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& Facade
The new logo and the new house style with the characteristic green
gecko is more than just a visual appearance. “Smart Adhesives” is a
reflection of our positioning with regard to the development of smart
and innovative sealing and bonding solutions that are safe, flexible and

We develop innovative sealing and bonding solutions that, whatever is

constructed, connected or built, are smarter and can adjust better to
the forces and challenges in our daily life.


For centuries, scientists have been inspired by geckos because of their
unique bonding mechanism. They can stick to almost any surface, can
climb super-fast against smooth polished glass and can easily carry
their entire body weight with just one toe.

The Bostik gecko is flexible, easy to adapt to environments, is open

to new situations and is courageous. It symbolizes Bostik’s smart and
innovative sealing and bonding solutions for the challenges which
today’s market faces.

Bostik Construction & Facade


At the forefront
Bostik is one of the largest and leading adhesive and The earliest usage of the word recorded by the Oxford Eng-
sealant companies. Worldwide, we employ 6,000 lish Dictionary was in 1656. From an engineering perspec-
people in more than 50 countries across all continents. tive, the façade is also of great importance to the building
Our smart adhesive and sealing systems are used glob- due to its impact on energy efficiency.
ally in the construction of new buildings and refurbish-
ment projects. Bostik is rightfully the market leader Luckily a lot of improvements and developments have tak-
and can be seen at the forefront of bonding and sealing en place since 1656 and Bostik offers a portfolio of smart
solutions with a complete portfolio of ‘smart’ products. products that are fully adaptable and in line with building
specifications and requirements.
In the architectural world the façade of a building is
often the most important aspect of its design. ‘Façade’ What hasn’t changed over the centuries is the movement of
comes from the French, which in turn comes from the building materials due to temperature differences and me-
Italian facciata, from faccia meaning face or front; and chanical loads. Bostik offers a comprehensive portfolio of
ultimately from the post-classical Latin facia. high-end sealants for movement and expansion joints.

Bostik Construction & Facade – Introduction

1. Introduction
2. Certification
3. The Route to a Perfect Joint
4. Product Leaflet
5. Technical Datasheet
6. Method Statement
7. Safety Datasheet
8. Declaration of Performance
10. Project References
11. Harmonized Building Standards
12. How to calculate a joint dimension

Bostik Construction & Facade– Content


The new Bostik Construction & Façade range complies to many well-known industry standard certifications.
Below we highlight and explain the certification in more detail.

CE Classification (Europe) M1 Certification

In today’s world globalization and harmonization Various chemicals are emitted from building and in-
have become common and familiar terms. This is also terior decoration materials into indoor air. The clas-
true at building standards and regulations. Within sification presents emission requirements for the
Bostik we embrace this movement and strive for a building materials, fixtures and furniture, with and
globalized standard which provides transparency and without padding or textile coverings used in ordinary
simplicity in sealing and bonding. work spaces and residences with respect to good in-
door air quality. M1 stands for low emissions.
ASTM (Americas)
The ASTM C920-18 ‘Standard Specification for Elasto- A+ Certification
meric Joint Sealants’ covers the properties of a cured A+ is a compulsory French VOC emissions labelling of
single- or multicomponent cold-applied elastomeric construction products installed indoors, based on
joint sealant for sealing, caulking, or glazing opera- emission testing. This regulation foresees that any cov-
tions on buildings, plazas, and decks for vehicular or ered product placed on the market has to be labelled
pedestrian use, and types of construction other than with emission classes based on their emissions after 28
highway, airfield pavements and bridges. A sealant days, as tested with ISO 16000 and calculated for Euro-
qualifying under this specification shall be classified pean reference room. The same holds true for EMICODE,
as to type, grade and class. GUT and Blue Angel. Also other valid information can be
used as a basis for this assignment of class, such as tests
GEV-EMICODE EC1 Plus based on ISO 16000, but with shorter testing duration.
EMICODE® is a protected product classification sys-
¬tem and at the same time an Eco label. Installation ETA
materials, adhesives and construction materials are The European Technical Assessment (ETA) is an alter-
submitted to a strict cer¬tification procedure where native for construction products not covered by a har-
the quantity of emitted volatile organic compounds monised standard. It is a document providing informa-
(VOC) is examined. When products come with the EC1 tion on their performance assessment. The procedure
Plus certification, they can be easily adapted in the is established in the Construction Products Regulation
BREAAM and LEED schemes. and offers a way for manufacturers to draw up the
Declaration of Performance and affix the CE marking.
It contributes to the free movement of construction
products and the creation of a strong Single Market.

Bostik Construction & Facade– Certifications

The route to a
perfect joint

What is a sealant? Silicone sealants

A sealant is a soft, pliable material that is used to Silicone sealants are construction sealants with ex-
seal cracks or joints where structural strength is no cellent resistance to weathering and ageing. They are
required. In technical terms, a sealant has a Shore A used to seal all types of construction joints. Silicone
hardness below 40 and an E-module maximum of sealants cure by absorbing moisture from the air to
0.7N/mm2. form a silicone rubber seal capable of extreme move-
ment (±25% or more).
These soft materials can accommodate building and
civil engineering structure movement and assuring Silicone advantages
a durable, sustainable and above all functional tight- - Excellent extensibility
ness throughout their operational life. - Excellent recovery
- Extreme resistance to weathering (including UV)
Sealants need to meet market requirements depend- and ageing
ing on function and location of the joint. The follow- - Easily applied at all temperatures
ing information gives more detail on the ASTM and CE - Good to excellent adhesion
Marking required by sealants for use in façade, glaz-
ing, sanitary and pedestrian walkway applications. Hybrids
Hybrid is the fast growing elastic sealant and adhe-
sive technology. It combines a wide adhesion spec-
trum, paintability, bubble-free curing and applicabil-
ity to damp substrates. In addition, hybrids products
contain no isocyanates.
Polyurethane sealants cure by absorbing moisture
Hybrid advantages
from the air. Polyurethane sealants can be used for
- Good adhesion to most substrates
general construction sealing and caulking in which
- Hydrophilic; even adhesion to damp surfaces
moderate movement can be expected. Typically,
- High mechanical resistance
one-part polyurethane sealants are capable of ±25%
- Isocyanate free
joint movement. Newer polyurethanes have a lower
- Paintable* (Tests prior to the application is
modulus properties, allowing them to seal joints with
recommended for all systems)
high amounts of dynamic movement.

Polyurethane advantages
- Good adhesion to most common substrates
- Good recovery
- Very good resistance to weathering
- No shrinkage
- Rapid cure in the correct environment
- Paintable (only water based and 2c paints)
- Hydrophilic

Bostik Construction & Facade– The route to a perfect joint

Bostik Construction & Facade



is a professional quality high modulus
polyurethane sealant for construction and
expansion joints.
- Excellent adhesion without primer on most, even
damp, surfaces
- High mechanical performances
- Permanently elastic



- Excellent adhesion without primer on most, even damp
- High mechanical performances
- UV, water, moisture and weather resistant
- Permanently elastic

professional quality high modulus polyurethane
sealant for construction and dilatation joints.

specifically developed as a universal sealant for
sealing construction and expansion joints. TECHNICAL DATA
100% modulus ISO 8339 0,35 N/mm2
DIRECTIONS OF USE Application +5°C to + 40°C
A joint with the correct dimensions is able to Base Polyurethane
absorb movements between building materials. Curing time @ +23°C/50% RH 3 mm/24 hours
The joint depth should always be in the correct Density ISO 1183-1 1,23 g/ml
relationship of the joint width. A general rule is the Elongation at break ISO 8339 > 600%
Flow ISO 7390 < 3mm
ratio of joint depth to the width of the joint with a
Frost resistant Up to -15°C
joint width up to 10mm is 1:1, with a minimum of during
5mm in width and depth. For joints wider than transportation
10mm, the depth is the width divided by 3 plus Shear strength ISO 4587 ± 1,10 N/mm2
6mm. Joint movement ± 25%
Shore A hardness DIN 53505 35
Shrinkage ISO 10563 < 10%
COVERAGE Skin formation DBTM 10.00 120 min. @
+23°C/50% RH
Temperature -40°C to +80°C
Tensile strength ISO 8339 0,80 N/mm2

These values are typical properties and may vary +/-3%

- Not suitable for PE, PP, PC, PMMA, PTFE, soft
plastics, neoprene and bituminous substrates
- Not suitable in combination with chlorides
- Slight yellowing may occur when white sealant
is exposed to ultraviolet rays
These values are theoretical based on ideal joint conditions and
zero wastage; actual consumption may vary.
Application temperature + 5°C to + 40°C (applies to In unopened original packaging between + 5°C and
environment and substrates). All substrates must + 25°C, shelf life is up to 12 months from
be solid, clean, dry, and free of grease and dust. production date, stored in a dry place.
Clean substrates with Bostik T100 UNIVERSAL
PURPOSE adheres perfectly without the use of a Product Safety Data Sheet must be read and
primer to most non porous substrates. Porous understood before use. These are available on
substrates to be pre-treated with Bostik T300 request and via the websites.
UNIVERSAL PRIMER. Always test adhesion prior to
application. Use Bostik T500 FINISHING SOAP to CERTIFICATIONS
smooth the joint. - F-EXT-INT-CC 25HM
Bostik P360 SEAL’N’FLEX MULTI PURPOSE is - A+ French VOC Regulation
perfectly paintable with water based and most 2
component paints. Synthetic paints can dry
slower. We recommend testing compatibility with
paint prior to application. If Bostik P360
SEAL’N’FLEX MULTI PURPOSE is being painted over
(not necessary), we recommend slightly sanding
the sealant and the junction surfaces prior to use
with Scotch-Brite. For the best results, we
recommend painting a few days after application.

Uncured material and tools can be cleaned by using
Bostik T100 UNIVERSAL CLEANER. Cured material
can only be mechanically removed. Hands can be
cleaned with Bostik T150 CLEANING WIPES.

- White
- Concrete Grey
- Dark Grey
- Black

Bostik Sealing & Bonding Technical Data Sheet P360 SEAL’N’FLEX MULTI PURPOSE_092021
- 300 ml Cartridge, 12 per box
- 600 ml Sausage, 12 per box

For product specifications, please refer to the Online Product

Detail Page

All information in this document and in all our other publications (including electronic ones) is
based on our current knowledge and experience and is the exclusive (intellectual) property of
Bostik. No part of this document may be copied, shown to third parties, reproduced,
communicated to the public or used in any other way without Bostik written consent. The
technical information in this document serves as an indication and is non-exhaustive. Bostik is
not liable for any damage, either directly or indirectly, due to (editorial) errors, incompleteness
and/or incorrectness of this document. This includes, but is not limited to, incompleteness
and/or incorrectness due to technological changes or any research conducted between the date
of publication of this document and the date on which the product is acquired. Bostik reserves Smart help digital
the right to amend the wording of this document. Bostik cannot be held liable for any damage,
either directly or indirectly, due to the use of the product(s) depicted in this document. The user
must read and understand the information in this document and other documents relating to the
products prior to the use of the product. The user is responsible for performing all the requisite
tests to make sure that the product is suitable for its intended use. We have no influence in what Smart help
way the product is applied and/or any circumstances relating to events occurring during storage
or transport and therefore we do not accept any liability for damage whatsoever. All deliveries +31 (0)162 491 000
are made exclusively in accordance with our general terms of conditions which have been filed
at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce

Bostik Benelux BV
Denariusstraat 11 • NL-4903 RC Oosterhout
Tel.: +31 (0)162 491 000



High-modulus universal one-component polyurethane joint sealant


1. This guideline to be adopted as good working practice and to be read in conjunction

with the “Directions of Use” mentioned in product data sheet.

2. Store material in a temperature-controlled environment avoiding exposure to direct


3. Application should not be done during the hottest time of the day and necessary
temporary shading shall be arranged.

4. Keep equipment under normal temperature as it will come into direct contact with the

5. Availability of required material and labor should be pre-planned and adequate for
carrying out the application continuously.


Preparation Equipment: Stiff wire brush, vacuum cleaner, air compressor, masking tape,
lint free cloth wipes, Bostik T100 Universal Cleaner, Bostik T300 Universal Primer

Application Equipment: Caulking gun (hand-powered or battery-powered), putty knife,

scraper, tooling spatula, Bostik T500 Finishing Soap, Bostik T150 Cleaning Wipes

Protective Clothing: Protective overalls, gloves, goggles and face-mask


BOSTIK P360 is single component polyurethane joint sealant which cures to form a resilient
rubber seal for construction and dilatation joints on most common building materials. This
sealant is perfectly paintable with water-based and most two-component paints (we
recommend to conduct compatibility test prior application).

100% modulus 0.35 N/mm2
Application temperature +5°C to + 40°C
Curing time 3 mm/24 hours
Density 1.23 g/ml
Elongation at break 600%
Flow < 3mm
Movement accomodation 25%
Shore A hardness 35
Skin formation 120 min
Temperature resistance -40°C to +80°C
Tensile strength 0.80 N/mm2



1.1. Joint surface should be dry and cleaned to remove deleterious substances (dust,
laitance, grease, release agents, curing compounds, old sealant, etc.) which
might interfere with adhesion. To ensure thorough cleaning, wipe substrates with

Note: For BOSTIK P360, we recommend to avoid applying the sealant if the humidity is
very high, or if the difference between ambient temperature and dew point is less than

1.2. BOSTIK P360 adheres perfectly without the use of a primer to most non-porous
substrates. Porous substrates shall be pre-treated with Bostik T300 UNIVERSAL
PRIMER. Allow the primer to dry prior application of the sealant.

1.3. Backing rod or joint filler shall be placed tightly into the joint to facilitate in
achieving the required depth of sealant. To ensure tightness, backing rod shall
be ~25% larger than the joint width. If closed-cell polyethylene foam is used,
avoid puncturing/damaging the foam surface, as it will cause the foam propellant
gas to escape, causing bubbles/voids in the sealant. For shallow joints,
polyethylene tape or masking tape can be used as joint backer, to avoid 3-way

Note: For joint depth, the general rule is to use 1:1 (joint width to depth ratio) for joints up
to 10mm wide. For joints wider than 10mm, the depth is the width divided by 3 plus 6mm.

1.4. Masking tape shall be fixed on either side of joint and care should be exercised
to place the tape precisely to the edge of the joint.

1.5. We always recommend to test adhesion prior to application, to check for

substrate compatibility.


2.1. Depending on sealant format (cartridge or sausage), the correct dispenser

(sealant gun) shall be used. For sausage sealants, inspect for lumps, hardened
material or poor foil seam quality prior inserting into the gun.

2.2. Cut the tip of the cartridge/sausage and insert into the gun.

2.3. Cut the provided nozzle diagonally according to the joint width dimension. Close
the lid (for closed barrel gun).

2.4. Extrude an ample amount of sealant before applying it into large linear joint to
inspect for lumps or hardened sealant.

2.5. Extrude the sealant into the joint at an angle of 45 degrees filling the joint
correctly. It is important to fill the entire joint. This can be done by applying
sufficient sealant to the back of the joint or the backer rod. This causes the
sealant to be pressed to both sides of the joint, creating a good surface for
bonding between sealant and joint.


3.1. Tool the exposed surface of the sealant to a smooth finish and achieve a slightly
concave profile using putty knife and metal/plastic/wooden spatula.

3.2. Remove the masking tape slowly preventing any contamination at sealant’s

3.3. For any uneven or non-contact sealant to concrete, spray Bostik T500 Finishing
Soap on sealant’s surface, then tool properly to have perfectly smooth surface.

3.4. Excess sealant if any shall be scrapped off before the sealant cures.


4.1. If sealant shall be over-painted, sealant shall be allowed to cure for at least 3

4.2. For optimal adhesion, we recommend to slightly sand the sealant surface to
improve mechanical bonding.

4.3. Compatibility test shall be conducted prior application of the paint or coating over
the sealant. This can be done by applying a small strip of the paint over the cured
sealant and check adhesion and sealant migration into the coating, as well any
adverse reactions.


Uncured material and tools can be cleaned by using BOSTIK T100 UNIVERSAL CLEANER.
Cured material can only be mechanically removed. Hands can be cleaned with BOSTIK T150


• This product is not suitable for PE, PP, PC, PMMA, PTFE, soft plastics, neoprene and
bituminous substrates.
• This product is not suitable in combination with chlorides (swimming pools).

Please consult BOSTIK’s Technical Department for further assistance.

Ref: ACM-MS-P360-012023-REV0

This safety data sheet was created pursuant to the requirements of:
Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 and Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008
This SDS is for generic information purposes and does not reflect required country specific
information for OEL

BOSTIK P360 SF MULTI-USOS GREY Revision date 18-Oct-2019

Supercedes Date: 18-Oct-2019 Revision Number 1

SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking

1.1. Product Identifier


Pure substance/mixture Mixture

1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against

Recommended use Sealant.

Uses advised against Consumer use.

1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet

Company Name
Bostik SA
420 rue d’Estienne d’Orves
92700 Colombes
Tel: +33 (0)1 49 00 90 00

E-mail address [email protected]

1.4. Emergency telephone number

Emergency Telephone No information available

SECTION 2: Hazards identification

2.1. Classification of the substance or mixture

Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008

Not classified

2.2. Label Elements

Not classified

Signal word

Hazard statements
Not classified

EU Specific Hazard Statements

EUH204 - Contains isocyanates. May produce an allergic reaction
EUH208 - Contains Reaction mass of Bis(1,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidyl) sebacate and Methyl
1,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidyl sebacate. May produce an allergic reaction
EUH210 - Safety data sheet available on request

Precautionary statements
P101 - If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand
P102 - Keep out of reach of children

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Additional information

Reserved for industrial and professional use.

2.3. Other Hazards

Small amounts of methanol (CAS 67-56-1) are formed by hydrolysis and released upon curing

PBT and vPvB assessment

The components in this formulation do not meet the criteria for classification as PBT or vPvB

SECTION 3: Composition/information on ingredients

3.1 Substances

Not applicable

3.2. Mixtures

Chemical name EC No. CAS No. Weight-% Classification Specific REACH

according to concentration limit Registration
Regulation (EC) (SCL) Number
No. 1272/2008
Xylene (o-,m-, 215-535-7 1330-20-7 5 - <10 STOT SE 3 :: 01-2119488216-
p-isomers) (H335) 32-xxxx
Asp. Tox. 1
Skin Irrit. 2
Eye Irrit. 2
Acute Tox. 4
Acute Tox. 4
Flam Liq. 3
Ethylbenzene 202-849-4 100-41-4 0.1- <1 STOT RE 2 01-2119489370-
(H373) 35-XXXX
Asp. Tox. 1
Acute Tox. 4
Flam Liq. 2
Aquatic Chronic
3 (H412)
Reaction mass of 915-687-0 1065336-91- 0.01 - <0.1 Skin Sens. 1A 01-2119491304-
Bis(1,2,2,6,6-pentameth 5 (H317) 40-XXXX
yl-4-piperidyl) sebacate Aquatic Acute 1
and Methyl (H400)
1,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4- Aquatic Chronic
piperidyl sebacate 1 (H410)
4,4'-Methylenediphenyl 202-966-0 101-68-8 0.01 - <0.1 Acute Tox. 4 STOT SE 3 :: C>=5% 01-2119457014-
diisocyanate (H332) Skin Irrit. 2 :: C>=5% 47-XXXX
Skin Irrit. 2 Eye Irrit. 2 :: C>=5%
(H315) Resp. Sens. 1 ::

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Eye Irrit. 2 C>=0.1%

Resp. Sens. 1
Skin Sens. 1
Carc. 2 (H351)
Toluene diisocyanate 247-722-4 26471-62-5 0.01 - <0.05 Acute Tox. 1 Resp. Sens. 1 :: 01-2119454791-
(H330) C>=0.1% 34-XXXX
Skin Irrit. 2
Eye Irrit. 2
Resp. Sens. 1
Skin Sens. 1
Carc. 2 (H351)
Aquatic Chronic
3 (H412)
Calcium Carbonate 471-34-1 50 - 60

Calcium Carbonate 1317-65-3 25 - 30


Full text of H- and EUH-phrases: see section 16

This product does not contain candidate substances of very high concern at a concentration >=0.1% (Regulation (EC) No.
1907/2006 (REACH), Article 59)

SECTION 4: First aid measures

4.1. Description of first aid measures

General advice If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. Show this safety
data sheet to the doctor in attendance.

Inhalation Remove to fresh air. IF exposed or concerned: Get medical advice/attention.

Eye contact Rinse thoroughly with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, lifting lower and upper
eyelids. Consult a doctor.

Skin contact Wash skin with soap and water. In the case of skin irritation or allergic reactions see a

Ingestion Clean mouth with water. Do NOT induce vomiting. Drink 1 or 2 glasses of water. Never
give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.

4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed

Symptoms No information available.

4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed

Note to doctors Treat symptomatically.

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SECTION 5: Firefighting measures

5.1. Extinguishing media

Suitable extinguishing media Use extinguishing measures that are appropriate to local circumstances and the
surrounding environment.

Unsuitable extinguishing media Full water jet. Do not scatter spilled material with high pressure water streams.

5.2. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture

Specific hazards arising from the Thermal decomposition can lead to release of toxic and corrosive gases/vapours.

5.3. Advice for firefighters

Special protective equipment for Firefighters should wear self-contained breathing apparatus and full firefighting turnout
fire-fighters gear. Use personal protection equipment.

SECTION 6: Accidental release measures

6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures

Personal precautions Ensure adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing.

Other information Ventilate the area. Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so.

For emergency responders Use personal protection recommended in Section 8.

6.2. Environmental precautions

Environmental precautions Do not flush into surface water or sanitary sewer system. Do not allow to enter into
soil/subsoil. See Section 12 for additional Ecological Information.

6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning up

Methods for containment Use a non-combustible material like vermiculite, sand or earth to soak up the product
and place into a container for later disposal.

Methods for cleaning up Take up mechanically, placing in appropriate containers for disposal.

6.4. Reference to other sections

Reference to other sections See section 8 for more information. See section 13 for more information.

SECTION 7: Handling and storage

7.1. Precautions for safe handling

Advice on safe handling Ensure adequate ventilation. Use personal protective equipment as required. Avoid
contact with skin, eyes or clothing.

General hygiene considerations Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice. Do not eat, drink
or smoke when using this product. Wash thoroughly after handling. Take off all
contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse.

7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities

Storage Conditions Keep containers tightly closed in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place. Protect from

7.3. Specific end use(s)

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Specific Use(s)
Fillers, putties, plasters, modelling clay.

Risk Management Methods (RMM) The information required is contained in this Safety Data Sheet.

Other information Observe technical data sheet.

SECTION 8: Exposure controls/Personal protection

8.1. Control parameters

Exposure Limits Small amounts of methanol (CAS 67-56-1) are formed by hydrolysis and released upon

Only European Community Occupational Exposure Limits will be shown in this document. Please refer to regional
SDS for further information.

Chemical name European Union

Xylene (o-,m-, p-isomers) TWA: 50 ppm
1330-20-7 TWA: 221 mg/m3
STEL: 100 ppm
STEL: 442 mg/m3
Methyl alcohol TWA: 200 ppm
67-56-1 TWA: 260 mg/m3

Derived No Effect Level (DNEL) No information available

Derived No Effect Level (DNEL)

4,4'-Methylenediphenyl diisocyanate (101-68-8)
Type worker Short term Systemic health effects
Exposure route Dermal
Derived No Effect Level (DNEL) 50 mg/kg bw/d

Type worker Short term Systemic health effects

Exposure route Inhalation
Derived No Effect Level (DNEL) 0.1 mg/m³

Type worker Short term Local health effects

Exposure route Dermal
Derived No Effect Level (DNEL) 28700 µg/cm²

Type worker Short term Local health effects

Exposure route Inhalation
Derived No Effect Level (DNEL) 0.1 mg/m³

Type worker Long term Systemic health effects

Exposure route Inhalation
Derived No Effect Level (DNEL) 0.05 mg/m³

Type worker Long term Local health effects

Exposure route Inhalation
Derived No Effect Level (DNEL) 0.05 mg/m³

Derived No Effect Level (DNEL)

4,4'-Methylenediphenyl diisocyanate (101-68-8)
Type Consumer Short term Systemic health effects

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Supercedes Date: 18-Oct-2019 Revision Number 1

Exposure route Dermal

Derived No Effect Level (DNEL) 25 mg/kg bw/d

Type Consumer Short term Systemic health effects

Exposure route Inhalation
Derived No Effect Level (DNEL) 0.05 mg/m³

Type Consumer Short term Systemic health effects

Exposure route Oral
Derived No Effect Level (DNEL) 20 mg/kg bw/d

Type Consumer Short term Local health effects

Exposure route Dermal
Derived No Effect Level (DNEL) 17200 µg/cm²

Type Consumer Short term Local health effects

Exposure route Inhalation
Derived No Effect Level (DNEL) 0.05 mg/m³

Type Consumer Long term Systemic health effects

Exposure route Inhalation
Derived No Effect Level (DNEL) 0.025 mg/m³

Type Consumer Long term Local health effects

Exposure route Inhalation
Derived No Effect Level (DNEL) 0.025 mg/m³

Predicted No Effect Concentration No information available.


Predicted No Effect Concentration (PNEC)

4,4'-Methylenediphenyl diisocyanate (101-68-8)
Environmental compartment Predicted No Effect Concentration (PNEC)
Freshwater 1 mg/l
Marine water 0.1 mg/l
Soil 1 mg/kg dry weight
Sewage treatment plant 1 mg/l
Freshwater - intermittent 10 mg/l

Toluene diisocyanate (26471-62-5)

Environmental compartment Predicted No Effect Concentration (PNEC)
Freshwater 0.013 mg/l
Marine water 0.00125 mg/l
Microorganisms in sewage treatment >1 mg/l
Soil >1 mg/kg dry weight

8.2. Exposure controls

Engineering controls Ensure adequate ventilation, especially in confined areas.

Personal Protective Equipment

Eye/face protection Tight sealing safety goggles.
Hand protection Wear protective nitrile rubber gloves. Glove thickness > 4 mm. The breakthrough time for
the mentioned glove material is in general greater than 60 min. Ensure that the
breakthrough time of the glove material is not exceeded. Refer to glove supplier for
information on breakthrough time for specific gloves. Gloves must conform to standard
EN 374
Skin and body protection Suitable protective clothing.
Respiratory protection Sensitive persons should be cautious when using this product and may choose to wear
additional respiratory protection. In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable

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respiratory equipment.
Recommended filter type: AX.

Environmental exposure controls No information available.

SECTION 9: Physical and chemical properties

9.1. Information on basic physical and chemical properties

Physical state Liquid

Appearance Paste
Colour Grey
Odour Characteristic
Odour threshold No information available

Property Values Remarks • Method

pH No data available
Melting point / freezing point No data available
Boiling point / boiling range No data available
Flash point > 61 °C
Evaporation rate No data available
Flammability (solid, gas) Not applicable for liquids .
Flammability Limit in Air
Upper flammability or explosive No data available
Lower flammability or explosive No data available
Vapour pressure No data available
Vapour density No data available
Relative density No data available
Water solubility Dispersible
Solubility(ies) No data available
Partition coefficient No data available
Autoignition temperature No data available
Decomposition temperature No data available
Kinematic viscosity No data available
Dynamic viscosity 600 Pa.s
Explosive properties No data available
Oxidising properties No data available

9.2. Other information

Solid content (%) No information available
Softening Point No information available
Molecular weight No information available
VOC Content (%) 4.56 g/L / 56.1 % European directive n°2010/75/UE
Density 1.23 g/cm³
Bulk density No information available

SECTION 10: Stability and reactivity

10.1. Reactivity

Reactivity No information available.

10.2. Chemical stability

Stability Stable under normal conditions.

Explosion Data
Sensitivity to mechanical None.

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Sensitivity to static discharge None.

10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactions

Possibility of hazardous reactions None under normal processing.

10.4. Conditions to avoid

Conditions to avoid None known based on information supplied.

10.5. Incompatible materials

Incompatible materials None known based on information supplied.

10.6. Hazardous decomposition products

Hazardous decomposition Thermal decomposition can lead to release of irritating and toxic gases and vapours.
products Isocyanates. Carbon monoxide. Carbon dioxide (CO2). Sulfur dioxide. Hydrogen
chloride. Hydrogen cyanide.

SECTION 11: Toxicological information

11.1. Information on toxicological effects

Information on likely routes of exposure

Product Information .

Inhalation Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.

Eye contact Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.

Skin contact Causes mild skin irritation.

Ingestion Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.

Symptoms related to the physical, chemical and toxicological characteristics

Symptoms No information available.

Numerical measures of toxicity

Acute Toxicity

The following values are calculated based on chapter 3.1 of the GHS document
ATEmix (dermal) 22,811.10 mg/kg
ATEmix (inhalation-dust/mist) 28.20 mg/l

Component Information

Chemical name Oral LD50 Dermal LD50 Inhalation LC50

Xylene (o-,m-, p-isomers) =3500 mg/kg (Rattus) > 1700 mg/kg (Oryctolagus =29.08 mg/L (Rattus) 4 h =
1330-20-7 cuniculus) > 4350 mg/kg 5000 ppm (Rattus) 4 h
(Oryctolagus cuniculus)
Ethylbenzene =3500 mg/kg (Rattus) = 15400 mg/kg (Oryctolagus =1432 mg/L (Rattus) 4 h
100-41-4 cuniculus)
Reaction mass of LD50 = 3230 mg/Kg (Rat) LD50 >3170 mg/Kg (Rat)
peridyl) sebacate and Methyl

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dyl sebacate
4,4'-Methylenediphenyl =31600 mg/kg (Rattus) LD 50 > 9400 mg/kg =1.5 mg/L (Rattus) 4 h
diisocyanate = 9200 mg/kg (Rattus) (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
101-68-8 OECD 402
Toluene diisocyanate =3060 mg/kg (Rattus) = 10000 mg/kg (Oryctolagus =0.107 mg/L (Rattus) 4 h
26471-62-5 cuniculus) (Vapour)

Delayed and immediate effects as well as chronic effects from short and long-term exposure

Skin corrosion/irritation Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.

Serious eye damage/eye irritation Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.

Respiratory or skin sensitisation Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.

Germ cell mutagenicity Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.

Carcinogenicity Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.

The table below indicates whether each agency has listed any ingredient as a carcinogen.

Chemical name European Union

4,4'-Methylenediphenyl diisocyanate Carc. 2
Toluene diisocyanate Carc. 2

Reproductive toxicity Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.

STOT - single exposure Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.

STOT - repeated exposure Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.

Aspiration hazard Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.

SECTION 12: Ecological information

12.1. Toxicity

Ecotoxicity .

Chemical name Algae/aquatic Fish Toxicity to Crustacea M-Factor M-Factor

plants Micro-organisms (long-term)
Xylene (o-,m-, - 2.661 - 4.093 - EC50 48 h =
p-isomers) mg/L 3.82 mg/L
1330-20-7 (Oncorhynchus (Dappnia
mykiss static) magna)
Ethylbenzene EC50 72 h 2.6 LC50 96 h = 4.2 EC50 = 9.68 EC50: 1.8 -
100-41-4 - 11.3 mg/L mg/L mg/L 30 min 2.4mg/L (48h,
(Pseudokirchner (Oncorhynchus EC50 = 96 mg/L Daphnia magna)
iella mykiss 24 h
subcapitata) semi-static)

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Reaction mass of - LC50 (96h) =0.9 - -

Bis(1,2,2,6,6-pentamet mg/L
sebacate and Methyl
4-piperidyl sebacate
4,4'-Methylenediphenyl ErC50 (72h) >1000 mg/l - EC50 (24H)
diisocyanate >1640 mg/L (Danio rerio) >1000 mg/L
101-68-8 Algae Daphnia magna
(OECD 201)

12.2. Persistence and degradability

Persistence and degradability No information available.

Component Information
4,4'-Methylenediphenyl diisocyanate (101-68-8)
Method Exposure time Value Results
OECD Test No. 302C: Inherent 28 days 0% biodegradation Not readily biodegradable
Biodegradability: Modified MITI Test

12.3. Bioaccumulative potential

Bioaccumulation There is no data for this product.

Component Information

Chemical name Partition coefficient Bioconcentration factor (BCF)

Xylene (o-,m-, p-isomers) 3.15 15
Ethylbenzene 3.2 15
4,4'-Methylenediphenyl diisocyanate 4.51 200
Toluene diisocyanate - 5

12.4. Mobility in soil

Mobility in soil No information available.

12.5. Results of PBT and vPvB assessment

PBT and vPvB assessment The components in this formulation do not meet the criteria for classification as PBT or
vPvB. .

Chemical name PBT and vPvB assessment

Xylene (o-,m-, p-isomers) The substance is not PBT / vPvB
Ethylbenzene The substance is not PBT / vPvB
Reaction mass of Bis(1,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidyl) sebacate The substance is not PBT / vPvB
and Methyl 1,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidyl sebacate
4,4'-Methylenediphenyl diisocyanate The substance is not PBT / vPvB
Toluene diisocyanate The substance is not PBT / vPvB

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12.6. Other adverse effects

Other adverse effects No information available.

SECTION 13: Disposal considerations

13.1. Waste treatment methods

Waste from residues/unused Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local, regional, national, and
products international regulations as applicable.

Contaminated packaging Do not reuse empty containers. Handle contaminated packages in the same way as the
product itself.

European Waste Catalogue 08 04 10 waste adhesives and sealants other than those mentioned in 08 04 09

Other information Waste codes should be assigned by the user based on the application for which the
product was used.

SECTION 14: Transport information

Land transport (ADR/RID)
14.1 UN Number Not regulated
14.2 Proper Shipping Name Not regulated
14.3 Transport hazard class(es) Not regulated
14.4 Packing Group Not regulated
14.5 Environmental hazards Not applicable
14.6 Special Provisions None

14.1 UN number Not regulated
14.2 Proper Shipping Name Not regulated
14.3 Transport hazard class(es) Not regulated
14.4 Packing group Not regulated
14.5 Marine Pollutant Np
14.6 Special Provisions None
14.7 Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code Not applicable

Air transport (ICAO-TI / IATA-DGR)

14.1 UN number Not regulated
14.2 Proper Shipping Name Not regulated
14.3 Transport hazard class(es) Not regulated
14.4 Packing group Not regulated
14.5 Environmental hazards Not applicable
14.6 Special Provisions None


15.1. Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture

European Union

Take note of Directive 98/24/EC on the protection of the health and safety of workers from the risks related to chemical agents
at work

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Check whether measures in accordance with Directive 94/33/EC for the protection of young people at work must be taken.

Take note of Directive 92/85/EC on the protection of pregnant and breastfeeding women at work

Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals (REACh) Regulation (EC 1907/2006)

SVHC: Substances of Very High Concern for Authorisation:

This product does not contain candidate substances of very high concern at a concentration >=0.1% (Regulation (EC) No.
1907/2006 (REACH), Article 59)

EU-REACH (1907/2006) - Annex XVII - Substances subject to Restriction

This product does not contain substances subject to restriction (Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH), Annex XVII).

Substance subject to authorisation per REACH Annex XIV

This product does not contain substances subject to authorisation (Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH), Annex XIV)

Ozone-depleting substances (ODS) regulation (EC) 1005/2009

Not applicable

Persistent Organic Pollutants

Not applicable

National Regulations


Occupational Illnesses (R-463-3, France)

Chemical name French RG number

Xylene (o-,m-, p-isomers) RG 4bis,RG 84
Ethylbenzene RG 84
4,4'-Methylenediphenyl diisocyanate RG 62
Toluene diisocyanate RG 62


Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health - Germany - BetrSichV

No flammable liquids in accordance with BetrSichV

Water hazard class (WGK) WGK 2


List of Carcinogenic, mutagenic and reproductive toxin substances in accordance with Inspectorate SZW

Chemical name Netherlands

Xylene (o-,m-, p-isomers) Development (Category 2)

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15.2. Chemical safety assessment

Chemical Safety Assessments have been carried out by the Reach registrants for substances registered at >10 tpa. No
Chemical Safety Assessment has been carried out for this mixture

SECTION 16: Other information

Key or legend to abbreviations and acronyms used in the safety data sheet

Full text of H-Statements referred to under section 3

H225 - Highly flammable liquid and vapour
H226 - Flammable liquid and vapour
H304 - May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways
H312 - Harmful in contact with skin
H315 - Causes skin irritation
H317 - May cause an allergic skin reaction
H319 - Causes serious eye irritation
H330 - Fatal if inhaled
H332 - Harmful if inhaled
H334 - May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing difficulties if inhaled
H335 - May cause respiratory irritation
H351 - Suspected of causing cancer
H373 - May cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure
H400 - Very toxic to aquatic life
H410 - Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects
H412 - Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects

SVHC: Substances of Very High Concern for Authorisation:

Legend SECTION 8: Exposure controls/personal protection

TWA TWA (time-weighted average) STEL STEL (Short Term Exposure Limit)
Ceiling Maximum limit value * Skin designation
PBT Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic (PBT) Chemicals
STOT RE Specific target organ toxicity - Repeated exposure
STOT SE Specific target organ toxicity - Single exposure
EWC: European Waste Catalogue

Key literature references and sources for data

No information available

Prepared By Product Safety & Regulatory Affairs

Revision date 18-Oct-2019

Indication of changes

Revision note Not applicable.

Training Advice No information available

Further information No information available

This material safety data sheet complies with the requirements of Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006

The information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief at the date of
its publication. The information given is designed only as a guidance for safe handling, use, processing, storage,
transportation, disposal and release and is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification. The information relates only

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to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in
any process, unless specified in the text.

End of Safety Data Sheet

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in accordance with Annex III of Regulation (EU) No 305/2011
(Construction Product Regulation)

DoP _ [EN] _ 001_No 17001021-1501

1. Unique identification code of product-type:


2. Type, batch or serial number or any other element allowing identification of the construction product as
required to Article 11 (4):
Batch number: See product packaging

3. Intended use or uses of construction product, in accordance with applicable harmonized technical
specification, as foreseen by the manufacturer:
Sealants for façade elements
EN 15651-1: F-EXT-INT-CC (CLASS 25HM)

4. Name, registered name or registered trade mark and contact address for the manufacture as required to
Article 11 (5):

5. Name and contact address of the authorized representative whose mandate covers the task specified in
Article 12 (2): not relevant

6. System or systems of assessment and verification of constancy of performance of the construction product as
set out in Annex V:
System 3
System 3 for reaction to fire

7. In case of declaration of performance concerning a construction product covered by a harmonized standard:

The notified body SKZ – TeConA GmbH (1213) performed the initial type testing according to EN 15651-1 and
reaction to fire under system 3 and issued: a test report.

8. In case of the declaration of performance concerning a construction product for which a European Technical
Assessment has been issued: not relevant

9. Declared performance:
Conditioning: Procedure B (according to ISO 8340)
Bostik Benelux B.V.
Denariusstraat 11, NL-4903 RC Oosterhout, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)162 491 000
Substrate: Mortar M2 (without primer)
Anodised aluminium (without primer)

Essential characteristics Performance Harmonized technical specification

Reaction to fire Class E
Release of chemicals dangerous to the NPD (*)
environment and health
Water tightness and air tightness
Resistance to flow ≤ 3 mm
Loss of volume ≤ 10 %
Tensile properties at maintained NF
extension after water immersion EN 15651-1:2012
Tensile properties (secant NR
modulus) for use in cold climate
areas (-30°C)
Tensile properties at maintained NF
extension for use in cold climate
areas (-30°C)
Durability Pass
(*) See material safety data sheet
NPD: No Performance Determined
NF: No Failure
NR: Not Required

Where pursuant in Article 37 or 38 the Specific Technical Documentation has been used, the requirements with
which the product complies: not relevant

10. The performance of the product identified in points 1 and 2 is in conformity with the declared performance in
point 9. This declaration of performance is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer identified
in point 4.

Signed for and on behalf of the manufacturer by:

Vincent Imbos
Managing Director
Oosterhout, 12/2018

Bostik Benelux B.V.

Denariusstraat 11, NL-4903 RC Oosterhout, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)162 491 000
Test Report No. 7191321760-MEC23/02-ES (5866641)
dated 2 Feb 2024

Note: This report is issued subject to the Testing and Certification Regulations of the TÜV SÜD Group and the General
Terms and Conditions of Business of TÜV SÜD PSB Pte Ltd. In addition, this report is governed by the terms set out
within this report.


Testing of sealant submitted by BOSTIK SA


101 Rue Du Champ Cailloux, 60280, Venette,

Attn: Ms. Alexia Neige


The following items were received on 14 Aug 2023.

Sample Size Quantity

Brand Name : ‘Bostik’
300 ml/cartridge 12 cartridges
Model Number : ‘P360’ (refer to Photo 1)

Photo 1: ‘Bostik P360’

The results reported herein have been performed

LA-2007-0380-A LA-2007-0386-C in accordance with the terms of accreditation under
LA-2007-0381-F LA-2010-0464-D the Singapore Accreditation Council.
LA-2007-0382-B LA-2018-0702-B
LA-2007-0383-G LA-2018-0703-G Inspections/Calibrations/Tests marked "Not SAC-
LA-2007-0384-G LA-2020-0747-L SINGLAS Accredited" in this Report are not
included in the SAC-SINGLAS Accreditation
Schedule for our inspection body/laboratory.

Laboratory: Phone : +65-6778 7777 Regional Head Office:

TÜV SÜD PSB Pte. Ltd. E-mail: [email protected] TÜV SÜD Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.
15 International Business Park 15 International Business Park
TÜV SÜD @ IBP Co. Reg : 199002667R TÜV SÜD @ IBP
Singapore 609937 Singapore 609937 Page 1 of 7
Test Report No. 7191321760-MEC23/02-ES (5866641)
dated 2 Feb 2024


ASTM C920 : 2018 Standard Specification For Elastomeric Joint Sealants

Staining And Colour Change, UV Exposure

1. Adopted ASTM C510 : 2016 Standard Test Method For Staining And Colour Change Of Single Or Multi-
Component Joint Sealants

Test equipment : QUV Weatherometer

Lamp designation : Fluorescent UVA 340 mm
Test cycle : 8 hours UV exposure at 60±3 C and 4 hours condensation
at 50±3 C, irradiance 0.89 W/m2.nm (ASTM G154)
Exposure duration : 100 hours
No. of determinations : 4 samples: 2 samples with sealant and 2 samples
without sealant (For UV Exposure)
2 control samples: 1 sample with sealant and 1 sample
without sealant (Standard Conditions)
Staining And Colour Change, Standard Conditions In Distilled Water
Test apparatus : Container with distilled water
Test condition : Distilled water immersion for 1 minute, once a day,
(5 days per week)
Test duration : 14 days
No. of determinations : 2 samples: 1 sample with sealant and 1 sample
without sealant (For distilled water immersion)
2 control samples: 1 sample with sealant and 1 sample
without sealant (Standard Conditions)


2. ASTM C1183/C1183M : 2013 (2018) Standard Test Method For Extrusion Rate Of Elastomeric

Test pressure : 40±1 psi

No. of determination : 1

Flow Properties

3. ASTM C639 : 2015 Standard Test Method For Rheological (Flow) Properties Of Elastomeric Sealants

Method : Test method for ‘Type II’ sealant

Test conditions : a) 4.4±2 C in environmental chamber for 4 hours
b) 50±2 C in oven for 4 hours
No. of determinations : 2 for vertical and horizontal displacements


4. ASTM C661 : 2015 Standard Test Method For Indentation Hardness Of Elastomeric-Type Sealants By
Means Of A Durometer
Test Conditions:
a) 23±2 C and 50±5% relative humidity for 7 days
b) 38±2 C and 95% relative humidity for 7 days
c) 23±2 C and 50±5% relative humidity for 7 days
No. of determinations : 2, 3 points per test piece
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TEST METHODS: (cont’d)

Tack-Free Time

5. ASTM C679 : 2015 Standard Test Method For Tack-Free Time Of Elastomeric Sealants

No. of determinations : 2

Cyclic Adhesion & Cohesion

6. ASTM C719 : 2014 (2019) Standard Test Method For Adhesion And Cohesion Of Elastomeric Joint
Sealants Under Cyclic Movement (Hockman Cycle)

Test Conditions:
a) 23±2 C and 50±5% relative humidity for 7 days
b) 37.8±2 C and 95% relative humidity for 7 days
c) 23±2 C and 50±5% relative humidity for 7 days
d) Immersion in distilled water at 23 C for 7 days
e) Drying in oven at 70 C for 7 days followed by joint movement at standard temperature 23±2 C
f) Drying in oven at 70 C for 16-20 hours followed by class extension at cold temperature -26.1±1.7 C
Substrate : Aluminium and mortar
Class : 25
No. of cycles : 10
Crosshead speed : 3.2 mm/hr
No. of determinations : 3 per substrate

Effects Of Heat Ageing

7. ASTM C1246 : 2017 Standard Test Method For Effects Of Heat Ageing On Weight Loss, Cracking, And
Chalking Of Elastomeric Sealants After Cure

Test Conditions:
a) 23±2 C and 50±5% relative humidity for 28 days
b) 70±2 C for 21 days
No. of determinations : 3, 1 as control

Effects Of Accelerated Weathering

8. ASTM C793 : 2005 (2017) Standard Test Method For Effects Of Accelerated Weathering On
Elastomeric Joint Sealants

Test Conditions:
23±2 C and 50±5% relative humidity for 21 days
Test equipment : QUV Weatherometer
Test cycle : 8 hours UV exposure at 60±3 C and 4 hours condensation
at 50±3 C, irradiance 0.89 W/m2.nm (ASTM G154)
Lamp designation : Fluorescent UVA 340 mm
Exposure duration : 250 hours
No. of determinations : 3 (1 as control)
Bend test
Test equipment : Environmental chamber
Apparatus : Steel mandrel
Test condition : -26±2 C for 24 hours
No. of determinations : 3
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TEST METHODS: (cont’d)


9. ASTM C794 : 2018 Standard Test Method For Adhesion-In-Peel Of Elastomeric Joint Sealants

Test Conditions:
23±2 C and 50±5% relative humidity for 21 days
Substrate : Aluminium and mortar
Crosshead speed : 50 mm/min
No. of determinations : 4 per substrate


Unless otherwise specified, all test specimens were tested at 23 2 C and 50 5% relative humidity.
Standard Conditions parameters: 23 2 C and 50 5% relative humidity.


ASTM C920 : 2018 Standard

Test Bostik P360 Specification
For Elastomeric Joint Sealants
1. Staining And Colour Change No staining The sealant shall not cause any visible
No colour change stain on the top surface of a white
cement mortar base
2. Extrudability 70.4 ml/min Type S (single component), grade NS
(non-sag or gunnable sealant) shall
have an extrusion rate of not less than
10 ml/min
3. Rheological (Flow) Properties Vertical displacement: Grade NS (non-sag) or gunnable
0 mm sag sealant shall have flow characteristics
Horizontal displacement: such that it does not sag more than
No deformation 4.8 mm (3/16 in.) in vertical
displacement. Also the sealant shall
show no deformation in horizontal
displacement (refer to Types II and IV
in the tests)
4. Indentation Hardness test piece 1, average : 35.6 Use T1 (traffic) sealant shall have a
test piece 2, average : 35.2 hardness reading, after being properly
average of 2 test pieces : 35.4 cured, of not less than 25
Use T2 (traffic) sealant shall have a
hardness reading, after being properly
cured, of less than 25
Use NT (non-traffic) sealant shall have
a hardness reading, after being
properly cured, of less than 60
5. Tack-Free Time No transfer of test specimens There shall be no transfer of the
to the polyethylene film sealant to the polyethylene film when
tested at 72 hours

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Test Report No. 7191321760-MEC23/02-ES (5866641)
dated 2 Feb 2024

TEST RESULTS: (cont’d)

ASTM C920 : 2018 Standard

Test Bostik P360 Specification
For Elastomeric Joint Sealants
6. Adhesion & Cohesion Under The total loss in bond and cohesion
Cyclic Movement, Class 25 areas among the three specimens
i. Aluminium No loss in bond tested for each surface shall be no
ii. Mortar No loss in bond more than 9 cm2 (11/2 in.2) with
standard mortar, glass, and aluminium
or any other specified substrates
7. Effects Of Heat Ageing On 0.9% The sealant shall not lose more than
Weight Loss, Cracking And No cracking and chalking >7% of its original weight or show any
Chalking, average cracking and chalking
8. Effects Of Accelerated No cracks after The sealant shall show no cracks
Weathering UV exposure and bend test greater than those shown in example
#2 of Figure 1 in ASTM C793 after the
specified UV exposure and shall show
no cracks greater than those shown in
example #2 of Figure 2 in ASTM C793
after exposure at cold temperature
and the bend test (refer to Photo 2)
9. Adhesion-In-Peel, average The peel strength for each individual
i. Aluminium 24.7 N (5.6 lbf) test shall not be less than 22.2 N
ii. Mortar 90.2 N (20.3 lbf) (5 lbf) when tested with standard
cohesive failure within the mortar, glass, and aluminium or any
sealant and no adhesive bond other specified substrate. In addition,
loss between sealant and the sealant shall show no more than
substrate for each test piece 25% adhesive bond loss for each
individual test


1. The test conditions for staining and colour change test, effects of accelerated weathering test and
adhesion-in-peel UV exposure through glass test were adopted from ASTM G154 : 2016 Standard
Practice For Operating Fluorescent Light Apparatus For UV Exposure Of Non-Metallic Materials.
2. For effects of accelerated weathering test, in ASTM C793, Photo 2 consists of Figure 1 which indicate the
presence of cracks after UV exposure and Figure 2 which indicate the presence of cracks after bend test.
3. The tests and ASTM C920 specifications are specified by the client.
4. The class and types of substrate are specified by the client for ASTM C719 joint movement and ASTM
C794 peel strength tests.
5. The substrates did not require primer before application of the sealant as specified by the client.
6. One cartridge was sent to other section for material identification/verification FTIR test.

_____________________ ______________________
Lem Chee Meng Eddie Suwand
Testing Officer Senior Associate Engineer
Real Estate & Infrastructure
Mechanical Centre

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dated 2 Feb 2024

Photo 2: Figures 1 and 2 showing presence of cracks after UV exposure and after bend test respectively
(taken from ASTM C793 as a guide and are not client’s samples)

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Test Report No. 7191321760-MEC23/02-ES (5866641)
dated 2 Feb 2024

Please note that this Report is issued under the following terms :

1. This report applies to the sample of the specific product/equipment given at the time of its testing/calibration. The results are not used to indicate
or imply that they are applicable to other similar items. In addition, such results must not be used to indicate or imply that TÜV SÜD PSB
approves, recommends or endorses the manufacturer, supplier or user of such product/equipment, or that TÜV SÜD PSB in any way
“guarantees” the later performance of the product/equipment. Unless otherwise stated in this report, no tests were conducted to determine long
term effects of using the specific product/equipment.

2. The sample/s mentioned in this report is/are submitted/supplied/manufactured by the Client. TÜV SÜD PSB therefore assumes no responsibility
for the accuracy of information on the brand name, model number, origin of manufacture, consignment or any information supplied.

3. Nothing in this report shall be interpreted to mean that TÜV SÜD PSB has verified or ascertained any endorsement or marks from any other
testing authority or bodies that may be found on that sample.

4. This report shall not be reproduced wholly or in parts and no reference shall be made by the Client to TÜV SÜD PSB or to the report or results
furnished by TÜV SÜD PSB in any advertisements or sales promotion.

5. Unless otherwise stated, the tests were carried out in TÜV SÜD PSB Pte Ltd, 15 International Business Park TÜV SÜD @ IBP Singapore

6. The tests carried out by TÜV SÜD PSB and this report are subject to TÜV SÜD PSB’s General Terms and Conditions of Business and the
Testing and Certification Regulations of the TÜV SÜD Group.

Effective 26 January 2021

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& i4ARODOVYY |NSTYTUT ZDROWIA PUBL|CZ§I§O - Państwowy Zakład Higieny
a & ą NAT!§!,łAL lblSTlTUTE OF PUBLI{ HiALTH - National lnstitute of §ygiene
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ATEST HlGlENICZNY B_BK-60211-078tt20



Wyrób / product: BOSTIK SEAL'N'FLEX P360

ZawierĄący ksylen, diizocyjanian 4,4'-metylenodifenylu, diizocyjanian tolueno-2,4-diylu i inne składnikiwg

/ containing: dokumentacji producenta

Pzeznaczony do profesjonalnego stosowania jako uszczelniacz do dylatacji (fasady,. posadzki, magazyny,

p"ixiń'gi, g.r"ź., hale, tarasy, balkony, płyty warstwowe, konstrukcje stalowe) bez
/ destined:
bezpośredniego kontaktu z żywnością

4, ]i
§,:: i $

alergizujących wyrobu
Atest higieniczny nie dot. parametrów technicznych, walorów użytkowych i oceny właŚciwoŚci
value and allergenic propeńies of the product
/ Hygienic ceńificate does not apply to technical parameters, utility

P Box 1 AD
,1 rjj:+,=ł{]!n ji:::--:j4\iśrlĘ-]
Denariusstraat 1

Niniejszy dokument wydano na wniosek / this ceńificate issued for:

Bostik Sp. z o,o.
62-080 Tarnowo Podgórne
u].'Póżnańśka,l1B, sady
Atest może być zmieniony lub unieważniony po The ceńificate may be corrected or cancelled
przedstawieniu stosownych dowodów p]zez after appropriate motivation. The ceńificate
którąkolwiek stronę. Niniejszy atest traci ważność loses its validity aftea025,11,16 or in the case
po 2025.11.16 lub w przypadku zmian w recepturze of changes in composition or in technology
albo w technologii wytwarzania wyrobu. of production.
Zakładu Bezpieczeństwa Zdrowotnego
Data wydania atestu higienicznego: 16 listopada2020 środowiska
The date of issue of the ceńificate: 16th November 2020 Ł n"f .tl .,,.l/l|4Łc,_o_,,Ą,łl*/
! ,

dr hab. Jolanta SolłŁka, prof . NIZP-PZH

Kontakt w sprawie niniejszego atestu higienicznego / To contact rąarding this

hygienic cetiflca_te
ZakładBezpiee.ze6strła zoioi,oi;ó; §;ilńi. Ń]zp-pzHl Depańment of E-nvironmental Health and SafetY NlPH-NIH
00-791 Warsźawa, ul.Chocimska24 t 00-791 Warsaw, Chocimska 24, Poland
e-mail:[email protected].+482254-21-354,+482254-21.349
May 18, 2012
Dear Bostik Customer:

Congratulations for your forward thinking and the environmentally conscious design of your current
construction project. Bostik is pleased to be a U.S. Green Building Council member and a major proponent
of the LEED initiative in the construction materials industry.

Bostik is a leader in the adhesive, sealant and coatings segment of the construction market with one of the
most comprehensive product offerings available, all backed by strong system warranties. Bostik is the 4th
largest adhesive and sealant company in the world. The greatest advantage of utilizing all of our products
for your flooring system and construction sealants/adhesives is that you have only one manufacturer to
deal with if questions or concerns arise. Additionally, we have a dedicated sales and technical service
organization that is at your service any time you need assistance.

Attached is a complete list of the Bostik products that may contribute to the qualifications of a project for
LEED-NC V2.2 certification under the following Indoor Environmental Quality credits for low emitting
materials: EQ 4.1 Adhesives & Sealants, EQ 4.2 Paints & Coatings and EQ 4.3 Carpet Systems. (An extract
of these standards is attached for your review.) The intent of these one-point credits is to reduce the quantity
of indoor air contaminants that are odorous, potentially irritating and/or harmful to the comfort and well-
being of installers and occupants.

If you have any questions regarding our product offering, please contact Bostik directly at 800-7/BOSTIK.
Once again, we look forward to working with you on this exciting project.

Scott J. Banda

Market Manager
LEED Accredited Professional

Bostik, Inc.
Construction & Distribution Division
11320 Watertown Plank Road
Wauwatosa, WI 53226
Tel: 1-800-726-7845 - Fax: 414-774-8075

C20a 051812 (040510)

Date: 11/09/2023
Ref: LEED-P360-110923

Subject: Low-emitting materials – Adhesives and Sealants

VOC Confirmation for LEED Compliance

To whom it may concern:

BOSTIK P360 SEAL’N’FLEX MULTIPURPOSE is a one-component elastomeric polyurethane joint sealant.

We hereby confirm that our product satisfies the LEED requirement for South Coast Air Quality
Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 1168 VOC limitations for Adhesives and Sealants: Architectural.



BOSTIK P360 250 g/l 4.56 g/l


The product can thus contribute to the attainment of LEED credits.

For more details on health and safety, please refer to the product safety datasheet.

Bostik is pleased to be a member of the U.S. Green Building Council and a major proponent of the LEED
initiative in the construction materials industry. Bostik as an organization is committed to continuously
innovate and develop solutions to help build a world that is more sustainable.

Kindly contact the undersigned if you have further inquiries.

Best regards,

Angelo Malabanan, ChE

Technical Services Manager
Bostik (KSA) Construction & Consumer Adhesives
Mob: +966 50 125 7420
Email: [email protected]
Eurofins Product Testing A/S
Smedeskovvej 38
Bostik B.V. 8464 Galten
Denariusstraat 11
4903 RC Oosterhout [email protected]
The Netherlands


Indoor Air Comfort GOLD®
16 July 2020

1 Sample Information
Sample name Bostik P360 Seal-N-Flex Multipurpose
Batch no. 75038
Production date 10/05/2017
Product type Joint sealant
Sample reception 27/06/2017

2 Brief Evaluation of the Results

Regulation or protocol Conclusion Version of regulation or protocol

French VOC Regulation Regulation of March and April 2011 (DEVL1101903D and

French CMR components Pass Regulation of March and April 2011 (DEVL1101903D and

AgBB Pass AgBB of February 2015. DIBt of October 2010

Belgian Regulation Pass Royal decree of May 2015 (C-2014/24239)

EMICODE EC 1 PLUS November 2015

® Indoor Air Comfort 6.0 of February 2017
Indoor Air Comfort Pass
® Indoor Air Comfort GOLD 6.0 of February 2017
Indoor Air Comfort GOLD Pass
§ 2004
EN 717-1 E1
BREEAM International Compliant GN22: BREEAM Recognised Schemes for VOC Emissions
from Building Products

LEED v4 (outside U.S.) Compliant LEED v4 for Building Design and Construction (April, 2015)
® BREEAM-NOR New Construction 2016
Full details based on the testing and direct comparison with limit values are available in the following pages

The results are only valid for the tested sample(s).

This report may only be copied or reprinted in its entity, parts of it only with a written acceptance by Eurofins.
392-2017-00227701_A_EN_03_rev1 Page 1 of 18
Table of contents
1 Sample Information 1
2 Brief Evaluation of the Results 1
3 Applied Test Methods 3
3.1 General Test References 3
3.2 Specific Laboratory Sampling and Analyses 3
4 Test Parameters, Sample Preparation and Deviations 4
4.1 VOC Emission Chamber Test Parameters 4
4.2 Preparation of the Test Specimen 4
4.3 Picture of Sample 4
4.4 Deviations from Referenced Protocols and Regulations 5
5 Results 6
5.1 VOC Emission Test Results after 3 Days 6
5.2 VOC Emission Test Results after 28 Days 7
6 Summary and Evaluation of the Results 9
6.1 Comparison with Limit Values of the French VOC Regulation 9
6.2 Comparison with Limit Values of the CMR Components 9
6.3 Comparison with Limit Values of AgBB 10
6.4 Comparison with Limit Values of the Belgian Regulation 10
6.5 Comparison with Limit Values of EN 717-1 10
6.6 Comparison with Limit Values of EMICODE 11
6.7 Comparison with Limit Values of Indoor Air Comfort 11
6.8 Comparison with Limit Values of Indoor Air Comfort Gold 12
6.9 Comparison with BREEAM NOR Limit Values 12
6.10 Comparison with Limit Values of LEED 12
7 Appendices 13
7.1 Chromatogram of VOC Emissions after 3 Days 13
7.2 Chromatogram of VOC Emissions after 28 Days 13
7.3 Sampling Report 14
7.4 How to Understand the Results 14
7.5 Applied LCI and NIK Values 15
7.6 Description of VOC Emission Test 16
7.7 Quality Assurance 18
7.8 Accreditation 18
7.9 Uncertainty of the Test Method 18
7.10 Version History 18

The results are only valid for the tested sample(s).

This report may only be copied or reprinted in its entity, parts of it only with a written acceptance by Eurofins.
392-2017-00227701_A_EN_03_rev1 Page 2 of 18
3 Applied Test Methods
3.1 General Test References
Regulation, protocol or Reporting limit
Version Calculation of TVOC uncertainty¤
standard VOC [µg/m³]
CEN/TS 16516 October 2013 5 Toluene equivalents 22%
ISO 16000 -3 -6 -9 -11 2006-2011 depending on part 2 Toluene equivalents 22%
ASTM D5116 2010 - - -
Specifications Indoor Air
6.0 of February 2017 5 Toluene equivalents 22%
Comfort Gold
Regulation of March and April
French VOC 2011 (DEVL1101903D and 2 Toluene equivalents 22%
AgBB/DIBt February 2015/October 2010 5 Compound Specific 22%
Royal decree of May 2015 (C -
Belgian VOC 5 Toluene equivalents 22%
2014 / 24239)
BREEAM® NOR 5 Toluene equivalents 22%
Construction 2016
EN 717-1§ 2004 - (Formaldehyde only) 22%
LEED v4 April 2015 - - -

3.2 Specific Laboratory Sampling and Analyses

Analytical Uncertainty¤
Procedure External Method Internal SOP limit / sampling
principle [RSD(%)]
ISO 16000-11:2006,
Sample preparation EN16402:2013, CDPH, 71M549810 - - -
VOC emission chamber ISO 16000-9:2006, Chamber and air
71M549811 - -
testing CEN/TS 16516:2013 control
ISO 16000-6:2011,
Sampling of VOC 71M549812 5L Tenax TA -
CEN/TS 16516:2013
ISO 16000-6:2011,
Analysis of VOC 71M542808B 1 µg/m³ ATD-GC/MS 10%
CEN/TS 16516:2013
ISO 16000-3:2011,
Sampling of aldehydes 71M549812 35 L DNPH -
CEN/TS 16516:2013
ISO 16000-3:2011, EN
Analysis of aldehydes 717-1, CEN/TS 71M548400 3-6 µg/m³ HPLC-UV 10%
ISO 16200-1, MEL-09,
Sampling of phthalates 71M549812 60 L XAD-2 -
Analysis of phthalates* 71M546060 0.6 µg/m³ GC/MS 10%

The results are only valid for the tested sample(s).

This report may only be copied or reprinted in its entity, parts of it only with a written acceptance by Eurofins.
392-2017-00227701_A_EN_03_rev1 Page 3 of 18
4 Test Parameters, Sample Preparation and Deviations
4.1 VOC Emission Chamber Test Parameters
Parameter Value Parameter Value
Chamber volume, V[L] 119 Preconditioning period -
Air Change rate, n[h ] 0.5 Test period 05/07/2017 - 02/08/2017
Relative humidity of supply Area specific ventilation rate,
50 ± 3 71
air, RH [%] q [m/h or m³/m²/h]
Temperature of supply air,
23 ± 1 Loading factor [m²/m³] 0.007
T [°C]
Test scenario Very small area

4.2 Preparation of the Test Specimen

The sample was applied onto a glass plate and drawn off over a model giving a 3 mm thick and uniform layer
with a broadness of 10 mm.

4.3 Picture of Sample

The results are only valid for the tested sample(s).

This report may only be copied or reprinted in its entity, parts of it only with a written acceptance by Eurofins.
392-2017-00227701_A_EN_03_rev1 Page 4 of 18
4.4 Deviations from Referenced Protocols and Regulations
No deviations from the referenced test methods were observed except the general deviations.

4.4.1 General Deviations

Method Deviation details Impact on results or correction
EN 717-1 Sampling flow on DNPH was 300 mL/min. Formaldehyde concentration can be
The RH% in the supply air to the chamber expected to be slightly overestimated
was 50 ± 3% and not 45 ± 3% during the compared to EN 717-1 due to the higher
test. The temperature was 23 ± 1°C and RH% and lower air change rate in ISO
not 23 ± 0.5°C. The air change rate was 16000-9. The E1 limit value of 120 µg/m³
0.5/h and not 1/h. The sample was tested has been recalculated to SERA of 120
without open edges unless elsewise stated µg/m²/h and compared with the detected
under sample preparation. SERA (in accordance with conclusion
presented in CEN TC351 WG2 N174).

The results are only valid for the tested sample(s).

This report may only be copied or reprinted in its entity, parts of it only with a written acceptance by Eurofins.
392-2017-00227701_A_EN_03_rev1 Page 5 of 18
5 Results
5.1 VOC Emission Test Results after 3 Days
CAS No. Retention ID- Specific Toluene Specific RD RB
time Cat Conc. eq. SER
[min] [µg/m³] [µg/m³] [µg/(m²·h)]

VOC with NIK

1,2-Propandiol (Propylene glycol)* 57-55-6 3.26 1 92 21 6600 0.037 0.044
Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane 556-67-2 8.37 1 20 39 1400 0.017 0.017
Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane * 541-02-6 10.43 1 30 51 2200 0.020 0.020
Dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane * 540-97-6 12.31 1 31 31 2200 0.026 0.026
VOC without NIK
Dodecamethylpentasiloxane * 141-63-9 10.81 2 6.5 6.5 470
Not identified * - 13.97 4 6.4 6.4 450
Sum of VOC without NIK 13 13 920

TVOC 190 150 13000

VVOC compounds
None determined
TVVOC <5 <5 < 400

SVOC compounds
None determined
TSVOC <5 <5 < 400

Total carcinogens <1 <1 < 80

Formaldehyde 50-00-0 1 <3 - < 300
Acetaldehyde 75-07-0 1 <3 - < 300
Propionaldehyde 123-38-6 1 <3 - < 300
Butyraldehyde 123-72-8 1 <3 - < 300
R-values 0.10 0.11

The results are only valid for the tested sample(s).

This report may only be copied or reprinted in its entity, parts of it only with a written acceptance by Eurofins.
392-2017-00227701_A_EN_03_rev1 Page 6 of 18
5.2 VOC Emission Test Results after 28 Days
CAS No. Retention ID- Specific Toluene Specific RD RB
time Cat Conc. eq. SER
[min] [µg/m³] [µg/m³] [µg/(m²·h)]

VOC with NIK

Dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane* 540-97-6 12.31 1 12 12 850 0.0099 0.0099
VOC without NIK
None determined
Sum of VOC without NIK <5 <5 < 400

TVOC 12 12 850

VVOC compounds
None determined
TVVOC <5 <5 < 400

SVOC compounds
None determined
TSVOC <5 <5 < 400

Total carcinogens <1 <1 < 80

CMR substances
Benzene 71-43-2 1 <1 - < 80
Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 1 <1 - < 80
Dibutylphthalate (DBP)* 84-74-2 1 <1 - < 80
Diethylhexylphthalate 117-81-7 1 <1 - < 80
Formaldehyde 50-00-0 1 <3 - < 300
Acetaldehyde 75-07-0 1 <3 - < 300
Propionaldehyde 123-38-6 1 <3 - < 300
Butyraldehyde 123-72-8 1 <3 - < 300
R-values 0.0099 0.0099

TVOC (French label) 16

Toluene 108-88-3 <2 <2 < 200
Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 <2 <2 < 200
Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 <2 <2 < 200
Xylene 1330-20-7 <2 <2 < 200

The results are only valid for the tested sample(s).

This report may only be copied or reprinted in its entity, parts of it only with a written acceptance by Eurofins.
392-2017-00227701_A_EN_03_rev1 Page 7 of 18
CAS No. Retention ID- Specific Toluene Specific RD RB
time Cat Conc. eq. SER
[min] [µg/m³] [µg/m³] [µg/(m²·h)]

Styrene 100-42-5 <2 <2 < 200

2-Butoxyethanol 111-76-2 <2 <2 < 200
1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <2 <2 < 200
1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <2 <2 < 200

The results are only valid for the tested sample(s).

This report may only be copied or reprinted in its entity, parts of it only with a written acceptance by Eurofins.
392-2017-00227701_A_EN_03_rev1 Page 8 of 18
6 Summary and Evaluation of the Results
6.1 Comparison with Limit Values of the French VOC Regulation
CAS No. Conc.
28 days
µg/m³ µg/m³ µg/m³ µg/m³ µg/m³

TVOC - 16 >2000 <2000 <1500 <1000

Formaldehyde 50-00-0 <3 >120 <120 <60 <10

Acetaldehyde 75-07-0 <3 >400 <400 <300 <200

Toluene 108-88-3 <2 >600 <600 <450 <300

Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 <2 >500 <500 <350 <250

Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 <2 >1500 <1500 <1000 <750

Xylene 1330-20-7 <2 >400 <400 <300 <200

Styrene 100-42-5 <2 >500 <500 <350 <250

2-Butoxyethanol 111-76-2 <2 >2000 <2000 <1500 <1000

1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <2 >2000 <2000 <1500 <1000

1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <2 >120 <120 <90 <60

The product was assigned a VOC emission class without taking into account the measurement uncertainty associated with the result.
As specified in French Decree no. 2011-321 of March 23 2011, correct assignment of the VOC emission class is the sole responsibility
of the party responsible for distribution of the product in the French market.

6.2 Comparison with Limit Values of the CMR Components

CMR substances CAS No. Conc.
Max. allowed air concentration
28 days
µg/m³ µg/m³

Benzene 71-43-2 <1 <1

Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 <1 <1

Dibutylphthalate (DBP)* 84-74-2 <1 <1

Diethylhexylphthalate (DEHP)* 117-81-7 <1 <1

The results are only valid for the tested sample(s).

This report may only be copied or reprinted in its entity, parts of it only with a written acceptance by Eurofins.
392-2017-00227701_A_EN_03_rev1 Page 9 of 18
6.3 Comparison with Limit Values of AgBB
Parameter Test after 3 days Test after 28 days
Concentration Limit Value Concentration Limit Value
mg/m³ mg/m³ mg/m³ mg/m³

TVOC 0.19 ≤ 10 0.012 ≤ 1.0

TSVOC < 0.005 - < 0.005 ≤ 0.1
R-value (dimensionless) 0.10 - 0.0099 ≤1
Sum without NIK 0.013 - < 0.005 ≤ 0.1
Formaldehyde - - < 0.003 ≤ 0.1
Total carcinogens < 0.001 ≤ 0.01 < 0.001 ≤ 0.001
Compliance with the limits alone does not entitle to use the AgBB requirements in conjunction with approval by DIBt. This requires an
application, site inspection, and approval. See

6.4 Comparison with Limit Values of the Belgian Regulation

Parameter Test after 28 days
Concentration Limit Value
µg/m³ µg/m³
TVOC (CEN/TS 16516) 12 ≤ 1000
TSVOC <5 ≤ 100
R-value (dimensionless) 0.0099 ≤1
Total carcinogens <1 ≤1
Toluene <5 ≤ 300
Formaldehyde <3 ≤ 100
Acetaldehyde <3 ≤ 200

6.5 Comparison with Limit Values of EN 717-1§

Parameter Concentration E2 E1
mg/m³ mg/m³ mg/m³
Formaldehyde 28 days < 0.003 > 0.10 ≤ 0.10
The formaldehyde result is based on chamber testing and DNPH sampling according to ISO 16000. The result is therefore not directly
according to the EN 717-1, and there are a few small deviations from EN 717-1 (see section on general deviations). The testing is in
accordance with conclusions presented in CEN TC351 WG2 N174 where the difference and compatibility between EN 717-1 and ISO
16000 are empirically and theoretically analysed. For results close to the limit value it is recommended to perform an EN 717-1 test for

The results are only valid for the tested sample(s).

This report may only be copied or reprinted in its entity, parts of it only with a written acceptance by Eurofins.
392-2017-00227701_A_EN_03_rev1 Page 10 of 18
6.6 Comparison with Limit Values of EMICODE
Parameter Concentration EC 2 EC 1 EC 1 PLUS
µg/m³ µg/m³ µg/m³ µg/m³
TVOC 3 days 150 ≤ 3000 ≤ 1000 ≤ 750
TVOC 28 days 12 ≤ 300 ≤ 100 ≤ 60
TSVOC 28 days <5 ≤ 100 ≤ 50 ≤ 40
Sum without NIK 28 days <5 >40 ≤ 40
R-value 28 days (dimensionless) 0.0099 >1 ≤1
Formaldehyde 3 days <3 ≤ 50
Acetaldehyde 3 days <3 ≤ 50
Sum Formaldehyde + Acetaldehyde < 0.005 ≤ 0.05
Sum carcinogens 3 days <1 ≤ 10
Sum carcinogens 28 days <1 ≤1
This test report does not alone entitle to use the protected trademark label EMICODE. For the use of an EMICODE label a license has
to be applied for at the GEV, Düsseldorf, Germany. A license can only be granted for ready-to use products, if some additional
requirements on contents of certain chemicals (e.g. solvent-free) are fulfilled.
Note: The label is supplemented with a final letter R (e.g. EMICODE EC 1 R) for installation products that fulfill the specification in
clause 3.1.2 sentence 2 of GEV classification criteria and that therefore may require measures for ensuring occupational safety during

6.7 Comparison with Limit Values of Indoor Air Comfort®

Test after 3 days Test after 28 days
Concentration Limit Value Concentration Limit Value
µg/m³ µg/m³ µg/m³ µg/m³
TVOC (CEN/TS 16516) 150 ≤ 10000 12 ≤ 1000
TSVOC <5 - <5 ≤ 100
RD-value (NIK) (dimensionless) 0.10 - 0.0099 ≤1
RB-value (LCI) (dimensionless) 0.11 - 0.0099 ≤1
TVOC without NIK or LCI 13 - <5 ≤ 100
Total carcinogens <1 ≤ 10 - -
Any individual carcinogens - - <1 ≤1
CMR substances - - <1 ≤1
Formaldehyde <3 - <3 ≤ 60
Acetaldehyde <3 - <3 ≤ 200
French A+/A - - Complies
Compliance with the limits alone does not entitle to use the Indoor Air Comfort label. This requires an application, site inspection, and
approval. See

The results are only valid for the tested sample(s).

This report may only be copied or reprinted in its entity, parts of it only with a written acceptance by Eurofins.
392-2017-00227701_A_EN_03_rev1 Page 11 of 18
6.8 Comparison with Limit Values of Indoor Air Comfort Gold®
Test after 3 days Test after 28 days
Concentration Limit Value Concentration Limit Value
µg/m³ µg/m³ µg/m³ µg/m³
TVOC (CEN/TS 16516) 150 ≤ 750 12 ≤ 60
TSVOC <5 - <5 ≤ 30
RD-value (NIK) (dimensionless) 0.10 - 0.0099 ≤1
RB-value (LCI) (dimensionless) 0.11 - 0.0099 ≤1
TVOC without NIK or LCI 13 - <5 ≤ 40
Total carcinogens <1 ≤ 10 - -
Any individual carcinogens - - <1 ≤1
CMR substances - - <1 ≤1
Formaldehyde <3 ≤ 50 <3 ≤ 10
Acetaldehyde <3 ≤ 50 <3 ≤ 50
Sum Formaldehyde +
<5 ≤ 50 - -
Acetaldehyde [ppb]
Propionaldehyde - - <3 ≤ 60
Butyraldehyde - - <3 ≤ 60
French A+ - - Complies
Compliance with the limits alone does not entitle to use the Indoor Air Comfort GOLD label. This requires an application, site inspection,
and approval. See

6.9 Comparison with BREEAM® NOR Limit Values

Parameter Concentration Limit Value
µg/m³ µg/m³
TVOC (CEN/TS 16516) 12 ≤ 60
Total carcinogens <1 ≤1
Formaldehyde <3 ≤ 104

6.10 Comparison with Limit Values of LEED

VOC Emission: Compliant
Result Not Compliant #
Formaldehyde [µg/m³] <3 >10 <10
The product only complies for the emission requirements. To comply according to LEED the product also need to pass VOC content

The results are only valid for the tested sample(s).

This report may only be copied or reprinted in its entity, parts of it only with a written acceptance by Eurofins.
392-2017-00227701_A_EN_03_rev1 Page 12 of 18
7 Appendices
7.1 Chromatogram of VOC Emissions after 3 Days

7.2 Chromatogram of VOC Emissions after 28 Days

Please consider the different scales.

The results are only valid for the tested sample(s).

This report may only be copied or reprinted in its entity, parts of it only with a written acceptance by Eurofins.
392-2017-00227701_A_EN_03_rev1 Page 13 of 18
7.3 Sampling Report
Sampling report held on file.

7.4 How to Understand the Results

7.4.1 Acronyms Used in the Report

< Means less than
> Means bigger than
* Not a part of our accreditation
¤ Please see section regarding uncertainty in the Appendices.
§ Deviation from method. Please see deviation section
a The method is not optimal for very volatile compounds. For these substances smaller results and a
higher measurement uncertainty cannot be ruled out.
b The component originates from the wooden panels and is thus removed.
c The results have been corrected by the emission from wooden panels.
d Very polar organic compounds are not suitable for reliable quantification using tenax TA adsorbent and
HP-5 GC column. A high degree of uncertainty must be expected.
SER Specific Emission Rate.

7.4.2 Explanation of ID Category

Categories of Identity:
1: Identified and specifically calibrated
2: Identified by comparison with a mass spectrum obtained from library and supported by other information.
Calibrated as toluene equivalent.
3: Identified by comparison with a mass spectrum obtained from a library. Calibrated as toluene equivalent.
4: Not identified, calibrated as toluene equivalent.

The results are only valid for the tested sample(s).

This report may only be copied or reprinted in its entity, parts of it only with a written acceptance by Eurofins.
392-2017-00227701_A_EN_03_rev1 Page 14 of 18
7.5 Applied LCI and NIK Values

7.5.1 LCI/NIK Values for Compounds found after 3 Day Measurements

Compound CAS No. AgBB 2015 NIK Belgian NIK
[µg/m³] [µg/m³]

1,2-Propandiol (Propylene glycol) * 57-55-6 2500 2100

Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane 556-67-2 1200 1200
Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane * 541-02-6 1500 1500
Dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane * 540-97-6 1200 1200

7.5.2 LCI/NIK Values for Compounds found after 28 Day Measurements

Compound CAS No. AgBB 2015 NIK Belgian NIK
[µg/m³] [µg/m³]

Dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane * 540-97-6 1200 1200

The results are only valid for the tested sample(s).

This report may only be copied or reprinted in its entity, parts of it only with a written acceptance by Eurofins.
392-2017-00227701_A_EN_03_rev1 Page 15 of 18
7.6 Description of VOC Emission Test
7.6.1 Test Chamber
The test chamber is made of stainless steel. A multi-step air clean-up is performed before loading the
chamber, and a blank check of the empty chamber is performed.
The chamber operation parameters are as described in the test method section. (CEN/TS 16516, ISO
16000-9, internal method no.: 71M549811).

7.6.2 Expression of the Test Results

All test results are calculated as specific emission rate, and as extrapolated air concentration in the
European Reference Room (CEN/TS 16516, AgBB, EMICODE, M1 and Indoor Air Comfort).

7.6.3 Testing of Carcinogenic VOCs

The emission of carcinogens (EU Categories C1A and C1B, as per European law) is tested by drawing
sample air from the test chamber outlet through Tenax TA tubes after the specified duration of storage in the
ventilated test chamber. Analysis is performed by ATD-GC/MS (automated thermal desorption coupled with
gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy using 30 m HP-5 (slightly polar) column with 0.25 mm ID and
0.25 µm film, Agilent) (CEN/TS 16516, ISO 16000-6, internal methods no.: 71M549812 / 71M542808B).

All identified carcinogenic VOCs are listed; if a carcinogenic VOC is not listed then it has not been detected.
Quantification is performed using the TIC signal and authentic response factors, or the relative response
factors relative to toluene for the individual compounds.

This test only covers substances that can be adsorbed on Tenax TA and can be thermally desorbed. If other
emissions occur, then these substances cannot be detected (or with limited reliability only).

7.6.4 Testing of VOC, SVOC and VVOC

The emissions of volatile organic compounds are tested by drawing sample air from the test chamber outlet
through Tenax TA tubes after the specified duration of storage in the ventilated test chamber. Analysis is
performed by ATD-GC/MS using HP-5 column (30 m, 0.25mm ID, 0.25µm film) (CEN/TS 16516, ISO 16000-
6, internal methods no.: 71M549812 / 71M542808B).

All single substances that are listed with a LCI/NIK value in the latest publications (hereafter referred to as
target compounds) are identified if present. All other appearing VOCs are identified as far as possible.
Quantification of target compounds is done using the TIC signal and authentic response factors, or the
relative response factors relative to toluene. For certain compound groups, which differ significantly in
chemistry from toluene, quantification is performed relative to a representative member of the group for more
accurate and precise results. This can include quantification of for example glycols and acids. In addition to
that, all results are also expressed in toluene equivalents. All non-target compounds, as well as all non-
identified substances, are quantified in toluene equivalents.

The results of the individual substances are calculated in three groups depending on their retention time
when analyzing using a non-polar column (HP-1):

- Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) are defined as: All substances eluting between and including
n-hexane (n-C6) and n-hexadecane (n-C16)
- Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (SVOC) are defined as: All substances eluting after
n-hexadecane (n-C16) and before and including n-docosane (n-C22)
- Very Volatile Organic Compounds (VVOC) are defined as: All substances eluting before
n-hexane (n-C6).

The results are only valid for the tested sample(s).

This report may only be copied or reprinted in its entity, parts of it only with a written acceptance by Eurofins.
392-2017-00227701_A_EN_03_rev1 Page 16 of 18
Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC) is calculated by summation of all individual VOCs with a
concentration ≥ 5 µg/m³. The TVOC can be expressed either in toluene equivalents as defined in CEN/TS
16516 and similar to ISO 16000-6, or as the sum of concentrations using specific or relative response
factors. In the case of summation of concentrations using authentic or relative response factors, the toluene
equivalent is applied to all non-target and non-identified VOCs before summing up. Compounds regarded as
VOC in line with the above definition but elute before n-C6 or after n-C16 on the HP-5 column are treated as
VOC, and are thus added to the TVOC.

Total Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (TSVOC) is calculated by the summation of all individual SVOCs
expressed in toluene equivalents with a concentration ≥ 5 µg/m³, as defined in CEN/TS 16516. VOCs that
are regarded as VOC in line with the above definition, but elute after n-C16 in this test, are not added to the

Total Very Volatile Organic Compounds (TVVOC) is calculated by the summation of all individual VVOCs
with a concentration ≥ 5 µg/m³ and expressed in toluene equivalents. VOCs that are regarded as VOC in line
with the above definition, but elute before n-C6 in this test, are not added to the TVVOC.

This test only covers substances which can be adsorbed on Tenax TA and can be thermally desorbed. If
emissions of substances outside these specifications occur then these substances cannot be detected (or
with limited reliability only).

7.6.5 Calculation of R Values with LCI Lists

The concentrations of detected compounds ≥ 5 µg/m³ are divided by their respective LCI/NIK value (if
defined in the given publication). The sum of the quotients gives the R value, which can be mathematically

This R value is calculated, depending on the purpose of this test, for the European LCI list, for the German
LCI/NIK list (RD), and/or for the Belgian LCI list (RB).

All VOCs without published LCI/NIK value and concentration ≥ 5 µg/m³ are summed up as sum of VOCs
without LCI/NIK if required by the standard or protocol.

7.6.6 Testing of Aldehydes

The presence of aldehydes is tested by drawing air samples from the test chamber outlet through DNPH-
coated silicagel tubes after the specified duration of storage in the ventilated test chamber. Analysis is
performed by solvent desorption and subsequently by HPLC and UV-/diode array detection.

The absence of formaldehyde and other aldehydes is stated if UV detector response at the specific
wavelength is lacking at the specific retention time in the chromatogram. Otherwise it is checked whether the
reporting limit is exceeded. In this case the identity is finally checked by comparing full scan sample UV
spectra with full scan standard UV spectra.

7.6.7 Testing of Phthalates

The presence of phthalates is tested by drawing air samples from the test chamber outlet through tube with
XAD-II adsorbent after the specified duration of storage in the ventilated test chamber. Analysis is performed
by solvent desorption and subsequently by GC/MS. Analysis of phthalates is not currently covered by the
accreditation (Internal methods no.: 71M549812 / 71M546060).

The results are only valid for the tested sample(s).

This report may only be copied or reprinted in its entity, parts of it only with a written acceptance by Eurofins.
392-2017-00227701_A_EN_03_rev1 Page 17 of 18
7.7 Quality Assurance
Before loading the test chamber, a blank check of the empty chamber is performed and compliance with
background concentrations in accordance with CEN/TS 16516 / ISO 16000-9 is determined.

Air sampling at the chamber outlet and subsequent analysis is performed in duplicate. Relative humidity,
temperature and air change rate in the chambers is logged every 5 minutes and checked daily. A double
determination is performed on random samples at a regular interval and results are registered in a control
chart to ensure the uncertainty and reproducibility of the method.

The stability of the analytical system is checked by a general function test of device and column, and by use
of control charts for monitoring the response of individual substances prior to each analytical sequence.

7.8 Accreditation
The testing methods described above are accredited on line with EN ISO/IEC 17025 by DANAK (no. 522).
This accreditation is valid worldwide due to mutual approvals of the national accreditation bodies (ILAC/IAF,
see also

Not all parameters are covered by this accreditation. The accreditation does not cover parameters marked
with an asterisk (*), however analysis of these parameters is conducted at the same level of quality as for the
accredited parameters.

7.9 Uncertainty of the Test Method

The relative standard deviation of the overall analysis is 22%. The expanded uncertainty Um equals 2 x
RSD. For further information please visit

7.10 Version History

Report date Report number Modification
16/07/2020 392-2017- Sampling report removed from the report. This
00227701_A_EN_03_rev1 version is the current version.
01/05/2020 392-2017-00227701_A_EN_03 No longer valid.

The results are only valid for the tested sample(s).

This report may only be copied or reprinted in its entity, parts of it only with a written acceptance by Eurofins.
392-2017-00227701_A_EN_03_rev1 Page 18 of 18
Harmonized Building

CE Classification (Europe) Type testing

In today’s world, globalization and harmonization be- The objective of type testing is to determine the type
come commonly used and familiar terms. This is also of product as set out in EN 15651 and, where applica-
true at building standards and regulations. Within ble, to define the intended use in more detail. Type
Bostik we embrace this movement and strive for a testing consists of a complete series of tests that are
globalized standard which provide transparency and to be executed according to the standard for a cer-
simplicity in sealing and bonding. tain product type. Type testing must be executed by a
notified testing laboratory. The only exception to this
One of the most familiar, and for Europe mandatory are Type F-INT sealants (“interior facade applica-
standards in the sealant industry is the CE Classifi- tions”). This is the only case in which the manufac-
cation, or also known as the standard EN 15651. This turer carries out type testing and determines product
norm is divided into 4 categories: type.

- EN 15651-1 Sealants for Facade Type testing must be carried out to determine the
- EN 15651-2 Sealants for Glazing performance of the product placed on the market
- EN 15651-3 Sealants for Sanitary according to the specifications of the applicable Eu-
- EN 15651-4 Sealants for Pedestrian Walkways ropean harmonized product standard (i.e. EN 15651-1,
EN 15651-2, EN 15651-3 or EN 15651-4).

EN 15651-1 Sealants for Facade

EN 15651-1 deals with the definition and the re-
quirements for non-structural facade sealants. The
areas in which these joint sealants are used are:

- Outside of a building
- Window and door frames, including visible faces
in indoor areas

Bostik Construction & Facade– Harmonized Building Standards

EN 15651-2 Sealants for Glazing Pursuant to EN 15651, products are divided into the
EN 15651-2 sets out definitions and requirements following product types (identification codes) (for an
for non-structural, elastic joint sealants for sealing explanation, see table ‘Sealants for facade, glazing &
glazing in buildings. Included are glazing joints at an pedestrian walkways):
angle of 7° to the horizontal. The areas in which these
joint sealants are used are: - Type F-INT
- Type F-EXT-INT
- Glass to glass - Type F-EXT-INT-CC
- Glass to frames - Type G
- Glass to porous carrier materials - Type G-CC
- Type S
- Type PW-INT
EN 15651-4 Sealants for Pedestrian Walkways - Type PW-EXT-INT
EN 15651-4 deals with the definition of and re- - Type PW-EXT-INT-CC
quirements on cold applied, non-structural, elastic
sealants for movement joints in floors for interior and In addition, EN 15651-1 and EN 15651-4 also allows a
exterior use. Included in the scope are: classification of joint sealants. Joint sealants are di-
vided into the following classes:
- Floor joints in pedestrian walkways
- Floor joints in surfaces with pedestrian traffic - Class 25LM
along with, e.g. trollies, etc. - Class 25HM
- Floor joints in public areas - Class 20LM
- Movement joints between concrete slabs, e.g. in - Class 20HM 12.5E, 12.5P and 7.5P
balconies, terraces and warehouses - Class 25LM-CC
- Class 25HM-CC
- Class 20LM-CC
- Class 20HM-CC and 12.5E-CC
- Class “only suitable for use in interior areas”

Bostik Construction & Facade– Harmonized Building Standards

What does it mean? Application Movement Class Elastic Loss of Loss of
We can look at the full declaration of a sealant in detail. Capability Recovery Volume Volume
Reactive WBA
Below is a table showing the technical behaviour of a Systems Systems
sealant, including its application areas:
Type F ± 25% 25LM ≥ 70% ≤ 10% ≤ 25%

- Type F is for construction sealants in buildings other 25HM ≥ 70% ≤ 10% ≤ 25%
than glazing joints
- Type G is for glazing sealants ± 20% 20LM ≥ 60% ≤ 10% ≤ 25%
- Type PW is for pedestrian walkway 20HM ≥ 60% ≤ 10% ≤ 25%

± 12,5% 12,5 E ≥ 40% ≤ 25% ≤ 30%

The movement capability and the elastic behaviour of the
sealant describes its performance when subjected to ex- ± 7,5% 7,5 P < 40% ≤ 25% ≤ 25%
pansion or contraction caused by the adjacent building
elements. Type G ± 25% 25LM ≥ 70% ≤ 10%
25HM ≥ 70% ≤ 10%
‘Class’ abbreviations mean:
- LM refers to a ‘softer’ sealant and stand for low ± 20% 20LM ≥ 60% ≤ 10%
modulus. Low modulus performing sealants can
20HM ≥ 60% ≤ 10%
withstand a movement capability of 20 and 25%.
- HM refers to a ‘harder’ sealants and stand for high
Type PW ± 25% 25LM ≥ 70% ≤ 10%
modulus. High modulus performing sealants can
withstand a movement capability of 20 and 25%. 25HM ≥ 70% ≤ 10%
- E refers to a lower performing ‘elastic’ sealant and
± 20% 20LM ≥ 60% ≤ 10%
can withstand a movement capability of 12,5%.
- P stands for ‘plastic’ and these type of sealants have 20HM ≥ 60% ≤ 10%
a very limited movement capacity of 12,5% resp. 7,5%. ± 12,5% 12,5 E ≥ 40% ≤ 25%
- EXT stands for external applications
- INT stands for internal applications
- CC for cold(er) climate applications (-30°C)

Bostik Construction & Facade– Harmonized Building Standards

ASTM INTERNATIONAL (American Society for Testing and
The ASTM C920-18 ‘Standard Specification for Elastomeric Type S T Class 100% expansion /
Joint Sealants’ covers the properties of a cured single- or
multicomponent cold-applied elastomeric joint sealant for Single Comp. Traffic 100/50 50% compression
sealing, caulking, or glazing operations on buildings, plazas,
Type M NT Class 50% expansion /
and decks for vehicular or pedestrian use, and types of con-
struction other than highway and airfield pavements and Multi Comp. Non Traffic 50 50% compression
bridges. A sealant qualifying under this specification shall
be classified as to type, grade and class. I Class 35% expansion /
Immersed 35 35% compression
Type defines whether products are premixed or require Grade NS M Class 25% expansion /
mixing at the jobsite as follows: Non sag Mortar 25 25% compression

- Type S products are those supplied in pre-packaged Grade P G Class 12,5% expansion /
cartridges or other forms in which no jobsite mixing is Pourable Glass 12,5 12,5% compression
- Type M products are those supplied in two or more A
parts for mixing at the jobsite. Multicomponent Aluminum
products include those with two components
consisting of a base and a catalyst or with three O
components consisting of not only a base and catalyst Other
but also a separate colour component. Multicomponent
products cure faster than their single-component

Grade Movement capability related to joint as follows:

Grade defines the flow characteristics of the sealant as fol- Classes 12,5, 25, 35, 50, and 100/50 are the five designa-
lows: tions in ASTM C 920 for rating movement capability. Al-
though sealants ought to perform in the field as well
- Grade P products have sufficient flow to fill joints in as they do during testing, it is more prudent to design
horizontal surfaces and remain level and smooth at joints that impose lesser extremes of movement than
temperatures as low as 40 deg. F (5°C). This designation that demonstrated in the laboratory because of the un-
generally applies to products rated for traffic use. knowns present in the field relative to qualities of joint
- Grade NS products are suitable for installation in joints preparation, sealant application, construction tolerances
in vertical surfaces without sagging at temperatures producing varying joint widths, and the effect of installa-
between 40 and 122 deg. F (5 and 50°C). This designation tion temperatures on joint widths. With the recognition
can apply to sealants classified for both traffic and non of new classes 12,5, 25, 35, 50, and 100/50, the sealant in-
traffic uses. They can be installed in traffic joints in dustry has finally acknowledged sealants with this higher
sloping horizontal surfaces where a self-levelling type movement capability after years of resistance by man-
would flow downhill. ufacturers who did not offer products with these extra
movement capabilities.
Use classifications related to joint substrates are designat-
ed as follows:

- Use T classifies sealants designed for joints in surfaces

subject to pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
- Use NT classifies sealants designed for nontraffic
- Uses M, G, and A refer to sealants that remain adhered,
within given parameters, to various standard specimens
including, respectively, mortar (M), glass (G), and
aluminum (A) when tested for cyclic movement and
adhesion-in-peel. It is important to understand that
the specimens related to these designations are not
those specified for the Project but those that comply
with restrictive material specifications in the ASTM test
methods. Mortar is always Portland cement mortar,
glass is clear float glass, and aluminium is clear anodized
aluminium of a specific alloy. These standard substrates
are covered in ASTM C 1375, Guide of Substrates Used in
Testing Building Seals and Sealants.
- Use O refers to substrate materials other than M, G, and
A. Unless it is definitely known that the joint substrate
materials for the Project are identical to the materials
designated by M, G, and A, retain Use O.

Bostik Construction & Facade– Harmonized Building Standards

How to calculate a
joint dimension

Joint movement can be caused by many factors: wind loading, deformation or displacement of the building
frame, vibrations and of course thermal expansion and contraction as well as subsequent movement from
moisture absorption and evaporation. It is generally recognized that the movement expected in a sealant joint
determines the design dimensions and frequency of the joints.

Joint movement, caused by thermal expansion and

contraction, can be determined by a coefficient of
linear expansion formula. The coefficient of expan-
sion is simply defined as the amount a given mate-
rial increases or decreases in size with temperature
changes. The composition of building materials, their
length, and the temperature gradient (or rate of
change) all determine the degree of expansion and
contraction. The amount of expected movement
in a substrate is one of the factors that determines Example 2: Expansion of the building materials due to
which sealant should be used on a specific job. In oth- temperature absorption. Result is that the joint in be-
er words, which sealant will be most compatible with tween the adjacent building materials will be ‘smaller’.
the degree of movement and the substrate used.

Example 1: Standard correctly applied flexible and Example 3: Contraction of the building materials due
elastic joint sealant on a backer rod with the correct to temperature remittance. Result is that the joint
installation depth and width. in between of the adjacent building materials will be

Bostik Construction & Facade– How to calculate a joint dimension

Expansion How to calculate
Coefficient of expansion is simply defined as the Based on a concrete slab of 5 meters length, the
amount a given material increases and decreases in maximum temperature of which is + 30°C , with a
size with temperature changes. The difference in the minimum of - 10°C. The difference in temperature is
coefficient of expansion between different build- 40°C.
ing materials must be considered when determining
which sealant should be used. The formula how to calculate the movement is:
→ Mt = CTE * ∆T * Length
For example, the most popular metal used in store-
fronts and curtain walls is aluminum. Aluminum ex- Mt : movement in mm
pands 2.5 times more than glass under the same con- CTE : coefficient thermal expansion in mm mtr/1°C
ditions. Looking at the expansion table, it is evident ∆T : temperature difference in °C
that when using aluminum the best sealant choice Length : length of element in mm
In this example:
- Remain elastic when extended → Mt = 12 x 10-6 * 40 * 5.000
- Adhere to the glass and substrate → Mt = 2.4 mm movement
- Return to its original shape
How to apply sealants
Once the forecasted movement (Mt) of the ele-
Coefficient of expansion ments has been calculated, we need to determine
The coefficient of linear thermal expansion is the the minimum required joint width to accommodate
change, per unit of length, for each degree of temper- the movement capability of the applied sealant. If we
ature. This ratio (of expansion or contraction per de- recommend a low modulus sealant with a movement
gree of temperature change compared to the length capability for the façade (F-EXT-INT-CC-25LM) of 25%
of the material before the temperature change) is a the minimum required joint width can be calculated
constant for each particular material and is expressed as follow:
as a decimal or a fraction. The following values are
expressed in a rate of expansion per linear meter and - (100/25) x 2,4 mm = 9,6 mm
over a 100° temperature change: - Rounded up till 10 mm

The correct width and depth of the joint are impor-

tant. The depth depends on the width and is calculat-
Material Linear thermal Linear thermal ed by using the formula below.
expansion expansion of 1 meter
coefficient per °C material at a temperature
difference of 100°C - joint depth = (joint width/3) + 6 mm

Marble 5 x 10-6 0,5 mm So with a joint width of 10 mm the right joint depth is:
(10/3) + 6 mm = 10 mm
Wood 5 x 10- 6
0,5 mm
Brick 7 x 10-6 0,7 mm
Glass 8 x 10-6 0,8 mm
Stone 8 x 10-6 0,8 mm
Concrete 12 x 10- 6
1,2 mm
Aerated concrete 12 x 10-6 1,2 mm
Limestone 12 x 10-6 1,2 mm
Steel 12 x 10-6 1,2 mm
Aluminum 24 x 10- 6
2,4 mm
Polyester (fiberglass reinforced) 30 x 10-6 3,0 mm
Polyester 80 x 10-6 8,0 mm
PVC 80 x 10-6 8,0 mm
PMMA (polyacrylate) 80 x 10- 6
8,0 mm
Polycarbonate 80 x 10-6 8,0 mm

Note: calculations are indicative as we only know the lineair behaviour of the
building products. The temperatures used to make these calculations are not the
responsibility of Bostik.

Bostik Construction & Facade– How to calculate a joint dimension

30 mm width
15 mm depth
25 mm width
15 mm depth

20 mm width
10 mm depth

18 mm width
10 mm depth

15 mm width
10 mm depth Joint width
12 mm width Joint depth
10 mm depth

10 mm width
10 mm depth
8 mm width
8 mm depth
6 mm width
6 mm depth

5 mm width
5 mm depth

To apply the sealant with the correct depth, a backer Application considerations
rod is used. Backer rods are used to control the depth - The joint substrate surfaces should be clean, dry,
of sealant, to provide backing for the sealant during frost-free, and free of contaminants and surface
application and to prevent triple bonding. Materials tension reducing materials such as water
used as backer rods should be weaker than the seal- repellents and other coatings.
ant itself and not obstruct the movement capability - The backer rod should be correctly sized for the
of the sealant, whilst compressing or expanding. opening and should be compatible with the
Most suitable backer rods are: - The backer rod or bond breaker tape should be
carefully and properly installed to result in a
- BOSTIK PU Backer rod (open cells) consistent joint profile. Variations in backer rod
- BOSTIK PE Backer rod (closed cells) setting depth can greatly affect joint geometry
and performance.
The rounded shape of the foam creates a good di- - The sealant should be installed using proper tools
mension of the joint. Relatively large bonding surface to result in a consistent and uniform application.
compared to the thinner layer in the middle of the - The sealant should be tooled as soon as possible
sealant-joint. PU Backer rod is used in non-mechan- after application. Tooling is a critical step to
ical joints, or joints unexposed to water (for example compact the sealant, thereby providing an
facade joints). appropriate profile and ensuring adhesion to the
PE Backer rod is used in mechanical joints of those - All sealant materials have a shelf-life. Always
exposed to water. The use of PE Backer rods is more confirm that the sealants are within their shelf
critical than PU Backer rods. Damage to PE Backer life limit before being used.
rods during application in the joint can release pro- - Once the cartridge or sausage is opened and
pellant, which can cause blistering in the sealant joint. placed in the gun, the nozzle is cut to the right
If air is locked between the rod and the sealant, direct width. Normally the width of the nozzle should
sunlight could cause blisters. Backer rods of wooden correspond to the width of the joint. The nozzle
battens, rubber hoses, 1-component polyurethane is cut at an angle of 45°, as the caulking gun
foam, etc. are not suitable for expansion joints. Pol- should be held at this angle during application.
ystyrene foam is less suitable, especially when bond- - Apply the sealant with care. It is important to
ing primer is applied to the joint. The polystyrene can fill the entire joint. This can be done by applying
be dissolved by the primer. When the depth of the sufficient sealant to the back of the joint or the
joint is too small to use a backer rod, self-adhesive PE backer rod. This causes the sealant to be pressed
foam tape can be used, or a PE foil. The cured sealant to both sides of the joint, creating a good surface
will not bond to Polyethylene, preventing bonding to for bonding between sealant and joint.
3 surfaces, allowing the sealant to move freely in the - Once applied the sealant surface must be finished
joint. smoothly. This can be done with Bostik FINISHING
SOAP. The surface of the sealant and adjacent
Open-cell polyurethane backer rod allows the seal- materials are then moistened with Bostik
ant to cure through the backer rod, which is beneficial FINISHING SOAP.
when fast sealant cure is desired. Open-cell polyure-
thane backer rod can absorb water, which may have a
detrimental effect in certain joint types. Closed-cell
polyethylene backer rod may outgas if punctured
during installation, requiring it to be left for 20 min-
utes before application of the sealant.

Bostik Construction & Facade– How to calculate a joint dimension


End-users expect up-to-date knowledge and technical support from shop-employees. Bostik supports with
training programs focusing on products and applications. We co-develop training programs with producers
and resellers to combine the knowledge of paint products with knowledge on dedicated Bostik products.

Better results through Knowledge Centre of Excellence

Expansion joints are a serious market segment which In our recently built Centre of Excellence we share
deserves a dedicated approach. Bostik constantly knowledge within the Bostik group, with our custom-
gathers knowledge about expansion joints upstream ers and with end-users. We are pleased to receive our
and downstream, from chemical supplier to end-user. partners and end-users to provide them with the lat-
The collection of this knowledge is a continuous pro- est knowledge and new insights. This new informa-
cess and provides us with the latest insights. tion enables our partners to achieve higher efficiency
and better results.

Bostik Construction & Facade– Technical Training

Bostik professional
product portfolio

The rest of the Bostik professional product portfolio you can find at an read more about them in
the product application brochures

Bostik Construction & Facade

Terms & Conditions
Bostik, S.A., its parent companies, subsidiaries and affiliated entities (collectively, “Bostik”) offers this Bro-
chure for descriptive and informational use only. The Brochure is not a contract and is not a substitute for
expert or professional advice. The statements, technical information, data, and recommendations contained
herein are not exhaustive, are believed to be accurate as of the date hereof, and are not warranted in any way.
The Brochure relies upon your knowledge and input, and as such, its results are based solely upon the infor-
mation you provide and the choices that you make. Since the conditions and methods of use of the products
and the information referred to herein are beyond our control, Bostik expressly disclaims any and all liability
and damages that may arise from any use of the Brochure, the products, the results therefrom, or reliance
on the information contain herein, and you hereby agree to waive any and all claims against Bostik relating
in anyway thereto. The Brochure is one of several tools that may be used to help you find the product best
suited for your needs. It is used at your own risk, and by using it, you are knowingly accepting and assuming
any and all risks associated with its use, recommendations, output and your selections. You are responsible
to test the suitability of any product in advance for any intended use. Bostik does not guarantee the relia-
bility, completeness, use, or function of the Brochure or any recommendations arising therefrom. The data
and information contained in the Brochure is provided ‘AS IS’.

The information provided herein relates only to the specific products designated and may not be applicable
when such products are used in combination with other materials or in any process. Bostik encourages you
to always read and understand (1) the Technical Data Sheet (“TDS”) and (2) the Safety Data Sheet (“SDS”) for
all products before use. The SDS contains the necessary information related to prevention and safety relat-
ed to the use of a product. The SDS for our products and the TDS for our products can be found on our cor-
porate website. You are welcome and encouraged to contact your customer service representative to dis-
cuss your specific requirements and to determine what product is appropriate for you and your applications.
HEREIN, AND SUCH WARRANTIES ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. Additionally, Bostik disclaims any liability for di-
rect, incidental, consequential, or special damages to the maximum extent allowed by law. Nothing contained
herein constitutes a license to practice under any patent, and it should not be construed as an inducement to
infringe any patent. You are advised to take appropriate steps to be sure that any proposed use of the products
will not result in patent infringement. Also, please see Arkema’s Medical Device Policy at https://www.arke-

Bostik Middle East Acceptance of Terms & Conditions

By using this Brochure, you are hereby consenting to the above terms and conditions of use, and you agree to waive certain rights as set forth above.

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