Philo Activity 1

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Republic of the Philippines


Narciso Street, Surigao City 8400, Philippines




Chapter 3. Freedom and Discipline in the Classroom

It has been stated in the article that, “There is no fix formula of perfect proportion
between freedom and discipline.” However, it is in the hands of the classroom teachers
how s/he will manage the learners. But, to address the question about how can
teachers strike balance between providing students with the freedom to explore their
interest and maintaining a disciplined learning environment? In my own view as a
teacher, I will set an atmosphere where education for freedom and discipline will be
imposed inside the classroom.
First, I as a teacher will set as good role model in showing honesty, punctuality,
and cleanliness so that my students can be able to apply it to their selves. This is
because I firmly believed that if you show good manners and discipline your students
will unconsciously apply or acquire the behaviors or manners you are imposing in the
classroom. Second, as a teacher, I will apply the Skinner’s Reinforcement theory-
punishment and reward, in this way, I will be able to shape my learners’ behavior by
imposing punishment and reward, the learners’ consequences, and that their behaviors
can be changed through reinforcement, punishment and extinction. Even though some
of their behaviors are not totally reshaped, there is still a reduction of misbehaviors.
Lastly, I will apply also the persuasion whom the cooperation and willingness of the
child for discipline will be molded. Hence, imposing discipline plays vital role educational
process because it teaches learners to take responsibility for their actions and
behaviors. Imposing discipline inside and outside the classroom helps them understand
the consequences of their choices, fostering accountability. It also allows learners to
focus on learning without disruptions. It enables teachers to deliver lessons effectively
and ensures they can concentrate on absorbing the knowledge.
Republic of the Philippines
Narciso Street, Surigao City 8400, Philippines

Nevertheless, freedom of expression in education is an important principle that

encompasses the rights of students, educators, and educational institutions to express
opinions, thoughts, ideas, and beliefs without censorship or undue interference. Like for
instance, learners have given the freedom to express diverse viewpoints, question
ideas, and engage in open discussions without fear of punishment. This shows or
fosters critical thinking and a vibrant learning environment.
In teach students to provide constructive feedback rather than criticism, the
school or the teacher foster an environment wherein the students have leeway to
express their ideas and opinions about the certain matter. Having that approach, the
students will be encouraged to express disagreements or alternative viewpoints in a
respectful and constructive manner. In addition, fostering empathy among students by
encouraging them to consider others' perspectives and experiences will help students
understand that differences in opinion are natural and can lead to richer discussions.
Through those mentioned strategies, schools can create an environment where
students feel empowered to express their ideas freely while learning to engage in
respectful discourse, fostering a culture of open communication and understanding.
However, even though there are solutions in addressing the difficulties of
educating learners, challenges in imposing discipline and freedom to learners cannot be
eradicated, the teachers still experienced challenges in imposing those. The determined
challenges of the teachers are when allowing students the freedom to express their
thoughts and ideas while ensuring that discussions remain respectful and do not disrupt
the learning environment. It is a challenge for the teachers to balance the discipline and
the freedom of the learners. Balancing the need for students’ freedom and creativity
with maintaining a structured classroom environment that benefits the entire class.
Another one is that creating a balance by offering opportunities for students to
expression within structured activities. Moreover, the teachers manage to handle those
problems and challenges through establishing clear guidelines for respectful
communication. Encouraging them to open dialogue but emphasize the importance of
maintaining a respectful and focused classroom environment.
Republic of the Philippines
Narciso Street, Surigao City 8400, Philippines

Chapter 4. Heredity and Environment

Both genetic factors and environmental factors have huge contributions to
learners’ academic success, the learners are nurtured what is in nature of the to them.
Specifically, genetic (nature) influences learners’ preferred learning style or their
inclination towards certain subjects, impacting how effectively they learn and
comprehend information. It influences learners’ personality traits such as perseverance,
motivation, and resilience in the face of challenges.
Meanwhile, environmental (nurture) factors play a significant role in shaping
learners’ educational outcomes. The home/school environment, including parenting
style, support, and educational resources, greatly influences learners’ academic
success. An inspiring and supportive home environment positively impact a learners’
motivation and learning outcomes. Similarly, the effective teaching methods of teachers,
and a conducive learning environment at schools significantly impact academic
achievement. Learning environments mold the learners to be academically motivated,
optimistic toward learning.
Thus, it is necessary to note that each learner's academic success is a result of a
unique combination of genetic predispositions and environmental influences, and no
single factor alone can determine learners’ educational outcomes. Moreover, the
influence of these factors can vary widely among diverse learners.
Nevertheless, genetics actors play a role in shaping the learners’ intelligence and
academic abilities. Genetic variations impact the learners on how to process
information, learn, and retain knowledge. These variations might influence learning
styles, speed of information processing, and memory retention. This means that, some
learners might have genetic tendencies that make learning certain subjects easier or
more challenging. Hence, genetics provide a foundation, experiences, education, and
environmental stimuli that can shape and enhance learners’ learning potentials.
Moreover, the socio-economic, cultural, and environmental factors create
unequal opportunities for learners. For instance, low-income family of a certain learner
often have limited access to quality educational resources, including books, technology,
tutoring, and extracurricular activities. Disparities in funding among schools can also
Republic of the Philippines
Narciso Street, Surigao City 8400, Philippines

impact the quality of education provided. This also lead the low-income family
encountered challenges in providing educational support to their children due to time
constraints or lack of resources. Another thing is that diverse culture of the learners,
cultural differences impact educational experiences. Learners from minority cultures
face challenges in a predominantly different cultural educational environment, leading to
feelings of exclusion or difficulties in assimilation. Those also learners from non-native
language backgrounds, language barriers hinder learning and academic performance,
especially if educational resources and support for language acquisition are limited.
However, having the existing difficulties, the educators find solutions to address
those mentioned factors. The suggested solutions are designing comprehensive
policies, allocating equitable resources, applying inclusive educational practices. The
educational systems can work towards ensuring equal opportunities for all learners,
regardless of their socio-economic, cultural, or environmental backgrounds. Moreover,
environmental stimulation plays a significant role in cognitive development, especially
during childhood of the learners. A rich and stimulating environment can positively
impact a learners’ intellectual growth. Such as, it helps in forming and strengthening
neural connections in the brain, and facilitating cognitive development and learning.
Exposing to diverse stimuli and experiences nurtures problem-solving skills, creativity,
and critical thinking abilities in learners. Lastly, it stimulates environments with rich
language exposure facilitate language development and communication skills.
Teacher, as part of the learning environment factors, optimized the learners’
cognitive capability through applying the inquiry-based learning approaches where
learners actively explore and investigate topics of interest and designing activities that
stimulate critical thinking and problem-solving skills, allowing learners to analyze,
evaluate, and apply their knowledge. Parents also influence the learners’ educational
outcomes- the attitudes for learning of the students, and their motivation to learn.
Hence, parents who are warm, responsive, and provide structure tend to have children
with positive attitudes towards learning. These children are more likely to be self-
motivated, independent learners. Furthermore, supportive family environments that
Republic of the Philippines
Narciso Street, Surigao City 8400, Philippines

emphasize the value of education and actively involve themselves in their child's
education positively influence attitudes towards learning.

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