455 Balanced Regulator 230118002

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455 Balanced Regulator General

455 Balanced Regulator

455BAL-1 1.1 General 455BAL-11 1.4.4 Main Tube Components
455BAL-1 1.2 455 Balanced Regulator
Performance 455BAL-13 1.4.5 Regulator Body and
Exhaust Disassembly
455BAL-1 1.2.1 Test for Correct
Adjustment 455BAL-14 1.5 455 Balanced Regulator
455BAL-2 Purge Test Reassembly

455BAL-2 Lever Play 455BAL-14 1.5.1 Regulator Body and

Exhaust Reassembly
455BAL-3 1.2.2 Adjusting the 455
Balanced Regulator 455BAL-16 1.5.2 Flex Knob Reassembly
455BAL-19 1.5.3 Main Tube Components
455BAL-4 1.3 455 Balanced Regulator Reassembly
Removal from Helmet or
BandMask 455BAL-22 1.5.4 Installing the Main
Tube into the Regulator Body
455BAL-6 1.4 455 Balanced Regulator 455BAL-25 1.5.5 Regulator Cover
Disassembly Retainer Assembly
455BAL-6 1.4.1 Regulator Cover Reassembly
Retainer Assembly
Disassembly 455BAL-27 1.6 Installing the 455 Balanced
Regulator onto the Helmet or
455BAL-7 1.4.2 Main Tube Disassembly BandMask
455BAL-9 1.4.3 Flex Knob Disassembly

1.1 General 1.2 455 Balanced Regulator

Kirby Morgan 455
Balanced Regulator The 455 Balanced Regulator is an all stainless
steel regulator of a balanced design that offers
https://www.youtube.com/ far greater overall breathing performance than
watch?v=niLRuNUNmTw the non-balanced SuperFlow® and SuperFlow®
350 regulator.
The 455 Balanced Regulator is an ultra-high per-
formance regulator, continuing the long line of 1.2.1 Test for Correct Adjustment
exceptional regulators from Kirby Morgan®. Its
construction and materials make it an extremely Tools required:
rugged regulator.
• Regulated air supply, 135 to 150 psig
When storing the helmet for any length through Standard Scuba Second Stage Hose
of time, ensure that the flex knob, for
adjusting the regulator, is turned “out”
fully counterclockwise to avoid stressing To maintain optimum performance of the de-
NOTE the bias spring. This will prolong the life of mand regulator, it should be checked for proper
both the inlet valve, seat, and bias spring.
function and adjustment prior to commencement
of diving each diving day, in accordance with the
KMDSI Daily Set Up and Functional Checklist.
See the Kirby Morgan® or Dive Lab websites for

© MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002 455BAL-1
455 Balanced Regulator Performance  455 Balanced Regulator


Diagram of maximum lever arm travel.

the latest checklists at www.kirbymorgan.com or 4) Rotate the Flex Knob out counterclockwise
www.divelab.com. slowly, three full turns.

Check the regulator for adjustment and proper 5) Lightly depress the regulator purge cover sev-
function with the assembly complete, and at- eral times and ensure the gas flow is stable.
tached to a regulated gas supply (normally the
EGS system), adjusted to between 135–150 psig. The regulator may free flow when purged
This can be done with the bent tube in place or if there is no backpressure (resistance)
in the oral nasal, (e.g. the diver's face
with the bent tube and bent tube adapter re- is not correctly positioned into the oral
moved and gas supplied through a standard nasal mask). If the regulator free flows,
SCUBA hose. NOTE simply covering the air outlet tube
of the regulator inside the helmet or
BandMask® should stop any free flow.
Checking for proper adjustment of the 455
balanced regulator must be done with the 6) Push in gently on the cover of the regulator.
L.P. gas attached and turned on. There should be 1/4" free travel in the cover before
gas flow starts. When the cover is fully depressed,
135 to 150 psig over ambient is the a strong surge of gas must be heard.
standard supply pressure to be used when
adjusting the 455 Balanced regulator.
NOTE 7) If the purge cover has NO play, or play is
greater than 1/4" BEFORE GAS flow is heard, the Purge Test
demand regulator requires internal adjustment,
1) Rotate the flex knob in, clockwise towards the per "1.2.2 Adjusting the 455 Balanced Regulator"
regulator body, until a clicking can be heard with on page 455BAL-3.
each full turn of the knob. Lever Play
1) Turn the adjustment knob all the way in,
This is an audible indication the tension of
the bias adjustment spring is as tight as it will clockwise toward the regulator.
get. The adjustment knob will never bottom
out or stop turning in this direction and no 2) Remove the regulator cover retainer assembly
damage to the mechanism will occur. The and diaphragm.
NOTE adjustment knob should only stop turning
when it is turned all the way out (counter
clockwise away from the regulator body). 3) Attach an L.P. supply to the regulator inlet or
helmet side block.
2) Attach an L.P. regulated gas supply to regula-
tor inlet or helmet side block. 4) Slowly turn on the gas supply.

3) Turn on gas supply slowly.

455BAL-2 © MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002
455 Balanced Regulator 455 Balanced Regulator Performance

5) Rotate the flex knob out (counterclockwise) • 7/8 (2) inch Open End Wrench
three full turns.
The quickest and easiest way to supply
6) Check lever arm play, there should be about 1/4 gas to the regulator for testing in between
inch of free play in the lever and no gas flow. adjustments is to use a standard first
stage scuba regulator with an open ended
7) Depress the lever arm several times, ensure NOTE
standard second stage supply hose. The
female fitting will thread onto the inlet
a good flow and confirm the lever play does not tube in place of the bent tube adapter.
It is not necessary to remove the regulator from
If the lever play is outside the recommended pa- the helmet to perform field maintenance, howev-
rameters or if there is no strong gas flow when er, for scheduled overhauls the regulator should
the lever arm is depressed the regulator will re- be completely removed from the helmet and dis-
quire adjustment. assembled. The design of this regulator also al-
lows the technician to remove the main tube as
1.2.2 Adjusting the 455 a complete unit for service or as a rapid replace-
Balanced Regulator ment in the field.
Tools required: If there is too much play in the lever,
the adjustable nipple will need to be
• Regulated air supply, 135 to 150 psig turned out (counter clockwise). Too little
through standard SCUBA Second Stage play, the nipple will need to be turned
in (clockwise). If the purge cover can
be pushed in further than ¹⁄₄" the nipple
will need to be turned out slightly.
• 1/4 inch Flat Blade Screwdriver
Whatever direction is needed, make the adjust-
• 11/16 inch Open End Wrench


NOTE: two LP plugs for manufactur-

er’s test purposes only. Do not remove
unless O-rings require replacement.

Exploded view of 455 Balanced regulator.

© MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002 455BAL-3
455 Balanced Regulator Removal from Helmet or BandMask  455 Balanced Regulator

ment in very small increments and re-check af- Turning the adjustment nipple in
ter each adjustment. Usually 1/16 turn at a time or (clockwise) will increase lever play and
increase the free range of the purge
less will suffice. cover. Turning the adjustment nipple out
Hint (counterclockwise) decrease lever play and
1) Remove the bent tube assembly, per "1.3.1 Re- decreases the free range of the purge cover.
moval of the Bent Tube Assembly" on page BNT-4.

Remove the bent tube assembly. Turn the adjustment nipple 1/16 of a turn at a time
to adjust the performance of the regulator.
2) Remove the bent tube adapter.
1.3 455 Balanced Regulator
Removal from Helmet or BandMask
Tools required:

• Cutting Pliers

• 11/16 inch Open End Wrench

• (2) 7/8 inch Open End Wrench

• 1 3/8 inch socket or Regulator Mount Socket

Wrench P/N 525-625 (Found in 525-620 Tool

• 3/8 inch Drive Extension with driver, mini-

mum 3 inches in length
Remove the bent tube adapter.
• 1/4 inch Flat Blade Screwdriver
3) Turn the adjustment knob all the way in
(clockwise toward the regulator) then back out 1) Remove the bent tube assembly, per "1.3.1 Re-
(counter clockwise) three full turns. moval of the Bent Tube Assembly" on page BNT-4.

4) Insert a 1/4 inch wide flat head screwdriver into

the slot in the end of the adjustment nipple to
make adjustments as necessary. Be sure to at-
tach an L.P. gas supply and test the regulator
between adjustments.

455BAL-4 © MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002
455 Balanced Regulator 455 Balanced Regulator Removal from Helmet or BandMask

exhaust main body to the water dump tube on

the helmet pod.

Remove the bent tube assembly.

2) Remove nose block assembly, per "1.2.1 Nose

Block Assembly Removal" on page FCPRT-6.

3) Remove the screws, anodes or kidney plates

and whisker spacers from the whiskers.

Cut the tie wrap that connects the quad valve exhaust
main body to the water dump tube on the helmet pod.

7) Remove the regulator assembly from the hel-


Be sure to remove and set aside the whisker spacers.

4) Release the Oral Nasal Mask from its secure

fit around the Regulator Mounting nut.

5) Clear the mask away from the Regulator

Mounting Nut and remove nut with sealing O-
ring. Remove the regulator from the helmet.

6) Cut the tie wrap that connects the quad valve 8) The center section of the exhaust flange on

© MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002 455BAL-5
455 Balanced Regulator Disassembly  455 Balanced Regulator

the regulator body has a tie wrap holding it to stainless steel screws using a washer and lock
the helmet. Remove the tie wrap then stretch washer configuration. The two lower screws can
the main exhaust body off the regulator exhaust be changed to a bishop type pin which is stan-
flange. dard when using the KM 97 water shroud.

The screws are captive and allow the technician

to partially unscrew the four screws to release
the cover assembly from the regulator body. The
screws will remain with the assembly. It is un-
necessary to completely unscrew the screws from
the retainer frame.

If the purge cover is in good condition

there is no reason to remove it from
the Regulator Cover Retainer Frame.

1) Remove the four screws from the cover re-

tainer assembly completely only to inspect the
screws and verify all washers are present.
Remove the tie wrap.

Separate the regulator from the Quad

Valve™ exhaust whiskers.

1.4 455 Balanced Regulator

1.4.1 Regulator Cover Retainer
Assembly Disassembly
Tools required:

• 1/4 inch Flat Blade Screwdriver

The 455 regulator cover retainer assembly in-

cludes the Cover Retainer Frame, Purge Cover,
Cover Guard and its associated mounting hard-
ware. Loosen the screws and washers on
either side of the cover.
It is secured to the regulator body with four

455BAL-6 © MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002
455 Balanced Regulator 455 Balanced Regulator Disassembly

2) With the screws removed and the cover guard

separated pull the purge cover out of the cover

3) Remove diaphragm and inspect. Check to de-

termine if diaphragm rubber has separated from
the metal disc. Hold the diaphragm to a bright
white light, while pulling and stretching to re-
veal damage, deterioration, or holes. Diaphragms
showing any indication of damage should be re-
placed. The diaphragm should always be replaced
during scheduled annual overhauls

Remove the bent tube assembly.

2) Using a 7/8 inch wrench, remove the bent tube

adapter and O-ring. Be careful not to lose the O-

Remove the diaphragm and inspect it carefully.

If it is torn or punctured it must be replaced.

1.4.2 Main Tube Disassembly

Tools required:

• 1/4 inch Flat Blade Screwdriver Remove the bent tube adapter and O-ring.
• 7/8 inch Open End Wrench
3) Loosen the four screws on both sides of the
• 15/16 inch Open End Wrench regulator cover.

1) Remove the bent tube assembly from the hel-

met, per "1.3.1 Removal of the Bent Tube Assem-
bly" on page BNT-4.

© MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002 455BAL-7
455 Balanced Regulator Disassembly  455 Balanced Regulator

Loosen the screws and washers on

either side of the cover.
Remove the diaphragm and inspect it carefully.
If it is torn or punctured it must be replaced.
These four screws should NOT be removed
from the cover assembly. The cover
assembly is designed to retain the screws 5) Insert the tip of a flat blade screwdriver into
to prevent loss. Unthread the screws the slot at the top of the lock clip and slide the
only enough to allow the cover assembly clip away from the regulator main tube.
to separate from the main body of the
regulator to expose the interior parts.

4) Remove the cover assembly and diaphragm.

Inspect the diaphragm for holes or tears. If

it is torn or punctured it must be replaced.
Inspect the interior of the regulator for
IMPORTANT foreign matter and clean if necessary.

Carefully insert the tip of a flat blade screwdriver

into the slot at the top of the lock clip to remove.

6) Using the 15/16" open end wrench, loosen the

packing nut about one turn. Next, while fully de-
Remove the cover assembly. pressing the lever arm, grasp the flex knob and
pull it straight away from the regulator body.

It may be necessary to use a soft

hammer to break the main tube
loose from the regulator body.

455BAL-8 © MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002
455 Balanced Regulator 455 Balanced Regulator Disassembly

This will remove the main tube as a single, easy

to handle unit.

The transfer pin may fall from the end of

the shaft. Be careful not to lose it.

2) Remove the O-ring from the flex knob assem-

bly packing nut.

Inspect for signs of wear and replace if necessary.

When you pull the flex knob assembly out, the Otherwise, if it is in good condition, set it aside
main tube and related parts will follow. for cleaning and lubrication.

1.4.3 Flex Knob Disassembly

Tools required:

• Small Screwdriver or Wooden Dowel (Chop-


• Table Vise

• O-ring Pick

1) Unscrew the flex knob assembly from the main


Remove the O-ring from the flex knob packing nut.

You can use a credit card, toothpick, or any clean soft
device that will not damage the O-ring or the nut.

Unscrew the flex knob assembly from the main tube.

© MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002 455BAL-9
455 Balanced Regulator Disassembly  455 Balanced Regulator

The adjustment shaft must be completely re-
moved to allow the removal of the flex knob. DO

3) Hold the packing nut while turning the flex

knob clockwise until it stops.

You will notice the internal

adjustment shaft will travel outward
AWAY from the packing nut.

4) Insert a small screwdriver into the outer end

of the flex knob and push into the Flex Knob to The adjustment shaft must be completely removed to
dislodge the adjustment shaft from the assembly allow the separation of the flex knob and packing nut.
and remove.
5) Grab the packing nut with one hand or vise,
and the flex knob with the other and bend to sep-
arate the two parts.

With the shaft out, the flex knob can be

separated from the packing nut.

455BAL-10 © MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002
455 Balanced Regulator 455 Balanced Regulator Disassembly

6) Using an O-ring pick, carefully remove the

shaft bearing washer and O-ring.

Remove the O-ring from the main tube.

2) Remove the bearing clip.

Using an O-ring pick, carefully remove the

bearing washer and adjustment shaft O-ring.

1.4.4 Main Tube Components Remove the bearing clip.

3) Remove the lever by slightly pulling one leg
Tools required: out from the slot on the main tube, followed by
the second leg.
• Flat Blade Screwdriver
4) Slide the balance spacer, spring, and inlet
• Wooden Dowel (Chopstick) valve assembly out from the main tube and sepa-
1) Remove the O-ring from the exterior of the
main tube.

Check the condition of this O-ring

very carefully. If there are any signs
of damage, it must be replaced.
NOTE Pay close attention to this seal!

© MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002 455BAL-11
455 Balanced Regulator Disassembly  455 Balanced Regulator





Details of the 455 Balanced main tube and associated parts.


Remove the balance spacer, spring and inlet Unscrew the adjustment nipple all the way
valve assembly from the main tube. out to free the threads from the main tube.

5) Using a flat blade screwdriver, unscrew the 6) Use the wooden dowel rod (chopstick) to push
adjustment nipple all the way out to free the it free.
threads from the main tube.
Carefully check the inlet nipple O-ring for
damage, even small cuts may cause leaking.

Inspect all parts for signs of wear or
damage and replace if necessary.

455BAL-12 © MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002
455 Balanced Regulator 455 Balanced Regulator Disassembly

2) Remove the exhaust valve assembly and its

sealing O-ring from the regulator body and sepa-
rate the exhaust valve from the insert.

Use the wooden dowel rod to push it free.

1.4.5 Regulator Body and

Exhaust Disassembly
Tools required:

• Small Flat Blade Screwdriver

• 5/32 inch Allen Wrench

1) Remove the exhaust valve insert retainer ring

from the regulator body.
Remove the exhaust valve insert assembly.

3) Inspect all parts for signs of wear or damage

and replace if necessary.

4) Inspect the interior of the regulator for foreign

matter and clean if necessary.

If performing an annual overhaul

5) Remove the two port plugs and their O-rings
and replace the O-rings.

Use a small flat blade screwdriver to

remove the exhaust valve insert retainer
ring from the regulator body.

© MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002 455BAL-13
455 Balanced Regulator Reassembly  455 Balanced Regulator

bricant and would like to acknowledge Krytox®,

Fluorolube® and Tribolube® as equivalent oxygen
compatible lubricants.

1.5.1 Regulator Body and

Exhaust Reassembly
Tools required:

• Flat Blade Screwdriver

1) Inspect the interior of the regulator body and

make sure that it is clean and there is no foreign

Remove the two port plugs and

their O-rings and replace.

1.5 455 Balanced

Regulator Reassembly
When reassembling the 455 Balanced regulator
use only an oxygen compatible lubricant. We cur-
rently use the reference to lubricate using Chris-
to-Lube® or equivalent oxygen compatible lu-




455 Balanced exhaust valve mechanism.

455BAL-14 © MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002
455 Balanced Regulator 455 Balanced Regulator Reassembly

4) Place the exhaust valve insert with exhaust

valve installed on top of the O-ring.

The exhaust valve insert must be

oriented so that it seals against the
O-ring and the exhaust valve will
NOTE mate properly with the insert.

The regulator body must be clean

and free of foreign matter.

2) Install the O-ring for the exhaust valve insert,

into the regulator body.
Install the O-ring and valve insert.
3) Install the new exhaust valve into the exhaust
valve insert.
5) Install the retainer clip.
Use care to ensure the valve is mated
to the proper side of the exhaust valve A flat blade screwdriver can be used to
insert. The exhaust valve installs on push the retainer clip into the groove.
NOTE the side that has the ring support. The clip should lock into place. Make
sure it is pressed into the groove
completely. This is extremely important
B WARNING NOTE to prevent the exhaust components from
becoming dislodged. The ends of the
If the exhaust valves are installed ring should have a gap between them.
backwards, they will leak. This may
result in serious injury or death.



Install the retainer clip.

6) Cut off any excess tail from the exhaust valve

that protrudes into the regulator body.
Install the new exhaust valve (if needed) into
the insert. Use care to ensure the valve is mated 7) To test to see if the insert is installed properly
to the proper side of the exhaust insert. by trying to spin the insert. It should be difficult,
or not able to turn. You should not be able to dis-

© MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002 455BAL-15
455 Balanced Regulator Reassembly  455 Balanced Regulator

lodge the insert by hand. Also check to make cer-

tain the exhaust valve will not get caught on the
free end of the retainer clip which will cause the
valve to flap open.

To test to see if the insert is installed

properly, try to spin the insert. It should
be difficult, or not able to turn.

If performing an annual overhaul

8) Install O-rings onto port plugs and install into
regulator body.

Install O-rings onto port plugs and

install into regulator body.

1.5.2 Flex Knob Reassembly

How To: Install

455 Flex Knob


Tools required:

• Christo-Lube® or Equivalent

• Table Vise

• A Rag or Cloth

1) Lubricate the O-ring and shaft bearing washer

then place the O-ring into the adjustment pack-
ing nut followed by the shaft bearing washer.
Press the washer down with a finger to lock the
components into the adjustment packing nut.
455BAL-16 © MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002
455 Balanced Regulator 455 Balanced Regulator Reassembly

3) Place the packing nut into a vise and insert

the flex knob into the adjustment packing nut at
an angle, twisting the knob while pushing down
into the adjustment packing nut.

Use of a rounded tool or the shaft of a

screwdriver to push the flex knob into the
adjustment packing nut can be useful.

Place the packing nut into a vise and insert the flex
knob into the adjustment packing nut at an angle.

4) Lubricate the threads of the adjustment shaft

with Christo-Lube® or equivalent and insert into
the flex knob.
Place the O-ring into the adjustment packing
nut followed by the shaft bearing washer.

2) Lightly lubricate the groove in the end of the

flex knob where it presses into the packing nut
with Christo-Lube® or equivalent oxygen compat-
ible lubricant.

Lightly lubricate the groove in the end of the flex knob.

© MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002 455BAL-17
455 Balanced Regulator Reassembly  455 Balanced Regulator





Details of the 455 Balanced main tube and associated parts.


Lubricate the threads of the adjustment

shaft with Christo-Lube® or equivalent
and insert into the flex knob.

5) Push on the adjustment shaft’s end while

turning the flex knob counterclockwise to engage
threads. Continue turning the flex knob counter- Push in on the adjustment shaft while turning the
clockwise until the flex knob stops. flex knob counterclockwise to engage threads

6) Lubricate and install the external O-ring onto

the adjustment packing nut.

455BAL-18 © MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002
455 Balanced Regulator 455 Balanced Regulator Reassembly

1.5.3 Main Tube Components

Tools required:

• Christo-Lube® or Equivalent

• Small Flat Blade Screwdriver

Replace any parts if damage is present or sus-

pected. If a normal overhaul is being conducted
replace all soft goods. Lubricate O-rings and mov-
ing parts with a light coating of Christo-Lube®,
Krytox®, Fluorolube®, or Tribolube® are also ac-
ceptable lubricants.

1) Install the O-ring onto the main tube.

Do not over lubricate the O-ring
on the balance spacer.

3) Spread the arms of the lever just enough to in-

stall it onto the main tube. The cross member on
the lever should rest on the flat spot of the main
tube where you can read the part number 550-

Study the features of the inlet valve

assembly. There are four “wings” towards one
end of the assembly and a bore that creates
NOTE the balance chamber on the opposite end.

The wings that align with the lever arm are the
two that have an additional wall for the lever
Install the O-ring onto the main tube. arm to bear on. The valve assembly should be
inserted into the main tube with these walls to-
2) Install the O-ring onto the balance spacer and ward the bottom of the regulator tube.
lubricate with Christo-Lube® or equivalent and
set aside.

Excess lubrication could possibly col-
lect at the end of this part and block
the critical air balancing hole.

© MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002 455BAL-19
455 Balanced Regulator Reassembly  455 Balanced Regulator

Align and insert the inlet valve into the main tube.

6) While holding the inlet valve in position, pinch

each arm of the lever and slowly remove the bal-
ance spacer.
Close-up detail of the inlet valve.
The inlet valve should remain in place while
4) With the spring in place, using the balance pinching the lever arms. If it comes out, repeat
spacer with the O-ring installed, insert the bal- the process until the valve stays in place.
ance spacer into the stainless steel tube of the
inlet valve, stop at the O-ring. 7) Install the spring and balance spacer as a unit
into the main tube.

Confirm the balance spacer is properly

aligned inside the main tube by pushing in
on the end of the spacer, to see that the
NOTE lever arm moves when pressure is applied.

Using the balance spacer with the O-ring

installed, insert the O-ring into the open
end of the inlet valve and stop.

5) Properly align the wings found on the inlet

body and insert the inlet valve into the main Install the spring and balance spacer
tube, as previously noted. with O-ring into the main tube.

If this is done properly, the lever should lift 8) Lightly lubricate the ends of the transfer pin
up when pressure is applied. If it does not, and install into the end of the balanced spacer.
the valve has not been inserted correctly.

455BAL-20 © MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002
455 Balanced Regulator 455 Balanced Regulator Reassembly


The multifaceted side of the bearing
clip faces the hex side of the main tube.
The rounded side faces toward the
adjustment knob assembly. There is a
locating pin on the clip that must engage
the correct hole on the main tube. There
are also small recesses on either side
that the legs of the lever arm fit into.

Lightly lubricate the ends of the transfer pin

and install into the end of the balance spacer.

9) Confirm the flex knob is turned all the way out

(counterclockwise) and can not be turned out fur-

10) Thread the flex knob assembly onto the main

tube until it stops.

Handle and thread the flex knob by the adjust-

ment packing nut NOT THE FLEX KNOB. The
flex knob should be assembled with the adjust-
ment knob turned all the way out (counter

Install the bearing clip onto the

outside of the main tube.

12) Install the O-ring on the adjustment nipple.

Lubricate with Christo-Lube® or equivalent lu-

Thread the flex knob assembly onto

the main tube until it stops.

11) Install the bearing clip onto the outside of the

main tube.

© MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002 455BAL-21
455 Balanced Regulator Reassembly  455 Balanced Regulator

Install the O-ring on the inlet nipple.

13) Insert the adjustment nipple into the main

tube. Using a flat blade screwdriver, thread
the nipple into the tube slowly

If the adjustment nipple is screwed
into the main tube too far or until it
cannot go further, damage to the valve
seat is possible.

The adjustment nipple will stop at ten

full turns. Damage to the seat may
cause it to wear out faster than normal
and, in extreme cases, could cause
the adjustable nipple to seal improp-
erly on the seat resulting in slight free

Thread the adjustment nipple into the main tube. 1.5.4 Installing the Main Tube
into the Regulator Body
14) Using a flat blade screwdriver, thread the
nipple into the tube slowly as soon as you see any Regulator should always be tested for proper
movement and/or drop of the lever, stop thread- adjustment once the Main Tube is installed.
ing the nipple in.
Tools required:

• Torque Wrench
7/8 inch & 15/16 inch Open End Attachments

• Christo-Lube® or equivalent oxygen compat-

ible lubricant

1) Confirm the main tube O-ring has been in-

stalled and is lubricated.

455BAL-22 © MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002
455 Balanced Regulator 455 Balanced Regulator Reassembly

Confirm the main tube O-ring has

been installed and is lubricated.

2) Lubricate the internal area of the regulator

where the main tube O-ring will inset. This is im- When installing the main tube into the
portant to help prevent this O-ring from possibly regulator body it is critical to leave three
plus threads exposed on the main tube.
getting cut when it is installed.
4) Depress the lever arm down and carefully in-
stall the main tube assembly into the regulator
body with the lever arm facing toward you so it
is visible.

Lubricate the internal area of the regulator

with Christo-Lube® or equivalent.
Depress the lever arm down and carefully install
the main tube assembly into the regulator body.
3) Unscrew flex knob assembly until three to four
threads are showing. Push the main tube until the threaded end of
this assembly comes completely through to the
opposite side of the regulator body. Make sure
the HEX flat area on the main tube aligns to the
mating HEX in the regulator body.

Make sure the nut on the adjustment knob

is not tight against the regulator body.

© MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002 455BAL-23
455 Balanced Regulator Reassembly  455 Balanced Regulator

Install the O-ring in the bent tube adapter.

6) Tighten the packing nut at the flex knob to the
torque specifications. See "Torque Specs" module.

7) Turn in on the flex knob until an audible click

is heard then out three full turns. This is typi-
cally very close to optimum adjustment.

It is important to do steps 5)
and 6) in this sequence.

5) Install the O-ring onto the bent tube adapter
and tighten adapter to the torque specifications.
See "Torque Specs" module.

A small gap should be visible between

the regulator body and the Adjustment Turn in on the flex knob until an audible
Packing Nut. If no gap is observed
click is heard then out three full turns.
remove bent tube adapter.

The hex nut will have to be unscrewed 8) Install the lock clip on the main tube.
a little more from the main tube to
allow for correct installation. Reinstall
the adapter and re torque.

455BAL-24 © MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002
455 Balanced Regulator 455 Balanced Regulator Reassembly

Install the lock clip on the main tube.

9) Remove the bent tube adapter to allow pres-

sure adjustment. With the bent tube adapter re-
moved, secure a standard low pressure SCUBA
hose to the main tube (recommend testing pres-
sure is 130—150 PSI) Pressurize and check lever
play for 1/4". After the pressure adjustment, re-
move the supply hose and reinstall the bent tube
adapter and torque. See "Torque Specs" module.

10) Reinstall the diaphragm and cover assembly.

Tighten the screws to the torque specifications.
See "Torque Specs" module.

Install the diaphragm, cover assembly and

Regulator should always be tested for proper cover retaining screws and torque.
adjustment once the Main Tube is installed.
11) If necessary, adjust the regulator per "1.2.2
Adjusting the 455 Balanced Regulator" on page

1.5.5 Regulator Cover Retainer

Assembly Reassembly
Tools required:

• 1/4 inch Flat Blade Attachment on Torque


The 455 regulator cover retainer assembly in-

cludes the cover retainer frame, purge cover, cov-
er guard and it associated mounting hardware.

It is secured to the regulator body with four

stainless steel screws using a washer and lock
washer configuration. The two lower screws can

© MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002 455BAL-25
455 Balanced Regulator Reassembly  455 Balanced Regulator

be changed to a bishop type pin which is standard

when using the water shroud and KM Diamond.

All of the screws are not threaded all the way

down and allow the technician to partially un-
screw the four screws to release the cover assem-
bly. The screws will remain with the assembly
and it is unnecessary to completely unscrew the
screws from the retainer frame.

If Regulator Cover Retainer

Assembly has been taken apart
1) Insert the purge cover into the regulator re-
tainer frame. Use one corner of the purge cover to
begin the insertion into the slot found on the re-
tainer frame. Force the purge cover into the slot
until it can go no further and the two parts are

4) Place the cover guard onto the retainer frame.

5) Install lock washer on all four screws first, fol-

lowed by the washer onto the screws and screw
Insert the purge cover into the into retainer cover.
regulator retainer frame.
Diaphragm Inspection
2) Push the body of the purge cover through the 6) Check to determine if diaphragm rubber has
large opening on the retainer frame. separated from the metal disc. Hold the dia-
phragm to a bright white light, while pulling
3) Align the outer edge of the purge cover so it and stretching to reveal damage, deterioration,
captures the upraised edge on the retainer frame. or holes. Diaphragms showing any indication
of damage should be replaced. The diaphragm
should always be replaced during scheduled an-
nual overhauls.

7) Place the diaphragm onto the regulator body.

Ensure it is correctly fitted into the recessed edge.

455BAL-26 © MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002
455 Balanced Regulator Installing the 455 Balanced Regulator onto the Helmet or BandMask

Torque the screws evenly.

Place the diaphragm onto the regulator body.
1.6 Installing the 455
8) Fit the regulator cover retainer assembly onto Balanced Regulator onto
the regulator body. the Helmet or BandMask
Tools required:

• Torque Wrench
11/16, 7/8 inch Open End Attachments

• 3/8 inch Drive Extension—Minimum 3 Inches

in Length

• 1 3/8 inch Socket or Regulator Mount Nut,

P/N 525-625 (in Tool Kit included with Hel-

• 7/8 inch Open End Wrench

• Torque Screwdriver
1/4 inch Flat Blade Attachment on Torque
Fit the regulator cover retainer assembly Screwdriver
onto the regulator body.
• Christo-Lube® or equivalent oxygen compat-
ible lubricant
9) Torque the screws evenly. See "Torque Specs"
1) Install the main exhaust body (with exhaust
whiskers attached) onto the exhaust flange of the
regulator body.

© MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002 455BAL-27

Installing the 455 Balanced Regulator onto the Helmet or BandMask 455 Balanced Regulator

Install the main exhaust body onto the Remove excess tie wrap.
exhaust flange of the regulator body.
Steps 3) and 4) apply to the
2) Install the tie wrap on the center section of the QUAD valve exhaust system
exhaust main body and tighten. Remove excess
tie wrap. 3) Pre-install a tie wrap onto the Quad Valve
exhaust main body. This will make installation
much easier and ensure a good seal.

4) Insert the open tube on the exhaust main body

onto the tube of the helmet pod (stainless steel)
or the water dump adapter cover (KM 37 & SL
17C), while at the same time aligning and insert-
ing the threaded mounting tube of the regula-
tor, into the mounting hole on the pod or helmet

Install the tie wrap on the regulator.

455BAL-28 © MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002
455 Balanced Regulator Installing the 455 Balanced Regulator onto the Helmet or BandMask

Insert the tube on the exhaust main body

onto the tube of the helmet pod.

5) Secure and seal with a tie wrap. Remove ex-

cess tie wrap tail.

7) Install the sealing O-ring, then thread the reg-

ulator mount nut onto the regulator, finger tight

Secure and seal with a tie wrap.

6) Inspect the regulator mount nut for contami-

nants and damage. Use a tooth brush to clean
threads as needed. Lightly lubricate the regula-
tor mounting tube threads and the sealing O-ring
with Christo-Lube®.

© MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002 455BAL-29

Installing the 455 Balanced Regulator onto the Helmet or BandMask 455 Balanced Regulator

Install the bent tube assembly.

10) Use a torque wrench inside the helmet with a

1 3/8 inch socket or KMDSI regulator mount tool
P/N 525-625 and extension to torque the regula-
Install the O-ring that mounts on the tor mount nut.
regulator tube inside the helmet.
See "Torque Specs" module to confirm correct
8) Install the regulator mount nut. DO NOT torque.
For stainless steel helmets ONLY:
Place a small amount of Loctite® 248
onto the last two or three threads
at the end (end opposite the screw
head) of each of whisker screws.

11) Attach the whisker to each side of the face

port retainer using the spacers, zinc anodes or
kidney plates and screws.

Install the regulator mount nut. DO NOT FULLY


9) Install the bent tube per "1.3.3 Installation of

the Bent Tube Assembly" on page BNT-4.

455BAL-30 © MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002
455 Balanced Regulator Installing the 455 Balanced Regulator onto the Helmet or BandMask

Attach the whisker to each side of the

face port retainer using the spacers, zinc
anodes or kidney plates and screws.

12) Using a torque screwdriver, carefully torque

these screws to the correct torque for the helmet
shell. See "Torque Specs" module.

13) Install the oral nasal mask per "1.1.3 Oral

Nasal Mask Replacement" on page ON-2.

14) Install the nose block device per "1.2.2 Nose

Block Device Replacement" on page FCPRT-6.

© MMXXIII Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document # 230118002 455BAL-31

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