Jobava London Chess Table #4repertoire
Jobava London Chess Table #4repertoire
Jobava London Chess Table #4repertoire
a b c d e f g h
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
a b c d e f g h
D00 1.d4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
was considered fine for Black, but c7-c6 next, and he has an excellent
nowadays, engines have shown game, probably already slightly better
s o m e i n t e r e s t i n g wa ys t o p o s e for him. 8.0-0 ( 8.Be2 c6! 9.a3
problems. ] Na6 ) 8...Nxd3 9.Qxd3 c6 ]
6.Bd3! Bd3 is a move that works very [ 7.Be3 Ng4! 8.Bg1 e5! Black is
well against c5 ideas. immediately fine. ]
[ 6.Be2?! c5! Where Black is [ 7.0-0 Is White's main continuation.
immediately fine. ] e5! ( 7...Bg4 Would not be a problem,
6...Nc6! Black's best continuation and here I like White's position after 8.e5
the only move that theoretically dxe5 9.dxe5 Nd5 10.h3 Nxc3
a l l o ws h i m t o a i m f o r e q u a l i t y . 11.bxc3 Bf5 12.Ba3 ) 8.d5!?
Although 6...Nc6 cannot be outright This could be an interesting attempt.
refuted; we have several The arranging positions are
challenging lines to explore. Instead complicated from a strategic point of
of focusing on a single view, but White is a bit better. ( 8.fxe5
recommendation, I have provided a W h i t e ' s m o s t c o m m o n m o ve , b u t
co mp r eh e n s i ve o ver vi e w o f t h e Black is immediately fine. dxe5 9.d5
va r i a t i o n , h i g h l i g h t i n g p o s s i b l e Nd4! 10.Nxe5 Nxd5! or 10...Nxe4 is
continuations and numerous new als o fi ne . 11.Nxd5 Bxe5= ) 8...Nd4
ideas. 9.f5 c6 10.Bg5! You can analyze this
[ 6...c5?! It is not so good now, position if you like this type of play. ]
b e c a u s e o f 7.dxc5 dxc5 8.e5! [ 7.e5 Is White's most critical
And thanks to 6.Bd3 Black doesn't continuation, but is a bit unpractical in
have now Qxd1. ] my opinion because Black has many
[ 6...Na6 This is an alternative way of possible variations, and according to
preparin g c7-c5 . 7.0-0 c5 8.d5 the engines, he is also fine in the end,
Now we are going to play a sort of for example: dxe5 8.fxe5 Nh5! 9.Be3
Benoni where we also have the c4 Bg4 10.Be2 f6 11.exf6 Here 11...
square for our pieces. Black's usual exf6 is Black's most common move,
moves here are Rb8 or Nc7, both with but I could not find any advantage
the idea to prepare b7-b5, or Bg4 with after Nxf6! for example: 12.h3 Bxf3
the idea to exchange the light 13.Bxf3 e5! 14.Bxc6 bxc6 15.0-0
squares bishop for our knight. ] Nd5 16.Rxf8+ Bxf8 17.Nxd5 Qxd5
7.Be2!? Is an intense and serious move. 18.dxe5 Qxe5 White has a tiny
The point is that 6.Bd3 was symbolical advantage, but it will likely
intended against c7-c5 ideas, but end in a draw as not many pieces are
now that Black has played 6...Nc6, left on the board. ]
we do n 't n ee d t o wo r ry ab o ut i t [ 7.h3!? Against Bg4 ideas. This move
anymore, and our bishop is better is rare and can be a good one-game
placed on e2. I could not find full surprise weapon. e5! Black's best
equality for Black. reaction. ( 7...Nb4?! 8.Be2 c5
[ 7.d5?! This natural-looking move is a 9.d5; 7...Nh5? 8.g4 ) 8.dxe5 dxe5
mistake. Nb4! Black will continue with 9.fxe5!? This could look scary if Black
i s n o t w e l l p r e p a r e d . ( 9.0-0 to equalize.
Is also possible, but Black is fine after
exf4 10.Bxf4 Be6= ) 9...Nd7 10.Bg5 2
3...e5 Black wants to play in the
Qe8 11.Nd5! Ncxe5! ( 11...Ndxe5? Closed-Benoni style, but here, our
12.Bf6 ) 12.h4 I find this new idea light squares bishop is not limited
quite interesting. According to the by the pawn on c4, as happens in
engines, Black's best is 12...h6, which t h e " C l a s s i c a l Cl o s e d - B e n o n i " ;
is not an easy move, I would say. You that's why we have an improved
can investigate this position more version. 4.e4 d6 5.Bb5+!? Nbd7
deeply. ( 12.Nxc7 Nxf3+ 13.Qxf3 6.a4 This is an important move;
Qe5 14.Bf4 Qxb2 15.0-0 Ne5= )] otherwise, Black could have played
7...Bg4 a6 (with tempo against our bishop)
[ 7...e5?! In the endgame White will be and then b5 . 6...Be7 7.Nf3 0-0
better 8.dxe5 dxe5 9.Qxd8 Rxd8 8.0-0 Both sides have played standard-
10.fxe5 Ng4 Here, White has a lot of developing moves. Black's main
interesting moves, like 11.Nb5, 11. plan in these structures is to
Nd5 and 11.Bg5. It's not easy to play e x e c u t e f 7 - f 5 . 8...Ne8 9.Bd3
from the Black side. 11.Nb5 ] Our bishop is well placed against
8.d5! There is not too much theory in f5. 9...g6 Black's typical idea is
this position, and White has a Ng7-f5. 10.Bh6 Ng7 Black is ready
pleasant plus. You can check more for f7-f5. If W hite's pawn would
about it in "1.e4 practical repertoire h a ve b e e n o n c 4 , t h e n B l a c k ' s
according to Jobava part 5". Unit 4 position would have been more or
sidelines-Pirc and Philidor [GM Pier le ss p la ya b le . He re i t i s wo rs e ,
Luigi Basso] because White has another
2...d6 3.e4 e5 You should also be a d d i t i o n a l i d e a : 11.Nd2!
ready against the Philidor. 4.dxe5 Our knight will go to c4: this is an
Is a very practical option for White, other advantage of having the pawn
and it has been deeply analyzed in still on c2. 11...Bg5 This is a typical
our database "1.e4 practical idea for Black: the exchange of the
repertoire for White according to dark-squares bishops is usually in
Job ava ". I wi ll give you t he ke y his favor.
directions; then you can check it by [ 11...f5 12.f4 White can better
yourself or check our other course. handle the tension in the center
4...dxe5 5.Qxd8+ Kxd8 6.Bc4 Ke8! because of the more active pieces. ]
[ 6...Be6?! In the past, this was 12.Bxg5 Qxg5 13.Nc4! Qe7
considered fine for Black. Nowadays, Black's position is much worse. For
engines have shown that Black has example: 14.a5 This is not
some problems after 7.Bxe6 fxe6 necessary, but it's a good move.
8.f3! White will rotate his knight to d3 14...f5 Sooner or later, Black will play it.
via h3-f2. ] 15.exf5 gxf5 16.f4! e4 17.Be2
7.f4!? This is a very good try for White, In the middle of the 20th Century,
and Black should be well prepared Botvinnik already showed the
main classical lines. 7.Be3 cxd4 14...Qe7 15.Rxb7 Black has now three
[ 7...Qb6 Is a very concrete line, but a moves: 15...Qd8, 15...Qh4+ and
bit dubious. After 8.Na4 Qa5+ 9.c3 15 . . . Rc 8 . E ac h o f t h e m ma y b e
Black can choose between cxd4, c4, objectively fine but has some
and the modern b6 (which may be the practical problems. You need to
best) . All you need to do is to study study these lines well and have a
:) ] clear idea about what to do with
[ 7...a6 This is Black's old main line. White against each of them. Unit 4
Here you can choose between a lot of sidelines-2nd move e6 [GM Pier
lines like 8.a3, 8.Qd2, 8.Ne2 (with the Luigi Basso]
idea c3) . ] 2...Nc6 Black is meeting our
[ 7...Be7 8.Qd2 0-0 ( 8...a6!? Jobava London with a Jobava
This is another important line, often London! Even if may seem fine, it is
played by Bluebaum. In my opinion, for sure not as sound as the Petroff
White's most interesting move here is Defense. 3.Bf4 Nb5 is an
9.Bd3!? ) 9.dxc5 Black can retake with unpleasant threat, Black should
the knight, with the bishop or even stop it with 3...a6. It would be fine
play 9...Qa5!? ( 9.0-0-0?? Is a huge for Black if they could copy us again
m i s t a k e , a f t e r c4! Black is with 3...Bf5, but it doesn't work.
immediately winning because he will 3...a6 Black stops Nb5, but wastes a
continue with b5, creating a huge tempo on it, while 4.a3 is a possible
queenside attack against our king. )] move, I think 4.e3 is more
8.Nxd4 Qb6 This is a very important reasonable, to try to develop faster.
variation. If you want to study the [ 3...e5 This gambit is not
Stainitz, I suggest to start from it recommended for Black, but White
because it is very concrete, and should know how to react to it.
Black tries to equalize move by 4.Bxe5! This is the first
move, like in the poisoned pawn counterintuitive decision, White gives
variation of the Najdorf (6.Bg5 e6 7. up the bishops pair, but this way, the
f4 Qb6) . pawn on d4 will not be protected by
[ 8...Bc5 Black's old main line. 9.Qd2 the knight on c6, which is more
0-0 10.0-0-0 a6 11.Nb3! Is a very i m p o r t a n t . Nxe5 5.dxe5 d4
strong move for White, that's why the This is Black's idea, now the best
7...cxd4 8.Nxd4 Bc5 system is not so retreat is to the starting square. 6.Nb1
popular anymore. ] Black generally develops his kingside
9.Qd2 pieces in this position, but there is
[ 9.a3!? Might be a good surprise another interesting try with 6...c6.
alternative. ] A) 6...c6 It takes away the c6
9...Qxb2 10.Rb1 Qa3 11.Bb5 Nxd4 square for the knight, but opens up
12.Bxd4 a6 13.Bxd7+ Bxd7 14.Rb3! the diagonal for the queen to jump
Important inclusion to remember. on b6. 7.Nf3 Qb6!
[ 14.Rxb7?! Bb4= Black is Qd4 is impossible now due to ...
immediately fine. ] Bc5. 8.Qc1 Bc5 9.Nbd2 Be6
A dream endgame for White, with expecting somebody to play this way.
1 2 . b 4 c o m i n g n e xt a n d g 3 - B g 2 6.Nce2!? We can also be deep and try
e v e n t u a l l y .) 8.a3 Na6 9.b4 to hint at some c4 ideas. Play can
Black has troubles developing his continue with e6 7.Nf3 Nf6 8.a3
kingside, and also the pawn on e4 Bd6 9.c4 And now Black is in a bit of
will be regained sooner or later. ] a dilemma, will they go for ...Bxd3 at
[ 3...Nf6? This blunders a pawn. 4.Nb5 a cost of a tempo, will they take on c4
e5 Only move. 5.Bxe5 Even stronger and remain with a bishop on g6 that
than dxe5. Nxe5 6.dxe5 Black either can be targeted by a future knight
loses the d5 pawn due to the tactic on coming to f4 or will they go for short
c7, or plays a6 7.Nc3 d4 8.exf6 castle and allow Bxg6 hxg6 that
dxc3 9.Qxd8+ Kxd8 10.bxc3 gxf6 ma k e s t h e k i n g a b i t vu l n e r a b l e ?
11.e3 Probably winning this While all 3 of the options are playable,
endgame against a computer will not White is slightly better. ]
b e e a s y , b u t a g a i n s t a h u m a n , I 6.cxd3 I always enjoyed taking on d3
believe in White's chances. ] with the pawn, and for some players
4.e3 Bf5 Black continues to play a it is a strange concept to double the
Jobava London himself. pawns voluntarily, but the positive
[ 4...Nf6 This is also natural, now we factor is that we control c4 and e4
go for the typical Jobava London plan. square and also the c-file is now
5.Bd3 First to prevent ...Bf5. Bg4 open. Black's position is playable,
Black plays in the Caro-Kann style, but I really like White's chances
but of course with a pawn on c7 and here. 6...e6 7.Nf3 Bd6
e3, things are different for Black. 6.f3 This is logical, but now we try to
Bh5 7.Qd2 No need to push g4 trade on our terms.
immediately, it will come sooner or [ 7...Nf6 If Black decides not to trade
later. Bg6 8.0-0-0 I don't think it is bishops, White has easy play after
necessary to go deep into the details 8.Qb3 Rb8 9.0-0 Everything is
of this position, White has pleasant harmonius in White's position, while
pla y, b eca us e th e k ni gh t o n c6 i s the c6 knight is a bit misplaced. ]
misplaced in my opinion. The plans 8.Bg3 Nge7 9.0-0 0-0 10.e4
with e4 will soon be reality, and the Black will take on g3 sooner or later,
pressure on d5 is much stronger than and we will have two sets of
th e o n e o n d 4, t h a t' s wh y we c a n doubled pawns but more open files
argue that the knight on c3 is better to generate play on. While the
than the one on c6. ] positions seem dull, a lot of play is
5.Bd3 We can offer a trade of bishops left here. You will need to practice a
a n y wa y i t wa s t h e b e s t s q u a r e bit before getting comfortable in
ava i l a b l e . 5...Bxd3 This is logical, these types of positions, but White
but as you might have expected, has chances here. Unit 4 1...d5
White recaptures with the pawn. sidelines-2...Nc6 variation [GM Pier
[ 5...Bg6 Black refuses to trade on our Luigi Basso]
terms, but it is a deep move, I am not 2...Bf5 3.f3 In this chapter, we will
take a look at Black's minor common move, but it's too slow: 9.Bf4
continuations except the move 3... Bb4 10.0-0-0 ) 9.Nf5 Bxf5 10.exf5
N f 6 . T h e d o w n s i d e i s o b vi o u s , Nc6 11.Bd2 0-0-0 12.0-0-0
White is able to achieve e4. The It's not much, but I believe White is
arising positions are a weird mix of slightly better in the endgame. Bc4
the Fantasy Variation of the Caro- is coming to put pressure on f7, and
Kann. 3...e6?! This is a wrong after a3 White will make sure that
move order to play a reverse the bishop stays on that diagona l
London with Black, because it runs forever. Anyway the 3...Bg6 move
into order is a very rare one, so I don't
[ 3...Bg6 This move order is playable believe Black should be particularly
for Black. Black is aiming to transpose happy to play this position and try to
to known theory after 4...Nf6, so I hold. ]
suppose it makes sense to use that 4.e4 Now ...dxe4 makes no sense, White
f a c t i n o r d e r t o p u s h e 4 . 4.e4 will develop perfectly and have a
After 4...e6, we transpose to what we nice center. 4...Bg6
have seen in the main line after 5.h4. [ 4...dxe4 5.fxe4 Bg6 6.Nf3
Black's idea is the following: ( 4.Bf4!? Black is not in time to play ...e5, so
e6 5.Qd2 After Nf6, we will transpose White can just continue with normal
into the 3...Bf5 variation (Unit 2) .) development. ]
4...dxe4 5.fxe4 e5! Black plays in the 5.h4 Now we harrass the bishop on g6,
spiri t of the Fantas y var iatio n, s o so that Black needs to make one
make sure not to take on e5 and allow more preventive move before
a good endgame for Black, instead we developing. 5...h6 This leads to an
go for 6.Nf3 White enters the excellen t versi on of th e Jobava
endgame on our terms. exd4 7.Qxd4 London.
Qxd4 8.Nxd4 The endgame is slightly [ 5...Nf6?? This loses a piece simply.
better for White, since Black can't 6.e5 Nh5 7.g4 Ng3 8.Rh3 Nxf1
play safely ...Nf6 without allowing e5. Black wins the bishop on f1, but White
That's why Black tried developing the is in time to play. 9.h5+- Both pieces
bishop on f8 first. Bc5 This allows are trapped and will soon be
White to gain the bishops pair. collected. ]
( 8...Bb4 A similar idea we have seen [ 5...h5 White can play in the same
in the Philidor endgame also. 9.Bd2 style as after 5...h6 with exd5, but
Nf6 Now the line gets forced. 10.e5 keeping the tension is also interesting.
Bxc3 11.Bxc3 Ne4 12.e6! 6.Bd3 Nf6 7.Bg5 Highlights the
A nice touch to get rid of the downside of ...h5, and after 7...Be7
w e a k n e s s o n e 5 . 0-0 13.Bb5!? both 8.e5 and 8.exd5 lead to a
To stop Black from playing ...Nc6. c6 pleasant position for White. The
14.Bc4 Nxc3 15.bxc3 Engine will weaknesses on the kingside are juicy
hold, but in practical games, the pawn targets for a future knight coming to
on e6 gives White a pleasant f4. ]
i n i t i a t i v e .; 8...c6?! Black's most 6.h5 Bh7 7.exd5! I like this move for its
bishop will be strong on the diagonal. Bxf6 12.c3 Black is solid, but White
Black's main problem is that the knight has the better chances after moves
from b8 cannot reach d6. So this like Re1-Bf3. ]
means that White has potential to [ 9...Bf5 Playing for ...e6 is maybe the
push the d5 pawn further down the most log ical . 10.Ng3 e6 Black is
board. ] ready to enter a structure we have
[ 7...Nbd7 Holding the tension is an s e e n e a r l i e r . 11.0-0 This is an
interesting try. 8.Be2 0-0 9.0-0 b6 ambitious choice, to sacrifice a pawn,
Both sides develop normally, now I but have a good structure. ( 11.Nxf5
like 10.f3!? A bit strange to voluntarily exf5 12.0-0 Nd7 13.c3 I actually
play this, since the knight was already don't mind Black's position that much,
protected, but the point is to it is playable, but White has some long
disincentivize Black from ever taking term chances.) 11...Qxd5 12.Qxd5
on e4 as it allows fxe4! and the exd5 13.Nxf5 gxf5 14.Rd1 Rd8
structure change favors White. Bb7 15.Bg5 Rd7 16.Bd3 White regains
11.Be3 White continues with natural the missing pawn, but Black has a
moves like Qd2-Rad1 next and should fine structure, still White has some
be slightly better. The unpleasant fact chances due to the bishops pair. ]
that Black needs to face, is that yes 10.0-0 Rd8 11.c3 e6 But now I like the
his pieces are decently placed, but the pawn sacrifice. 12.Bg5! We play on
pawn on d5 is very annoying and it t h e d a r k s q u a r e s . 12...Rxd5
takes up a lot of space. Black doesn't 13.Qc1 Nd7 14.Bc4 The exhcange will
have freedom to maneuver in peace, b e l o s t a n d B l a c k wi l l n o t h a ve
while White can try different things sufficient compensation. 14...Re5
like improving the bishop to g5 or f4, [ 14...Qc6 15.Bxd5 exd5 16.Ng3
at some point start playing a4-a5 etc. White will try to play Bh6 on the next
The game can continue: Qc7 12.Qd2 m o ve , b u t b r i n g i n g p i e c e s t o t h e
Rfd8 ( 12...Rad8 13.Rad1 Rfe8? center is also valid. ]
T h i s i s b a d b e c a u s e o f 14.d6 15.Ng3 Rxg5 16.Qxg5 Still Black has
and the rook is misplaced on e8.) a pretty solid position, but White
13.Rad1 a6 14.a4 And it is logical should press here.
that Black tries to change a bit the 5...Nbd7 6.Ng3 g6
d yn a m i c wi t h Nxe4 15.fxe4 Be5 [ 6...Nb6 This try is a bit risky. 7.Bg5
But here White enjoys a stable Nfxd5 8.Nxd5 Trading queens only
a d va n t a g e . 16.Bf4 The diagonal is helps White to develop faster. Nxd5
neutralized and White can start 9.Bc4 Qa5+ 10.Bd2 Qd8 11.Qe2
thinking about playing on the f-file. ] White will regain e4 and at the cost of
8.Nxe4 0-0 9.Be2 Let's check three a pawn will have a big initiative. ]
possible ways of how the game can 7.Ngxe4 Bg7 8.Be2 transposes to 5...
continue. 9...Qb6 Playing against g6 move order.
the d5 pawn is most critical.
[ 9...Nd7 Black can also try to chance 10
6...a6 was played in a game
more pieces. 10.0-0 Nf6 11.Nxf6+ between Niemann and Duda quite
recently. Niemann took on e6, but 10.Bg5 is to deep and also takes
objectively the best move is 7.Be3 away the future possibility of giving
No w dxe6 i s a bi g th re at , si nc e a check on f6. 10...Nc6
White will be able to recapture with [ 10...Bf5 11.0-0-0
the rook. 7...exd5 8.Nfxd5 Be6 A) 11...Nd7 is an independent way
should be advised, but now White to continue, but White can play now
enters a risk free position. A1) 12.Be2 This keeps more
[ 8...Nxd5? This is a disaster for Black, hope alive to outplay your
because the queenside is severely opponent. 0-0-0 13.Nc3
weakened by the move ...a6. 9.Qxd5 The typical maneuver to b5. Be5
Black's position is on the edge of not T h e m o s t a c c u r a t e . ( 13...Bb8
being holdable anymore. ] Desperately clings on to material,
9.Bc4 Nc6 10.Nxf6+ Qxf6 11.Nxe4 but Black's pieces are a bit
Qg6 12.Bxe6 Qxe6 13.Qf3 s t r a n g e l y p l a c e d . 14.Rd2
After the recaptures, White is left And there is not a satisfactory
with a pleasant position, due to the move for Black, they should
weaknesses in Black's camp. While ret ur n mat eri al , so it wa s no t
the engine doesn't think that clear why to play 13...Bb8 in the
Black's situation is critical, in first place.) 14.Nb5 Now Black
human terms, I would be worried to should understand that it is time
continue a game from this point on. t o g i v e B a c k m a t e r i a l . b6
( 14...a6?! 15.Nd6+! We get the
7...Be7 Not entering the endgame bishop's pair, and Black will have
is not advisable, after all Black's t o d e f e n d s a d l y a f t e r Bxd6
s t r u c t u r e i s b a d . 8.Bb5+! 16.Rxd6 The knight cannot stay
Good intermezzo, ...Bd7 is met with on d7 forever, and when White
Bf4!. 8...Nc6 9.Nxe7 Qxe7 wins the c5 pawn, the position is
10.Bf4 Taking on c6 is also fine, but with good chances.) 15.Nxa7+
there is no need. We stop ...0-0 for Kb7 16.Nb5 White wins back the
now, and are ready to meet ...Bg4 pawn, and play continues after
with Qd6. White will sooner or later Nf6 17.Bc4 Objectively, the
regain the missing pawn, and enjoy position is balanced, but I don't
a risk free position. think Black is out of the danger
8.Qxd5 Qxd5 9.Nxd5 Bd6 ye t . T h e r e i s n o c l e a r wa y t o
Th e c r i t i c a l p o s i t i o n . E n g i n e i s reach a drawn endgame,
happy, and evaluates the position meanwhile, White can continue
as 0.00. But not all 0.00 mean with useful moves like a4 and
equality, and here I believe it is one h3.;
of t h o s e c a s e s . B l a c k n e e d s t o A2) 12.Bc4 This would have
continue to demonstrate precision been nice, if not for 16...Nc4!.
in the endgame, otherwise they can 12...0-0-0 13.Nc3 Ne5 14.Bd5
get an unpleasant position. 10.Be3 b6 15.Nxe4 Bxe4 16.Bxe4
The most natural square to develop. Black is in time to trade the
bishops with Nc4= and position 16.Rhe1 Black has not fully equalized
is balanced.; in my opinion, and White can
B) 11...Nc6 transposes into the continue to find resources. b4 or
main line. ] Bd5-Be4 is on the cards. Unit 4 1...
11.0-0-0 Bf5 This is Black's most d5 sidelines-2...c5 [GM Pier Luigi
resilient try. transposes into the Basso]
main line.
[ 11...Be5 This gives up the pawn 12 3...Qb6!? It's a new, interesting
prematurely. 12.Bxc5 Bg4 13.Rd2 idea, played re cently by Alexe y
0-0-0 14.Bc4 And White should be Dreev. 4.e4 A strong novelty and
quite happy with what they achieved. White's most principled continuation.
...f5 push is stopped in time with Be3, Now, Black can gain a pawn, but
otherwise it is tough to say what is the problem will be his lack of
B l a c k ' s p l a n . Rd7 15.Ne3 development. 4...dxe4
Another powerful idea, the bishop gets [ 4...Qxb2 This is the first move that
to d5. ] we need to check. We cannot refute it
12.Nf6+! The only resource left for us, completely, but Black's position is
but it is important to not allow Black very dangerous, and even according
to castle. 12...Ke7 Only move. to the engine, White has a decent
[ 12...gxf6?? is a losing blunder. plus. 5.Bd2 dxe4 6.Rb1 Qa3 7.Rb3
13.Rxd6+- White will slowly collect all Qd6 8.Nxe4 We are much ahead in
of the weak pawns. ] development, and also, our rook on b3
13.Nd5+ Going forward is a bit can join the game from the third rank.
a d v e n t u r o u s . 13...Kf8 Qd8 ( 8...Qxd4?! 9.Re3 Nf6 10.Nf3
Black immediately runs to safety, Qd8 11.Bc4 ) 9.Nf3 Nf6 10.Bd3
but their problems are not finished Nxe4 11.Bxe4 It's impossible to
yet, because it will take some time a n a l yz e t h i s p o s i t i o n t i l l t h e e n d ,
to bring the h8 rook into the game. especially because there are no
[ 13...Ke8?! is a dubious choice, g a me s . B u t wh e n yo u l o o k a t t h e
because anyway Black will need to positon and at the engine's evaluation,
leave the e-file. 14.Nc3 Nd4 15.Bc4 it becomes clear that Black's play is
And after Rhe1, Black will need to very risky. ]
lose another tempo on ...Kf8. ] [ 4...e5!? This interesting move leads
[ 13...Ke6?! Niemann-Shevchenko, to ve ry i r ra ti o na l p os it i on s : 5.dxe5
Black's king is exposed on e6. 14.Nc3 ( 5.Bxe5 Qxb2 Now we cannot play
B c 4 + n e x t , i f p o s s i b l e . Ne5 Bd2 anymore, as it was possible in the
A g a i n s t B c 4 + i d e a s . 15.Re1 4 . . . Q x b 2 l i n e .) 5...Bc5 6.Qd2
Black's king is misplaced on e6, and And now Black has a strong idea:
White has a huge initiative for the Bxf2+! 7.Qxf2 Qxb2 8.Kd2 Qxa1
missing pawn. ] 9.exd5 Black has a full exchange up
14.Nc3 Nd4! The only move to not be but it's clear that White has a good
worse, Black needs to close the d- compensation. The best line,
file or echange pieces. 15.Bc4 Rd8 according to the engine, countinues in
the following way: Ne7 10.e6! fxe6 the same time, he has played the
11.Bd6 Nd7 12.Bxe7 Kxe7 13.d6+ move c7-c6, which is not his ideal
Ke8 14.Qh4 Nf6 15.Nge2 Qb2 plan in the 3...g6 lines. You can
16.Ng3 Bd3-Rf1 next. Engine shows check the line I wrote at the start of
+0,30, but I believe that with perfect the file so that you can compare
play, it will end in some forced draw. ] the variations. 5.h3 Bg7 6.Nf3 0-0
5.Nxe4 Bf5! This is Black's best
7.Be2 Nbd7
continuation, in my opinion. If you [ 7...b6 8.Ne5! Now, Nbd7 is not
think about it, this is a Caro-Kann possible because Black's pawn on c6
wi t h t h e m o v e s B f 4 - Q b 6 b e i n g
woul d b e h ang ing . Nfd7 ( 8...Bb7
included. 9.h4 h5? 10.g4+- ) 9.h4 Nxe5
[ 5...Nf6 6.Bd3 Qxd4 7.Nf3 Qb6 10.Bxe5 Bxe5 11.dxe5 f6 12.Qd4
8.Nxf6+ gxf6 9.0-0 ] Nd7 13.Nxd5! Nxe5 14.Nf4 Qxd4
[ 5...Qxb2 Once again, Qxb2 is 15.exd4 Nf7 16.0-0-0 ]
principled but also very risky for Black. [ 7...c5 Black can decide to play
6.Bd3 Nf6 ( 6...Qxd4? 7.Nf3 Qb6 anyway, c6-c5, even losing a tempo.
8.0-0 ) 7.Nf3 Nxe4 8.Bxe4 ] O f c o u r s e o n e t e mp o wi l l ma k e a
6.Bd3 Bxe4 7.Bxe4 Nf6 8.Bf3 Nbd7 huge difference. 8.0-0 Ne4 ( 8...Nc6
9.c3! 9.dxc5 ) 9.Nxe4 dxe4 10.Ng5 cxd4
[ 9.Ne2 0-0-0= e7-e5 next, and Black 11.exd4 Qxd4 12.Qxd4 Bxd4 13.c3
has a good counterplay. ] Bg7 14.Nxe4 ]
9...Qxb2 8.a4!? Taking some space on the
[ 9...0-0-0 10.Qc2 Black cannot play queenside. 8...a5 9.0-0 b6 10.Re1
e7-e5 anymore as our queen is not on Bb7 11.Bd3 Rc8 12.Qe2
the 'd' file. ] We can continue with Rad1 and e3-
10.Ne2 Qa3 11.Rb1 White keeps e4 at some point.
some initiative, and it's not easy to 4...Qb6 Compared to the 3...Qb6
play from the Black side. variation, here we cannot play e4
3...Bf5 4.f3 e6 If Black tries to play an ymor e , b u t we ha ve a n ot h e r
the Bf5 line but without including interesting direction: 5.Na4 Qa5+
Nf6, then it's bad for him: 6.c3 Nbd7 7.b4 Qd8 8.h3 White has a
[ 4...Nf6 5.e3 trans to 3...Nf6 4.e3 pleasant position. h3 was useful to
Bf5 ] never allow Nh5 ideas. We want to
5.e4! We are able to play this move only continue with Nf3-Bd3 normal
because Black's knight is still on g8. development. Of course, this
5...Bg6 6.h4 h6 position is not forced, but I want to
[ 6...h5 7.Bd3 dxe4 ( 7...Nf6 share with you some possible lines
8.Nge2 ) 8.fxe4 Qxd4?? 9.Nb5+- ] to make you understand for what to
7.exd5 exd5 8.Qd2 p l a y f r o m t h e W h i t e s i d e . 8...b6
Black takes control at the c5 square,
4...g6 This is a sort of 3...g6 not allowing Na4-c5 ideas. 9.Nf3
variation. On one hand, Black has e6 10.Bd3 Be7 11.0-0 0-0 12.Rc1
avoided the Qd2-Bh6 plan, but at Bb7 13.Qb3 These moves are quite
logical for both sides. Now, Black's cannot develop a knight to d7 without
problem is that he doesn't have playing a move like Qe7 or Qc7 first,
space, and it's difficult for him to wh i c h wo u l d c o s t a n o t h e r t e mp o .
play c6-c5. 13...Qc8 Preparing Ba6 ( 10...b5! This is Black’s strongest
ideas. idea. He can then continue with Nbd7-
[ 13...a5 14.b5! c5 15.Qd1 ] Nb6-Be7-Nh7-00, and his position will
[ 13...Rc8 14.Rfd1 Re8 15.Nb2 be fine. For example: 11.Nge2 Nbd7
Black can never play c6-c5, because 12.0-0-0 Be7 13.Kb1 Nb6 14.Rdg1
his bishop on b7 would be hanging. ] Nh7= 00 next, and Black is absolutely
14.c4!? We can play this move using fine. ) 11.Nge2 Bxf4 12.exf4!
Black's misplaced queen on c8. This is an important positional idea.
14...dxc4 15.Bxc4 Nd5 16.Bxd5 exd5 Now we will play for the e5 square
17.Nc3 Nf6 18.a4 with a maneuvre like Qe3-Nc1-Nd3.
Nbd7 13.Qe3! The queen is ideally
5...h5 6.Bd3 Black's pawn on h5 placed on e3 in this structure. Our
is misplaced. plan is Nc1-Nd3, but by playing 13.
Qe3, we are not committed to
7...h6 This move is more anything yet, and our opponent cannot
conservative. It stops our Nb5 ideas, b e s u r e o f o u r n e x t m o v e . Qe7
but at the same time, Black loses I don't know if Black had some better
the flexibility to play the typical c7- ideas, but I think that the general
c5 break. We will analyze a model evaluation would not change much:
game: Jobava-Salgado. GM Baadur W h i t e i s p r e s s i n g . 14.Nc1!
Jobava: 'If you recall from the The start of our knight maneuvre. Nb6
previous game, Mamedyarov 15.b3! OBviosuly we don't want to
played 7...c5, which allowed me to allow Nc4. Qa3 My opponent places
place a strong knight on b5. This a queen on a3 so that I will not have
time my opponent opts for a more long castle options, but my king will
conservative approach with 7...c6, be fine also on the kingside as we will
which prevents the Nb5 ideas. In see. 16.Kf2 0-0-0 17.Kg3
my opinion, 7...a6! is Black's best The king is well-placed on g3. Nfd7
move, planning to play c7-c5 later. 18.Nd3 Rde8 19.Qc1!? I am offering
This way, White will not have Nb5 a queen exchange, and if Black
ideas.' 8.Qd2 We have transposed exchanges queens, I can push a2-a4,
into the 3...Bf5 variation. which will gain space on the
[ 8.h5?! This move is natural but it is a queenside. Qd6 My opponent chose
mistake. It is better for White to keep to keep the queens, which is a
the pawn on h4. Bh7 9.Bd3 Bxd3 personal choice and not necessarily
10.Qxd3 Bd6?! It is not ideal for Black the best one objectively. ( Also in the
to develop the bishop to d6 because endgame White's position is better,
when he captures on f4, White will f o r e x a m p l e : 19...Qxc1 20.Raxc1
r e c a p t u r e wi t h t h e e - p a wn . A l s o , Kc7 21.Ne2 C 2 - c 4 n e x t . Kd6
when Black’s bishop is on d6, Black 22.c4 ) 20.Ne5? This move looks
natural but is a mistake. Now Black get the excellent d4 square if Black's
can exchange on e5 and then play for pawn disappears from c5. Kb8 29.b4
f7-f6. ( 20.a4! This should have been Now I will play some natural attacking
my move, where I am better, for moves against the Black's king. Rc8
example: Kb8 21.a5 Nc8 22.Na4 ) 30.Rhb1 Qd8 31.a6! Finally I have
20...Rhf8? ( 20...Nxe5! This was the pl a yed i t . b6 32.c4 d4 33.Qe4+-
right way to punish my 20th move. White is strategically winning. We
21.fxe5 Qc7= Black will continue with can continue with b4-b5, then transfer
Nd7-f7-f6 and later g7-g5 ideas might a knight to d3, and prepare slowly for
come (maybe supported by a rook on f4-f5, possibly first doubling the rooks
g8) . The position is complicated, but on t h e f - f i le . I f B l a c k ma n ag e s t o
Black is not worse objectively.) 21.a4 exchange queens, our king will have
( 21.Nd3 I had the chance to go back the strong e4 square. White’s position
and continue in the previous style, is objectively winning. 1-0 (33) Jobava,
with a2-a4 next. But of course it is B (2716)-Salgado Lopez,I (2605)
difficult to go back like this in a game, Yerevan 2014 [GM Baadur Jobava] ]
and if I have played 20.Ne5, it means [ 8.Bd3! This move is preferable
that I liked my chances also after without the inclusion of h5-Bh7. Bxd3
Nxe5, even if most likely I was 9.Qxd3 The main difference here is
wrong. ) 21...Nxe5 My opponent goes th at wi th t he pa wn s t il l on h4 , we
for it now, but the inclusion of the have potential g5-hxg5-hxg5 ideas.
m o ve s a 4 - R h f 8 i s c o n ve n i e n t f o r From the previous game, you already
White. The move a2-a4 was indeed know that when White's pawn is on h5,
useful for White. In fact, Black’s rook Black has the strong resource Nh7! to
on h8 may need to be repositioned to stop all g4-g5 ideas, and White cannot
g8 to support g7-g5 ideas, while the make much progress on the kingside.
a2-a4 move was useful for W hite. Bd6 10.Nge2 This is a better version
22.fxe5 Qc7 23.a5 Nd7 24.Qe3 for White compared to what happened
( 24.a6 This is a move that I had to in the game. ]
include. The point is that after 24...b6, 8...Nbd7
I can slowly prepare c2-c4, where [ 8...Bd6 This is even worse for Black
B l a c k ' s c 6 s q u a r e w i l l b e w e a k .) because after 9.Nh3 I am ready to
24...f6 25.f4 Rf7 ( 25...a6= r e t a k e o n f 4 wi t h t h e k n i g h t , a n d
Black had to stop a5-a6 ideas. Then Black cannot even develop normally
he can play Kb8-Rg8-Nf8-g5 with an wit h Nb d7 be ca us e Bd6 wou ld b e
interesting and complicated position.) hanging. If Black loses a move by
26.Ne2 ( 26.a6! Once again I had to playing Qc7 or Qe7, I can take on d6
i n c l u d e t h i s m o ve . b6 27.Ne2 ) and jump with the knight on f4. ]
26...c5?! My opponent plays this 9.0-0-0 b5 Black is playing on the
typical push, but now his king will be qu ee ns id e . 10.Kb1 Nb6 11.Bd3
vu l n e r a b l e . ( 26...a6! ) 27.c3 fxe5 Bxd3
28.dxe5! White is ready for b2-b4 [ 11...Nc4?! Positional mistake
ideas, and then our knight on e2 can because after the exchange on c4, our
king will be very safe. 12.Bxc4 bxc4 ( 7.Qb3 Qb6= ) 7...Bd6 8.Bxd6
( 12...dxc4? Is out of the question Qxd6 9.e4;
because after 13.e4 Black's bishop B) 6...Bd6 7.Qb3! b6 ( 7...Bxf4?!
on g6 is out of the game, and White 8.Qxb7 Nbd7 9.exf4 c5 10.Nf3 )
has a huge center.) 13.h5 Bh7 8.Bxd6 Qxd6 ( 8...cxd6 9.e4 )
14.Nge2 I can always continue with 9.Nf3 We are ready to play e3-e4.
Ka1-Rb1, and my king is very safe, There is a very nice model game,
and it's virtually impossible for Black Pragg-Giri 2024. ]
to create an attack. Meanwhile, I will [ 5...Bg6 6.h4!? Our idea is to play h4-
start my own attack on the kingside. ] h5 and force Black to play Bxd3. Bd6
[ 11...b4 12.Nce2 Nc4 13.Bxc4 dxc4 7.h5 Bxd3 8.Qxd3
14.e4 ] A) 8...Nbd7 9.Nf3 h6 10.0-0-0
12.cxd3 The c4 square is protected. Qe7 11.Kb1 0-0-0 12.Qe2
8.g5 Nfd7 If you remember, his White is now ready for Ne5
position would have been fantastic because after Bxe5-dxe5, Black
if Black had played Nc6 instead of doesn't have Ng4. ( 12.Ne5? Bxe5!
c6. But now White is better because 13.dxe5 Ng4 );
the move c7-c6 is not helpful for B) 8...Bxf4 9.exf4 This position is
Black. For example: 9.Nge2 Nb6 interesting and playable. White can
10.Bh3 Be7 11.Bg3 Nf4 next. Unit 4 continue with Qg3-Nf3-000. ]
1...d5 sidelines-2...c6 and 3...c6 [ 5...Bd6 Has the same spirit of 5...c5,
[GM Pier Luigi Basso] but now Black committed his bishop to
d 6 t o o e a r l y. 6.Bxf5 exf5 7.Bg5!
4.e3 e6 5.Bd3!? Nowadays, this is Black's pawn on d5 is now hanging.
White's most common continuation c6 8.Qf3! h6 ( 8...g6?! 9.g4 ) 9.Bh4
at the high level. We will discuss it g6 10.Bxf6 ( 10.g4? g5 That's why
in a separate chapter. Black's best Black had to include 8...h6 9.Bh4.)
continuation is now This line is very 10...Qxf6 11.g4 Nd7 12.gxf5 Qxf5
popular at the high level, but it has 13.Qxf5 gxf5 14.Nce2
a problem which I was not able to /= This position remind the Kramnik
solve: 5...c6! Not fearing the variation in the Carlsbad: 1.d4 d5 2.c4
structure arising after Bxf5-exf5. e6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.cxd5 exd5 5.Bg5 c6 6.
Black plays a useful waiting move, e3 Bf5!? 7.Qf3 Bg6 8.Bxf6 Qxf6 9.
and he is not afraid of the Bxf5- Qxf6 gxf6. White's idea is to play Nh3-
exf5 structure. Ng3-Ke2-Kf3. Black is solid, but White
[ 5...Bxd3 This is Black's most can press a bit. ]
common continuation, and here, I like 6.Bxf5
White's chances. 6.cxd3! White can [ 6.Nf3 Was suggested in some books,
continue with Qb3 and it's possible to but they don't mention what to do if
press: Black just waits Be7 7.0-0 Nbd7=
A) 6...c6 The move c6 is useful Black's position is fine, in my opinion.
only to meet 7.Qb3 with 7...Qb6, Of course, you can play like this with
but otherwise, is not great. 7.Nf3 White, but you will just have an equal
White has good chances, but the [ 8.e4 Nb6 Black is ready to play
position is still complicated. Nc6. ]
17.Kd1 Kc2 next. Then Rag1-g5 8...Be7! Black's best continuation, and
ideas. ) 17.g5!! Sooner or later, it the reason behind the choice to
had to come. hxg5 18.h6 g6 play 5.Qd2 instead of 5.g4. GM
19.fxg5 Bxg5 20.h7+ Baadur Jobava: 'This is how the
It looks like the Black's king will modern engine is playing this
be safe on g7 or h8, but things position. The idea is that after'
are not working for him tactically. [ 8...a6 J o b a v a - N a k a m u r a 9.Bd3
The rest of the game was nice, Bxd3 ( 9...Be7?! This move was good
but I will not comment on it too at move 8, but not now. 10.Bxg6 fxg6
much because it is less important 11.Qd3 Because of the fact that
for my goal of building a good Black has spent a tempo on 8...a6,
understanding of the positions. now his king is still on e8 and and he
Kg7 21.Be5+ f6 22.Nd6 Rh8 will need to play Kf7 to defend the g6
23.Nf4 Bxf4 24.Bxf4 g5 pawn. If his king would have already
25.0-0-0 Nc4 If you are still been on g8, then after Kh7 Black's
watching, you can try to guess position is much better. )
which move I have played now. A) 10.Qxd3! Of course I had to
26.Rh6! Kxh6 27.Nf7+ Kg7 take back with the queen. Now I
28.Nxd8 Raxd8 29.b3 Nb6 might have ideas like g5-g6. For
30.Rg1 Rxh7 31.e4 Kh8 32.e5 example: c5 ( 10...g6
gxf4 33.Qg6 Rf8 34.exf6 Black prevents g5-g6, but now we
A very nice win against such a a r e r e a d y t o p l a y 11.e4
strong player as Mamedyarov! In And Black is under some pressure,
my opinion, his troubles started mostly because he has spent two
at move 7, when he played the t e m p i f o r a 6 a n g g 6 , wh i c h a r e
move 7...c5, and he allowed my useful moves but not the priority.
knight to jump to b5. 1-0 (34) Next we can contin ue wit h lon g
Jobava,B (2713)-Mamedyarov,S castle ad then slowly prepare the f4-
(2743) Dubai 2014 [GM Baadur f5 push. ) 11.g6! f6 12.Nge2
Jobava] ] The position is objectively equal
7.g5 Nfd7 GM Baadur Jobava: 'In this but practically very interesting.;
file, we will see that it's possible to B) 10.cxd3 Sometimes this idea is
reach this same position with the good, but here it is not great.
moves Qd2 and Be7 already 10...Nc6 11.g6?! I understood that
included. This is a crucial difference, my position started to be risky from
as the inclusion of these moves a s t r a t e g i c p o i n t o f vi e w, a n d I
can significantly influence the decided to complicate things, but
d i r e c t i o n o f t h e g a m e . ' 8.e3 o b j e c t i ve l y, t h i s i s a b a d p a wn
GM Baadur Jobava: 'This is White's s a c r i f i c e . fxg6 12.Bg5 Be7
most commo n continu ation, bu t Black is already much better. I
now Black is already better after' managed to put up a good
Baadur Jobava: 'Anyway this move works, but here I have the following
is useful to support g4-g5, but for r e s o u r c e : ' 9.a3! Nxc2 10.e4
the moment there is no need to GM Baadur Jobava: '+-' GM Baadur
reveal my cards. Maybe playing for Jobava: 'Disrupts the protection of
e4 is more important, depends on the knight on c2, and White wins a
what Black wants to do now.' 6...a6! piece.' ( 10.g4?? Na1-+ ) 10...Na1
This is Black's best continuation. 11.Kb1 Nb3 12.Qc2+-;
The idea is to play c7-c5 without B) 8...Bd6 GM Baadur Jobava:
allowing Nb5. GM Baadur Jobava: 'Black develops normally, and here
'Black is preparing ...c5, so a good I commited a fatal mistake.' 9.g4!
prophylactic is' After both Bh7 and Bg6, the Nb4
[ 6...c5 7.Nb5! Na6 8.e3 idea will not work effectively. GM
Our knight on b5 is very strong. ] Baadur Jobava: 'was now
[ 6...Be7 7.g4! Bg6 8.0-0-0 ne c e s s a ry, W h i t e c a n ' t d e l a y i t
Typical Nh3-Bg3-Nf4 plan. ] a n y m o r e a n d a f t e r ' ( 9.Nge2?
7.0-0-0! And now we don't play g2-g4. GM Baadur Jobava: 'The point is
GM Baadur Jobava: 'and the point that in the same line after ...Nb4,
is to meet 7...c5 with 8.e4!.' 7...Bg6! my knight will be under attack after
Best move for Black, a prophylactic ...dxe4 and ...exf3. This changes
move. But now we have saved a completely the evaluation, a very
tempo on g2-g4. b a d b l u n d e r . ' Nb4 GM Baadur
[ 7...c5?! 8.e4! GM Baadur Jobava: J o b a va : ' !' G M B a a d u r J o b a va :
'And the following complications are 'Luca finds it, and soon enough I
good for White, also visually it is clear found myself in a hopeless situation.
that we have a big lead in the ' 10.a3 Nxc2 11.e4 dxe4 12.Qxc2
deve lopment. ' dxe4 9.fxe4 Nxe4 exf3 GM Baadur Jobava: '-+' GM
10.Nxe4 Bxe4 11.Qe3 Bd5 Baadur Jobava: 'This is the reason
12.dxc5 ] why Nge2 was not working, Black
[ 7...Nc6 This is the move Luca Moroni regains the piece back.' 13.Qa4+
played against me in one of the rapid b5 14.Nxb5 axb5 15.Qxb5+ Kf8-+
training games. GM Baadur Jobava: Jobava-Moroni training rapid.
'Luca is playing a Jobava Londo n 16.gxf3 Nd5 17.Be5 f6 18.Bh2
himself, now it was critical to decide Kf7 19.Rd2 Qe7 Thank you for the
how to continue, I didn't like 8.a3 games Luca, they were all
because it runs into an attack after ... interesting and insightful, I hope
b5.' 8.e3 GM Baadur Jobava: 'This is you enjoyed and see you next time!
logical, I don't need to play 8.g4 yet, ½-½ (19) Jobava,B-Moroni,L [GM
developing pieces is anyway useful, Baadur Jobava]) 9...Bh7 ( 9...Bg6
and I also want to have somewhere 10.h5 GM Baadur Jobava: 'and
e3-e4 with tempo against the bishop anyway I am able to achieve g5
on f5.' followed by e4.' Bh7 11.g5 hxg5
A) 8...Nb4?! GM Baadur Jobava: 'It 12.Bxg5 e4 or h6 next.) 10.Nge2
was important to calculate if this GM Baadur Jobava: 'now Nge2 and
reckon with the 11.Bxa6 option. I’m 0-0-0 I think it is an interesting option.'
not saying that the consequences Nxd5 13.Nxd5 exd5 14.Qe2+
of 11.Bxa6 bxa6 12.Bxc7 Qd7 are GM Baadur Jobava: '!' GM Baadur
particularly difficult to assess, but I Jobava: 'Strong move I found, now
assure you, the real challenge is Luca for sure cannot enter an
considering a move like 10...Na6 in endgame with such ugly pawns, so ...
the first place. It’s a move that Kf8 is forced, but now the rook on h8
doesn’t align with the usual thought will be out of play for a few moves.'
process and can easily be Kf8 15.Qd2 I had a good structural
overlooked. a d v a n t a g e i n t h e J o b a va - M o r o n i
[ 10...dxe4?! 11.Bxc7 ] r a p i d t r a i n i n g g a m e . ( 15.Nh3
[ 10...c6 This is a very natural move to T h e k n i g h t i s r e r o u t e d t o f 4 . Nc6
play. 11.Bc7 Qc8 ( 11...Qd7?? 16.c3 Also 16.Qd2 was fine, but this
Leaves the knight on b8 undefended.) f e l t m o r e s o l i d . Bf5 17.Nf4 g6
12.Nge2 We’ve reached a very 18.Kf2 I feel like White has a very
interesting position to play. Our plan is good advantage now, since Luca is
to continue with moves like 0-0-0, Bh3, getting low on time, there is no need
and Nf4, and it’s not easy for Black to to continue. As you can see, 10...
find a clear plan. While Black’s Bd6? was the crucial mistake,
position isn’t bad, it’s certainly less allowing the ruining of the structure
straightforward to play compared to was not worth it, I got very easy play
ours. This gives us a practical edge as afterwards. ½-½ (18) Jobava,B-
we can pursue our ideas with more Moroni,L [GM Baadur Jobava] )]
clarity and direction. ] 11.0-0-0
[ 10...Nc6?! Black is playing for [ 11.Bxa6?! I s b a d f o r u s . bxa6
compensation, but objectively, it is not 12.Bxc7 Qd7 Rc8-Nc4 next and
a great move. 11.Bxc7 Qd7 12.Bxb6! Black has a huge counterplay on the
axb6 13.exd5 exd5 ( 13...Nxd4? queenside. ]
14.0-0-0+- ) 14.Bh3 ] 11...0-0 12.Nh3 Black is objectively
[ 10...c5?! This is a very natural move. fine, but the position is very
11.Bc7 Qc8 ( 11...Qd7?? playable, especially since not a
12.Bxb8+- ) 12.Bd6 I like White's single pawn has been exchanged
i n i t i a t i v e . F o r e x a m p l e : cxd4 yet! Our idea is to eventually move
13.Nb5 ] the bishop from f4 and jump there
[ 10...Bd6 GM Baadur Jobava: '?' GM with the knight. This is the best
Baadur Jobava: 'Luca played a bad Black can hope to achieve after 5...
move, Black is completely ruining his Be7, in my opinion, and I’m fully
structure, but it is understandable that satisfied to play this position in the
wi t h o u t k n o wi n g t h e p o s i t i o n , h e worst-case scenario. :) Unit 2 3...
wanted to protect c7.' 11.Bxd6 cxd6 Bf5-Joba va's sp irit [G M Baadu r
( 11...Qxd6 12.Qxd6 cxd6 13.exd5 ) Jobava]
12.exd5 GM Baadur Jobava: 'Spoiling
the structure is principled, also 12. 20 4.e4 This move might have greater
Black has a solid position with very dangerous for Black to castle
natural development. Many strong queenside, as White can castle short
players opt for this variation with and then quickly advance with b4-a4,
Black, believing their position is launching a swift attack on the
c o mp l e t e l y f i n e . I n my o p i n i o n , queenside. ]
these players are heavily influenced [ 12...0-0 13.h4 a6 14.Bd3 trans. ]
by the engine's 0.00 evaluation. I 13.Bd3 Obviously, we have no intention
believe that White has their own of exchanging our bishop on c6.
ideas on how to proceed, Black’s 13...0-0
position can be slightly [ 13...e5?! 14.Bc2 exd4 15.Nxd4 ]
u n c o mf o r t a b l e f r o m a p r a c t i c a l [ 13...b5!? Black could also choose to
s t a n d p o i n t . 9.c3 The next moves immediately proceed with the minority
are n at ur al a nd l og ic al f or b ot h a t t a c k b y p u s h i n g b 5 - b 4 . 14.h4!?
sides: GM Baadur Jobava: 'I have This is a typical idea for us, as we
to play this sooner or later, so let's want to gain space on the kingside by
do it right now. Don't forget that ... advancing h4-h5. b4 15.Rc1 0-0
Qa5+ is a threat, that's why Ne2 is ( 15...bxc3 16.Qxc3 Qb4 17.a3
inaccurate, because check and the Qxc3+ 18.Rxc3 Kd7 19.Kf2
knight has to go to c3 where it is a We can play a long endgame because
bit misplaced.' 9...e6 GM Baadur we might potentially have a passed
Jobava: 'Most natural way to play.' pawn on the kingside.) 16.cxb4 Nxb4
10.Ne2 GM Baadur Jobava: 'Now I really 17.Bb1 White is threatening Qc3!
expect ...Bd6, 9 players out of 10 where suddenly Black's knight on b4
would go for this move, including c a n b e t r a p p e d . Rfc8 ( 17...h5?
myself.' 10...Bd6 GM Baadur 18.Qc3! a2-a3 next, and Black has big
Jobava: 'Yes, Luca goes for it, and troubles with his knight on b4. From
now an important moment is to not the Black side, it is very easy to miss
play Qd2, because after Black a n i d e a l i k e Q c 3 .) 18.Kf2 h5
takes on f4, Qa5 will be possible White was ready to play g2-g4, so h7-
and the queen is very good there.' h5 looks very logical and good.
11.Bxd6! I believe it’s better for White to ( 18...h6 19.g4 ) 19.Rxc8+ Rxc8
capture on d6, otherwise Black can 20.a3 Nc6 21.Rc1 /= We want to
continue with Bxf4 followed by Nxf4 continue with b2-b4, aiming to control
and develop their queen to a5. GM the c-file and create a passed pawn
Baadur Jobava: 'That's why I go for on the queenside. While the engine
Bxd6. I prefer that the queen stays may consider this position perfectly
on d6 than on a5.' fine for Black, from my point of view,
[ 11.Qd2 Bxf4! 12.Nxf4 0-0 13.h4 W h it e s t il l h o ld s c er t ai n p r ac t ic a l
Qa5= Black's queen is very well chances. ]
placed on a5. ] 14.h4!? We want to gain some space on
11...Qxd6 12.Qd2 GM Baadur Jobava: the kingside. The move h2-h4
'The idea is to meet' 12...a6 doesn't weaken our king, as we can
[ 12...0-0-0?! 13.0-0 It is very place it on f2, where it will be well-
develop his knight to f3. In the 5... ago, finding something interesting
Bg4 6.f3 Bd7 variation this will not against this line was very difficult.
be possible because White's pawn [ 7...Qb6 Has been played in a few
is on f3. 9.Nf3 g a me s b u t a f t e r 8.Na4! White will
have Nc5-Nd3 ideas. I think that 7...
6.Nf3 This is White's main Qb6 is not great because it allows
continuation, and we will analyze it White to improve the bad knight on c3,
i n a s e p a r a t e c h a p t e r . 6...Nc6! g a i n i n g a t e m p o . Qa5+ 9.c3
This is for sure Black's best White is ready for Nxc6 and then b4-
continuation. Nc5. Nxe5 10.Bxe5 e6 11.Bd3 Bd7
[ 6...Bf5?! 7.Ne5 ] 12.Bc2 b4-Nc5 next. ]
[ 6...Bg4 This is a standard move, and [ 7...Bd7 This is Black's most popular
usually, it is good for Black. But here continuation. The idea is not to allow
he has spent a tempo on the move a7- White to force the Nxc6-bxc6
a6, and White might have some structure. 8.g4!? This is White's best
dynamical possibilities: 7.h3 Bxf3 chance to fight for the initiative.
( 7...Bh5? 8.g4 Bg6 9.Ne5 A) 8...Rc8 It is not wise for Black to
h4 next and Black is much worse.) allow 9.g5;
8.Qxf3 Nc6 9.0-0-0 Yes, Nc3 is not a B) 8...Nxe5 This move is concrete,
great piece in t he exchange Car o but it doesn't fully equalize: 9.dxe5
Kann structure, but it allowed us to B1) 9...Nxg4 10.Rg1
play long castle, while Black has lost No games. Black's knight on g4
a m o v e o n a 7 - a 6 . e6 10.g4! is in potential danger.;
The key, if not this move, Black would B2) 9...Bxg4 The critical
be completely fine. Bd6 ( 10...Be7 continuation, but it doesn't work:
11.g5 Nd7 12.h4; 10...Bb4 11.g5 10.f3 Nh5 Black relais on this
Bxc3 12.Qxc3 Ne4 13.Qe3 ) c o n c r e t e mo ve . 11.fxg4 Nxf4
11.Kb1!? The idea is to play Bc1 and 12.Qd4 And Black has serious
then g5. ( 11.g5 Is not strong p r o b l e m s , f o r e x a m p l e : Ne6
anymore, because Black has Bxf4+ ( 12...g5? 13.e6+- ) 13.Qa4+
12.Qxf4 Nh5= g6 next and Black is Qd7 14.Bb5+-;
fine. ) 11...Bxf4 Black should B3) 9...Ne4 10.Nxe4 dxe4
exchange before allowing White to 11.Bg2 Bc6 12.0-0 White is
play Bc1. ( 11...Qc7 12.Bc1 ) slightly better with zero risk. The
12.Qxf4 Rc8 13.g5! Black's knight e4 pawn will be hard to defend
wi l l l a n d o n h 5 , b u t n o w we h a ve for Black.;
some concrete ideas. Nh5 14.Qd2 C) 8...h6 I like this move, maybe
g6 ( 14...0-0? 15.Be2 ) 15.Be2 Ng7 even more than 8...e6, but Black
16.Bg4 Black's knight is passive on should be very familiar with the
g7. White can continue with h4-h5. f o l l o wi n g c o n c r e t e l i n e s : 9.Nxc6
Nf5?! 17.Bxf5 ] Bxc6 10.Qf3 e6 11.0-0-0 Bb4!
7.Ne5 White's only chance to play for an Black is fighting for the e4 square,
a d v a n t a g e . 7...e6 Until one year but he is also preparing Qa5.
but less effective due to the earlier Kh7 a8 Rxa8 52.Qa8 cxb2
b3, which weakened the queenside. 53.Qe4+ g6 54.hxg6+ fxg6
The point is that it will be harder for 55.Nd4 Qa5 56.Rxb2 Qc3
us to play Nd3, as our knight on c3 57.Rh2+ Bxh2 ½-½ (57) Jobava,B
i s n o t s t a b l e . Nb4 ( 17...Nh7 (2669)-Mchedlishvili,M (2604) Izmir
A better option for Black, preparing 2016 [GM Baadur Jobava] ]
Be7 and O-O while slowing down 15...Qa5 A logical move to support b4
White's kingside play.) 18.Rd2 while discouraging Na4.
P r e p a r i n g N 3 e 2 a n d c 2 - c 3 . Be7 [ 15...b4 16.Na4 Qa5 17.b3
19.N3e2 Qb6?! This was a misstep. With the bishop heading to b2, White
If Black wanted to play with Qb6, gains a solid p ositional edge . Be7
then it was better to maintain the 18.Bb2 Qb5 19.Qe3 Nd3 is next. ]
knight on a5 to have the Nc4 16.Rdg1 This prepares the typical f4-g5
option. ( 19...Nh7! Once again, the advance, keeping both sides in the
best choice, planning O-O.) 20.c3 game.
Nc6 21.Nd3 b4?! This move 7...g6 Now we can use the ideas
seems like a mistake in hindsight, we have studied in the 3...g6 part.
though understandable given the 8.Qd2 Bg7 9.f3 Preparing g2-g4 and
typ ica l n atu re of the qu een sid e taking under control the e4 square.
play. ( 21...Nh7! Still the most solid 9...0-0 10.h4 We are ready to play Bh6-
continuation for Black, leading to an h5.
equal and complex game.) 22.Rc2 7...Nb4 Black wants to exchange
Preparing to use the c-file, turning the knight for our bishop on d3. We
Black's queenside play to White's are fine with this exchange as long
a d v a n t a g e . Na7 ( 22...bxc3 as Black's bishop cannot easily
23.Rxc3 Rhc1 next, and in case of develop to the f5 square afterward.
23...O-O, we have 24.g5!) 23.Nxb4 8.h4 g6 Black is preparing Nxd3+,
Nb5 24.Rcc1! Preventing Na3+. a5 followed by Bf5.
25.Nd3 Na3+ 26.Ka1 a4 27.b4 [ 8...h5 9.a3 Nxd3+ 10.Qxd3
White's king is safe, and the extra Thanks to the inclusion of the h4-h5
p a wn g i ve s a c l e a r a d va n t a g e . moves, it will be riskier for Black to
However, mutual time trouble led to castle kingside. ]
a draw after a series of adventures. [ 8...e6 9.h5 h6 ( 9...Be7 10.h6 g6
Nc4 28.Qg1 Qb5 29.Rh2 Nh7 11.a3 Nxd3+ 12.Qxd3 0-0 13.Bg5 )
30.Qd1 0-0 31.Ng3 a3 32.Re2 10.a3 Nxd3+ 11.Qxd3 Be7 12.g4 ]
Rfe8 33.Rcc2 Ng5 34.Re1 Nb2 9.f3 h5! Black's most precise move
35.Nxb2 axb2+ 36.Kb1 Rc6 order.
37.Bxg5 hxg5 38.Ne2 Rec8 [ 9...Nxd3+ 10.Qxd3 Bf5 11.Qd2
39.Rxb2 Bf6 40.a4 Qb8 41.Qd3 Now we are ready for g2-g4, while
Rc4 42.Rc1 Qa8 43.a5 e5 after h5 12.Nd1 Is a very strong
44.dxe5 Bxe5 45.Rcc2 Qb7 46.b5 idea. We will continue with Ne3. ]
R8c5 47.a6 Qb6 48.Qf5 d4 10.a3 Nxd3+ 11.Qxd3 Bf5 12.Qd2
49.Qd7 dxc3 50.a7 Ra4 51.Qe8+ Rc8! This move is intended against the
isn't surprising. Thanks to the knight slowly improving our pieces. The rook
on c3, Black can often create on e1 is well placed, and our long-
counterplay along the 'c' file.; 11...a6?! term plan should involve preparing c2-
While it might look logical, this would c4 when the time is right. Kf8 17.Nf4
have been a positional mistake. After With this move, Black’s king can no
12.Bxc6+ bxc6 13.Na4 White gains longer head to g7 without leaving the
a grip on the dark squares that would e7 pawn vulnerable. This restricts
make Black’s life very difficult. ) Black’s options and gives me more
12.Nge2 a6 13.Bxc6+ Qxc6 14.0-0 control over the position. e6 18.Rac1
The queen on c6 isn’t doing much. It’s As I mentioned earlier, I’m gradually
a small detail, but in chess, small preparing c2-c4. No need to force
details can decide the game. A rook anything—better to wait for the right
o n c 6 wo u l d h a v e b e e n f a r m o r e moment. Ne8 My opponent wants to
e f f e c t i v e . ( 14.Rc1!? ) 14...h4 man euver his k nig ht to d6 . 19.Nb5
This move doesn’t pose any Nd6 20.Nd3!? A creative move, if I
immediate threats, but it’s a sneaky may say so myself! However, it might
one! Black is grabbing space on the not have been the best choice.
kingside, setting the stage for future Creativity in chess is a double-edged
play. ( 14...Kf8!? This might seem sword—it can lead to brilliant ideas or
odd at first, but improving the king’s s u b t l e m i s t a k e s . ( 20.Nxd6 Qxd6
position with 14...Kf8 followed by 15... 21.c4 dxc4 22.Rxc4 leaves White
Kg7 is a solid plan. Don’t with a slight but persistent advantage.
underestimate the importance of king The c-file, weak dark squares and
safety in the middlegame.) 15.a4 safer king make for a strong
Th is s ee mi ng ly si mp le move pu t s c o mb i n a t i o n .) 20...Bxd3 21.cxd3!
Black in a tough spot. Should he let Even though computers might suggest
me play a4-a5, fixing his pawns, or th a t Bl a c k ca n h ol d t h is p o si t i o n ,
should he challenge it? Sometimes, practically speaking, it’s tough. White
the most effective moves are the least has strong control over the c-file, and
flashy. a5?! I’m not a fan of this move. the weaknesses on b5 and the
It weakens the b5 square, which could misplaced queen on c6 are starting to
become a long-term problem for tell. Qb6 22.Qf4 Nxb5 23.axb5
Black. ( 15...Kf8! Was Black's right We’ve reached a position where
continuation. 16.a5 Kg7 We are a Black’s practical chances are
bit better, but Black's position is dwindling. The pressure is mounting,
solid.; 15...b6?! This move might and eventually, I managed to convert
seem natural, but after 16.a5! b5 this into a win. Rh5 24.Rc5 Kg8
17.Na2 We have the important b4 25.Qf6 Rh8 26.Rec1 Qd8 27.Qxd8+
and c5 squares for our knight, and Rxd8 28.Rc7 Kg7 29.Rxb7 Rb8
Black's position is hard from the 30.Rxb8 Rxb8 31.Rc5 Kf6 32.Kf2
practical point of view.) 16.Rfe1 a4 33.Ke3 Ra8 34.b6 Rb8 35.Rb5
Patience is key in these positions. No Ke7 36.Kd2 Kd6 37.Kc3 Kc6
need to rush—we should focus on 38.Kb4 Kb7 39.Rc5 Ka6 40.Ra5+
is close to equal, but it's something 31 7.0-0-0 The most common move.
new, and we have a clear plan in mind, Now Black has a very strong
so we will definitely have good continuation. 7...c5! 8.dxc5 Qa5
practical chances. ] In the past, I stopped the analysis
9.e3 Nc6! Black needs to be very well here, but now I see that the engine
prepared to play this. is suggesting an interesting
[ 9...c4?! In the only game where the direction which I wanted to share
move 7.f3 was played, Black played with you 9.Nxd5!? Qxa2 10.Qc3
here 9...c4, which is already an At first glance, it seems that Black
inaccuracy that doesn't allow him to is super fine. Then I started to
equalize. You can see yourself how doubt, but this line will not be my
eas y i t i s to go wro ng wi th Bla ck : main suggestion because of
10.Rc1 Bd3 11.Bxd3 cxd3 12.Nh3 10...Kh6!! The position is objectively
Nf2-Nxd3 next. Bakalchuk-Ushenina. equal, and I think this is Black's
The point is that White has a more strongest move because it forces a
harmonious setup in this move repetition.
symmetrical structure + Qh6 doesn't [ 10...Be6 This is Black's most human
allow him to castle. ] move. 11.Nxf6 exf6 12.Nf3
10.Rc1 cxd4 11.exd4 Nxd4 12.Nb5 A) 12...Rc8 13.Nd4 Nd7 14.Qa3!!
g5! This is Black's safest continuation to Nxc5! ( 14...Qxa3?? 15.Nxe6+
ensure a draw. fxe6 16.Rxd7++- ) 15.Qxa2 Bxa2
[ 12...Ne6 This continuation is also 16.Kd2= but playable.;
fine, but it leads to more uncertain B) 12...Nc6 13.e3 Rfd8 14.Bd3 ]
positions, where it's difficult to say if [ 10...Qa1+ 11.Kd2 Qa4 12.b3 Qc6
Black has equalized or not. 13.Rxc2 13.Kc1 Be6 14.Nxf6 exf6 15.Nf3
a6 14.Na3 I think that Black is fine Na6 16.Nd4 Qxc5 17.Qxc5 Nxc5
objectively, but the position is very 18.g3 ]
rich and certainly playable. ] 11.Qd2+
13.Nxd4 [ 11.b3?! Rd8 12.e4 Nc6
[ 13.Qxg5? Ne6 Ne6 is coming with Can be very dangerous for White. ]
tempo against our queen. Black can 11...Kg7 12.Qc3=
play Bg6 on the next move. ]
13...Qa5+ 14.Ke2 Qa6+ 15.Ke1 32
7...Nbd7 Usually Black plays this
[ 15.Kf2?? Nxg4+-+ ] move when he wants to play e7-e5.
15...Qa5+= And it's a draw by repetition. There is no point in playing it if he
wants to play c7-c5, as then the
6.h4?! As I have said at the start, knight on d7 will be misplaced. Also,
we are not going to play the Qd2- 7...Nd7 is better than 7...Nc6
Bh6 plan in order to attack later, but because Black keeps the option to
we wa n t t o p l a y i t p o s i t i o n a l l y. play c7-c6 to defend his pawn on
6...c5! 7.Bxg7 Kxg7 8.e3 cxd4 9.exd4 d5. 8.h3!? Anyway, we will go for
h5 the h3-g4 plan, as in the main line.
[ 8...e5? This move is premature now. our next move will be.
9.dxe5 Nxe5 Now White doesn't need [ 8.dxc5 is how I used to play all of my
anymore to play g2-g4 but can instead life, but positions are balanced after
focus against Black's d5 pawn. Qa5= ]
10.0-0-0 c6 11.e4 ] 8...Nc6 This is an automatic move in my
9.g4 opinion. Black can also play 8...
[ 9.0-0-0?! Long castle is premature cxd4 9.exd4 Nc6, but after 10.g4 it
now. b5 Black can start a fast transposes to 8...Nc6 9.g4 cxd4 10.
queenside attack. ] exd4. 9.g4!? This is a new idea of
9...e5 If Black wants to play e7-e5, then mine. It's a prophylactical move
this is the best moment for him to because we are preventing Bf5, a
do it. strategic move because we play for
[ 9...b5!? 10.g5 Ne8 Black is kingside space and restricting
transferring his knight to d6. 11.h4 Black's knight on f6, and also a
Nd6 12.f4 Very complicated position. concrete move because sometimes
We are ready for h5-Qh2 ideas. we will threat g4-g5, where Black's
( 12.f3!? might also be interesting, but pawn on d5 might be hanging.
then you are allowing 12...e5. e5 )] 9...cxd4 This capture is a very standard
10.dxe5 Nxe5 11.0-0-0 We are ready continuation for Black.
for f4-g5-Nf3. 11...Qe7 12.f4 Ned7 [ 9...e5? Very often our opponent will
13.g5 Black now has a choice, and it's play such moves that are seemingly
ve r y e a s y f o r h i m t o g o wr o n g . active but objectively bad. There are
13...Nh5! t wo p o s s i b l e r e a s o n s b e h i n d t h e
[ 13...Ne4?! 14.Nxe4 Qxe4 15.Bg2 choice of such moves: - panic reasons
Qe7 16.Nf3 We can continue with ; - trying to punish us because of our
h4-h5. ] non-standard play. 10.dxe5 Nxe5
14.Nf3 We are now threatening Rg1, 11.0-0-0 We can continue with f2-f4
where Black's knight on h5 will be a n d B l a c k ' s p a wn o n d 5 i s we a k .
out of the game. 14...b5! White is better. ]
[ 14...Ng3 This is a natural move, but [ 9...h6 This is a logical and human
a n i n a c c u r a c y . 15.Rg1 Nxf1 move because Black is preventing g4-
16.Rdxf1 h4-h5 next. ] g5 ideas. 10.dxc5!? I like this move
15.Nd4 also from a psychological point of
[ 15.Rg1?! b4 ] view: Our opponent will be worried
15...Bb7 because we have taken a pawn and
[ 15...b4? Now it doesn't work for he may start to think that 9...h6 was
t a c t i c a l r e a s o n s . 16.Nxc6 Qc5 an inaccuracy. ( 10.Bg2?! This was
17.Nxd5! Qxc6 18.Qd4+ f6 my first instinct, but engine thinks that
( 18...Kg8?? 19.Ne7# ) 19.Bg2 ] is dubious because of cxd4 11.exd4
16.Be2 Ng3 17.Rhg1 Nxe2+ b5 As we will see, very often b7-b5
18.Ncxe2 Very interesting position, will be a key move for Black.; 10.f4!?
open for three results. This can be an interesting alternative.
8.h3!? Formally not a novelty, but cxd4 11.exd4 White has an
( 12...e6?! Black doesn't have time the game will still go on, and we are
for normal play: 13.f4 Nh7 14.Nf3 not talking about the typical Berlin
Nf6 15.Rg1 White can continue defense equality :) . ]
with Bd 3 a nd then do ubl ing th e 10.exd4 Qa5
rooks on the 'g' file, pressuring [ 10...Ne4?! This is a panic move.
Bl ac k 's g6 pa wn t ha t i s we ak e r 11.Nxe4 dxe4 12.d5 Ne5 13.0-0-0
b e c a u s e o f t h e m o v e 9 . . . h 5 .) Black's position is dangerous because
13.Qxd5 Ne6 Black will recover the the pawn on e4 might be weak. Qd6
missing pawn; his position will be 14.Ne2 f5 ( 14...Bd7?! 15.Qd4 f5
fine, but we definitely have a game: 16.gxf5 gxf5 17.Nf4 ) 15.gxf5 Bxf5
14.Qc4 Nxc5 Qxc6 For instance, ( 15...gxf5? 16.Nf4 ) 16.Bg2
this is natural, but a bit dubious Ng3 next, pressuring the e4 pawn.
Qh4 15.a3! We need to play this Eventually, h4-h5 could be a plan. ]
p r o p h y l a c t i c m o v e . ( 15.Bg2? [ 10...e5 Once again, this is a typical
Be6 ) 15...Be6 16.Qf4 Rfd8 p a n i c m o v e . 11.dxe5 Ne4
17.Rxd8 Rxd8 18.Nf3 Balanced ( 11...Nxe5? 12.0-0-0 Black's d5
fighting position, open for three pawn is weak, and we can continue
results.; with f4-Bg2-Nge2.) 12.Qxd5 Nxc3
B) 10...Ne4 This is Black's 13.Qxd8 Rxd8 14.bxc3 Nxe5 15.f4
c l e a n e s t c o n t i n u a t i o n . 11.Nxe4 Our extra pawn is not great, but it's
dxe4 12.d5 Ne5 13.Bg2 still an extra pawn. ]
Usually the e4 pawn can be weak in [ 10...h5 This is the move that Luca
such situations, but here concretely Moroni has played against me in our
we will not have time to play against training rapid game.
it. Bf5 14.f4! Unfortunately, we A) 11.0-0-0?! Rh8! 12.g5 Ne8
need to play this simplifying move. 13.Bg2 Nc7 Jobava-Moroni
( 14.0-0-0?! Would be generally 14.Nf3 Qd6 Luca is playing well so
nice, with the idea to continue with far, and now I went for the wrong
Ne2-Ng3, pressuring Black's e4 plan, and soon got outplayed.
pawn, but here the engine thinks 15.Ne5 It is too tempting to play this
w e a r e n o t i n t i m e a f t e r b5 ) move, ...Nxe5 opens up my pieces,
14...exf3 ( 14...Nd7?! This is a slow but I forgot Black can just ignore it
move because now for sure we can with ( 15.Ne2 was a better choice
play 15.Ne2 ) 15.Nxf3 We might and try to exchange queens on f4,
have Qc 3 i de as . Nxf3+ 16.Bxf3 but objectively Black has a good
Qd6 17.0-0-0= The position is position. ) 15...Bf5 Last chance to
equal. Our plan is to play e4, salvage was 16.h4 to try and
forcing Black's bishop to leave f5, exchange b ishops, bu t I playe d
then we might play h4 to defend the 16.f4 Here position is already
g5 pawn, and then we can slowly critical, and Luca and I both missed
double the rooks on the 'f' file. I that Black has 16...Nb4! very
cannot say that White has higher strong. e6 ( 16...Nb4! The pawn is
chances than Black, but for sure lost. ) 17.Kb1 b5 18.Rc1 Rhc8
19.Nd1 b4 20.Ne3 Nb5 21.Nxf5+ human, not allowing g4-g5 ideas, but
gxf5 22.Qe2 Nc3+ Okay, Luca Black will have a difficult game after
offered draw, he played well this we play 13.f4 ]
game, and I confused something, 13.g5 Nh5 14.Nxd5 Qxd2+ 15.Kxd2
11.Bg2! was the critical try, after 11. If Black has played 12...b5, then he
0-0-0, my position started to drift a h a d t o s e e h e r e 15...Nxd4!
little bit, and I couldn't find a good A tactical idea that allows him to
plan for White. Thank you for the take back the pawn. 16.Nxd4 Bb7
second game! ½-½ (22) Jobava,B- 17.Rhe1 Bxd5 18.Bf1!? I want to keep
Moroni,L [GM Baadur Jobava]; the bishops. According to the
B) 11.Bg2! This was White's engine, this position is equal; in a
strongest continuation. GM Baadur practical game, I would think that I
Jobava: 'with the same idea but am a bit better because of the 3 vs
also to put pressure on d5 and try 2 maj o r it y. E n g in e e q u al i z es i n
to force Black to go ...e6. White different ways, for example:
should maintain the pressure for as 18...Bg2!?
l o n g a s p o s s i b l e . ' 11...Be6 [ 18...Bc4 19.Bxc4 bxc4 20.Kc3
This is Black's most logical move, This looks risky for Black, but
defending the pawn on d5 and not according to the engine, Black is fine
committing for e7-e6. ( 11...hxg4? after Nf4= ]
12.hxg4 Rh8 13.g5+-; 11...Rh8? 19.Bxg2 Rxd4+ 20.Kc3= Once again, I
This is not possible now, because would be a bit worried with Black
G M B a a d u r J o b a v a : ' ? ! ' 12.g5! because of a potential White
G M B a a d u r J o b a v a : ' î € Š ' Ne8 passed pawn on the queenside, but
13.Nxd5; 11...e6 12.Nf3 the computer doesn't believe in this,
Ne5 next. ) 12.Nge2 Qd6 13.0-0-0 so we can assume that Black will
I like White's position. Our idea is be able to equalize here somehow.
now Nf4 and then, eventually, Unit 1 3...g6-Jobava's spirit [GM
gxh5. ] Baadur Jobava]
11.Bg2 Rd8 Black defends the d5 pawn.
12.Nge2 b5! This is Black's only 33
4...c5 GM Baadur Jobava: 'We
continuation if he wants to keep the have already analyzed this position
0.00 evaluation. in Jobava London part 1 while
[ 12...Bd7?! 13.g5 ] speaking about the 3...c5 4.e3 a6
[ 12...Be6 Black's bishop is misplaced move order. I will share the analysis
here. 13.Nf4 ] with you once again.' GM Baadur
[ 12...e6 This is a passive way to Jobava: 'In my opinion, once again
defend the d5 pawn, now after it would have been better for Black
13.Ng3 White has a good initiative; to start with cxd4 followed by exd4,
he can continue with 14.g5, where because now White can try' 5.dxc5!
Black cannot play Nh5 anymore, and GM Baadur Jobava: '!?' GM Baadur
then the h4-h5 plan looks good. ] Jobava: 'And it's not trivial to play
[ 12...h6 This is a normal move for a from the Black side.' 5...e6
And Black must exchange his of bishops, but we have the 'g' file
important bishop. Bxc3+ ( 7...Ba5 and better development. 9...Nc6
is not an option because of 8.dxc5; Our pieces are more active; we
7...cxd4 8.axb4 dxc3 9.Nxc3 have the 'g' file, but Black is solid
Much better for White.) 8.Nxc3 and has the pair of bishops. The
We should be very happy because we position is still playable but
have the pair of bishops, and Black objectively balanced. Black
has no compensation for it. ] pr ep ar es e 5 . 10.Nd3 This is my
[ 6...b5 Black wants to develop a recommendation. The idea is to
queenside play (Bb7-Nbd7-Rc8-c5) . play positionally with f2-f4.
7.a3 It is good for us to know [ 10.Nh5 Everybody plays this move,
immediately where Black's bishop but our knight can be misplaced on
wants to go. Be7! Black doesn't want h5. Bd7! 11.Qf3 f5 12.Ng7+ Ke7
to exchange his dark squares bishop. I understand, the knight on g7 looks
8.Nc1 This is my recommendation. nice, but it's very easy also to get
We want to play in a positional way. worse with White. ]
Our knight could go to b3 or d3, and 10...Bd6 11.f4 Black cannot play e5
Qf 3 is a ls o an o pt io n no w. ( 8.g5?! anymore. 11...Bd7 Black plays for
Nh5 9.h4 Nxf4 10.Nxf4 Qd6 Qe7-000. 12.Qe2 Qe7 13.0-0-0
Black is already a bit better because 0-0-0 14.Qf2 Sometimes, we can play
of the pair of bishops and the e3-e4. Black has two bishops, but
potential quick play on the the position is closed, and our
queenside.) 8...0-0 ( 8...c5?! 9.dxc5 knight on d3 is good. I don't think
Bxc5 10.Nb3 Be7 11.g5 Nfd7 we are better, but the position is
12.h4 White has an initiative. e4 still playable.
could be our next move. Bb7 13.e4 5.Qf3 I was the first to introduce
dxe4 14.Bg2; 8...Nbd7?! Is already this move in practice. The idea is to
bad. 9.Nb3! Bb7 10.Na5 ) 9.Bg2 have the queen ready for kingside
Bb7 10.Nb3 Normally, I would think activity while also preparing for the
tha t B lac k i s a bi t wors e, bu t Ne4! long castle. Objectively, this move
Is a critical move, and probably here is not great, but I think it will be
Black is fine. 11.Nxe4 dxe4 12.a4 very useful to understand the
You can still play it, but the position reason. 5...c5?!
is objectively balanced. ] [ 5...b5 This is Black's strongest
7.Rg1 g5! continuation, but it is a novelty, and it
[ 7...Qh4?! 8.Bg3 Qe7 ( 8...Qf6 9.h3 shows that the position is still difficult
Nh6 10.Be5 ) 9.a3 Bxc3+ 10.Nxc3 to understand by the majority of the
f5 11.Qd2 ] players. 6.g4 Is not so strong now,
[ 7...e5?! 8.dxe5 Nc6 9.a3! Bxc3+ because after ( 6.0-0-0 b4 7.Na4
10.Nxc3 d4 11.exd4 Qxd4 12.Qxd4 Bb7 Black has a good chance for a
Nxd4 13.0-0-0+- Fiorito-Fedoseev, q u e e n s i d e a t t a c k .) 6...b4!
2023. ] Black's knight will have the important
8.Rxg4 gxf4 9.Nxf4 Black has the pair e4 square. ]
play c3, and then we can start playing ( 19...Kc6 ) 20.Rad1 ( 20.e4!
on the kingside. For example: Kf6 21.h5+- ) 20...Bxd1 21.Rxd1
A) 9...Bb7 10.c3 b4 11.Bh3 a5 Nxg6 22.Bxf5+ Kf7 ½-½ (22)
Zhalamakhanov-Kovalev, 2023. Jobava,B-Basso,P [GM Pier Luigi
12.0-0 Basso];
A1) 12...Be7 Would have been a B) 9...Nb6 10.c3 Bd6
standard move for Black. Let's Carlsen-Grandelius, 2020. 11.dxc5
see how the game could Bxc5 12.h5 Ned4 next. ]
develop: 13.Re1 White's plan is [ 6...Bb4 7.g5 Ne4 8.Nge2
Ng3-e4. 0-0 14.Ng3 a4 a 3 n e xt , a n d W h i t e i s b e t t e r . Fo r
Black has to create a fast example: Bb7 9.a3 Bd6 ( 9...Bxc3+
counterplay on the queenside. 10.Nxc3 Nxc3 11.bxc3
( 14...Nb6!? 15.h5 Nc4 16.Rb1 White dominates the position thanks
Is another interesting direction.) to the extra space on the kingside and
15.cxb4! ( 15.a3? This is a to the pair of bishops.) 10.Nxe4 dxe4
p o s i t i o n a l m i s t a k e . b3 11.Bxd6 cxd6 12.Nc3 Qg4 next,
Na5-Nc4 next. Black is better.) difficult to play for Black. ]
15...Nxb4 Black wants a3. [ 6...Bd6 You already know that the
( 15...cxb4? 16.h5 There is no dark squares bishops exchange is
longer tension in the center, and usually good for White. Here is no
White can continue with his exception: 7.g5 Ne4 ( 7...Bxf4 8.exf4
initiative on the king side.) 16.a3 Ne4 9.Qd3 Bb7 10.Qe3
Nc6 17.Rc1 White is better (+0, 000 and Bd3 next. Black has
50 for the engine) , but it's still a p r o b l e m s o n t h e d a r k s q u a r e s .)
fight.; 8.Nxe4 dxe4 9.Bg2 Bb7
A2) 12...h6?! I wanted to create Suyarov-Danielyan, 2024. 10.Qg4 ]
a f ul l f ig ht on a ll si de s o f th e [ 6...h6! This is a better version for
board. Of course, I felt that this Black compared to 5...b5, because
move was dubious, but for a blitz now White cannot play g5. It actually
game, I wanted to create transposes in 5.h4 b5 6.g4 h6,
s o m e t h i n g i n t e r e s t i n g . 13.g6! analyzed in the Jobava spirit chapter.
Using the strength of W hite's 7.Qf3 b4 8.Nce2 Our idea is to play
bishop on h3. f5 If I can play c4, Ng3-Bd3-Nce2. We have a potential
my p o s i t i o n wi l l b e O K . 14.c4! initiative on the kingside, while it's not
Critical: White wants to dismantle clear how to develop for Black an
my pawn structure. dxc4 15.d5 initiative on the queenside. For
Ne7!? 16.dxe6? Was played by example: Bb7 ( 8...Ne4 9.Ng3! Bb7
Baadur, but Black is fine after 10.Bd3 Nxg3 11.Qxg3; 8...c5?! 9.g5
( 16.e4!! Was White's winning Nfd7 10.Bh3 ) 9.Ng3 Nbd7 10.Bd3
continuation: fxe4 17.dxe6 Nf6 c5 11.N1e2!? c4 is not possible
18.Ne5 Qxd1 19.Rfxd1 ) because of Bxc4. ( 11.g5 Ng8 12.c3
16...Bxf3 17.exd7+ Qxd7 I s a l s o a n i n t e r e s t i n g d i r e c t i o n .)
18.Qxd7+ Kxd7 19.Ng3 Ke6? 11...Qb6 12.g5 Ng8 13.c3 ]
compensation for the missing pawn, As you can see, it's very difficult to
and we are also a bit better according play for Black because, very often,
to the engine (+0,30) , but of course, a three-zero evaluation means that
it's a three-results position. ] in a very deep variation, Black has
9.Rb1 Qa3 10.gxf6 dxc3 11.e4! only one move to save.
New, very complicated position. GM 6...Bd6?! As usual, this is a
Baadur Jobava: ' ' GM Baadur dubious move. 7.Bxd6 Qxd6 8.g5
Jobava: 'What is this? :) A Black cannot just play a useful move
completely new position. From here, like 6...Nc6 because after 7.g5!
everything can happen because Black needs to make a concession
both White and Black have a lot of by retreating his knight to a worse
p o s s i b l e mo ve s . I d o n ' t t h i n k i t square.
makes sense to go further, because
it would mean to analyze and 37
8.g5 Ne4 9.Bxe4 dxe4 10.a3!
memorize an endless amount of It's a new interesting position,
va r i a t i o n s i n a c o m p l e t e l y n e w objectively balanced, but with
position for the chess theory. After chances for both sides. Unit 3 3...
all, this is what you are searching in a6-Overview [GM Pier Luigi Basso]
the Jobava London, right? An [ 10.h5 If we just ignore Black's ideas,
interesting new position, which your than cxd4 11.exd4 Ba3
opponent doesn't know. I will just Might become very unpleasant to face.
add some lines that you can check That's why 10.a3 is so important. ]
for your own curiosity.' 11...gxf6 10...cxd4 11.exd4 Strategically, Black is
[ 11...dxe4? 12.fxg7 Bxg7 13.Ng3 doing worse because the pawn on
Nxe4 next or Nh5 and White is e4 is weak. But he can equalize it
already better. ] by p l a yin g d yn ami c mo ve s . Fo r
12.exd5 White's plan may be Rh3-Rxc3. example: 11...e5!?
12...e5 Logical, because Black wants to [ 11...Be7 12.d5!? ( 12.Nge2 0-0
close the center and then develop 13.0-0?! Qf5 ) 12...exd5 13.Qxd5
his pieces. 0-0 14.Qxa5 Nxa5 15.Nd5 Bd8
[ 12...Nd7? 13.dxe6 fxe6 14.Rg1 ] 16.Ne2 I would take White, but
13.Be3 Nd7 objectively the endgame is balanced. ]
[ 13...Bc5!? 14.Rb3 Bxe3! 15.fxe3 12.dxe5 Be6 13.b4 Qb6 14.Nd5 Qd8
( 15.Rxa3 Bd2+= ) 15...Qd6 16.Nxc3 15.c4 a5! 16.b5 Ne7 17.Ne2 Nxd5
f5 17.Bh3 ] 18.cxd5 Qxd5 19.Qxd5 Bxd5 20.Rh3=
[ 13...f5 14.Bh3! And it's difficult for Aroun d equ al e ndgame, even i f
Black's knight on b8 to develop. ] Black is the one who needs to be a
14.Ng3 Bc5 bit more precise. Unit 3 3...a6-5.h4
[ 14...Nc5? 15.Nh5 ] Jobava spirit [GM Baadur Jobava]
15.Bxc5 Nxc5 16.Qf3 Qxa2 17.Rd1
Qxc2 18.Qxf6 Bg4 19.f3 Seems that 38
4.e3 Bb4! It is a very strong move
White is winning, but the engine for Black, which makes his position
finds 19...Qb3= and shows "0.00." already easier to play. Is Black's
17.f5!? During the game, I felt that this most popular move, but I don't like it.
was the last chance to fight for an In my opinion, he shouldn't rush
initiative. 17...Qe7 Understandably, playing c7-c6.' 6.Nc3 We have the
Topalov prevents f5-f6. But now his positional threat of Bxa6. GM
queen on e7 will be misplaced. Baadur Jobava: 'We can now
[ 17...Rac8 Was the best according to consider the Bxa6 idea because
the engine, but it's very difficult for a then we can play for the c5 square.'
human to allow 18.f6 ] 6...Nc7 Black's most common move, not
18.Rhe1 cxd4 19.Rxd4 Qf6 20.Qf4 allowing Bxa6, the problem is that
Rae8 21.Re5 The material is equal, but the knight on c7 is misplaced. GM
I dominate the center. 21...exf5 Baadur Jobava: 'This is by far
[ 21...g6! It was Black's best Black's most popular continuation. I
continuation, but for a human, it's a don't like it because I think Black's
difficult move because it seems to k n i g h t i s mi s p l a c e d o n c 7 . ' G M
weaken the king. ] B a a d u r J o b a va : ' T h i s i s a ve r y
22.Rdxd5 popular idea for Black, the most
[ 22.Rxf5! Re1+ 23.Kd2 Qe6 common move in the position, but
I was not sure about this position, but personally I don't think it is a good
for the engine everything is easy: idea to commit to c7 so early, Black
24.Rfxd5 Qe2+? ( 24...Rg1!? ) should first develop the kingside.'
25.Kc3 Very happily, the engine [ 6...Bd6 This move is very popular,
claims a big advantage for White. ] but White is better after 7.Bxa6 bxa6
22...Rxe5 23.Rxe5 g6 The position is 8.Na4 We can play a long game
balanced, but in the long term, fighting for the c5 square. ]
White has the chance of creating a [ 6...Bb4 7.Bxa6 bxa6 8.a3!?
passed pawn on the queenside. In I like this move because we don' t
t h e e n d , I m a n a g e d t o wi n t h i s c o m m i t o u r k n i g h t y e t . ( 8.Nge2
game against the legendary Veselin is more natural, but after 0-0 9.a3
Topalov in the 2016 Chess Black can play Be7! And our knight
Olympiad. 24.Re2 Rd8 25.Qe5 would have been better placed on f3
Qc6 26.f3 a5 27.b3 b5 28.Kb2 a4 than on e2. )
29.b4 Qc4 30.Re3 Qf1 31.Re2 Rd1 A) 8...Be7 9.Nf3! White has a very
32.Qxb5 Rb1+ 33.Kc3 Kg7 34.Qe5+ pleasant position, for example: 0-0
Kh6 35.Qe3+ Kg7 36.Qf2 Qh1 10.Ne5 Bb7 ( 10...c5 11.Nc6 Qe8
37.Qd4+ Kh6 38.Re7 Qxg2 39.Qd2+ 12.Nxe7+ Qxe7 13.Bg5 )
Qxd2+ 40.Kxd2 Ra1 41.Re1 Rxa3 11.Na4;
42.b5 1-0 (42) Jobava,B (2665)-Topalov, B) 8...Bxc3+ 9.bxc3 We have a
V (2768) Baku 2016 [GM Baadur better structure because we can
Jobava] consider playing c3-c4 very soon. ]
[ 6...Qb6!? This is Black's best,
5...c6 This is not considered a great according to the engine. 7.Rb1 c5
move for Black, because after GM 8.Nf3 Bd7! Black wants to continue
Baadur Jobava: 'This is Black's with Rc8, playing on the 'c' file. 9.Ne5
fine. We will see that after 7.h4, [ 20.Qxe6 Nxe5 21.Qxe5 Qxb2= ]
W hit e ca n a t le ast cre ate some 20...Rxd7 21.Rxa7!? Rg8 22.Qf4 Qxb2
kingside play. 23.0-0 Qxc3 24.Rb1 White has enough
7.a3 c5 8.c3 Bd7 compensation for the missing pawn,
[ 8...Nh5! This is Black's best an d t he ga me e nd ed in a d ra w.
continuation, and his position is 24...cxd4 25.exd4 Qc6 26.Rc1 Rf7
immediately fine. That's why 27.Rxc6 Rxf4 28.Rxb7 Rxd4 29.Rxe6
nowadays players are choosing 7.h3 Rg4+ 30.Kh1 Rxg5 31.Rd7 h6 32.f4
or 7.h4. ] Rf5 33.Re5 Rxf4 34.Rexd5 Rff8
9.a4 Nh5 Compared to the immediate 35.Rd1 Kh7 36.Rg1 Rf6 37.Ra7 h5
8...Nh5, the inclusion of Bd7+a4 38.Raa1 Kh6 ½-½ (38) Jobava,B (2687)-
can be an improvement for White. Iturrizaga Bonelli,E (2662) Linares
Still, I think Black's position is fine. 2017 [GM Baadur Jobava]
10.Bd6! This is the reason why Bd7+a4
g o e s i n W h i t e ' s f a v o r . 10...Bxd6 45
7...Ne4 GM Baadur Jobava: '?!' GM
11.Nxd6 Qb6 Black could have also Baadur Jobava: 'Black takes control
tried different moves like 11...cxd4 of t he c 3 sq ua re a nd p la ns c 6. '
or 11...Bc6. Black's position is fine 8.Ng5 We can immediately make a
everywhere. 12.Ne5 Nf6 good use of our pawn on h4. GM
[ 12...Qxd6 13.Qxh5 Visually, it Baadur Jobava: 'Thanks to our last
seems that White has some activity, move 7.h4, we can now challenge
but after c4= We cannot develop our Black's knight on e4. There is no
bishop on d3, and Balck's position is need to play this move, but I like it
fine. ] because if offers attacking chances.
13.Nb5 Bxb5 14.axb5 Nc7 This is a Objectively, 8.Bd3 might be a bit
typical idea: Black takes on b5 and better.'
plays against our b5 pawn. 15.g4! [ 8.Bd3 is also good, for example: Bd7
I threat g5-Nd7. 15...Rfd8 16.Qf3?! ( 8...f5 9.a3 Not allowing Bb4 ideas.
[ 16.g5! Objectively, this was White's c6 10.Nc3 Black feels a lot the bad
best continuation, but it only leads to bishop on c8 and the misplaced knight
equality after Nd7 17.Nxd7 Rxd7 on a6.; 8...c6 9.Nc3 Bb4 10.Bxe4!
18.dxc5 Qxc5 19.Qd4= ] dxe4 11.Nd2 ) 9.Nc3 Nf6 ( 9...f5
16...Nxb5 10.Bxa6 bxa6 11.Ne5 ) 10.g4! Nb4
[ 16...cxd4! Was a good inclusion for 11.Ne5 Nxd3+ 12.Qxd3 ]
Black, because after 17.exd4 Nxb5 8...Nxg5
18.g5 Black has the strong Nxd4! [ 8...f5 9.Nc3 ]
19.cxd4 Ne4 And it's already White 9.hxg5 Bxg5 10.Qf3 We have a good
who needs to think about equality. ] chance of creating an attack on the
17.Bxb5 Qxb5 18.g5 Nd7 19.Qxf7+ 'h' file.
Kh8 Black is fine. The main problem is 7...c5?! We are always happy when
that our king is still in the center. I Black plays c7-c5. Now we have
have played some creative moves, the "Excalibur knight" on b5. 8.c3
but just to hold equality. 20.Nxd7 As a rule, when Black plays c5, we
want to play c3+a4. 8...Bd7 9.a4 games continued with 8...Nc7 played
For Black it is very difficult to play by McShane and 8...Qa5 played by a
against such a knight on b5. 9...c4 FM.' 9.h5! GM Baadur Jobava: 'For
Th i s i s t h e c r i t i c a l mo ve . B l a c k the moment, we ignore what is
plans Bxb5-axb5-Nc7. happening on the queenside and try
[ 9...Ne4?! 10.Bd3 f5 11.h5 to advance the pawn to h6 to weaken
White is better form the positional Black's dark squares around the king.'
point of view. ] A) 9...Bd7? 10.Bxa6 bxa6 11.h6+-
10.b3! Qa5! White already has a winning
[ 10...cxb3 11.Bd3! No need to spend advantage.;
a t e m p o r e t a k i n g t h e p a w n . b2 B) 9...Ne4?! GM Baadur Jobava:
12.Rb1 White has a huge initiative. 'Another creative attempt by Dreev,
Eri ga isi won a br ill ia nt ga me : Ne4 every game so far he surprised me
13.Rxb2 Rc8 14.Ng5! f5 15.Bxe4 in the opening, but now I am sure
fxe4 16.Qh5 h6 17.Qg6+- that this is not a great try.' 10.Nxe4
Erigaisi-Yilmaz, 2022. ] GM Baadur Jobava: 'This is the
11.Nd2 best, the knight was hard to deal
[ 11.bxc4 Bxb5 12.axb5 Qxc3+ with, so I traded it right away.' dxe4
13.Nd2 Nb4 14.Rc1 Nd3+ 15.Bxd3 11.Ne5
Qxd3 16.Qe2= Najer-Sjugirov, 2022. ] B1) 11...f6!? GM Baadur
11...cxb3 Jobava: '?!' GM Baadur Jobava:
[ 11...Bxb5 12.axb5 Qxb5 13.bxc4 ] 'My opponent is allowing me Ng6,
12.Nxb3 Qb6 13.Nd2 Bd3 next, and this looks like a blunder, but the
White is better. c3-c4 might be an refutation is incredible.' 12.Ng6!
idea in the future. cxd4 Jobava-Dreev, training
8.Nc3 GM Baadur Jobava,Minie rapid. GM Baadur Jobava: 'This
Mouse: 'In the second round, my is the point Alexey was relying on,
opponent from Costa Rica played that the queen can enter the
8...Qa5, in the fourth round Luke game via a check on a5, but I
chose another direction. The stopped my calculations too early.
p o s i t i o n i s e q u a l . ' 8...Qa5 ' 13.exd4! GM Baadur Jobava:
This is also a good move for Black ' Th i s wa s wo r k i n g . ' ( 13.Nxe7+
because the queen puts pressure In the game, I got bluffed and
against our knight on c3, and Black settled down for this move. Qxe7
is also preparing Ne4. GM Baadur 14.exd4 Qb4+ It was an intense
Jobava: '8...Qa5, or 8...Qb6 are game, but here already Black is
Black's best moves. Now, the threat fine, and the chances are around
is Ne4.' equal. You can check out the
[ 8...c5 This position was good for rest of the game for yourself.
Black when White's pawn was on h3, 15.c3 Qxb2 16.Bd2 h6 17.Bc4
but here we can overtake the initiative Nc7 18.Rb1 Qa3 19.Rh3 b5
after GM Baadur Jobava: 'This is also 20.Bb3 Kh7 21.Qg4 Qe7
a possible move. The Olympiad 22.Bxh6 Kh8 23.Rg3 gxh6
a b c d e f g h
pawn. GM Baadur Jobava,Minie
Mouse: ' ' GM Baadur Jobava,
8 8 Minie Mouse: 'is a better defense.
7 7 '; 23...Qe7 0.99/20 is a better
defense. ) 24.Nd6 Bxd6 25.Rxd6
6 6 f4 2.55/21 Already desperate try,
5 5
but it fails tactically after
( 25...Rc8 1.58/19 26.a5 h6 )
4 4 26.exf4 Rxf4 27.Qd1!
3 3
Very strong move, anticipating ...
Rh4 as it controls the square on
2 2 h5. Rf7 ( 27...Rxh4? 6.19/20
1 1
2 7 . . . R f 4 - f 7 2 . 7 7 28.Rxd7+- )
28.Qd4 White is winning and you
a b c d e f g h
can check out for yourself how I
and jump Nb5); 19...a5 0.85/21 converted. Weighted Error
20.Nbc2 Rb8 ) 20.0-0+- Rf7 Value: White=0.07 (flawless) /
1.76/22 ( 20...Kh8 1.38/19 Black=0.27 (precise) 1-0 (28)
was worth a try. ) 21.Bxc7 Bxc7 Jobava,B-McShane,L [GM
a b c d e f g h
Baadur Jobava,Minie Mouse] ]
[ 8...Bd7?! Has been played in the
8 8 game Erigaisi-Martirosyan, 2022. It's
7 7 a passive move. 9.Ne5 Be8 10.Bxa6
bxa6 11.Nd3 Na4 next, and we have
6 6 a great control of the c5 square. White
5 5
is already better. ]
9.a3 This is a new and very tricky idea.
4 4 We defend against the Bb4 ideas,
3 3
so Black's logical move would be
GM Baadur Jobava: 'After the game,
2 2 I was prepa ring this line befor e
1 1
playing McShane. It is a very
principled try, and if Black doesn't
a b c d e f g h
know they can get into serious
22.Nb5! Now I didn't find the trouble immediately.' GM Baadur
most accurate 22.Na6, but I was Jobava: 'After my game in the
n o t s u r e a l l t h e w a y . Be5 Olympiad, I have invented this new
23.Rfd1 f5 1.79/19 This was direction.'
another mistake, I get to trade [ 9.Nd2 Was played by Baadur in the
the knight for the bishop. 2024 Olympiad. c5 10.Nb3 Qb6
( 23...Qe7 0.99/20 This was a 11.a4 After this move, my opponent
better try, and Black has some started to think, probably it was not
compensation for the missing the best move, but at least he is out
[ 12...c5!? My idea was to play c5-c4 could happen, but objectively, the
to force White's bishop on d3 to take position is equal. ½-½ (19)
a d e c i s i o n . 13.Rb1 A very logical Jobava,B-Basso,P [GM Pier Luigi
move. White is preparing Rb3 ideas Basso] ]
that would deviate my queen. 13.Ng5! h6! and the variation continues
( 13.Ng5!? It can also be considered. and it ends in a forced draw.
h6 14.Rb1 ) [ 13...fxg5? Accepting the sacrifice
A) 13...e5!! According to the engine, wo u ld b e a mi s ta k e . 14.hxg5 g6
this is Black's best continuation. Of ( 14...e5 15.Bxh7+ Kf7 16.Bxe5 Bg4
course, it is too difficult for a human, 17.f3! Bxg5 18.Rb1 According to
a n d e s p e c i a l l y f o r m e : ) 14.Bg5 t h e e n g i n e , W h i t e i s w i n n i n g .)
( 14.Rb3 Qa5 15.Bxe5 c4 15.Rxh7+- ]
16.Bxh7+ Kxh7 17.Ng5+ ) 14...f6 14.Qh5
15.dxe5 c4!! 16.exf6 gxf6 [ 14.Rb1!? If you don't want to make a
17.Bxh7+ Kxh7 18.Nd4 Kg7! draw, you can try to analyze this move.
19.Bf4 Very complicated It's a bit risky, but you might have
position.; winning chances. Black's best move
B) 13...c4 This is principled but not now is 14...e5! ]
the best. 14.Bxh7+ Kxh7 15.e4! 14...e5
When Black captures on c2, the [ 14...Qxa1+?! Risky for Black. 15.Ke2
queen will not control the h7 fxg5 ( 15...Qxh1?? 16.Qg6+- )
square. ( 15.Ng5+ Kg8 16.Qh5 16.hxg5 Qxh1 17.Qxh1 ]
Qxc2-+ This is my key defensive 15.Qg6 hxg5 16.Qh7+ Kf7 17.Qg6+
idea; that's why 15.e4! is so Kg8
strong. ) 15...Kg8 Logical move. [ 17...Ke6?? Leads to a beautiful
( 15...Rh8 16.Ne5! Kg8 17.h5+- mate. 18.Bf5+ Kd6 19.Bxe5# ]
is lost for Black, according to the 18.Qh7+= Like in every complicated line
engine. ) nowadays, the engine is able to
B1) 16.Ne5; show a forced draw.
B2) 16.Bd2! Was a strong
intermezzo. Qxa3 17.Ng5 g6 46
GM Baadur Jobava: 'The primitive'
( 17...f6?? 18.Qh5+- ) 18.e5 6.b4? This is very natural, but not good.
h5 next. Black's position is very GM B aa du r J ob ava: ' ? !' ' ?!' G M
dangerous, maybe already lost.; Baadur Jobava: 'doesn't work well
B3) 16.Ng5? Allowed me to because after' GM Baadur Jobava:
save the game: 16...f6 17.Rh3 'doesn't work well, because after'
( 17.Qh5 fxg5 18.hxg5 Qxc2 6...Bb6 7.a4 GM Baadur Jobava: 'Black
This is why 16.Bd2 was stronger: h a s t h e s t r o n g ' 7...a5! Black is
Qxc2 is a very important already better. GM Baadur Jobava:
defensive resource for Black.) '' ''
17...fxg5 18.Rxc3 gxf4 19.Qh5
Nc7 I have three pieces for the 47
6...Bb6? Black's idea is to meet b4
queen. In a game, everything with a5, but of course GM Baadur
15.Nb1!? Bc6 16.Ne2 0-0 17.h4 Nd7 from the practical point of view. Still,
18.h5 h6 19.Nbc3 If you put this I would take White, even knowing
position on a super strong engine, it that it will most likely end in a draw.
will show "0.00" evaluation. From a Unit 1 3...e6 4.Nb5 Bb4+ and B-
ma t e r i a l p o i n t o f vi e w, B l a c k i s Jobava spirit [GM Baadur Jobava]
doing great, but we have a good Line Unit 1 3...e6 4.Nb5 Bb4+ and
chance of creating a strong B-Overview/ 2024
kingside attack. The position is
very interesting and offers chances
for both sides to play for a win.
8.e3 We don't need to play b4
because, anyway, Black wants to
play Bc7. 8...0-0 9.Nf3 Difficult for
Black to play with the bishop on a5,
so 9...Bc7 Has to be played sooner
or later. 10.Bd3 Black is solid, but
we have a game. Black's typical
problem in these positions is that
the bishop on c8 is not great.
10...Nbd7 11.0-0 For the engine, the
position is equal, but I don't agree.
Black has a much more passive
bishop on c8, and at least from the
practical point of view, it's, of course,
easier to play from the White side.
F o r e x a m p l e : 11...b6!
Black prepares Bb7-c5.
[ 11...Re8?! Black's most popular
move is not a great one, in my
opinion. 12.Ne5! Nxe5 13.Bxe5
Bxe5 ( 13...Nd7 14.f4 ) 14.dxe5 Nd7
15.f4 Nc5 16.Bc2 ]
12.Nb1!? Our knight is not great on a3
a n ym o r e , s o i t m a k e s s e n s e t o
rotate it to d2. 12...Bb7 13.Nbd2
c5 14.Ne5 We want to continue with
Qf3. 14...Nxe5 15.Bxe5
[ 15.dxe5!? Ne4 16.Bc2 ]
15...Bxe5 16.dxe5 Ne4!
[ 16...Nd7?! 17.f4 ]
17.f4 Nxd2 18.Qxd2 Qe7= Black made
some good moves, and now the
position is closer to equality, also