Pall Coalecers

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Bring Down Costs Through
Advanced Phase Separation Technology
Pall Phase Separation Technology
For Control And Protection Of Your Plant

E very year, refineries, gas processing plants and

petrochemical plants around the world spend millions

Three Essential Phase of dollars needlessly without realizing it. Maintenance

Separation Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
cycles are shorter than they should be; operating costs
Pall Liquid/Gas Coalescers . . . . . . . . . 4
are higher than necessary; and unscheduled shutdowns
Comparison of Liquid/Gas
Separation Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 causing lost production are all too common.
Pall Liquid/Liquid Coalescers. . . . . . . 7

Comparison of Liquid/Liquid Fortunately, solutions are readily available from one

Separation Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
source: Pall Corporation, the world’s leading filtration
Pall Coalescer Configuration . . . . . . . 9
and separations company.
Liquid/Gas & Liquid/Liquid
Application Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-13
Pall SepraSol™ liquid/gas coalescers, as well as AquaSep® Plus
Pall Corporation
Customer Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
and PhaseSep® liquid/liquid coalescers, give you far greater
Pall Offices Worldwide . . . . . . . . . Back
coalescing efficiency, capacity and contaminant removal

than traditional coalescers or other conventional

separation techniques.

Pall Corporation is a unique resource for phase separations.

Pall can help you achieve a higher degree of product control

and equipment protection through our advanced technology

and teamwork.

Three Essential Phase Separation Steps to
Reduce Operating and Maintenance Costs

Our customers benefit from what 3. Separation of the

we've learned in developing Dispersed Phase from
filtration and separations the Continuous Phase
technology that has reduced costs Once large droplets are formed, they
in hundreds of installations around have to be separated. In gas
the world. There are three systems, Pall spaces the cartridges to
essential steps to achieving cost control the exit velocity of the gas
reductions in your plant. so that coalesced droplets are not
entrained in this stream.
1. Preconditioning of the Fluid
Pall recommends a prefilter to
minimize solids in the coalescer
influent that can plug the
coalescer, reducing the overall life
and efficiency. The prefilter
provides peak performance of the
coalescing system and a lower
total cost of ownership.
Filtration Coalescence
2. Coalescence of
Filtration: solid particles are Coalescence: small droplets
the Dispersed Phase removed from the fluid stream are merged into larger Separation
Pall high-efficiency coalescers by the filter medium. ones as they pass through
several layers of filter Separation: gravity
merge small droplets of liquid into
media in the coalescer. takes effect, the large
larger ones as the fluid stream droplets are separated
passes through several layers of from the product fluid
In liquid/liquid systems, depending stream.
filter media, each with progressively
on the liquid to be separated,
larger pores. As droplets compete
Pall will provide a separator
for the open pores, they coalesce
cartridge which has “repelling”
forming larger droplets. These larger
properties toward the coalesced
droplets are easier to separate
liquids. Alternatively, the assembly
from the continuous phase fluid.
can be designed to allow time for
The coalescer size and type are
the coalesced liquid to settle.
determined by numerous factors:
physical properties of the fluid, When Pall works with you in all
flow rate, process conditions three phase separation steps, you
and chemical compatibility with see the difference in process
process fluids and additives. efficiency and reduced operating
Pall has the expertise and and maintenance costs.
capability to determine the correct
coalescer size and type for your
specific process parameters.

Pall SepraSol Coalescers For Separating
Liquids and Solids From Gases

Pall can eliminate a common The Efficient Way

problem — poor liquid separation. to Remove Liquids
It is a problem that eats away at Liquid aerosols are formed by three
profit margins. Liquid aerosols, mechanisms: condensation,
which are dispersed in gases, atomization and reentrainment from
attack several critical areas of upstream separation equipment.
your process: compressors and Condensation and atomization
turbo-equipment, amine-glycol almost always form very stable, fine
contactors, burner and combustion aerosols usually smaller than one
equipment, and desiccant micron in diameter.
and absorbent beds. Some
Such aerosols cannot be
telltale symptoms are:
removed by “knock-out drums,” mist
• Compressor valves that eliminators, vane packs or
need changing out more conventional coalescers. If not
than once every two years removed, these aerosols can damage
• Turbo-equipment servicing downstream equipment.
more than once a year
The solution is Pall’s patented
• Plugging of reboiler heat exchang-
SepraSol coalescers. They are rated
ers or trays in contactor towers
up to 99.99% removal efficiency for
• Frequent replacement
solid particles 0.3 micron and larger,
of amines and glycols
and reduce liquid content in gas
• Frequent foaming
streams down to 0.003 ppmw.
No other alternative offers you this
• Loss of efficiency in
level of proven effectiveness.
burner and combustion
• Frequent desiccant
regeneration or

A SepraSol coalescer protects a natural gas turbine

from damage caused by liquid aerosols.

Pall SepraSol Liquid/Gas Coalescers
Outperform All Others

Pall's unique filter media and 1. Higher Flux

cartridge design can handle higher Pall's patented oleophobic/
liquid loads than conventional hydrophobic treatment of the media
coalescers, resulting in the need for allows it to handle higher gas
fewer cartridges. The patented velocity and higher liquid loads
oleophobic/hydrophobic treatment without allowing coalesced liquid
of the media pack promotes rapid droplets to break up and become
drainage of coalesced liquids. reentrained.
And effluent gas exit velocities
are controlled to prevent liquid 2. Better Drainage
reentrainment. It all means higher This treatment also promotes rapid
flux in the smallest cost-effective drainage of coalesced liquids and Left: clean desiccant.
Right: fouled desiccant. Change-out
package which ensures continuous increases the liquid handling and regeneration cycles will be
and reliable performance. capacity of the media. Smaller significantly extended using
Pall’s SepraSol coalescers.
assemblies are able to handle higher
liquid volumes at lower capital cost,
recover faster from liquid slugs and
operate at lower cost due to the
lower saturated pressure drop.

Turbine Blades

Left: Deposits form on turbine blade.

Right: Turbine blade protected by
SepraSol coalescer.

Comparison of Liquid/Gas
Separation Equipment
This chart compares the various equipment available for removing
aerosols. You can see that only Pall SepraSol coalescers effectively
remove aerosols smaller than one micron.

Pall Seprasol Mist Vane Cyclonic Knock-out

Liquid/Gas Eliminator Separator Separator Drum

Smallest Liquid < 0.1 5 10 10 300

Droplet Efficiently
Removed (Micron)

Relative Operating Medium Medium Medium Medium Low

Pressure Drop

Sensitivity to Increased Insensitive Very Sensitive Medium Medium Medium

Liquid Loading

Sensitivity to Increased Some to None Very Sensitive Medium Medium Medium

Flow Rate

Sensitivity to Insensitive Sensitive Sensitive Medium Medium


3. Higher Liquid Capacity 4. No Reentrainment of Liquids

By handling several times more The spacing of the cartridges
liquid volume without liquid enables Pall SepraSol liquid/gas
reentrainment in effluent gas, coalescers to control the exit
Pall coalescers reduce equipment velocity of the gas, allowing the
problems downstream. Fewer and coalesced drops to drain effectively
smaller cartridges mean a simpler, and not be reentrained in the
more compact system. effluent gas. Result: liquid-free gas.

Fuel gas burners that are fouled do not maintain a steady, consistent flame.
(Left) A failed combustor housing. You should not have to replace fouled
burner nozzles (center) with new ones (right) more often than once a year.

Pall AquaSep Plus and PhaseSep Coalescers
for Separating Liquids From Liquids

Through better liquid/liquid Also, oil becomes dispersed

separation, Pall can cure a variety of in water causing problems in
very costly problems that may not wastewater treatment plants, steam
be obvious to you. If you see any of systems and in produced water from
these symptoms in your process, oil drilling.
chances are, Pall can help you
Separating these liquids can
reduce costs.
be difficult, depending on the
• Hazy product (not bright physical properties of each.
Impact of surfactants on coalescing.
and clear) One of the most important
• Sodium levels in gasoline properties to address in sizing
above 1 ppm and selecting coalescers is
• High solvent losses downstream interfacial tension. Pall coalescers
of liquid/liquid extraction units can handle a broad range
• High caustic carryover from of interfacial tensions.
gasoline, LPG or kerosene
treating units Interfacial Tension
• Carryover of amine in LPG The lower the interfacial tension, No surfactant – coalescing is less difficult.
• Oil and hydrocarbon in water and the more stable the emulsion
other aqueous streams and the more difficult the liquids
are to separate. Frequently, the
problem is the presence of a An AquaSep Plus coalescer eliminates
surfactant which lowers interfacial haze problems from refinery fuels
like gasoline, diesel and jet fuels.
tension. Conventional coalescers
begin to lose efficiency when
the interfacial tension is below
20 dyne/cm. In addition, a small
amount of surfactant can
disarm conventional
Defining the Problems coalescers, rendering them
Liquid/liquid dispersions or ineffective. Surfactants are
emulsions are often formed by everywhere: in corrosion
process operations such as liquid/ inhibitors, organic acids,
liquid extraction and water washing. well treating chemicals,
As liquid mixtures cool, the sulfur compounds and
solubility decreases. numerous chemical
In the case of steam stripped additives. Pall AquaSep
hydrocarbons, for example, Plus and PhaseSep
as the temperature decreases, coalescers separate
water comes out of solution liquids with interfacial
to form a second distinct liquid tensions as low as
phase, resulting in hazy product. 0.5 dyne/cm.

Comparison of Liquid/Liquid
Separation Equipment
You can see from this table that Pall coalescers
offer significant benefits over other separation technologies.

Pall Salt and Conventional Mesh Pack Electrostatic Tank Settling Vacuum
AquaSep Plus/ Desiccant Coalescers Precipitator Dehydration
PhaseSep Tower Tower

Lowest AquaSep: <2 dyne/cm >20 dyne/cm >20 dyne/cm >10 dyne/cm >20 dyne/cm <2 dyne/cm
Interfacial Tension 3 dyne/cm
Efficiently PhaseSep:

Open here for a Complete Selection Guide for Coalescer Part Numbers/Ordering Information
Separated 0.5 dyne/cm

Relative Operating Low High Medium Low High Low High

and Maintenance

Effect of Additional Low High Low Low High Low Medium

Dispersed Liquid
on Operating Cost

Effect of Surface None None Reduces Reduces Reduces Reduces None

Active Chemicals Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency
on Efficiency

Effect of Additional Low Medium Low High Medium Medium Medium

Dispersed Liquid
on Efficiency

Sensitivity to Low Medium Low Low High Low Low


Relative Low High Medium Low High Low Medium


Pall’s AquaSep Plus and PhaseSep

liquid/liquid coalescers separate water
from hazy diesel and oil from wastewater,
providing contaminant-free products.

Two Configurations The assembly is smaller and
for Optimum has a longer service life than
Separation Efficiency conventional coalescers. After
Pall AquaSep Plus and water droplets are coalesced
PhaseSep systems are in Pall's proprietary media,
available in a horizontal and a water-free liquid and large
vertical configuration. The droplets of water flow toward
right one for you depends on the separator. The hydrophobic
the liquids in your process. separator medium repels the
Both configurations begin with aqueous phase, so only the
a prefiltration stage to remove water-free bulk fluid passes
solid contaminants. This through the separator. The
significantly extends service two liquids are removed by Pall vertical liquid/liquid coalescer
life, improves the fluid quality separate drain connections. Configuration with prefilter on the left
Open here for a Complete Selection Guide for Coalescer Part Numbers/Ordering Information

and AquaSep Plus/PhaseSep coalescer shown

and decreases the stability of far right. Water exits bottom left, water-free
liquid/liquid emulsions, The Pall Horizontal product bottom right.
making coalescing easier. Coalescer
If the dispersed liquid phase
Pall's Patented Vertical is not water, an AquaSep Plus
Coalescer/Separator Stack or PhaseSep coalescer without
This is Pall’s most efficient a separator is placed in a
technique for separating two horizontal housing. It should
liquids when the dispersed be used to separate oil from
fluid is water and the inter- water, two non-aqueous
facial tension is greater than liquids or when the interfacial
3 dyne/cm. The coalescer tension of two liquids is less
elements are stacked on than 3 dyne/cm.
top of a separator element
In this configuration, the
to ensure uniform flow
liquid/liquid mixture enters
distribution from the Pall horizontal liquid/liquid coalescer
the coalescing element and Configuration with prefilter far left
coalescer to the separator.
flows inside to out. Small liquid and AquaSep Plus/PhaseSep coalescer right.
contaminant droplets coalesce Contaminant-free continuous phase
exits top right, liquid contaminant,
into larger droplets which are bottom right.
separated by gravity and are

Pall AquaSep Plus and PhaseSep Stack Assembly



Fortunately, For Each Problem, There Is A Solution:
Pall SepraSol Liquid/Gas Coalescers.

Description Part Number Dimensions Special Features Applications

SepraSol CC3LGA7H13 30˝ / 762 mm length Polyester Low pressure; low liquid load.
Single 2.75˝ / 70 mm diam. drainage layer

SepraSol CC3LGB7H13 30˝ / 762 mm length Polypropylene Recovery of carried over amine.
Amine 2.75˝ / 70 mm diam. drainage layer Recovery of oil from ammonia gas.

SepraSol CC3LG02H13 30˝ / 762 mm length Tie-rod seal; Pressure greater than 200 psi;
Double 2.75˝ / 70 mm diam. acetal endcaps low liquid load; greater than
Open-ended 5% aromatics in liquid.

SepraSol CS604LGH13 40˝ / 1016 mm length High liquid pack Liquid loading over 100 ppmw.
Plus 6˝ / 153 mm diam. design;
Coalescer stainless steel

Equipment service life between maintenance shutdowns and plant
turnarounds is often shorter than it could be. The causes of increased
maintenance and operating costs are not always obvious. These tables will
give you some symptoms of costly problems to look for in various plant
applications, followed by brief summaries of the Pall liquid/gas and
liquid/liquid coalescers that offer long-term cost saving solutions.

Inadequate Liquid Removal Can Create Costly Maintenance

and Production Problems.

Application Symptom Problem

Gas transmission compressors Repairs needed in less than 2 years Gas throughput below design; fouling
and salting of compressor internals
Reciprocating hydrogen Repairs needed in less than 2 years Gas throughput below design; fouling
compressors and salting of compressor internals
Amine or glycol contactors More than two foaming incidents Gas throughput lower than design;
a year foaming in contactor, poor energy
efficiency; fouling of exchanger and
Condensable hydrocarbons in the inlet
gas lower the surface tension of the
amine and initiate foaming episodes
Fuel gas burners Less than 1 year between Burner nozzles plugged and frequently
maintenance maintained; poor flame patterns
Desiccant or absorbent bed Less than 3-year change out; Frequent regeneration problems;
regenerable absorbent less than high pressure drop
20 years
Compressor lube oil in refinery, Lube oil makeup greater than design High lube oil makeup; fouling of
gas and chemical plants downstream equipment with lube oil
Off-spec product (e.g. ammonia)
Amine from contactors Amine makeup at 2 lb/MMSCF Higher than design amine losses;
greater than design fouling of downstream equipment
High amine loss rate
Gas separation membranes Fouling in less than 3 years Poor membrane separation efficiency;
short service life

The Solution is Advanced Technology:
Pall AquaSep Plus and PhaseSep Liquid/Liquid Coalescers.

Poor Separation Can Damage Equipment and Reduce Product Quality.

Application Symptom - Measured Problem

Interfacial Tension
Separation of water from 3 - 25 dyne/cm Haze problems cause off-spec product. Presence
gasoline, jet fuel and diesel of surfactants, either existing in the feedstock or added
to the system, reduce interfacial tension, increasing
difficulty of water removal.
Separation of caustic from 0.5 - 13 dyne/cm Presence of sulfur compounds result in very stable,
gasoline, jet fuel and diesel difficult to separate emulsions
Separation of water from light 5 - 20 dyne/cm Presence of surfactants, either existing in the feedstock
hydrocarbons (C6 and below) or added to the system, reduces interfacial tension,
and petrochemicals increases difficulty of water removal.
Separation of amine from LPG N/A - difficult to analyze Liquid/liquid contactor typically the largest source of
amine losses. Sulfur compounds contribute to stabilizing
the emulsion, making separation more difficult.
Separation of hydrogen peroxide 20 - 35 dyne/cm Inefficient phase separation
from working solution
Separation of acids from Wide Range Carryover of acids common in refinery and specialty
petrochemicals and hydrocarbons chemical plants; small stable emulsions difficult
to separate
Separation of oil from: Wide Range Oil will foul steam system and increase
• water load to wastewater treatment plant
• anhydrous ammonia Off-spec anhydrous ammonia

Pall Liquid/Liquid Coalescer

Selection Guide
Interfacial Tension Between Liquids Is Another Factor in Determining
the Correct Product and Configuration for Your Process.

Process Condition Recommended Product

Contaminating fluid is aqueous, AquaSep Plus or PhaseSep
IFT >3 dyne/cm coalescer/separator stack (Vertical Housing)
Contaminating fluid is aqueous, AquaSep Plus or PhaseSep coalescer
IFT <3 dyne/cm without separator (Horizontal Housing)
Both fluids are non-aqueous AquaSep Plus or PhaseSep coalescer
without separator (Horizontal Housing)
Contaminating fluid is oil, AquaSep Plus or PhaseSep coalescer
bulk fluid is water without separator (Horizontal Housing)

Description Part Number Dimensions Special Features Applications
AquaSep Plus LCS2B1AH 20˝ / 508 mm length Polymeric medium does Separation of water from
Coalescer LCS4B1AH 40˝ / 1016 mm length not disarm in presence hydrocarbons.
3.75˝ / 95 mm diam. of surfactants.
Integral Prefilter

PhaseSep LCS2H1AH 20˝ / 508 mm length Fluoropolymer medium Separation of caustic or

Coalescer LCS4H1AH 40˝ / 1016 mm length has a wide range amine from hydrocarbon.
3.75˝ / 95 mm diam. of chemical compatibility Separation of hydrogen
peroxide from working

PhaseSep LCS2H2HH 20˝ / 508 mm length Broadest range of Many acid and solvent
Coalescer LCS4H2HH 40˝ / 1016 mm length chemical compatibility applications.
3.75˝ / 95 mm diam.

Separator LSS2F2H 20˝ / 508 mm length Hydrophobic Separation of water

3.75˝ / 95 mm diam. medium does not from hydrocarbons.
allow water to
pass through

Pall Corporation
A Powerful Resource for Control,
Protection and Teamwork
Pall Corporation brings over Pall continues to develop new
60 years of filtration and products and methods to advance
separations experience to your the state of the art of phase
plant's processes. With the separation. No other company
industry's widest range of offers such a strong core
advanced products, Pall can competency in coalescing
design a system specifically for technology to help you reduce
your plant, based on a thorough operating and maintenance costs
evaluation of your needs. through improved product control,
plant protection and teamwork.
You'll receive technical consultation
and support from our Scientific and For more details about our
Vertical AquaSep Plus system
removing water from kerosene.
Laboratory Services Department coalescing technology, call Pall
(SLS), an extensive global network Corporation at 516.484.3600. or
of scientists and engineers. call 1.888.873.7255 (toll free U.S.
only). Visit us on the web at:

Vertical AquaSep Plus

system removing
water from jet fuel.

Vertical AquaSep Plus
system removing
water from diesel.

Horizontal PhaseSep system

removing caustic from gasoline.

SepraSol coalescer
system protecting
a compressor.

United States
25 Harbor Park Drive
Port Washington, New York 11050
+1 888 873 7255 (toll free U.S. only)
+1 516 484 3600 phone
+1 516 484 0364 fax
[email protected]

United Kingdom
Europa House, Havant Street
Portsmouth PO1 3PD
Visit us on the Web at
Hampshire, England Pall Corporation has offices and plants throughout the world in locations including: Argentina,
+44 (0) 23 9230 2357 phone Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy,
Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland,
+44 (0) 23 9230 2509 fax Puerto Rico, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand,
[email protected] United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela and Vietnam. Distributors are
located in all major industrial areas of the world.

© Copyright 2007, 2000, Pall Corporation. Pall, , SepraSol, PhaseSep, and Aquasep are trademarks of Pall Corporation.
® indicates a Pall trademark registered in the USA. is a service mark of Pall Corporation.


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