Pall Coalecers
Pall Coalecers
Pall Coalecers
Bring Down Costs Through
Advanced Phase Separation Technology
Pall Phase Separation Technology
For Control And Protection Of Your Plant
E very year, refineries, gas processing plants and
separation techniques.
and teamwork.
Three Essential Phase Separation Steps to
Reduce Operating and Maintenance Costs
Pall SepraSol Coalescers For Separating
Liquids and Solids From Gases
Pall SepraSol Liquid/Gas Coalescers
Outperform All Others
Turbine Blades
Comparison of Liquid/Gas
Separation Equipment
This chart compares the various equipment available for removing
aerosols. You can see that only Pall SepraSol coalescers effectively
remove aerosols smaller than one micron.
Fuel gas burners that are fouled do not maintain a steady, consistent flame.
(Left) A failed combustor housing. You should not have to replace fouled
burner nozzles (center) with new ones (right) more often than once a year.
Pall AquaSep Plus and PhaseSep Coalescers
for Separating Liquids From Liquids
Comparison of Liquid/Liquid
Separation Equipment
You can see from this table that Pall coalescers
offer significant benefits over other separation technologies.
Pall Salt and Conventional Mesh Pack Electrostatic Tank Settling Vacuum
AquaSep Plus/ Desiccant Coalescers Precipitator Dehydration
PhaseSep Tower Tower
Lowest AquaSep: <2 dyne/cm >20 dyne/cm >20 dyne/cm >10 dyne/cm >20 dyne/cm <2 dyne/cm
Interfacial Tension 3 dyne/cm
Efficiently PhaseSep:
Open here for a Complete Selection Guide for Coalescer Part Numbers/Ordering Information
Separated 0.5 dyne/cm
Two Configurations The assembly is smaller and
for Optimum has a longer service life than
Separation Efficiency conventional coalescers. After
Pall AquaSep Plus and water droplets are coalesced
PhaseSep systems are in Pall's proprietary media,
available in a horizontal and a water-free liquid and large
vertical configuration. The droplets of water flow toward
right one for you depends on the separator. The hydrophobic
the liquids in your process. separator medium repels the
Both configurations begin with aqueous phase, so only the
a prefiltration stage to remove water-free bulk fluid passes
solid contaminants. This through the separator. The
significantly extends service two liquids are removed by Pall vertical liquid/liquid coalescer
life, improves the fluid quality separate drain connections. Configuration with prefilter on the left
Open here for a Complete Selection Guide for Coalescer Part Numbers/Ordering Information
Fortunately, For Each Problem, There Is A Solution:
Pall SepraSol Liquid/Gas Coalescers.
SepraSol CC3LGB7H13 30˝ / 762 mm length Polypropylene Recovery of carried over amine.
Amine 2.75˝ / 70 mm diam. drainage layer Recovery of oil from ammonia gas.
SepraSol CC3LG02H13 30˝ / 762 mm length Tie-rod seal; Pressure greater than 200 psi;
Double 2.75˝ / 70 mm diam. acetal endcaps low liquid load; greater than
Open-ended 5% aromatics in liquid.
SepraSol CS604LGH13 40˝ / 1016 mm length High liquid pack Liquid loading over 100 ppmw.
Plus 6˝ / 153 mm diam. design;
Coalescer stainless steel
Equipment service life between maintenance shutdowns and plant
turnarounds is often shorter than it could be. The causes of increased
maintenance and operating costs are not always obvious. These tables will
give you some symptoms of costly problems to look for in various plant
applications, followed by brief summaries of the Pall liquid/gas and
liquid/liquid coalescers that offer long-term cost saving solutions.
The Solution is Advanced Technology:
Pall AquaSep Plus and PhaseSep Liquid/Liquid Coalescers.
Description Part Number Dimensions Special Features Applications
AquaSep Plus LCS2B1AH 20˝ / 508 mm length Polymeric medium does Separation of water from
Coalescer LCS4B1AH 40˝ / 1016 mm length not disarm in presence hydrocarbons.
3.75˝ / 95 mm diam. of surfactants.
Integral Prefilter
PhaseSep LCS2H2HH 20˝ / 508 mm length Broadest range of Many acid and solvent
Coalescer LCS4H2HH 40˝ / 1016 mm length chemical compatibility applications.
3.75˝ / 95 mm diam.
Pall Corporation
A Powerful Resource for Control,
Protection and Teamwork
Pall Corporation brings over Pall continues to develop new
60 years of filtration and products and methods to advance
separations experience to your the state of the art of phase
plant's processes. With the separation. No other company
industry's widest range of offers such a strong core
advanced products, Pall can competency in coalescing
design a system specifically for technology to help you reduce
your plant, based on a thorough operating and maintenance costs
evaluation of your needs. through improved product control,
plant protection and teamwork.
You'll receive technical consultation
and support from our Scientific and For more details about our
Vertical AquaSep Plus system
removing water from kerosene.
Laboratory Services Department coalescing technology, call Pall
(SLS), an extensive global network Corporation at 516.484.3600. or
of scientists and engineers. call 1.888.873.7255 (toll free U.S.
only). Visit us on the web at:
Vertical AquaSep Plus
system removing
water from diesel.
SepraSol coalescer
system protecting
a compressor.
United States
25 Harbor Park Drive
Port Washington, New York 11050
+1 888 873 7255 (toll free U.S. only)
+1 516 484 3600 phone
+1 516 484 0364 fax
[email protected]
United Kingdom
Europa House, Havant Street
Portsmouth PO1 3PD
Visit us on the Web at
Hampshire, England Pall Corporation has offices and plants throughout the world in locations including: Argentina,
+44 (0) 23 9230 2357 phone Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy,
Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland,
+44 (0) 23 9230 2509 fax Puerto Rico, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand,
[email protected] United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela and Vietnam. Distributors are
located in all major industrial areas of the world.
© Copyright 2007, 2000, Pall Corporation. Pall, , SepraSol, PhaseSep, and Aquasep are trademarks of Pall Corporation.
® indicates a Pall trademark registered in the USA. is a service mark of Pall Corporation.