Alumni Chapter Handbook Approved 4.1.17

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Alumni Chapter Handbook

Adopted 04/8/17
Introductory Letter

Alumni Chapter Presidents and Committee Members,

Thank you for your interest in serving as a member of an Alumni Chapter leadership team. Your efforts in
bringing St. Mary’s to your community plays a vital role in keeping our alumni engaged with and
informed about their alma mater. In addition, Alumni Chapters are instrumental in connecting alumni
with one another through social, professional, and service-oriented activities and events.

Official Alumni Chapter affiliation with the Alumni Association comes with many advantages and
privileges. This handbook is designed to guide you through the process of starting and maintaining a
successful Alumni Chapter, and define the expectations of the Alumni Chapter leadership team. Please
refer to it when planning activities in your region. Of course, the Office of Alumni Relations is always on
hand to assist you with your endeavors.

Again, thank you for your service and commitment to St. Mary’s. We look forward to working with you
to strengthen our already vibrant and passionate alumni community.


Dave Sushinsky ’02 Allan Wagaman ’06

Director of Alumni Relations President of the Alumni Association

Alumni Chapters
Alumni Chapter development is an essential element in helping the Office of Alumni Relations build and
maintain relationships with the 14,000+ alumni of St. Mary’s College of Maryland. These Alumni
Chapters provide our graduates with social, professional, and service-oriented opportunities that benefit
both the College and the individual.

There are three types of Alumni Chapters:

➢ Geographic Alumni Chapters connect alumni and other College community members within a
specific region (Baltimore Metro, Southern Maryland, Denver Regional, etc.)

➢ Affinity Alumni Chapters connect alumni and College community members with a shared
common attribute or activity (Black alumni, Orientation Leader alumni, lawyer alumni, etc.)

➢ Academic Alumni Chapters connect alumni and College community members from a specific
academic discipline (music, biology, history, etc.)

Benefits of an Alumni Chapter Program

Alumni Chapters benefit the institution, alumni, and members of the greater St. Mary’s College of
Maryland community by:

➢ Creating opportunities for alumni to network and meet each other in their local communities.

➢ Planning and hosting events that strengthen alumni ties to the College.

➢ Renewing friendships developed at the College.

➢ Supporting the efforts of the College to keep alumni informed of campus developments.

➢ Providing avenues for the exchange of ideas between alumni and the greater College community.

➢ Promoting campus initiatives that support prospective and current students, particularly in
recruitment, career development, and job/internship placement.

Alumni Chapter Development
Concentrations of alumni are spread throughout the United States and around the world. The Office of
Alumni Relations may identify groups of alumni that would benefit from an organized Alumni Chapter,
or alumni may approach the Office of Alumni Relations to explore the idea of starting a chapter.

The following steps need to be taken to formalize an Alumni Chapter:

1. For Geographic Alumni Chapters, define the region’s boundaries. For Affinity and Academic
Alumni Chapters, identify the uniting interest.

2. Work with the Office of Alumni Relations to publish an appeal to alumni in that defined region or
affinity to serve on the Alumni Chapter Committee. Diversity in this core group helps facilitate
participation from a broader-based alumni body.

3. Identify an Alumni Chapter President (or co-presidents), ideally from the members that
responded to the call to be on the Alumni Chapter Committee. The selection of the Alumni
Chapter President is not formal and he or she will typically self-identify or be selected by the
Director of Alumni Relations and President of the Alumni Association.

4. Submit a petition for charter (see page 14), with no fewer than 15 member signatures, to the
Executive Committee of the Alumni Council for approval.

5. Once approved by the Executive Committee of the Alumni Council, a formal petition will be
presented for a vote by the full Alumni Council at the next quarterly meeting. Upon approval by
the Alumni Council, Alumni Chapter recognition will be granted.

6. Once chartered, the Alumni Chapter Committee, under the leadership of the Alumni Chapter
President, shall set Alumni Chapter goals. Each Alumni Chapter shall plan their goals with the
assistance of the President of the Alumni Association and the Director of Alumni Relations.

7. To maintain the status of an officially recognized Alumni Chapter, all guidelines within this
handbook must be addressed and followed or the Alumni Chapter may face suspension or
dissolution by the Alumni Council.

Alumni Chapter Organization – President
Each Alumni Chapter will have an Alumni Chapter Committee led by an Alumni Chapter President. The
Alumni Chapter President works closely with the Director of Alumni Relations and he or she will act as
the liaison between the Alumni Chapter and the Alumni Council. There is no term limit for an Alumni
Chapter President provided he or she is actively involved and fulfilling the duties outlined in the Alumni
Chapter Handbook.

The Alumni Chapter President is responsible for:

➢ Providing overall leadership and direction.

➢ Working with the Office of Alumni Relations to identify and recruit volunteers to serve on the
Alumni Chapter Committee.

➢ Organizing at least one annual strategic planning meeting with the Alumni Chapter Committee
members in the fall or early winter to discuss event ideas for the year ahead.

➢ Maintaining an up-to-date contact list of all Alumni Chapter Committee members, and reaching
out to the Alumni Chapter Committee members as needed in order to accomplish goals.

➢ Ensuring that all Alumni Chapter activities and initiatives are pre-approved by the Office of
Alumni Relations including, but not limited to, events, programs, and communications.

➢ Ensuring that the Alumni Chapter holds, at minimum, one signature event per year (for
geographic Alumni Chapters), in addition to an annual community service-oriented event.

➢ Attending as many Alumni Chapter events as possible.

➢ Overseeing the Alumni Chapter resources (banners, name tags, etc.) provided by the Office of
Alumni Relations, and communicating when materials need to be replaced or replenished.

➢ Attending the Alumni Council quarterly meetings. Attendance is not mandatory, but strongly
encouraged. If the Alumni Chapter President is unable to attend, a member from the Alumni
Chapter Committee may attend with prior approval from the President of the Alumni Council.

➢ Submitting Alumni Chapter reports to the Secretary of the Alumni Council prior to Alumni
Council quarterly meetings as directed by the Vice President of Operations of the Alumni

➢ Allowing the Office of Alumni Relations to publish pre-approved personal contact information on
the alumni website.

Alumni Chapter Organization – Committee
The Alumni Chapter Committee should have a minimum of three members and be comprised of alumni
from various ages, interests, and backgrounds. This committee will support the Alumni Chapter President
in the planning and execution of Alumni Chapter activities and initiatives. Alumni Chapter Committee
member responsibilities range from providing event ideas during the annual strategic planning meeting to
taking the lead as an event coordinator for Alumni Chapter events. There is no term limit for Alumni
Chapter Committee members as long as they are actively involved and fulfilling the duties outlined in this

The Alumni Chapter Committee members are responsible for:

➢ Attending the annual fall or winter strategic planning meeting organized by the Alumni Chapter

➢ Assisting the Alumni Chapter President with the identification and recruitment of other Alumni
Chapter Committee members.

➢ Providing educational, social, and/or service-oriented event ideas to the Alumni Chapter

➢ Attending as many Alumni Chapter events as possible.

➢ Assisting the Alumni Chapter President in creating, promoting, and executing Alumni Chapter
events and initiatives.

➢ Educating alumni and friends within the Alumni Chapter about events and encouraging

➢ Using personal communication tools such as social media, email, and phone to contact other
alumni and friends about Alumni Chapter initiatives and events.

➢ Supporting the efforts of the Office of Alumni Relations to keep alumni informed about campus
news and developments.

➢ Allowing the Office of Alumni Relations to publish pre-approved personal contact information on
the alumni website.

Alumni Chapter Support
Once recognized as an official Alumni Chapter of the St. Mary’s College of Maryland Alumni
Association, Alumni Chapter leadership teams are provided with the following:

➢ A voice on the Alumni Council through the Alumni Chapter President, as a non-voting member,
with invitation to attend quarterly meetings.

➢ Office of Alumni Relations assistance in recruiting Alumni Chapter Committee members.

➢ Office of Alumni Relations assistance in the planning and implementation of approved

programming and events.

➢ Office of Alumni Relations assistance in producing and distributing Alumni Chapter materials,
including event advertisements. With the approval of the Director of Alumni Relations, Alumni
Chapter Presidents will have the ability to send information to members and prospective members
via email using the distribution software managed by the Office of Alumni Relations.

➢ Office of Alumni Relations assistance in collecting Alumni Chapter event registration

information and associated fees using the event management software managed by the Office of
Alumni Relations.

➢ Event advertising in St. Mary’s College of Maryland Alumni Association publications, both print
and online.

➢ Event funding support, in special cases. As a rule, however, Alumni Chapter events and activities
should be designed to break even or be profitable.

Alumni Chapter Policies & Maintenance Requirements
Once officially recognized as an Alumni Chapter of the St. Mary’s College of Maryland Alumni
Association, Alumni Chapters must adhere to the following:

➢ Leadership: Following the selection of a new Alumni Chapter President or change in Alumni
Chapter Committee membership, the group must report changes to the President of the Alumni
Association and the Director of Alumni Relations.

➢ Social Media: Alumni Chapters are expected to maintain an active social media presence to share
College news and events with alumni. See Alumni Chapter Social Media Policy.

➢ Events: Any event or initiative, especially those with an associated cost, must be approved by the
Director of Alumni Relations. Prior to scheduling any event, the Alumni Chapter President
should contact the Office of Alumni Relations to coordinate the proposed date with other alumni
activities on the alumni calendar. All events shall be held in a manner consistent with the overall
goals and objectives of St. Mary’s College of Maryland and the Alumni Association. See Alumni
Chapter Event Planning Guidelines.

○ Geographic Alumni Chapters: In addition to an annual community service event, each

Geographic Alumni Chapter shall hold a minimum of one signature event per year.

○ Affinity/Academic Alumni Chapters: These Alumni Chapters are not required to hold
annual events due to the potential geographic dispersion of the membership.

➢ Logos and Graphics: All promotional materials bearing the College or Alumni Chapter’s name
(event invitations, clothing, etc.) and any written or published materials, including information
posted on any online resource affiliated with the College (Facebook group, Linkedin group, etc.)
must only use pre-approved Alumni Chapter logos and graphics, and be approved by the Director
of Alumni Relations.

➢ Member Distribution Lists: The Office of Alumni Relations shall maintain all official distribution
lists and contact information. Draft email messages should be forwarded to the Director of
Alumni Relations for approval and distribution at least two weeks prior to the desired send date.

➢ Legal Relationships: Alumni Chapters are recognized entities of the St. Mary’s College of
Maryland Alumni Association. The Alumni Association operates under the auspices of St.
Mary’s College of Maryland, and is subject to the authority thereof.

➢ Contracts and Agreements: Any contract(s) must be entered under the authorization of the
Director of Alumni Relations of St. Mary’s College of Maryland.

Alumni Chapter Policies & Maintenance Requirements
➢ Chapter Reimbursement/ Payment Criteria: Monies spent by an Alumni Chapter President or
Alumni Chapter Committee member for an event or meeting must be approved by the Director of
Alumni Relations, prior to expenditure. In order to be reimbursed, receipt(s) for the
expenditure(s) must be submitted to the Office of Alumni Relations within 30 days of the event.

➢ Annual Review and Renewal: Regardless of the original recognition date, all Alumni Chapters
will come up for review by the Executive Committee of the Alumni Council at the beginning of
each fiscal year (July 1). Should an Alumni Chapter be unable to adhere to the Alumni Chapter
maintenance requirements, the Executive Committee of the Alumni Council may take steps to
initiate the Alumni Chapter suspension/dissolution process.

➢ Ex-Officio Membership: In order to foster relationships with other elements of the St. Mary’s
College of Maryland Community, faculty and staff members are eligible to be ex-officio members
of Affinity and Academic Alumni Chapters and may also serve on an Alumni Chapter
Committee. Ex-officio members are not eligible to serve as Alumni Chapter President.

Alumni Chapter Social Media Policy
The Alumni Association’s primary social media presence is managed by the Office of Alumni Relations;
however, the Alumni Chapter leadership team will be afforded access to these resources to assist in
building networks and engaging with alumni within their Alumni Chapter. The primary social media tool
managed by the Alumni Chapter leadership team is via Facebook groups.

➢ Facebook Group Creation: Upon Alumni Chapter approval, the Office of Alumni Relations will
create a public Facebook group for the Alumni Chapter in order to foster easier communication
with interested alumni. Facebook group logos and descriptions will be designed and managed by
the Office of Alumni Relations to maintain brand continuity between the Alumni Chapters. The
privacy setting must be set to “open” so that the group is searchable and public.

➢ Facebook Group Management: The Office of Alumni Relations will serve as administrators to
advertise College news and events. The Alumni Chapter President shall also serve as an
administrator, and may elevate Alumni Chapter Committee members to serve as moderators, at
the Alumni Chapter President’s discretion. Alumni Chapter Presidents and members of the
Alumni Chapter Committee are encouraged to post and interact in the group often, as well as
ensure that content remains relevant. Please remember that the Facebook groups are public and
viewable by many people, and that they represent St. Mary’s College of Maryland. Posted
comments, videos, and images should be monitored by the page administrators and moderators.
Profanity, lewd, and/or derogatory content must be removed.

➢ Facebook Group Membership: In accordance with the Alumni Council bylaws, no member of the
Alumni Association shall be disallowed from joining in or participating in Alumni Chapter social
media groups. In addition to alumni and ex-officio members, current students shall be permitted to
join and participate in Alumni Chapter social media resources. These groups must remain “open,”
but the group settings may be set so that requests to join must be approved by an administrator.
All reasonable efforts must be made to approve membership requests from alumni in a timely
fashion. If there is a question about whether a pending member is an alumnus/a of St. Mary’s
College of Maryland, the Office of Alumni Relations can confirm prior to making a decision to
approve or deny the request.

➢ Removal of a Member: Should it appear necessary to remove a member from a social media
page due to inappropriate, derogatory, or offensive conduct, the Alumni Chapter President in
agreement with the Office of Alumni Relations hold the right to make that decision.

➢ Facebook Events: Upon event approval by the Director of Alumni Relations, the Office of
Alumni Relations will create a Facebook event through the St. Mary’s College of Maryland
Alumni Facebook page. The Office of Alumni Relations will post Facebook events and event
registration links to the appropriate Alumni Chapter groups. The Alumni Chapter leadership team
members are encouraged to invite Alumni Chapter group members and other alumni friends to all
Alumni Chapter events.

Alumni Chapter Event Planning Guidelines
Planning a successful Alumni Chapter event is enjoyable and rewarding, but involves advance planning,
effective marketing, and strong communication between the Alumni Chapter leadership team and the
Office of Alumni Relations. Following the guidelines below will ensure that the Office of Alumni
Relations has the information and time necessary to assist the Alumni Chapter leadership team plan,
advertise, and execute these events.

Event Planning Dos

➢ Discuss event ideas collectively and plan event goals, timeline, and individual roles for the
Alumni Chapter President and Alumni Chapter Committee members well in advance

➢ Consider cost, accessibility by car or public transportation, most appropriate time of the year/day
of the week to host the event, inclement weather plans, and potential competing events in the area

➢ When appropriate, contact a variety of venues to check availability, compare costs, identify group
discounts and other incentives - always check online reviews!

➢ Use the online event planning tools found under the Alumni Chapter Resources tab on the alumni

➢ Use the online event proposal form to submit your event idea at least two months in advance of
the event date

➢ Understand that it may take up to two weeks for the Office of Alumni Relations to advertise an
event once the project proposal form has been submitted and all of the event details have been

➢ Use personal channels to promote your event and increase attendance

➢ Connect with the Office of Alumni Relations at any time if assistance is needed

Alumni Chapter Event Planning Guidelines
Event Planning Don’ts

➢ Sign an event contract or make any verbal or written agreements with a vendor, entertainer, event
manager, or professional service provider, ever

➢ Put down a deposit using personal funds

➢ Use or create any graphics or logos not approved by the Office of Alumni Relations in the
promotion of an Alumni Chapter event or activity

➢ Try to do everything yourself - utilize the Alumni Chapter Committee and the resources and staff
available at the Office of Alumni Relations

➢ Forget to follow up - work with the Office of Alumni Relations to determine if any volunteers,
staff, or venues should be recognized and determine how and who will do it

➢ Hesitate to call the Office of Alumni Relations for any reason - they’re here for you!

Alumni Chapter Suspension and Dissolution
The Office of Alumni Relations and Alumni Council are committed to assisting all recognized Alumni
Chapters to be viable and successful. Unfortunately, when Alumni Chapters are unable to meet the
minimum maintenance requirements, they may face suspension or dissolution. The following describes
the circumstances and procedures that apply when this situation becomes necessary.

➢ Suspension/Dissolution by the Chapter: An Alumni Chapter may be suspended by the Executive

Committee of the Alumni Council if there is no longer an interest or ability by the Alumni
Chapter President or Alumni Chapter Committee members to maintain the Alumni Chapter. The
Executive Committee of the Alumni Council will acknowledge the suspension when it receives
notification from the Alumni Chapter President of such a situation. The Executive Committee of
the Alumni Council shall then promptly inform the Alumni Council of the Alumni Chapter’s
suspension status.
If after one year from the date of suspension the Alumni Chapter has not been reactivated, then
the Alumni Chapter may be dissolved by majority vote of the Alumni Council.

➢ Suspension/Dissolution Process: The Executive Committee of the Alumni Council may suspend
an Alumni Chapter if it fails to meet the maintenance requirements as previously outlined. When
suspension or dissolution becomes necessary, the following due process will be followed:

1. A written notification of suspension will be sent to the Alumni Chapter President by the
President of the Alumni Council. This notification shall include a request to participate
in a conversation between the Executive Committee of the Alumni Council and Alumni
Chapter leadership team to discuss the status and/or possible alternatives for the
continued viability of the Alumni Chapter. If an in-person meeting is not possible, then
an alternative communication method shall be coordinated between the Executive
Committee of the Alumni Council and the Chapter leadership team.

2. Depending on the outcome of this meeting, the Executive Committee of the Alumni
Council will make a recommendation regarding the Alumni Chapter’s ongoing status
(continuance, suspension, or dissolution) to the Alumni Council.

3. If, after one year from the date of suspension, the Alumni Chapter is not reactivated, then
the Alumni Chapter may be dissolved by the majority vote of the Alumni Council.

St. Mary’s College of Maryland
(Chapter Name)

Sample Petition for Charter Sample


The undersigned alumni of St. Mary’s College of Maryland petition the Alumni Council,
the governing body of the Alumni Association, for a chapter charter. The approved charter
would officially recognize the (Chapter Name), grant it the authority and responsibility to
operate as a branch of the Alumni Association, and allow its president to represent the chapter as
a non-voting member of the Alumni Council.

(If a Regional Chapter)

The (Chapter Name) shall include all alumni residing in (name specific counties or states), or any
St. Mary’s alumna/us who desires to become a member of the chapter.

(If an Affinity or Academic Chapter)

The (Chapter Name) shall include all alumni that identify with (name affinity or discipline), or
any St. Mary’s alumna/us who desires to become a member of the chapter.

The primary objectives of the (Chapter Name) will be to organize social, service,
recreational, and educational programs and activities that bring together alumni, parents, and
friends of St. Mary’s College of Maryland, and to promote the advancement of the College.

1. 7. 13. 19.

2. 8. 14. 20.

3. 9. 15. 21.

4. 10. 16. 22.

5. 11. 17. 23.

6. 12. 18. 24.

*minimum of 15 signatures required for chapter recognition

Director of Alumni Relations President of the Alumni Association


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