10 46740-Alku 883187-1588327
10 46740-Alku 883187-1588327
10 46740-Alku 883187-1588327
Finite Element Approach for the Bending analysis of Castellated Steel Beams
with Various Web openings
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2 authors:
All content following this page was uploaded by Silda Ghazi Doori on 15 June 2021.
Original Article
The use of perforated steel beams (PSBs) has become of great importance due to their wide application in
building construction and their beneficial uses as they are economical in terms of cost in addition to their
lightweight. The aim of this study is to investigate the static behavior of castellated beams with different
web openings. A 3D finite element analysis is performed using ABAQUS, to find out which type of beam
gives the best performance under the same distributed load and fixed support condition. Different shapes
are used for the web openings and compared with the basic shape of the hexagon, taking the same area
into consideration for all shapes. In this paper, a new design model is developed using more than one
shape in the web opening. Displacement and stress results are carried out and compared for various cases.
Keywords: Finite element method, Castellated beams, Steel structures, Static response
Bina inşaatında geniş uygulama alanına sahip ve hafif olmalarının yanı sıra maliyet açısından da ekonomik
olmaları nedeniyle petek çelik kirişlerin kullanımı büyük önem kazanmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, farklı
gözenekli petek kirişlerin statik davranışını incelemektir. Benzer üniform yayılı yük ve sınır şartları etkisinde,
hangi kiriş tipinin daha iyi performans gösterdiğini belirlemek için ABAQUS yardımıyla 3D sonlu eleman
analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Gözenekler için aynı alana sahip çeşitli geometrik şekiller kullanılmış olup, altıgen
gözenekli durum ile karşılaştırmalar yapılmıştır. Bu araştırmada, birden fazla gözenek şekli kullanılarak yeni
bir tasarım modeli geliştirilmiştir. Yer değiştirme ve gerilme sonuçları, çeşitli durumlar için elde edilmiş ve
Anahtar Kelimeler: Sonlu elemanlar, Petek kirişler, Çelik yapılar, Statik davranış
Engineers always try to improve the structural elements to reach the best economic and suitable engineering
design. The castellated steel beam is one of the important elements in the design of steel structures. Due to
the fact that this type of beam is lighter than the other with the same measurements and used as a long span
system, economically its reduces the cost of steel structures. One of its practical applications is shown in
Figure 1., where these beams are used as roof supports. These important structural elements have occupied
an important place in this field. In view of the advantages of castellated members in construction, the finite
element method is used to obtain results by using the ABAQUS software. There are various studies that
have led to the emergence of several new structural elements like beams of different shapes for web
openings or different diameters. The main objective of using the castellated beam is to decrease the cost.
Part of the previous works were devoted to developing new methods for analyzing the static and dynamic
behavior of these structures.
Few examples were selected from the literature and many of them were interested in changing the shape
and diameter of the web openings among these, Deepha et al. [1] used lateral stiffeners for castellated
structure and it was found that the ultimate strength can be increased up to 54% and the possibility of
reducing the stress concentrations by giving fillets on the corners of the web openings. Mehetre and Talikoti
[2] investigated the castellated beam with fillet radius and analyzed the beam by the finite element method
using ANSYS software, the result shows the suggested beam has less deflection and it was observed that
the bending moment bearing capacity of sinusoidal beam is more than the hexagonal opening beam. Nawar
et al. [3] investigated the castellated beam with sinusoidal and elongated circular web opening and from the
results, it was concluded that by using these shapes, the bearing capacity of the castellated beams was
increased. Wakchaure and Sagade [4] used a Castellated steel beam with a depth of 0.6h, it was observed
when the depth of web opening increases, stresses increase, and flexural stiffness of castellated beams
decreases. Yustisia et al. [5] used three types of web opening; Hexagonal 60°, Diamond 45°, Octagonal
60°. They obtained the following results; the value of the displacement for the hexagonal profile is
12.839mm, 14.433mm for diamond profiles, and 14,972 for the profile of the octagonal. After comparing
the performance graph profile of each type it was found that the hexagonal 60° type has the best
performance among other profiles. Preetha et al. [6] made a comparison between the I section steel beam
and the rectangular steel beam and the analysis shows the rectangular section gives the best convergence
and they have indicated the possibility of enhanced the convergence by improving the mesh or removing
rigid body motion. Morkhade et al. [7] used a large depth of beam web openings and used the reinforcement
around the web openings to increase the stiffness of castellated beams. There is a 36% increase observed
in strength and 44% in the robustness of stiffeners beams compared with reinforced web openings. Khartode
et al. [8] investigated the deflection and essential shear buckling strength of hybrid plate girders for various
yield stress. Erdal and Saka [9] used the finite element method to verify the results of the experimental
work test and investigate the nonlinear analysis of web-post buckling of steel cellular beams and nonlinear
behavior of bending. Grilo et al. [10] determined the shear resistance and proposed a new formulation for
cellular castellated beams and it gives better results than those obtained numerically. Sweedan [11] was
interested in studying the elastic lateral buckling of cellular beams. Bihina et al. [12] made a comparison
between the numerical and the experimental results depended on thermal and thermomechanical analysis.
Lawson et al. [13] were interested in analyzing the composite asymmetric cellular beams and presented the
influence of large web openings. Mohebkhah and Azandariani [14] analyzed the ultimate shear resistance
of non-compact castellated beams (CLBs) and proposed a theoretical formula of limit analysis. Janini et al.
[15] investigated the numerical modeling on fatigue failure for the various designs of web opening under
sinusoidal vibration. Kharode et al. [16] increased the bearing capacity of the castellated beams by using
stiffeners. Zakwan et al. [17] studied the nonlinear behavior of cellular steel beam (CSB) when exposed to
fire under the applied load.
ALKÜ Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 2021, Sayı 3(2): 38- Finite Element Approach for the Bending analysis of Castellated
49 Steel Beams with Various Web openings
In this study, the bending response of castellated beams for five different designs of the web openings is
investigated by means of the finite element method. Results of displacement and stress are presented for all
of the considered cases.
ALKÜ Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 2021, Sayı 3(2): 38- Finite Element Approach for the Bending analysis of Castellated
49 Steel Beams with Various Web openings
Figure 3: Type of web openings for castellated beam; (I) Type-A hexagonal web opening, (II) Cellular
web opening, (III) Type-B hexagonal web opening , (IV ) Type-A and Type-B hexagonal web
opening,(V) Cellular- hexagonal web opening, (VI) Complex beam web opening.
In this study, the approximate global size of 40 is used to mesh the considered beam. The boundary
conditions are fixed-fixed. The beam is assumed to be subjected under the uniformly distributed load of 1
N/mm2. To determine the boundary conditions in ABAQUS, linear and rotational displacements at both
ends of the beam are restricted. The loading is illustrated in figure 4.
ALKÜ Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 2021, Sayı 3(2): 38- Finite Element Approach for the Bending analysis of Castellated
49 Steel Beams with Various Web openings
The bending response of the castellated beam is investigated under the given loading in the previous section
for HA, C, HB, HAB, CH, and CO web openings. In this section, displacement and rotations are obtained.
The transverse displacement values for HA (case I) web opening are presented in Figure 5. From the figure,
it can be seen that in this case, the maximum value of the vertical displacement is 125.8 mm. In the same
manner, vertical displacement results are obtained and shown in figures 6 – 10 for Case II-VI.
From the comparison of the given figures (5-10) it can be clearly seen that the largest vertical displacement
occurs in Case III, while the lowest vertical displacement occurs in case II. The results of the case I and
case III are very close to each other. This shows that the displacements obtained for both types of hexagonal
web openings are approximately equal. The results of Case V appear to be close to those of case I. The
lowest vertical displacement values of the castellated beams with circular web openings (Case II) and the
ease of application have caused such beams to be used a lot in practice.
ALKÜ Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 2021, Sayı 3(2): 38- Finite Element Approach for the Bending analysis of Castellated
49 Steel Beams with Various Web openings
ALKÜ Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 2021, Sayı 3(2): 38- Finite Element Approach for the Bending analysis of Castellated
49 Steel Beams with Various Web openings
In this section, the stress analysis of the considered castellated beams is carried out with the help of the
finite element package program ABAQUS. Von Mises stress values are presented for Case III and Case II
in figures 11-12. The comparison of figures 11-12 demonstrates that values of the Von Mises stress have
the largest value in Case II and lowest values in Case III. But, it must be noticed that the Von Mises stress
generated in the flange of the beam for Case III is greater than those of Case II.
Results for the maximum principal stresses are also compared. Results are presented in figure 13 for Case
II and in figure 14 for case III. From the given figures it can be carried out that maximum principal stresses
generated in Case II are greater than those of Case III. It has been found the Case II gives the best result of
maximum principal stresses.
ALKÜ Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 2021, Sayı 3(2): 38- Finite Element Approach for the Bending analysis of Castellated
49 Steel Beams with Various Web openings
Figure 13: The maximum principal stress fixed supported HB castellated beam
Figure 14: The maximum principal stress fixed supported C castellated beam
ALKÜ Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 2021, Sayı 3(2): 38- Finite Element Approach for the Bending analysis of Castellated
49 Steel Beams with Various Web openings
Comparison of maximum transverse displacements (U2), lateral displacements (U3), and rotational angle
about the axis of the beam (UR1) are presented in figures (15-17) for all of the considered cases. The loading
and boundary conditions are the same as in the previous sections.
Maximum Transverse
Displacement (mm)
Displacement (mm)
Maximum Lateral
ALKÜ Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 2021, Sayı 3(2): 38- Finite Element Approach for the Bending analysis of Castellated
49 Steel Beams with Various Web openings
In this paper, the static response of castellated beams is investigated for various types of web opening by
means of the finite element method. Displacement and stress results are obtained and compared. Based on
the comparison given in the paper the conclusions are as follows:
• The largest transverse and lateral displacements occur in case III, while the lowest transverse and
lateral displacement occur in case II.
• The rotation about the axis of the beam has the greatest values when the web opening is CO and it
has the smallest values when the beam is cellular.
• Based on the comparison of the maximum principal and Von-mises stresses it is found that the
most appropriate web opening is C.
ALKÜ Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 2021, Sayı 3(2): 38- Finite Element Approach for the Bending analysis of Castellated
49 Steel Beams with Various Web openings
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