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Energy Reports
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Research Paper
How does green finance influence industrial green total factor productivity?
Empirical research from China
Hu Yue a, b, Zizhuo Zhou a, *, Hanwen Liu a
School of Economics, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510520, China
Key Laboratory of Digital Economy and Data Governance, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510520, China
Keywords: Industry is the pillar of the real economy, and its green development contributes to achieving the green and low-
Green finance carbon development goals proposed by the United Nations. This paper constructs an analytical framework of
Industrial green total factor productivity "green finance-green technological innovation-industrial green total factor productivity" to study how green
Green technological innovation
finance (GF) influences industrial green total factor productivity (IGTFP). Based on the panel data from 30
Sustainable finance
provinces and 281 cities in China between 2011–2019,this study measures the GF levels and the IGTFP index by
Industrial green development
using the entropy method and super-efficiency slacks-based model with Malmquist-Luenberger index method, to
conduct a series of empirical tests. Also, we focus on the mechanism effect of green technology innovation (GTI)
in the process of GF affecting IGTFP. Additionally, we have discussed the supporting role of digital financial
inclusion (DFI) in green finance development at the micro level. The main findings include: (1) The development
of green finance (GF) can significantly improve IGTFP, and it’s still credible after a series of robustness tests. (2)
The heterogeneity analysis indicates that the influence of GF on the IGTFP varies from different cities, and this
positive effect tends to increase with the expansion of city size. (3) Mechanism tests show that green techno
logical innovation (GTI) has a positive mechanism effect in the process of GF influencing IGTFP. (4) The dis
cussion indicates that digital financial inclusion can support green finance development, so as to promote
industrial green development in China. This study has momentous theoretical value and policy implications for
China and other developing countries in exploring green finance and industrial green development.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (Z. Zhou).
Received 2 March 2023; Received in revised form 30 November 2023; Accepted 23 December 2023
Available online 29 December 2023
2352-4847/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
H. Yue et al. Energy Reports 11 (2024) 914–924
(2021–2025)” have promoted green economic growth. But China still does green finance work for industrial green development? Specifically,
faces severe environmental challenges now and is achieving economic how does green finance influence industrial green total factor produc
transformation by promoting green industrial development and trans tivity? What’s the specific mechanisms, and what effects do they pro
formation. Therefore, improving the IGTFP is a crucial research question duce? What are the new developments of green finance in this digital
with practical significance. age? These core issues above will have important implications for
Finance is the bloodline of economy and is a major force in China’s exploring green finance and industrial green development. We construct
industrial development. The concept of green finance was first proposed a theoretical analysis framework for the influence of green finance on
by the World Commission on Environment and Development in 1988 IGTFP, and use relative data of 30 provinces and 281 cities from China to
and has since been the subject of extensive research (Salazar, 1998). study these core issues. The possible marginal contributions of this study
Although the meaning of green finance has not been standardized, as a are as follows. (1) Compared to the previous studies on the green total
new form of finance on green development, there is a consensus on the factor productivity, this study includes green finance (GF) in the IGTFP
necessity for its development (Zhou et al., 2020; Halkos and Managi, Lee research system. We innovatively demonstrate the influence of GF on
et al., 2023, 2023). We use China’s official definition of green finance – IGTFP, especially focusing on the mechanism of green technological
an economic activity that supports environmental improvement, climate innovation (GTI) in it, revealing the relationship between "Green
change, and the efficient use of resources, that is, the financial services Finance - Green Technological Innovation - Industrial Green Total Factor
provided for project financing, project operation, and risk management Productivity". (2) This study examines the influence of GF on IGTFP by
in the fields of environmental protection, energy conservation, clean constructing green finance index system and using super-efficiency
energy, green transportation, and green buildings. SBM-ML (Slacks-based model Malmquist-Luenberger) method com
In environmental economics research, the existing literature shows bined with theoretical analysis. It also explores whether digital financial
that green finance has become critical for promoting industrial green inclusion (DFI) can compensate for the lack of micro-support in devel
development from different perspectives. Lan et al. (2023) analyzed oping GF. We study the coordination effect of green finance and digital
from the perspective of industrial pollution emissions, and found that financial inclusion and its influence on the IGTFP by constructing a
green finance can reduce industrial pollution emissions within a certain coupling coordination model. The results provide theoretical support
range. Gu et al. (2021) analyzed from the perspective of industrial and an empirical basis for exploring green finance and industrial green
transformation, and proposed that green finance could promote indus development in China, and also provide experience for other developing
trial transformation and upgrading in overall efficiency. Although there countries to promote green economic development through green
are few studies on the influence of green finance on industry from the finance.
perspective of IGTFP, green finance is indispensable for improving The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 out
productivity. Lee et al. (2022) studied of macro green productivity and lines the relevant literature and theoretical analysis on green finance,
found that green finance and its related development policies can green technological innovation and the IGTFP. Section 3 introduces the
significantly improve the level of green productivity. Zhao et al. (2023) models and related variables used in this study. Section 4 presents the
studied the impact of green finance reform policy and found that green empirical results. Finally, Section 5 presents conclusions and policy
finance reduced the total factor productivity of heavily polluting en implications.
terprises through financing constraints and environmental investment.
Financial institutions can provide direct capital support for green 2. Literature review and theoretical analysis
industries and projects, encouraging the reallocation of financial re
sources from highly polluting and energy-consuming industries to 2.1. Green finance and industrial green total factor productivity
environmentally-friendly ones (Xu and Li, 2020; Hu et al., 2021). En
terprises can undertake technological innovation and upgrade actions Many studies have explored topics related to green finance. Early
after receiving green financing, improving production efficiency and theoretical research on green finance mainly focused on the role of
reducing pollution outputs (He et al., 2019a; He et al., 2019b). From a financial institutions in environmental protection and sustainable eco
social perspective, enterprises obtaining green financial services must nomic development (White, 1996; Jeucken and Bouma, 1999). Re
fulfill their corresponding social and environmental protection re searchers have focused on quantitative analysis in three ways. First,
sponsibilities. Regulatory authorities strictly supervise their production research on the effects of green finance business on financial enterprises
and operational behavior to ensure green funds are used for green (Scholtens and Dam, 2007); second, the impact of green finance-related
projects. Green finance can improve green total factor productivity policies on the green development of the economy (Wang and Wang,
through these mechanisms. 2021); and third, the economic and environmental effects of green
Green finance is deeply embedded in green growth at the new stage financial products (Scholtens, 2017; Flammer, 2021). These studies laid
of economic development (Zhou et al., 2020). This is a breakthrough for the foundation for the present study. Among the factors influencing
the Chinese industrial sector in realizing green and low-carbon trans IGTFP, the existing literature conducts a relatively rich exploration from
formations. However, green finance also faces weak micro-foundations, the perspective of environmental regulation, trade openness, and the
such as adverse selection and moral risks. Financial institutions’ pursuit digital economy (Cheng and Kong, 2022; R. Ding et al., 2022; L. Ding
of environmental sustainability means they are likely to encounter the et al., 2022; Hao et al., 2023). However, few studies have been directly
risk of uncertainty, which contributes to the paradox of "business profit related to green finance and the IGTFP. The studies most closely related
and environmental sustainability" (Illankoon et al., 2017). Fortunately, to this issue focus on the relationship between green finance and green
digital financial inclusion can resolve the paradox between green total factor productivity (GTFP). Lee and Lee (2022) employed panel
financing and enterprise development. This can enhance the financial data from 30 Chinese provinces and found that green finance develop
participation of market entities and the transparency of financial regu ment significantly improves the level of green productivity. Liu et al.
lations through digitalization and inclusiveness. In 2021, the Chinese (2021) explored the mechanisms and constraints of green finance on
Government Work Report indicated that "green finance" and the "digital economic growth. Their research shows that green finance plays a
economy" are new directions for future development. A new "greening" prominent direct role in promoting GTFP.
and " digitizing" trend will foster economic growth. Now that the digital Regarding the theoretical mechanism of GF influencing IGTFP, this
age has fully arrived, scholars are trying to reveal whether digital in study proposes that green finance can promote sustainable economic
clusion can compensate for the problems of green finance at the micro growth by supporting environmental improvements and resource con
level to improve the IGTFP. servation. The mechanism of this process can be described in terms of
Based on this, the research aims of this study are as follows. How environmental regulations, resource allocation optimization, and green
H. Yue et al. Energy Reports 11 (2024) 914–924
H. Yue et al. Energy Reports 11 (2024) 914–924
H. Yue et al. Energy Reports 11 (2024) 914–924
Suppose there are k Decision Making Units (DMUs): the input vector Table 1
X = [x1 , x2 , …xn ] ∈ R+ m , the desirable output N 1 vector Y
= The evaluation index system of green finance (GF) and the input-output index
[ g g ] system of industrial green total factor productivity (IGTFP).
y1 , y2 , …ygn ∈ R+ N1 , and the desirable output vector Y g
[ g g ]
y1 , y2 , …ygn ∈ R+ . The non-zero assumption applies to all input-output Dimension First-order Second- Index description Property
index order index
factors. The production possibility set is defined as follows:
{( ( ) } The evaluation index system of GF
P= x, yg yb ) |x ≥ Xθ, yg ≥ Y g θ, yb ≥ Y b θ, θ ≥ 0 (5) Green Government Green Fiscal expenditure Negative
Finance (GF) green fiscal on environmental
financial support protection / fiscal
where θ is a non-negative intensity vector for all the input-output fac
activities general budget
tors. Under resource and environmental constraints, the SBM model for expenditure
IGTFP can be expressed as Green Investment of Positive
∑M s−j0
investment Environmental
1− m
j=1 xj0
ρ∗ = min ( ) Treatment /total
∑N 1 sp
g ∑N 2 sbq regional GDP
1 + N1 +N p=1 yg +
Green Green Income from Positive
2 q=1 yb
p0 q0
H. Yue et al. Energy Reports 11 (2024) 914–924
households registered at the end of the year; the urbanization level (UL), Table 3
measured by the proportion of the urban population in the total popu Nomenclature for the abbreviation of this article.
lation; the labor structure (LS), represented by the proportion of private Symbol Description Symbol Description
and self-employed workers in urban areas to the total number of urban
IGTFP Industrial green total factor FI Foreign investment
employees. In addition, this study considers the mechanism and some productivity
control variables by adding one and then taking the logarithm. GF Green finance IS Industry structure
GTI Green technological innovation ED Education
3.4. Data sources and descriptive statistics DEA Data envelopment analysis UL Urbanization level
SBM Slacks-based model LS Labor structure
The datasets generated and analyzed in the current study are avail CRS Constant returns to scale GDP Gross domestic
able from the China Statistical Bureau, China City Statistical Yearbook,
DMU Decision making unit, VIF Variance inflation
China Science and Technology Statistical Yearbook, China Economy factor
Information database, Wind database, China Stock Market and Ac ML Malmquist-Luenberger DFI Digital financial
counting Research database, China Energy Statistical Yearbook, and inclusion
provincial and municipal statistical yearbooks. The sample excludes GDFI The coordination effect of green OLS Ordinary least
finance and digital financial squares
Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Tibet, and cities with missing indicator inclusion
data. The panel period was 2011–2019, and 2529 samples were ob 2WFE Two-way fixed effect 2SLS Two-stage least
tained. We treat the aggregate and level category data separately, take squares regression
the control variables as logarithms and treat all variables with a two-
sided 1% winsorization. Table 2 presents the descriptive statistics of
in IGTFP. Among the control variables, industrial structure and urban
these indicators.
ization level are negatively correlated with IGTFP at the 5% level, likely
For ease of reading, the nomenclature for the abbreviation used in
because when resources in the government and market are invested
this paper is shown in Table 3.
more in the tertiary industry, its output value share increases. Pursuing
the upgradation of industrial institutions is a frequent motivation for
4. Empirical results and discussion
government and market entities. The upgrading of industrial structure
generally manifests as an increase in the proportion of output from the
4.1. Baseline regression analysis
tertiary industry (Wu et al., 2020). In contrast, the resources invested in
the industry department are squeezed out, showing a negative correla
An appropriate estimation method should be chosen for analyzing
tion between the industrial structure and IGTFP. Industrial enterprises
panel data. The results in Table 4 are the correlation analysis between
are typically located further from urban centers, increasing urbanization
the main variables. The correlation coefficient between green finance
means more people live and work in cities. Due to the constraints of
(GF) and IGTFP is 0.116, and is significantly positive at the 1% level.
commuting costs and other factors, their chosen occupations are in
Green technology innovation (GTI) is also significantly positively
clined to the tertiary industry, so urbanization is negatively correlated
correlated with IGTFP at the 1% level. The correlation coefficients of
with IGTFP.
other variables are within a reasonable range. This can preliminarily
illustrate the rationality of the hypothesis in this paper. Then we draw
the figure of the relationship between IGTFP and GF. It can be seen from 4.2. Robustness testing
the Fig. 1. that GF has a clear positive correlation with IGTFP. This is
consistent with our theoretical analysis and assumptions. As to the po (1) Adjust the sample period. China initiated the G20 Green
tential multicollinearity among the variables, we use the variance Finance Study Group in 2016, and seven Ministries and Commissions
inflation factor (VIF) method. The results in Table 5 indicate no severe jointly issued The Guidance on Building a Green Financial System in the
multicollinearity. In order to test the hypothesis of this article and same year. Since then, green finance has achieved multilayered local
specific relationship among the variables, further multiple regression and international cooperation. Considering that the relevant policies of
analysis is necessary. the country after 2016 may have affected the research results, data
We constructed basic ordinary least squares (OLS) and two-way fixed during 2011–2016 were selected for the regression. As shown in Table 7,
effects (2WFE) panel data regression to study how GF influences IGTFP. the regression coefficient of GF is 3.567, significantly positive at the 1%
The baseline regression results are presented in Table 6. Columns (1)-(2) level.
are the results of the time fixed and two-way fixed effect regressions (2) Replace the explained variable. Referring to the classical
without control variables. Also, columns (3)-(4) show the regression practice of calculating total factor productivity, the input indicators of
results after adding the control variables. Column (4) shows that the the explanatory variables were adjusted for capital and labor factors.
coefficient of green finance (GF) is 1.710, positively significant at the 1% Capital input was replaced with the capital stock of urban industrial
level. This indicates that GF can effectively improve IGTFP, and one enterprises to calculate IGTFP, replacing the original explained variable.
standard deviation increase in green finance results in an 1.71% increase The results show that the regression coefficient of GF is 1.151,
Table 2
Definition and statistical description of variables.
Variable Definition Sample size Mean value Standard deviation Minimum value Maximum value
Explained variable IGTFP Industrial green total factor productivity 2529 1.110 0.403 0.291 3.375
Explanatory variable GF Green financial 2529 0.177 0.071 0.085 0.402
Control variables FI Foreign investment 2529 0.814 0.562 0.001 2.122
IS Industry structure 2529 0.342 0.068 0.190 0.533
ED Education development 2529 0.123 0.051 0.034 0.280
UL Urbanization level 2529 0.118 0.081 0.034 0.469
LS Labor structure 2529 4.621 0.602 1.646 7.447
Mechanism variable GTI Green technological 2529 2.879 1.696 0 7.283
H. Yue et al. Energy Reports 11 (2024) 914–924
Table 4
Correlation analysis results of main variables in the baseline regression analysis.
GF 0.116*** 1
GTI 0.114*** 0.464*** 1
GDFI 0.123*** 0.799*** 0.527*** 1
FI 0.0120 0.056*** 0.381*** 0.0280 1
IS 0.034* 0.394*** 0.507*** 0.542*** 0.123*** 1
ED -0.0270 -0.225*** -0.460*** -0.271*** -0.339*** -0.143*** 1
UL 0.051** 0.301*** 0.509*** 0.277*** 0.253*** 0.318*** -0.658*** 1
LS 0.084*** 0.163*** 0.110*** 0.253*** 0.039** 0.195*** 0.159*** -0.151***
Note: N = 2528, “*”, “**” and “***” mean passing the significance level test of 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively.
Table 5
Multicollinearity test results of main variables.
VIF 2.22 2.14 1.31 1.73 2.38 2.62 1.21 2.81 2.05
1/VIF 0.451 0.468 0.761 0.579 0.421 0.381 0.825 0.356 0.530
H. Yue et al. Energy Reports 11 (2024) 914–924
Table 6 economic infrastructure in the eastern and central regions are more
The influence of green finance (GF) on industrial green total factor productivity complete than in the western region. The relatively low level of financial
(IGTFP). marketization in the western region restricts the approval and efficiency
Variables (1) (2) (3) (4) of green credit and green insurance, which hindering the mechanism
IGTFP IGTFP IGTFP IGTFP effect of green technological innovation. In contrast, the central region
GF 0.588*** 1.686*** 0.510*** 1.710*** has more development space for green finance and green technological
(0.12) (0.64) (0.13) (0.65) innovation than the eastern region. Thus, the mechanism effect of green
FI 0.005 0.012 technological innovation can be better released in the process of GF
(0.02) (0.03)
influencing IGTFP.
IS -0.375** -0.868**
(0.15) (0.40)
ED 0.346 0.435 4.3.3. Discussion on the coordination effect of green finance (GF) and
(0.23) (0.52) digital financial inclusion (DFI)
UL 0.470*** -0.895** The theoretical analysis section above attempts to demonstrate how
(0.16) (0.45)
digital financial inclusion (DFI) supports the development of green
LS 0.060*** 0.100***
(0.02) (0.03) finance (GF), and analyzes the coordination effect between GF and DFI
Constant 0.945*** 0.796*** 0.700*** 0.632*** and its influence on IGTFP. In this study, we used GDFI to represent this
(0.03) (0.09) (0.08) (0.23) coordination effect. Therefore, to discuss the positive influence of GDFI
R2 0.037 0.034 0.046 0.049
on IGTFP, this study constructs a GDFI index for empirical testing. In the
F/Wald 10.77*** 8.727*** 8.640*** 8.272***
Observations 2529 2529 2529 2529
model setting, we use the Peking University Digital Financial Inclusion
Time FE YES YES YES YES Index to represent the digital financial inclusion system and the green
Individual FE NO YES NO YES finance index constructed in this study to represent the green finance
Note: (1) “*”, “**” and “***” mean passing the significance level test of 1%, 5%,
system. The regression results are present in Table 10 and Table 11.
and 10%, respectively. (2) The values in parentheses are standard errors. The baseline regression result in column (2) of Table 10 shows that
the coefficient of GDFI is 0.866, positively significant at the 1% level,
indicating that one standard deviation increase in the coordination ef
Table 7 fect results in an 0.866% increase in IGTFP. Columns (3) - (6) show the
Robustness test regression results of green finance (GF) on industrial green total robustness test results, and the methods are the same as those for the
factor productivity (IGTFP). robustness test in Section 4.2. The results demonstrate that GDFI con
Variables (1) (2) (3) (4) tributes to IGTFP growth at least at the 5% significance level; the
Adjust Replace Select Use 2SLS method
sample explained subsamples to mitigate
Table 9
period variable endogeneity
Mechanism effect of green technological innovation (GTI) test results for green
GF 3.567*** 1.151** 5.314*** 1.959* Variables (1) (2) (3) (4)
(1.75) (0.52) (1.25) (1.02) Full Eastern Central Western
Control Yes Yes Yes Yes sample regions regions regions
Constant 0.336 0.752*** 0.212 0.537 GTI GTI GTI GTI
(0.51) (0.18) (0.34) (0.53) GF 2.963*** 1.677* 8.981*** 3.778
R2 0.060 0.083 0.067 0.191 (1.01) (0.87) (2.59) (2.39)
F/Wald 10.77*** 14.52*** 9.135*** 448.8*** Control Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 1 686 2 529 1 836 1 967 variables
Time FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Constant 0.951*** 2.231*** -0.560 0.609
Individual FE Yes Yes Yes Yes (0.34) (0.43) (0.61) (0.48)
R2 0.539 0.636 0.540 0.487
Note: (1) “*”, “**” and “***” mean passing the significance level test of 1%, 5%,
F/Wald 93.61*** 98.02*** 44.60*** 43.47***
and 10%, respectively. (2) The values in parentheses are standard errors.
Observations 2 529 900 891 738
Time FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
effect is evident in the eastern and central region but insignificant in the Individual FE Yes Yes Yes Yes
western region, and the positive effect is most significant in the central Note: (1) “*”, “**” and “***” mean passing the significance level test of 1%, 5%,
region. This may be because financial development and related and 10%, respectively. (2) The values in parentheses are standard errors.
Table 8
Heterogeneity regression results of green finance (GF) on industrial green total factor productivity (IGTFP).
Variables (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Large Small & medium Mega Large Medium Small
Note: (1) “*”, “**” and “***” mean passing the significance level test of 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively. (2) The values in parentheses are standard errors.
H. Yue et al. Energy Reports 11 (2024) 914–924
Table 10
Baseline regression and robustness test results of the coordination effect (GDFI) on IGTFP.
Variables (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Baseline regression Adjust sample period Replace explained variable Select subsamples Use 2SLS method to mitigate endogeneity
Note: (1) “*”, “**” and “***” mean passing the significance level test of 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively. (2) The values in parentheses are standard errors.
Table 11
Heterogeneity analysis and mechanism analysis results of the coordination effect (GDFI) on IGTFP.
Variables (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Large Small & Full Eastern Middle Western
medium sample regions regions regions
Note: (1) “*”, “**” and “***” mean passing the significance level test of 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively. (2) The values in parentheses are standard errors.
baseline regression results are relatively convincing. In Table 11, Col the mechanism of green technological innovation by using panel data at
umns (1) - (2) show the heterogeneity test results of GDFI on IGTFP, the provincial and city levels in China. It also explores the role of digital
indicating that the coordination effect can positively influence IGTFP financial inclusion in supporting green finance at the micro-level. The
varies from different cities,and it‘s more obvious in large cities. We also research conclusions are as follows.
argue that GTI is an important mechanism for this coordination effect on (1) The baseline regression analysis shows that there is a significant
IGTFP. The mechanism analysis result in column (3) of Table 11 shows positive correlation between GF and IGTFP, which shows that the pro
that the coefficient of GDFI is 1.273, positively significant at the 1% moting of green finance can effectively improving industrial green
level, indicating that one standard deviation increase in the coordina development. This will contribute to achieving the green, low-carbon
tion effect results in an 1.273% increase in IGTFP. The results in column and sustainable development goal. We adopt a series of robustness
(4) - (6) show that the gap between the mechanism effects of GTI in tests to verify the persuasion of this result, including adjusting the
different regions has been significantly narrowed compared with the sample period, replacing the explained variable and selecting sub
influencing process in the baseline regression. This demonstrates that samples. This conclusion is still convincing after using instrumental
the constraints of developing green finance were eased by integrating variable method to deal with potential endogeneity.
the advantages of DFI. Financial digitalization and inclusiveness have (2) The heterogeneity analysis indicates that the influence of GF on
enhanced the participation of market entities, and expanded the capital the IGTFP varies from different cities, and this effect increases with the
sources of green finance in the central and western regions. This further expansion of city size. A possible reason is that city size determines the
indicates that digital financial inclusion can compensate for the lack of ability of local governments to support green financial activities.
micro-support for developing green finance, so as to deepen industrial Generally, the larger city, the more adequate the demand for green
green development in China. financial products. Meanwhile, larger cities’ financial market structures
and operational mechanisms, digital infrastructure settings, and sup
5. Conclusions and policy implications porting conditions for industrial development are also more complete,
which is conducive to giving full play to the positive influence of GF on
This study has both theoretical and practical significance. Against IGTFP.
the backdrop of the prosperity of green finance and countries’ long-term (3) The mechanism analysis supports that green technological
plans to vigorously promote the green development of industry, this innovation has an essential mechanism effect in the process of green
study includes green finance, green technological innovation, and IGTFP finance influencing IGTFP. And this effect varies in different regions of
within the same research framework. Based on a theoretical analysis, China, with the most pronounced positive effect in the central region.
this study constructs an evaluation index system to measure the GF This may because financial development and related economic infra
levels by using the entropy method,and measures IGTFP index by using structure in the eastern and central regions are more complete than in
super-efficiency slacks-based model with Malmquist-Luenberger index the western region. And the central region has more development space
method. It empirically tests the influence of green finance on IGTFP and for GF and GTI than the eastern region. Thus, the mechanism effect of
H. Yue et al. Energy Reports 11 (2024) 914–924
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