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Journal of Sustainability Science and Management eISSN: 2672-7226

Volume 18 Number 8, August 2023: 1-23 © UMT Press




Graduate School of Business, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia. 2Faculty of Business and
Communications, INTI International University, 71800 Nilai, Malaysia. 3Center for American Education, INTI International
College Subang, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. 4School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events, Taylor’s University,
47500 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Submitted final draft: 6 April 2023 Accepted: 10 May 2023 http://doi.org/10.46754/jssm.2023.08.001

Abstract: Green Initiative Events have gained popularity over the years due to rising
concerns on global warming and climate change issues. Many private companies, non-
profit organisations and relevant government agencies have poured their time, money
and effort into implementing various green events such as national birdwatching events,
beach clean-up programs, exhibitions and recycling workshops. Yet the real question is
whether these Green Initiative Events (GIE) have been successful in positively altering
the participants’ everyday behaviour. This study investigates pertinent factors that impact
people’s environmental practice intention after attending GIE. A total of 376 questionnaires
were collected using purposive sampling among Malaysians who have attended Green
Initiative Events recently. Using structural equation modelling, the findings revealed
that environmental concern, media power, subjective norms and attitude have a positive
influence on people’s environmental practice intention after attending Green Initiative
Events whereas perceived behavioural control was insignificant. The findings gave insights
to academics and industry professionals especially event planners and organisations to
conduct effective green events that would possibly transform people’s behaviour in the
hope of a global green movement towards a sustainable future.

Keywords: Attitude, environmental concern, green events, pro-environment, sustainability.

Based on the Ubiquity Global Corporate Social hotspot, Malaysia is under constant threat
Responsibility study, the majority of consumers due to habitat destruction, deforestation,
think they are personally responsible for water and air pollution (Ministry of Natural
tackling environmental issues (Roman, 2015). Resources and Environment, 2016). These
They do believe, however, that businesses and serious environmental issues have triggered
individuals should work together to solve these more sustainable practices among individuals
problems. In fact, nine out of ten customers want and businesses in Malaysia. The Malaysian
companies to work as hard as consumers on government, businesses, and NGOs have
environmental issues. Furthermore, consumers been seriously emphasising environmental
have been more conscious now than they were preservation through various initiatives. The
before COVID-19 that human activity harms the Malaysian government has introduced National
climate, and that environmental deterioration, in Policy on the Environment, the National
turn, threatens humanity (Gazzola, 2020). Forestry Act, and the National Biodiversity
Malaysia is vulnerable to the impacts of Policy. For instance, the National Policy on
climate change, including sea-level rise, more the Environment (NPE) was introduced in
frequent and severe floods and droughts, and 2002, outlined the government’s commitment
changes in temperature. As a biodiversity to environmental protection and sustainable
Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah et al. 2

In addition, the Ministry of Energy, waste (Aleixo, 2018). Currently, the green
Green Technology, and Water (KeTTHA) events are dominated with a natural affinity for
has continuously promoted and funded high- the environment, such as birdwatching festivals
impact research on green technologies (Green (Merrilees, 2011). The Green Initiative Event’s
Technology Annual Report, 2020). Besides include awareness-raising initiatives about
government intervention, many businesses in pollution and energy consumption reduction,
Malaysia have adopted sustainable practices, and it is among the most significant revenue
such as reducing energy and water consumption, streams by increasing economic impact while
implementing waste reduction and recycling improving awareness on social, cultural, and
programs, and sourcing sustainable materials. political ramifications (Wong et al., 2015).
These are all in-line with promoting the In 2021, based on a recent study conducted
importance of sustainability among businesses in 24 nations, 58% of individuals are more
as key success criteria including green practices conscious of their environmental influence, and
such as eco-design and green purchasing, and 85% are willing to take personal action to tackle
green supply chains. However, there is still environmental and sustainability concerns
much work to be done to effectively address (Mastercard.com, 2021). While consumers’
these environmental challenges and promote environmental awareness and comprehension
sustainable development in Malaysia which of environmental pollution may have increased,
requires commitment from all other sectors. their willingness to engage in green consumption
The event sector, as an essential component has been unclear. Therefore, a crucial and
of the tourism industry, has grown quickly in practical question is how to encourage
terms of diversity, size, and number. Meanwhile, consumers’ practices of green behaviours.
the topic of greening the industry is at the forefront The links between eco-friendly activities,
of global attention. According to Vamvaka et al. attitudes, intentions, and purchase decisions
(2020), the Meetings, Incentives, Conferences are frequently highlighted in research findings,
and Exhibitions (MICE) tourism sector, has yet limited studies were found that examined
had a negative impact on the environment in the impact of these green events participation
Malaysia owing to high energy consumption, on their future environmental practices (Mair
transportation, and water usage. Numerous & Smith, 2021). Within the growing academic
studies have emphasised what event planners interest on sustainability issues, past studies
should practice more sustainable operational have been conducted in general context of
procedures to achieve a green event, such as tourism (Mohamadi et al., 2022) and hospitality
switching to a different packaging, minimizing, (Verma et al., 2019), but rarely specifically
reusing, and recycling the sources (Gazzola, focusing on Green Initiative Events. If any,
2020). There is a growing interest in adopting the discourse of past studies was also mainly
green strategies to increase the competitiveness centred on how green events would benefit
of events (Whitfield & Dioko, 2012). the society or the organisation in terms of
The definition of Green Initiative Event socio-economic development (Chirieleison et
(GIE) is an event that has a sustainability al., 2020; Langarita & Cazcarro, 2022) and to
policy or employs sustainable techniques in seek understanding on managing or organising
its implementation, activities and operations those events (Martinho et al., 2018). However,
that aid businesses in fulfilling their social the sustainability impact of green events on the
obligation, enhancing their brand image, and visitors’ behaviour intention post-attendance
gaining a competitive edge in the market (Laing are usually overlooked (Tolkes & Butzmann,
& Frost, 2010). GIEs are commonly conducted 2018). The inquiry here is whether attending
within large group of participants that promotes green events would make a difference in the
an environmental cause and to educate the visitors’ environmental practices. In line with
public about conserving resources and reducing this context, the attitude and behavioural impact

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 18 Number 8, August 2023: 1-23

of Malaysians after attending Green Initiative Significant research indicates that customers
Events is still a mystery to event organisers, have become increasingly appreciative and
spectators, and even exhibitors. Thus, this are prepared to be fully involved in supporting
research aims to understand the relationship not only green products and services, but also
between the key factors (environmental concern, through participation in green events (Wong
perceived behavioural control, media power, et al., 2015). Since being environmentally
subjective norms and attitude) in influencing conscious is crucial to every company’s success,
participants environmental practice behaviours GIEs have drawn considerable interest from
after attending Green Initiative Events. academic scholars and business professionals
(Kirkwood, 2007).
Literature Review
Environmental Practice Intention
Green Initiative Events
Environmental practice intention refers to a
The green movement began in the 1960s person’s willingness to engage in environmentally
and 1970s and the concerns about local and friendly activities after evaluating the perceived
worldwide environmental deterioration raised benefits and disadvantages of doing so. In other
by the public and the scientific community words, the intention to engage in environmentally
helped to fuel its expansion (Aleixo, 2018). friendly practices is viewed as an indicator of
Green initiatives include bolstering efforts to behaviour performance, i.e. the adoption of
enhance mechanical and lighting equipment’s environmentally friendly behaviours in their
energy efficiency, improve air quality, promote daily life.
water conservation, increase waste avoidance,
expand recycling streams, and engage caterers in The purchase of green products among
ecologically friendly activities (Msengi, 2019). Malaysians, according to Waltner (2019), is
Businesses that emphasise green initiatives for positive. For instance, Turan (2019) found that
their workspace, workers, and products put 48.6% of 177 shoppers polled in Klang Valley
the planet’s and environment’s health first. A supermarkets said they bought green products
healthy earth ensures a sustainable life for future on a regular basis. Another study by Fernandez-
generations, society is increasingly realizing. Feijoo, (2016) indicated that among 80
employees in a private firm in Malaysia, 21.3%
In reality, the earth’s ecosystems support claimed a high degree of green product purchase
about 1.2 billion employment (Waltner, 2019). behaviour, while the rest 71.3% reported a
For a variety of reasons, incorporating green moderate level. Green Initiative Events, on the
initiatives into one’s life and company is critical. other hand, have had a tremendous impact on
GIEs should be a goal for every company, for a the public, but sadly, the impact has not been the
variety of reasons, including reduced long-term same for society as a whole (Kalsoom, 2017).
environmental effect and immediate cost savings Before attending Green Initiative Events, it is
(Clayton, 2018). Rather than immediate, short- discovered that people are squandering and
term cost reductions, these enhancements are using natural resources excessively (Aleixo,
frequently achieved as yearly savings (Turan, 2018).
2019). Green initiatives require a team effort. It
develops a culture of cooperation and continual Meanwhile, according to Paul (2015), there
development when workers work together to are four key factors influencing environmental
identify and implement green and sustainable behaviour intention and behaviour, namely
initiatives. People often equate becoming green Eco Literacy, Attitude, Subjective Norms, and
with higher financial charges, but although there Perceived Behaviour. Environmental behaviour
may be some initial fees, the fact is that money is defined as actions that relate to protecting
will be saved in the long run (Aleixo, 2018). nature and environment through awareness,
preservation, and conservation (Lee et al., 2013;

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 18 Number 8, August 2023: 1-23
Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah et al. 4

Palupi & Sawitri, 2018; Saiyidatina et al., 2021). behaviour toward green products and practices.
Past studies have identified environmental Environmental concerns can be classified into
knowledge, environmental awareness, social three types: Altruistic attitudes, self-centered
group influence, place attachment and value attitudes, and eco-centric attitudes. Worries
system as factors influence the people’s for others are included in altruistic attitudes,
intention in relation to green events (Wan et al., whereas their own concerns are included in self-
2017; Alonso-Vazquez et al., 2019; Esfandiar et centered attitudes, and care for the environment
al., 2020) is included in co-centric attitudes (Zelinková,
In addition, Pronello and Gaborieau (2018) 2014).
and Kim et al. (2020) stressed that people Consumers’ perceived level of self-
who are more pro-environment tend to be involvement in environmental protection
more loyal to eco-friendly organisations. This may prevent consumers from engaging in
finding is supported by Hu et al. (2010) who environmentally friendly activities, according to
illustrated a significant relationship between Rieckman (2018). Organisations that emphasise
pro-environmental behaviour and green event green initiatives for their workspace, workers,
intention. While another study by Mair and Laing and products put the planet’s and environment’s
(2013) pointed out that a green event can play health first. According to Merritt (2018), a
an essential role in coordinating environmental Non-governmental Organisation (NGO) in
behaviour changes if conducted within the Malaysia was conducting a study on popular
correct target audience mix. They further added awareness and comprehension of environmental
that the innovative approaches in the events can concerns. According to the findings, 90% of
easily persuade and influence the audiences to respondents were aware of environmental
understand and practice the pro-environmental challenges and their health implications,
behaviour, regardless of whether the audiences while 80% were concerned about negative
are believers or non-believers. Hence, those environmental repercussions on the economy.
involved in green events tend to illustrate positive The vast majority of them favour aggressive
mindset towards environmental protection and in environmental intervention. Environmental
return encourages them to proactively cultivate concern, according to Zelinková (2014), is a
environmentally-friendly practices. psychological reaction to the environment that
influences an individual’s behaviour toward
Environmental Concern green products and green practices.
A specific way of thinking about something, Environmental concern refers to the
especially one that is impacted by your views level of awareness and worry that individuals,
or experiences, is referred to as concern. It organisations, or society as a whole have about
refers to a mental and neurological state of environmental issues. This concern can stem
readiness that directs the individual’s behaviour from various factors, such as the impact of human
to all items and circumstances with which it activities on the environment, the potential
is associated (Turan, 2019). Environmental consequences of environmental degradation on
concern, according to Braam (2016), is a taught human health, or the recognition of the intrinsic
proclivity to respond consistently favourably or value of the natural world. Thus, environmental
unfavourably to the environment. Environmental concern is a specific type of attitude that relates
concern, according to Kalsoom (2017), is the set to environmental issues. However, attitudes and
of ideas, affects, and behavioural intentions that environmental concerns are not identical, and an
a person has about ecologically linked activities individual can hold a positive attitude towards
or situations. In other words, an individual’s the environment without necessarily being
environmental concern is a psychological highly concerned about environmental issues, or
reaction to the environment that influences their vice versa. Attitude can be a positive or negative

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 18 Number 8, August 2023: 1-23

evaluation of a subject while the environmental they have more control over their lives (Ajzen,
concern is an extended and directed state of 1991). In promoting physically related pro-
emotion, where a person starts engaging their environmental behaviours such as recycling, it
thoughts and feelings such as being worried was found that perceived behavioural control
or indicating care towards the specific subject had the least effect compared to social norms
(Verma et al., 2019). (Jain et al., 2020). While in Pakistan, perceived
The distinction between these two concepts behavioural control had a favourable significant
has been demonstrated and discussed in previous consequence towards energy saving behaviours
research by Verma et al. (2019) on green hotel. during the pandemic (Ahmad et al., 2022).
Thus, in this study, it is also distinguished clearly In short, perceived behavioural control is
that the attitudinal variable of TRA is applied the consumers’ impression and self-evaluation
in context-specific to measure one’s attitude of the extent to which they are able or unable to
towards the green event. A green concern is perform an action in a given situation (Trivedi et
a mode of thinking that can assist people in al., 2018). When a person’s opinions of control
overcoming personal barriers to green practices equal the amount of cumulative control that he
(Levine, 2012). Environmental concern is a or her is able to practice, perceived behavioural
new style of thinking that has been discovered control is thought to have a direct predictive
to be helpful in fostering pro-environmental influence on people’s conduct. Perceived
behaviour. It is based on an individual’s behavioural control is considered as a key direct
experience with his or her experiences in the antecedent of behaviour itself, but it tends to
environment (Clayton, 2018). Several studies, vary across different behaviours. According to
including Waltner (2019), Turan (2019), and Wang (2017), green events not only increase the
Zelinková (2014), found that consumers’ participants’ awareness of environmental issues,
environmental concerns influenced their choice but it also acts as an enabler that supports and
of green products and green hotel activities. eases green decision making. Hence, below
Hence, the hypothesis established is as below: hypothesis is posited:
Hypothesis 1 (H1): Environmental concern has a Hypothesis 2 (H2): Perceived behavioural
positive and significant effect on environmental control has a positive and significant effect on
practice intention. environmental practice intention.

Perceived Behavioural Control Media Power

An individual’s assessment of the degree of The environment of the media and information
difficulty in carrying out an activity, which is is to enhance and deepen people’s, social,
influenced by self-ability appraisal, is known as and economic connections. The term “social
perceived behavioural control (Ru et al., 2018). dynamic” refers to a person’s relationship
Higher conviction in carrying out a certain with other people, which also implies that an
activity and stronger perceived behaviour control individual shares his or her views, opinions,
both contribute to and encourage the occurrence and values with those with whom he or she has
of behaviour (Dakhan et al., 2020; Mirani et talked (Merritt, 2018). Social influence refers to
al., 2021). Green practices and technology are the ability of information offered by these people
being used to replace paper at trade exhibitions, who shared their views, attitudes, and values to
events, and conferences, but they are not having have a significant impact on customers. Changes
a significant impact. As a result, one of the key in the environment have the ability to alter
issues that led to the study of green practices people’s mindsets and behaviours. Hildebrandt
is Malaysians’ perceived behavioural control. et al. (2021) also noted that an individual’s
Generally, it is believed that people are more social environment, which includes family,
inclined to engage in a behaviour when they feel friends, co-workers, and business partners, may

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 18 Number 8, August 2023: 1-23
Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah et al. 6

have a significant impact on him or her. Media is subject to subjective norms, moral conduct
power is a vital notion that is often overlooked. is often displayed. According to Vinnell et al.
According to Abdullah et al. (2015), young (2019), the subjective norm enhanced support
Malaysian consumers would be more affected for the law. The significance of subjective norms
and influenced by marketing methods and has been frequently demonstrated in domains
promotion through social media products such relating to the environment and health (Casey, et
as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, rather al., 2015). As an illustration, parental subjective
than product understanding and eco-labeling. norms encouraged consumption of healthy
According to Zelinková (2014), social impact snack foods and discouraged consumption of
is the most important element influencing green bad snacks (Bevelander et al., 2020).
purchasing behaviour. Consumer socialisation Consumers will choose the behaviours that
is the process through which customers acquire has more advantages in the collective manner
information, skills, and attitudes concerning when the majority of the group expresses
purchases in the marketplace (Waltner, 2019). support and gratitude for green purchases while
According to Didham (2018), the key factor expressing distaste or blame for non-green
influencing green buying study among young purchases (Xie et al., 2015). Compared to a
and educated customers is social impact and non-green purchase, the green buy provides
media exposure to environmental themes. Thus, higher social benefits (Gupta & Ogden, 2009).
the following hypothesis is posited: To prevent collective exclusion, consumers tend
Hypothesis 3 (H3): Media power has a positive to choose communal appreciative behaviours
and significant effect on environmental practice (Dreyer et al., 2022). This includes changing
intention. buying behaviours in response to other people’s
expectations for ecological protection practices
such as household energy saving (Wolske et al.,
Subjective Norms
2020). This phenomenon is especially profound
Subjective norms are classified as descriptive among Asian countries with naturally collective
norms or injunctive norms, and each has culture such as Indonesia and Malaysia, where
a separate predictive effect on individual social norms influence consumers’ intention
behaviour intention (Chatzisarantis & Biddle, to purchase green skincare products (Chin et
1998). Therefore, examining how they vary al., 2018). Based on the above discussion, the
can help us better comprehend how subjective following hypothesis is postulated:
norms affect behaviour. Descriptive norm,
Hypothesis 4 (H4): Subjective norms has a
or how the majority of people are regarded
positive and significant effect on environmental
by people, plays an illustrative function
practice intention.
(Hmielowski et al., 2019; Guichard et al.,
2021). Descriptive norms can more successfully
modify an individual’s environmental intention Attitude towards Green Initiative Events
because environmental conduct, particularly in The significance of delivering and staging
environmental preservation, has moral appeal ecologically friendly events is becoming a key
(Onwezen et al., 2014). concern, while also becoming a standard in
Consumers will deliberately consider if their event planning around the awareness (Merritt,
conduct is compatible with the collective when 2018). People’s worry about the environment
they notice that individuals around them are has made its way into mainstream marketing,
concerned about environmental conservation. forcing businesses to adopt a green attitude
A person’s acceptance of a particular act while in their operations, such as Green Initiative
feeling under pressure from whether other people Events. Consumer attitudes has been found as
find it acceptable is known as an subjective norm not the most important factor in supporting the
(Ajzen, 1991). As a result, when an individual “No Plastic Bags” campaign (Paul, 2015). Pro-

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 18 Number 8, August 2023: 1-23

environmental attitudes influence participants’ and subjective norms (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975).
willingness to participate in sustainable activities The theory of reasoned action encompasses
(Emanuel, 2011). behaviour, purpose to engage in the behaviour,
Even so, because there has not been attitudes, and subjective norms. According to
much awareness during the hosting of various this theory, customers’ willingness or readiness
exhibitions in Malaysia, the use of Green to buy green products or make green decisions
Initiative Events is not well-known and event or substitutions is shown by their purchase
planners are still unaware of event attendees’ intention for green items (Sun et al., 2022).
attitudes toward green practices in exhibitions Some examples of this include its application in
(Choe, 2017). In a study to examine residents’ hotel marketing strategies and how probable it is
attitude towards saving energy at home during for guests to stay there again depending on their
COVID-19, it was found that the disruptive actions (Nimri et al., 2020).
pandemic situation motivated them to conserve This theory may be used by brands and
energy (Jiang et al., 2021). This indicates that businesses to predict what consumers will buy
pro-environmental attitudes may be altered by and how to develop marketing materials based
significant situation or changing conditions. on that knowledge. Other researchers have
Based on a study conducted on green applied the extended TRA model which is
accommodations in Spain, managers’ attitudes, better known as Theory of Planned Behaviour
social norms, and perceived behavioural control (TPB) and looked at the customers’ barriers or
were able to explain 56% of their sustainable Perceived Behavioural Control (PBC). More
behaviour intentions. importantly, TPB has been frequently used
In terms of sports events that depended to forecast intents in green marketing fields,
on natural environment such as skiing and including investigating energy saving, recycling
surfing, it was concluded that sportsmen and behaviours, and green buying behaviours (Paul
sportswomen upon seeing ocean trash may et al., 2015). The TPB is said to be more robust
become more aware of pollution control and as it addresses volitional control and the issue
ocean protection (McCullough et al., 2020). The of possession of the necessary opportunities and
direct contact that the athletes had with polluted resources (Taylor et al., 2006). Nonetheless, the
environment during the sports event prompted usefulness of TRA and TPB is still in questioned
them to develop a sense of attitude towards since several non-volitional elements used
environmental preservation that encourages to predict human behaviour were left out
them to take further action for the environmental (Bevelander, 2020). For instance, even if some
cause. As such, it can be deduced that attitudes consumers may like green items, they might
can be shaped from green events that will not be able to buy them because of their lack
motivate individuals to behave sustainably. of concern or influences of external sources of
Below is the hypothesis developed based on information such as the media. Control factor
above discussion: gives information regarding limits experienced
by consumers and enhances the predictability of
Hypothesis 5 (H5): Attitude towards GIE has a the theory when consumers’ behaviours are not
positive and significant effect on environmental effectively anticipated by the simple creation of
practice intention. an intention. As the human behaviour is complex
and no unifying theory to fully explain human
Underpinning Theory and Conceptual behaviour, more models need to be improvised
Framework and verified that include other factors that may
According to the Theory of Reasoned Action influence individuals’ behaviour including
(TRA), a person’s behaviour is influenced by environmental concern and media power
their intention to carry out a behaviour, which is (Muthukrishna & Henrich, 2019).
dependent on their attitude toward the behaviour

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 18 Number 8, August 2023: 1-23
Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah et al. 8

Hence, this study conceptualises an data on socio-demographic characteristics,

extended TPB framework as shown in Figure 1 aspects that influence people’s attitudes toward
below, which takes into consideration existential Green Initiative Events, and factors that
factors of attitude, subjective norms and PBC, influence people’s environmental practices after
with the addition of environmental concern and attending Green Initiative Events.
the external influences posed by media power. The questionnaire was divided into three
By referring to the framework in Figure 1, this sections. Questions on sociodemographic factors
study’s independent variables are environmental are included in Section A, questions related
concern, perceived behavioural control, media to the independent variables were included
power, subjective norms and attitude towards in Section B, and questions on the intention
Green Initiative Events. The dependent towards environmental practices were included
variable for this research is the respondents’ in Section C. Statements in Section B and
environmental practice intention. Section C used a 5-point Likert scale, in which 1
represents “Strongly Disagree” and 5 represents
Materials and Methods “Strongly Agree”. The measurements items
were all adapted; for Environmental Concern
A research design is a comprehensive strategy
and Subjective Norms, items were adapted from
that outlines the methods used in gathering
Chin et al. (2018); Media Power was adapted
and analysing the required data. The objective
from Wang et al. (2014), Attitude statements
is to make sure that the information acquired
from Paul et al. (2016) and lastly, for Perceived
is ideal for fixing the challenge (Khan, 2018).
Behavioural Control and Environmental
A deductive approach using cross-sectional
Practice Intention, the items were adapted from
research design was appropriate for population-
Wang et al. (2019).
based survey to examine the conceptualised
framework and hypothesis (Setia, 2016). The respondents are chosen on the basis
Moreover, a self-administered questionnaire is of non-random purposive sampling. The target
applied as the study instrument in the study to population are Malaysians who have attended
obtain the data needed to answer the objectives the Green Initiative Event during Malaysia
(Hair, 2021). The questionnaire is used to gather Environment Week held 21 October to 27

Figure 1: Proposed conceptual framework

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 18 Number 8, August 2023: 1-23

October previously was reported to be about power analysis technique for calculating sample
1,500 visitors (The Star, 2022). In conjunction size is considered to be superior when applied
with the event, various activities and programs in structural equation modelling. Descriptive
were held including colouring competition, analysis was conducted via SPSS ver.24 and
collecting recycled waste, and launching of book further structural equation modelling were
on Islam and the Environment. It is presumed analysed by using SmartPLS ver.3 software.
that their prior experience in attending the GIE
would yield more accurate responses on their
Results and Discussion
perception and attitude towards GIE. Hence, only
visitors who are above 18 years old have been Demographic Background
approached for the data collection. To ensure that Table 1 demonstrates the background of the
they are suitable respondents, filtering questions total 376 respondents. Among the respondents,
are asked at the beginning of each survey before 55.9% were male and 44.1% were female. The
it takes place. The respondents were asked the largest age group were between 21 to 30 years
number of GIE attended and their purpose for old (48.1%), followed by those between 31 to
attending the current GIE. 40 years old (28.4%). A majority of 43.4% of
For the sample size calculation, a priori test respondents had completed a university degree,
was conducted using G*Power software that while 24.4% of them had obtained a post-
applied the effect size value of 0.15, with α = graduate certification. A total of 50% are earning
0.05, and power = 0.80). Based on Hair et al. between MYR 2,001 to MYR 4,000, followed
(2019), this is the recommended threshold for by 34% earning between MYR 4,001 to 6,000.
social and business science research and based on Based on the results, all the respondents have
the G*Power sample size calculation commonly attended GIE in the previous year, whereby
used for PLS-SEM analysis explained earlier, the 47% attended once, followed by 36.9% attended
minimum sample size required is 138. To ensure between 2-3 times. In terms of their reasons,
the participants’ anonymity and efficiency of 44.1% of them attended for educational purposes
data collection, the online questionnaire of while 27.1% attended due to business reasons.
Microsoft Form was utilized to create and
disseminate the questionnaire (Sekaran, 2019). Measurement Model Results
A total of 400 electronic questionnaires were Below Table 2 illustrates the first step which is
circulated using QR code during the event to measurement model assessment of constructs
ensure that minimum sample size required was by examining the results for convergent validity,
met and 376 valid questionnaires were returned, mainly the outer loadings, Average Variance
yielding a 94% response rate. Extracted (AVE), Composite Reliability (CR)
This amount supersedes the required and Cronbach’s Alpha (CA). Items with outer
minimum sample size calculated to represent loadings that were below 0.70 were deleted as
the population. Nonetheless, a post-hoc analysis suggested by Hair et al. (2019). As such, items
was conducted to confirm the sufficiency of this ATT3 (0.615), ATT4 (0.643) and EA3 (0.669)
sample size after the data has been collected and SN5 (0.697) were omitted due to low outer
(Memon et al., 2020). With the parameters of loadings value. The AVE values for all the
effect size, f² = 0.15, α = 0.05, and five number constructs were above 0.50, indicating that the
of predictors in the proposed model, calculation items were sufficiently explained (Bagozzi & Yi,
result through the sample size calculator 1988). As for the CR and CA values, they were
of G*power indicated that the sample size all above 0.70 indicating that these constructs
collected of 376 has the explanatory power of met internal consistencies (Hair et al., 2019).
0.999. According to Memon et al. (2020), this

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 18 Number 8, August 2023: 1-23
Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah et al. 10

Table 1: Demographic profile of respondents

Characteristics Frequency Percentage

Gender Male 210 55.9
Female 166 44.1
Age Below 20 38 10.1
21-30 181 48.1
31-40 107 28.4
Above 40 50 13.4
Highest Education Masters/Doctorate 92 24.4
Degree 163 43.3
Diploma/Foundation 85 22.6
Secondary School 36 9.7
Average Monthly Income 2,000 and below 29 7.7
(MYR) 2,001 – 4,000 188 50.0
4,001 – 6,000 128 34.0
6,001 and above 31 8.3
Average Number of GIE 1 time 177 47.0
Attended in a Year 2-3 times 139 36.9
4-5 times 35 9.3
More than 5 times 25 6.8
Main Reason for Attending Business 102 27.1
GIE Educational 166 44.1
Fun/Entertainment 41 10.9
Personal interest 67 17.9

Table 2: Results of Convergent Validity

Loadings Loadings
Construct Items (Before (After AVE CR CA
deletion) deletion)
Environmental EC1 – I attend GIEs as I am worried 0.850 0.848 0.755 0.939 0.919
Concern about the current climate
change situation.
EC2 – I attend GIEs because I care 0.855 0.856
about the environment.
EC3 – My concern towards pollution 0.877 0.878
increases my willingness to
participate in GIEs.
EC4 – My utmost concern when
attending GIEs is the 0.869 0.869
current state of the global
EC5 – My awareness on how
pollution impact my health 0.891 0.891
encourages me to attend

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 18 Number 8, August 2023: 1-23

Perceived PBC1- I have plenty of 0.870 0.870 0.802 0.953 0.939

Behavioural opportunities to attend GIEs.
Control PBC2 - I have the resources and 0.887 0.886
time to attend GIE.
PBC3 - Adequate information and 0.910 0.911
assistance were provided
when I attended GIEs.
PBC4 - Attending GIE helps me 0.904 0.904
build knowledge necessary
to address complex
environmental issues.
PBC5 - I am confident of my skills 0.907 0.907
and ability when I attend
Media Power MP1 - Information on GIE provided 0.797 0.803 0.592 0.879 0.830
by media have a great impact
on me.
MP2 - I am influenced by the 0.777 0.779
knowledge provided by
GIE through social media
(eg.: Facebook, Instagram,
MP3 - I believe that new media is 0.734 0.726
capable of amplifying my
perception of environmental
risks when attending GIE.
MP4 - I am exposed to 0.788 0.791
environmental messages
from GIE through the media.
MP5 - Media/public relations report 0.752 0.745
and educate me about GIE
that is conducted to improve
the environment.
Subjective SN1 - My family members think 0.741 0.757 0.602 0.858 0.782
Norms that it’s a good idea for me to
attend GIE.
SN2- My close friends would 0.743 0.742
encourage me to attend GIE.
SN3- Most people who are 0.812 0.828
important to me at work think
that I should attend GIE.
SN4 - I would attend GIE if 0.773 0.773
someone important to me is
also attending it.
SN5 - I would attend GIE if 0.697 -
someone from my social
network group is also
attending (Deleted item).

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 18 Number 8, August 2023: 1-23
Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah et al. 12

Attitude towards ATT1 - I think attending GIE is a 0.788 0.803 0.642 0.843 0.732
Green Initiative good idea to understand
Events more about environmental
ATT2 - I believe I can take action 0.743 0.745
to keep the environment
healthy and sustainable for
the future by attending GIE.
ATT3 - The acceptance of green 0.615 -
products is encouraging
for me as I attend GIE.
(Deleted item)
ATT4 - Attending Green 0.643 -
Initiative Event(s) helps
me understand how my
decisions and actions affect
the environment. (Deleted
ATT5 - I feel my own personal 0.795 0.853
behaviour can bring about
positive environmental
change when I attend GIE.
Environmental EA1 - I intend to purchase green 0.815 0.826 0.559 0.835 0.741
Practices products after attending GIE.
Intention EA2 - I practice more green actions 0.742 0.747
(eg.: energy/water saving,
no single-use plastics) after
attending GIE.
EA3 - Attending GIE has helped me 0.669 -
discover ways to implement
green practices in daily life.
(Deleted item)
EA4 - My purchasing choice 0.694 0.701
towards green services (eg:
green hotel) has been growing
ever since I started attending
EA5 - I believe that after attending 0.686 0.712
GIE, it will encourage me to
switch to more ecologically-
responsible behaviour (e.g.
composting, recycling,
separating waste).

Next, the measurement model also Structural Model Results

evaluated the discriminant validity using the To test the hypothesised relationships, the
Heterotrait-monotrait (HTMT) ratio (Hair et al., structural model is assessed. Table 4 exhibits the
2019). Table 3 verifies that discriminant validity results of path coefficients after the bootstrapping
has been met as all the HTMT values were lower procedure (Hair et al., 2019).
than 0.85 (Kline, 2011).
Figure 2 demonstrates the path coefficients
for the structural model of this study.
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 18 Number 8, August 2023: 1-23

Table 3: Results of HTMT analysis

Atittude towards Green Initiative Events (ATT)
Environmental Practice Intention (EA) 0.264
Environmental Concern (EC) 0.263 0.503
Media Power (MP) 0.191 0.218 0.156
Perceived Behavioural Control (PBC) 0.166 0.224 0.249 0.286
Subjective Norms (SN) 0.276 0.296 0.210 0.252 0.221

Table 4: Results of Hypothesis Testing

Path Std
Hypothesis t-value p- value Decision
Coefficient Deviation
H1: Environmental Concern -> 0.375 0.050 7.525 0.000 Supported
Environmental Practice Intention
H2: Perceived Behavioural Control -> 0.048 0.040 1.216 0.112 Rejected
Environmental Practice Intention
H3: Media Power -> Environmental 0.084 0.042 1.984 0.024 Supported
Practice Intention
H4: Subjective Norms -> Environmental 0.138 0.054 2.565 0.005 Supported
Practice Intention
H5: Attitude towards Green Initiative 0.080 0.048 1.659 0.049 Supported
Events -> Environmental Practice

Figure 2: Path coefficient of final structural model

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 18 Number 8, August 2023: 1-23
Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah et al. 14

Results indicate that the relationships for H1, from their close family members and friends. In
H3, H4 and H5 were all significantly positive terms of the influence from Subjective Norms
except for H2. Based on the path coefficient (SN), even co-workers and social network
values in Table 4, Environmental Concern (EC) groups who attended the GIE with them tend to
is the strongest predictor of Environmental influence to practice more green actions in their
Practice Intention (β = 0.375), followed by daily life. In addition, the participants of GIEs
Subjective Norms (β = 0.138), Media Power (β who developed positive attitude and believes
= 0.084) and Attitude (β = 0.080). This indicates that GIE is an important action for more
that the respondents’ concern towards climate sustainable future would eventually develop
change issues highlighted during the GIE played ecologically-responsible behaviour. According
a major role in influencing their decision to to Chin et al. (2018), attitude has the strongest
practice a greener lifestyle. More so when the impact on purchase intention towards green
environmental issues have a specific impact skincare products in Indonesia.
towards their health. The Malaysia Environment This study also confirms that Perceived
Week event is an initiative made by the Ministry Behavioural Control (PBC) did not have any
of Natural Resources and Environment that significant influence on the environmental
has been celebrated annually which aims to practice intention. Interestingly, the results
raise awareness and promote environmental seem to postulate that people who participated
conservation and particularly climate change is in GIEs did not face any constraints or barriers
one of the most pressing environmental issues if they wanted to implement more eco-friendly
(Department of Environment, 2022). practices. Lastly, the overall coefficient of
According to the findings of this study, determination result (R²) is 0.24. According to
there is sufficient evidence to conclude that Cohen (1988), the R² of 0.02 indicates weak;
environmental concern contributes positively to 0.13 indicates moderate and 0.26 is substantial
people’s environmental practices after attending level of predictive accuracy. Based on this,
Green Initiative Events. This is similar to the the results indicate that all the relevant factors
study of Zelinková (2014) which found that included in this study could only moderately
environmental concern, according to, is a explain their environmental practice intention.
psychological reaction to the environment that In a study to investigate consumer behaviour
influences an individual’s behaviour toward and the effect of attending “green” events on
green products and green practices. Similarly, eco-friendly behaviour using goal systems
past studies by Wong et al. (2020), Kim et theory, it appears that personal involvement
al. (2020), Hu et al. (2010), Pronello and results in pro-environmental behaviours but
Gaborieau (2018) found significant and positive the effect diminishes over time (Wong et al.,
relationship between environmental behaviour 2020). Thus, it seems to assert that a continuous
and green events. They further added that the participation and involvement in green events
people who exercise environmental behaviour could be the answer in pro-longing the changes
tend to be loyal to eco-friendly organisations. in eco-friendly behaviour.
Furthermore, Wang (2017) stressed out that The findings of the study were also
the execution of green events illustrated more supported by Zhang et al. (2014) who urged
significant improvement in environmental- the necessity of green events, environmental
friendly behaviour compared to word-of-mouth protection, and pro-environmental behaviour as
promotion. an awareness tool after faced various disasters
Furthermore, by participating in this in a country. Subsequently, Daryanto, Song and
GIE, their intention to practice environmental Soopramanien (2022) stressed out that public
behaviour is intensified when they have support awareness and acceptance levels of green events

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 18 Number 8, August 2023: 1-23

and necessity of environmental behaviour have environmental actions. The findings of this study
been increased in post pandemic of COVID-19. concluded that only environmental concern,
Hence, it is justified that the influence of Green media power, subjective norms and attitude have
Initiative Events is essential in nurturing and influence in people’s environmental practice
developing environmental practices among intention after attending Green Initiative Events
public. whereas perceived behavioural control towards
Green Initiative Events were insignificant.
Research conducted in the early pre-pandemic
period indicates that event organisers already
As found in this study, people’s readiness to had a tendency to disregard or underestimate
make greener practices in their daily life is sustainability difficulties, while a more
shown through their behaviour intention after optimistic prognosis is that the crisis has
attending Green Initiative Events. Those who prompted individuals and organisations to value
have stronger concern, more well-informed natural habitats, livelihoods, and other people
by the media and display positive attitudes more, which may result in the future sustainable
towards GIEs have higher tendency to practice practices (Dodds et al., 2020).
going green in their daily life. These days,
environmental sustainability has become a Practical Implications and Recommendations
management skill and a key component of
organizational excellence across all industries. This study highlights the significance of various
Therefore, this research is timely to understand public and private organisations to continue
how events have the power in altering attitudes organising GIEs and seek to implement more
and behaviour intention to achieve sustainable impactful events or green programs as it would
communities and lifestyles. instill stronger pro-environmental behaviours in
the participants. The findings also shed a glimpse
of hope that environmental sustainability can
Theoretical Implications
be achieved when more people get involved in
Consumers often say they care about the green events and make changes to their lifestyle.
environment but tend to act otherwise. Hence, The implementation of green event significantly
this study aimed to investigate the factors that attracts sustainability conscious of tourists and
impact people’s environmental intention after encouraged them to commit in environmental
attending Green Initiative Events by applying behaviour such as reducing waste, recycling,
the TPB framework. In terms of theoretical purchasing sustainable certified products and so
contribution, this study proposed an extended on (Tolkes & Butzmann, 2018).
TPB framework which took into consideration
One of the key ways that Malaysia can
of internal stimuli (environmental concern) and
address climate change is by reducing its
external stimuli (media power). Furthermore,
greenhouse gas emissions, which are a major
this study contributed to the existing body of
contributor to global warming. This could
knowledge by clearly separating the concept
involve transitioning to cleaner energy sources,
of environmental concern and attitude. As in
such as solar or wind power, and implementing
previous research tend to only treat these two
more sustainable transportation options. Since
concepts as similar.
media power is a significant factor, government
Moreover, the TPB framework was agencies such as Malaysian Green Technology
previously applied in a broader sense towards and Climate Change Corporation (MGTC)
consumers’ green purchase intention while which is an agency under the purview of the
this study was more narrow-focused on the Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment
outcome of a specific green event and its impact and Climate Change (NRECC) can work with
towards participants’ intention in practising pro- news agencies, media partners and social media

Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 18 Number 8, August 2023: 1-23
Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah et al. 16

content creators to drive the nation’s green Limitations and Suggested Future Research
growth and promote green lifestyle. Based on the Despite the fact that this study adheres to
results, they are also impacted by information accepted methodologies for conceptualising and
shared in social media platforms and public measuring green behaviour intention, there are
relations reports. For instance, in order to some limitations that needs to be addressed. For
promote awareness, the government and non- instance, the study did not look at one specific
governmental agencies such as Malaysia Nature Green Initiative Event. To give a more in-
Society (MNS) or Ecotourism and Conservation depth meaning, future research can investigate
Society of Malaysia (ECOMY) can implement specific green programs such as beach cleaning
more green events and road shows nationwide event or upcycling workshop. Furthermore, this
while using appropriate channels including study’s locality is concentrated only in Malaysia
social media to spread more information about whereby it is made up of people with diverse
the public’s responsibility in practising green race, religiosity, and cultural background.
behaviours. Hence, a cross-cultural or even cross-country
Marketers and practitioners are differences can be examined herein nationality
recommended to advertise these green events could have a moderating effect. Particularly,
and eco-friendly campaigns by exploiting some of the Green Initiative Events could be
the power of media, particularly social participated by international tourists. Lastly,
media networks while identifying their target the study yields a low predictability from all
audiences and encouraging environmentally the factors postulated, thus pointing out that
conscious consumers to participate and involve further investigations should consider other
in green behaviour. Such programmes with the externalities such as situational factors and
appropriate engagement tactics and mass media effect from perceived support from authoritative
coverage will increase the drive to adopt green figures that could act as a motivator or barrier
behaviour. To further encourage and support towards green behaviours.
private businesses to organise more green
events, some form of tax incentive or through
introduction of matching grant schemes can
be implemented by the government. Through This research is supported by UKM-GSB
this way, environmental concern and attitude research grant GSB-2023-023.
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