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English: Quarter 1-Module 3: Lesson 3

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Quarter 1-Module 3: Lesson 3
Use of Complex Sentences
to Show Cause-Effect
and Problem-Solution Relationship of Ideas

Department of Education - MIMAROPA Region

Development Team of the Module
Author: Juliezl B. Santos
Editor: Adelardo I. Malaluan,PhD, Ileen R. Sta. Rinala
Reviewers: Jinkeelyn P. De Jose/ Adrian Anthony D. Osano
Illustrators: Alexander P. Abeleda, Louie J. Cortez, Jefferson Repizo
Layout Artist: Mark Roger A. Dacayanan
Management Team:
Director IV Chief Administrative Officer
Regional Director OIC, Office of the Assistant Regional Director


PhD LRMDS Supervisor EPS- English Division EPS- English LMRDS Supervisor

What I Need to Know

This module is designed and written based on your grade level of

understanding. It is here to help you how to use complex sentences to show

cause and effect and problem solution relationship of ideas.

The module focuses on the following learning competency

● Use complex sentences to show cause and effect and problem

solution relationship of ideas.

● Use complex sentences to show cause and effect and problem-

solution relationship of ideas.

What I Know

In your previous lesson, you have learned how to use compound

sentences to show cause and effect and problem- solution relationships of

ideas. Now, let us use the conjunctions or, but and so to form a compound


1. You will pursue your dream as a doctor _____ you will work to finance

the expenses of your family.

2. I opened my room that day ____ pupils could not notice that I wasn’t


3. The children are studying their collaborative projects _____ they

gathered together.

4. I instructed the pupils to clean the front yard ______ they didn’t do it.

5. Our world is so messed up ______ we can cope with the situation.

Use Complex Sentences to Show Cause and Effect

and Problem- Solution Relationship of Ideas.

What’s In
Read the poem and answer the questions below.

What Covid -19 Has Done

by: Juliezl B.S.
Before CoVid-19 came, I was free wherever I wanted to go,

I could play with my friends and stay outside too.

We could eat and study together with jokes and laughter.

Will it happen again, or things will just remember?

Though it’s hard to accept, that I cannot do again the things I used
to do.

I feel uncomfortable although I have to.

I have to follow rules, or else I’ll be a victim,

I love my family, that‘s why I have to stay in.

Does this situation continue or will this has an end?

The questions in my mind since I really missed my friends.

But I need to listen to the situation the world is in.

Take care of ourselves until this pandemic ends.

The reminders of the government are always everywhere.

Stay at home while CoVid-19 is there.

I pray to God, this is not forever,

So that we can still enjoy life with our loved ones together.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What is the poem about?

2. When was the writer free of the things he used to do?

3. What did she feel with the situation?

4. Until when do we need to take care of ourselves?

5. Why does she have questions in her mind?

What’s New

Read and study how to use complex sentences to show cause and

effect and problem solution relationship of ideas.

Study the sentences in the box from the poem.

1. Stay at home while CoVid-19 is there.

2. I pray to God, this is not forever,

so that we can still enjoy life with our loved ones together.

The sentences you just read have the structure of a complex

sentence. A complex sentence is a kind of sentence according to structure

that conveys two or more ideas. It consists of an independent or main clause

and a dependent or subordinate clause.

An independent or main clause states the root of the idea in the

sentence. This means that the idea on its own can stand alone. Contrary to

the independent clause, the dependent or subordinate clause cannot stand

on its own because its idea can only be completed when joined with the

independent or main clause. The subordinate clause relates its idea to the

main clause by using subordinate conjunctions such as so that, because, if,

when, since, in order to. after, although, as, since, before, how, if, once, then,

that, though, till, until, when, where, so that, whether and while.


In sentence number 1, what is the dependent clause?

while CoVid-19 is there.

How about the independent clause?

Stay at home.

Are the ideas related?

What about sentence number 2, what is the dependent clause?

so that we can still enjoy life with our loved ones together

What is the independent clause in sentence number 2?

I pray to God, this is not forever

Take note of the following:

Use complex sentences to show cause and effect and problem

solution relationship of ideas.

Complex sentence has one independent clause or main clause

and one or more dependent clauses or subordinate clause whose ideas

are related. These ideas are connected by transition/signal words.

A dependent clause cannot stand by itself. It needs to be

connected to independent clause.

Hence, complex sentence can be used to show problem-solution

relationship with the help of transition words such as so that, because,

since, in order to. after, although, as, since, before, how, if, once, then, that,

though, till, until, when, where, so that, whether and while.

Why do we use complex sentences? This is simply because of its

importance in showing relationship of ideas. One is to show the relationship


A cause happens before the effect.

An effect is the result.

Let’s take these sentences as examples of complex sentences that show

cause and effect relationship.

1. He had wanted to become a girl, so he had

undergone operation many times.

2. The gate looks great because they repainted it.

3. Since Ursula has hit the whole region, the trees

have fallen down everywhere.

Another important use of a complex sentence is to show problem-

solution. A problem is the result of a cause, so, to solve the problem or

result, a solution answers it.

1. Jason doesn’t understand his homework, so he

asked help from a friend.

2. Before they swept the yard, they saw it dirty.

3. They had converted the ornamental garden to a

vegetable garden after the quarantine had been

announced and food had been unavailable.

We use the transition/signal word so , before and after to connect the

ideas of sentences.

We used the complex sentences to show problem solution relationship

with the help of appropriate transition /signal word. Can you now use

complex sentences to show statements with cause and effect and problem-

solution relationships? Let’s see.

What Is It

A. Find the two related ideas in A and B and combine them using appropriate
transition/ signal words. Copy them on your paper.
Write the appropriate transition/ signal word to connect the ideas.


1. A car stuck in the mud was removed A. a plumber is repairing the pipeline.

2. I couldn’t find my eyeglasses. B. Sister called the supplier to

3. A water pipe in the bathroom deliver a cylinder.

burst. C. I dropped it.

4. Our stove ran out of gas. D. Ursula Typhoon hits the country

5. Flood waters destroyed many E. Father gets a wrecker to pull it out


What’s More

Use complex sentences to show cause and effect and problem solution

relationship of ideas se the appropriate transition/word signal in the

following complex sentences Choose the connectors inside the box.

when after because unless so that

1. They paint the gate with a red color ___________ it will look


2. Keisha will represent our country in the Olympics

___________ she wins the game.

3. Cora was absent yesterday ___________ she had a


4. Mother continues her work as a tutor ____ her work in


5. You cannot play Mobile legends _________ you finish your



B. Direction: Complete the group of words to form complex sentences.

Write your answer on the blank.

1. He doesn’t have money for his fare home


2. When he reached home, he found the house locked ______________

3.There is no face to face class ____________________________________

4. Children are not allowed to go out of the house _________________

5. Covid -19 cases will go down____________________________________

What I Have Learned

A complex sentence has one independent clause or main clause and

one or more dependent or subordinate clauses with ideas that are


You can use complex sentences to show problem-solution

relationship with the help of appropriate transition/ signal words

to connect them.

A dependent clause cannot stand by itself.

It needs to be connected to independent clause. It is often introduced

by a transition /signal word such as although, after, as, because,

before, how, if, once, since, then that, though, till, until, when, where,

so that, whether and while.

What I Can Do
Use a complex sentence to show problem-solution relationship of ideas.

Problem Solution

1. There was no police officer 1. ___________________________


2. We can’t go outside.
2. __________________________

3.________________________________ 3. Cellphones were allowed for

all students.

4. There is no supply of enough 4. ____________________________

water at home

5. _________________________ 5. We used bike going to school.

Write complex sentences that show problem-solution relationship.

1. Please, listen to your teacher______________________________________.

2. When my hair started to fall ______________________________________.

3. ___________________________so that we will never be exposed to

carriers of the virus.

4. The doctors need to wear PPE in the hospital ______________________.

5. ________________________________ until the quarantine is lifted by the


Answers Key

What I know

1. or 2.so 3.so 4. but 5. but

What’s In

1. The poem is all about the Covid-19 and what it does with the people around
the globe.
2. She was free to do all things before CoVid-19 came.
3. She felt uncomfortable but she has to feel all right.
4. We have to take care of ourselves until this pandemic ends.
5. She had questions in her mind since she really missed her friends.
What is it

Activity 1
1. A car stuck in the mud was removed when father got a wrecker to pull it out.
2. I couldn’t find my eyeglasses, so I bought another one.
3. A water pipe in the bathroom burst while a plumber was repairing the pipeline.
4.Our stove ran out of gas so my sister called the supplier to deliver a cylinder.
5.Flood waters destroyed many crops after the Ursula typhoon hit the country.
What’s More

Activity 2
What I Can Do
1. so that
2. When Answers may vary.
3. because
4. after
5. unless Answers may vary.
Activity 3

(Answer may vary)

Mendoza, Rebecca DL, Essential English 5, Quezon City: Rex Book Store

Inc., 2017 pp. 315-317.

Prepared by :


Bagong Buhay Elementary School – Victoria


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