University of Mumbai
University of Mumbai
University of Mumbai
Submitted by
Ansari Noor Alam
Khan Naseem Ahmed
Sawant Ishtiyak
Sayyed Ziaul Hasan
In partial fulfillment for the award of the Degree
Prof. Mohammad Javed & Prof. Saad Shaikh
(Approved by AICTE, recg. By Maharashtra Govt. DTE,
Affiliated to Mumbai University)
410206, Tel.: +91 22 27481247/48 * Website:
To the Kalsekar Technical Campus, New Panvel is a record of bonafide work carried
out by him under our supervision and guidance, for partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering as prescribed
by University Of Mumbai, is approved.
(Approved by AICTE, recg. By Maharashtra Govt. DTE,
Affiliated to Mumbai University)
410206, Tel.: +91 22 27481247/48 * Website:
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of
Engineering in Mechanical Engineering, as prescribed by University of Mumbai approved.
_________________ _________________
Date: __________
After the completion of this work, we would like to give our sincere thanks to all those
who helped us to reach our goal. It‟s a great pleasure and moment of immense satisfaction for
us to express my profound gratitude to our guide Prof. Mohammad Javed whose constant
encouragement enabled us to work enthusiastically. His perpetual motivation, patience and
excellent expertise in discussion during progress of the project work have benefited us to an
extent, which is beyond expression.
We would also like to give our sincere thanks to Prof. Zakir Ansari , Head Of
Department, Prof. Saad Shaikh , Project Co-Guide and Prof. Aslam Hirani, Project co-
ordinator from Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kalsekar Technical Campus, New
Panvel, for their guidance, encouragement and support during a project.
I take this opportunity to give sincere thanks to Mr. Zarrar Ahmed Shaikh,
Manager/Owner in “Otoklin Global Business Limited”, for all the help rendered during the
course of this work and their support, motivation, guidance and appreciation.
Last but not the least I would also like to thank all the staffs of Kalsekar Technical
Campus (Mechanical Engineering Department) for their valuable guidance with their interest
and valuable suggestions brightened us.
I declare that this written submission represents my ideas in my own words and where others'
ideas or words have been included, I have adequately cited and referenced the original sources.
I also declare that I have adhered to all principles of academic honesty and integrity and have
not misrepresented or fabricated or falsified any idea/data/fact/source in my submission. I
understand that any violation of the above will be cause for disciplinary action by the Institute
and can also evoke penal action from the sources which have thus not been properly cited or
from whom proper permission has not been taken when needed.
Small scale industries plays an important role in Indian economic. It has emerged as
powerful tool in providing relatively larger employment next to agriculture. It contributes
more than 50% of the industrial production in value addition terms and generate one third
of the export revenue. Global markets are continuously changing and demanding product
of high quality and low cost. Such products can be produced using lean manufacturing,
a management philosophy that aimed to reduce all types of wastes at all levels of
product manufacturing so as to reduce product cost. 5S is a basic lean manufacturing tool for
cleaning, sorting, organizing and providing necessary groundwork for work place
improvement. This report deals with the implementation of 5S methodology in the Otoklin
filters Company, Ambernath, Maharashtra. Out of the available various lean
manufacturing techniques, 5S offers good potential for required improvement.
5S is a systematic technique used by organizations comes from five Japanese words; Seiri
(sort), Seiton (set in order), Seiso (shine), Seiketsu (standardize), and Shitsuke (sustain).
This system helps to organize a workplace for efficiency and decrease wasting and optimize
quality and productivity via monitoring an organized environment. It also provides useful
visual evidences to obtain more firm results. There is a real need for empirical studies in
field of new management systems and their impact on company‟s performance. As
importance role of continuous improvement in today‟s organizations, and lack of sufficient
evidence to show the positive impact of 5S on organizational performance, this paper aims
to determine performance factors and characteristics in industrial organizations and
identifying the effectiveness of 5S implementation on organizational performance as well.
Surveying method is used and data collection is done by distributing questionnaire among
five target organizations which have implemented 5S techniques. The target organizations are
chosen from different industries and diverse field of work. The results of this research
obtained from a comparative measurement of organizational performance before and after 5S
implementation. The results show that 5S is an effective tool for improvement of
organizational performance, regardless of organization type, size, its production or its service.
Consequently, 5S techniques would strongly support the objectives of organization to achieve
continuous improvement and higher performance.
1.1 Introduction 1
1.9 5S Strategy 7
2 Literature review 8
2.1 Introduction 8
2.2 Introduction of 5S 8
2.3 History of 5S 9
2.4 Philosophy of 5S 11
2.4.1 Introduction 11
3 Methodology 19
3.1 Introduction 19
3.2 Implementation of 5S 20
4 Present work 26
6 Conclusion 46
7 References 47
8 Papers Published 50
Figure No. Description Page No.
3.8 5S Methodology 25
4.1 Scrapyard 27
4.3 Sorting 29
4.4 Sorting 29
5.1 Y-strainer 45
Table No. Description Page No.
4.1 Scheduling 26
4.2 S1 SEIRI 40
4.3 S2 SEITON 41
4.4 S3 SEISO 41
4.5 S4 SEIKETSU 42
4.6 S5 SHITSUKE 42
Abbreviations Description
PVT Private
e.g for example
etc and other things
FYP Final Year Project
i.e it is
ISO International Organization of Standardization
JIT Just In Time
TPS Total Production System
TQM Total Quality Management
UK United Kingdom
USA United States of America
1.1 Introduction
These chapter overall discuss the introduction of the 5S implementation in the
Otoklin filters & solutions pvt ltd. In this part, the briefing of the background, problem
statement, objectives, scopes and the objective of the project are discussed.
In general, the 5S approach includes the controls the work floor conditions rather than the
worker's behaviour. It is relatively inexpensive for the company to implement. It makes
the worker's job easier and safer. It promotes daily activity for continuous improvement.
It fosters efficiency and productivity while improving work flow. It encourages a proactive
approach that prevents problems and waste before they occur. It provides a practical method
for dealing with the real problems that workers face every day. And it fits with a
facility's other efforts, such as total preventive maintenance, just-in-time manufacturing,
pollution prevention, safety initiatives, and lean manufacturing effort.
The goal for this project is to let people realize about the importance of good
housekeeping, especially in manufacturing plan. Many people think that housekeeping
should be done by housewives at home, and cleaners at work. They do not realize that they,
too, play an important part in keeping their houses/workplaces clean. More importantly,
they do not know how much they can gain for themselves by just practicing good
housekeeping. Whether work in an office, the factory, the warehouse, the laboratory or
any other place, housekeeping is relevant to every people.
Good housekeeping is important as it can create an environment in which even minor
abnormalities and mistakes will be obvious. Plus, it will produce an easily managed, safer
and more pleasant environment. In industry, a clean, well-ordered and attractive work
environment sets can help encourages tidy work habits in employees. It helps reduce
fatigue. It will promote good worker-management relations. It also gives a lift to morale,
which is reflected in the quality of production and overall efficiency. It can stimulate efforts
to improve productivity through better use of people, space, equipment, time and
The more important reason why good housekeeping matter is it makes the
undertaking a safer place to work in. Good housekeeping is a main factor in
preventing accidents. Majority of all work accidents are caused during the handling of goods
or materials, and by people falling, being hit by falling objects, or striking against
objects in the workplace. All these causes can be reduced by good housekeeping
practices. In fact, good housekeeping is the only cure for hundreds of accidents that occur.
constant hazard. It can be caused by many housekeeping problems, such as oil-soaked
rags and clothing igniting from spontaneous combustion and many more. Poor housekeeping
can also lead to infestation by pests such as rodents and cockroaches and create serious
health risks.
Cartridge Filters
Air Filters
Coolant Filters
Sand Filters
Bar Filters Slot Tube Filters
Basket Filters
Belt Filters
Strainer Filters
Import/Export Region
Import region
North America
Export region
North America
Western Europe
Central/East Europe
TATA Groups
Plant Layout
1.9 5S Strategy
5S is a strategy for attaining workplace organization and cleanliness, and it will improve
quality, productivity and moral than any other lean manufacturing improvement.
Above fishbone diagram shows various phases of 5S methodology. In each phases we have
describe the problem by using this phases we have solved the store management problem.
2.1 Introduction
This chapter will proceeds with referenced review from the relevant literature. It is
included the details related to the information and history which already done by other people
that involved in implementing 5S, previously.
2.2 Introduction of 5S
5S initially based on the Japanese acronyms of seiri (organization), seiton (neatness),
seiso (cleaning), seiketsu (standardization) and shitsuke (discipline), is used as a
platform for developing an integrated management system by the parallel use of total
productive maintenance (TPM) (Bamber et al., 2000).
Kobayashi et al. (2008) make a distinction between 5S as a philosophy or way and 5Sas a
technique or tool by comparing the frameworks provided by Osada (1991) and Hirano
(1995) respectively. From their study, they conclude that 5S tends to be recognized as a
philosophy in Japan, but in the other hand it is likely to be considered as a technique or tool
in the United Kingdom and United State of America. Osada (1991) views 5S as a strategy
for organizational development, learning and change, whereas Hirano (1995) considers 5S
to be an industrial formula that differentiates a company from its competitors.
A common definition of 5S in the West is housekeeping (Becker, 2001; Chin and Pun,
2002; Ahmed and Hassan, 2003; Eckhardt, 2001). In the West both 5S and TPM are
sometimes disregarded or at least underutilized (Douglas, 2002). A framework of
applying 5S within a business (as appose to a personal philosophy of way of life) was first
formalized in the early 1980s by Takashi Osada (Ho et al., 1995).
Therefore, we can say that there is no consensus about the scope of 5S. Much of
Western literature still acknowledges 5S as housekeeping (Ahmed and Hassan, 2003;
Becker, 2001; Chin and Pun, 2002; Eckhardt, 2001). However, 5S is more frequently framed
in the “lean” philosophy (James-Moore and Gibbons, 1997; Hines et al., 2004; Kumar et al.,
2006), since it encourages workers to improve their working conditions.
2.3 History of 5S
5S was developed in Japan. It was first heard of as one of the techniques that enabled what
was then termed 'Just in Time Manufacturing'. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology's 5-
year study into the future of the automobile in the late 1980s identified that the term was
inappropriate since the Japanese success was built upon far more than components arriving
only at the time of requirement. John Krafcik, a researcher on the project, ascribed Leanto the
collective techniques being used in Japanese automobile manufacturing; it reflected the focus
on waste in all its forms that was central to the Japanese approach. Minimised inventory was
only one aspect of performance levels in companies such as Toyota and in itself only arose
from progress in fields such as quality assurance and Andonboards to highlight problems for
immediate action.
5S was developed by Hiroyuki Hirano within his overall approach to production systems.
Many Western managers coming across the approach for the first time found the experience
one of enlightenment. They had perhaps always known the role of housekeeping within
optimised manufacturing performance and had always known the elements of best practice.
However, Hirano provided a structure for improvement programs. He pointed out a series of
identifiable steps, each building on its predecessor. Western managers, for example, had
always recognised the need to decide upon locations for materials and tools and upon flow of
work through a work area; central to this (but perhaps implicit) is the principle that items not
essential to the process should be removed – stored elsewhere or eliminated completely. By
differentiating between Seiri and Seiton, Hirano made the distinction explicit. He taught his
audience that any effort to consider layout and flow before the removal of the unnecessary
items was likely to lead to a sub-optimal solution.
Equally the Seiso, or cleanliness, phase is a distinct element of the change program that
can transform a process area. Hirano's view is that the definition of a cleaning methodology
(Seiso) is a discrete activity, not to be confused with the organisation of the workplace, and
this helps to structure any improvement program. It has to be recognised, however, that there
is inevitably an overlap between Seiton and Seiso. Western managers understood that the
opportunities for various cleanliness methodologies vary with the layout and storage
mechanisms adopted. However, breaking down the improvement activity in this way clarifies
that the requirements for the cleanliness regime must be understood as a factor in the design
aspect of Seiton. As noted by John Bicheno, Toyota's adoption of the Hirano approach is '4S',
with Seiton and Seiso combined – presumably for this very reason. The improvement team
must avoid the trap of designing the work area and then considering the cleanliness or tidiness
Hirano also reminded the world of the Hawthorne effect. We can all introduce change and
while people in the business consider the change program to be under management focus the
benefits of the change will continue, but when this focus has moved (as is inevitably the case)
performance once more slips. Western managers, in particular, may have benefited from the
distinction between the procedural or mechanical elements, Seiketsu, of keeping these matters
in focus and the culture change, Shitsuke, which is a distinct approach to bringing about a
new way of working. A number of publications on the subject in the West have questioned
whether this culture can really be tackled as part of an exercise of relatively limited scope.
The broader kaizen, or continuous improvement, approach is built, among other things, upon
the company's valuation of all members of the workforce. If employees don't feel valued
within the overall company culture, perhaps the change required falls outside the limits of a
housekeeping improvement program.
2.4 Philosophy of 5S
2.4.1 Introduction
The 5S philosophy focuses on effective workplace organization and standard work
procedures. It is based on five Japanese words that begin with S. This document
contains a translation of those words and their corresponding meanings in the English
- Are all measuring tools properly classified and kept?
On the basis of the above questions it is possible the estimation of the workplace in
terms of the1S rule so littering the workplace. If on any question answer is yes, it should
execute sorting of things which are in the workplace.
B) On the second stage one should execute the review of all things which are in the
workplace and group them according to the definite system. According to carried out
sorting it should execute the elimination from the workplace the things, which were
found „unnecessary”.
B) To permanent usage the 1S rule is so-called the Programme of the Red Label. It means
giving the red label to things, which operator will recognize as useless within his
workplace. This label will make possible not only the elimination of the given thing,
but through its own formula will make possible the liquidation of the reasons of
appearing on the workplace this given thing.
Things used occasionally and seldom should be on the workplace but outside the direct
using sphere. Their distance and location from the place of work should depend o the
frequency of using these materials or tools. Places of storage should be marked in the
manner making possible their quick identification. It can be used coloured lines,
signs or tool boards. Once defined places and methods of storage should be invariable.
- Are the oil‟s stains, dust or remains of metal found around the position, machine, on the
- Is machine clean?
- Are lines, pipes etc. clean, will they demand repairing?
- Are pipe outlets of oils not clogged by some dirt?
- Are sources of light clean?
It is assumed that standards should not be implemented only in the typical operational
processes e.g. production, movement maintenance, storing, administrative processes, for
example: book-keeping , customer service, human resources management, or secretariat
Standards offer employees and employers a way to reach common goals while showing
fairness to both sides. Cleaning and organization standards based on the 5S system
should be clearly displayed around the workplace using signs and posters. Labels can also be
used as reminders to be placed on individual pieces of equipment.
To aid memorization and implementation, pick a 5S colour scheme for your facility that
aids in quick reference to 5S-related materials. For example, areas containing many black-on
white signs may be outfitted with a white-on-green sign where cleaning or
organization instructions are necessary.
As your employees adjust themselves to this new environment, make sure your standards are
easy to understand and offered in multiple languages where necessary.
Standards are the backbone of a successful 5S program. Adherence to those standards creates
an environment wherein employees can confidently pursue their production goals .
Fig 2.4- SEIKETSU SHITSUKE – Sustain
Implementing the idea of the 5S will demand from workers the compact self-
discipline connected with implementing and obeying the rules of regularity in cleaning
and sorting. It leads to increasing the consciousness of staff, and decreasing number
of non conforming products and processes, improvements in the internal
communication, and through this to improvement in the human relations.
2.5 Pie chart
The above pie chart shows that we have reviewed 20 papers out of which 20% part
consists of case study, 40% part is of conceptual studies and 40% consists of
2.6 Project planning
In this project , planning has been done by referring international journals articles
of various researches and books. After referring journals and having discussion with
industrial expert, we found area of research. Once identifying the area of research
problem was defined with the help of project guide. After discussion , the data related
to the research area was collected. By understanding the methodology, 5S methodology
was implemented and result was analyzed.
Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction
Many manufacturing facilities have opted to follow the path towards a “5S”
workplace organizational and housekeeping methodology as part of continuous
improvement or lean manufacturing processes.
The 5S system is a good starting point for all improvement efforts aiming to drive out
waste from the manufacturing process, and ultimately improve a company‟s bottom line by
improving products and services, and lowering costs. Many companies are seeking to making
operations more efficient, and the concept is especially attractive to older manufacturing
facilities looking to improve the bottom line by reducing their costs.
“A place for everything, and everything in its place” is the mantra of the 5S method, and
storage and workspace systems such as those provided by Lista International allow improved
organization and maximum use of cubic space for the highest density storage. The result is an
improved manufacturing process and the lowest overall cost for goods produced.
Fig 3.1- Consolidating stored items into the smallest possible footprint yields
benefits ranging from more efficient use of space, faster and easier
retrieval and an improved appearance.
3.2 Implementation of 5S
Implementing the 5S method means cleaning up and organizing the workplace in its
existing configuration. It is typically the first lean method that organizations implement. This
lean method encourages workers to improve their working conditions and helps them to
learn to reduce waste, unplanned downtime, and in-process inventory.
The 5S methodology is a simple and universal approach that works in companies all over
the world. It is essentially a support to such other manufacturing improvements as just-in-
time (JIT) production, cellular manufacturing, total quality management (TQM), or six
sigma initiatives, and is also a great contributor to making the work-place a better place to
spend time.
Benefits to the company from using the 5S methodology include raising quality,
loweringcosts, promoting safety, building customer confidence, increasing factory up-time,
and lowering repair costs.
The 5S methodology is typically implemented using a 3-step process, which includes
establishing a cross functional team (including employees that work in the associated areas),
touring all areas associated with manufacturing process under review, and brainstorming on
ways to improve organization to reduce waste. For example, factories have more than their
share of searching waste. It is not unusual for a three hour changeover routine to include 30
minutes of searching. When attempting to reduce changeover time radically (for example,
going from 3 hours to 10 minutes), there is clearly no room for 30 minutes of searching
Fig 3.2- Fewer steps and greater organization mean less waste.
Some examples include waste of motion because the person sent to get a part or tool
could not find it; searching waste because no one can find the key to the locked cabinet that
contains needed tools; waste of defective products because defective parts were not separated
properly and used by mistake; and even waste caused by unsafe conditions, as boxes of
supplies that are left in a walkway, causing someone to trip and get injured.
Fig 3.3- Small teams work closely together to plan the greatest efficiency
and productivity in operations and processes.
For example, team members might observe workers walking long distances to obtain needed
parts, or spending time reaching into bins on shelves to find parts. Or they may identify
hardware, like nuts, bolts and screws that are used in a certain area, but stored in a central
storage facility far away from the point of use. The goal of the VSM is for the team to walk
the process, and identify what operators really need versus what they receive.
Fig 3.4- Open shelving (left) is very inefficient at storing small items. High density
drawer and shelf storage (right) enables storage of small items in right-sized
compartments, increasing cubic capacity and organization.
Systems should be set up so everything has a place that is available when needed,
including the manufacturing floor, areas where products are being packaged, through the
equipment maintenance area. Everything should be labelled and identified. Local storage
minimizes travel time, and adjustable storage and workbenches make it easier to adapt to the
differing needs of individual employees. Using Storage Walls organized with bar-coded
handles can reduce wasted time due to lost inventory and searching. Such systems also
facilitate quick tool changes for different product lines. Storing tools next to machines in use
rather than in multiple storage locations around the facility can save hours each day.
Modular drawer storage cabinets that allow the maximum use of cubic space for the highest
density storage are ideal for high-density storage of parts, tools and items of virtually any
size and type. They are scalable enough to adapt to future requirements, provide maximum
weight-bearing capacity, tailored drawer organization, and ergonomic item handling and
Fig 3.5- Customizable storage solutions allow the creation of storage that
accommodates a wide variety of stored item sizes. What you need,
where and when you need it.
For example, Lista International, a leading manufacturer of storage and workspace systems,
assists companies in implementing 5S methods as part of lean manufacturing programs to
drive waste out of manufacturing processes. The Lista products offer waste elimination
through space reduction, organization improvement, and inventory management.
Fig 3.6- A place for everything and everything in its place, clearly labeled.
Designed to allow dense storage and a smaller footprint, the storage cabinets make it very
easy to add flexibility to production lines to facilitate faster turnaround time. The photos to
the right illustrate how the proper storage unit meets the number one mantra of a 5S system
for a manufacturing facility – A place for everything and everything in its place.
Fig 3.7- The 5S visual workplace, where tools are easy to find and located right at the
working area, leads to a clean, efficient work environment.
Storage solutions can go a long way to improve using the 5S methodology to improve
manufacturing processes, enabling quicker, more efficient production, which contributes to
lower overall costs.
The above figure shows the process flow diagram of 5S methodology. In this the whole
process starts with sorting followed by shine means cleaning all the racks so after sorting and
cleaning materials were set in order then once after S3 stage standardization is done and the
final stage is sustain.
4. Present Work
Before starting project in otoklin we scheduled the project . So first we started with
literature review on 8th September and within one week we completed literature review. On
basis of literature review we started searching company in which 5S can be implemented. By
24th September 2014 we got opportunity to implement 5S in otoklin. After that by 27th
September 2014 we studied the company‟s layout and found out the area of implementation.
Then we studied the 5S methodology and the whole study of 5S methodology was completed
on 7th October 2014. Once after studying 5S methodology we started implementing the
methodology from 18th October 2014. There was five stages in which first stage 1S:Seiri was
implemented by 28th October 2014, 2S:Seiton was implemented by 3rd November 2014,
3S:Seiso was implemented by 8th November 2014, 4S:Seiketsu was implemented by 28th
December 2014 followed by 5S:Shitsuke which was implemented by 6th January 2015. So to
maintain the 5S audit were prepared which took around 20 days and was completed on 25 th
January 2015. After that as a part of extra activity Economic Order Quantity was performed
and was completed by 10th February 2015. Finally the final project closure was expected to be
by 7th March2015.
In otoklin we started our project by first surveying the company’s storeroom were
all the raw materials are kept. We surveyed the store room, communicated with the store
keeper Mr Desai about the functioning of the storeroom. We also communicated with
the senior engineer Mr Zarar and on basis of his information we found out that there
is a batch production in the company. He also gave us the bill of material of the
storeroom. Thus we started the project.
We started the project by following the rules of 5S and worked step by step.
In sorting we distinguished the useful and scrap items. Then scrap items were kept
all aside at one location and we named the location as scrap yard which is just
located besides the entrance of storeroom.
The above image is of the company‟s storeroom where we have segregated the
scrap and placed it besides the entrance and named it as scrap yard. In this scrap yard
we placed all the scrap at one time and some of the scraps are placed at different location due
to shortage of space.
In store room there are lots of material are present such as cutting wheel, grinding wheel,
wire mesh, different types of valves & fasteners ,etc. We also made a list of all the materials
which are present in the company & then we sorted these materials according to frequent used,
seldom used & rarely used.
After removing scrap we sorted and set in order the useful materials according to
their respective sizes. We differentiated grinding wheels and cutting wheels according to
the sizes i.e 4”, 5”, 7” then we sorted fittings into their following categories as butt
welded elbow, socket welded elbow and equal tee.
Sorted and arranged the flanges in accordance to their sizes i.e 20NB, 25NB, 50NB,
80NB, 65NB, 100NB. Then we differentiated special welding rod (6010, 316L, 308L,
309L). Sorted all the fasteners in size 3/4, 5/8 and also ejectors. spanners and name
plates sorted as per sizes. Differentiated couplings according to sizes 1”, ½”, ¾”. Sorted
all Types of values viz gate valve (Flange end 1”, threaded butt weld ½” &1”), ball valve
(screwed end 1”. 3pic design 1”,¾”; 2pic design 1”, ½”, 1 ½”; flange end ½”), gate valve
flange end (80NB), ball valve flange end (SS316).
The scrap items consists of M.S plate cut, SS Spee perforated sheet, wire mesh cut
piece, manifold valve.
Images of sorting and Set in order
Fig 4.5- Sorting & Set in Order
In the above figures there are grinding wheels set in order, the name brackets and fasteners
has been sorted out .
Fig 4.6- Set In Order
In the above figure cutting wheels has been set in order in their respective racks.
In the above image various types of spanners has been sorted and placed in respective
Fig 4.8- Set In Order
In above image there is cupboard in which items like handgloves, phenyl, tapes,
goggles and some pressure gauges has been arranged.
Fig 4.9- Sorting of brackets
In fig 4.9 brackets has been sorted out and in fig 4.10 brackets has been set in order.
Fig 4.11- safety helmets.
In the above figure safety helmets has been sorted and arranged above the racks.
Fig 4.13- wire mesh
In the above figure wire mesh has been sorted and arranged.
Cleaning is third method of 5S technique; we implemented this method as we were
proceeding with the sorting method. As we were proceeding the sorting, we were
differentiating used & not used items and then we cleaned the whole work place, then after
this we reached every racks & then cleaned every racks for cleaning method.
For cleaning we removed all the items from their racks and cleaned racks. While
cleaning we also fixed the air conditioner leaked pipe.
Fig 4.14- Rack Cleaning
Standardize & Sustain
The fourth „S‟ stands for Seiketsu(standardize). In this step standard procedure,
audit sheet and work instructions are prepared to maintain 3S. Before starting of work
to check and correct the sorted items, placing equipments at its place and cleaning
etc. and give proper reading on audit sheet and create awareness in employee to maintain
this thing on production line or on non productive line.
The fifth „S‟ stands for Shitsuke (sustain), Sustain is about the mental and physical
disciplines required to maintain the other 4S items. It is done with help of co -
operation between employees, store keeper, engineer and manager.
5S Rating System
S1 Seiri (Sort):
Seiri is the first S in 5S system, which is basically deal with the availability of materials
and process of product manufacturing. For calculation of Seiri rating, we allot 4 criterion
regions for seiri arrangement, and decide that the sub system should achieve minimum 3
marks out of 4 because it tends us to define that the system will be in issue when it is above
50% active. Following are the Seiri rating criterion.
(1) Material availability Give 1 mark if material is fully available or give 0 marks if material
is not fully available.
(2) Defective goods If there are X items which contains Y items as defective Then the marks
will be Fraction of fine goods = [1- {Y/X}]
Operating condition is an important aspect for the arrangement of material and tools,
because without the comfort of operator the best process arrangement also has zero value.
Give 1 mark if operating condition is under control and give 0 marks if operating condition is
not under control.
(4) Elimination of waste Elimination of waste is also an important aspect for Seiri rating. Let
total N no of waste are listed but only M were eliminated the marks of elimination process
will be Fraction of waste elimination = [1- {M/N}] Now add all five marks and get total
rating of Seiri out of 5.
If the Seiri system will get less than 3 marks then do the arrangement again because if it
is got below 3 marks it means it has very poor condition of analysis.
Seiton is second S of 5S system which deals with the proper arrangement of equipment
and tools on the shop floor. The main objectives of Seiton are forming a regular workplace,
avoiding time loss while searching the material and mistake proofing work. Following are the
Seiton rating criterion.
(1) Sequence rating Let there are A no. of tools are in proper sequence and B no of tools are
not in proper sequence. Then sequence rating will be Fraction of proper sequence = [1-
(2) Material arrangement rating this criterion basically deals with the providing of raw
material and accessories for the particular operation. Let D be the lack of material and C be
the total material required, then Fraction of material available = [1-{D/C}]
(3) Tool arrangement rating: This criteria shows the consistency if the system about
providing service for proper fulfilment of tooling requirement. Let P be the no. of irregular
process and Q be the total no. of process. Fraction of consistency to tool arrangement: [1-
Now do sum of all the above three criteria and note it as the rate of the Seiton system.
This rate should have minimum value of 3 points, if not then system will set again or need
analysis again.
In order to realize effective tasks, it is essential to create a clean and regular working and
living environment. This is because dust, dirt and wastes are the source of untidiness,
indiscipline, inefficiency, faulty production and work accidents. We can handle cleaning
practices by two approaches: “general cleaning of workplace” and “machine, hardware and
tool cleanliness”. Seiso process indicates the “Renovation of the work place”. Seiso system
contents the following criteria:
(1) Process path clean: If the path of process is clean then allot 1 point and if not give 0 point.
(2) Proper environment for working condition: Working environment include the ergonomics
of the worker like proper souse of light and air, which makes the worker continuously fresh
and energetic and make him stay away from errors during operation. Working condition
rating will be Let J will be total aspect for favourable condition and I be the no. of fail
arrangement. Fraction of environment: [1-{I/J}].
(3) Safety from accident: Let K be the total no. of accident chances and L be the total no for
accidents occurs. Then safety rate will be Fraction of safety: [1-{L/K}].
(4) Cleaning consistency: Let E be the total no. of cleaning required and F be the cleaning not
done say inconsistency. So consistency rate will be Fraction of consistency = [1-{F/E}].
After adding all the above five criteria the rate of Seiso system can be recorded. This rate
should have minimum value of 3 points, if not then system will set again or need analysis
S4 Seiketsu (Standardize):
Seiketsu is generally means for make a peak standard which should be achieve by the
manufacturing process practice. Standard should be communicative and easy to understand.
Seiketsu rating will be found by calculating the average of previous three S, because standard
of any system will rise and fall by mean rate depending factors.
S5 Shitsuke (Sustain):
Shitsuke (Sustain) is the last S of the 5S system which is deal with the regularity of
maintaining the standard of the organization for the particular process, which is only done by
regular practices and by following the proper instruction of machine operating. By doing
regular following of accurate of instruction we can maintain the machine condition at its peak
level, which may help for better production and stay away from breakdown.
Shitsuke rating will be depending on the previous four S because without that the
regularity will not maintain. Therefore Shitsuke rate will be the average of previous four S
𝑆ℎ𝑖𝑡𝑠𝑢𝑘𝑒 𝑆𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 𝑆𝑖𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 + 𝑆𝑒𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 + 𝑆𝑒𝑜𝑠𝑜 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 +
𝑆𝑒𝑖𝑠𝑢𝑘𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔/ 4
After the calculation of this rating of 5S, efficiency is calculated at the end of every week
and will so the performance improvement at the end of four week. The overall efficiency of
the 5S system for the permitted or approved period will be average of the particular
efficiencies for required week. Also we will make a graph which will show the real condition
of the system and can find the improvement required region.
Week 5 March 14-19, 2015 1 0.8 1 0.6 3.4
Week 6 March 21-26, 2015 1 0.8 1 0.6 3.4
Week 7 March 28- April-2, 1 0.8 1 0.6 3.4
Week 8 April 4-9, 2015 1 0.8 1 0.8 3.6
Week 9 April 11-16, 2015 1 0.8 1 0.8 3.6
Week 10 April 18- 22, 2015 1 0.8 1 0.8 3.6
Table 4.4- S3 SEISO
Week Duration Total Rating =
No. (S1+S2+S3) /3
Week Duration Total Rating =
No. (S1+S2+S3+S4) /4
Week 5 March 14-19, 2015 3.000
Week 6 March 21-26, 2015 3.000
Week 7 March 28- April-2, 2015 3.067
Week 8 April 4-9, 2015 3.267
Week 9 April 11-16, 2015 3.4
Week 10 April 18- 22, 2015 3.467
Table 4.6- S5 SHITSUKE
Week No. Duration (S1+S2+S3+S4+S5)*100 / 25 Efficiency
5. Result & Discussion
Time comparison of Y-strainer
In above Line Graph diagram, we did time comparison of industrial product "Y
STRAINER". Before implementation, it takes more time for production of one product. But
after implementation of all phases of 5S, it takes less time for production of Y Strainer.
6. Conclusion
By implementing 5S we could improve the quality, productivity and efficiency of industrial
organization. The 5S is an effectiveness to manage tools and materials which can improve
housekeeping, environmental conditions and health and safety standards and increase
productivity and quality. 5S sort stage eliminates unused, unwanted material from the storage
room which reduces clutter. Set in order allocates space for components, due to this it give
more space for storing more material and tools and results in reduction in searching time. 5S
reduce the searching time and improve the production and quality of the products and
employees and organization become self disciplined. It also has positive effect on overall
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8. Paper Published
Review of 5S Technique
1 2 3 4 5
Prof. Saad Shaikh, Ansari Noor Alam, Khan Naseem Ahmed, Sawant Ishtiyak, Sayyed
Ziaul Hasan,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Anjuman-I-Islam Kalsekar Technical Campus School of
Engineering, Panvel, Mumbai University, Maharashtra, INDIA
B.E. Mech.(Students), Anjuman-I-Islam Kalsekar Technical Campus School of
Engineering, Panvel, Mumbai University, Maharashtra, INDIA
There are certain fields which are very demanding in today's trend. Small Scale Industry is
one of the fields. It plays an important role in Indian country. It has emerged as powerful
source in providing relatively larger employment after agriculture. It contributes more than
50% of the industrial production in vast field of engineering. Global markets are continuously
changing and demanding due to high quality and low cost. Such products can be produced
using lean manufacturing, by this we aimed to reduce all types of wastes at product
manufacturing so as to reduce product cost. 5S is a basic lean manufacturing technique for
cleaning, sorting, organizing and providing necessary improvement in work place. This
system helps to organize a workplace for efficiency and decrease waste and optimize quality
and productivity via monitoring an organized environment [1]. 5S offers good results for
required improvement. This method can be used in all companies; by this we can get good
improvement in the production process of company. Consequently, 5S techniques would
strongly support the objectives of organization to achieve continuous improvement and higher
Implementation of 5S Practices in a Small Scale Organization: A Case
1 2 3 4 5
Prof. Saad Shaikh, Ansari Noor Alam, Khan Naseem Ahmed, Sawant Ishtiyak, Sayyed
Ziaul Hasan,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Anjuman-I-Islam Kalsekar Technical Campus School of
Engineering, Panvel, Mumbai University, Maharashtra, INDIA
B.E. Mech.(Students), Anjuman-I-Islam Kalsekar Technical Campus School of
Engineering, Panvel, Mumbai University, Maharashtra, INDIA
A small scale industry plays an important role in Indian economy. In an organization the
prime importance is given to the quality and productivity. Since a problem come across due to
the defects in materials, down time in production, working conditions, house keeping etc.
This case study deals with the 5S implementation in an industry, Implementation of 5S can
result in considerable improvements in environmental performance beside with improved
housekeeping and health and safety.5S can improve the quality, productivity and working
conditions in organizations.