SU President

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Job Description: Students’ Union President

Students’ Union President Purpose of Post:

a) To represent and seek the views of students at UWE.

b) To be the figurehead and lead the strategic development of The Students’ Union at UWE.
c) To lead The Students’ Union Executive Team to ensure effective working.
d) To campaign on issues that affect students at UWE and nationally.
e) To be a trustee of The Students’ Union at UWE.

Based at Frenchay Campus. The post holder may be required to work at or from any of The Students’ Union’s

Salary and Benefits:

 £19,540 per annum

 27 days holiday
 Free tickets to The Students’ Union events and activities

President Principal Duties and Responsibilities:

Duties and Responsibilities:

- To Chair The Students’ Union Executive (8 times a year).
- To Chair the Student Governors Forum (a joint Committee between UWE and The Students’ Union) (3
times a year).
- To Chair The Students’ Union Board of Trustees which includes line management responsibility of the
Chief Executive (5 times a year).
- To regularly obtain feedback from students via GOATing (go out and talk) sessions and present this so
The Students’ Union always reflects the needs and wants of members.
- To hold office/digital hours so students can raise feedback and ideas directly.
- To attend Academic Board (the highest decision making body of the University) (5 times a year).
- To attend Student Council (a minimum of 3 times a year).
- To be the Lead Delegate for NUS Conference and represent UWE students nationally.
- To be a member of the University Governors.
- To Co-Chair the Partnership Board (a joint committee between UWE and The Students’ Union) (at least
- To meet regularly with key stakeholders from the University and local community.
- To maintain your personal and official Students’ Union email account, replying to emails and queries as
and when they come in.
- To work with the marketing team to actively promote yourself via social media through official
channels and promote the work of The Students’ Union encouraging students to engage and maximise
the opportunities available to them.
- To encourage students to be actively involved with the democratic and election processes of The
Students’ Union.
- To ensure Student Ideas are taken forward and actioned wherever possible.
- To ensure the completion of points raised in your manifesto and that of your team members.
- To uphold the core values of The Students’ Union and be an ambassador for The Students’ Union.
- To support activities such as Open Days, Freshers’ and official Students’ Union events.
- To represent students at The Students’ Union Executive.
Job Description: Students’ Union President

- To attend Representation Committee, Societies Conference and Sports Conference to support these
events and the relevant Vice-President and Officers who they relate to.

Key meeting attendance:

As SU President, you will be required to attend The Students’ Union Executive Committee, Student Governors
Forum, NUS Conference, UWE Governors meetings, The Students’ Union Board of Trustees, Societies
Conference, Sports Conference, Representation Committee, the Student Council Meeting and Academic Board.
There may be other committees and meetings that relate directly to your role which you will attend.

Key Working Relationships:

As SU President, you will liaise with a range of colleagues within The Students’ Union and the University, including
the other Presidents and Officers who make up The Students’ Union Executive, the Chief Executive Officer at
The Students’ Union, The Vice-Chancellor of the University and other staff members at The Students’ Union,
University and wider community.

Benefits of the role:

- Gain an in-depth knowledge of the workings of The Students’ Union and University.
- Can be taken as a placement year.
- A competitive salary.
- Training and personal development opportunities tailored to the individual role.
- Gain experience of leading, developing and supporting campaigns for change.
- Bid into the campaigns budget to gain financial and resource support for your campaign ideas.
- Request meetings and 1-2-1 support with The Students’ Union staff.
- Practical real-life experience.
- Develop leadership skills and gain experience of leading an organisation.
- Documented on your HEAR and counts towards your Future’s Awards.
- A reference for future employers

The Students’ Union- what do you need to know?

We are a democratic membership led organisation

The Students’ Union is a democratic membership led organisation, which means we are run by
students for students. This means all the positions that students hold are elected. Elections are
nothing to be scared of, and we will ensure you are supported through them. If you are successfully
elected to the role, you would be part of the student leadership team and The Students’ Union will
actively listen to you in order to ensure everything we do is for students and what students want.

We run a number of services and opportunities for students

The Students’ Union runs a number of services and opportunities for students, from a nursery to sports
and societies, a bar and shop to representation, the Students’ Union is here to encourage students to join
in, speak up and be more.

We actively listen to the voice of student leaders

The Students' Union President’s role is all encompassing. You will bring together all elements of The
Students’ Union and direct the Executive to deliver our overall objectives.
Job Description: Students’ Union President

As a member of the University’s Board of Governors, the President is involved in the most important
decisions the University makes. The significance of being the figurehead of an organisation
representing 27,000+ students also opens doors to work with many other important figures.

With this level of influence comes the responsibility to engage the student population and find out
the issues that matter to them most.

Lobbying, campaigning, surveying, researching, relationship building, negotiating and networking are
just some of the tactics you will use and skills you will develop to achieve your goals.

The flexibility the President enjoys ultimately gives you a huge say in the direction of The Students'
Union, but with the high profile come high expectations.

We train, support and provide opportunities for our student leaders

As a Student Leader, you will receive training and support from The Students’ Union about your role.
The training will include: expectations of the role, how to communicate effectively, how to get the
most out of the role, support available and how to use the skills you will develop.

We have 95 staff here to support student leaders

There are currently over 95 members of staff at The Students’ Union. The role of staff members is to
help ensure the running of The Students’ Union, responding to students’ needs and aspirations. From
finance to HR, from Societies Coordinators to Representation Coordinators, to Nursery Managers to a
Chief Executive these staff members can help you be successful in your role. You can contact them via
email or arrange a meeting in one of The Students’ Union offices to meet them.

We are working towards a 2020 strategy

The Students’ Union is currently working towards a 2020 strategy and your role is an integral part of
the strategy, ensuring everything we do is student led and driven.
Job Description: Students’ Union President

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