6072-Article Text-13022-4-10-20240919
6072-Article Text-13022-4-10-20240919
6072-Article Text-13022-4-10-20240919
Dalam memahami bagaimana inovasi hijau dan pertumbuhan berkelanjutan terkait, penelitian ini bertujuan
untuk menyelidiki fungsi Akuntansi Manajemen Lingkungan (Environmental Management Accounting-EMA)
sebagai mediator. Dengan menggunakan 539 korporasi non keuangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia
(BEI) pada periode 2013-2020 dengan total 2.716 hasil observasi, dengan menggunakan uji analisis jalur dan uji
Sobel dalam penelitian ini untuk menguji hipotesis menggunakan software STATA 14. Menurut temuan analisis
jalur, jelas bahwa (1) inovasi hijau berpengaruh terhadap EMA; (2) inovasi hijau berdampak pada pertumbuhan
berkelanjutan; (3) EMA tidak berdampak pada pertumbuhan berkelanjutan; dan (4) EMA tidak mampu memediasi
hubungan antara inovasi hijau dan pertumbuhan berkelanjutan. Last but not least, penelitian ini juga melakukan
uji ketahanan dan mendapatkan hasil yang sesuai dengan tes analisis jalur. Harapannya perusahaan
menginovasikan berbasis lingkungan ke dalam strateginya yang menawarkan keuntungan signifikan untuk
pertumbuhan berkelanjutan dengan mengurangi biaya, meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitif, memastikan
kepatuhan terhadap regulasi, dan membuka peluang pasar baru.
This research explores the role of Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) as a mediator in the
relationship between green innovation and sustainable growth. This research utilized the STATA 14
program to test hypotheses using the path analysis test and the Sobel test. The analysis was conducted
on 2,716 observations from 539 non-financial corporates listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)
between 2013 and 2020. The path analysis findings indicate that (1) green innovation positively
influences EMA; (2) green innovation positively affects sustainable growth; (3) EMA does not have a
significant impact on sustainable growth; and (4) EMA does not operate as a mediator between green
innovation and sustainable growth. Additionally, the present research conducted a rigorous robustness
test, which yielded results that aligned with those obtained from the path analysis test. Incorporating
environmentally focused innovation into company plans provides substantial benefits for achieving
sustainable growth, including cost reduction, improved competitive advantage, compliance with
regulations, and exploring new market opportunities.
gement Accounting (EMA) has emerged and which in this study is a measurement of
is getting more and more attention from EMA, has no consequence on the corpo-
business actors. EMA manages quantitative ration's financial performance.
and qualitative information on environ- The application of green innovation and
mental impacts and financial consequences EMA in a corporation is in accord with the
of business activities relevant to the environ- theory of legitimacy that counts on a social
ment and provides information that sup- contract that the corporation will continue to
ports decision-making, reporting, and ac- meet society's expectations (Deegan, 2002).
countability (Latan et al., 2018). Agustia et al., The concept of legitimacy is essential for
(2019) and Chaudhry et al., (2020) reveal that corporations in analyzing their relationship
green innovation has a significant positive with the environment. Legitimacy theory
effect on EMA; this indicates that EMA can shows that corporations try to adjust the
help corporations make reliable decisions for social values in their business activities with
the corporation's economic growth. Account- the norms that apply in people's lives (Amir
ing practices such as EMA can help corpo- et al., 2020); this is carried out voluntarily so
rations gain potential environmental advan- that the community can accept the
tages while understanding their responsi- corporations.
bilities as business actors. The gap in this research lies in the need
The use of EMA in a corporation can for more research results on the relationship
provide important information about the life between green innovation and sustainable
cycle of a product (life cycle analysis), which growth. When Przychodzen and
is then used as evaluation material. Phan et al., Przychodzen (2015), Asadi et al., (2020), Li et
(2017) and Chichan et al., (2021) claim that al., (2020), and Skare and Porada-Rochon
the application of EMA can provide accurate (2022) argue that green innovation can affect
information about the dimensions of sus- a corporate's sustainable growth through
tainable development and has a remarkable higher asset efficiency in generating revenue,
part in improving the corporate's environ- better cost management, and achieving
mental performance by considering environ- market differentiation, Cai and Li (2018) and
mental issues when making decisions. More Larbi-Siaw et al., (2022) argue that the high
effective and efficient cost management costs and risks associated with green inno-
through EMA can make it easier for corpo- vation will make it challenging for corpo-
rates to achieve one of the goals of sustaina- rations to realize financial gains shortly, ne-
ble growth, namely managing corporate gating any direct impact of green innovation
finances to expand without overspending or on the corporate's sustainable growth. The
underspending (Brugmann, 2021). Research research results must also be more consistent
by Christine et al., (2019) further indicates in the relationship between EMA and
that implementing the EMA can significantly sustainable growth. The effectiveness and
boost the corporation's economic growth. efficiency of cost management generated by
Although EMA can produce positive finan- EMA can increase the corporation's sus-
cial performance results in the long term, tainable growth through internal fund
Riaz and Saeed (2020) argue that by the "cost management (Phan et al., 2017; Chichan et
to be green" ideology inherent in improving al., 2021; Christine et al., 2019). Contrary to
environmental management, corporates this argument, Riaz and Saeed (2020) and
must incur high costs and may lose money Testa and D'Amato (2017) prove that due to
control to manage the corporate's internal large expenditures to improve environ-
funds, so that the corporate cannot maintain mental management, corporations can lose
its level of sustainable growth. In line with control in managing their internal funds,
this argument, Testa and D’Amato (2017) leading to corporate failures to increase their
prove that environmental certification, sustainable growth.
366 Ekuitas: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan – Volume 8, Number 2, June 2024 : 363 – 381
provement in the EMA system positively The study's population consists of all
contributes to the corporation's financial Indonesian corporations listed on the
performance. Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) between
According to Phan et al., (2017), the 2013 and 2020. The initial sample consisted of
infor-mation produced by EMA helps 3,393 observations. The researcher then
increase managers' awareness of environ- excluded the 677 observations that did not
mental issues. It always involves ecological offer all of the financial data required for the
matters as one of the considerations in study. Hence, the study's final sample
decision-making. That way, corporations can consisted of 2,716 observations.
promote sustainable growth through acti-
vities that can improve corporate perfor- Measures
mance. The same thing was also stated by Dependent Variable
Christine et al., (2019) and Chichan et al., Sustainable growth is the leading bench-
(2021), who stated that applying EMA pro- mark for corporations to increase revenues
vides information that can help corporates without reducing their financial resources
improve their economic performance. As (Higgins, 1977; Rahim, 2017). Through the
discussed above, the researcher formulates corporation's operational objectives, level of
the following hypothesis: leverage, and dividend payments, the corpo-
H4: EMA mediates the effect of green ration can attain the maximum percentage of
innovation on sustainable growth sales growth or what is known as sustainable
Figure 1 shows the research conceptual growth. Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) by
framework. Higgins (1981) is used to measure the
corporate's value of sustainable growth by
multiplying the retention ratio and Return
on Equity (ROE).
Independent Variable
Green innovation uses new technology
(hardware and software) to create environ-
mentally friendly products or processes that
encourage sustainability (Song and Yu,
2018). This study measures green innovation
by dividing the total R&D costs by total sales
(Tsai and Huang, 2020). Developing environ-
mentally friendly production processes and
products begins with research and develop-
Figure 1 ment (R&D) activities. Companies actively
Conceptual Framework involved in R&D activities will find it easier
Source: Literature Review, 2024 (Processed) to develop products by considering envi-
ronmental issues (Agustia et al., 2019). In
RESEARCH METHOD addition, R&D costs are a significant factor
Sample and Data Sources for companies to improve the technological
The data needed in the study were capabilities needed for green innovation. The
obtained from two primary sources. First, the increase in R&D spending led to the ace-
researcher used the OSIRIS database to ob- leration of technological innovation and
tain corporate financial information. Second, environmentally friendly products, as well
the corporate annual report was used to as an increase in the company's ability to
determine whether the corporation had been meet people's expectations.
certified to ISO 14001.
Examining Green Innovation Practice...– Atmariani, Agustia, Permatasari, Lusandi 371
termine the significant effect of the media- statistical analysis. Table 1 shows the
ting variable. findings of this study's descriptive statistical
ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION Based on table 1, GI's lowest and maxi-
Descriptive Statistics mum values are 0.000 and 0.009, respect-
Descriptive statistics are used to analyze tively. The sample corporates' average GI is
data by describing the collected data without 0.000, with a 0.001 standard deviation. The
aiming to provide generalized conclusions. SGR variable ranges from a minimum of -
Descriptive statistical analysis provides in- 167,880 to a maximum of 135,650. The SG
formation regarding the variables used in variable has an average value of 2,160 and a
this study, namely Green Innovation (GI), standard deviation 30,897. Finally, EMA's
EnVironmental Management Accounting lowest and highest values are 0.000 and
(EMA), and Sustainable Growth (SG). The 1,000, respectively. The average EMA owned
mean, median, maximum, minimum, and by the sample corporates is 0.337, with a
standard deviation of each of these variables standard deviation of 0.473.
will be displayed in this study's descriptive
Table 1
Descriptive statistics
Table 2
Pearson Correlation
Table 4
Sobel Test
workplace's economic performance. As one green innovation and EMA is often asso-
of the drivers of economic growth, many ciated with EMA's benefits, which can assist
corporations are starting to implement green managers in identifying, classifying, and
innovation to encourage profitable financial allocating corporate-related costs. The emer-
growth in the future. Although the corpo- gence of environmental costs tends to be
ration needs to spend money at the begin- hidden, increasing the use of EMA in ful-
ning, green innovation can provide financial filling the corporation's environmental res-
benefits to the corporation in the end, such as ponsibilities. These results support the
reduced spending on waste treatment, lower theory of legitimacy. The implementation of
material and energy consumption costs, and green innovation and EMA reflects the cor-
reduced costs related to environmental poration's seriousness in protecting the
pollution (Li et al., 2020; Shahzad et al., 2020). surrounding environment as well as the
Skare and Porada-Rochon (2022) also point- corporation's efforts to gain legitimacy from
ed out the importance of corporations in- the community.
creasing their technological innovation in- This study's results align with research
vestments to achieve the desired growth rate. conducted by Agustia et al., (2019), which
Corporations must develop technological found empirical evidence that green inno-
innovations that can increase production vation benefits EMA. In decision-making,
efficiency and support the growth rates EMA plays a significant role in managing
needed to address environmental problems environmental-related costs, often only
in the short and long periods. Therefore, the categorized as overhead costs in conven-
application of green innovation in the tional financial statements. EMA's ability to
corporation can increase the corporation's trace R&D, waste treatment, and product
sustainable growth. certification costs into specific environ-
Asadi et al., (2020) show the importance mental costs clarifies the importance of
of the role of green innovation in encourage- implementing EMA for corporations actively
ing the realization of sustainable growth. implementing green innovation. Chaudhry
Emerging economic benefits, such as re- et al., (2020) also provided the same results
duced waste management costs, have led with this study. Corporations implementing
many corporations to design products or green innovation are better positioned to use
production processes promoting energy sa- and improve the corporate EMA system. The
vings and better pollution prevention. proper use of EMA can help stakeholders to
Research by Przychodzen and Przychodzen decide by providing information about
(2015), Li et al., (2020), and Skare and production costs that is more accurate and
Porada-Rochon (2022) also prove that green efficient. Over time, the increase in EMA in
inno-vation can essentially boost a the corporation can positively contribute to
corporation's economic growth. the corporation's performance.