P Palvia Research 2006

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A Research Framework for Information Systems Security

By: Sherry Cannoy, Prashant C. Palvia, and Richard Schilhavy.

Cannoy, S., Palvia, P., and Schilhavy, R. (2006). “A Research Framework for Information
Systems Security.” Journal of Information Privacy & Security. 2 (2), 3-29.

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This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Journal of

Information Privacy & Security on 01/01/2006, available
online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/15536548.2006.10855789


Securing the IT infrastructure and the data it contains is one of the most critical components of
IT that management faces today. Technologies such as the Internet and the wide-spread
dissemination of computers to more users has increased the vulnerabilities of IT infrastructures
as well as the likelihood of internal and external threats to companies. Managers are able to
prevent or mitigate some of the damage caused by these attacks by aligning security policies
with IT infrastructures to protect the organization’s information capital. The purpose of this
study was to examine security articles in top-tier IS journals from 1996 to 2005 to determine
what types of security research has been performed, to find out if a comprehensive framework
for security in IS exists, and; if not, to develop a framework based upon the current literature and
theory. Through the analysis of hypotheses, frameworks, and variables, security research appears
to be very narrow and highly fragmented, suggesting security research remains fertile, yet
immature. Additionally, no comprehensive framework was present in the analyzed literature;
thus a comprehensive research framework is proposed for IS security.

Keywords: security | meta-analysis | framework | privacy



Information is a vital asset to any company, and needs to be appropriately protected (Hong et a1
2003). It is interesting to note that as early as 1978, Madnick wrote an article for Sloan
Management Review in which he stated ". . . much of the literature and research on computer-
security related matters has focused either on privacy and its associated social and legislative
implications or on technical mechanisms to enforce a specific security objective" (Madnick,
1978). Although a quarter of a century has passed since his article was published, his premise
still seems to hold true. Security is a hot topic now, and it seems that we should be inundated
with academic research regarding security; however, there are relatively few articles. When
examining the current state of IS security research articles, it seems that what Madnick suggests
still exists-the technical and behavioral issues are still a concern. Madnick predicted that
managerial security issues would persist even after security legislation was enforced. Even
before regulations such as HIPAA, this prediction reinforces the fact that management of
security is difficult to implement, enforce, and maintain. Much of this stems from the fact that
management of security is a fairly ill-structured problem. In an article proposing a new
methodology for handling ill-structured problems, Mitroff and Emshoff (1979) suggest that
policies to implement solutions to ill-structured problems ". . . are all-too-often directed towards
the surface or structural characteristics of a policy. . ." This is apparent in many companies today
that are forced by regulations to write and advertise their security and privacy policies, but the
companies do not have the infrastructure and management in place to ensure that the policies are
properly enforced. Ideally, the security and privacy policies should be in place and integrated
with the IT infrastructure components. A CRA report on Security Risk Management (CRA
Reports 2003) cites the logical reasons that security in the IS field is so fragmented:

"Nobody in corporate America denies the strategic imperatives associated with protecting the
information infrastructures and data that underpin virtually all commercial activities in today's
economy. And yet, despite the documented costs of cyber attacks by hackers, viruses--even
trusted employees within organizations-the security posture in most large enterprises is still
characterized by a series of largely disconnected measures and countermeasures designed to
respond to events after they have occurred. Current security strategies are, in other words,
reactive in nature-not proactive. "

Given the paucity of research and apparent lack of coherence in IS security research, the purpose
of this article is to conduct a thorough examination of top-tier journals in Information Systems
and report on the state of IS security research. Another important goal is to develop a
comprehensive research framework which can be instrumental in understanding current efforts
and guiding future work.


According to Hong, et al, (2003) there is very little literature regarding security management.
Part of the problem is the level of difficulty experienced in conducting security research. For
example, Kotulic et al (2004) experienced several problems testing a proposed security risk
management model due to the sensitive nature of collecting security information for research.
The original methodology was to perform a preliminary field study at two firms which had a
security risk management program in place, and surveys would be created based on the
information gathered from the field studies. There were five firms who then agreed to participate
in the pilot test of the questionnaires. After being provided with the research study proposal and
the preliminary questionnaires, these firms were to administer self-report questionnaires. Even
though the identity of the individuals and firms would be kept confidential, these five firms
declined to participate. Thirty-eight alternative firms were then chosen and asked to participate.
Only one firm agreed to participate in the pilot test of the questionnaire. The questionnaire was
then sent to 1,500 firms. Only 23 of these firms returned the questionnaires, not all of which
were usable. While there were several reasons for these difficulties, the most enlightening one is
a company policy not allowing the sharing of information about computer security policies with
those external to the organization. Furthermore, it seems that there is no consensus in the IS field
as to how security fits into the organizational structure of management and IS policy and
infrastructure. Many of the frameworks proposed in IS security research are extremely specific
and task-related. NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) is highly involved in
developing risk, contingency, and security policies for the government. There are many
published articles by NIST regarding the development of security policies in governmental
agencies (www.nist.gov) (2000). They have developed a descriptive security framework for their
agencies to follow. They suggest that "agencies" should:

1. Assure that systems and applications operate effectively and provide appropriate
confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

2. Protect information commensurate with the level of risk and magnitude of harm resulting from
loss, misuse, unauthorized access, or modification (NIST 2000) The main goal of their
framework is to develop standard documented policy and procedures to be implemented, tested,
and reviewed. Development of security policy and infrastructure is core to mitigating risks,
threats, and vulnerabilities in an organization.

Given the apparent fragmented state of IS security research, the purpose of this study is to
examine the research conducted in the last decade (from 1996 to 2005) in information systems
journals regarding security issues. With security being a major concern facing IS management, it
seems that academic researchers would be very involved in studying the phenomena of how
these threats, vulnerabilities, and risks affect IS management, infrastructure, and employees.
Through a meta-analysis, this study will examine the focus of IS research according to the
following research objectives and then propose a research framework for IS security. The
research questions posed are as follows:

1. What has been the focus of security research in IS from 1996 to 2005?

2. What are the main variables utilized in IS security research during this period?

3. What are some of the hypotheses from the IS security studies?

4. Does a comprehensive research framework for IS security exist?

5. If not, can a comprehensive framework for IS security be developed based on previous works
and proposed for future research development?


In an attempt to address the research questions above, the authors performed a meta-analysis of
82 security articles from what are considered to be the top-tier journals in Information Systems.
Table 1 shows the journals analyzed and the frequency of security-related articles found for each
journal. A list of all the articles examined is included in Appendix A. Chaisson and Davidson
(2004) utilized similar journals in their study of information systems in healthcare, although a
significantly smaller list was chosen. Meta-analysis has frequently been chosen as a suitable
methodology for studies focusing on codifying a domain of knowledge (Hunter 1990), although
meta-analysis research is not without its problems (Hwang 1996). Previous literature has also
performed meta-analysis on specific domains of knowledge within Information Systems,
particularly in decision support systems and group decision support systems literature (Benbasat
Lim 1993, Dennis et al 2001, McLeod Liker 2002). A recent meta-analysis of information
systems literature was performed by Palvia, et al. (2004). The initial set of articles was based on
their study; later our search was expanded to include all security articles from 1996 to 2005.

Besides many articles which focus primarily on privacy also discuss security as a secondary
topic, these articles were also included (see Table 2 below).

Because this research is more descriptive in nature, the data collected was written on a
predefined form. This provided some structure and a common method of analysis for each of the
coders. The following items were recorded from each article:
To improve inter-rater reliability, the authors coded the initial ten articles independently,
comparing the results of the analysis and correcting any discrepancies. Once a common
understanding was reached, the remaining articles were divided between two of the authors at
random and summarized in the context of the predefined form. Any confusion coding a
particular article was resolved through consensus between the two coders. In addition, a common
level of knowledge in the security area among coders, aided in mitigating discrepancies between
the authors' analysis of the individual articles.


1. What has been the focus of security research in IS from 1996 to 2005?

Table 3 displays the frequency of security articles per year. The research is very fragmented and
there is very little on a comprehensive view of how security fits into the organization. The
interest in security research declined after the mid-nineties; however it has risen again in the last
couple of years.

Table 4 provides a summary of the types of research and representative articles for the past ten
years. There have been several articles written on legal issues related to security. Along related
lines, there were a few articles regarding computer monitoring and ethics. Vulnerabilities and
risks were discussed, as well as threats to systems in several articles. Detection of these risks was
also the topic of several articles, as well as specific security technologies, such as data
perturbation, digital watermarking and cryptography. However, the majority of the articles dealt
with piracy issues.
2. What are the main variables utilized in IS security research during this period?

We specifically divided the articles into those that offered formal hypotheses and those that did
not. We then examined what dependent, independent, and intermediate variables were used most
frequently in the proposed hypotheses. Most of these variables related to security in the realm of
management policy, infrastructure, and protection of data. We also examined the keywords in
each article (and when keywords were not provided, we utilized the most frequently used
concepts from the articles). The keywords most frequently used were in the areas of threats,
privacy, security, access control, data integrity and data confidentiality.

3. What are some of the hypotheses9om the IS security studies?

Table 5 below displays the frequency of articles which included formal hypotheses. Articles that
focused primarily on generating mathematical models were not considered in the formal
hypotheses. A few of the hypotheses did not relate to any of the identified constructs. The
hypotheses from Gattiker et a1 (1999) were not included since they are primarily concerned with
environmental variables, such as individual characteristics.
Few relationships across hypotheses were found. The hypotheses were typically narrowly
focused. This is not surprising given how few articles actually contained formal hypotheses and
how diverse security research has been. Some of the hypotheses tested similar variables or
constructs, for example, piracy prevention. However, no connections between articles were
found, for example, connecting moral judgments with piracy behaviors. Clearly there is a lack of
cumulativeness or theory-building in IS security research. Some examples of hypotheses are
shown in Table 6.

4. Does a comprehensive research framework for IS security exist?

The analysis of these articles revealed that the security research in this area is fragmented and no
comprehensive framework was discovered. It was expected that the current research would
involve more frameworks than were actually found. Most articles included diagrams, charts, and
tables; however, none of them included major constructs and their relationships, only proposing
a model for a narrow topic or clarifying a technical system. Therefore, the next research
objective was to develop a comprehensive framework for security, which would enable a broad
agenda for future research.

5. If not, can a comprehensive framework for IS security be developed based on previous works
and proposed for future research development?

Based on the articles we reviewed, their categories, variables, keywords, and diagrams, a
research framework is developed and proposed for security in information systems. This process
is described in the next section.


Based upon our comprehensive examination of 82 articles in top-tier IS journals, the research
framework intended to examine IS security issues in an organization is shown in Figure 1. Since
there were few hypotheses found in existing research on which to base these relationships and
constructs, our approach was based more on the descriptive and qualitative aspects of the articles
rather than the quantitative aspects. Nevertheless, we show the number of articles related to each
construct and relationship in parentheses next to the construct/relationship.

Table 7 lists the descriptions of the above constructs. The categorization of these constructs was
grounded from the variables and the keywords, including those generated by the authors when
keywords or variables were not available. Such keywords were subjectively chosen by the
authors as relevant words or topics after a careful reading of the articles. It was deemed
necessary to make up these keywords in order for the analysis to be representative of all of the
articles under review.
Before we discuss the framework constructs, some general comments are in order. Throughout
this process, our focus has been on a realistic framework that is based on what is very
fragmented research. It is somewhat ironic that the issues faced in supporting the validation of
the constructs and relationship choices (i.e., scarce, fragmented and qualitative IS security
research) are also the reason that this security research is necessary.. Therefore, the next steps in
the process of recommending such a framework would obviously be to validate the relationships
and constructs as proposed.

Threats and vulnerabilities seem to have strong relationships with one another, such that threats
are, in part, dependent upon the vulnerabilities and vulnerabilities are dependent upon existing
threats. Research regarding vulnerability and risk analysis is almost nonexistent in the articles
reviewed in our study. However, it is proposed that, in order for a person or an entity to be a
threat to the organization's security, there has to be an existing vulnerability in the security
structure (e.g., policies, infrastructure, data, etc.). For example, if there is no policy on how to
format passwords, many users may utilize their usernames as passwords. This would be
considered a vulnerability since a threat would be likely if the passwords were easy to speculate
and did not require both alpha and numeric characters. The relationship is double-sided because
the threat will often expose a vulnerability (i.e., by utilizing a brute force approach or algorithm
to discover passwords) or the threat may unintentionally find a vulnerability (i.e., stumbling upon
confidential information that should be protected by some type of access control mechanism).

The type of threat and vulnerability also determine the types of policies that should be in place as
well as what type of infrastructure should be implemented. More serious threats will call for
stricter policies and a tightly controlled infrastructure. Policies stem from both general
management and IS management, often from governmental directives. Policy can also dictate the
type of infrastructure implemented for a specific security application, as well as specific
infrastructure technologies which may affect the type of policies generated. The articles we
found relating to music piracy are an excellent example of such interdependencies.

The last construct for data is the most fundamental% the framework. The purpose for examining
threats, vulnerabilities, policies, and infrastructure is of critical importance so that data integrity
and confidentiality can be protected. While the policy and infrastructure determine how the data
is protected, the type of data also determines the types of policies and infrastructure in place. An
example hypotheses from the meta-analysis further explains this: "Classification accuracy for
intrusion detection will differ based upon the format for data representation" (Zhu Zhang 2002).


Note that some variables may overlap into more than one construct. For example, access control
can be a part of management policy with regard to general use guidelines outlining who can
access particular system components. It may also be contained in the IT infrastructure as a
method of controlling access. In some regard, this supports the interrelation between the
constructs in the framework, such that, using access control as an example, management policy
concerning access control should align with the physical infrastructure and vice versa.

Little difference was found between the variables and keywords for external and internal threats,
suggesting that the research has either largely ignored the distinction or, even more interesting,
that there is no difference from an organizational perspective. Thus questioning the distinction
between the two sub-constructs. In either case, this specific research question would be
interesting to address in future research. Generally speaking though, threats as a construct has
been given significant attention from the articles analyzed.

With that being said, we would also assume that the vulnerabilities of the organization to such
threats would also be given similar attention. This, however, is not the case given the lack of
variables and significantly fewer keywords associated with security vulnerabilities. This seems to
be a large gap in security research. Present research seems to focus on the threats to the
organization, assuming the organization already minimizes their vulnerabilities, which may be
far from the case. Thus, future research may focus on what vulnerabilities organizations do
manage, which vulnerabilities are not managed, how organizations manage vulnerabilities, and
how all of these can be improved.
It is suggested that vulnerabilities are a product of both management and security policies
practiced and the IT infrastructure in the organization. Each of these areas has received extensive
attention from the literature analyzed in this study. Both had a significant number of formally
defined variables in comparison to other areas and had the most unique keywords associated with
them. Concerning management policy, it is interesting to note that legal concerns were included
in the construct, which consisted of items such as copyrights and patents. The extensive number
of instances of this keyword may suggest the possibility of expanding the framework to include
environmental variables, in this case, the legal environment. Both security and privacy policies
received equal attention. However, relative to general management policies, we would suspect
these two sub-constructs to be given greater attention in security research. IT infrastructure is
particularly intriguing having an extensive number of unique keywords associated with the
construct. This observation is supported by the copious amount of technical and descriptive
research found in security research.

The data construct received a moderate amount of attention from the articles coded. While this
may be the very thing the policies and infrastructures are designed to protect, the relative lack of
research in this area may not be too surprising, since other constructs may be of more concern to
IS researchers and their interests. Since data integrity was associated with several keywords, we
suspect that this sub-construct may be more complex, requiring additional constructs or factors to
describe it. Data confidentiality, on the other hand, was only associated with a single keyword,

As a final observation, most of the hypotheses related to a single construct. However, in general,
those which spanned multiple constructs support the relationships shown in the framework.


In addition to proposing the framework, through our analysis we have made some conclusions
concerning IS security research as a whole. Studies varied greatly in scope and rigor and seemed
to cluster into two groups, studies which focused on narrow topics with high rigor, and studies
which focused on broad topics with low rigor. Those in the first category, narrow scope with
high rigor, tended to be highly technical in nature, often focusing on single technologies or
algorithms. As such, the variables and constructs were well-defined, often supported with
mathematical models. However, since the scope of these articles was so severely limited,
determining which broad constructs the articles refer to becomes a difficult task, much less
relating them to a single construct. These studies, however, did not account for the most
significant portion, namely those with broad scope and low rigor. Part of this bias toward such
articles is due to a vast majority of them appearing in the Communications of the ACM, to be
discussed later in this paper. These articles discussed primarily broad topics, such as security
concerns for the Internet commerce or management concerns about copyright law. Many of these
constructs were simply not well defined, even in the more rigorous journals. Definitions of the
constructs were not consistent between studies. It appears that the underlying constructs to these
general constructs have not been given careful enough consideration for synthesizing a complete,
unified picture.
One exception to this trend was the study by Biros (2002) which examined the effects of training
and warnings on detection of deception and false alarms of such detection. This article had well-
defined variables which were not so narrow in scope that their value is moot. Since this study
appeared more recently, we suspect that we will see great improvements in security research in
the future.

Our analysis yields another intriguing trend between the number of dependent, independent and
keywords. There were few studies which focused on formally defined variables, either dependent
or independent, and even fewer considered intermediary, confounding, or control variables.
Additionally, these variables are highly fragmented and narrow in scope, suggesting that security
research as a field is relatively immature. However, if the keywords are considered, we have a
more complete picture of the security field as a whole. This observation suggests that a greater
portion of the security field has been considered in an informal, non-rigorous manner, much
more so than with formally defined variables.

The most recent research from 2004 and 2005 focuses in security of areas such as the semantic
web (Lee et al2005, Thuraisingharn 2005), malware and spyware (Lee Kozar 2005, McHugh
Deck 2005, Shukla Fui-Hoon Nah 2005, Zhang 2005), Internet voting (Jefferson et a1 2004), and
investments (Ocavusoglu et al 2004). The area of investments and the economics of security in
information systems are evolving, and the future should hold promise for research in return on
investment and how to measure the quality of service that security technology provides. Another
stream of research that is continuing into the future is that of data perturbation. There has been a
prominent group of authors, including Sarathy, Muralidhar, and Parsa, (2002) who are building
mathematical models and theory in this area.

One limitation of our study is that we focused only on the recognized top-tier journals. In the
past few years, a few niche journals in security research have been initiated, e.g., the Journal of
Information Privacy and Security, and the Journal of Information Systems Security. As security
issues are more prevalent now, many other IS journals are also publishing security research.
Although including articles from these journals will expose a broader range of issues, one must
confine the scope of the study. We believe that by including the top-tier journals, we have
reviewed the "best practices" in IS security research, and although not exhaustive, our findings
are a good representation of current security research.

Another issue is the inclusion of Communications of the ACM (CACM) articles in the analysis
and the potential bias it creates in the findings. These articles constituted more than half of the
total articles coded. These articles tended toward qualitative and descriptive research, and
focused on a wide variety of areas. Chiasson and Davidson (2004) make similar observations
during their meta-analysis of the CACM, emphasizing the quality of the non-editorial and non-
column articles. However, CACM has long been acclaimed as an important journal in the IS
field, although in the past few years, its emphasis is shifting more toward the practitioner
audience. In any case, the Communications of the ACM brings an important perspective which
cannot be ignored.

The final limitation of our study and also call for research relates to the proposed framework.
Although we are confident that the framework encompasses IS security research, we
nevertheless developed the framework from what we found as an evolving and fragmented field
consisting of few hypotheses and well-defined variables and constructs. It is quite possible that
future studies in security research will provide additional constructs to the framework, or support
or refute some of the relationships between constructs that are proposed in our work. In addition,
many of these variables and constructs may have to be further refined. Future studies should aim
to provide additional validation and completeness to the framework proposed in the article.


This study set out to explore recent security research studies in order to synthesize a
comprehensive view of security research in the IS field. Our analysis explored over 80 articles
from seven top-tier IS journals over ten years. No comprehensive framework was found in the
article set, thus one was proposed based upon the variables and topics discussed in these articles.
In addition to the framework, some general observations of the research are given. Security
research is largely fragmented, focusing on policy and infrastructure issues. Few proposed
formal variables and/or hypotheses and even when proposed, they were ill-defined and either too
narrow or broad in scope. Therefore, future research potential is rich in security research in IS.
Since many of the constructs discussed in the articles lacked formal definitions, research seeking
to further refine these constructs in a more rigorous setting would have significant value. Also,
studying relationships among constructs instead of minor factors underlying such constructs will
add more value to the field.

Perhaps we can learn from Kotulic et al's (2004) suggestion that security research is very
intrusive to the organization being studied. Initially, research will be fairly narrowly focused, and
most likely will not be the result of extensive surveys of many organizations. The groundwork of
research in this area will stem from a few organizations which have a vested interest in the
research and who have come to trust the researcher. Ultimately, the metrics for measuring the
success of security technology will be developed, and could be a factor that would persuade
practitioners to find a benefit from participating.

Gaining the trust of practitioners is necessary for yielding important insights into critical areas of
security research.


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