contain the new compressor 7
stator stage 4 vane sectors because the CFM56-7B/3 and
CFM56-7BE engines already have these HPC stage 4 vane
sectors installed. This HPC TI kit applies to all CFM56-7B/3 and
CFM56-7BE engines. The proposed PVD erosion coated
blades are being made available to operators that would like to
use HPC blades with additional erosion protection. In Shop
Recommends inspection instructions for HPC stage 4 through
72-31 72-0871 x 2
stage 9 blade locks. In Shop or On Wing
Provides recommended instructions for all uninstalled high
pressure compressor (HPC) stage 8 and 9 blade locks P/N
9984M29P02, purchased from CFM. These HPC blade locks
72-31 72-0874 x 4
should be returned to CFM in exchange for HPC blade locks
that have been through an improved inspection procedure and
marked with a white dot. Can be done In Shop
Introduces HPC stage 4-9 spool P/N 2048M20G04 that
72-31 72-0894 x features an aft flange design without scallops between the aft 7
flange bolt holes. In Shop
Production introduction and spare parts availability of HPC VSV
stage 1, stage 2, and stage 3 inner bushings and the IGV
through stage 3 washers. The change in material from Vespel
SP22 to ST2010 for the stage 1 inner bushing results in
improved impact strength, a tensile/compressive strength, and
a higher temperature capability. These improvements will result
72-32 72-0332 M in a longer life of the stage 1 inner bushing. The change in 7
materials for the stage 2 and stage 3 inner bushing from Vespel
SP22 to DG20 and for the IGV through stage 3 washers from
NR150 to DG20, will improve bushing/washer life. In addition to
changing the material, the washer geometry has been
optimized to provide additional bearing area to improve the life
and the sealing of the washer. In Shop

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Core Major Modules Workscopes

CFM Sorting
Provides the latest salable parts information. This Service
Bulletin announces the release of new HPC VSV stage 2 and
stage 3 DG10 outer bushings for use on all CFM56 engine
72-32 72-0402 M 8
models, and also the release of part number 2046M55G01 stage
9 ECS duct to CFM56-7B and CFM56-7B DAC production
72-32 72-0446 M Spare parts release, New HPC seals-Retainers 8
Identifies new parts and rework to reduce stator-to-rotor contact.
Contact is caused by worn variable stator vane (VSV) bushings
72-32 72-0469 x 5
and thrust washers. The new parts increase the clearances
between rotors and stators. In Shop
Provides instructions and standards for a borescope inspection
(BSI) on high time since new (TSN) CFM56-7B engines in order
to detect and monitor wear or rotation of inner shroud J-hooks,
and recommend corrective action before the wear can progress
to liberation of a J-hook or a straight headed stage 3 pin (straight
72-32 72-0515 x pin). Liberation of a J-hook or a straight pin could result in impact 2
damage to high pressure compressor (HPC) airfoils and/or
engine stall. The inspection will reduce the possibility of release
of honeycomb seal J-hooks or straight pins into the flow path.
Engines with post-CFM56-7B S/B 72-0581 or S/B 72-0665 do
not require inspection. In Shop or On Wing Inspection
Identifies new stage 2 and stage 3 bushings seals, and shrouds.
Stage 2 and stage 3 vanes can be replaced or reworked. It also
72-32 72-0581 x provides rework instructions for the old un-notched (P01) stage 2 7
and stage 3 vanes. The notched (P02) stage 2 and stage 3
vanes must be replaced. In Shop
Introduces new stage 2 and 3 bushings 2102M23P04 and
2102M23P08, and vanes without wear sleeves to the locations
which have the pin cut-outs. The vanes and bushings at the non
cut-out locations remain unchanged but must be post CFM56-7B
S/B 72-0581 configuration. In addition, the stage 2 and 3 shrouds
and stage 3 seal must be post CFM56-7B S/B 72-0581
configuration. The compressor stator stage 2 vanes (stage 2
72-32 72-0665 x 7
vanes) with pin cut-outs can be replaced or reworked. The stage
3 vanes with pin cut-outs are identical to the pre CFM56-7B S/B
72-0581 configuration. This S/B introduces a new DG30 or
SC610 composite bushings at the pinned locations which are
compatible with the post CFM56-7B S/B 72-0581 shrouds. The
inner trunnion holes are sized to accept vanes without wear
sleeves. In Shop
Introduces new anti-rotation straight headed pins and it gives
procedures to rework the compressor stator stage 1 through
stage 3 shroud assemblies. The new anti-rotation straight
headed pin features a head and is made out of L605 instead of
A286. The new straight headed pin has a head that prevents the
72-32 72-0673 x 7
pin from either being assembled incorrectly or moving axially
during operation, thereby maintaining full head engagement with
the seal. The new configuration of the straight headed pin
requires a notch in the forward rail, similar to existing notch in the
aft rail. In Shop
Introduces a new IGV Actuation Ring assembly that is more
durable. Recommendation is to incorporate at next shop visit.
72-32 72-0811 x x 3
This S/B eliminates the On Wing inspection requirement of S/B
72-0825 per AMM task 72-32-00-200-801. In Shop

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Core Major Modules Workscopes

CFM Sorting
Provides a recommended inspection threshold and re-inspection
intervals for engines with pre-CFM56-7B S/B 72-0811 IGV
actuation rings. CFM recommends that you do this S/B no later
72-32 72-0825 x 2
than 15,000 cycles since new (CSN) or 25,000 hours since new
(TSN), whichever comes first, for all engines with pre-CFM56-7B
S/B 72-0811 IGV actuation rings. In Shop or On Wing
Production introduction and spare parts availability of new HPC
stage 6-8 vane sectors without anti- rotational blocks on the vane
72-33 72-0342 M sectors adjacent to the split line. Eliminates the end block thus 7
deleting an operation in vane manufacturing resulting in a
producibility improvement. In Shop
Introduces 8 mil thick guide sector to all of the CFM56-7B high
pressure compressor (HPC) aft stator assemblies. The
72-33 72-0610 M advantage to use 8 mil thick guide sector is that both, the stack- 7
up and trial fits show that the assembly is greatly enhance with
the thinner guide sectors. In Shop

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Core Major Modules Workscopes

HPC Rotor Module (72-31-00)

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Core Major Modules Workscopes

HPC Rotor Module Minimum Workscope (72-00-31)

For this level of workscope the HPC rotor module is removed but not disassembled.
Inspect module per modular inspection per ESM 72-00-31
Refer to Core Engine Minimum Workscope

HPC Rotor Module Performance Workscope (72-31-00)

Inspect HPC blades per ESM 72-31-01/02/03
o Dimensionally inspect the Blades length, chord and leading and trailing edges thickness for erosion.
Blades radii may be measured in the Rotor using High Speed Grind system or individual Blade length may
be measured at piece part level.
o To obtain performance benefit, replace with blades with new / refurbished HPC blades.

NOTE: Refurbished HPC Blades should meet tip length and cord requirements, have their leading edges re-
contoured, SWECO cleaned to improve surface finish, dovetail coatings reapplied, improved erosion
coatings applied and RTV replaced. (CPM 2229)

NOTE: If HPC Stg 1 to Stg 3 HPC Blades are replaced with new blades, install blades with new Al Br dovetail
coating. (CPM 2267) per S/B 72-0116.

 If Stg 1 to Stg 3 HPC blades dovetail coating is repaired, install new AL BR coating on dovetail
per ESM 72-00-31 repair procedure.

NOTE: The CFM56 ESM does not have a procedure to remove all blades and replace with serviceable blades.
However, CFM has been approving this on a case by case basis with good results.

Replace the stage 4-9 blade seal wires.

Apply Molydag 254 dry film lubricant to the dovetail pressure faces on stage 1-3 HPC blades (no longer
Replace RTV 106 under stage 1-3 HPC blade dovetails.
Measure HPC Stage 1-2 and Stage 4-9 Spool Seal teeth diameters for serviceability. If under minimum,
disassemble rotor and refurbish seal teeth per the ESM requirements.
o If Rotor is disassembled, components must be fully inspected to the applicable ESM Section, including FPI
and enhanced NDT inspection.

Measure rotating CDP seal teeth diameters for serviceability per ESM 72-31-08. If under minimum, remove CDP
seal from HPC Rotor Assembly per Spec. Proc. and repair per the ESM requirements.
Install blades per ESM and measure / grind blade to the nominal radii recommended in ESM 72-31-00 +/- .002

NOTE: Before installing the blade locks for stage 8 and 9 blades examine the blade locks per S/B 72-0874.

After High Speed Grinding of the HPC Rotor Module, it is very important that the rotor is properly cleaned to assure that rotor
grinding debris is not present on the inner diameter of the rotor. Perform a wipe down of the exposed surfaces of the inner
diameter of the rotor to remove all signs of grind debris.

At assembly, to maintain roundness and concentricity of the HPC assembly, the following tool must be used and periodically
inspected to insure tool integrity of major interface dimensions:

Prior to module assembly, pay close attention to rotor cavities cleaning for oil / dust accumulation, in order to prevent future
vibration problems.

NOTE: HPC core stack stand is critical for HPC rotor centering. All surfaces must be clean.

Perform a final dynamic HPC Rotor balancing to the maximum 5 gm-in (12.7 cm-g) in planes “MM” and “ML” of
Perform HPC linipot inspection in the vertical position during core assembly. ESM 72-00-02 Spec Proc 001 & 002.

NOTE: Special attention should be given to performing linipots. Linipots verify concentricity between rotor and stator
modules to ensure the best On Wing performance. Achieving tighter limits (ECC, FIR, IMP) will help optimize
engine build and can improve engine performance.

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Core Major Modules Workscopes

High Pressure Compressor Module Performance Effects

Feature Post break-in value SFC Effect % EGT Effect °C
(mils / microinch) (mils / microinch) (mils / microinch)

HPC Stage 1 blade tip clearance 51 59 0.0081 0.1323
HPC Stage 2 blade tip clearance 63 57 0.0045 0.0738
HPC Stage 3 blade tip clearance 32 28 0.0051 0.0828
HPC Stage 4 blade tip clearance 47 45 0.0065 0.1062
HPC Stage 5 blade tip clearance 32 36 0.0062 0.1008
HPC Stage 6 blade tip clearance 38 43 0.0062 0.1008
HPC Stage 7 blade tip clearance 32 37 0.0066 0.1080
HPC Stage 8 blade tip clearance 33 38 0.0072 0.1179
HPC Stage 9 blade tip clearance 35 39 0.0063 0.1026

HPC stage 4-9 average blade tip 36.2 39.7 0.0266 0.4320
clearance throttling impact(**)

HPC Stage 1 I/S seal rub depth(***) 18 0.0017 0.0270

HPC Stage 2 I/S seal rub depth 8 0.0023 0.0369
HPC Stage 3 I/S seal rub depth 15 0.0026 0.0432
HPC Stage 4 I/S seal rub depth 13 0.0035 0.0567
HPC Stage 5 I/S seal rub depth 22 0.0043 0.0702
HPC Stage 6 I/S seal rub depth 18 0.0047 0.0774
HPC Stage 7 I/S seal rub depth 17 0.0054 0.0891
HPC Stage 8 I/S seal rub depth 16 0.0061 0.0999

General HPC airfoil erosion (*) None 0 0

Medium 0.4 4
Heavy 0.7 7

Stage 1-3 blade RTV liberation (per 0.00165 0.027

percent missing)

(*) Erosion values are estimates. Consider "Medium" as serviceable / repairable type of chord loss Consider "Heavy" as
chord loss beyond repair.
(**) To calculate Throttling impact, calculate average clearance of Stage 4 thru 9 blades. Calculate difference between
green run and measured value. Multiply this value times the EGT coefficient to determine impact on EGT Margin.
(***) NOTE that replacement of honeycomb will recover a small amount of EGT Margin. To determine the amount of EGT
recovery, measure the honeycomb rub depth in 4 to 8 locations and calculate an average rub depth. Calculate the change
in rub depth versus green run average and then multiply this times the EGT impact listed above.
For example: If the stage 8 honeycomb rub depth measures 19 mils (0.019”), the additional rub versus green run is 19 – 16
= 3 mils. The impact on EGT is 3 * 0.0999 = 0.297°C EGT Margin impact.

NOTE: Stage 8 has the highest EGT coefficient of all stages. Typical EGT recovery for all stages of honeycomb replacement
is typically a total of 2-3 °C EGT Margin.

NOTE: Refer to Engine Shop Manual (ESM) for latest build requirement. The Table above is only used for estimating
performance effects.

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Core Major Modules Workscopes

HPC Rotor Module Full Overhaul Workscope (72-31-00)

HPC Rotor module should be removed from the engine and disassembled in piece part for this level of overhaul.

The Stage 1-2 spool, Stage 3 disk, Stage 4-9 spool, Front Shaft, and the CDP seal, should be un-stacked for HPC Rotor
LLP replacement.(ESM 72-31-04/05/06 and 72-31-07/08/11).

All rotating parts should be inspected per the applicable ESM 72-31-XX.
Inspect stage 1-9 HPC blades per ESM for dimensional and visual limits per ESM 72-31-01/02/03.
If HPC Stg 1 to Stg 3 HPC Blades are replaced with new blades, install blades with new Al Br dovetail coating per
S/B 72-0116.
If Stg 1 to Stg 3 HPC blades dovetail coating is repaired, install new AL BR coating on dovetail per ESM repair
If not previously complied with, install HPC Stg 9 Blades to lower response to separated flow vibrations (SFV) per
S/B 72-0021.
Perform inspection per ESM 72-31-04/05/06 and 72-31-07/08/11, paying special attention to the following:
o Visually inspect the stage 1-2 spool dovetail slots for fretting; etch and FPI dovetail slots, posts, and stage
3 disk.
o Measure HPC Interstage (Stg 1-8) and CDP seal teeth diameters. If under minimum, disassemble Rotor
and refurbish Seal Teeth per the ESM requirements.
o Check retainer tabs for cracks and wear.

Replace the stage 4-9 blade seal wires.

Apply Molydag 254 dry film lubricant on the dovetail pressure faces on HPC Stg1-3 blades.
Replace RTV 106 under stage 1-3 HPC blade dovetails with CP 2267.

At assembly, determine HPC stage by stage clearance by direct measurements of the blade radii and stator cases.
Completely re-bladed rotor should be high speed ground to the ESM limits 72-31-00.

NOTE: Recommend all blades be tip extended and the rotor ground to optimize clearance.

Rotor with continued time blades or partial blade replacement must meet the ESM 72-00-31 inspection limits of module

During module assembly, in order to prevent future vibration problems, pay close attention to cleaning of rotor cavities for oil
/ dust accumulation, and, if rotor was unstacked, pay close attention to proper seating of rotor mating faces and to torque
procedure / values of assembly bolts.

Balance the HPC rotor per the ESM 72-31-00.

Perform HPC linipot inspection in the vertical position per ESM 72-00-02 Spec. Proc. 001 & 002.

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Core Major Modules Workscopes

HPC Forward Case Module (72-32-00)

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HPC Stators Module Minimum Workscope (72-32-00)

The HPC Stator Modules are removed and at Module level for this level of workscope

Visually inspect the front and rear HPC stator cases with white light.
Spot FPI any areas suspected of cracking, pay close attention to horizontal and circumferential flanges.
Inspect case rub land per ESM with close attention to the following:
o Positive material (scabbing) from airfoil rub; remove any positive material to be smooth and flush with
flowpath contour
o Erosion or spalling
o Flowpath cracks

Refer to Core Engine Minimum Workscope

Replace IGV Actuation Ring with latest P/N Ring per S/B 72-0811 CAT 3 and 72-0825 if not previously complied
Inspect HPC Stage 4 and 5 interstage Honeycomb for looseness. Replace stationary seal assembly (Backing Strip
Honeycomb) if loose in both the circumstantial and axial directions.

HPC Fwd Case Module Performance and Full Overhaul Workscope (72-32-XX)
HPC Stator modules, including both HPC Forward & Rear Case modules are removed and disassembled piece part for this
level of workscope and should be inspected per ESM 72-32-XX / 72-33-XX, unless otherwise stated.

Inspect the HPC forward case per ESM 72-32-01 with close attention for cracking forward and aft flanges and
borescope ports.
Inspect case rub land for positive material (scabbing) from airfoil rub and remove any positive material to be smooth
and flush with flowpath contour.
Inspect HPC forward case diameter D per ESM with close attention to fretting
Inspect variable stator vanes and vane sectors per ESM 72-32-02/03 with close attention to the following:
o Vanes and sectors for FOD, cracks, distortion and erosion.
o Vane sector J-hooks for excessive wear ESM 72-32-03.
o Vanes inner trunnion diameter and notch wear.
o Cracks at the braze line into the parent metal of the airfoil on sectors vanes.

Replace all VSV inner and outer bushings as well as the outer washers to prevent stator to rotor contact.
Inspect HPC interstage honeycomb seals per ESM 72-32-05 with close attention to the following:
o Backing strips for cracks.
o Honeycomb seals for wear depth and loose or unbonded cells. (ESM 72-32-05)
o Inspect HPC Stage 4 and 5 interstage Honeycomb for looseness. Replace stationary seal assembly
(Backing Strip Honeycomb) if loose.

Replace Stg 1 Inner Bushings with ST2010 material per S/B 72-0332.
Replace Stg 2 and 3 Inner Bushings, inner shrouds, and vanes with metallic or hybrid bushing system per S/B 72-
0581 and S/B 72-0665.
If metallic bushing system will not be incorporated, replace Stg 2 and Stg 3 inner bushings with DG20 material per
S/B 72-0332 and introduce cutback shrouds per S/B 72-0469.
Incorporate new VSV Shroud anti-rotation straight headed pin per S/B 72-0673.
Replace all composite Outer Washers from IGV to VSV Stg 3 by new parts made of DG20 Material per S/B 72-
Replace Stg 2 and Stg 3 outer bushings with DG10 material per S/B 72-0402.
Visually check the VSV actuation system as follows:
o Check the lever arms, rings and connecting links for wear, cracks, distortion and proper engagement
o Check the actuator assembly bell crank, master rods, jam nut, support plate, and clevis, and link for wear,
cracks, or distortion.
o Check rod end and spherical bearings for wear and freedom of movement.

NOTE: During re-assembly, pay particular attention that all lever arms have been assembled into the the holes
of the rings.

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HPC Forward Case Performance items (72-32-00)

Inspect the honeycomb seal rub depths per ESM 72-32-05. Evaluate the impact on EGT using the influence
coefficients in the beginning of this performance section.
o For example – if rub depth of stage 6 honeycomb averages 28 mils, multiply (green rub depth – rub depth)
* Stg 6 influence coefficient for EGT to determine amount of performance that can be restored by
refurbishing honeycomb reference ESM 72-32-05. In this case the impact would be (18-28)* 0.0774
degrees C.
o If honeycomb is replaced, grind honeycomb diameter close to the ESM minimum limits and build
circumferential end gap to the ESM minimum limits.(ESM 72-32-00)

Increased performance can be obtain after a vibratory cleaning (Sweco) of the serviceable IGV & VSV airfoils and
an alkaline clean or abrasive blast of the serviceable HPC vane segments after removal of HPC inlet guide vanes,
HPC stage 1-3 variable vanes, and HPC stage 4-5 vane segments from the forward stator assembly. (ESM 72-32-
Inspect HPC Fwd Stator Case pilot diameter D for fretting and repair as required.(ESM 72-32-01)
Inspect horizontal split lines in the Stator halves for cracks per ESM 72-32-01.
Inspect casing rub lands for positive material (scabbing) from airfoil rubs per ESM 72-32-01.
o Remove any positive material to be smooth and flush with flowpath contour.
o During piece part inspection, pay particular attention to Vanes and Sectors which are showing cracks,
distortion or erosion.

Inspect and repair Vanes Inner Trunnions (dimensional inspection of the diameters, as well as wear on Pin notch)
If removed, reinstall repaired or new vanes in the HPC forward stator case.
Assure all variable vane lever arm pins have been assembled into the correct holes, in actuation rings.
Replace all VSV Inner and Outer bushings, as well as Outer Washers to prevent stator to rotor
contact, due to wear which leaves the Seal “Honeycomb” free to move/drop.
o Replace Stg 1 Inner Bushings with ST2010 material per S/B 72-0332.
o Replace Stg 2 and Stg 3 inner bushings, inner shrouds, and rework vanes with metallic or hybrid bushing
system per S/B 72-0581 and 72-0665.
o If metallic bushings currently installed, inspect per ESM.
o If metallic/hybrid bushing system will not be incorporated, replace Stg 2 & Stg 3 inner bushings with DG20
material per S/B 72-0332.
o Replace all composite Outer Washers from IGV to VSV Stg 3 by new parts made of DG20 material per
S/B 72-0332.
o Replace Stg 2 and Stg 3 Outer Bushings with DG10 material per S/B 72-0402.
o Apply RTV sealant to Stg 1-3 Shroud pins.
o Incorporate new VSV Shroud Headed Anti-Rotation Pin per S/B 72-0673.

VSV Actuation System

Inspect lever arms, rings and connecting parts for wear, cracks, distortion or bad position per ESM 72-33-00.
Check all the Actuator Hardware per ESM 72-32-13/14/15.

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HPC Rear Case Module (72-33-00)

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HPC Rear Case Module Minimum Workscope (72-33-00)

The HPC Rear Stator Case is at Module level for this level of workscope

Visually inspect the front and rear HPC stator cases with white light.
Spot FPI any areas suspected of cracking, pay close attention to horizontal and circumferential flanges.
Inspect case rub land per ESM with close attention to the following:
o Positive material (scabbing) from airfoil rub; remove any positive material to be smooth and flush with
flowpath contour
o Erosion or spalling
o Flowpath cracks

Refer to core engine minimum workscope

HPC Rear Case Module Performance and Full Overhaul Workscope (72-33-XX)
The HPC Rear Case is disassembled to piece part for this level of Workscope

Inspect the HPC rear case per ESM 72-33-01 with close attention for cracking to the antirotation stops, aft flange,
and borescope ports.
Inspect rabbet diameter of case with close attention to fretting.
Inspect case rub land per ESM with close attention to the following:
o Positive material (scabbing) from airfoil rub; remove any positive material to be smooth and flush with
flowpath contour
o Erosion or spalling
o Flowpath cracks

Inspect HPC vane sectors per ESM 72-33-02 with close attention to the following:
o FOD, cracks, distortion and erosion.
o Outer platform for cracks.
o Cracks at the braze line of the airfoil on vane sectors.
o Inspect j-hooks for excessive wear.

Inspect HPC interstage honeycomb seals per ESM 72-33-03 with close attention to the following:
o Backing strips for cracks.
o Honeycomb seals for wear depth and loose or unbonded cells.

HPC Rear Case Performance Items (72-33-00)

For a performance workscope, CFM data suggests that there is a minimal impact on the EGT recovery for a Rear Case
overhaul. Minimum workscope level can be used for low thrust application or where EGT margin is not a concern. For those
engines that do require additional EGT margin (high thrust applications), the following is a comprehensive list of items for
performance recovery.

Remove HPC stage 6-8 interstage honeycomb seal segments from the rear stator assembly per ESM 72-33-00.
Replace all HPC interstage honeycomb seals with new or refurbished hardware per ESM 72-33-03.
Grind abradable close to the ESM minimum limits and build circumferential end gap to the ESM minimum limits.
Delete end blocks in Stg 6-8 Vane Sectors to eliminate anti-Rotation key cracking per S/B 72-0342.
Incorporate new 8 mil thick guide sector per S/B 72-0610 as required. The advantage to use 8 mil thick guide
sector is that both, the stack-up and trial fits show that the assembly is greatly enhance with the thinner guide
sectors.(ESM 72-33-00)

Increased performance can be obtained with an alkaline clean or abrasive blast of the serviceable HPC vane segments after
removal of HPC stage 6-8 vane segments from the rear stator assembly

Inspect casing rub lands for positive material (scabbing) from airfoil rub.(ESM 72-33-01).
Remove any positive material to be smooth and flush with flowpath contour.(ESM 72-33-01)
If flowpath surface refurbishment is required, refurbish HPC rear stator forward outer lip wear due to HPC forward
case diameter D, concurrently with the flowpath surface of the rear stator case. (ESM 72-33-01)

NOTE: Assure that the locally manufactured fixture to retain the case during machining maintains the flatness and
perpendicularity of the rabbet dia.

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HPC Case Assembly

To maintain roundness and concentricity of the HPC assembly, the following tooling must be used and periodically inspected
to insure tooling integrity of major interface dimensions:

HPC alignment tool (856A1266) for proper HPC stator case alignment.
HPC stator grind fixture (856A1056) with an aft rabbet diameter critical for assuring roundness and concentricity of
the stator case.

Ensure Honeycomb Seals do not have closed up cells per ESM 72-32-00 and 72-33-00. Cell smearing from grind can
increase surface area against rotating Seals resulting in excessive Seal tooth wear and/or Core seizures in severe cases.

Assemble the front and rear stator halves together for grinding and dimensional inspection; horizontal flange bolts should be
torqued before the circumferential flanges per (ESM 72-32-00 and 72-33-00).

Consistently observe the ESM defined torquing sequence to ensure roundness and concentricity.
Assure proper length alignment pins (856A1266) are being used in each location.

NOTE: Periodic inspection of tooling is required to assure that pins maintain proper alignment force.

Observe the proper flange torquing during HPC case repair, measurement, and installation.

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Highly Recommended S/B & Documents (Combustion Module Level)

CFM Sorting
Production introduction and spare parts availability of FINS 1808M15G13 and
1668M61G05. New HPT nozzle FINS adds erosion coating to prevent hard
72-41 72-0542 x 7
particles from eroding through the inner wall of the FINS. S/B 72-0540 must
be complied with when you do this S/B. In Shop
Introduces the combustion chamber assembly P/N 2480M46G01 with a new
outer liner P/N 2480M42G01 and inner liner P/N 2480M43G01 made of
HS188. The combustion chamber assembly P/N 2480M46G01 is
72-41 72-0890 x recommended for engines operating in hot and harsh environments. Will result 7
in better thermal capability which extends the combustor chamber assembly,
inner and outer liners time on wing (TOW) for engines operating in hot and
harsh environments. In Shop
Announces the new and reworked outer liners and combustion chamber
assemblies with only one clocking lug. Also, rework instructions for the old
72-42 72-0103 x combustion chamber are provided. Rework to eliminate unnecessary slots will 6
allow interchangeability without the possibility of damage. In Shop
Production introduction and spare parts availability of combustion chamber
assembly 1968M41G01 with outer liner 1317M56G08 (3 lug keys) and
combustion chamber assembly 1968M41G02 with outer liner 1317M56G09 (1
72-42 72-0110 x 7
lug key). Also Provides instructions to remove the old combustion dome
swirler supports (bird bumpers) from the combustion chamber assembly. In
Production introduction and spare parts availability of combustion chamber
assembly 1968M41G03 and outer cowl 1968M59G01. The new outer cowl
72-42 72-0227 x sheet metal and outer cowl wrapped wire are made from HS188 material. The 5
new material (HS188) will have increased durability/wear characteristics
relative to the old material (Hast X). In Shop
Provides rework procedures as described in Repair Document (RD) 124-572
and RD 124-574 for the combustion chamber inner liner and outer liner.
72-42 72-0229 x Provides rework instructions to increase the thickness of the thermal barrier 7
coating (TBC) on the inner and outer liners to improve combustor durability in
non-hot and harsh environments. In Shop
Provides instructions and criteria to perform a repetitive borescope inspection
of the combustor outer cowl. The inspection in this S/B can be accomplished
On Wing. Do as soon as possible without effect on revenue service beginning
72-42 72-0304 x 2
at 15,000 hours since new, and repeat the borescope inspection at 1,700
hours plus or minus 300 hour intervals. Intended to prevent combustor case
burning. On Wing
Production introduction and spare parts availability of combustion chamber
inner liner 1968M96G09. This is an improved double annular combustor
72-42 72-0431 x (DAC) chamber Inner liner. Do when the combustion chamber is routed for 6
repair. The old combustion inner liners 1968M96G03, 1968M96G06, and
1968M96G07 have experienced premature cracking. In Shop
Production introduction and spare parts availability of combustion chamber
outer dome assembly P/N 1968M90G06 and combustion chamber inner dome
assembly P/N 1968M91G07. The S/B Eliminates the pin and notch alignment
72-42 72-0434 x features and changing to a more reliable fixturing system improves the 7
finished deflector angular position variability, helps to maintain the desired gap
between the deflector and the liner, and reduces total engine parts count. In
Identifies a lug ring (SPD) to rework inner liners so that combustion chamber
assemblies (combustors) have only one lug instead of three so they fit cases
72-42 72-0109 x with one slot. This S/B is an alternate means of compliance to CFM56-7B S/B 6
72-0103 to change to one key (lug). The new SPD has windows and one lug
to fit cases with one slot. In Shop
Identifies swirlers with improved durability, and new and rework dome
72-42 72-0455 x assemblies with the new swirlers. New flanges are identified to be welded to 7
the thin swirlers to create the more durable thick swirlers. In Shop

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CFM Sorting
This On Wing inspection S/B was issued in order to get data from the field to
support the development of a final field plan. Continued field compliance is no
72-42 72-0506 x longer recommended. Data was gathered from the field and resulted in the 9
issuance of CFM56-7B S/B 72-0521 to measure the liner nugget thickness when
parts are routed for repair to insure that the liners meets design intent.
Provides instructions for a one-time inspection of the inner and outer liner nugget
thicknesses at the rib cooling hole location, to make sure that the liners have
72-42 72-0521 x 6
been manufactured to design intent. CFM recommends that you do this S/B when
the combustion chamber assembly is routed for repair In Shop
Identifies On Wing inspections for the affected liners and provides shop level
actions when the combustion chamber assembly is routed for repair. Affected
liners are of a population which had cooling hole braze repair during manufacture.
This repair is similar to those on hardware found cracked in the repair area during
72-42 72-0547 x shop visit. No un-safe conditions have been identified with the cracking. CAT. 2 2&6
Do the On Wing inspection portion of this S/B per the regularly scheduled
borescope inspection (BSI) intervals for the combustion section. CAT. 6 do the
shop level portion of this S/B when the combustion chamber assembly is routed
for repair.
Introduces a new combustion chamber outer liner lug ring P/N 1968M42G02 , and
gives the rework procedures to replace the outer liner lug ring on the combustion
chamber outer liner. New outer liner lug ring features high-temperature braze
alloys that will allow weld repairs to the outer liner without removing the outer liner
72-42 72-0647 x lug ring and will improve outer liners repairability. In addition, three of the four 7
vent holes in the outer liner lug ring are eliminated and the fourth vent hole is
relocated 0.200 inch (5.08 mm) forward and will provide a visual difference
between the old and new parts. In Shop
Introduces a field rework procedure to modified the old inner combustion chamber
liners to the new P/N 2257M42G01 or P/N 2257M42G02 configurations per repair
document (RD) 124-959. Improvement: The rework of the inner combustion
72-42 72-0694 x 7
chamber liner will incorporate a more durable inner combustion chamber liner
extension support that has a new window shape and is made from a different
material. In Shop
Releases a new combustion chamber dome P/N 2255M77G02 with a retainerless
72-42 72-0859 x 7
swirl nozzle. In Shop
Introduces new outer liners P/N 1317M56G13 and P/N 2256M22G03 that feature
72-42 72-0888 x 7
a more durable aft outer support and thick thermal barrier coating. In Shop
Introduces new outer liners P/N 1317M56G14 and P/N 2256M22G04 that feature
72-42 72-0889 x 7
a more durable aft outer support and thin thermal barrier coating (TBC) In Shop
Identifies new spare parts that are interchangeable with the old parts they
replace. A new multi-hole cooling patch combustor outer liner chamber is
72-00 72-0701 x 8
available to procure as a spare part. The new combustor outer liner chamber has
two rows of fifteen holes located behind the central primary dilution holes.
Production introduction and spare parts availability of fuel manifolds
1882M60G04, 1882M61G04, 1882M62G04, and 1882M63G04.
72-42 73-0005 x x This S/B provides instructions to rework the inner and outer fuel 3
manifolds listed in paragraph 1.A., Effectivity. Refer to RD 340-167. In Shop or
On Wing
Identifies a new fuel nozzle and contains instructions to rework old fuel nozzles
and re-identify fuel nozzles to the new configuration. Instructions are also
provided for returning fuel nozzles and how to disassemble and replace the old
flow divider assembly with the new flow divider assembly. The new fuel nozzle will
73-00 73-0132 x have the new flow divider sleeve design with seals and seal gland geometry that 7
has improved margin for compression set over the current design. The proposed
seal materials have higher maximum operating temperature capability compared
to the Viton seal. Therefore the fuel nozzle will be more durable in the operational
environment and will increase On Wing life.

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Combustion Module Performance Effects

Feature Post break-in value SFC Effect % EGT Effect °C

(mils / microinch) (mils / microinch) (mils / microinch)

CDP seal rub depth 17 0.0550 0.77

NOTE: The CDP seal has a significant impact on outbound EGT and care should be taken to understand the stackup of the
rotating seal to the repaired seal. CFM recommends that the CDP seal honeycomb diameter to be machined to the
minimum diameter per the ESM repair. Measure the rub depth and calculate the hardware condition impact on EGT

For a CDP seal rub depth of 30 mils, EGT impact is (17-30)*0.77 = 10.0°C EGT Margin

If rub on seal tooth is light, it may not be necessary to restore the honeycomb with new or refurbished seal.

The Rub Depth (grooves) into the honeycomb should be taken at four (4) equally spaced locations around the HPT
Inner Stationary Seal (CDP Seal Honeycomb). Use the illustration below to determine average depth of seal
grooves. Reference table above for the Post break-in value for the CDP seal rub depth measurement.

HPT Inner Stationary Seal (CDP Seal Honeycomb)

Combustion Module Minimum Workscope (72-00-42)

This module is removed from core engine and The Combustion Case Module is with the Combustion Chamber and FINS
installed in the combustion case. This module assembly should be inspected per modular level inspection in ESM 72-00-41,
unless otherwise stated.

Minimum Workscope Items

Visually inspect the combustion case with a white light; pay close attention to the front and rear flanges, the fuel
nozzle pads, and any bosses per ESM 72-00-02 and 72-00-41 and 42.
o Visually check fuel lines, manifolds, and nozzles for security and evidence of leakage.
o Perform visual inspection of the bolt shield for erosion.

Combustion Module Performance Workscope (Performance Items) (72-00-42)

The Combustion Case module is partially disassembled for this level of workscope and should be inspected per modular
ESM 72-00-41, unless otherwise stated.

The following items are in addition to the performance and minimum workscope recommendations:

Replace the Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC) on inner and outer liners. Thicker TBC per 72-42-03 Repair 012 and
72-42-04 Repair 016 has been shown to reduce inner and outer liner distress under normal environmental
conditions. Thin TBC has been shown to reduce inner and outer liner distress in Middle East, North Africa, and
Arabian Peninsula environmental conditions.

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Resize combustor dome to correct dome angle and venturi positioning per ESM 72-42-02 Repair 013 caused by
dome shrinkage; dome shrinkage can lead to fuel nozzle mis-alignment, improper nozzle immersion, and a
scattered combustion chamber exit profile.

NOTE: To improve combustor durability target angle VF to 22 degrees for non-Tech Insertion engines. Optimal angle
for repaired Tech Insertion Domes is currently under evaluation.

Apply T800 hard coat to the primary swirler bores to prevent ovalization and wear.(ESM 72-42-02 Repair 011)

NOTE: If fuel nozzles are suspected to have contributed to downstream hardware damage, it is recommended to flow
check nozzles prior to cleaning. (CMM 73-11-42)

Replace the HPT inner stationary seal (CDP seal) with a new or refurbished seal.

NOTE: Ensure Honeycomb Seals do not have closed up cells. Cell smearing from grind can increase surface area
against rotating seals resulting in excessive seal tooth wear and/or seizure in severe cases.

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Combustion Case Module (72-41-00)

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Combustor Case Module Full Overhaul Workscope (72-41-00)

Combustion Case module should be removed from the engine for this level of inspection. Disassembly in piece part level of
module should be performed only if conditions dictate.

Combustion Case Module Workscope (72-41-00)

NOTE: The Combustion Case module is partially disassembled for this level of workscope and should be inspected per
modular ESM72-00-41, unless otherwise stated.

Perform the following on combustion case:

o Visually check the case per the ESM 72-41-01.
o Etch the OGV trailing edge and FPI the entire case.

If module is fully disassembled, inspect HPC rear stator support paying special attention on inner and outer flanges
for damage or fretting. (ESM 72-41-07)
o Inspect contact surfaces for fretting per ESM 72-41-01.
o Dimensionally inspect accessible case rabbet diameters per ESM 72-41-01.

Inspect the HPT inner stationary seal (CDP seal) for the following per ESM 72-41-03:
o Inspect abradable honeycomb for wear.
o Inspect seal support for erosion.
o If cost effective, incorporate the new CDP Stationary Seal per post S/B 72-0092.

Check bolt and nut shields for cracks and erosion per ESM 72-41-05/06.

NOTE: Combustor module should be removed from the engine for this level of inspection.

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Combustor Chamber Performance and Full Overhaul Workscope (72-42-XX)

The Combustion Chamber is to be disassembled to piece part for this level of workscope.

The Combustor serviceability determination does not require disassembly. It is only required if serviceability requirements
are exceeded or replacement / repair of component is required. The combustor should be inspected per modular ESM 72-
00-42, unless otherwise stated.

Inspect combustor per ESM 72-00-42, paying special attention to the following:
o Inner support for cracks.
 Apply S/B 72-0694 ‘Inner Liner Improved Design Support’ to Pre-Tech Insertion Inner Liners, if
not previously applied.

o Looseness or rattling of wire damper on the outer cowl.

o If not previously complied with, install new outer cowl (HS188 Material). (S/B 72-0227)
o Liners and dome for cracks, burn through and missing material.

Inspect all Yttrium Zirconate thermal barrier coated (TBC) areas and restore as necessary. (ESM 72-42-02/03/04)

Pre Tech-Insertion Combustion Chamber in Middle East, North Africa, and Arabian Peninsula
Environmental Recommendations.

Introduce the P/N 1317M56G12 Outer Liner with the Multi-Hole Patch per S/B 72-0786 or rework to this
configuration per S/B 72-0817 or S/B 72-0861 or:
o Reworking outer liner to Thin TBC without Multi-Hole Patch per S/B 72-0862 is also an option
o Reworking Inner Liner to Thin TBC per S/B 72-0835 or 72-0694 (also includes new Support design)

Tech Insertion Combustion Chamber in Middle East, North Africa, and Arabian Peninsula Environmental

Purchase new Harsh Environment Combustor Assembly 2480M42G01 released by S/B 72-0890.
o Includes HS-188 Liner Material / Thin TBC / Inner and Outer Liner multi-hole patches:

Or rework Tech Insertion Inner and Outer Liners to Thin TBC Configuration
o Rework Outer Liner to Thin TBC per S/B 72-0868
o Rework Inner Liner to Thin TBC per S/B 72-0836 or 72-0880

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Highly Recommended S/B & Documents (High Pressure Turbine Module Level)

CFM Sorting
Production introduction and spare parts availability of HPT nozzle
assembly 9324M69G03, HPT nozzle segment 2002M20G05, and inner
seal 1957M83P001A. The location of the old inner seal adjacent to the
72-51 72-0099 x forward surface of the inner band flange, will allow excessive leakage 7
when the new FIN configuration is introduced. The new HPT nozzle
segment and inner seal to the HPT nozzle assembly will reduce parasitic
leakage and maintain a common HPT nozzle configuration. In Shop
Production introduction and spare parts availability of the inner seal
1818M93P03. The HPT nozzle segment inner band forward lip is
72-51 72-0125 x exhibiting burning. The new smaller purge holes with revised hole pattern 7
in the inner seal allowing increased cooling flow to the HPT nozzle
segment inner band. In Shop
Introduces Repair Document (RD) 172-191 (latest version) to rework
HPT nozzle stator segment 2002M20G04. The reworked HPT nozzle
72-51 72-0233 x 7
stator segment will achieve the durability benefits of the half wrap TBC
and the operability benefits of the increased throat area. In Shop
Introduces a field reworked air HPT stator manifold P/N 2071M29G02.
The rework removes the cracked and damaged material of the splash
72-53 72-0350 x 7
plate, thereby reducing the possibility of additional splash plate cracking.
In Shop
Announces a change in the HPTN rear support nut shield material from
Waspaloy to INCO 718. The old HPTN rear support nut shield PN
72-51 72-0379 x 1523M43P01 and the new HPTN rear support nut shield PN 7
2071M15P01 are otherwise physically identical. INCO 718 is adequate
for the HPTN rear support nut shield material. In Shop
Identifies new and reworked HPT nozzles. The axial gap between the
nozzle outer band and shroud is reduced to improve the flow of hot gas.
The Cooling holes are added to the NGV outer band throat and aft flange
72-51 72-0466 x x 7
to reduce the operating temperature of the HPT nozzle and shroud. The
axial gap between the nozzle outer band and shroud is reduced to
improve the flow of hot gas. In Shop
Identifies rework to add wear coating after replacement of the forward
72-51 72-0503 x x flange. S/B 72-0540 must be done concurrently with this S/B. The rework 7
parts are coated for increased resistance to abrasion. In Shop
Adds several modifications drawings to the FINS of the CFM56 field
72-51 72-0556 x rework list. The rework parts are coated for increased resistance to 4
abrasion. In Shop
Provides information on reduced inspection intervals. CFM has gathered
field experience on CFM56-7B engines operating in China, and found
distress on the stage 1 HPT nozzles and the stage 1 LPT nozzles due to
environmental dust/dirt ingested into the core flowpath. The stage 1 HPT
72- nozzles are burning on the leading edge of the airfoils due to dirt
72-0637 x 7
51/53 plugging the area between the nozzles outer baffle and inner surface of
the leading edge airfoil causing loss of impingement cooling. The stage 1
LPT nozzles exhibit mid-span airfoil cracking and material depletion due
to corrosion. The root cause of distress for both stage 1 HPT and stage 1
LPT nozzles is ingestion of environmental particles. In Shop
Provides rework of the HPT nozzle P/N 2086M14G01 to the already
released P/N 2086M14G02 configuration by performing repair document
(RD) 172-302. The HPT nozzle P/N 2086M14 is the field repaired part
upgraded with the improved cooling hole pattern of the latest
72-51 72-0683 x x configuration P/N 2080M35G04 design. This change is being made for 7
ease of manufacturing when a split vane repair is performed. Existing
seal slots are filled during repair and the slots geometry is regenerated.
All split vane repaired HPT nozzle's will have the same configuration
after modification per RD 172-302. In Shop
Provides instructions to rework the effected HPT stator nozzles to P/N
1893M39G03 configuration per repair Document (RD) 172-315.
NOTE: The HPT stator nozzle P/N 1893M39G05 features a four letter
72-51 72-0916 AI 7
rework code marked on the part. Refer to Figure 1 (Reference S/B) and
the table in the S/B to determine which HPT stator nozzle P/N
1893M39G05 repair codes are applicable to this S/B. In Shop

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Core Major Modules Workscopes

CFM Sorting
Introduces a new high pressure turbine (HPT) stator nozzle P/N
2080M35G10 made of N515 material with a platinum aluminide (PtAl)
72-51 72-0913 x x 7
coating. New HPT stator nozzle P/N 2080M35G10 is recommended for
engines operating in harsh environments. In Shop
Production introduction and spare parts availability of HPT rotor blade
72-52 72-0115 x 2002M52P09. The new HPT rotor blades improve the distribution of the 4
air at the airfoil trailing edge for more efficient platform cooling. In Shop
Provides information on reduced inspection intervals. CFM has gathered
field experience on CFM56-7B engines operating in India and found
distress due to sand, dust, and dirt ingestion into the core engine
flowpath. The HPT blade airfoils have experienced leading edge burning
72-52 72-0886 x and, in some cases, mid-airfoil separations. These inspections initiate 2
when the HPT blades have accumulated 6,400 cycles of operation in the
defined environment. For engines which have already accumulated more
than 6,400 cycles in this operating environment, perform this inspection
within the next 400 cycles. Can be done On Wing.
Production introduction and spare parts availability of ring seal
1847M57P02. The new ring seal material, Haynes 242, has a lower
72-52 72-0157 x x thermal coefficient of expansion which reduces the buckling of the ring 7
seal. The new ring seal material is added at other locations for
commonality. In Shop
Introduces a reduced interval inspection for the HPT rotor blades on the
affected CFM56-7B engines. HPT blades are to be inspected at a
72-52 72-0326 x reduced interval in order to identify blades that exhibit early root trailing 2
edge cracks. Do as soon as possible without effect on revenue service
but at or before every 1000 cycles. Accomplish In Shop or On Wing.
Introduces rework HPT blade part numbers 1957M72P01 and
72-52 72-0389 x x 1957M72P02. Stripping the internal aluminide coating restores LCF 6
properties and improves HPT blade durability. In Shop
Production introduction and spare parts availability of HPTR rear shaft
1864M90P04 and damper sleeve 1864M97P01. The new design will
72-52 72-0403 x 7
increase damping for all vibratory modes, which will increase the life of
the HPTR rear shaft. In Shop
Production introduction and spare parts availability of HPT rotor disk
1498M43P06 with an improved low cycle fatigue (LCF) life limit. The new
72-52 72-0461 x 7
disk design significantly reduces the local stress concentration in the
dovetail slot bottom and air slot and increases the life limit. In Shop
Identifies new HPT rotor blades with sulfur controlled to 0.0001 parts per
72-52 72-0491 x million (PPM) and no Yttrium. The new material has reduced sulfur and 7
eliminates Yttrium. In Shop
Introduces HPT rotor blades with enhanced durability and performance
features for installation in field to reduce cost of operation. The new HPT
rotor blade features the following: (a) An enhanced airfoil tip design that
will improve low pressure turbine (LPT) efficiency and, thus, specific fuel
72-52 72-0584 x 7
consumption (SFC). (b) A concave tip shelf for reduced corrosion and
oxidation.(c) An improved internal shank design in the transition area to
lower stresses.(d) A casting control change to improved material strength
variations. In Shop
Introduces a new CFM56-7B pre-ground HPT blade kit (SPD), P/N
737L325G05. The new HPT blade kit (SPD) is the same as the old kit
except that the old HPT rotor blade P/N 1957M10P03 is replaced by the
recently certified CFM56 tech insertion HPT rotor blade P/N
2100M96P02. The old and new HPT blade kits (SPD) are fully
interchangeable as a complete set of 80 HPT rotor blades. The new pre-
72-52 72-0640 x x ground HPT blade kit (SPD), P/N 737L325G05 consists of 80 pre-ground 7
HPT blades, P/N 2100M96P02. The new HPT blades feature blade tips
with a tip radius pre-ground 0.004 inch (0.10 mm) smaller than the old
parts and will satisfy tolerances on the HPT disk pressure faces. The new
pre-ground HPT blade kit (SPD) will allow operators to replace a
complete set of HPT blades with a complete set of pre-ground HPT
blades. In Shop

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Core Major Modules Workscopes

CFM Sorting
Provides recommended (HPT Blade Management) removal times for specific
HPT rotor blade part numbers. The recommendation is to replace and retire
72-52 72-0696 x x from service the listed HPT rotor blade part numbers and serial numbers at or 4
before the accumulation of cycles as identified to properly manage HPT rotor
blades. In Shop
Introduces the new HPT rotor blade P/N 2100M96P04 and new HPT Kit
737L325G06. The leading edge split shelf has been removed from the design
for the HPT rotor blade P/N 2100M96P04. In addition, blade cooling flow
72-52 72-0818 x distribution holes have been modified to maintain sufficient cooling. The HPT 7
rotor blade P/N 2100M96P04 will provide improved time On Wing when
compared to the HPT rotor blade P/N 2100M96P03 in dusty environments. In
Provides recommended removal times for specific HPT rotor blades. CFM
recommends to remove HPT rotor blades P/N 1957M10P01, P/N 1957M10P03,
72-52 72-0821 x 4
and P/N 2100M96P02 from service before the HPT rotor blades accumulate
25,000 cycles since new (CSN). In Shop
Introduces the 76 blade high pressure turbine (HPT) rotor kit spare part drawing
(SPD) P/N 738L523G01 Do CFM56-7B S/B 72-0801 before or when you do this
S/B. Do CFM56-7B S/B 72-0621 before or when you do this S/B. Besides the
HPT hardware included in the 76 blade HPT rotor kit P/N 738L523G01, the
minimum configuration required to be implemented before or concurrently with
this S/B is the full 20,000 cycles core rotor life limited parts (LLP). Tech insertion
configured engines (CFM56-7B/3) or engines that have been configured with
the hardware from the following CFM56-7B S/B’s meet this minimum
72-52 72-0895 x • CFM56-7B S/B 72-0403 7
• CFM56-7B S/B 72-0641
• CFM56-7B S/B 72-0642
• CFM56-7B S/B 72-0643
Engines that incorporate this S/B may have additional airplane installation
requirements, which require review before engine installation. Refer to Boeing
Service Letter 737-SL-72-012, CFM56-7BE Engine Introduction, or contact the
Boeing Company for more information. Improvement:
The 76 blade HPT rotor kit SPD contains all parts necessary to convert a 80
blade HPT rotor to a 76 blade rotor in a single kit number. In Shop
Introduces HPT rotor blade P/N 2403M91P03 and 76-blade HPT rotor kit P/N
Do CFM56-7B S/B 72-0801 before or when you do this S/B.
Do CFM56-7B S/B 72-0621 before or when you do this S/B.
Besides the HPT hardware included in the 76-blade HPT rotor kit P/N
738L523G01, the minimum configuration required to be implemented before or
concurrently with this S/B is the full 20,000 cycles core rotor life limited parts
(LLPs). Tech insertion configured engines (CFM56-7B/3) or engines that have
been configured with the hardware from the following CFM56-7B S/B’s meet
72-52 72-0935 x 7
this minimum configuration:
• CFM56-7B S/B 72-0403.
• CFM56-7B S/B 72-0641.
• CFM56-7B S/B 72-0642.
• CFM56-7B S/B 72-0643.
Engines that incorporate this S/B may have additional airplane installation
requirements, which require review before engine installation. Refer to Boeing
Service Letter 737-SL-72-012, CFM56-7BE Engine Introduction, or contact the
Boeing Company for more information. In Shop
Provides instructions to replace the forward damper sleeve installed on the HPT
rotor front shafts P/N 2048M21P01 or P/N 2048M21P03 with a new forward
damper sleeve P/N 1476M79P02. The forward damper sleeve is replaced with
72-52 72-0946 x 4
a new forward damper sleeve P/N 1476M79P02, which will improve reliability
and reduce UERs. The HPT rotor front shaft is inspected while exposed to
ensure HPT rotor front shaft integrity. In Shop

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Core Major Modules Workscopes

CFM Sorting
Production introduction and spare parts availability of a new low-stress shroud
retaining clip 1498M73P05. The new C-clip is designed to be 0.002 inch (0,05
72-53 72-0047 x x 5
mm) loose to 0.006 inch (0,15 mm) tight when installed in the HPT shroud
support assembly. In Shop
Production introduction and spare parts availability of HPT shroud assembly
9324M62G03. Provides rework instructions for the HPT shroud assembly. The
72-53 72-0079 x introduction of the new HPT shroud assembly and rework of existing HPT 3
hangers and shrouds in the field will reduce the operating temperatures of the
HPT C-clip. In Shop
Provides repair procedures to rework the HPT nozzle shroud support as
described in RD 170-513-S1 or higher. HPT nozzle shroud support
2002M69G02 can be reworked to 1784M36G01 by adding a T800 coating onto
72-53 72-0156 x 7
the forward flange face [refer to repair document (RD) 170-513-S1 or higher].
The reworked HPT nozzle shroud support will provide improved resistance to
wear. In Shop
Production introduction for DAC engines, and spare parts availability of
HPT/LPT nozzle shroud assembly 9324M62G05 and HPT nozzle shroud
support 2002M69G03. A new HPT nozzle shroud support (2002M69G03) is
being introduced which has a T800 wear coating added onto the forward flange
72-53 72-0278 x 7
face. The T800 wear coating will reduce the wear on the HPT nozzle shroud
support. The old HPT nozzle shroud support (2002M69GO2) can be reworked
and T800 wear coating applied to the forward flange face as described in S/B
72-0156. In Shop
Production introduction and spare parts availability of HPT stator shroud
72-53 72-0609 x M assembly 2080M28P06. Shroud assembly has improved shroud cooling. In 7
Deletes the HPT Stator Middle Heat Shield (1523M69P01) from the affected
models (CFM56-7B/3 Tech Insertion engines). The elimination of the HPT stator
72-53 72-0674 M 7
middle heat shield will ease the assembly process in production assembly and
the field based on the engine part count reduction. In Shop
Production introduction of the new LPT Stage 1 Nozzle Segment 340-256-252-0
72-53 72-0734 x and 340-256-352-0 with aluminization. Addition of aluminization in the cavities 7
of the LPT stage 1 nozzle segments. In Shop
Provides rework procedures for the HPT stator shrouds. An Improved R195
72-53 72-0735 x 7
TDC coating is applied during the repair. In Shop
Provides instructions to rework the shroud HPT stator hangers by use of an air
filter. When implementing this S/B, CFM recommends that a minimum of five
reworked shroud HPT stator hangers be used and that they are positioned at
72-53 72-0788 x x the bottom of the engine. However, the reworked shroud HPT stator hangers 7
may be introduced in any combination with non-reworked shroud HPT stator
hangers. In Shop
Releases new shroud hangers P/N 1808M61G08 and P/N 1808M61G10 .The
new shroud hanger P/N 1808M61G08 is manufactured using a new casting and
have an air filter. The new shroud hanger P/N 1808M61G10 is manufactured
using a new casting and do NOT have an air filter. CFM recommends but does
72-53 72-0816 x x 7
not require that shroud hangers (Qty-5) with an air filter be installed at the
bottom of the engine. However, based on individual operator preference, the
operator may install shroud hangers (Qty-14) of either part or any combination
of shroud hangers (Qty-14) of the two new parts. In Shop
72-53 72-0867 x Releases a new HPT stator shroud P/N 2080M28P10 In Shop 7
Permit to rework all configurations of HPT air manifold and this conversion will
72-53 72-0881 x eliminate all vestiges of cracking associated with the continuous circumferential 7
splash plate. In Shop
Provides rework procedures to modify the affected HPT stator shrouds to the
new P/N 2118M94G06 or P/N 2118M94G07 configuration per Repair Document
(RD) 170-1018.
72-53 72-0899 x NOTE: HPT stator shroud P/N 2118M94G06 is for use in all CFM56-7B 7
NOTE: HPT stator shroud P/N 2118M94G07 is for use in CFM56-7B SAC
Classic and CFM56-7B DAC engines. In Shop

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Core Major Modules Workscopes

CFM Sorting
Provides Rework procedures to modify the affected HPT stator shrouds to
the new P/N 2118M94G06 or P/N 2118M94G07 configuration per Repair
Document (RD) 170-1018. NOTE: HPT Stator Shroud P/N 2118M94G06 is
72-53 72-0903 x 7
for use in all CFM56-7B engines. NOTE: HPT Stator Shroud P/N
2118M94G07 is for use in CFM56-7B SAC Classic and CFM56-7B DAC
engines. In Shop
Instructions to retire the specific LPT stage 1 nozzle segments (without
internal alumized coating) from services that have operated more than 50
72-53 72-0928 x percent of their departures in China or India at or before the accumulation of 4
15,000 cycles. New nozzle must be installed with post S/B 72-0089 Stage 1
Seal Segments. In Shop
Production introduction and spare parts availability of HPT stator shroud P/N
2080M28P06. Field experience showed that HPT stator shrouds P/N
72-53 72-0939 x 2080M28P06 are more durable than the HPT stator shrouds P/N 7
2080M28P09 in an environment susceptible to HPT shroud hanger plugging.
In Shop

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Core Major Modules Workscopes

High Pressure Turbine Modules Performance Effects

Feature Post break-in value SFC Effect % EGT Effect °C

(mils / microinch) (mils / microinch) (mils / microinch)

HPT blade tip clearance 56 0.0600 0.8548

HPT FOS 3T rub depth 10 0.0204 0.2953

HPT FOS 2T rub depth - 0 0

(No Impact on performance)

HPT nozzle area

(for 1% area increase) - 0.005 0.07

HPT Nozzle External Pressure

(for 1% missing)

Evaluate honeycomb rub depth impact on EGT Margin by measuring rub depth (average) minus green rub depth, and
multiplying by influence coefficient. Typically the 3-tooth seal rub is very light and there is little benefit to restoring this
honeycomb. To be sure this is the case, calculate the benefit and determine if it is cost effective.

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Core Major Modules Workscopes

HPT Nozzle Module Minimum Workscope (72-00-51)

The HPT Nozzle module is partially disassembled for this level of workscope and should be inspected per modular ESM 72-
00-51, unless otherwise stated.

Inspect module per modular inspection ESM 72-00-51.

HPT Nozzle Module Performance and Full Overhaul Workscope (72-51-00)

HPT nozzle module should be removed from the engine and disassembled in piece part for this level of overhaul.

Inspect HPT Nozzle Segments for cracking, burning, cooling hole blockage, and TBC spalling ESM 72-51-01.
If S/B 72-0466 not complied with, introduce new (or rework) HPT Nozzle Set with additional cooling holes.
For operations in Middle East, North Africa, and Arabian Peninsula review S/B 72-0913 for release of New HPT
Stator Nozzle P/N 2080M35G10. New HPT stator nozzle will improve time on Wing.
Inspect HPT nozzle outer and inner leaf seals. If inner seals are replaces, introduce new seal per S/B 72-0125 to
increase cooling flow to the HPT Nozzles inner band.
Inspect HPT forward inner nozzle support (FINS) for the following per ESM 72-51-07:
o Check body for erosion.
o Check FINS honeycomb seal for wear.

Inspect the HPT outer stationary seal (3T seal) for the following per ESM 72-51-05:
o Inspect honeycomb seal for wear and repair/replace as necessary.

Performance Items

Check condition of nozzle guide vanes and of outer & inner leaf seals. If inner seals are replaced, introduce new
seals per S/B 72-0125 to increase cooling flow to the HPT Nozzles Inner Band.
o If operating in Middle East, North Africa, and Arabian Peninsula or after bird strike, remove HPTN inserts
to inspect and clean per ESM 72-51-01, Repair 016.

Replace the HPT outer stationary honeycomb seal (3T seal) with a new or refurbished seal. Honeycomb should be
finished to ESM 72-00-51 (Repair Minimum diameter).
See NOTE on influence coefficient page to determine the impact on EGT Margin. To prevent core seizure, CFM
does NOT recommend match grinding clearance.
When assembling the HPT nozzle module per ESM 72-51-01:
o Assure nozzle set area, A41, is within the ESM 72-51-00 limits.
o Replace external pressure seal.

When assembling HPT Nozzle Module:

Assure nozzle set area, A41, is within the ESM 72-51-00 limits.
Replace External Pressure Seal.

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Core Major Modules Workscopes

HPT Rotor Module Minimum Workscope (72-00-52)

The HPT Rotor module is removed and remains assembled for this level of workscope and should be inspected per modular
ESM 72-00-52, unless otherwise stated.

On HPT stacked rotor, perform the following:

o Inspect HPT blades per ESM 72-00-52
o Eddy current inspect HPT rear shaft outer seal teeth.

NOTE: Replace HPT Front Shaft damper sleeve with latest Part Number at HPT Rotor Module exposure per
S/B 72-0946. Refer to S/B for interchangeability of the forward damper sleeve and front shaft Part

HPT Blade Management

CFM recommendations to effectively manage HPT Blades:

Install like - cycle blades into an individual rotor, mixing new and repaired (older) blades is not recommended.
CFM marks the CSN on blades at repair on the Forward face of the blade shank to aid life management.
The recommended removal times identified in the Table below are intended to improve reliability associated to the
known below platform failure modes of these P/N blades.

Item HPT Blade P/N Subgroup Recommendation
1 1957M72P01 All At or before 20,000 CSN 72-0696
2 1957M72P02 All At or before 20,000 CSN
3 2002M52P09 All At or before 20,000 CSN
4 2002M52P11 PCW serial number prefix At or before 16,000 CSN
5 2002M52P11 Non-PCW serial number prefix At or before 20,000 CSN
6 2002M52P14 PCW serial number prefix At or before 16,000 CSN
7 2002M52P14 Non-PCW serial number prefix and At or before 25,000 CSN
not included in S/B 72-0918
8 1957M10P01 All, except if included in SB 72- At or before 25,000 CSN 72-0821
9 1957M10P03 Specific S/N list identified in SB At or before 16,500 CSN
10 1957M10P03 Not specifically S/N listed in SB At or before 25,000 CSN
11 2100M96P02 All, except if included in S/B 72- At or before 25,000 CSN
12 2002M52P14 Regional operation At or before 15,000 CSN 72-0918
13 1957M10P01 Regional operation At or before 15,000 CSN
14 1957M10P03 Regional operation, S/N list in S/B At or before 15,000 CSN
Table 2
15 1957M10P03 Regional operation, S/N list in S/B Inspect per RD 150-1582 after the accumulation of 10,000
Table 3 CSN and before the accumulation of 15,000 CSN
16 1957M10P03 Regional operation, not listed in Inspect per RD 150-1582 after the accumulation of 10,000
S/B Tables 2 or 3 CSN and before the accumulation of 17,500 CSN
17 1957M10P04 Regional operation Inspect per RD 150-1582 after the accumulation of 10,000
CSN and before the accumulation of 17,500 CSN
18 2100M96P02 Regional operation Inspect per RD 150-1582 after the accumulation of 10,000
CSN and before the accumulation of 17,500 CSN
19 2100M96P03 Regional operation Inspect per RD 150-1582 after the accumulation of 10,000
CSN and before the accumulation of 17,500 CSN
20 2100M96P04 Regional operation Inspect per RD 150-1582 after the accumulation of 10,000
CSN and before the accumulation of 17,500 CSN
21 2403M91P02 Regional operation Inspect per RD 150-1582 after the accumulation of 10,000
CSN and before the accumulation of 17,500 CSN
22 2403M91P03 Regional operation Inspect per RD 150-1582 after the accumulation of 12,000
CSN and before the accumulation of 20,000 CSN
23 All Blades previously inspected per Retire at or before the accumulation of 8,000 cycles
RD 150-1582 subsequent to the inspection per RD 150-1582
The HPT blade S/Ns listed in Item 14, S/B 72-0918 are a
subset of the blades S/Ns listed in Item 9, S/B 72-0821

NOTE: If J05 clearance is maintained within ESM limits, engine performance will be retained and there is no need to
restore performance if the LLP and HPT blade cycles remaining are sufficient to meet the engine’s expected life
to the next shop visit.

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Core Major Modules Workscopes

HPT Rotor Module Performance Workscope (72-00-52)

The HPT Rotor module is partially disassembled for this level of workscope. HPT blades are removed on HPT stacked rotor
and module should be inspected per modular ESM 72-00-52, unless otherwise stated.

Minimum Workscope is assumed to be performed.

Remove the HPT blades per ESM 72-52-00 and inspect per ESM 72-52-01
To maintain roundness and concentricity of the HPT assembly, the following tooling must be used and periodically
inspected to ensure tooling integrity of major interface dimensions:
o HPT rotor-to-combustion case centering fixture (856A1490) for inspection of interface dimensions and
linipot clearance determination.

Replace the HPT rotor seal wire (AFT Seal Wire) with new hardware.

HPT Blade Distress – Leading Edge Distress from Environmental debris (India, China, Middle
East, North Africa, and Arabian Peninsula)
For engines operated in sandy and dusty environments that cause leading edge distress to the HPT blades:
o Reduced interval borescope inspections are recommended in S/B 72-0636 and S/B 72-0886.

The recommended removal times identified in the above table are intended to improve reliability associated to the
known below-platform failure modes of these P/N blades.

Performance Items

Grind the blade tip radius using 0.056 inch nominal JO5 clearance from the shroud finish grind radius, resulting in
only minimal turbine rub during outbound test per ESM 72-52-00.
Tip notch blades as described in the ESM 72-52-00, to monitor blade rub during engine operation.
o Notch data should be measured and recorded for each test run.

Perform HPT Linipot inspections in both the vertical and horizontal positions per ESM 72-00-02 Spec. Proc. 001
and 002.
o If problems are encountered during the HPT horizontal linipot, contact CFMI for troubleshooting

Prior to module assembly, pay close attention to rotor cavities cleaning for oil / dust accumulation, in order to
prevent future vibration problems.
Pay particular attention to dust build-up in cavity between FOS and HPT Disk. Remove all dust in this cavity to help
prevent HPT Blade distress
During assembly of Core Engine module ESM 72-00-02, pay particular attention to the CDP seal bore runout
check, to prevent future vibration problems.
To maintain roundness and concentricity of the HPT assembly, the following tooling must be used and periodically
inspected to ensure tooling integrity of major interface dimensions:
o HPT rotor-to-combustion case centering fixture (856A1490) for inspection of interface dimensions and
linipot clearance determination.
o Critical for CDP bore runout check.

NOTE: If performing an HPT blade quick-turn SP-002, “pre-ground” HPT blade sets are available. It is not
recommended to ‘regrind’ this set of blades before installation. If the shroud assembly is replaced,
grind the shroud to the nominal ESM diameter.

HPT Rotor Module Full Overhaul Workscope (72-52-00)

HPT Rotor module should be removed from the engine and disassembled in piece part for this level of overhaul.
The HPT disk, the HPT shafts, the HPT FOS rotating, and the HPT aft air seal should be unstacked for LLP or
cause only.
All visible areas of the HPT disk, the HPT shafts, the HPT FOS rotating, and the HPT aft air seal should be
inspected following piece part ESM 72-52-02/03/04/05/10.

NOTE: Regarding cost management, if the LLP is life-expired, the cost for implementing the 76 blade rotor is slightly
lower than the 80 blade rotor, when the LLP and blades are all purchased NEW. Each part type is priced
equally for both configurations. This method of pricing provides module savings approximately equal to the
price of four HPT blades.

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Core Major Modules Workscopes

NOTE: If engine operation was in India, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula or China, recommend full disassembly of HPT
rotor stack to clean FOS.

Visually inspect HPT blades for the following per ESM 72-52-01:

NOTE: The HPT blade tip radii is the first step used to determine the serviceability of the blades for this inspection
ESM 72-52-00.

NOTE: HPT blades exposed to high operating temperatures require special inspection as mentioned in the ESM.

Airfoil for distress, erosion, cracking, and absence of coating.

If 2002M52P04 (Baseline) /P05 (S/B 72-0102) blades installed, discard and replace with latest configuration.
If 2002M52P09 (S/B 72-0115), P11 (S/B 72-0116) or P14 are installed see NOTE below.

NOTE: Reference S/B 72-0696 (HPT Rotor Blades Management).

Inspect all configurations per ESM.

NOTE: Pay special attention to HPT blades for cracks on concave airfoil near mid-span and on the trailing edge root
area on engines.

Verify that HPT forward outer seal wire is not protruding out from under seal.
Perform a FPI of HPT aft blade retainer for cracks, and dimensionally inspect for creeping per ESM 72-52-06.
On accessible areas of HPT stacked rotor, perform the following:

NOTE: If repair is needed after the following inspection, disassemble HPT rotor.

o Check HPT front shaft per ESM 72-52-04 to including FPI.

o Eddy current inspect HPT rear shaft outer seal teeth per ESM 72-00-52 Spec. Proc. 005 and perform FPI
per ESM 72-52-05.
o Inspect HPT disk per ESM 72-52-02 including FPI and ECI.
o Check HPT FOS rotating seal per ESM 72-52-03, to include dimensional inspection of seal teeth; FPI and

If HPT rotor is unstacked, observe inspection requirements per ESM 05-21-04 and perform a FPI of HPT front shaft
damper sleeve per ESM 72-52-07.

During HPT rotor assembly per ESM 72-52-00, in order to prevent future vibration problems, pay close attention to cleaning
of rotor cavities for oil / dust accumulation, and, if rotor was unstacked, pay close attention to proper seating of rotor mating
faces and to torque procedure / values of assembly bolts.

When assembling HPT Rotor Module:

o Use new nuts in the HPT. Use only new bolts when you assemble the forward outer seal/disk. Remaining
assembly bolts may be used again if found to be serviceable by the ESM.
o Be sure that HPT damper seals are all installed.
o Balance the HPT rotor.

Restore the clearance between the HPT rotor and HPT stator per ESM 72-52-00 / 53-00; this may be accomplished
in several ways:

NOTE: For more details about grinding procedure, refer to the HPT Rotor module Minimum & Performance

o Replacing the HPT shrouds or HPT blades with new or refurbished hardware.
o Replacing the HPT rotor and shrouds with new or refurbished hardware.

During assembly of Core Engine module per ESM 72-00-02, pay particular attention to the CDP seal bore runout
check, to prevent future vibration problems.
Perform HPT Linipot inspections in both the vertical and horizontal positions. (ESM 72-00-02 Spec. Proc. 001 and
o If problems are encountered during HPT horizontal linipot, contact CFM for troubleshooting procedure.

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Core Major Modules Workscopes

HPT Shroud Support & LPT Stage 1 Nozzle Module Minimum Workscope (72-00-53)
The HPT Shroud Support & LPT STAGE 1 Nozzle module is and remains assembled for this level of workscope and should
be inspected per modular ESM 72-00-53, unless otherwise stated.

Inspect module per modular ESM 72-00-53 inspection.

Disassemble the module as necessary to perform the following:
o Phase 3 C clips program upgrade
o Low Stress C clips and improved cooling shroud and hanger.

ESN 's 874-101 to 874-235 & ESN 875-237, 875-238 are affected by S/B 72-0079.
o Apply Full Overhaul Workscope for engines concerned

For engine operation is China and India refer to S/B 72-0928 for LPT nozzles Stage 1 management

NOTE: In case of UER for LPT Nozzles STG 1 distress and/or Fuel Nozzles distress, apply WPG recommended
workscope for fuel nozzle (refer to Minimum workscope in C&A chapter) in same time as SM53 disassembly.

HPT Shroud Support & LPT Stage 1 Nozzle Module Minimum Performance
The HPT Shroud Support & LPT STAGE 1 Nozzle module partially disassembled for this level of workscope. Minimum of
HPT shroud should be removed in order to refurbish J05.

Remove HPT shroud per ESM 72-53-00

Inspect module per modular ESM 72-00-53 inspection.
Rework HPT shroud per S/B 72-0735
If findings during inspection of HPT anger shrouds after shroud removal, refer to S/B 72-0788 / 72-0816 for engine
operated in India, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula or China.

Performance Items

Check HPT shrouds diameters at six equally spaced locations in ESM 72-53-00, Assembly 001 in order to determine if J05
refurbished would be in accordance to recommended clearance. If necessary, shrouds should be skim-cut and re-used, or
shrouds should be replaced by new or repaired ones. Refer to Full Overhaul Workscope for recommendation on HPT

NOTE: Check I.D. prior to skim-cut; there may not be enough material to grind based on limits in ESM.

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Core Major Modules Workscopes

HPT Shroud Support & LPT Stage 1 Nozzle Performance and Full Overhaul Workscope
The HPT Shroud Support & LPT STAGE 1 Nozzle module should be disassembled in piece part for this level of inspection.

Disassemble to piece part per ESM 72-53-00.

Inspect parts per ESM 72-53-XX
If not already done, disassemble the module as necessary to perform the following:
o Phase 3 C clips program upgrade.
o Low Stress C clips and improved cooling shroud and hanger.

NOTE: ESN 's 874-101 to 874-235 & ESN 875-237, 875-238 are affected by S/B 72-0079.

o Remove and replace with new C-clips 1498M73P05 per S/B 72-0047.
o Delete Rope seal, P/N 1523M75P03.
o Inspect for wear and repair as required for HPT Shroud Support FWD flange.(S/B 72-0156)

NOTE: When introducing new HPT shrouds, hangers and C-clips, it is highly recommended to also comply
with introduction of reworked or new Stg1 LPT Nozzle, as well as new Stg 1 LPT Outer Stationary Air
Seals per S/B 72-0089, in order to cool the LPT Case hook No.1.

NOTE: CFM56-7B are equipped with New aft heat shields, P/N 2002M71G01 (S/B 72-0079).

NOTE: Disassembly and assembly procedures for the HPT/LPT nozzle shroud assembly P/N 9324M62G06
do not require the re-installation of the HPT stator middle heat shield P/N 1523M69P01 for CFM56-
7B/3 (Tech Insertion engines) per S/B 72-0674.

Inspect HPT shroud (shrouds) per ESM 72-53-01 and shroud support hangers per ESM 72-53-04.
o Rework air manifold per S/B 72-0881 to eliminate all vestiges of cracking associated with the continuous
circumferential splash plate

HPT shrouds
Inspect HPT shrouds per ESM 72-53-01.

NOTE: Reference Fleet Highlites dated 10/2012 (CFM56-5A/-5B/-5C/-7B – HPT shroud segments dimensional limits
extension (12-10-7253-03)) for recent efforts to expand high pressure turbine (HPT shroud limits for
dimensions BA and BB.

Remove and replace with new Shroud P/N 2080M28P02 per S/B 72-0116 or 2080M28P06 or rework Shroud to P/N
1957M91P02 or 1957M75P01 per S/B 72-0079.

HPT hanger shrouds

Inspect shroud support hangers per ESM 72-53-04.
Remove and replace with new Hanger P/N 1808M61G04 or rework Hanger to P/N 1957M74G02 per S/B 72-0079.

NOTE: For Operators that are experiencing HPT shroud hanger cooling hole plugging, CFM recommends, but does
not require that shroud support hangers with an air filter (quantity 5) be installed at the bottom of the engine per
S/B 72-0788 or 72-0816.

LPT Stage 1 Nozzles

Inspect LPT stage 1 nozzles per ESM 72-53-10 and perform the following:
o Inspect for FOD, cracking, burning and erosion.
o Inspect honeycomb on stationary air seals.
o For China and India operation, remove and replace LPT nozzles before 15000 cycles per S/B 72-0928.

NOTE: For operators who are experiencing LPT Stage 1 Nozzle internal corrosion, incorporate S/B 72-0734,
which introduces new nozzle segments with aluminization in the cavities of the LPT stage 1 nozzle

NOTE: This must be introduced as a complete set of nozzles.

NOTE: Reference CFM56 Fleet Highlites dated 12/2013 (CFM56-7B – LPT stage 1 nozzle change Special
Procedures (13-12-7200-08)) to aid in minimizing the workscope.

LPT stage 1 nozzle inner air seal honeycomb penetration depth measurement per EMS 72-53-00 and provide
depth inspection results with detailed report to CFM PSE.
Inspect LPT stage 1 nozzle air ducts per ESM.

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Restore the clearance between the HPT rotor and HPT stator per ESM 72-52 / 53-00 assembly 001; this may be
accomplished in several ways:

NOTE: For more details about grinding procedure, refer to HPT Shroud Support & LPT STAGE 1 Nozzle Assembly
module Minimum & Performance Workscopes.

o Replacing the HPT shrouds or HPT blades with new or refurbished hardware.
o Use only new low-stress C-Clips to rebuilt engines until further notice per S/B 72-0047.
o Replacing the HPT rotor assembly and HPT shroud support/LPT nozzle assembly with new or refurbished

Performance Items

Check HPT shroud diameters at six equally spaced locations in ESM 72-53-00, Assembly 001 in order to determine if
shrouds should be skim-cut and re-used, or if shrouds should be replaced by new or repaired ones.

NOTE: Check I.D. prior to skim-cut; there may not be enough material to grind based on limits in ESM.

Check the HPT shroud support T-flange aft end with the LPT case forward diameter to assure that a tight fit (4 to 8
mils interference fit recommended) exists at the rabbet diameters. (ESM 72-53-02 and 72-54-07)

To maintain roundness and concentricity of the HPT assembly, the following tooling (856A1490) must be used and
periodically inspected to ensure tooling integrity of major interface dimensions:

Module 12 (HPT shroud / LPT stage 1 nozzle assembly) installation fixture (856A1449G03) to insure correct HPT
clearance by centering the module on the HPT shroud support T-flange aft rabbet diameter.
Improper tooling conditions can create HPT blade rubs and effect linipot inspection results.
HPT shroud grind fixture to ensure round and concentric shroud grinding.

The recommended JO5 for optimum performance is 0.056 inch; larger cold clearances will impact EGT and SFC;
smaller cold clearances can cause heavy rubs, also impacting EGT and SFC. (ESM 72-53-00 Assembly 001)

Clearances can be restored via matching any combination of new / used / serviceable rotor and stator, observing the
ESM 72-53-00 Assembly limits for each.

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Highly Recommended S/B & Documents (Low Pressure Turbine Major Module Level)

CFM Sorting
Provides instructions to perform a FPI (fluorescent penetrant inspection) of
72-00 72-0477 x the No. 5 bearing support nipple weld. Check nipple for cracks by FPI. Do at 3
next shop visit. In Shop
New Stage 1 Nozzle Segment 338-108-608-0 or 338-108-609-0, 338-108-
708-0 or 338-108-709-0, Stage 1 Segment Seal 338-112-604-0 and Sealing
Plate 338-151-102-0. S/B’s 72-0047, 72-0079, and 72-0552 must be
72-54 72-0089 x concurrently. New air cooling passages are added to the LPT stage 1 nozzle 7
to bring cool air to the LPT case hook No. 1 area. Sealing of LPT stage 1
shroud is improved to minimize the re-introduction of hot air in this hook area.
In Shop
Retirement of the LPT Stage 2 nozzle segments 338-109-104-0, 338-109-
105-0, 338-109-106-0, 338-109-204-0, 338-109-205-0, 338-109-206-0, 338-
109-304-0, 338-109-305-0, 338-109-306-0 and LPT Stage 3 nozzle
segments 338-109-702-0, 338-109-802-0 from service before accumulating
25,000 cycles-since-new (CSN)or the next LPT module shop visit when
72-54 72-0241 x either stage 2 LPT nozzle segments or stage 3 LPT nozzle segments are 5
exposed, whichever comes first. The design improvements facilitate the axial
clashing between the stage 3 blades and stage 4 nozzle airfoils. They also
minimize the axial contact loads between the stage 1 blade, stage 2 nozzle
inner shrouds and stage 2 blade and stage 3 nozzle inner platforms. In Shop
New Stage 1 Seal Segments 338-112-605-0, Stage 2 Seal Segments 338-
112-707-0, Stage 3 Seal Segments 338-112-805-0. This S/B also provides
accomplishment instructions for rework of Stage 1 Seal Segments 338-112-
72-54 72-0249 x 7
604-0, Stage 2 Seal Segments 338-112-706-0, Stage 3 Seal Segments 338-
112-804-0. Purpose is to add chamfers on seal segments stage 1, 2 and 3.
In Shop
New LPT Stage 2 Nozzle Segments 338-109-109-0, 338-109-209-0, 338-
109-309-0 and Sealing Plate 338-119-803-0. The improvement increase of
the leading edge thickness. Also Introduces a radiusing on the front nose 7 SAC
72-54 72-0345 x section of the interior platform. Also the sealing plate is reduced in length to
adapt to the new front nose section platform. Result is an Increase in the
mechanical behavior of the LPT Stage 2 Nozzle. In Shop 5 DAC
Production introduction and spare parts availability of new LPT stage 1 blade
338-108-208-0,338-115-707-0 and the new deflector 338-180-201-0.The
proposed improvement of the LPT stage 1 blades new design will solve the 7
72-54 72-0346 x problem by the following modifications: Decrease of the blade pre-twist SAC
angle, Modification of the airfoil curve, Modification of the notch dimension,
Change of current deflector, New blade frequency (330 hz) In Shop 4 DAC
Instructions to inspect stage 2 nozzle segments at major module or minor
module level for axial cracks on airfoil L/E (leading edge). TO DO AN
72-54 72-0452 x 4 DAC
INSPECTION. To prevent airfoil separation of LPT STG 2 nozzle which could
lead to unschedule engine removal. In Shop
Instruction to re-identify the LPT case. New LPT case part numbers pending
72-54 72-0552 M 4
Pre or Post S/B 72-0089 configuration. In Shop
Introduction of the new stage 1 seal segment 338-112-606-0 . Rework of old
stage 1 seal segment 338-112-604-0 and 338-112-605-0 and Re-
identification of reworked stage 1 seal segment from 338-112-604-0 to 338-
72-54 72-0567 x 112-650-0 or from 338-112-605-0 to 338-112-651-0. Introduction of a new 7
design for the stage 1 seal segment. A new rear stop is added on the stage 1
seal segment .Purpose is to stop Stage 1 seal segment disengagement. In
Instructions to inspect the LPT case at LPT modules levels only Stage 1 seal
segment may disengage. In this case, it could result in an Unscheduled
72-54 72-0608 x 4
Engine Removal (UER). Inspection of LPT case rail "0" to check wear
remains within acceptable limits. In Shop
Production introduction of the new LPT Case 338-117-407-0 and Stage 1
Seal Segments 338-112-607-0 with a new design. New design of the stage 1
72-54 72-0626 x 7
seal segment holding hook and deletion of the forward and rear retaining
stops of the LPT case rail "0". In Shop

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CFM Sorting
Provides practical information concerning the precautions to be
followed in case of disassembly of the LPT Module and handling of
72-54 72-0739 info 9
Insulation Blankets containing Refractory Ceramic Fibers (RCF). In
Production introduction of the new LPT Rotor Support 340-301-702-0.
Also provides accomplishment instructions to replace the old LPT
72-54 72-0852 AI 7
Stage 2 Blades 338-108-304-0 and 338-116-303-0 by the new LPT
Stage 2 Blades 338-108-305-0 and 338-116-304-0. In Shop
Production introduction of the new LPT Stage 3 Blades 340-302-202-
0 and 340-310-202-0 .also provides accomplishment instructions to
72-54 72-0872 x 7
replace the old LPT Stage 3 Blades 340-302-201-0 and 340-310-201-
0 by a new one 340-302-202-0 and 340-310-202-0 In Shop.
Announces the spare parts availability of the new LPT Stage 2
Blades 338-108-305-0 and 338-116-304-0 with thinned trailing edges.
72-54 72-0885 AI also provides accomplishment instructions to replace the old LPT 7
Stage 2 Blades 338-108-304-0 and 338-116-303-0 by the new LPT
Stage 2 Blades 338-108-305-0 and 338-116-304-0. In Shop
Announces the spare parts availability of the new LPT Stage 1 Blades
338-108-210-0 and 338-115-709-0 with thinned trailing edge. Also
72-54 72-0900 Al provides accomplishment instructions to replace the old LPT Stage 1 7
Blades 338-108-208-0 and 338-115-707-0 by the new LPT Stage 1
Blades 338-108-210-0 and 338-115-709-0 In Shop
Production introduction and spare parts availability of LPT shaft 340-
074-705-0 with new protection paint. The new LPT shaft Sermatel W
72-55 72-0104 x 7
paint has demonstrated better protection characteristics than the old
paint under severe testing conditions. In Shop
Production introduction and spare parts availability of the center vent
tube 340-170-301-0.The center vent tube and the rear vent tube have
been modified so that the assembly in the engine of those two parts
72-55 72-0124 M 7
has changed. The proposed technology allows to disassemble the
center vent tube to forward engine after removal of spinner front cone
and rear cone. In Shop
Production introduction and spare parts availability of No. 4 roller
bearings 305- 355-718-0, 340-167-902-0 and 335-352-303-0. For No.
72-55 72-0352 x 7
4 roller bearings with reworked outer race, refer to CFM56-7B S/B 72-
0400. In Shop
Recommends the removal and replacement of the No. 4 roller bearing
340-167-901-0 installed on CFM56-7B engines or stocked as spares.
72-55 72-0395 x It recommends the installation of a No. 4 roller bearing 305-355-717-0 4
or 335-352-302-0.The No.4 roller bearing 340-167-901-0 is removed
from CFM56-7B engines. In Shop
The replacement of the M50 outer race by a 32CDV13 outer race on
72-55 72-0400 x No. 4 roller bearings in field. Replacement of the outer race made of 6
M50 by an outer race made of 32CDV13 with deep nitriding. In Shop
Instructions to reduce inspection intervals of the aft sump magnetic
chip detector (MCD) or debris monitoring system (DMS) TO DO AN
INSPECTION. To detect No. 4 bearing failure and prevent engine
72-55 72-0498 x 2
shutdown. Introduction of a new manufacture process that respects
the new requirement specification. A new outer race material is
introduced. On Wing
The inspection of the forward inner diameter of the LPT shaft for
missing paint. Before engine preservation, do a boroscope inspection
72-55 72-0520 x of the forward inner diameter of the LPT shaft for missing paint and 2
parent metal exposure. Effect (flaking) of interaction between Bolicone
paint and MJO291 oil. In Shop or On Wing
New Preformed Packing O-Rings 649-788-401-0, 649-788-402-0 and
649-788-403-0 with a new material. Preformed packing O-ring
72-55 72-0764 x 7
material has been changed in order to increase its thermal behavior.
Avoid Oil leakage in AFT sump In Shop
Production introduction of the new seal P/N 649-397-111-0 on the
72-55 72-0873 x Center Vent Tube. In Shop 3

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LPT Major Module Workscopes

CFM Sorting
In Flight Shut Down (IFSD) due to cracks and cover distress on
the Air/Oil Separator have been reported. Provide instruction to
72-55 72-0897 x inspect and repair the air oil separator at each shop visit. 3
Refurbishment of the weld beads will decrease the risk of
operational events. In Shop
Rework of Air oil separator from 3 weld to 6 weld
72-55 72-0904 x Recommend that everyone do this to minimize the probability 3
of IFSD due to AOS failure. In Shop
Centering looseness of the rear vent tube could occurred on
CFM engine equipped with post S/B 72-0124 Center Vent
72-55 72-0921 x Tube Misalignment of the rear vent tube resulted in premature 5
wear of the oil separator and pollution of the circuit lubrication
In Shop
Bearing support 336-026-807-0. Change in the oil flow
72-56 72-0178 x direction, to improve oil evacuation during the pressurization. In 7
Production introduction and spare parts availability of LPT rear
frame 340-177-502-0 or 340-177-503-0. Introduction of a new
LPT rear frame with symmetrical struts. Main changes are on
the outer ring, on the struts and on the hub. Two new LPT rear
72-56 72-0254 x 7
frames are an alternative in the manufacturing process: for
340-177-502-0 the webs are in C263 metal sheet integrated by
welding and for 340-177-503-0 they are in INCO 718 integrated
into the hub casting. In Shop
Introduces a removable oil supply tube 338-103-405-0 as spare
parts and provides instructions to change the old oil supply
tube. The inlet oil tube is shortened at exhaust case hub outlet
and the bending radius is changed. A tube coupling is installed
72-56 72-0339 M 7
at the end of the tube to accommodate a nut fitted with a
removable retaining ring, mounted prior to the tube installation
in the case. The oil joining tube is lengthened to guarantee its
junction together with the oil inlet tube. In Shop
Provides instructions to perform a FPI (fluorescent penetrant
inspection) of the No. 5 bearing support nipple weld (Refer to
figure).The FPI is performed to identify any crack on the No. 5
72-56 72-0477 x 3
bearing support nipple. The decreased scavenge tube B-nut
torque value will bring the stress at the nipple weld within
material characteristics. In Shop
In the field: Provides instructions to rework the No. 5 bearing
support with the new nipple and re-identify the No. 5 bearing
72-56 72-0499 x support from 340-165-901-0 to 340-165-904-0.To increase the 7
thickness of the No. 5 bearing support nipple at the welding
area. In Shop
Production introduction and spare parts availability of the new
LPT Rear Frames 340-166-209-0, 340-166-210-0, 340-177-
506-0 and 340-177-507-0 with a new oil scavenge tube. To
72-56 72-0527 x eliminate Coke accumulation and risk of cracks on Turbine 7
Rear Frame (TRF) nipple at oil scavenge tube interface.
Reference S/B for detailed part numbers for LPT Rear Frames.
In Shop or On Wing
Inspection of the TRF struts in order to increase the life of the
TRF. The four mount struts of the TRF have to be inspected.
72-56 72-0558 x S/B provides the procedure and equipment to inspect the TRF 7
mount struts to increase the life of the TRF. On Wing or In
Inspection of the TRF struts in order to increase the life of the
TRF. The four mount struts of the TRF have to be inspected.
72-56 72-0568 x provides the procedure and equipment to inspect the TRF
mount struts to increase the life of the TRF. On Wing or In

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LPT Major Module Workscopes

Low Pressure Turbine Major Module Minimum and Performance Workscope

Low Pressure Turbine Major module is assumed to be removed and assembled for this level of workscope

For the minimum and performance workscope, it is recommended to remove and replace the Stage 1 LPT outer seal
CFM experience has shown that Stg1 LPT Outer Stationary Air Seals (Stg. 1 OSAS) are the major contributor in terms of
EGT Margin recovery.

NOTE: Refer to ESM 05-12-04 for LPT Frame and LPT Case life limits
LPT frame: S/B 72-0111, 72-114, 72-0169, 72-0254, 72-0558,72-0568, 72-0579, 72-0807
LPT case: S/B 72-0552

Key Maintenance Tasks

Visually inspect all exposed areas per ESM 72-00-03

Air / Oil Separator

Important Item to be carried out at each shop visit on Air / Oil Separator PN 337-108-502-0 to avoid IFSD.
Reference CFM56 Fleet Highlites article dated September 2013 (13-07-7200-06) it’s recommended to remove the
Air / Oil separator (337-108-502-0) at next shop visit to apply S/B 72-0904 by reworking from 3 welds to 6 welds
cover attachment or by replacing by new brand part with 6 welds.

Weld beads Cover

No pitting allowed

LPT Stage 1 Nozzle Segments

At LPT Major module exposure, inspect LPT stage 1 nozzle segments per ESM 72-00-53 Inspection. If evidence of
burns, severe cracking and/or heavy damages on LPT stage 1 nozzles, perform the following inspection:
Fuel flow check of fuel nozzles in line with the defective LPT stage 1 nozzles.
360 degree Borescope inspection of LPT stage 2 & 3 nozzles.

NOTE: If significant damage is found, perform the following:

o LPT stage 1 disk hardness test (on 10 consecutive teeth) per ESM 72-54-03.
o Cutting and metallographic analysis of three 120° equally located LPT stage 2 blades.
o LPT stage 1 nozzle inner air seal honeycomb penetration depth measurement. (ESM 72-53-07
o LPT FWD rotating outer air seal honeycomb penetration depth measurement.(ESM 72-00-54)
o Provide with detailed report to CFM.

NOTE: LPT major module level allows access to Stage 1 Nozzle Assembly

Replacement of LPT Stage 1 nozzle segments per S/B 72-0089 is recommended to improve the LPT case
mechanical and thermal behavior. Reference Low Pressure Turbine Major Module Full Overhaul Workscope.

Remaining MM03 items

LPT case: Pay attention for cracks, damage, wear, fretting and distress.
inspect brackets for crack, looseness and wear
Inspect TRF clevis mount bushings inner diameters (Dia. W, T, U) per AMM 72-56-300-802.
o If out of ESM limit, replace worn bushing on major module using CFM tool 856A3925G01
o If bushing migration, re-engage using CFM tool 856A3924(AMM 72-56-200-802

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Inspect centerbody studs for looseness and repair as necessary per ESM 72-56-01 / Repair 001.
Inspect the cooling air system.(ESM 72-00-03)
Check for blocked holes per ESM 72-54-11 after removal.
If MM03 planned to be disassemble in three (3) minor modules, take the opportunity to incorporate last standard of
Center Vent tube per S/B 72-0921.
Inspect the LPT rotor for dust / sand accumulation in the disk cavities. If any, remove by vacuum cleaning to
prevent vibration problems
Inspect LPT shaft especially for missing protective paint. Paint touch-up as necessary. (ESM 72-55-01)
Visually inspect the No. 4 and 5 bearing areas for the build-up of carbon or debris; clean as necessary per ESM.
Introduction of a new Silver Plated Nut for the LPT Rotor Support / LPT Shaft Attachment Flange Junction. (S/B 72-

Oil Circuit & Bearings

If Removal of No. 4 roller bearing is necessary due to failed inspection at modular level, apply ESM 72-00-03 Spec.
Proc. 001:
o The No.4 roller bearing is sensitive to damage, especially the outer race. Refer to CESM004.
o Apply S/B 72-0395 (replacement of P/N 340-167-901-0)
o Recommended S/B’s 72-0400 or 72-0352 be accomplished

NOTE: Proper preservation and handling of bearings during Shop Visits are important

NOTE: During the shop visit TAT, protect the No. 4 bearing against abrasives and contaminants per CESM 004

Apply S/B 79-0017 for inspection and cleaning of the aft sump supply and scavenge tubes for engines using MJO
291 and SHELL 560 oil brands
In case of oil observed in internal cavities, remove LPT Frame and Center Vent Tube in order to replace the O-Ring
per S/B 72-0764 (replace only Packing O-ring Cat 3 of the S/B)
Inspect flame arrestor for missing honeycomb
Flush coke and carbon build-up from the supply, drain and scavenge lines per SPM 70-21-17.
If disassembly level planned or if oil leak observed apply S/B 72-0921. This S/B reintroduces the original design
CVT and Rear Extension Duct to the engine. This design will improve the durability of the Rear Extension Duct

NOTE: The design introduced by S/B 72-0124 was to aid in the inspection procedure for inner diameter of the LPT
shaft. Be sure to incorporate S/B 72-0764 and 72-0897 at the same time to improve overall reliability of the


Replace at each exposure the oil inlet cover seals (gasket seal P/N 335-107-901-0 or 340-179-401-0 and O-ring
post S/B 72-0543 P/N 649-788-432-0 for better durability).
Inspect squeeze film supply tube for cracks per ESM 72-00-03.
o Pay particular attention to avoid static stress induced by mis-alignment with nipples during assembly.
o TRF pre S/B 72-0169: replace tube per S/B 72-0516
o TRF post S/B 72-0169: replace tube (same P/N)

Inspect No. 5 bearing support scavenge line nipple for cracks.(S/B 72-0477)
o If cracks evidenced replace No. 5 bearing support by new one per S/B 72-0499.

NOTE: Use specific counter wrench during removal or installation of the oil scavenge tube nut on No. 5 bearing
support nipple to prevent damage (CFM tool 85A3492 to be used)

LPT Major Module Installation: Performance Items

Perform HPT horizontal Linipot during LPT Major module installation per ESM 72-00-03 Installation 002.
Target values close to half of the ESM limits to improve the restored EGT margin and the initial retention On Wing.

LPT Major Module Assembly

During assembly, pay close attention to all OSAS 1 proper installation. If an OSAS is not properly installed can in
good position, damages of LPT blades and nozzles can occur at LPT module installation.
Do not turn the high pressure compressor (HPC) during the installation of the LPT module or damage to the inner
air seal of the stage 1 LPT nozzle can occur.

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LPT Rotor / Stator Module (72-54-00)

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LPT Major Module Workscopes

LPT Rotor / Stator Module Minimum and Performance Workscope (72-00-54)

The LPT Rotor / Stator module should be removed and partially disassembled for this level of workscope

For the minimum performance workscope it is recommended to remove and replace the Stage 1 LPT outer seal

Key Maintenance Tasks

LPT Stage 1 Outer Air Seal

Visually inspect LPT stage 1 outer air seals for damaged honeycomb cells per ESM 72-00-54; if needed, replace
the outer seals per ESM 72-00-54 to obtain the greatest amount of the potential EGT gain on the LPT
If HPT shrouds and hangers are modified per S/B 72-0116 during SV, install new stage 1 outer air seals per ESM
Remove LPT stage 1 Outer Stationary Air Seal (OSAS) and inspect LPT case rail “0” as per S/B 72-0608
CFM recommends to install new or reworked OSAS “interim fix” as per S/B 72-0567.
If out of ESM limit, expose LPT case and re-identify per S/B 72-0552.
Repair if P/N allows per ESM 72-54-07 Repair 012
When OSAS 1 are removed, pay close attention to properly install on good position

LPT Stage 1 Blades

Visually check the stage 1 & stage 4 LPT blades for damage per ESM 72-00-54.
Pay particular attention to the shroud interlocks for evidence of unlatching, shingling, or excessive looseness.
DAC engines: Replace stg 1 LPT blades on pre-S/B 72-0346 engines per ESM 72-00-03 Spec. Proc. 004. Install
P/N 338-108-208-0 and 338-115-707-0.

LPT Stage 2 Nozzle Segments (DAC engines only)

Inspect LPT Stage 2 nozzle per S/B 72-0452 for evidence of cracking.

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LPT Major Module Workscopes

LPT Rotor / Stator Module Full Overhaul Workscope (72-54-00)

The LPT Rotor / Stator module should be disassembled in piece part for this level of workscope per ESM 72-54-01/02/03.
However, LPT disks should be debladed for LLP or cause only.

All visible areas of the LPT bladed disk (including conical support on stage 3 disk) should be inspected per piece part
ESM 72-54-05/06.

Separate the LPT rotor and stator assemblies per ESM 72-54-00.
If the engine has encountered an over-temperature, refer to ESM 72-00-00 Inspection 001.
o Inspect LPT major modules per ESM 72-00-03
o Do a hardness inspection of the LPT stage 1 Disk per ESM 72-54-00 Spec. Proc. 001 and 72-54-03.

If the engine has encountered a N1 Overspeed, refer to ESM 72-00-00 Insp. 001
o Perform piece part inspections required on: LPT Blades, LPT Disks, LPT Conical Support, LPT Rotating
Air Seals, LPT Bolts, LPT Fwd Rotating Air Seal, and LPT Blades Retainers

NOTE: CFM recommends to remove and discard all the nuts and bolts at each LPT disk disassembly.

Key Maintenance Tasks

LPT Blades

Inspect LPT blades per corresponding ESM 72-54-01/02.

o For DAC engines, introduce new LPT Stage 1 blades per S/B 72-0346. Discard removed parts.
o Check the blade-tip-shroud to blade root twist angle per ESM 72-54-02
o Inspect L/E for dents, nicks, scratches and blend repair per ESM 72-54-02
o Do not forget to re-install three LPT blades with hardened teeth on each stage

LPT Disks

Inspect LPT disks and conical support per corresponding ESM 72-54-03/05.
Replace O-ring seal with new seal to prevent aft sump oil leaks between LPT shaft and conical support per
S/B 72-0764 to prevent a tail pipe fire.

LPT Nozzles

Inspect LPT Nozzle Segments per ESM 72-54-08/13

On SAC Engines:

Rework LPT nozzles in stage 2 and stage 3 per S/B 72-0241 to improve overspeed condition.

NOTE: Do not rework LPT stage 2 if a new design of LPT stage 2 nozzles (per S/B 72-0345) is required by customer.

On DAC Engines:

Rework LPT Stage 3 nozzles per S/B 72-0241 to improve overspeed condition.
Inspect LPT Stage 2 nozzles per S/B 72-0452 if the engine or module has more than 9000 cycles since new.
Install LPT Stage 2 nozzles per S/B 72-0345 for increased mechanical behavior.

LPT Seals

Inspect LPT inner and outer stationary air seals per ESM 72-54-12, especially honeycomb for wear or unbounded
Introduce per S/B 72-0249 New or reworked Seal Segments on stage 2 & 3 to prevent damage on LPT case.
CFM recommends to install “final fix” OSAS as per S/B 72-0718.

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LPT Major Module Workscopes

LPT Case

Visually inspect the LPT case for cracks damage, wear, and distress.(ESM 72-54-07)
Spot FPI suspect areas of the front and rear flanges, case bosses, and the first two rings
Inspect the cooling air system per ESM 72-54-11.
Rework and re-identify LPT Case per S/B 72-0718, or introduce new LPT Case per S/B 72-0626 on attrition basis.

NOTE: LPT cases P/N 338-117-406-0 and 338-117-407-0 can only be installed on low pressure turbines in
compliance with S/B 72-0089

Replace O-ring seal with new seal to prevent aft sump oil leaks between LPT shaft and conical support per
S/B 72-0764 to prevent a tail pipe fire.

CFM recommends, for cleaning of LPT forward rotating oil seal and No. 4 bearing forward rotating air seal Metco 601 (light
gray in color) abradable coating, to remove oil and grease and then to perform an ultrasonic cleaning per SPM 70-21-11,or
12, and 61.

During assembly of module, the nuts of the disks may be re-used provided they are found serviceable by the ESM, but CFMI
recommends the use of only new bolts.

During module assembly, in order to prevent future vibration problems, pay close attention to cleaning of rotor cavities for
sand / dust accumulation, and, if rotor was unstacked, pay close attention to proper seating of rotor mating faces and to
torque procedure / values of assembly bolts.

Performance Items

Experience shows that Performance restoration on LPT module has limited impact on overhaul engine performance
restoration results.

Restore LPT inner & outer shroud for rub or erosion per ESM 72-54-12.
Inspect LPT case forward & aft rabbet diameters to prevent HPT horizontal Linipot problem.(ESM 72-54-07)

NOTE: The LPT Shaft module should be separated from the LPT Major module and disassembled in piece part for this
level of inspection.

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LPT Major Module Workscopes

Low Pressure Turbine Major Module Performance Effects

Post Break-in
Feature SFC (%) EGT (°C) (mils)*

for each
Outer Seal Rub STAGE 1 0.0044 0.0356 11
0,001 inch

for each
Outer Seal Rub STAGE 2 0.0032 0.0292 18
0,001 inch

for each
Outer Seal Rub STAGE 3 0.0032 0.0280 16
0,001 inch

for each
Outer Seal Rub STAGE 4 0.0025 0.0152 0
0,001 inch

for each
Interstage Seal Rub STAGE 1-2 0.0025 0.0191 11
0,001 inch

for each
Interstage Seal Rub STAGE 2-3 0.0025 0.0178 9
0,001 inch

for each
Interstage Seal Rub STAGE 3-4 0.0013 0.0102 20
0,001 inch

NOTE: * (1 mil = 0.001 inch)

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LPT Major Module Workscopes


New Configuration per S/B 72-0921

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LPT Major Module Workscopes

LPT Shaft Module Minimum Workscope (72-00-55)

The LPT Shaft module should remain assembled for this level of workscope.

Inspect LPT Shaft per ESM 72-00-55

Pay attention to missing protective paint. Paint touch-up as necessary. (ESM 72-55-01)
Perform BSI of LPT shaft inner diameter for corrosion

LPT Shaft Module Full Overhaul Workscope (72-55-00)

The LPT Shaft module should be disassembled in piece part for this level of workscope per ESM. The LPT Shaft Module is
to be updated per S/B 72-0921 to improve reliability.

LPT Shaft
Inspect the No. 4 and No. 5 bearings per ESM 72-09-01 and best practices per available CESM004.
Replace No. 4 roller bearing 340-167-901-0 per S/B 72-0395.
Inspect LPT shaft especially for missing protective paint per ESM 72-55-01.

NOTE: S/B 72-0104 (application of new paint on LPT shaft) is strongly recommended, especially for engines using
HTS oils.

Inspect Inner diameter of LPT shaft for corrosion using white light or borescope per CFM procedure. Pay close
attention to journal beneath No. 2 Bearing.(S/B 72-0520)
Inspect inner diameter X with specific dimension accordingly to LPT Shaft P/N per S/B 72-0526.
Replace O-ring seal with new seal to prevent aft sump oil leaks between LPT shaft and conical support per
S/B 72-0764 to prevent a tail pipe fire.
Introduction of a new Silver Plated Nut per S/B 72-0727 for the LPT Rotor Support / LPT Shaft Attachment Flange

Center Vent Tube

Inspect Center vent tube and its supports for position and installation.
Install last standard of center vent tube per S/B 72-0921.

NOTE: This standard post S/B 72-0921 does not allow the removal of the CVT at engine level.

Replace O-ring seal with new seal to prevent aft sump oil leaks between LPT shaft and conical support per
S/B 72-0764 to prevent a tail pipe fire.
Inspect rear Center Vent Tube for Holes ovalization.
Install new center vent tube supports when scrapped for not meeting torque requirements.

LPT Module Assembly

During reassembly, apply engine oil protection on bearings to avoid corrosion per ESM 72-55-00-440-001, 72-00-
500-002 (storage).
System balance at reassembly with LPT rotor/stator per ESM 72-00-03-430-061.

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LPT Major Module Workscopes

LPT Frame Module Minimum Workscope (72-00-56)

The LPT Frame module should be separated from the LPT Major module for this level of inspection and disassembled as
necessary to perform the following.

The LPT Frame module should be inspected per modular ESM 72-00-56, unless otherwise stated.

LPT rear frames are under LLP restriction per ESM 05-12-04. For SAC engines, in case of replacement for LLP
cause, it is recommended to install a P/N 340-166-205-0 to 340-166-210-0.

NOTE: Introduction of TRF (-209 & -210) with new oil scavenge tube per S/B 72-0527 is recommended to prevent oil
scavenge nipple damage.

NOTE: TRF life extension (no bump ratings) ESM 05-21-03:

LPT rear frame (SAC engines) 340-027-110-0 & 340-027-120-0 must be inspected per S/B 72-0568 no later than
17400 cycles.
LPT rear frame (DAC engines) 340-177-502-0 to 340-177-507-0 must be inspected per S/B 72-0558 no later than
16350 cycles.
LPT rear frame (SAC engines) 340-166-205-0 to 340-166-210-0 and 340-166-251-0 to 340-166-259-0 must be
inspected per S/B 72-0579 no later than 25000 cycles (19000 cycles for BBJ).
LPT rear Frame (7B27A engines) P/N 340-166-205-0, 340-166-206-0, 340-166-207-0,340-166-208-0, 340-166-
209-0, 340-166-210-0, 340-166-254-0, 340-166-255-0, 340-166-256-0, 340-166-257-0, 340-166-258-0 and 340-
166-259-0 must be inspected per S/B 72-0807 no later than 12000 cycles since new.

LPT Frame Module Full Overhaul Workscope (72-56-00)

NOTE: Refer to ESM 05-12-04 for LPT frame life limits

NOTE: The LPT Frame module should be separated from the LPT Major module for this level of inspection and
disassembled as necessary to perform the following.

Rework the old No. 5 bearing support per S/B 72-0178 to improve pressurization condition during ventilation
Rework the Oil Scavenge Nipple per S/B 72-0499
Inspect the LPT frame per ESM 72-56-01, paying particular attention to the following:
o If vibrations or abnormal HPT rubs have been reported repeatedly, check the runout of the No. 5 bearing
sleeve per the Assembly chapter of the ESM.
o Inspect the LPT frame outer case, engine clevis mounts, and leading edge of mount struts for cracks
o Check the diameter of the aft rabbet on the LPT frame

Inspect TRF clevis mount bushings inner diameters (Dia W, T, U). (ESM 72-51-01)
o If out of ESM limit, replace worn bushing using CFM tool 856A3925G01
o If bushing migration, re-engage using CFM tool 856A3924.(AMM 72-56-200-802).

Inspect centerbody studs for looseness, Tag weld condition and repair as necessary per ESM 72-56-01 repair 001.
Inspect turbine frame oil supply and scavenge tubes for occurrences of oil coking per ESM 72-00-03/56 and 72-56-
Installation of new oil supply tube per S/B 72-0339 is strongly recommended as it allows for the “On Wing” removal
of the oil supply tube.
Flush coke and carbon build-up from the supply, drain, and scavenge lines per SPM 70-21-17.
Inspect flame arrestor for general condition and missing honeycomb.

Performance Items
Inspect LPT frame forward rabbet diameter fit adjustment per ESM 72-56-01 to prevent HPT horizontal linipot

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Accessory Drive Module Workscopes


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Accessory Drive Module Workscopes

Highly Recommended S/B & Documents (Accessory Drive Module Level)

CFM Sorting
Production introduction and spare part availability of the new outer radial
drive shaft 340-050-102-0. Additionally provides: Instructions to remove
and to send the 114 outer radial drive shafts 340-050-101-0 suspected and
instructions to reidentified the rest of the outer radial drive shafts 340-050-
72-62 72-0291 x 3
101-0 to 340-050-103-0. For Inspection and modification by Hispano Suiza
of a population of 114 outer radial drive shaft at shop visit opportunity. The
rework of outer radial drive shaft or its replacement by a new one will avoid
a mid span ball bearing failure due to dynamic overload.
Instructions to replace Ball Bearing 340-052-502-0 from a suspect lot by a
new Ball Bearing 340-052-502-0 or 335-304-201-0 or 335-304-202-0 or
335-304-203-0. Regular inspection of Magnetic Chip Detector (MCD) as
72-62 72-0445 x required per Maintenance Review Board Report / Maintenance Planning 3
Document (500[nbsp ]hours[nbsp ]interval) should permit to capture
impending transfer gear box line 2 bearing failure and avoid operational
event. Improvement of manufacturing procedure.
The old cover assy 340-047-601-0 installed on CFM56-7B components or
stocked as spares are affected. Production introduction and spare parts
72-63 72-0072 x availability of cover assy 340-047-602-0. Accessory gearbox WQ1095 and 7
higher. The paint-marked cover assembly is available to reduce the
reassembly risk and murphy proof the assembly.
Instructions for field rework the cover assy 340-047-601-0. Compliance
with S/B 72-0072 eliminates the need for compliance with this S/B 72-
72- A140. The hand cranking cover can be removed On Wing. The installation
72-63 x 4
A0140 of the bonded caution plate on the cover can be accomplished In Shop.
Installation of a caution plate bonded on hand cranking cover with an alert
Instructions to replace defective Ball Bearing 340-052-602-0 by a new Ball
Bearing 340-052-602-0 or 335-304-401-0 or 335-304-402-0 or 335-304-
72-63 72-0368 x 3
403-0 located on line No. 4 (hand cranking) and line No. 8 (IDG).
Improvement of manufacturing procedure.
Instructions to reposition the air turbine starter V-band clamp 180 degrees.
72-63 80-0002 M The air turbine starter V-band clamp will be repositioned 180 degrees to 7
eliminate possible interference of the stud with the cables.
Instructions to clean inside the control alternator and to inspect the key-
locked studs attaching the Line No.1 Bearing Outer Race on the AGB
Housing. The instructions recommended are: (a) To clean inside the
72-63 72-0617 x 3
control alternator. (b) To replace the nuts and, if necessary, the key-locked
studs attaching the roller bearing outer race. These actions will restore the
tightening torque.
Production introduction and spare parts availability of the new magnetic
seal assembly 305-102-303-0, 305-102-304-0, the new sealol seal
assembly 305-115-709-0 , 340-190-002-0 and 340-194-202-0. Also
Rework the old sealol seal assembly 305-115-704-0, 340-190-001-0, 305-
194-201-0 to the new sealol seal assembly 305-115-709-0, 340-190-002-0
and 340-194-202-0 and Re-identify the sealol seal assembly 305-115-704-
72-63 72-0652 x 2/3/7
0, 340-190-001-0, 305-194-201-0 to the new one 305-115-709-0, 340-
190-002-0 and 340-194-202-0. Cat. 2- Do as soon as possible without
effect on revenue service or within 8000 hours since oil introduction for
engines switching to oil BP2197 and MJ0254. Cat. 3- Do at next shop visit
for engines using oil BP2197 or MJ0254. Cat. 7- Do at customer
convenience for customers not using oil BP2197 or MJ0254.
Some cases of engine oil loss have been reported and resulted in IFSD (In
Flight Shut Down). Ground investigations showed that the AGB hand
cranking cover assy was not installed or incorrectly installed. Modification
72-63 72-0564 x 3
of the AGB by the introduction of a new oil seal assy on the new starter
drive pad assy and a new hand cranking cover assy to prevent oil leakage
from hand cranking pad.

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Accessory Drive Module Workscopes

CFM Sorting
Production introduction and spare parts availability of the new
Accessory Gearbox Assembly 340-046-505-0 equipped with a new
Roller Bearing 340-155-101-0, a Stop Bearing 340-155-701-0 , a
Fuel Pump Drive Pad Assy 340-048-103-0 and Key Locked Studs
649-079-402-0 Accomplishment instructions to do a Rework and re-
identification of the old Fuel Pump Drive Pad Assy 340-048-102-0 to
the new Fuel Pump Drive Pad Assy 340-048-103-0. Replacement of
the old Ball Bearing 335-304-501-0 or 335-304-503-0 installed on
72-63 72-0689 x 3
the 61 x 31 tooth starter gearshaft assembly by the new Roller
Bearing 340-155-101-0 and its Stop Bearing 340-155-701-0.
Rework of the 61 x 31 Tooth Equipped Gearshaft Assy 340-153-
701-0 to the new 61 x 31 Tooth Equipped Gearshaft Assy 340-153-
702-0. Re-identification of the old Accessory Gearbox Assembly
340-046-504-0 to the new Accessory Gearbox Assembly 340-046-
505-0. Introduction of a new roller bearing to increase the capacity
of the AGB starter line to support high loads.
Instructions to replace defective Ball Bearing 301-480-320-0 by a
new Ball Bearing 301-480-320-0 or 301-480-323-0 or 301-480-325-
72-63 72-0731 x 0 or 301-480-326-0 or 340-056-201-0 located on line No. 7 3
(Intermediate), line No. 9 (Intermediate) and line No. 11 (Lube unit).
Improvement of manufacturing procedure.
Some cases of engine oil loss have been reported and resulted in
IFSD (In Flight Shut Down). Ground investigations showed that the
AGB hand cranking cover assy was not installed or incorrectly
72-63 72-0564 x 3
installed. Modification of the AGB by the introduction of a new oil
seal assy on the new starter drive pad assy and a new hand
cranking cover assy to prevent oil leakage from hand cranking pad.
Introduction of a New Accessory Gearbox Assembly (AGB) with
New Housing Assembly and New Starter Drive Pad Assembly and
Rework of the Old AGB to the New One. Some cases of pulling-off
72-63 72-0879 x 6
of three studs fixing the Control Alternator Line roller bearing outer
race to housing have been reported and resulted in In Flight Shut
Down (IFSD).
Deletes the Ball Bearing 335-304-401-0 alternative on the hand
cranking line of the AGB. Also provides accomplishment instructions
to replace the Ball Bearing 335-304-401-0 located on the hand
cranking line of the AGB by a new Ball Bearing 335-304-402-0 or
72-63 72-0927 335-304-403-0 or 340-052-602-0 or 340-052-603-0. A few failures 3
of the handcranking line Ball Bearing have been observed in fleet,
procedure available in the SB to perform bearing replacement AGB
installed on the engine. Same level of disassembly as in S/B 72-
0564. In Shop

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Accessory Drive Module Workscopes


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Accessory Drive Module Workscopes

Accessory Drive Module Minimum Workscope

The Accessory Drive Module is at Module level for this level of workscope.

The Accessory Drive Module Minimum Workscope consists of ‘Checks’ for applicability of Service Bulletins for the AGB
/ TGB.

CAUTION: In case of AGB/TGB pollution / M50 particles found on AGB/TGB Magnetic Chip Detector, refer to Full
workscope. Contact CFM if source of particles is not clearly established.

NOTE: Minimum Workscope is applied on AGB and TGB remaining on the engine (no removal cause) or removed for
access of fan module

Check for incoming engine log reports of high oil consumption.

Visually check gearboxes for evidence of leakage; pay particular attention to carbon seal area.
Visually inspect the accessory and transfer gearboxes for security of attachment and obvious damage. ESM 72-
00-62 and 72-00-63.
Check the starter attachment for overtorque consequence (cracks initiation at the welding point of the clamp).
Check for Oil leakage trace(s) at the Accessory Gearbox interface.
Check accessible bearings of the TGB for external discoloration.

CAUTION: AGB Attachment Wear or improper installation have caused oil leaks and engine failures.

Check for S/B 72-0652 applicability (new Magnetic seal and sealol assemblies) (S/B applicable without AGB
Check for S/B 72-0368 applicability (P/N 340-052-602-0 suspect batch on line 4 and 8)
Check for S/B 72-0689 applicability ((Rework with the New Roller Bearings)
Check for S/B 72-0731 applicability (P/N 301-480-320-0 suspect batch on line 7, 9 and 11)
Check for S/B 72-0617 applicability (Line 3 stud inspection)
Check for S/B 72-0927 applicability (P/N 335-304-401-0 ball bearing on line 4)

NOTE: If one of S/B 72-0368/72-0731/72-0617 are to be applied, AGB removal with dedicated pad removal are
necessary (refer to Full Overhaul Workscope)

Apply S/B 72-0564 (implementation of Line 4 dynamic seal) or S/B 72-0879 (implementation of Line 4 dynamic
seal + Line 3 modification, rework with AGB as piece parts)

NOTE: AD 2012-0209 mandates the replacement of the AGB P/N 340-046-503-0, 340-046-504-0 and 340-046-505-
0 with an AGB P/N 340-046-508-0 or P/N 340-046-509-0 in accordance with the instructions of S/B 72-0564
or S/B 72-0879.

S/B 72-0564 can be incorporated without AGB removal (AGB installed in fan module). The SB is in updating
process to permit the SB application AGB installed (Waiting for the SB update, a CDR is available). Application
of this S/B permits in the same time the application of S/B 72-0927 (replacement of Line 4 ball bearing P/N
335-304-401-0 by other alternative)

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Accessory Drive Module Workscopes

Check for S/B 72-0291 applicability (reworked or new TGB outer radial drive shaft) to avoid dynamic overload
led by a batch of unbalanced shafts.
Check for S/B 72-0445 applicability (TGB ball bearing P/N 340-052-502-0 from a suspect batch)

During AGB installation:

Install dampers on the Accessory Gearbox Axial Link Ends per S/B 72-0465.
o Carefully inspect AGB links for bearing wear (even post S/B 72-0465).
o Inspect AGB mounts dampers eccentricity. Replace as necessary.
Apply S/B 80-0002 during assembly (Air Starter clamping) if necessary.

CAUTION: After AGB installation, check that Hand Cranking Pad cover is installed to avoid oil leakage during engine

Accessory Drive Module Full Overhaul Workscope

The Accessory Drive module should be separated from the engine for this level of inspection. In addition, Minimum
Workscope items must also be taken into account.

Disassemble transfer gearbox and inspect piece parts per ESM 72-62-00.
Disassemble accessory gearbox and inspect piece parts per ESM 72-63-00.

CAUTION: In case of AGB pollution / M50 particles found on AGB / TGB magnetic chip detector (MCD), perform
the following:

Investigate on background of stater and check if failure did not previously occur. This may have led to catch few
M50 particles on AGB/TGB magnetic chip detector even relatively long time after event.
Inspect all AGB bearings per ESM 72-09-01.
If inside of AGB is heavy polluted and one bearing damaged and/or one AGB line is found eccentric, all the AGB
ball bearings as well as the adjacent lines roller bearings must be replaced.
If inside of AGB is found visually clean (no evidence of particles) and one bearing is found damaged, only the
damaged bearing must be replaced.
If the source of particles is not identified on AGB, perform RDS ball bearing inspection per ESM 72-09-01.
Inspect all TGB bearings per ESM 72-09-01.

AGB: (ESM 72-63-00)

After check application of service bulletin (refer to Minimum workscope), apply:

S/B 72-689 (Rework with the New Roller Bearings)

S/B 72-617 (Line 3 stud inspection)
Rework AGB per S/B 72-0879 to install New Stater drive pad Assembly
S/B 72-0368, if necessary, to replace ball bearing P/N 340-052-602-0.
S/B 72-0731, if necessary, to replace ball bearing P/N 301-480-320-0
S/B 72-0652, if necessary, to implement New O-ring material for Magnetic Seal and Sealol Seal
S/B72- 0927, if necessary, to remove Line 4 ball bearing P/N 335-304-401-0

TGB: (ESM 72-62-00)

According to customer convenience, install a new TGB inner radial drive shaft with improved balancing per
S/B 72-0290.
Apply S/B 72-0291 (reworked or new TGB outer radial drive shaft) to avoid dynamic overload led by a batch of
unbalanced shafts.
Apply S/B 72-0445 to replace, if necessary, TGB ball bearing P/N 340-052-502-0 from a suspect batch.

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Controls and Accessories Workscopes


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Controls and Accessories Workscopes

Controls & Accessories Time Limits (Thresholds)

It is recommended that the following actions be carried out at the first shop visit after the control /
accessory reaches the threshold time.

Equipment CMM No. Config TSN/TSO Task to be done


Harness MW0315- Minimum Workscope : Visual check
26-11-01 - On Condition
MW0316 Full Workscope: comply with CMM
Harness MW0325- 26-11-02 Minimum Workscope : Visual check
- On Condition
MW0326 26-11-03 Full Workscope: comply with CMM
Harness MW0301-
MW0302- MW0303- 71-51-01 Minimum Workscope : Visual check
- On Condition
MW0304-MW0311- 71-51-02 Full Workscope: comply with CMM
<10000 Minimum Workscope : VI + Filter replacement
Main Fuel Pump 73-11-15 - 10000<_<14000 Test per CMM
>14000 Full Overhaul Workscope : Overhaul per CMM
<13000 Minimum Workscope : test per CMM
Hydro Mechanical 73-21-76 and >13000 Full Overhaul Workscope : Overhaul per CMM
Unit 79 P11 and later
Test per CMM
<10000 Minimum Workscope : Test per CMM + S/B
73-11-42 and
Fuel Nozzle - Full Overhaul Workscope : Overhaul per CMM
48 >10000
+ S/B
73-11-45 for <25000 Minimum Workscope : Visual check
Fuel nozzle SAC
filter(DSFF) 73-11-46 for >25000 Full Overhaul Workscope: comply with CMM
73-11-24 <15000 Minimum Workscope : Visual check
Servo Fuel Heater -
73-11-77 >15000 Full Workscope: comply with CMM
Fuel Flow <15000 Minimum Workscope
73-31-08 -
Transmitter >15000 Full Workscope: test per CMM
<30000 Minimum Workscope
73-21-75 FADEC 2
ECU >30000 Full Overhaul Workscope
73-24-02 FADEC 3 On condition See recommendation in C&A workscope
<6000 Minimum Workscope : visual check
IDG oil Cooler 73-11-65 -
>6000 Full Workscope: comply with CMM
Fuel Manifold <15000 Minimum Workscope : visual check
73-11-71 -
Staging valve >15000 Full Workscope: test per CMM
Harnesses J5-6-7-8-
73-24-04 - On condition See recommendation in C&A Workscope
9-10 and CJ9-10
Minimum Workscope : visual check
T12 sensor 73-21-37 - On condition
Full Workscope: comply with CMM
Minimum Workscope : visual check
PT25 Probe 73-21-38 - On condition
Full Workscope: comply with CMM
Introduce new hybrid technology connector
ID Plug 73-21-83 - On condition
per S/B 72-0106
Minimum Workscope : visual check
EEC Alternator 73-21-81 - On condition
Full workscope: test per CMM
Fuel Differential 73-34-11 <10000 Minimum Workscope : visual check
Pressure Switch 73-34-12 >10000 Full workscope: test per CMM
Minimum Workscope : visual check
HPTACC Sensor 73-21-77 - On condition
Full Workscope: test per CMM
<4000 Minimum Workscope : visual check
Igniter lead 74-21-19 -
>4000 Full Overhaul Workscope : CMM

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Controls and Accessories Workscopes

Equipment CMM N° Config TSN/TSO Task to be done

74-11-12 <4000 Minimum Workscope : visual check
Ignition Exciter -
74-11-185 >4000 Full Workscope : test per CMM
74-21-36 <1000 Minimum Workscope : visual check
Spark Igniter -
74-21-37 >1000 Full Workscope : replace
<15000 Minimum Workscope : visual check
VBV Actuator 75-32-14 -
>15000 Full Workscope : test per CMM
<8000 Minimum Workscope : visual check
LPTACC Valve 75-23-15 -
>8000 Full Workscope : test per CMM
<6000 Minimum Workscope : visual check
6000< - < 10000 Full Workscope : test per CMM + S/B
HPTACC Valve 75-22-14
Full Overhaul Workscope: Overhaul per
- >10000
<6000 Minimum Workscope : visual check
6000<_<10000 Test per CMM
VSV Actuator 75-32-13 -
Full Overhaul Workscope : Overhaul per
<6000 Minimum Workscope : visual check
Transient Bleed 75-21-24 6000< - <10000 Test per CMM
Valve 75-21-29 Full Overhaul Workscope: Overhaul per
- >10000


Minimum Workscope : visual check
T495 Thermocouples 77-21-17 - On Condition
Full Workscope: comply with CMM
<15000 Minimum Workscope : visual check
N1 Speed Sensor 77-12-19 -
>15000 Full Workscope : test per CMM
<15000 Minimum Workscope : visual check
N2 Speed Sensor 77-11-15 -
>15000 Full Workscope : test per CMM
77-31-33 <15000 Minimum Workscope : Check per ESM
N1 Vibration Sensor -
77-31-39 >15000 Full Workscope : test per CMM
FFCC vibration 77-31-47 <15000 Minimum Workscope : visual check
Sensor 77-31-48 >15000 Full Workscope : test per CMM
Minimum Workscope : visual check
T5 Sensor 77-22-15 - On Condition
Full Workscope: comply with CMM
Minimum Workscope : visual check
T3 Sensor 77-23-12 - On Condition
Full Workscope: test per CMM
<15000 Minimum Workscope
Lub Unit 79-21-16 - Full Overhaul Workscope : Overhaul per
Minimum Workscope : visual check + S/B
DMS detector 79-21-64 - On Condition
Full Workscope: comply with CMM
Minimum Workscope : visual check
DMS Junction Box 79-21-53 - On Condition
Full Workscope: comply with CMM
Minimum Workscope : visual check+ filter
Oil Scavenge Filter 79-21-42 - On Condition element replaced
Full Workscope: comply with CMM
Oil / Fuel Heat 79-21-25 <10000 Minimum Workscope : visual check+ S/B
Exchanger 79-21-26 >10000 Full Workscope: comply with CMM + S/B
Minimum Workscope : visual check
Oil Tank 79-11-22 - On Condition
Full Workscope: comply with CMM
Minimum Workscope : visual check
Oil Level Sensor - On Condition
Full Workscope: Overhaul per CMM
Oil Temperature Minimum Workscope : visual check
79-31-42 - On Condition
Sensor Full Workscope: comply with CMM
<10000 Minimum Workscope : visual check
Oil Pressure Sensor 79-32-12 -
>10000 Full Workscope: comply with CMM
Oil Clogging <15000 Minimum Workscope
79-21-44 -
Indicator >15000 Full Workscope: replace
Minimum Workscope : visual check
Static Anti-leak Valve 79-21-43 - On Condition
Full Workscope: comply with CMM


<15000 Minimum Workscope : visual check

Starter Air Valve 80-11-27 -
>15000 Full Workscope : test per CMM
Minimum Workscope : Inspection + S/B
Starter 80-11-79 - On Condition
Full Workscope : Test per CMM + S/B

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Controls and Accessories Workscopes

Highly Recommended S/B & Documents (Controls & Accessories)

CFM Sorting
Production introduction and spare parts availability of IDG Oil Cooler VIN
72 72-0076 AI 45731-1393 (340-403-102-0). Introduction of a new IDG oil cooler with a 5
new geometry. To interface with new bracket (S/B 72-0040) On Wing
Production introduction and installation instruction of a reconfigurable
hybrid technology identification connectors. The new plug allows
operators to change some of the engine configuration parameters in the
plug without replacing it. This is done by changing -push-pull- contacts
72 72-0106 AI position for the following engine configuration parameters only: - PMUX / 7
NO PMUX- Burner staging valve (BSV) system functional or not (SAC
engines only). - N1 trim level. - SAC / DAC engine type. Makes possible
simplification of the identification plug configuration management
Production introduction and spare parts availability of N2 speed sensor
320-549-004-0. Also provides accomplishment instructions to rework and
re-identify old N2 speed sensor from 320-549-002-0 to 320-549-004-0 or
from 320-549-003-0 to 320-549-004-0. N2 Speed Sensor now has 3
channels (A, B, A/C). Channel A and B: routing of wire at soft solder area
improved with two heat shrinkable sleeves installed over wire and
72 72-0259 x 6
connector socket. Standardization of internal wire size ( per EN 2997 )
increased from gauge 26 to 24. Channel A/C: routing of wire at soft
solder area improved with two heat shrinkable sleeves installed over wire
and connector socket. Standardization of internal wire size (per EN 2997)
increased from gauge 26 to 24, and a copper contact is added in A/C
connector socket.
Production introduction and spare parts availability of the new manifolds
assy 340-038-207-0 and 340-038-307-0 and the new brackets assy 340-
72 72-0464 x 7
029-707-0. Introduces the Integration of captive nut on the bracket to
make easier the installation of air supply tube clamp.
Introduction of New Semi-Rigid Fire Detection Harnesses to delete
72 72-0759 x interference between the clamp 649-411-955-0 and LPTACC manifold 7
340-891-601-0. To improve reliability
Introduction of a New MW0311 Electrical Harness and In Field Rework of
72 72-0779 x 7
the Old MW0311 Electrical Harness to improve reliability
Production introduction and spare parts availability of a servo fuel heater
45731-1381, of a bracket 340-019-002-0 and of tubes 340-018-103-0,
340-007-203-0, 340-138-901-0, 340-138-401-0, 340-009-303-0 and 340-
73 73-0011 x 9
015-906-0 and of associated parts. The addition of the servo fuel heater
to heat fuel at HMU servo inlet, thus allowing engine operation with fuel
temperature down to minus 43 Deg. C.
The production introduction and spare parts availability of Fuel Nozzle
Filter FA00631C (340-403-004-0 with a longer spring and change in
73 73-0022 x 7
spring material. To improve the fuel nozzle filter mechanical behavior. On
73 x HMU Modification’s to enhance reliability (from Honeywell)
Provides instructions for ECU/EEC conversion using DPM-3 modules.
Introduced new ECU/EEC hardware part numbers which incorporate a
new digital processing module (DPM-3 (b) Convert ECU/EEC
1851M50P03 to 1851M50P04 and ECU/EEC 1853M33P02 to
73 73-0030 x 1853M33P03. (c) Convert ECU/EEC 1851M50P05 to 1851M50P06 and 7
ECU/EEC 1853M33P05 to 1853M33P06 .The new DPM-3 will utilize
parts that are more readily available commercial grade electronic
components, introduced increased EEPROM program memory (for future
use) and simplify the DPM manufacturing process.
73 73-0032 x Replace vespel ball P/N 1419-240 7
Conversion non-PMUX>PMUX> & PMUX>NON-PMUX In Shop or On
73 73-0033 AI 7
73 x Introduction of a new Fuel Pump with new Filter Cover attachment 3
73 73-0037 x HMU-HPSOV. Improved AFSO switch assembly In Shop or On Wing 7
73 73-0038 x General Assembly (72-00-00) - Introduction of New Fuel Flow Transmitter 6

CFM Proprietary Information CFM56-7B WPG

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Controls and Accessories Workscopes

CFM Sorting
73 73-0040 x EEC S/W VERSION (7B41) 1853M78P16 7
73 73-0042 x New fuel differential pressure switch 7
73 73-0043 x EEC PSB Material modification 6
73 73-0046 x EEC S/W VERSION (7B42) 1853M78P17
73 73-0049 x Inspection of HMU main body 6
EEC Introduction of Software 1853M78P18 (7B46) 2 DAC
73 73-0050 x
MPF introduction of new impeller drive shaft preformed packing. Do
73 73-0052 x 6
when Fuel pump is routed for repair
HMU (73-21-10) Improved Electrical Wire Retention. Do at next shop
73 73-0053 x 3
visit of HMU
73 73-0060 x Introduction of a New Servo Fuel Heater 7
Electronic Control Unit (73-21-60) Introduction of New or Reworked
73 73-0062 x Electronic Control Unit with Lockwire Capability can be completed In 3
Shop or On Wing
Provides procedures to upgrade PSS part numbers
169D4003G14/G24, 169D4709G14/G24 and 189D5220G14 to new
73 73-0065 M 6
redesigned PSS, part number 195D4709G14/G24. Supercedes S/B
Hydromechanical Unit (73-21-10) Removal and Replacement of
73 73-0066 x Speed Servo (Matched) Valve and Sleeve Assembly and Thrust 3
Introduction of a New Fuel Filter Element. Can be done In Shop or On
73 73-0078 x 5
Hydromechanical Unit (73-21-10) - Replacement of Shutoff Spacer
73 73-0080 x 3
2687048 with New Design. Do at next shop visit or overhaul.
HMU (73-21-79) - Replacement of Fluorosilicone Preformed Packings
73 73-0096 x 7
with Fluorocarbon Preformed Packings
One time inspection of 3 Fuel Supply Tubes for Wear and Introduction
73 73-0104 x of Kevlar Cushion Clamps. Replacement of clamp with metallic foam 2
cushion by clamp with Kevlar cushion.
Instructions to perform a non-destructive inspection to detect possible
73 73-0107 x 6
cracks in the pump cover before they result in external leakage.
A HMU (73-21-79) - Burner Staging Valve Solenoid Removal from HMU.
73 72-0108 7
I In-Shop or On Wing
Fuel Nozzles (73-00-00) - Inspection of Main-Stage Check Valve
73 73-0113 x Spring - DAC P/N 1873M52P08.Do as soon as removed from the 5
73 73-0115 x ECU (73-21-60) New 7.B.Q. Software (FADEC 3) 2
Main Fuel Pump (73-11-15) - Introduction of a New Fuel Pump with a
73 73-0118 x 3
New Cover. In Shop or On Wing.
ECU (73-21-60) New Software Version 7.B.Q1F3 (FADEC 2) done In
73 73-0120 x 7
Shop or On Wing
References a FADEC International S/B that provides procedures to
change the height of the alignment pins on the FPA frame. This
73 73-0121 x change does not effect the function of the ECU/EEC. Repositioning of 6
the alignment pins to the correct height assures proper mating of the
FPA to the ECU.
Provides procedures to retorque and apply loctite to specific STPB P1
connector screws and nuts. This change does not affect the function of
73 73-0122 x 6
the ECU. Retorquing the affected screws and nuts and applying
Loctite will make sure that they do not come loose. In Shop
Provides procedures to modify the FADEC 3 ECU STPB CCA. This
modification provides high voltage protection circuits for the four TX3
HI-8586PST driver IC outputs. This change does not affect the
73 73-0126 x function of the ECU. Additionally, during the performance of this S/B, 6
the mounting hardware for the Side Interface Assembly (SIA) will be
upgraded to provide a better electrical bond to the ECU chassis. In
ECU Shop

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Controls and Accessories Workscopes

CFM Sorting
Provides instructions to remove affected FADEC 3 ECU/EECs to
modify the ECU/EEC BUCK power supply module (PSM). This
modification replaces high failure rate zener diodes and tantalum
capacitors with higher reliability components that have been
73 73-0127 x 6
screened through additional laboratory tests to detect weak parts.
This change does not affect the function of the ECU/EEC. Pre-
screened diodes and capacitors will improve failure rate
Provides direction for the inspection of HMUs, in the suspect
population, for large non-ferrous machine ring chips that may not
73 73-0170 x 3
have been removed after a machining process on the HMU
Introduces an improved fuel metering valve (FMV) resolver
assembly for the HMU. To incorporate FMV resolvers in the HMU
73 73-0172 x 7
with product modifications designed to improve resolver magnet
wire corrosion resistance In Shop
x General (73-00-00) - Introduction of Fuel Nozzle with Revised O-
73 73-0132 7
Ring Material for Higher Temperature Capability
x Use of CIS Fuels in CFM56-7B engines more than 50% of
73 73-0138 2
operating time
Provides instructions to replace K1 and K2 relays that have a
date code prior to 0713 on the ECU/EEC given in Paragraph
73 73-0140 x 1.A., 1.A.Effectivity. The new K1 and K2 relays that have a date 6
code of 0713 and later have had the issues with stress relief and
routing corrected by the relay manufacturer.
Provides ECU/EEC serial numbers that require procedures to
test for the presence of 1 Amp fuses on the front transient
protection boards (FTPB) and to replace any 1 Amp fuses with 5
73 73-0141 x 2
Amp fuses on the ECU / EECs given in paragraph 1.A.,
Effectivity. Replacing the 1 Amp fuses with 5 Amp fuses on the
back side of the FTPB corrects the condition.
Provides procedures to replace the CPXD-1, -2, and -3 pressure
subsystem (PSS) transducers in the ECU/EEC with the CPXD-4
transducer version. The transducers involved are for PS3 (MT1,
73 73-0143 x 6
MT8), P0 (MT5, MT6), PS13 (MT3), and PS25 (MT7). This
change does not affect the function of the ECU / EEC. Install the
latest transducer, CPXD-4 version.
Provides serial numbers of ECU / EECs that should be inspected
for defective removable walls in affected ECU / EECs. The new
73 73-0149 x 6
removable wall will allow the ECU / EEC chassis to meet the
original design specifications.
Provides instructions to identify and inspect the main body
73 73-0153 x 3
assemblies of the affected HMUs.
ECU (73-21-60) New Software Version 7.B.U1. In Shop or On
73 73-0157 x 2
Introduces a modified metering valve (MV) resolver body
73 73-0158 x assembly in the HMU to improve reliability concerning Electronic 7
Engine Control (EEC) fault codes 73-x034n or 73-x035n.
Provides instructions for subject ECU / EECs to replace CR1 and
CR14 rectifiers on the power supply module (PSM) with screened
rectifiers as a product improvement. These changes do not affect
the function of the PSM or the ECU / EEC. To replace the
73 73-0167 x M 7
unscreened rectifiers in the CR1 and CR14 positions on the
BUCK PSM with screened rectifiers that will improve failure rate
performance and improve ECU / EEC reliability. In Shop or On

CFM Proprietary Information CFM56-7B WPG

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Controls and Accessories Workscopes

CFM Sorting
Gives procedures to do a visual inspection of the input output
module (IOM) for unwanted bonding material on the printed
73 73-0173 x wiring board (PWD). At first ECU / EEC shop visit, do a visual 5
inspection of R9 and R32 for unwanted bonding material that
comes from T5 and T3 transformers bonded to IOM PWB.
Introduces two new HMU VIN 442597 (P/N 1853M56P14) and
VIN 442598 (P/N 1853M56P13). The new anti-rotation feature in
73 73-0174 x 7
the bypass valve provides force margin to prevent the integral
piston from spinning. In Shop or On Wing
To identify the population of HMUs that are considered to be the
most susceptible to have HMU bypass valves with a rotating
73 73-0175 x 3
internal bypass valve (BPV) integrator piston. At next shop visit.
S/B superceded by S/B 73-0194. In Shop
Production introduction and spare parts availability of FADEC 3
software version 7.B.V2F3 P/N 2044M25P14 and of FADEC2
73 73-0178 x 7
software version 7.B.V2F2 P/N 1853M78P33 .In Shop or On
Gives procedures to replace the CFM56-7B ECU, for the given
serial numbers, and to replace a Ball Grid Array (BGA) on the
Main Channel Board (MCB) in the ECU / EEC.CFM recommends
that you do this S/B as soon as possible without effect on
73 73-0182 x 2
revenue service: Within 12 months from the issue date of this S/B
for ECU serial numbers listed in Table 1.Within 36 months from
the issue date of this S/B for ECU serial numbers listed in Table
2. In Shop
Provides accomplishment instructions to upgrade the HMU with
transient bleed valve (TBV) electrohydraulic servo valve (EHSV)
to a configuration with modified second stage spool valve
73 73-0188 x 7
sleeves. Incorporation of EHSVs with the modified second stage
spool valve sleeves are intended to eliminate the trapped volume
failure mode as a contributor to the x058n fault codes. In Shop
Gives procedures to replace the CFM56-7B ECU power supply
unit (PSU) T2 and T4 transformers. The T2 and T4 transformers
73 73-0184 x along with the epoxy are removed. New T2 and T4 transformers 5
are installed but no epoxy will be applied around the perimeter of
the transformers.
Production introduction and the spare part availability of the Fuel
Differential Pressure Switch VIN QA07995 (340-402-706-0). Also
recommended retrofit of Fuel Differential Pressure Switch VIN
JA05276A (340-407-001-0) to be replaced by VIN QA07995
73 73-0190 x 2
(340-402-706-0). Do within 1 year after S/B issuance. The Fuel
Differential Pressure Switch VIN QA07995 (340-402-706-0)
introduced by this S/B is affected by S/B 73-0192. In Shop or On
Announces the spare parts availability of FADEC3 software
version 7.B.V3F3 P/N 2044M25P15 and FADEC2 software
version 7.B.V3F2 P/N 1853M78P34. Old ECU/EEC can be
73 73-0191 x reworked. NOTE: FADEC2 software can only be loaded on 7
FADEC2 ECU/EEC P/N 1851M50PXX and P/N 1853M33PXX .
FADEC3 software can only be loaded on FADEC3 ECU/EEC P/N
2044M16PXX and P/N 2042M67PXX. In Shop or On Wing
Fuel Differential Pressure Switch management: replacement of
73 73-0192 x 2
FDPS that accumulate 15000 flight hours since new.
Introduces two new HMUs VIN 442652 (P/N 1853M56P15) and
73 73-0193 x 7
VIN 442653 (P/N 1853M56P16). In Shop
73 73-0194 x HMU bypass valve improvement 3
Replacement of MN82 ARINC/CCDL/IMSB controller on Tronico
73 73-0196 x 6
Manufactured Main Channel Boards

CFM Proprietary Information CFM56-7B WPG

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Controls and Accessories Workscopes

CFM Sorting
74 74-0001 x New igniter plug. Improve the reliability of the lead 7
Gives instructions for the return of identified suspect ignition
74 74-0003 x exciters. Return the identified ignition exciters for inspection and 2
subsequent processing. In Shop
Announces the availability and describes the improvements of
the new ignition exciter, VIN 10-631045-3 (P/N 9238M66P11),
74 74-0004 AI 7
and modification instructions for previous configurations. In
Intro of new sensor (LVDT) Rework current actuator to improve
75 75-0025 x 6
Modification of the PS3 Line Fitting Connections Torque
75 75-0027 x Sequence and Addition of Permanent Bonding to the Cap If S/B 3
72-0333 has not already been applied.
Replacement of Clamps with Metallic Foam Cushion. Do at next
75 75-0033 x 3
shop visit; Kevlar cushion with prevent fretting
Gives the instructions to rework high pressure turbine clearance
75 75-0036 x valves, PN 3291186-5 and PN 3291186-6 to reduce fuel 7
The transient bleed valves (TBV), VIN 3291390-1 (P/N
1821M60P02) and VIN 3291390-3 (P/N 1821M60P04) have
75 75-0040 x caused maintenance due to fuel drain leaks on the CFM56-7B 6
engine platform. The level of fuel leakage has created delays
and component removals for aircraft personnel.
77 77-0001 x Replacement of connector seals 4
Introduction of an Improved Oil Scavenge Filter Assembly with
79 79-0006 M Modified Bowl and Head. Improve reliability of the oil scavenge 7
Introduction of a New Gasket Seal Between the Heat
Exchanger and the Servo Fuel Heater. The fluorosilicone
79 79-0008 x 2/5
material is replaced on the new gasket by fluorocarbon
Lubrication Unit (79-21-10) - Introduction of New Packing
Preformed O-rings and Rework or Introduction of New Inner
79 79-0009 x 2/3
Sealing Spool to the Lubrication Unit. To avoid disengagements
and/or cut of the packing preformed O-rings.
To avoid disengagements and/or cut of the packing preformed
O-rings. The new packing preformed O-ring material
79 79-0010 x 2/5
(fluorocarbon) is compatible with all oils certified on CFM56
engine models
79 79-0011 x See S/B 79-0010 above 2
Sensor Oil QTY Transmitter (79-31-00) - Rework of a Specific
79 79-0012 x Batch of Oil Level Sensors. Refer to AMETEK Aerospace 5
8TJ146CFA1 S/B-79-0001.
General (79-00-00) - Inspection and Cleaning of the Aft Sump
79 79-0017 x Oil Tubes. To avoid eventual aft sump oil lines blockage on 2
engines using or having used one of the concerned oils.
Trend Monitoring. Monitoring of oil pressure trend with allow to
79 79-0018 x 2
detect coke building in aft sump supply tube
OIL Debris Monitoring System (DMS) (79-21-54) - Introduction
79 79-0020 x M of New DMS Detector and Rework of the Old One. To avoid 6
contact with the fan cowl door access rib when disengaged
Oil/Fuel Heat Exchanger (79-21-25) - Introduction of a New
79 79-0023 x Main Oil/Fuel Heat Exchanger with Key Locked Inserts. Can be 3
done In Shop or On Wing. Do concurrently with S/B 72-0468
Production introduction and spare parts availability of new
Lubrication Units VIN 41F1005 (340-400-005-0) or VIN
41F1402 (340-405-102-0) and new O-Rings AMS-R-83485-1-
79 79-0024 x 2/3
027 or MIL-R-83485-1-027 and AMS-R-83485-1-018 or MIL-R-
83485-1-018. For engine using BP Turbo Oil 2197 or/and Mobil
Jet Oil 254. For other types CAT 3

CFM Proprietary Information CFM56-7B WPG

Subject to restrictions on the front page - 123 - Rev 08 Mar 2014
Controls and Accessories Workscopes

CFM Sorting
80 80-0001 x New turbine air starter design 9
80 80-0002 M Air tube starter clamp rotation 7
New air turbine starter 7 SAC
80 80-0003 x
80 80-0004 x Air starter-replace gear shaft 3
80 80-0005 x Intro of new air starter. In Shop or On Wing 3
Starting (80-00-00) - Introduction of Air Turbine Starter VIN
80 80-0007 x 7
3505945-10 (GE 1851M36P10)
80 80-0010 x New Air Turbine Starter Upgrade 2
80 80-0011 M Starter-Magnetic Drain Plug with Larger Knob to Ease Removal 7
Replace Spring Washer in Air Turbine Starter. Do at next shop
80 80-0012 x 3
visit to prevent possible internal starter damage.
Announces the replacement of the spring washer in the air
turbine starters VIN 3505945-9 ( 1851M36P09 ) and VIN
80 80-0014 x 3
3505945-10 ( 1851M36P10 ). Refer to Honeywell S/B [3505945-
Return Suspect Air Turbine Starters, P/N 3505945-10, for
80 80-0015 x 2
Inspection and Evaluation In Shop or On Wing

CFM Proprietary Information CFM56-7B WPG

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Controls and Accessories Workscopes

Controls & Accessories Workscopes

All controls and accessories should be visually inspected at the shop visit using the Minimum Workscope. This inspection
includes checks for security, leakage, cracks, nicks, dents, chafing, scratches or friction wear, and corrosion. When
thresholds are defined workscopes are displayed function of the time of the component.

Key Maintenance Tasks


Harness MW0315-MW0316 (CMM 26-11-01)

Minimum Workscope
o Visually inspect connector and lug
o Visually inspect external sheath condition

Full Workscope
o Clean, inspect and test per CMM. If applicable, repair as necessary

Harness MW0325-MW0326 (CMM 26-11-02 / 26-11-03)

Minimum Workscope
o Visually inspect connector and lug
o Visually inspect external sheath condition.

Full Workscope
o Clean, inspect and test per CMM. If applicable, repair as necessary.
o If replacement requested, Introduce New Semi-Rigid Fire Detection Harnesses per S/B 72-0759


Harness MW0301-MW0302-MW0303-M: MW0304-MW0311-MW0312-MW0313 (CMM 71-51-01 and 02)

Minimum Workscope
o Visually inspect connector
o Visually inspect external sheath condition

NOTE: Harnesses MW0311:

o Apply S/B 72-0779 (Introduction of a New MW0311 Electrical Harness and In Field Rework of the Old
MW0311 Electrical Harness)

NOTE: Harnesses MW0312:

o Apply S/B 72-0462 (New MW0312 Harness with a New DP1204 Connector and Rework of the
Old Harness)

Full Workscope
o Clean, inspect and test per CMM, if applicable, repair as necessary.


Main Fuel Pump (MFP): (CMM 73-11-15)

NOTE: A mis-assembly / damage of filter packing O-rings during installation could be the cause for the spinning fuel filter.
Only fluorocarbon O-rings are currently permitted for the CFM56-7B fuel filter installation

NOTE: Check for Fuel pump Cover P/N and apply S/B 73-0118 at minimum workscope. New design improves resistance to
thermally low cycle fatigue. To fix fuel leakage observed on several cases with previous design.

Perform S/B 73-0034 to introduce a New Fuel Pump with New Filter Cover attachment (Rework per Argo-Tech S/B
Apply S/B 73-0078 to replace the fuel filter element

NOTE: S/B 73-0078 supersedes S/B 73-0034 by including the possibility of replacement of the MFP.

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Controls and Accessories Workscopes

<10000h: Minimum Workscope

o Fuel Pump Cover replacement per S/B 73-0118 for P/N previous to 340-402-105-0.
o Visually inspect installed fuel pump for evidence of leakage.
o Check QAD ring for seating and torque. If pump is removed, check attaching bolt for looseness.
o Check torque of HMU to MFP attachment nuts.
o Replace filter element.
o Check the removed filter element.

CAUTION: If a large quantity of debris / particles (bronze particles, etc.) are found, keep the fuel filter in the
MFP and send MFP for overhaul.

o Check the free rotation of the impeller shaft.

10000h < - < 14000h:

NOTE: Check filter element before testing MFP

o Replace filter element.
o Bench test per corresponding Component Maintenance Manual.
o Check the free rotation of the impeller shaft.

>14000h: Full Overhaul Workscope

o Overhaul per corresponding CMM

Hydro Mechanical Unit: (CMM 73-21-76 and 79)

For P07-P10 Units

Perform Minimum Workscope < 13000 hours TSN/TSO

o Visually inspect for damage
o Visually check for security and external leakage
o Bench test per CMM
o If evidence of leakage present, perform full overhaul

Perform Full Overhaul Workscope > 13000 hours TSN/TSO

o Be sure to replace:
o MFP / HMU gasko seal (42)
o HMU / fuel tube gasko seal (34)
o HMU / servo fuel heater gasko seal (26)
o HMU / fuel tube gasko seal (18)
o When the HMU is routed for repair/overhaul, perform per S/B 73-0193 to obtain
1853M56P13/1853M56P14 configuration.
o Bench test per CMM.

For P11 and Later Configurations

Visually inspect for damage

Visually check for security and external leakage
Bench test per Component Maintenance Manual
If evidence of leakage present, repair per CMM
Introduce S/B 73-0188 Improved Transient Bleed Valve (TBV) EHSV if not already complied with S/B.
Introduce S/B 73-0137 Increased Over-Fuel Threshold Margin if not already complied with S/B
Check for compliance with the following S/B’s:
o 73-0170
o 73-0193
o 73-0172
o 73-0194
o 73-0153
o 73-0158

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Controls and Accessories Workscopes

Fuel Nozzles: SAC (CMM 73-11-42)


Minimum Workscope
o Bench test per CMM 73-11-42/48
o If engine is in population of engines identified by S/B 72-0728 (on wing inspection of LPT Stg 1 nozzles
due to O-ring deterioration, overhaul nozzle and incorporate S/B 73-0132 – Improved O-ring durability
o Visually inspect manifold for leaks
o If fuel nozzle requires replacement, ensure the mating surfaces are clean and replace seals

Perform Full Overhaul Workscope > 10000 hours TSN/TSO

o Overhaul Fuel Nozzle per CMM 73-11-42/48
o Intro S/B 73-0132 – Improved O-ring durability if not already complied with

DAC (CMM 73-11-48)

Apply S/B 73-0113 for DAC engines affected at first removal of nozzle from engine.
Recommend Fuel Nozzle Overhaul to prevent LPT Distress

Fuel nozzle filter (DSFF) (SAC: 73-11-45 and DAC: 73-11-46)

<25000h: Minimum Workscope

o Visually check for security and leakage

>25000h: Full Overhaul Workscope

o Clean, inspect, test per CMM and change filter cartridge.

Servo Fuel Heater (CMM 73-11-24 and 73-11-77)

<15000h: Minimum Workscope

o Visually check for security and leakage

>15000h: Full Workscope

o Clean, inspect and test per CMM

Fuel Flow Transmitter (CMM 73-31-08)

15000h: Minimum Workscope

o Perform S/B 72-0038 when the fuel flow transmitter (VIN 8TJ167GHH1 [GE 1853M48P01]) is routed for

>15000h: Full Workscope

o Bench test per CMM

Engine Control Unit (Full Authority Digital Engine Control)

FADEC 2: CMM 73-21-75

< 30,000 Hours TSN – On-Condition: Minimum Workscope

o ECU Modification – Pressure System Transducer Reliability Improvement per S/B 73-0065.
o Introduce the latest software
o Incorporate CPXD4 pressure transducer per S/B 73-0143.
o IOM R9/R32 solder joint inspection per S/B 73-0173

>30,000 Hours – Overhaul: Full Overhaul Workscope

o See FADEC International FADEC 2 Overhaul Service Letter SL-FI-0018
o Introduce the latest software (S/B 73-0143)

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Controls and Accessories Workscopes

FADEC 3: CMM 73-24-02

Introduce the latest software
Incorporate if Applicable (by S/N), Non-Conforming Removable Wall Fix. (S/B 73-0149)
Incorporate if Applicable (by S/N), Front Transient Protection Board Fuse Inspection. (S/B 73-0141)
Incorporate if Applicable (by S/N), K1 and K2 Relay. (S/B 73-0140)
Incorporate if Applicable (by S/N), Replacement on Zenor Diodes and Tantalum Capacitors. (S/B 73-0127)
Incorporate if Applicable (by S/N), Addition of Side Transient Protection Board Protection Circuits. (S/B 73-
SIA Connector Hardware Retention. (S/B 73-0122)
Front Panel Assembly Alignment Pin Modification. (S/B 73-0121)
Incorporate if Applicable (by S/N), ECU Modification - Replacement of CR1 and CR14 Rectifiers on the PSM.
(S/B 73-0167)
Incorporate if Applicable (by S/N), Replacement of MN76 Bridge BGA on ASELEC Manufactured Main
Channel Boards. (S/B 73-0182)
Incorporate if Applicable (by S/N), Replacement of T2 and T4 Transformer on the PSM. (S/B 73-0184)

IDG Oil Cooler (CMM 73-11-65)

<6000h: Minimum Workscope

o Visually check for security and leakage

>6000h: Full Workscope

o Clean, inspect and test per CMM

Fuel Manifold Staging Valve (CMM 73-11-71)

<15000h: Minimum Workscope

o Visually check for security and leakage
o Visually inspect electrical connectors for thread or pin damage

>15000h: Full Workscope

o Bench test per CMM

Harnesses J5, J6, J7, J8, J9, J10, CJ9, CJ10 (CMM 73-24-03, 04, and 05)

Minimum Workscope
o Visually inspect electrical connectors for thread or pin damage
o Visually inspect external sheath condition
o For harnesses CJ9 & CJ10, clean connectors only with isopropyl alcohol

Full Workscope
o Clean and test per Component Maintenance Manual (CMM)

NOTE: Harnesses J5 & J6 HMU connector’s inspection:

o If fuel smell, test per CMM

o If no fuel smell, visually inspect only

T12 Sensor (CMM 73-21-37)

NOTE: P/N RP235-00 (approx. 50 sensors affected) are to be replaced. Refer to S/B 73-0133.

Minimum Workscope
o Visually inspect the exposed areas of sensing elements for nicks, dents, and/or accumulation of
debris; inspect electrical connectors for thread or pin damage
o Visually inspect the heat shrink sleeve over the braid between the body and the connector for
tears, cracks, and burns

Full Workscope
o Clean, inspect and test per CMM. If applicable, repair as necessary

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Controls and Accessories Workscopes

PT25 Probe (CMM 73-21-38)

Minimum Workscope
o Visually inspect the exposed areas of sensing elements for nicks, dents, and/or accumulation of oil or
debris; inspect electrical connectors for thread or pin damage
o Visually inspect the heat shrink sleeve over the braid between the body and the connector for tears,
cracks, and burns

Full Workscope
o Clean, inspect and test per CMM. If applicable, repair as necessary

ID Plug (CMM 73-21-83)

Introduction of new configuration S/B 72-0106: new reconfigurable hybrid technology identification connector.

EEC Alternator (Alternating Current Generator) (CMM 73-21-81)

Minimum Workscope
o Visually inspect for security or damage

Full Workscope
o Clean, inspect and test per CMM.
o If repair is required on pre SB 73-0134 parts, replace with new per SB 73-0134.
o Post SB 73-0134, clean, inspect, test and repair as required.

Fuel Differential Pressure Switch (CMM 73-34-11 / 73-34-12)

NOTE: For PN QA07670 (340-402-701-0), QA07985 (340-402-704-0) and QA07995 (340-402-706-0), replace per S/B
73-0192 FDPS which accumulates 15000 flight hours since new.

<10000h: Minimum Workscope

o Visually inspect for security or damage
o Introduce the latest version per S/B 73-0042

>10000h: Full Workscope

o Bench test per CMM

HPTACC Sensor (CMM 73-21-77)

Minimum Workscope
o Visually inspect for security or damage

Full Workscope
o Bench test per CMM


Igniter Lead (CMM 74-21-19)

<4000 cycles: Minimum Workscope

o Visually inspect lead socket terminals for corrosion, erosion burning, or arcing
o Change outer silicone seal of lead

>4000 cycles: Full Overhaul Workscope

o Refurbish, re-wire, and replace terminal hardware
o CESM 006 recommends maintenance above 4000 cycles.

Ignition Exciter (CMM 74-11-12 and 15)

Incorporate if applicable (By S/N) screening of exciter for suspect diodes per S/B 74-0003

<4000h: Minimum Workscope

o Visually inspect exciter for cracks, nicks, and dents; and electrical connector for thread or pin damage
o Check mounting for security

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Controls and Accessories Workscopes

>4000h: Full Workscope

o Bench test per CMM
o Rework or replace exciter to increase ignition system life
o Introduction of new exciter P/N 9238M66P11. (S/B 74-0004)
o CESM 006 recommends maintenance above 4000 cycles

Spark Igniter (Igniter plug) (CMM 74-21-36 and 37)

<1000 cycles: Minimum Workscope

o Establish remaining life of igniter plug based on operational history, or replace
o Visually inspect plug ceramic insulation for cracks and carbon cracks

>1000 cycles: Full Workscope

o Replace plug
o Introduce new igniter plug per S/B 74-0001 to improve reliability of the lead
o CESM 006 recommends maintenance above 1000 cycles.


VBV Actuator (CMM 75-32-14)

<15000h: Minimum Workscope

o Visually inspect for evidence of leakage

>15000h: Full Workscope

o Bench test per CMM
o Incorporate new sensor to improve reliability of LVDT. (S/B 75-0025)

NOTE: Do not apply S/B 75-0025 if S/B 75-0004 (new VBV actuator) is accomplished.

LPTACC Valve (CMM 75-23-15)

<8000h: Minimum Workscope

o Visually inspect for security and leakage; visually inspect electrical connectors for thread or pin

>8000h: Full Workscope

o Bench test per CMM

HPTACC Valve (CMM 75-22-14)

<6000h: Minimum Workscope

o Visually check for security and leakage
o Visually inspect insulators for looseness
o Visually inspect electrical connectors for thread or pin damage

6000 < - < 10000 hrs: Test per CMM

o Bench test per CMM

>10000 h: Full Overhaul Workscope

o Fuel leak seal improvement (S/B 75-0036)
o Fully disassemble, clean and check
o Repair/replace the disassembled parts if necessary.
o Assemble and Test

VSV Actuator (CMM 75-32-13)

<6000 hours: Minimum Workscope

o Visually check for security and leakage
o Visually inspect electrical connectors for thread or pin damage

6000<_<1000 hours
o Bench test per CMM

>10000 hours Full Overhaul Workscope

o Overhaul per CMM

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Controls and Accessories Workscopes

Transient Bleed Valve (CMM 75-21-24 / 75-21-29)

<6000h: Minimum Workscope

o Visually check for security and leakage
o Visually inspect electrical connectors for thread or pin damage

6000< -< 10000h: Test per CMM

o Clean, inspect and test per CMM If applicable, repair as necessary.

10000 hours: Overhaul per CMM

o Reference fuel leak seal improvement S/B 75-0040.
o Fully disassemble, Clean. Check, Repair/replace the disassembled parts if necessary.
o Assemble and Test.


T495 Thermocouples (CMM 77-21-17)

Minimum Workscope
o Visually inspect thermocouple harness and probe for cracks, erosion, or burning

Full Workscope
o Clean, inspect and test per CMM. If applicable, repair as necessary.

N1 Speed Sensor (CMM 77-12-19)

<15000h: Minimum Workscope

o Visually inspect threads and pins for security or damage

>15000h: Full Workscope

o Bench test only as per CMM

N2 Speed Sensor (77-11-15)

<15000h: Minimum Workscope

o Check security and inspect electrical connector for damaged pins and threads

>15000h: Full Workscope

o Bench test only as per CMM
o Apply S/B 72-0259 to improve reliability of sensor

N1 Vibration Sensor (CMM 77-31-33 / 77-31-39)

>15000h: Minimum Workscope

o Visually inspect threads and pins for security or damage
o Apply ESM Subtask 72-00-01-280-051.

>15000h: Full Workscope

o Clean, inspect and test per CMM. If applicable, repair as necessary

FFCC vibration Sensor (CMM 77-31-47 / 77-31-48)

<15000h: Minimum Workscope

o Visually inspect threads and pins for security or damage and perform insulation resistance test

>15000h: Full Workscope

o Clean, inspect and test per CMM

T5 Sensor (CMM 77-22-15)

Minimum Workscope
o Visually inspect threads and pins for security or damage

Full Overhaul Workscope

o Comply with CMM

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Controls and Accessories Workscopes

T3 Sensor Compressor Outlet Temperature (CMM 77-23-12)

Minimum Workscope
o Visually inspect electrical connector for security and damaged pins and threads

Full Workscope
o Bench test per CMM


Lube Unit (CMM 79-21-16)

<15000h: Minimum Workscope

o Partially apply S/B 79-0009 (Rework or new inner sealing spool)
o Apply S/B 79-0024 (new packing preformed O-ring)
o Check for evidence of leakage
o Replace supply oil filter element if necessary
o Check master magnetic chip detector and individual scavenge screens (forward sump, rear sump,
o If oil system shows heavy contamination, perform an Overhaul Workscope

>15000h: Full Overhaul Workscope

o Replace filter elements
o Overhaul per CMM
o Partially apply S/B 79-0009 (Rework or new inner sealing spool)
o Apply S/B 79-0024 (new packing preformed O-ring)
o Apply S/B 79-0026 (New Outer Sealing Spool) at Customer option

DMS detector (CMM 79-21-54)

Minimum Workscope
o Check for security and inspect electrical connector for damaged pins and threads
o Apply S/B 79-0020 (Introduction of New DMS Detector and Rework of the Old One)

Full Workscope
o Clean, inspect and test per CMM. If applicable, repair as necessary.

DMS Junction box (CMM 79-21-53)

Minimum Workscope
o Check for security and inspect electrical connector for damaged pins and threads

Full Workscope
o Clean, inspect and test per CMM. If applicable, repair as necessary.

Oil Scavenge Filter (CMM 79-21-42)

Minimum Workscope
o Visually check for security and leakage
o Replace scavenge oil filter element if necessary
o Inspect filter bowl thread and filter head for any damage.
o Replace any damaged part

NOTE: Apply S/B 79-0006 if severe difficulties or impossibility of removing the bowl is encountered

Full Workscope (if required)

o Inspect and Test per CMM

Oil / Fuel Heat Exchanger (CMM 79-21-25 and 26)

<10000h: Minimum Workscope

o Visually check for security and leakage

>10000h: Full Workscope

o Disassemble, clean, inspect and test per CMM.
o Apply S/B 79-0023 (new key locked insert)

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Controls and Accessories Workscopes

Oil Tank (CMM 79-11-22)

Minimum Workscope
o Check for proper locking of oil tank cap
o Check for evidence of leakage and damage

Full Workscope
o Inspect and test per CMM

Oil Level Sensor

Minimum Workscope
o Check for security and inspect electrical connector for damaged pins and threads
o Apply S/B 79-0012 for rework of oil level sensor for a specific batch
o Refer to AMETEK Aerospace 8TJ146CFA1 S/B 79-01 for the serial numbers of the oil level sensors

Full Overhaul Workscope

o Overhaul per CMM

Oil Temperature Sensor (CMM 79-31-42)

Minimum Workscope
o Check for security and inspect electrical connector for damaged pins and threads

Full Workscope
o Clean, inspect and test per CMM. Replace as necessary

Oil Pressure Sensor (CMM 79-32-12)

<10000h: Minimum Workscope

o Check for security and inspect electrical connector for damaged pins and threads

>10000h: Full Workscope

o Clean, inspect and test per CMM. Replace as necessary

Oil Clogging Indicator (CMM 79-21-44)

<15000h: Minimum Workscope

o Visually inspect electrical connector for damaged pins
o If engine shop has capability, perform a Continuity & Resistance Insulation test per CMM

>15000h: Full Workscope

o Replace the OFDPS

Static Anti-Leak Valve (CMM 79-21-43)

Minimum Workscope
o Check for evidence of leakage and damage

Full Workscope
o Clean, inspect and test per CMM. Replace as necessary


Starter Air Valve (CMM 80-11-27)

<15000h: Minimum Workscope

o Check for security and visually inspect electrical connectors for damaged pins and threads
o Check magnetic chip detector

>15000h: Full Workscope

o Bench test per CMM

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Controls and Accessories Workscopes

Pneumatic Starter Duct

Minimum Workscope
o Check tubes and flexible joint assembly

Starter (CMM 80-11-79)

Minimum Workscope
o Introduce S/B 80-0001 for improved starter (P03&P04); starter operation limited to -40°C; or
incorporate S/B 80-0003 new P05/P06 starter (no cold temperature limitation)
o Visually inspect removed starter for evidence of oil leakages and turbine blade damage by foreign
o Check magnetic plug
o Intro S/B 80-0012 – Spring Washer Replacement

Full Workscope
o Bench test per Component Maintenance Manual
o Introduce S/B 80-0005 for improved starter P07 & P08 (new planet gear / ring gear and new oil
o Intro S/B 80-0007 for improved P10
o Intro S/B 80-0012 – Spring Washer Replacement

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Special Investigation Workscopes and Test Recommendations



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Special Investigation Workscopes and Test Recommendations

Test Cell Vibration Recommendations-Special Test Recommendations

A. Test engine in accordance with the CFM 56-7B ESM.

B. Do not exceeds the guideline of six mils for LP vibration; this limit should be used during all test cell operations to
prevent unnecessary rubs and performance loss.

C. The following vibration guidelines are recommended to reduce installed engine maintenance intervention issues
due to cabin noise, vibration / rumble complaints, and performance deterioration:

HP System:
o 1.6 ips on both No. 1 bearing and TRF

LP System:
o 2 mils on No. 1 bearing up to 4400 rpm
o 2.3 mils on No. 1 bearing above 4400 rpm
o 2 mils on TRF up to 4400 rpm
o 2.3 mils on TRF above 4400 rpm

D. If the engine is shut down after the 30 second accel / decel during testing, perform the following warm-up on
restart (provides adequate warm-up and stabilization prior to taking performance points):

Start engine.
Hold at minimum idle (M / I, ground idle) for five minutes.
One minute acceleration to M / C, hold for five minutes.
One minute deceleration to M / I, hold for five minutes (if the next step is to hold at M/I for five
minutes, then limit total time at M / I to five minutes.

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Special Investigation Workscopes and Test Recommendations

Workscope Guidelines for Troubleshooting Engines Removed for High N2 Vibration

At this level of investigation, it is assumed that the AMM troubleshooting procedure has been unsuccessfully
CFM recommend to Inbound Test the engine prior to engine disassembly to identify a more accurate vibration
signal analysis.
A wide band output capability from the Test Cell Vibration Monitoring System is required to perform a vibration

Inbound Test

Do an Acceptance Test 002, as well as a Performance Test 003.

During the slow acel / decel run, record the engine vibration signature, confirm the N2 speed and the level in
Low speed vibrations, between 65% N2 (9400 rd / min) and 80% N2 (11560 rd / min) are indicative of HPC
Whereas high speed vibrations, above 97% (14000 rd/min) are indicative of HPT UNBALANCE.

HPC Investigations

If vibrations occur at low speed, but with a non-repetitive level, CFM recommend to check the No. 3 Bearing
Locking Nut torque, which may be lower than the ESM minimum value. This torque correction may be not
sufficient to lower the vibration level.
The following inspections are highly recommended :
o Check the HPC Casing to Fan Frame attachment Bolt torque value.
o Check the HPC Casing to Fan Frame attachment Bolt torque value.
o Check the HPC Blades condition
o Check & record the HPC Rotor unbalance and correct if necessary
o Check the CDP Seal bore run-out per ESM 72-00-02 before the HPT module removal.
o Check the HPC Casing to Fan Frame attachment Bolt torque value.
o Check the HPC Blades condition
o Check & record the HPC Rotor unbalance and correct if necessary
o Check the CDP Seal bore run-out per ESM 72-00-02 before the HPT module removal.
o Check all HPC/HPT flanges for any broken, missing or loose Bolts.

If HPC balance cannot be achieved, several deeper inspections are requested as described below :
o During the module disassembly, check for the presence of oil or dust and report.
o Check the concentricity of Stg 1-2 Spool (R01A)
o Check the run-out of the CDP Seal rabbet diameter and mating face (R07/R08).
o Record and remove the CDP Seal.
o Check the part for wear of failure.
o Perform a dimensional inspection of diameter B.
o Check the flatness and concentricity of the Stg 4-9 Spool aft Flange face and rabbet
(R05/R06).Record and then remove the Stg 4-9 Spool.(ESM 72-31-00, Assembly)
o Check the flatness and concentricity of the Stg 3 Disk aft Flange face and rabbet (R03/R04).
o Record and then remove the Stg 3 Disk.
o Check the flatness and concentricity of the Forward Shaft aft Flange face & rabbet (R01/R02).
o Check the dampening ring in Stg 1-2 Spool.
o Check and record the static balance of the Stg 1-2 Spool. Balance if necessary
o Check and record the static balance of Stg 3 Disk. Balance if necessary.

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Special Investigation Workscopes and Test Recommendations

CDP Seal Dim Check and Runout

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Special Investigation Workscopes and Test Recommendations

HPC Rotor

HPT Investigations

Dimensionally, inspect the HPT Rotor (stack-up purpose).

Check the HPT Damper Sleeve condition.
Check and record the HPT Rotor unbalance.
Balance if necessary.

At module level, perform the following inspections in ESM 72-52-04.

Check and record the Forward Diameter of the HPT Front Shaft (diameter C).
Check and record the ovalization of the HPT Front Shaft forward diameter.
Check and record the flatness of the HPT Front Shaft surface D.

Check concentricity for vertical alignment check.

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Special Investigation Workscopes and Test Recommendations

During the HPT Front Shaft to HPC Rear Shaft assembly, follow the recommendations of ESM 72-00-02 concerning
both face cleanliness, as well as the thermal sequence.

Check the rotating CDP Seal run-out.

When assembling the HPT Rotor Disk and the HPT Front Rotating Seal in ESM 72-52-00, it is important to check that
each mating surface is free of burr, high metal or dirt.

Make a run-out of the HPT rotor disk and the Front Rotating Seal assembly flange rabbet and the mounting
The forward flange face must be perpendicular within 0.002 in. (0.05 mm) FIR.
The HPT rotor disk flange rabbet must be concentric within 0.002 in. (0.05 mm) FIR.

NOTE: If the run out measurement is not correct, the Front Rotating Seal can be turned 180 degrees and installed

During the assembly in ESM 72-52-00 of the Forward HPT Shaft with the HPT Front Rotating Seal respect the thermal
sequence described in ESM, and clean the Seal mating face.

Take care as well when assembling the HPT Rear Shaft on the HPT Disk.
Make a run-out measurement of the HPT Rotor Disk aft flange OD and the mounting face.

CAUTION: No deviation is permitted on diameter K (Bearing journal) to ensure a correct No. 4 Bearing clearance at

Make sure the flange face is perpendicular to 0.002 inch (0.05 mm).
Make sure the shoulder OD is concentric to 0.002 inch (0.05 mm).
Respect the heating sequence during assembly.

NOTE: General recommendation for all dimensional inspections: ensure that the environmental temperature are
stabilized during all the Inspection time.

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Special Investigation Workscopes and Test Recommendations

Workscope Guidelines following a High N2 Vibration event, significant HPC Blades

damage or No. 4 Bearing failure
If HPC/HPT Rotor Modules are exposed, inspect blade and seal teeth runout for serviceability per module inspection
requirements. If beyond limits, disassemble and repair as necessary.

The inlet gearbox (IGB) Module features a bolted Flange Assembly that supports the No. 3 Ball and No. 3 Roller
Bearings. The No. 3B Housing and the No. 3R Outer Race are clamped by 24 Studs and Nuts to the IGB Housing.

CFM has factory and field experience showing secondary damage can occur at this point as a consequence of
unusual events. Following high N2 vibration, significant HPC Blades damage or No. 4 Bearing failure events, loose
Nuts, and/or broken Studs have been observed. High loads from the event cause wear on the Nut and mating
flange, leading to loss of Clamp. Loose Nuts and broken studs are the results of loss of Clamp.

The following workscope elements are necessary to ensure engine durability following high N2 vibration, significant
HPC Blade damage or No. 4 Bearing failure:

Expose the subject IGB Flange Joint.

Measure and record the breakaway torques (tightening direction). Map and record all values; NOTE any loose
Nuts, broken Studs.
If all Nuts meet Shop Manual torque, no further steps are necessary.
Remove the IGB Module. Carefully and thoroughly inspect the mating surfaces for fretting and wear. This
includes all the Flanges and Nuts mating surface. Look closely – wear can be subtle. Fretting or wear is not
serviceable. Do not re-use any nuts.
Re-assemble the IGB incorporating the new Waspalloy Nut and double-torquing procedure per S/B 72-0169.

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Special Investigation Workscopes and Test Recommendations

Workscope for VSV Bushing Quickturn

NOTE: This Workscope assumes that the engine has been removed with adequate EGT and operability margin. The intent
of this workscope is to eliminate existing HPC rotor to stator contact or replace VSV bushings to eliminate or prolong
the On Wing inspection requirements per S/B 72-0515. This workscope assumes bushings and corresponding
hardware will be replaced with pre S/B 72-0581 or S/B 72-0665 configuration. The decision to implement the “Hybrid
or Metallic bushing system” should be reached at the next engine overhaul. Data shows the replacement of the
bushings and associated seals will result in an EGT improvement of 5 to 15 degrees.

Upper front HPC stator case removal:

Remove upper front HPC stator case per ESM 72-00-32.

CAUTION: Only one front stator case can be removed from the engine at a time when the engine is in the
horizontal position.

NOTE: If dummy (slave) stator case is available, the dummy case can be installed at this time to allow removal of
lower front stator case. Otherwise, the case halves must be refurbished one at a time. (ESM 72-00-31
Spec. Proc.002, 003, and 007)

Inspect all areas of the HPC rotor that are accessible per ESM 72-00-32, Spec. proc. 001, 003 and 004. Pay
close attention to stage 2 and 3 HPC blades for evidence of HPC rotor to stator contact.
Replace blades as required per ESM.
Upper front HPC stator case refurbishment:
Remove the IGV through stage 3 Shrouds, Inner Bushings, Seal Retainers, Lever Arms and Actuation Rings
per ESM 72-00-32 Spec. Proc. 001,003, and 004).
Remove the IGV through stage 3 Vanes, Washers, and Outer Bushings per ESM.
Perform a visual inspection of all removed hardware per ESM 72-00-32. Examine all areas of the components
that you remove. Examine other areas of the engine that you can see caused by the removal of these
components. Refer to the applicable condition maintenance section for the inspection limits and repair
Install new stage 2 and 3 shrouds post S/B 72-0469, new inner and outer bushings and new washers per 72-
00-32 SP 001/003. Replace stage 1-3 seal retainers with new pre-ground configuration. Reinstall serviceable
vanes per ESM 72-00-32 SP 001. Reinstall serviceable lever arms and actuation rings per ESM 72-00-32 SP
Inspect remaining areas of upper front HPC stator case that can be seen per ESM.

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Special Investigation Workscopes and Test Recommendations

Upper front HPC Stator Case Installation:

Install upper front HPC stator case per ESM 72-00-32.

The VSV rig check does not have to be completed if the following conditions have been met:
o The engine has not shown any performance problems prior to the upper compressor case
o No new VSV system hardware was installed during reinstallation of the upper compressor case,
such as lever arms, actuators, half rings, or bridges.
o The VSV system has been operated fully-open to fully-closed with an actuator cart, to make sure
there is no binding and the system has smooth operation.
o The VSV system has been pressure checked from 200-300 psig to make sure that there are no

Lower front HPC Stator Case Refurbishment:

Remove lower front HPC stator case per ESM 72-00-32.

CAUTION: Only one front stator case can be removed from the engine at a time when the engine is in the
horizontal position. (ESM 72-00-32 Installation 002)

Refurbish lower front HPC stator case following guidelines above for upper front HPC stator case.
Install lower front HPC stator case per ESM 72-00-32.

Engine Testing Requirements following VSV Bushing Quickturn:

Following the top and bottom case procedure the engine must be either tested in a test cell or On Wing,
which will ensure safe engine operation and verify engine performance. As an alternate to ESM 72-00-00,
testing 003 the engine may be tested On Wing per 737-6/7/8/9 AMM Test 10 - Replacement Engine Test

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Special Investigation Workscopes and Test Recommendations

Workscope for Oil Smell in Cabin / Oil Leakage at FWD Sump

NOTE: This Workscope assumes that the engine has been definitely identified as the prime contributor to oil smell in cabin
or to FWD sump oil leakage. These inspections below have to be performed at shop level after all On Wing
recommendations have been followed per AMM and have not permitted to identify and fix the engine root cause.

Borescopic Inspection:

Remove the Spinner Front Cone

Remove one Screw attaching the Fan Disk inner rear flange and Fan Shaft at 6h00 position.
Insert the boroscope and check for Oil presence and quantity in the Spool
Inspect the Seal outer skin condition
Boroscope threw the VBV Doors and check the Booster Blades rear stage Vane Assy, the Fan Frame flow
path, HPC IGV, Stg 1 Blades, and the 3 Radial Pressurizing Tubes.

No. 1 Bearing Forward Air/ Oil Seal:

Remove the No. 1 & No. 2 Bearing Support

Check the Abradable material for debonding, missing parts, rubs, cracks, wear or bubbles.

Radial Pressurization Tubes:

After removal of the M22 Module:

Inspect the Tubes for cracks and check the O-Rings condition.

Center Vent Tube:

Remove the LPT Shaft Plug.

Inspect the Center Vent Tube inside and outside for presence of Oil.


Check Oil Supply and Scavenge Tubes for traces of Oil leaks.
Check also for cracks.
Inspect the O-Rings.

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Forward Sump Oil Nozzles:

Inspect the Tubes for cracks and check the O-Rings condition.

Inspect visually the No. 1 Bearing Oil Nozzle and No. 2 Bearing Tubes assy, especially for cracks,
damaged surface, Nozzle orifice blockage and Seal Groove condition.

No. 3 Bearing Forward Air/ Oil Seal:

Perform a dimensional inspection of the Seal and ensure that the parts are within tolerances

Dia C

Check the general condition of the abradable

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Perform a circular run-out read on the dial gage.

No. 3 Bearing Aft Air / Oil Seal:

Check to see if seal has been modified per S/B 72-0574 (replacement of adhesive on oil drain cover and
Teflon seal). If not, modify seal per S/B recommendations.
Check the Nuts torque value, Bolts and Washers condition.
Check the O-rings for:
o Mis-installed
o Damaged, broken, and or severed.
o Hardened. In these cases, the O-Rings MUST be scrapped

Inspect the Teflon seals for Cracks, material missing, rubs. Repair as required.
Perform a dimensional inspection of the main diameter

NOTE: The inspection is the same for all configuration of the Aft Air/ Oil Seal. If not complied with, rework to apply
new Teflon Adhesive per ESM 72-23-20 to comply with S/B 72-0574.

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Special Investigation Workscopes and Test Recommendations

Workscope for Oil Consumption & Rear Sump Leaks

The following proposal workscope intends to:

Identify the cause of high oil consumption reported by customer.

Identify rear sump leak causes.
Define the most appropriate workscope including investigation and further recommendation to appropriate
corrective action.

It is based on information provided to date and following our best knowledge and judgment regarding oil leakage
purpose on CFM56 engines.

This workscope is applicable when:

Engine was removed for High Oil consumption.

No appreciable external leak path was identified.
There was no oil smell in the cabin reported.
Borescope inspection on HP compressor, combustor, nozzles and turbine shows no oil wetness and the
engine gaspath is quite clean.

Part A: Engine incoming inspection:

Collect and identify any debris or chips from oil circuit.

Perform an inspection of following areas to check evidence of oil which could be the result of forward sump
o Perform a borescope inspection of HPC stg 1 & 2 blades through S1 and S2 ports.
o Remove one VBV door @ 4:0 or 8:0.
o Get your hand through VBV door to access to the inlet of the sump pressurization tubes
o Inspect Booster Spool through fan disk bolt hole
o Inspect Inner fan shaft

Take pictures and record any hardware anomaly during the disassembly.
o Look for and record any sign of misassembly, oil starvation and oil contamination.
o Record any difficulty to remove the modules/equipment, and record any dimension or breakaway
torque accordingly

If no finding evidences some trace of oil which could be the result of forward sump overfilling, perform the
following (Part B).

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Part B: Rear Sump Inspection:

Objective: Find out the root cause of the oil leak in the rear sump (most likely assumption)

This workscope describes inspection of rear sump and is applicable “on-site”.

This special procedure is based on current ESM and AMM procedures in order to reduce to the maximum the
number of operations and consequently the turnaround time.

Remove the rear sump oil supply and scavenge tubes per ESM Subtask 72-00-00-020-054 Disassembly
Remove the flame arrestor and flange assembly per ESM Subtask 72-00-03-050-053 and Subtask 72-00-
03-050-058 or 72-00-03-050-059 as appropriate.
Check the removed tubes for evidence of internal coking, wear or cracks. If there is evidence of internal
coking, please report to CFMI for appropriate cleaning method.
o Cracks are not serviceable

Check scavenge nipple of No. 5 bearing support for cracks

Remove the Oil Inlet cover Assembly per ESM Subtask 72-00-03-050-054.
o After removal of the oil inlet cover, pay particular attention to the O'rings and gasket seal.

Remove air oil separator

o Check per ESM, pay a particular attention to weld beads for evidence of cracks, bending of the
cover and wear on centering diameter with LPT shaft.
o If heavy wear rear CVT seal suspected to be damaged and pin hole to be ovalized.
o Re-install post S/B 72-0904 Air Oil Separator.

Check run out concentricity of the rear CVT.

o If any displacement possible, CVT need to be replaced.
o When CVT to be replaced, incorporate last standard post S/B 72-0921.

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Special Investigation Workscopes and Test Recommendations

Following results of Rear Sump Inspection:

If Oil scavenge nipple is not found cracked but seal(s) or tube(s) are suspected to be the main cause of
high level of oil consumption:
o Perform replacement of any suspected rear sump hardware.
o Perform a functional test per ESM 72-00-00 test 002.

If Oil scavenge nipple is found cracked:

o Send the engine to shop for LPT module removal, TRF removal and No. 5 bearing support
o Perform a functional test per ESM 72-00-00 test 002.

If any CVT displacement possible,

o Send the engine to shop for LPT module removal and rear CVT replacement.
o When CVT to be replaced, incorporate last standard post S/B 72-0921.
o Assemble new one with new seal per S/B 72-0764.

If Oil scavenge nipple is not found cracked and seal(s) or tube(s) are not suspected to be the cause of
high level of oil consumption:
o Perform Test Cell investigation (See Part C below)

Part C: Test Cell Investigation:

Perform test per ESM 72-00-00 to assess oil consumption.

Check all the oil system, especially Lubrication Unit.
Check for evidence of any oil leakage
Refer to BMM trouble shooting and CFM PSE recommendation
If test cell investigation determines that potential cause is located in fwd sump area, apply Workscope for
Oil Smell in Cabin / Oil leakage at FWD sump.

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