Mock Caucus Simulation Lesson Plan2021
Mock Caucus Simulation Lesson Plan2021
Mock Caucus Simulation Lesson Plan2021
Additional objectives:
-Students will be able to identify the steps in the caucus process
-Students will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the caucus process
Iowa Core Inquiry Anchor Standards
Taking Informed Action
SS.9-12.12. Apply a range of deliberative and democratic strategies and procedures to make decisions and take
action in their classrooms, schools, and out-of-school contexts.
Writing Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects 6-12
Research to Build and Present Knowledge
WHST.11-12.9. Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
Assessment: NONE
Materials Needed: White board and “Who Do You Support” worksheet
Lesson Plans: