CU-2022 B.A. (Honours) Philosophy Semester-2 Paper-CC-3 QP

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Paper CC-3

Indian Philosophy-11)
Full Marks : 65

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words

as far as practicable.


(T) p


( ) 5T


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3) X(2nd Sm.)-Philosophy-H/CC-3/CBCS



English Version]
The figures in the marg in indicate full marks.

1. Choose the correct option (any ten) 1x10

(a) In Sãmkhya Philosophy, Manas is

)vikyti i) prakyti
ii) prakti-vikyti (iv) neither prakrti nor vikrti.
(b) The author of Samkhyak rika is

) Maharyi Kapil Gi) Mahar_i Patañjali

(ii) I[warakrsna iv) Asuri.
(c) parin mav da and vivartav da are the two forms of
) arambhav da i) asatk raFav da
ii) asatk ryav da (iv) satk ryavãda.
(d) How many types of pram Fas are recognised in Yoga?
) Three (i) Four
( ) Five (iv) Six.

(e) Which one is not included within cittabhümi?

) ksipta i) ek gra
(ii) niruddha (iv) vikalpa.
(f) The author of Mim ms -sütra is

i) Mahar_i Jaimini ci) Kapil Muni

ii) Mahar_i Patañjali (iv) Mahar_i Kan da.
is accepted by that philosophical school, which is
(g) Anvit bhidh nav da
(i) Präbh kara Mim msaka (i) Bhätta Mim msaka

(ii) S mkhya (iv) Yoga.

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(h) According to whom Brahman is not devoid of svagatabheda?
i) Sañkar c rya (i) Mahari Kapil
(ii) R m nuja (iv) Mahar_i Jaimini.

i) According to Samkar c rya I[vara is

() nirguna brahman (i) saguna brahman

(ii) Both saguna and nirguna brahman (iv) None of these.

) How many types of laksana of Brahman have been admitted in Advaita-Ved nta?
) Two types (ii) Four types
(ii) Three types (iv) Five types.
(k) How many types of sufferings have been admitted in Sämkhya Philosophy?
) Three types (i) Two types
(ii) Four types (iv) Six types.
) The original text of Yoga Philosophy is

) Yogabh sya i) Yogav rtika

ii) Yogasütra (iv) Yogas ra.
2. Answer any five questions : 5x5
(a) What is meant by the homogenous (svarkpa) and heterogenous (virkpa) changes of prakrti.
(b) Explain the nature of the three guzas of prakyti.
(c) Is puru_a one or many in S mkhya Philosophy? Discuss.
(d) Discuss briefly different types of cittavytti according to Yoga Philosophy.
(e) What is meant by Yoga' in Yoga Philosophy? Why is Yoga Philosophy known as Se[vara-Sam1khya?
( What is arth patti? What are its different types?
(gExplain with examples satt traividhyavada.
(h) What do you understand by BrahmapariF mavkda and Brahmavivartav da? Who are the main
exponents of these two views?
3. Answer any two questions
(a) Explain the Causal theory admitted by Sämkhya. Do the Naiy yika-s accept this theory? Give
reasons in favour of your answer. 10+5
(b) What is anupalabdhi pram ya? Why do the Bhätta Mim msaka-s admit anupalabdhi as an
independent pram na? Why anupalabdhi is not regarded as a distinct pram na by the Präbhäkaras?

(c) Explain the different kinds of cittabhämi (levels of citta). Discuss, in this context, the different kinds
of samadhi. 7+8
(d) What, according to Sankar c rya, is the nature of m ya? How does R m nuja refiute Zañkar c rya's
doctrine of m y ? Discuss. 6+9

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