Application For 2009-2010 Student Council Presidential Candidates

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Application for 2009-2010 Student Council Presidential Candidates

Name of the candidate: ________________________

Running for the office of (circle one): President Vice-President Co-


If running for Co-President, name of running mate: ___________________________

Becoming a Student Council President, Vice-President, or Co-President is an

honor and a lot of hard work. Do not run unless you are committed to holding
this full-time job with conviction, enthusiasm, dedication, and no pay check.

-Please Type the Answers-

An online copy can be found at:

Why are you running for this office?

Describe what you think it means to be in the position you are running for.

What qualifications do you have to hold the position you seek? Discuss
leadership experience (within and outside of council) and personal qualities.

What do you see as posing problems with your ability to fill your position? If
elected, how do you plan to deal with these difficulties? (Include details.)

What do you see as Mr. Coty’s role in the council? How will you help minimize
the crazy amount of work he has to do for council?

So we set the bar pretty high this year…how do you plan on even coming close
to the prestige of your predecessors?

A senior on student council has lettered September, October, and November.

But they are a captain of a sports team and were on probation for December
and January. The constitution states that any member on probation for two
months shall be removed. What do you do?

What would you do if you were very sure a council member had been
disobeying the drug policy, but you didn’t have absolute proof and he/she
denied it?

What is your expectation of council members? How will you encourage that?

What is your goal for student council members to achieve? How will you
communicate it? How will you encourage it?
Presidential Agreement

If elected, I agree to...

1) Work cooperatively with whoever is elected to work with me

2) Attend the M.A.S.C. leadership workshop
3) Plan and conduct weekly council meetings
4) Appoint an executive board and hold weekly meetings
5) Register for one period during at least one semester as a T.A. for Mr. Coty
6) Set and work toward goals for the student council
7) Follow all council policies (drugs, grades, etc.)
8) Profess that the Hoffman-Hutchison presidency was/will be the greatest
student council–ever.
9) Remain open and aware of the needs of the school and community
10) Run presidential elections next spring
11) Remain an enthusiastic model of leadership for the council
12) Make student council my primary extra-curricular concern

Name (printed): ________________________

Signed: ________________________

Date: _________
Campaign Rules for Presidential Elections for 2009-2010

1. All forms must be completed and turned into Mr. Coty’s room (150) by 2:15
p.m. on Tuesday, April 21st, 2009.
2. If there are more than two teams running, there will be a primary, unless
everyone running agrees to not have one. The primary will be done at a council
meeting with paper ballots. Each team will give a short speech before the
primary. The top two teams will move on to the final election.
3. No formal campaigning will be permitted.
- No posters, buttons, flyers, t-shirts, or any other objects that promote your
- No bribing in any way.
- Out of respect to privacy, no asking members for whom they are voting.
- If a member asks you a question about the election or your platform, you may
- Do not discuss the other candidates’ platforms with any members.
- Don’t initiate discussions about the election
4. One candidate on the team must have served at least one year on council.
5. On Tuesday, April 28, each team will have the opportunity to hand out a
flyer to each member that states their platform and how awesome they are. It
must fit on one side of a 8.5x11 sheet of paper.
6. At the council meeting on Wednesday, April 39, each team will give a
speech to the council. Members will have the opportunity to ask the candidates
7. Voting will take place Wednesday, April 39 at the council meeting. The
results will be announced shortly there after.

I understand that if I do not comply with these rules, I may be disqualified from

Name (printed): __________________________

Signature: __________________________

Date: _________

Were all winners!

-Alex Hoffman and Luke Hutchison

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