Aj - Ahmed Jaffar Jme 12
Aj - Ahmed Jaffar Jme 12
Aj - Ahmed Jaffar Jme 12
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Journal of
Mechanical Engineering An International Journal
Volume 9 No. 1 July 2012 ISSN 1823-5514
Ahmed Jaffar
Nurul Hayati Abdul Halim
Noriah Yusoff
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Universiti Teknologi Mara, (UiTM) Shah Alam
ISSN 1823-5514
© 2012 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia.
The current manufacturing industrial trend in Malaysia shows that the automotive
industries are experiencing rapid development driven by stronger domestic and
global market demands. This may be due to higher incomes and purchasing
power among Malaysians as well as continuous support and stimulus packages
by the Government. Through National Automotive Policy (NAP) which was
announced in 2006 and reviewed in 2009, the government provided protective
measures and subsidies in various ways to develop the national automotive
industry of Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) and suppliers as well
as the related industries.
As a result, local automotive industries in Malaysia such as Perusahaan
Otomobil Nasional (Proton), Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua Nasional (Perodua),
Malaysian Bus and Truck (MTB), a motorcycle manufacturer (MODENAS)
and a light vehicle commercial manufacturer (INOKOM) have shown the rapid
growth. This situation has led to the rapid development of latest and world-class
quality of vehicles such as car, motorcycle, truck and bus as well. This positive
impact influences the development of other local automotive industries in
Malaysia particularly their suppliers. The companies in the manufacturing sectors
are constantly competing to keep up with the latest technology advancement.
Thus, these companies strive to look for the best manufacturing practice for their
production area, which include technology and manufacturing system that can
be applied in their company.
The best manufacturing practice is not about the application of latest
machine and technology only. It must include the manufacturing system and
management as well. Due to this reasons, Lean Manufacturing (LM) system has
been widely used by many manufacturers around the world. In Malaysia, LM
was initiated by automotive manufacturers especially investors from Japan such
as Toyota, Kayaba and Honda. Nowadays, it is also utilized by local automotive
companies such as Proton, Perodua and their vendors.
LM is a team-based approach to identify and eliminate wastes in terms
of non-value adding activities such as waiting, inventory, transportation and
others through continuous improvement on the product flow. It is a generic
process management philosophy in Japanese manufacturing industry which
originates from the TPS and it was identified as “Lean” in the 1990s. These
systematics techniques with a set of powerfull tools such as Pull system, Value
Stream Mapping (VSM), Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED), Kanban
system, Standardized Work (SW) and others became the major contributors to
many process improvement with substantial advantage in terms of reducing
production costs and stability.
This research will utilize the case-based approach to demonstrate and
document the changes due to the implementation of one of LM tools, which
is Standardized Work (SW) in one of local automotive manufacturers in
Malaysia. The study was conducted at a real assembly area, which is a plastic
manufacturing plant owned by XYZ Manufacturing Sendirian Berhad (ASB).
Through discussion with management of the company, D55D assembly area
was selected as a case study area for this research. This assembly line produced
Air Cleaner Module (ACM) for Perodua. Currently, the production system at
this plant is practicing conventional production system; with operators perform
their tasks according to Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), developed by
Engineering Department during development of the product.
Thus, main objective of this paper are:
i. To demonstrate a systematic techniques of data collection and analysis for
efficient implementation of SW at the assembly processes.
ii. To standardized the assembly process at D55D assembly line with the aid
of the SW tools such as SWCT, OBC, SWC and PCCS and a set of Kaizen
activities such as wastes elimination, workloads balancing, introduction of
gravity flow racks system, re-layout and the others.
iii. To compare the performance of the new improved standardized process
through lean metrics comparison against the existing process.
Literature Review
Standardized work (SW) is one of the most important tools in Lean Manufacturing
(LM) implementation and was widely used by many companies around the world
especially in manufacturing area [1]. According to Supplier Kaizen Unit (SKU)
from Assembly Services Sendirian Berhad (ASSB), SW is used as a complement
to TPS, and most recommended for maintaining the improvement that has been
done at the manufacturing area. In the context of manufacturing field, SW is
defined as a detailed and documented department visual system provided by
management as the main reference for the production department especially line
operators to run their process by follow a series of tasks [1]. The main focused
of SW is human movements, where SW helps to outlines efficient, safe work
methods and helps eliminate waste while maintaining quality [2]. The detailed
process steps in the SW represent the current best practices for workers to follow
in order to complete their tasks.
SW is designed through detailed study and observation on the process which
based on products’ and customers’ requirements. This is to minimize process
variation among the workers, to eliminate unnecessary motion or non-value-
added tasks, to produce good quality product, safely and economically [3]. The
main tools used during developing the SW and descriptions of their functions
are as below are as below:
i. Time Measurement Sheet (TMS): Use to record and analyze a production
process to be studied in terms of process sequences and cycle time (CT).
ii. Periodical Task Check Sheet (PTCS): Use to record and analyze all the
identified periodical tasks in a set of production processes.
iii. Losses Analysis Check Sheet (LACS): This sheet is used to record and
analyze performance of the process in forms of operation availability and
loss percentage.
iv. Standardized Work Combination Table (SWCT): This sheet is used to
demonstrate the time relationship between manual work, machine work and
walking, and the takt time. It indicates the flow of operators work within the
operation in a single work or known as element process to indicate precisely
how much time is needed for each elements. This SWCT is normally used
as the main reference at a production area to aid operators by visualizing
the work sequence of the operation. It informs the operator how they should
perform the task to keep in the pace and to stay on schedule [3].
v. Operator Balance Chart (OBC): This chart is used to visualize all the work
loads in a set of process and compare them between work station and to
takt time. It also shows the time required to conduct every element during
the process for each work station. Through the OBC, the equilibrium of
workloads between work stations can be easily shown. The best production
line is when the workloads between work stations are totally equal or nearly
equal and closely matches the line takt time [3].
vi. Standardized Work Chart (SWC): This chart is used to visualize layout of
a production area to be studied. It also used to show the work sequence,
the quantity of standard in-process part at the line and movement of the
operator to complete a set of element process [3].
vii. Production Capacity Check Sheet (PCCS): This sheet is used to determine
machines capacity and also to identify bottleneck in the process. This is
because, one of lean concepts is the operators and the machines must all
be balanced to takt time [3].
viii. Cell Kaizen Target Sheet (CKTS): To record identified lean metrics before
and after an implementation of improvement activities.
ix. Cell De-bugging Checklist (CDC): Used as checklist to evaluate an
improved area.
Each tools used for specific functions, but with same objectives which is
to record and visualize the system for thorough analysis. Through empirical
studies by other researchers, it was found that the adoptions of these tools in
every companies or environment are varied depending on the process or system
to be analyzed.
Usually, the completed SWCT and SWC are displayed near to the operators,
as their main reference at the production line [8]. However, the SW tools are
not rigid documents. The documents should be revised periodically to increase
the effectiveness of the process. Imai [9] mentioned that, in order to ensure
the improvements that have been done to take place in the system, the existing
Research Methodology
Stage 3: Data Analysis
Stage 2: Data Collection
SOP, PFC, Production Daily
Report, PFMEA Stage 1: Observation
Present Scenario
D55D assembly line runs on a one-shift operation for 12 hours a day all
year long except for weekends, public holidays and major shutdowns. Every
day, the line is run with 2.5 hour overtime, while weekends were considered as
12 hours of overtime. Production is run according to production orders given
by planning department on a weekly basis. When orders arrive, production
will refer to production schedule to route the order. The production schedule is
prepared by the planner on monthly basis where when an order arrives from a
customer, planners will enter it into the planning system. Then, they will estimate
the completion date according to target CT registered in BOM and schedule
roughly for the production units on a monthly basis. Current practices show
that, daily overtime were applied to cover daily backlog which occurred due to
incompetence of the line to fulfill daily requirement as given by the planner.
Through line observation, found that there are two permanent operators
who carry out all the assembly processes; operator 1 operates assembly machine
at workstation 1 and operator 2 operates inspection machine at workstation
2. Figure 2 shows a sequential picture of the existing assembly processes in
workstation 1 and Figure 3 for inspection processes in workstation 2. D55D
assembly line is a semi-automated production process with manual loading and
unloading at the start and the end of the process. During the assembly processes,
product is carried from the first workstation to the next workstation manually by
hand. Operator has to assemble all the components on the plastic case manually,
and then it was fitted or clamped by using assembly machine. Inspection on the
completed part is performed by using the inspection machine. They performed
their tasks according to cycle time given by engineering department and the
outputs were monitored in hourly basis by production line leader.
For loading and unloading components and plastic parts, it was carried out
by material handler and usually in large quantities according to production order.
For large components such as top case, bottom case and air element, wire-mesh
is used as temporary storage in the assembly line as to reduce frequency of
loading and unloading processes. Small components such as spring, hook, and
gasket are supplied in large quantity, also according to the production order.
Each of the components is stored in one poly-box that was placed close to the
line operators so the operators can load the components by themselves whenever
they need it. By comparing the actual process with the SOP, it can be concluded
that the operators performed their tasks not fully follow SOP accordingly but
they had stressed that they are comfortable with the process and quality of the
products are meeting the customer’s requirements.
Based on the first and second objectives of this research which are to demonstrate
the systematic techniques used during conducting data collection and analysis
Figure 3: The Present Method of Assembly Process at Workstation 2
Effective Data Collection and Analysis
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Journal of Mechanical Engineering
and to standardized the assembly processes, therefore the researcher would like
to emphasize on the following area:
Data Collection
Data collection basically can be divided into three main activities which are:
Table 2: Previous Manufacturing Data from PCS and BOM (January – May
2011) for D55D Assembly Line
Manufacturing data Target
Jan 11 Feb 11 Mar 11 Apr 11 May 11 Average
Output per man hour (pcs) 50 46.4 45.2 44.6 44.5 45.0 45.1
Output per shift (pcs) 510 470.0 468.0 460.0 460.0 465.0 464.6
Reject cost components (RM) 0.00 162.20 121.10 117.7 206.1 173.0 156.00
Breakdown time (hour) 4.8 1.4 2.2 7.5 4.5 4.1 4.8
Overtime (hour) 100.00 195.75 311.42 172 209.05 159.6 193.56
Target production output (pcs) 10,480 10,600 12,420 10,500 11,200 11,040
Target production output (pcs) 10,072 9,820 12,071 10,040 10,906 10,582
Backlog (pcs) 408 780 349 460 294 458
Attainment (%) 96.11% 92.64% 97.19% 95.62% 97.38% 95.79%
For detailed analysis on how the current production processes were performed,
time study was conducted. This is to record all the production activities in terms
of processing time and motion of the operators along a specific production
process including value-added and non-value-added activities. The activity was
conducted as suggested by J. Hazier and B. Render [18] and S. A. Lawrence
Time Measurement Sheet (TMS) was used to records all elements process
and cycle times for each process. For accurate data analysis, each process element
was timed for ten cycles to increase the accuracy of the data collection. In the
TMS, process time was separated between hand time, walk time and machine
time. This is for clearly pictured the process. After all the readings were tallied,
minimum, maximum, average and mode cycle times from the ten sets of job
cycles were identified and recorded at the bottom of the TMS. Along the process
it was includes a number of periodical tasks. Same method was applied on
these tasks, where for this; Periodical Task Check Sheet (PTCS) was used to
run the analysis. Times for these tasks were recorded five times together with
frequency of the tasks been repeated. Video camera was used also to review
the process in the future. All the collected data from workstation 1 and 2 have
been summarized in the Table 3 below:
Total hand Total hand Total work Total Total actual Total CT Total CT Periodical
time time time time CT (Mode) (Minimum) (Maximum) time
63.10 3.90 6.0 67.00 62.50 69.90 11.00
58.80 3.50 3.00 65.30 61.90 66.00 11.70
Actual CT for each workstation is equal to mode or most frequent CT. From
the table above, shows that minimum CT to complete the assembly processes
at workstation 1 is 62.50 sec, maximum CT is 69.90 sec and mode CT is 67.00
sec. Total hand time is 63.10 sec, walk time is 3.90 sec and machine time is
6.0 sec. Since there is no idle hand during the machine time, the time was not
included in the total CT. Total periodical time at this workstation is 11.00 sec
with main contributors are from the task of loading small components from
small plastic bags into STP boxes, removing layer pads from wire-mesh and
rearranging wire-mesh position after it was supplied by material handler. For
inspection process at workstation 2, data collected revealed that, minimum CT
to complete this process is 61.90 sec, maximum CT is 66.00 sec and mode CT
is 65.30 sec. Hand time is 58.80 sec, walk time is 3.5 sec and there is operator
waiting during run the inspection process, with 3.00 sec. Total periodical time
is 11.70 sec with longest times recorded are for the activities such as writing
Receiving Report (RR) and updating Daily Production Report (DPR). Most of
the activities can be classified as non-value-added activity and must be targeted
for elimination.
From these data, it shows that the differences between minimum and
maximum times are quite distinct especially at workstation 1. It can be concluded
that, operators’ variance in perform their tasks are quite large. Through the
observation at the line, variances happened due to the operators was performing
their tasks without adhering to SOP fully. That is the main reason why the actual
times are taken from the mode times, not from the average times.
Data Analysis
Data analysis on the existing production process was started by using data
in Table 5, where there are several manufacturing data that were confirmed
beforehand such as:
From calculation above, standard CT for workstation 1 is 78.00 sec and for
workstation 2 is 77.00 sec.
ii. Calculate standard CT for D55D assembly line where CT for this line is
equal to bottleneck CT performed by the workstations. Therefore, standard
CT for D55D assembly line is 78.00 sec.
iii. Line Takt time (TT) for the past five months of production data were
calculated and shown in Table 2 below. To show how the takt times were
calculated, calculation for the month of January 2011 is shown below
To establish the line takt time, minimum takt time from Table 4 was used
which is equal to 69.20 sec. It is based on the maximum fluctuations of monthly
volumes at this line.
iv. Standard number of operators for the line based on the actual Work Contents
(WC) at the line. It is calculated by using formula C below [14]:
Total line WC
Number of operator =
Takt time
(78.00 + 77.00) C
= 2.23
Actual CT
Operator Availability =
Actual output time
67.00 D
= × 100
= 83.75%
workstation 1. It was identified that, the losses were due to the high periodical
times in the both processes.
The analysis was continued by transferring the data in the TMS into a SWCT.
Figure 5 shows the SWCT for workstation 1 and Figure 6 for workstation 2.
From the SWCTs below, vertical red line refers to the line’s takt time; vertical
blue line refers to new improved standard CT, while vertical orange dot refers to
actual output time. Figure 9 show that the actual CT for workstation 1 is 67.00
seconds, which is lower than the line takt time. The same pattern was observed
for workstation 2 with actual CT of 65.30 seconds. There is 3.00 seconds idle
time and bottleneck process during the paste foam process around the bottom
case. With actual output time of 80.00 seconds for these workstations, it’s far
exceeded the line’s takt time. The main contributing factor is long periodicals
times at both workstations with almost 11.00 seconds per piece. Another factor
is due to other factors such as parts shortage and quality issues which were
affecting the productivity output of this model.
Bottleneck process at workstation 1 is at element process 9. This is due to
the clamp used was entangled with one another. Through line observation, it
was found that the operator spent time to release the entangled clamps before
assembling it with the top case. While for the workstation 2, the bottleneck
process is at element process 2.
To visualize all the workloads and to compare the workloads between
workstation and to takt time, Operator Balance Sheet (OBS) was used for the
next analysis. Figure 7 shows that the workloads of workstation 1 and operator
2 are quite balance. However, both exceeded the line’s takt time. This is the
main reasons for why unplanned production overtime was high.
These conditions increased the operators’ movement and products’ cycle times
as well.
With available production time of 615.0 minutes per shift, the PCCS shows
that maximum manufacturing capacity for the existing D55D assembly line
is 479.22 pieces per shift, with bottleneck process at workstation 1. Current
production daily planning is 510 pieces per shift, it can be concluded that the
line is not capable to fulfil daily demands by the production planner. Therefore,
assembly process at this line must be targeted to be improved in order to meet
current production volumes and at the same time to increase capacity per shift
for future expansion.
Development of standardized assembly process was carried out with aid of a set
of Kaizen activities which focused on the both workstations. Main objectives
of this activity are:
i. To eliminate as much wastes or non value added activities as possible as
well reduce current cycle times of both models.
ii. To eliminate bottleneck and implement continuous flow manufacturing
iii. To reduce the shop floor area as well as reducing the motion times.
Before that, a set of lean metrics was identified and recorded in a Cell Kaizen
Target Sheet (CKTS). These metrics were used as baseline to set target for the
metrics after the improvements. The targets were based on the company’s target
and existing condition of the study area. The result and percentage of decrease/
increase columns will only be filled after the results from the implementation
were received. The CKTS must be checked and approved by the management.
This is to ensure the metrics use could be understood by all level of staffs
and it’s parallel with company’s targets and objectives. Figure 19 shows the
completed CKTS for D55D assembly line. For this research, metrics used are CT,
overtime and shop floor reduction and hourly output and production attainment
improvement. To achieve the objectives and targets for the metrics, six major
Kaizen activities were implemented which are:
Gravity flow rack system was introduced with the main objective to present
the parts and components as close as possible to the operators’ point of use. It
was designed to have not more than two cycles of delivery quantities at one
time. It has slight inclination and few rollers so that process of storage is more
ergonomic. In addition, the same rack has gravity feed out to get emptied
containers out from the assembly line. Standardization on poly-boxes used was
also implemented as the main temporary packaging methods for the components.
With this system, First in First Out (FIFO) system is guaranteed as well as
reduced components stocks quantity in the line. Through this activity as well,
the distance of movements were reduced with reduction of assembly area, and
operators can use both hands simultaneously. Figure 12 shows an example of
the gravity flow racks system applied at the assembly line.
Line Re-layout
From Table 5, observed that the actual CT or mode time for workstation 1
is 63.00 sec with 5.97% reduction. Main reduction is from reduction of hand
time from 63.10 sec reduced to 59.1 sec. This is due to improvement activity
on the process assemble leaf spring and hooks with top case, where the CT
was reduced from 16.50 sec to 12 sec only. New improved periodical time for
this workstation is 2.5 sec only, which is equal to 77.30% of reduction. Main
reductions were come from the elimination of non-value-added activities such
as loading components and re-arrange the wire-meshes positions.
While for the workstation 2, there is 4.8% reduction from the existing time
which is from 65.30 sec to 62.20 sec. This is as results from the reduction of hand
time which is from 58.80 sec to 56.2 seconds and reduction in walk time which is
from 3.50 sec to 3.00 sec. As the existing process, machine times were included
in the total cycle time because of there is idle hand during the auto-inspection
process due to safety purposes. New improved periodical time is 2.4 sec or equal
to 79.5% reduction from the existing time. Main reductions were came from the
elimination of non-value-added activities such as loading components, polish
part and arrange empty poly-boxes which were resulted from the introduction
of gravity flow racks system and others Kaizen activities.
Through line observation, it was found that the new improved hourly output
is 54 pieces per hour. From all these results, several standard manufacturing
data were established as conducted before. Table 6 shows the data which were
compared with the existing line.
Figure 13: SWCT at Improved Workstation 1 Figure 14: SWCT at Improved Workstation 2
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Figure 15: OBC at Improved D55D Assembly Line Figure 16: SWC at Improved D55D Assembly Line
Effective Data Collection and Analysis
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Figure 17: The CDC on the First Day of Line Evaluation at Improved D55D Assembly Line
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Figure 18: The CDC on the Last Day of Line Evaluation at Improved D55D Assembly Line
Effective Data Collection and Analysis
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Journal of Mechanical Engineering
the production line from stop. Then, root causes were identified though detail
analysis and observation. Through that, two types of countermeasures were
identified and implemented which are for long term and recurrence prevention.
Lastly, the corrected actions were monitored again as to ensure the effectiveness
of the actions taken and stability of the line. This activity was continued until the
researcher and the management satisfied with performances of the line. Figure 18
shows the CDC, from the last day of de-bugging process in the assembly line. It
shows that, most of the targets for the check points were achieved which proves
that stability of the standardized assembly process has also been attained.
After being satisfied with the performance of the improved assembly line,
results collected were evaluated again to establish final results. Identified Lean
metrics as listed in Cell Kaizen Target Sheet (CKTS) were used to perform results
comparison. Figure 19 below shows the completed CKTS with final results.
From the CKTS above, line CT was reduced by 17.60%, which is from
80.70 sec to 66.50 sec, managed to be lower than line takt time. Subsequently, it
increased also production output from 45 pieces to 54 pieces per man hour and
attainment from 95.79% to 98.95%. Average overtime was also reduced from
193.56 hour to 55.0 hour per month with 71.59% improved. The last metrics
shows that the shop floor area was managed to reduce by 18.18%, which is
from 22 m³ to 18 m³. In addition, the improved line is now fully operating
under continuous flow manufacturing system. Under this system, parts can be
produced much faster, resulting in profits being collected in a shorter period of
time [16], [17].
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helped also to allow the people in the company to more understand about
their production system.
ii. With the help of the SW tools such as SWCT, OBC, SWC, PCCS and CDC
and implementation of the six main Kaizen activities which are: (i) simplify
and re-arrange the assembly processes; (ii) elimination of non-value-added
activities; (iii) workloads balancing between workstations; (iv) reduction
of operator’ movements; (v) introduction of gravity flow rack system, and
(vi) line re-layout, existing assembly process at D55D assembly line was
successfully improved and standardized.
Review on the standardized system shows reduction in the line CT by
17.60%, which is from 78.00 sec to 69.20 sec with the line, was run at lower
that the takt time. Main reduction came from the elimination of the most
periodical tasks and walk times at both workstations. Periodical time at
workstation 1 was reduced by 77.3% and at workstation 2 by 79.5%. Total
walk times were also reduced by 10.80%. This reduction was a result from
the reduction of shop floor area through introduction of gravity flow rack
system and improvement on the existing assembly processes and layout.
As a result, there are increasing of hourly production output with 16.67%
and production attainment with the latest attainment is 98.95%, and at
the same time reduction in production overtime by 71.59%. Through the
introduction of gravity flow rack system, shop floor area was successfully
reduced by 18.18%.
Therefore, it can be concluded that, with the aid of a set of SW tools
and Kaizen activities, SW was successfully introduced and implemented
at the D55D assembly line with lots of benefits to the company.
iii. Performance of the new improved standardized process was successfully
evaluated by using lean metrics comparison against the existing process. By
referring to Cell Kaizen Target Sheet in Figure 21.0, most of the targets for
each identified metrics were successfully achieved except for line attainment
and shop floor reduction.
In this research, it was founds that the successfulness of SW implementation
is proved in a systematic manner with the help of effective data collection and
analysis, a set of SW tools and implementations of Kaizen activities. To maintain
the stability of the improved case study area, some recommendation actions that
should take considerations by the company are such as:
i. It is highly recommended to the company to keep updating all the existing
production documents such as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP),
Process Flow Chart (PFC) and Process Failures Modes and Effects Analysis
(PFMEA) and the SW tools with the latest condition of the assembly
processes. This is for standardization purposes on the new improved process
and system. Then, relevant documents such as SOP, SWCT and SWC should
be displayed near to the operators so the operators can clearly see them as
their main reference.
[3] T. Luyster and D. Tapping (2006). Creating Your Lean Future State,
Productivity Press: 19-24, 44, and 83.
[12] A. Castle and R. Harvey (2009). Lean information management: the use
of onservation data in health care, International Journal of Productivity
and Performance Management: 280-299.