Cognocy Drugs
Cognocy Drugs
Cognocy Drugs
D PHARMA Ist year
11 SENNA SANAI KI Leguminosae Dried leaflets of cassia Anthraquinon Purgative
PATTI (fabaceae) Aungustifolia(IND) Glycoside
Cassia Sennoside A
aciutifolia(alaxander Sinnoside B
senna) Other sennoside C
15 AMLA INDIAN Euphorbiaceae Fresh fruits of Emblica Rich Natural fource Shampoo Hair
GOOSE officinalis of oil, used in
BERRY Vitamin C Joindis,
600 to 750 mg anamiae,
Fat, Fe+, Ca+, p Asthama,
16 ORANGE Rutaceae Fresh outer part of paricarp Citral Fenal Made of syrups
PEEL OIL of ripe fruits of Citrus Limonine other tablets, gargle,
Qurantium Hespiridine Caeminative
Bitter Stimulants
. Aurantiamarin
. Aurantiamaric
17 LEMON OIL NEEMBU Rutaceae Pericarp of ripe or nearly Contain volatile oil Perfume
ripe fruits of citrus limonis Limonene industry
Other Carminative
Hespiridine pectin ,stimulant
Calcium oxilate
18 PEPPERIMEN MENTHA Labiatae Steam distillation of fresh Volatile oil Toothpaste,
T OIL flowring tops of plant known Menthole, Powder, Saving
OIL as Mentha piperita Menthone, cream, Syrups
Jasmone, used in pharma
Limonine,Pinine, Ceutical
Camphane products
19 TULSI HOLY BASIL Labiatae Fresh oil Dried leaves of Eugenol 70% Antibacterial
Ocimum`sanctum Methyl eugenol Spasmodic
glycosides ,
sponine ,
vitamine c, citric
acid ,
20 NEEM OIL MARGOSA Meliaceae Non-edible fixed oil Nimbin, nimbinin Skin diseases
OIL Azadiracta indica Nimbidin, Antiviral
nimbidiol activity
D PHARMA Ist year
21 GUGGLE GUM GUGGLE Barseraceae Oleo-gum-resin Volatile oil, Anti-inflamatory
obtained by incision in oleo,gum,resin, Over
the steam bark of z-guggulosterone weight,obesity
commiphora weighti, E-guggulostrone Rheumatic
Commiphora mukul
22 MYRRH BOL Barseraceae Oleo-gum-resin Volatile oil Protactive
commiphora molmol Gum, resin , α β estrinagent
γ-commiphoric antiseptive
acid, α β- Stimulant
D PHARMA Ist year
32 CINNAMON DAL CHINI Lauraceae Dried inner bark of Volatile oil Carminative
cinnamomum .Tannins Stimulant
zeylanicum Cinnamon Spice,
contain dentrifices
Benzaldihyde Perfume use
33 CLOVE LAUNG Myrtaceae Dried flowering Volatile oil Dental
buds of Eugenia .tannins analysis ,
caryophyllus Main –Eugenol Perfume
34 ARJUNA ARJUN Combretaceae Steam bark of Arjunolic acid Cardiotonic
terminalia arjuna Arjunic acid anti-dysenteric
Arjunine acid Diuret
35 DIGITALIS FOXGLOVE Scrophulariaceae Dried leaves of Pupurea Conjestive
LEAVE digitals purpurea glycoside A, B heart failure
36 EPHEDRA MA-HUANG Ephedraceae Dried young steam Ephedrine Bronchodialator
of Ephedra Pseudoephedrine Asthma ,hay
girardiana n- fever
37 ACONITE MONKSHOOD, Ranunculaceae Dride roots of Aconitine, Highly
BACHNAG aconitum ferox, Hypoconitine poisionus drug
Aconitum rapellus Napelline Rheumatism
neopelline Inflammation
38 OPIUM OPIUM ,POPPY Papaveraceae Dride latex by the Morphine, Strong
incision of unripe codeine, analysis given
capsule of papaver thebaine, by pain
somniferum narcotine, Sedative
papaverine , ,codine is
heroin antitissue
cough use
39 NUX-VOMICA CROWFIG Loganiaceae Dride seeds of \strychrine, Increase blood
Shape-butten &disc shaped
strychnos nux- Brucine, pressure ,
vomica vomicine , stimulant
Indole true alkaloids bitter in taste
40 BENZOIN LOBAN Styraceae Resine obtained Sumtra Expectorant
from styrex Benzoic acid Carminative
benzoin,(sumtra) Cimmamic acid Diuretic
Styrax & Summaresinolic Antiseptic
tonkinesis(siam) Siaresinolic acid
Ester of coniferil
Styrol vanillin
D PHARMA Ist year
42 CHAULMOOGRA HYDNOCARPUS Flacourtriaceae Fixed oil dried ripe Chaulmoogric T.B. &
OIL OIL seeds of Hydnocarpic laprosy ,
hydnocarpus kurji Palmitic acid psoriasis,
43 GYMNEMA MADHUNASHNI Asclepiadaceae Leaves of gymnema Gymnemic acid Laxative &
Sylvestre 1,2,3&4 diauretive
44 PUNARNAVA HOG WEED Nyctaginaceae Dride hurb of Alkaloids Diuretic or
boerhaavia diffusa Punarnavin expectorant
Punarnavoside Joindeice
Ursolic acid
45 CINCHONA PERUVION Rubiaceae Dried bark of Quinine , Malaria
BARK cinchona officinalis quinidine
cinchonidine ,
46 VASAKA MOLARBAR Acanthaceae Dried leaves of Alkaloids, quina Expectorant ,
NUT adhatoda vasika ,basicine , bronchodialator
basicinone ,
adhatodic acid
47 HONEY SHAHD , Apidae Sugar secretion Glucose , Sweetaining
MADHU deposited in honey fructose, sucrose agent
comb by bee Apis , Use infant
indica (small bee) patients
apis dorsata(big) Use in
Apis cosmetic
48 Sandalwood oil East Indian Santalaceae Steam distillation α, β-santalol Perfume
sandal wood oil from the heartwood santalone , Cosmatic
of santalum album santanone, Insence sticks
santalene (agarbatti)
49 ERGOT ERGOT OF Ergot is a dried Selerotium obtained Indol alkaloids Migraine
RYE From a fungus ‘cleviceps purpurea Water soluble Oxytocic
(clevicipitaceae) Family growth in Ergometrine
The ovary of rye Plant secale cereal Ergometrinine
(graminaceae) Shape - fusiform Water insoluble
D PHARMA Ist year