Tender 36
Tender 36
Tender 36
1. Contents 01
3. Instruction to tenderers 04 to 07
4. Notice of tender 08 to 12
8. Particular Specifications
(a) Section –I (Special Conditions) 99 to 111
(b) Section –II 112 to 124
(c) Appendix ‘A’ 125 & 126
(d) Sources of materials
TENDER ID :- 2024_MES_672824_1
Dear Sir(s),
1. Tender documents in respect of above work are uploaded on the site defproc.gov.in The tender is based on single
stage two cover e-tendering system. The contents of Cover I & Cover II are specified in NOTICE OF TENDER.
2. Bids will be received online by Accepting officer upto the date and time mentioned in the NOTICE INVITING TENDER
(NIT). No tender/bid will be received in physical form and any tender/ bid received in such manner will be treated as non bona
3. Bid will be opened on line on a due date fixed for opening as per critical dates given in the portal. Cover 1 will be
opened first. Tenderers may see the result of the opening of cover 1 on the tender portal. Date of opening of Cover 2 shall be
decided after technical evaluation of Cover 1 keeping in view the various eligibility criteria given in the NIT and the same will be
intimated to the tenderers while uploading the technical evaluation on the tender portal.
4. Your attention is also drawn to instruction on filling and submission of tender attached herewith. You may forward your
points on tender documents through e-mail and/or depute your technical representative for discussion on tender/drawings and
so clarify doubts, if any, before the bid submission starts. You are requested not to write piece meal points and forward your
points duly considered in one go. You may also attend the pre bid meeting on the date given in the tender.
5. Unlisted contractors are required to submit the scanned copies (in Pdf file) of documents required as per eligibility
criteria mentioned in instructions for filling the tenders documents and Appendix ‘A’ to NIT alongwith EARNEST MONEY
DEPOSIT (EMD) and tender fee on procurement portal mentioned above and submit the physical documents in the office of GE
(A) Suratgarh within time limit specified in NIT. Inadequacy/deficiency of documents shall make the bid liable for rejection
resulting in disqualification for opening of finance bid.
(a) Contractor having not executed standing security bond and standing security deposit in any MES formation
shall upload scanned copy of EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) mentioned in Notice of Tender and shall ensure
receipt of hard copy of EMD in the office of tender issuing authority before date & time fixed for this purpose. In case of
failure to abide by any of these two requirements the finance bid will not be opened.
6. Enlisted contractors of MES shall submit the scanned copies (pdf file) of enlistment letter, tender fee and such other
documents as mentioned in Appx ‘A’ to NIT on e-procurement portal and submit physical documents in the office of (GE (A)
Suratgarh) before date & time fixed for this purpose.
7. The contractor must ensure that the tender/bid is uploaded on the tender portal using the authorised DSC in time as
the Accepting officer will take no cognizance of any quotations/offer received in any other electronic or physical form like
email/fax/by hand/through post from tenderer/bidder.
8. Keeping in view delays due to system failure or other communication realted failures, it is suggested that tender/bid
may be uploaded sufficiently in advance of the last due date and time fixed on the portal.
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9. General conditions of contracts (IAFW-2249) (1989 Print) and errata and amendments thereto, Schedule of Minimum
fair wages and MES SSR (Part I and Part-II) are not enclosed with these documents. These are available for perusal in the
office of GE/AGE concerned and this office. Tenderer is also requested to keep the copy of these documents with him as same
are available in the market.
Within 28 days of receipt of Letter of Acceptance, the successful unenlisted / enlisted contractor would be required to
deposit Performance Security in any of the forms given in clause 19 of IAFW-2249; General Condition of Contract, for an
amount equal to 5% of the contract sum. Failure of the successful contractor to comply with the requirements of sub-clause
19.1 of IAFW-2249 shall constitute sufficient grounds for cancellation of the award of work and forfeiture of the Earnest Money.
In case of MES enlisted contractor, amount equal to the Earnest Money stipulated in the Notice Inviting Tender, shall be notified
to the tenderer for depositing the amount through MRO. Issue of tender to such tenderers shall remain suspended till the
aforesaid amount equal to the Earnest Money is deposited in Government Treasury.
12. Information / documents forming part of this contract mentioned herein below are not enclosed with these documents.
These are available for perusal in the offices of the GE (Army) Suratgarh.
(a) IAFW-2249 (1989 Print) General Conditions of contracts including errata and amendments issued till the bid
submission end date.
(b) Schedule of Minimum Wages as per Government of India Notification, including periodical revisions of wages
thereof as applicable as on the bid submission end date.
(c) Military Engineer Services Standard Schedule of Rates 2009 (Part-I-Specifications) including amendments
and errata issued up to the last date of online submission of the bid.
(d) Military Engineer Services Standard Schedule of Rate 2020 (Part-II-Rates) including amendments and errata
issued up to the last date of online submission of the bid.
13. The bidder who submits the cover I & cover II shall be deemed to have taken into account the contents of the
documents as mentioned in Para 12 above.
Yours faithfully,
AGE (Contracts)
For Accepting Officer
Signature of contractor
Dated :-________________
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Contractor (s) who are not enlisted with MES / who are enlisted but have not executed the Standing Security Bond
shall submit Earnest Money Deposit as detailed in Notice of Tender in one of the following forms, alongwith their tender / bid :-
(a) Deposit at Call Receipt from a Scheduled Bank in favour of Garrison Engineer.
(b) Receipted Treasury Challan, the amount being credited to the Revenue Deposit of Garrison Engineer.
It is advisable that Earnest Money is deposited in the form of deposit call receipt from an approved Schedule Bank for
easy refund. In case the tenderer / bidder wants to lodge ‘EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT’ in any other form allowed by MES, a
confirmation about its acceptability will be obtained from the Accepting Officer well in advance of the bid submission end date
and time. Earnest Money Deposit shall be submitted in the name of concerned GE.
NOTES : Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) in the form of cheque / Bank Guarantee etc will not be accepted. NON- SUBMISSION
OF EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) (scanned copy alongwith Technical Bid & hard copy before the date & time fixed for
2.1 The bids received only in the electronic form will be considered. All bids shall be submitted on defproc.gov.in portal.
Documents should be scanned and forwarded in ‘pdf’ format and ‘xls’ form as indicated. Bids shall be uploaded on
‘defproc.gov.in portal on or before the bid closing date mentioned in the tender. No tender/bid in any other electronic or physical
form like date email/fax by hand/through post will be considered.
2.2 The bid shall be DIGITALLY signed using authorized DSC. All pages of tender documents, drawings, corrections /
alternations shall be signed / initialed by the lowest bidder after acceptance of tender for making original and CTC of the
2.3 Drawings, if issued in physical form, must be returned duly initialed by the tenderer/bidder in separate envelope
indicating his name and address.
2.4 The tender shall be signed, dated and witnessed at all places provided for in the documents after acceptance. All
corrections shall be initialed. The Contractor shall initial every page of tender and shall sign all drawings forming part of the
tender. Any tender/bid, which proposes alterations to any of the conditions whatsoever, is liable to be rejected.
2.5 In the technical bid, a scanned copy of Power of Attorney in favour of the person uploading the bid using his/her DSC
shall be uploaded. In case the digital signatory himself is the sole proprietor, scanned copy of an affidavit on stamp paper of
appropriate value to this effect stating that he has authority to bind the firm in all matters pertaining to contract including the
Arbitration Clause, shall be attached in ‘pdf form. In case of partnership concern or a limited company, digital signatory of the
bid/tender shall ensure that he is competent to bind the contractor (through partnership deed, general power of attorney or
Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company) in all the matters pertaining to the contracts with Union of India
including arbitration clause. A scanned copy of the documents confirming of such authority shall be attached with the tender/bid
in ‘pdf' form, if not submitted earlier. The person uploading the bid on behalf of another partner(s) or on behalf of a firm or
company using his DSC shall upload with the tender/bid a scanned copy (in 'pdf' form) of Power of Attorney duly executed in his
favour by such other or all of the Partner(s) or in accordance with constitution of the company in case of company, stating that
he has authority to bind such other person of the firm or the Company, as the case may be, in all matters pertaining to the
contract including the Arbitration Clause.
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2.6 Even in case of Firms or Companies which have already given Power of Attorney to an individual authorizing him to
sign tender in pursuance of which bids are being uploaded by such person as a routine, fresh Power of Attorney duly executed
in his favour stating specifically that the said person has authority to bind such partners of the Firm, or the Company as the case
may be, including the condition relating to Arbitration Clause, should be uploaded in ‘pdf’ form with the tender/bid; unless such
authority has already been given to him by the Firm or the Company. It shall be ensured that power of attorney shall be
executed in accordance with the constitution of the company as laid down in its Memorandum & Article of Association.
2.7 Hard copies of all above documents should be sent by the contractor to the Tender issuing authority well in advance to
be received before the date & time fixed for the same.
2.9 The contractor shall employ Indian Nationals after verifying their antecedents and loyalty, Attention is also drawn to
special condition referred hereinafter and also conditions 24 & 25 of IAFW 2249 (General conditions of contract).
2.10 Tenderers /bidders who uploaded their priced tenders/bids and are desirous of being present at the time of opening of
the tenders/bids may do so at the appointed time.
2.11 The tenderer/bidder shall quote his rate on the BOQ file only. No alteration to the format will be accepted; else the bid
will be disqualified and summarily rejected.
2.12 In case the tenderer/bidder has to revise / modify the rates quoted in the BOQ (excel sheet) he can do so only in the
BOQ, through defproc.gov.in site only before the bid closing time and date.
2.13 The tenderer shall quote his rates in the Schedule ‘A’ (BOQ) (Finance bid) only in Cover II.
2.14 Department may issue amendments/errata in form of CORRIGENDUM to tender/revised BOQ to the tender
documents. The tenderer/bidder is requested to read the tender documents in conjunction with all the errata/ amendments/
corrigendum, if any, issued by the department.
2.15 In case the BoQ is revised by the Department and the bidder has failed to quote in revised BoQ (i.e he has
quoted in previous BOQ), such bid shall be treated as wilful negligence by the bidder and his quotation shall be
considered non-bonafide. In such cases the lowest tender shall be determined by the lowest amount amongst the
valid/bonafide bids only.
2.16 Opening of Bid online: Cover I shall be opened first on stipulated date of opening by the opening officers. Cover II
(Finance bid) shall be opened later on as decided. The documents received in Cover I, will be evaluated as per eligibility criteria
given in notice of tender. Result of evaluation will be published online. If Bidder is not satisfied with the decision of his
disqualification he may appeal to next higher Engineer authority i.e. HQ CWE Bikaner, C/O 56 APO for rejection of his
application for issue of tender whose decision shall be final and binding and Contractor shall not be entitled to any
compensation whatsoever on this account for the tender. Date & time of opening of Cover II (Finance Bid) of qualified tenderers
shall be published on web site. Cover II shall be opened on this published date & time by the opening officers.
4 While submitting the technical bid, it will be mandatory for all the contractors (MES enlisted and un-enlisted)
to upload documents pertaining to their Employee’s provident fund code number. Bid in respect of contractors not in
possession of EPF code number shall be rejected at technical evaluation stage.
4.1 All the workers deployed by the contractor should be enrolled as members of provident fund and should be
given the Universal Account Number (UAN).
4.2 At the time of submitting the final bills of the works, the contractor have to give a certificate on his letter head
that all workers employed directly or indirectly by him in the work are registered for EPF and the due contribution have
been credited into their account.
5. GST :-
5.1 It is mandatory for the contractors to upload their GST Registration Number along-with T bid. This will be one of the
criteria for qualifying in T bid. Contractor who does not upload GST Registration Number shall be disqualified in the T bid
evaluation and his Finance bid shall not be opened.
5.2 The rate quoted shall not be less than minimum wages as notified by Government of India / State Government / Local body
whichever is higher on the last due date of bid submission or extended last due date of submission. In case the rates quoted
are less than the minimum wages as notified by the Government of India / State Government / Local body whichever is
higheron the last due date of bid submission or extended last due date of submission, his tender will be treated as non bonafide
and will not be considered for Acceptance. In such case, the lowest tender shall be determined by the lowest amount amongst
valid/bonafide bids only and as per the criteria mentioned here in after.
6.1 The project planning for work covered in the scope of tender is based on CPM.
6.2 The tenderer/bidder is expected to be fully conversant with the CPM technique and employ technical staff who can use
the technique in sufficient details. Sufficient books and other literature on the subject are widely available in the market which
the tenderer,/bidder may make use of.
6.3 The tenderer’s/bidder's attention is drawn to special condition of the tender regarding preparation of the detailed
network analysis and time schedule for the work and his liability for employing sufficient resources to adhere to this schedule.
Any inability on the part of the tenderer/bidder in using the technique will be taken as his technical inefficiency and will affect his
class of enlistment and future prospect/invitation to tenders for future works.
7. Enrolment of Workers .The Contractors will ensure to employ only those persons as labour who have ‘AADHAAR linked’
Bank Account. It is further inform that even if the contractors is having separate PF Code Number, the overall responsibility of
ensuring the compliance under the EPF and MP Act, 1952 for the labour employed by him and the deposit of the dues with the
EPFO regularly. The GE being the Principal Employer is empowered to deduct EPF dues from the Contractor from any
payment due to him under the subject contract and deposit the same either against the contractor’s code number or his own
code number.
1. A tender is invited for the work as mentioned in Appendix ‘A’ to this NOTICE INVITING TENDER (NIT).
2. The work is estimated to cost as indicated in aforesaid Appendix ‘A’. This estimate however, is not a guarantee and is
merely given as a rough guide and if the work costs more or less, a tenderer/bidder will have no claim on that account.
3. The work is to be completed within the period as indicated in aforesaid Appendix ‘A’ in accordance with the phasing , if
any, indicated in the tender from the date of handing over site, which will be on or about two weeks after the date of
acceptance of tender.
4. Normally contractor whose names are on the MES approved list for the area in which the work lies, and within whose
financial category the estimated amount would fall, may tender/bid but in case of term contracts, contractors of class
SS to E may tender/bid. Contractor whose names are on the MES approved list of any MES Fmn and who have
deposited standing security and have executed Standing Security Bond may also tender / bid without depositing
Earnest Money alongwith the tender / bid and if the tender / bid submitted by such a tenderer / bidder is accepted, the
contractor will be required to lodge with the Controller of Defence Account concerned the amount of Performance
Security for an amount equivalent to 5% of the contract sum in any of the forms prescribed in clause 19.1 of IAFW-
2249, General Condition of Contract, within 28 days of the receipt of the Letter of Acceptance. Failure of the successful
contractor to comply with the requirements of sub clause 19.1 of IAFW-2249 shall constitute sufficient grounds for
cancellation of the award of work and forfeiture of the Earnest Money. In case of MES enlisted contractor, amount
equal to the Earnest Money stipulated in the Notice Inviting Tender, shall be notified to the tenderer for depositing the
amount through MRO. Issue of tender to such a tenderers shall remain suspended till the aforesaid amount equal to
the Earnest Money is deposited in the Govt Treasury. Not more than one tender / bid shall be submitted / uploaded by
one contractor or one firm of contractor. Under no circumstances will a father and his son(s) or other close relations
who have business dealings or other close relations who have business dealings with one and another be allowed to
tender / bid for the same contract as separate competitors. A breach of this condition will render the tenders / bids of
both the parties liable for rejection.
5. The office of GE (A) Suratgarh will be the accepting Officer here-in-after referred to as such for the purpose of this
6. Not more than one tender/bid shall be submitted/uploaded by one bidder firm. Under no circumstances will a father
and his son (s) or other close relations who have business dealing with one another be allowed to tender/bid for the
same tender as separate competitors. A breach of this condition will render the tenders/bids of both the parties liable
for rejection.
7. The technical Bid and Financial Bid (Cover-1 and Cover-2) shall be uploaded by the contractor on or before the date &
time mentioned in NIT. A scanned copy of DD with enlistment details and other documents as specified in Appendix ‘A’
shall be uploaded as Cover-1 (Technical bid) of the tender on e-tendering portal. DD is refundable in case the
contractors is not considered eligible in technical evaluation of cover -1 resulting in non-opening cover -1. The
applicant contractor shall bear the cost of bank charges for procuring and encashing the DD including revalidation of
DDs and shall not have any claim from Government whatsoever on this account.
8. Tender form and conditions of contract and other necessary documents shall be available on website defproc.gov.in
for download and shall form part of contract agreement in case the tender/bid is accepted.
9. In case of MES enlisted contractor who has not executed the standing security Bond and un enlisted contractor, the
Cover-1 shall be accompanied by Earnest Money for the amount mentioned in Appendix ‘A’ in the form of deposit at
call receipt in favour of GE (A) Suratgarh by a scheduled Bank or in received treasury challan the amount being
credited to the revenue deposit of the concerned GE (A) Suratgarh, The GE (A) Suratgarh will return earnest money,
wherever applicable, to all unsuccessful tenderers/bidders by endorsing an authority on the deposit at call receipt for
it’s refund of intimation from the Accepting Officer to do that.
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10. In case of successful contractors i.e the lowest contractor having submitted EMD, he shall have the option of
converting the EMD instrument into part of the Performance Security to be deposited by him within 28 days from the
receipt of intimation of acceptance of tender from Accepting Officer.
11. Sample of materials and stores to be supplied by the contractor will also be available for inspection by the bidder at the
office of GE (A) Suratgarh during working hours. The bidders is advised to visit the site of work by making prior
appointment with GE (A) Suratgarh, who is the Executing Agency of the work (see Appendix ‘A’). The bidder shall be
deemed to have full knowledge of all relevant documents, samples, site etc whether he has inspected them or not.
12. Any bid which proposes any alteration to any of the conditions laid down or proposes any other new conditions
whatsoever, is liable to be rejected.
13. The uploading of bid by a bidder implies that bidder has read this notice and the conditions of contract and has made
himself aware of the scope of and specification of work to be done and of the conditions and rates at which stores (as
applicable) etc will be issued to him and local conditions and other factors having bearing on the execution of the work.
14. The bidder must be possession of a copy of the MES Schedule (SSR) (Part-I & Part-II of latest edition) including
amendments and errata thereto.
15. Invitation for e-tender does not constitute any guarantee for validation of ‘T’ bid and subsequent opening of finance bid
of any applicant/bidder, even of enlisted contractors of appropriate class, merely by virtue of enclosing DD. Accepting
Officer reserves the right to reject the ‘T’ bid and not open the finance bid of any applicant/bidder. ‘T’ bid validation
shall be decided by the Accepting Officer based on, inter alia, capability of the firm as per criteria given in Appx ‘A to
this NIT. The applicant contractor/bidder will be informed regarding non-validation of his ‘T’ bid assigning reasons
thereof through the e-procurement website. The applicant contractor/bidder if he so desires may appeal to the next
higher Engineer authority viz Commander Works Engineer Bikaner on email id bknr3-mes@nic.in with copy to the
Accepting Officer on email id asrtgh4-mes@nic.in before the scheduled date of opening of Finance Bid. The decision
of the Next Higher Engineer Authority (NHEA) shall be final and binding. The contractor/bidder shall not be entitled for
any compensation whatsoever for rejection of his bid.
16. Accepting Officer does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any tender/bid or to give any reason for not doing so.
17. The accepting Officer reserves the right to accept a tender submitted by a public Undertaking/small & Medium
Enterprises (SMEs), giving a price preference/purchase preference over other tender (s) bids which may be lower, as
are admissible under the Government Policy. No claim for any compensation or otherwise shall be admissible for such
tenderer/bidder whose tender/bid is rejected.
18. Court of the place from where tender has been issued shall alone have jurisdiction to decide any dispute out of or in
respect of this tender. After acceptance of tender, Condition 72 – Jurisdiction of Courts of IAFW-2249 shall be
19. The Contractors will ensure to employ only those persons as labour who have ‘AADHAAR linked’ Bank Account.
20. The Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) including Appendix ‘A’ and Annexures thereto, if any, shall form part of the contract
2. In case after opening of Cover-1, the number of MES enlisted contractors of eligible class as well as um-enlisted
contractors, if any, fulfilling the other eligibility criteria given in NIT, are 7 (Seven) or more, applications of only those one class below
the eligible class bidders shall be considered, who have previously completed similar works satisfactorily and are meeting the criteria
of up gradation in respect of past experience of completed works (individual work experience and/or average annual turnover as
applicable) and financial soundness (solvency/financial soundness and working capital) as per details given in Manual on Contracts-
2020. Therefore such contractors shall upload the requisite information/documents in the Cover-1.
3. Unenlisted contractor shall be considered provided he meets the criteria. Foreign firms shall not be eligible for this tender.
However Indian Firms having foreign national / Indian nationals staying abroad / Indian national having taken foreign citizenship, as
director(s) shall be considered subject to security clearance from the concerned authorities.
4. Contractors enlisted with MES will upload following documents in Cover-1 for checking eligibility:-
(a) Application for tender on Firm's letterhead.
(b) Enlistment letter issued by the Registering Authority duly renewed for the cycle period in vogue.
(c) Scanned copy of DD /Bankers Cheque toward cost of tender and EMD instrument in case SSD bond is not
signed at the time of registration.
(d) Any other document required as described in this Appendix.
5. Contractors not enlisted with MES will be required to upload following documents in Cover-1 for checking eligibility.
(a) Application for tender on Firm's letterhead.
(b) Scanned copy of DD/ Bankers cheque toward cost of tender and Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) instrument.
(c) Copy of Police Verification Report/Police Clearance Certificate/ Character Certificate from the Police Authority
of the area where the registered office of the firm is located/notarized copy of valid passport of Proprietor/each
Partner/each Director.
(d) All documents required for enlistment in MES for the class mentioned in Para 8(b) above as per Para 1.5 of
Section 1 of MES Manual on Contracts 2020.
(e) Details of works being executed in MES, if any.
(f) Any other document required as described in this Appendix.
6. Tenders not accompanied by scanned copies of requisite DD/Bankers Cheque towards cost of tender and earnest money
(as applicable) in Cover-1 shall not be considered for validation of 'T' bid and their Financial Rids will not be opened.
7. Contractors should ensure that their original physical DDs and Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) instruments (as applicable)
reach the office of Accepting Officer within 07 days of bid submission end date, failing which following action shall be taken.
(a) In case of tenders from an enlisted contractor of MES, where scanned copies of requisite DD/ Bankers Cheque
towards cost of tender have been uploaded in Cover-1 but physical copies are not received within the stipulated period,
their financial bids (Cover-2) will be opened. However non-submission of physical copies of cost of tender shall be
considered as willful negligence of the tenderer with ulterior motives and such tenderer shall be banned from bidding for a
period of six months commencing from the date of opening of Financial Bid (Cover-2).
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(b) In case of tenders from unenlisted contractor, where scanned copies of requisite DD/Bankers Cheque towards
cost of tender have been uploaded in Cover-1 but physical copies are not received within the stipulated period, their
financial bids (Cover-2) will not be opened. Name of such contractors along with complete address shall be circulated for
not opening of their bids for a period of six months commencing from the date of opening of financial hid (Cover-2).
(c) In case of tenders from enlisted and unenlisted contractors, where scanned copies of instruments for Earnest
Money Deposit (as applicable) have been uploaded in Cover-1 but the same are not received in physical form within
stipulated period, such tenders shall not qualify for opening of financial bid (Cover-2).
8. Contractor will not be allowed to execute the work by subletting or through power of attorney to a third party/another
firm on his behalf. However a contractor can execute the work through power of attorney to sons/daughters/ spouse of
Proprietor/Partner/Director and firm's own employees, director, project manager provided they are not having a separate
enlisted firm in MES in their name as Proprietor/Partner/Director.
9. After opening of Cover-1 and during its technical evaluation, in case any deficiency is noticed in the documents
required to be uploaded by the tenderers as per NIT, a communication in the form of e-mail/SMS/Speed Post etc shall be sent
to the contractor to rectify the deficiency within a period of seven days from date of communication failing which their financial
bid (Cover-2) shall not be opened and contractor shall not have any claim on the same.
10. Invitation for e-tender does not constitute any guarantee for validation of Technical bid and subsequent opening of
financial bid of any applicant/bidder merely by virtue of enclosing DD. Accepting Officer reserves the right to reject the
Technical bid and not to open the financial bid of any applicant/bidder. Technical bid validation shall be decided by the
Accepting Officer based on eligibility of the firm as per criteria given in this Appendix. Tenderer/bidder will be informed
regarding non-validation of his Technical bid assigning reasons therefore through tender evaluation report which shall be
uploaded on the website. Such tenderer, if desires, may appeal to the next higher Engineer Authority (NHEA) HQ CWE
Bikaner on email id bknr3-mes@nic.in with copy to the Accepting Officer on email before the scheduled date of opening of
Cover-2. NHEA shall decide the matter within a period of seven working days from the date of receipt of appeal. The decision
of the NHEA shall be final and binding. The tenderer / bidder shall not be entitled for any compensation whatsoever for
rejection of his bid.
11. In case an unenlisted contractor is already executing works in MES, he shall not be considered eligible for the subject
tender if the total value of such works is more than twice the tendering limit of the MES Class of contractor for which it is
eligible. For this purpose, details of the works being executed by such a contractor shall be uploaded in the Cover-1 of the bid
and shall be checked / verified by the Accepting Officer.
12. In case the BOQ is revised through the corrigendum and the bidder has failed to quote on revised BOQ (i.e. he has
quoted on pre revised BOQ), such bid shall be treated as willful negligence by the bidder and his quotation shall be considered
non-bonafide. In such cases the lowest tender shall be determined from amongst the valid / bonafide bids only. Accepting
Officer may decide whether to re-tender or consider the lowest bonafide tender for acceptance.
13. Revoking the offer or revising the rates upward or offering voluntary reduction by the lowest tenderer after opening of
Cover-2 shall be considered as a willful default. For this default a penalty of an amount equal to Earnest Money shall be levied.
In case of an unenlisted tenderer, Earnest Money deposited by him shall be forfeited. In case of MES enlisted tenderer having
deposited the Standing Security Bond, an amount equal to the earnest money stipulated in the NIT, shall be notified to the
tenderer for depositing through MRO and consideration of such tenderer in tender evaluation for future works shall remain
suspended till the aforementioned amount is deposited in the Government Treasury. No other disciplinary/administrative action
shall be taken against such tenderers. In such a situation, the next lowest offer shall not be considered for acceptance. Instead,
retendering shall be resorted to in a transparent and fair manner and the defaulting tenderer and his related firm if any, shall
not be eligible for this tender in second call or subsequent calls.
14. Tender to related firms shall not be issued simultaneously. Firms shall he termed as related if Proprietor/one or more
Partners/Directors are common. Decision of Accepting Officer on issue/deny the tender to any one of the related firms shall be
final and binding.
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15. JURISDICTION OF COURT :Court of the place from where tender has been issued shall alone have jurisdiction to
decide any dispute out of or in respect of this tender. After acceptance of tender, Condition 72- Jurisdiction of Courts of IAFW-
2249 shall be applicable.
16. PERFORMANCE SECURITY DEPOSIT:Within 28 days of receipt of letter of acceptance, the successful contractor
shall be deposit an amount equivalent to 5% of contract sum as performance security deposit as per condition 19 of IAFW
2249 (General Conditions of contract) (1989 print) with errata 1 to 20 and amendments 1 to 49.
17. Defect Liability Period: In terms of Condition 46 of IAFW-2249 (As amended vide amendment No 48), the Defect
Liability Period in respect of this tender shall be Twelve (12) months
18. Refund of Performance Security: The Performance Security Deposit mentioned above (As amended vide Amendment
No 45 to Condition 68 of IAFW-2249) shall be refunded to contractor after expiration of Defect Liability Period mention above.
Recovery if outstanding against the contractor shall be affected from the Performance Security as stipulated under Condition
67 of IAFW-2249 (as amended).
(Mohit Kumar)
AE (QS & C)
AGE Contracts
Signature of Contractor For Accepting Officer
IAFW-1779-A(REVISED 1955)
IAFW-2249 OF 1989 PRINT
2. Any correspondence concerning this tender shall be addressed as indicated at the top of this letter quoting the
reference as given.
1. Scope of work : The work under this contract broadly consist of ‘PERIODICAL SERVICES TO MARRIED
QUARTERS UNDER AGE B/R-I AT SURATGARH MIL STN ‘ as detailed in Schedule ‘A’, BOQ (List of items of work) complete
all as specified as follows :-
1.3 The Schedule ‘A’ (List of items of work) herein after referred to as BOQ and comprises of the following parts:-
(a) Part-I : List of Items of Works (BOQ)
(b) Part-II : Sch of Credit
2. Quantities given under Column 4 of Schedule ‘A’. are approximate .However these quantities shall not be varied
beyond the limits laid down in condition 07 of IAFW-2249, General Condition of contract. The tenderers are required to quote
their rates both in figures and words under columns 5 and extend the amount to column 7 of Sch ‘A’. The Total amount under
columns 7 is not firm and shall be treated as “CONTRACT SUM” as defined in condition 1(n) (iii) IAFW-2249 forming part of CA.
3. Description of item of work:- Description of item of Schedule ‘A’ is in brief and shall be amplified and read in
conjunction with “General Rules”, Special Condition to the relevant sections of item of work existing in MES Standard Schedule
of Rates, Part-I, Specification “ as contained in MES SSR Part-I and particular specification as contained in these tender
4. Particular attention of the tenderer is invited to the fact that the unit rate shall include for all the provisions enumerated
in the Schedule of Rates, Part-II for the relevant item contained in this Schedule and the same have not been reproduced here-
in-these document. The decision of the Accepting Officer as to whether a particular provision of preambles to the relevant item
in SSR Part –II is deemed to be included in the contract or not shall be final, binding and conclusive.
5. RATE :-
5.1 Unit rate of each item of schedule ‘A’ shall be for “Material and labour” or “Supplying and fixing” or “Supplied and fixed”
or “supply, installation, jointing , making connection and testing complete” as applicable except items which have been stated to
be “except material or fixing only/laying only/etc and making good the disturbed surface as per the existing specification and
5.2 The unit rate(s) quoted by the tenderer for demolition/dismantling shall interalia be deemed to include for all the
provisions enunciated in condition 21.2 on page 452 and 453 of SSR- Part II alongwith the safety precaution to be taken all as
specified in clauses 21.5 and 21.6 of SSR-Part I and read injunction with Sec 21 of SSR Part-I in totality. The unserviceable
material/debris shall be removed by the contractor outside the MoD land and the cost thereof shall deemed to be included in the
unit rate quoted by the contractor.
5.3 Unit rate quoted by the tenderer shall be deem to include the cost of any cutting chases, leaving/forming holes in walls
and floors as required and making good the same to match with the existing specification complete or in cement mortar (1:3) or
PCC 1:2:4 using stone aggregate as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and providing surface finish to match with the existing
finishes complete
5.4 Refer condition 10 of IAFW-2249 (General Conditions of Contract). The Contractor’s quoted rates shall be deemed to
be inclusive of all taxes/cesses viz GST, duties, royalties, octroi and other levies payable under respective statutes as
applicable on the bid submission end date of the tender. It may be noted that any tender imposing any condition in this regard
or on any other account shall be treated as a conditional tender and the same shall be liable to be rejected.
CA No GE(A)SOG-Token No 36/24-25 Serial Page No 15
5.5 GST ON WORKS CONTRACTS. In terms of GOI Ministry of Finance notification, GST shall be leviable on works
contracts w.e.f. 01 July 2017. The liability of GST rests with the contractor and accordingly rates quoted by the contractor shall
deemed to be included of this aspect. The contractors shall take cognizance of all such factors which may affect their quotation
as a result of promulgation and implementation of the GST Act and the rates quoted by the Contractor shall be deemed to be
inclusive of all taxes (including GST on materials, GST on Works Contracts, Turnover Tax, etc.), duties, Royalties, Octroi &
other levies payable under the respective Statutes. The unit rates quoted by the contractor in column 5 shall be NET inclusive of
all charges as mentioned here-in-before and the cost element for :-
(i) Insurance
(ii) Packing and Unpacking
(iii) Transport and delivery
6. The description of item of work is in brief. It will, however, be deemed to have been read in conjunction with particular
specification/manufacturer’s technical literature/catalogue/manual of repair and general engineering trade practice viz, inclusive
of such works which may be required for completion and commissioning of the equipment irrespective of the fact whether this
has been mentioned in the description of work or not.
7. Tenderer`s attention is also invited to MES safety code, Annexure `B` published in IAFW-2249, General Condition of
Contract and Indian Electricity Rules. The contractor shall be solely responsible to take adequate safety precaution against any
mishap to the DG Set and Tradesmen employed for repair.
dismantling/demolition/taking down except materials taken on credit as listed in schedule of credit shall become the property of
Govt. Unserviceable materials as declared by GE/ Engineer-in-Charge shall be disposed off as directed by Engineer-in-Charge
outside MD land at authorised dumping site declared by local Administration as per local Administration by laws. Any fine levied
by the local Administration for any objection on this account shall be borne by the contractor. All serviceable material shall be
deposited in concerned MES store yard unless used in the same work as ‘except material’.
9. Any minor details/items of work and/or constructions which are obviously and fairly intended and which may not have
been included in these documents but which are essential for the execution and entire completion of the work. Decision of the
Accepting Officer as to whether any minor details/items of work and/or construction is obviously and fairly intended to be
included in the contract or not shall be final, conclusive and binding.
10.1 Refer clause 2 of Particular Specification in general. Though a comprehensive list of approved makes has been
included in the tender documents even then the incorporation of material in the work shall be subject to the following
(a) Before the procurement action for any item out of several makes given in the tender documents, is initiated in
bulk by the contractor, prior approval of the material from the GE/Engineer-in-Charge shall be mandatory in order to
ensure that the entire quantity of material required under the work shall be readily available in the market beside other
criteria for approval of the material.
(b) The makes mentioned in the BoQ schedule against a particular item shall take precedence over the makes
given in the List of Approved makes here-in-after in these tender documents.
(c)The material of brand/product/manufacturer categorized under “List of Approved Makes”, shall be followed unless
otherwise mentioned specifically. Where the makes under “List of Approved Makes”,for a particular item has not been
mentioned, the material of brand/product/manufacturer listed under latest Zonal Specification shall be followed..
CA No GE(A)SOG-Token No 36/24-25 Serial Page No 16
SCHEDULE ‘A’(Contd…..)
10.2 Materials/items for which no make have been Specified, shall be ISI marked. Contractor will download list of BIS
marked manufacture from BIS site www.bis.org.in and submit name of manufacture meeting the contract specifications criteria
and hand over the report with a request letter to Engineer in charge with his signature for approval of makes. The material shall
only be procured by Contractor after approval of makes by Accepting Officer concerned. In case, ISI marked material/items are
not manufactured then same shall confirm to relevant IS amended up to date.
11. Method of measurement for all items shall be as specified in MES Standard Schedule of rates or otherwise as
indicated in Schedule ’A’/particular specifications.
12.1 Schedule of Credit for unserviceable material received after demolition/dismantling has been uploaded on pdf format.
The contract sum as defined in condition 1(n) of GCC (IAFW-2249) shall be arrived at after deducting the amount of Sch. Of
Credit to be afforded by the contractor from the total amount quoted by the bidder in the BoQ template.
13. Particular attention of the contractor is invited to the documents mentioned in the “TENDER” page immediately after
Schedule ‘D’ based on which the execution of the work is agreed to by the contractor.
14.1 In case of more than one site or building is involved for work services under this contract, the site/ buildings shall be
handed over to the contractor in a phased manner. Immediately after signing of the WO No. 1 between the GE and the
contractor, the contractor and the Engineer-in-Charge together will decide upon the handing over of the site/buildings in a
phased manner and will agree for execution of the work in a planned manner within the stipulated period of completion of the
work as mentioned in the contract agreement and as agreed in the WO No.1.
14.2 The instrument of handing over of the buildings and execution of the work shall be duly signed by the contractor and
the Engineer-in-Charge. Any change required in the agreed program during the currency of the work shall be with the prior
approval of the GE if the situation so demands. No claim by the contractor on this account shall be tenable.
14.3 The date of handing over of the site or building and the date of completion of work as agreed in the WO No. 1 shall
not be altered on account of handing over of the site or building in phases. The period of completion for all the sites or buildings
shall run concurrently.
15. Enrolment of Workers . The Contractors will ensure to employ only those persons as labour who have ‘AADHAAR
linked’ Bank Account. It is further inform that even if the contractors is having separate PF Code Number, the overall
responsibility of ensuring the compliance under the EPF and MP Act, 1952 for the labour employed by him and the deposit of
the dues with the EPFO regularly. The GE being the Principal Employer is empowered to deduct EPF dues from the Contractor
from any payment due to him under the subject contract and deposit the same either against the contractor’s code number or
his own code number.
16. Performance Security. The Accepting Officer for an on behalf of President of India reserve the right for
cancellation of the award of the work and foreifiture of the Earnest Money (As applicable) in the event of failure of the
successful contractor to comply with the requirement of Clause 19, Sub Clause 19.1 of IAFW-2249, General Condition
of the Contract and forming part of this contract.
17. Period of completion:- The entire work under this contract shall be completed within a period of 270 Days from the
date of handing over of the site as mentioned in the first work order issued by the GE.
18. MODE OF PAYMENT OF WAGES TO THE WORKERS: No payments to contractors/ firms will be made unless proof
of payment of wages to the workmen is submitted by the contractor/firm. In case payments are made in current coins or
currency notes, certificate will be submitted by the contractor/firm along with undertaking by the concerned workmen asking for
payment other than by cheque or by crediting in the bank account of the employee/workmen.
CA No GE(A)SOG-Token No 36/24-25 Serial Page No 17
SCHEDULE ‘A’(Contd…..)
19.2 For measurement purposes in respect of those buildings for which audited periodical services measurement books are
available; quantities shall be taken from PSMBs directed and entered in Measurement Book (IAFW-2261) and in respect of
those buildings for which audited PSMBs are not available, detailed measurement of works shall be taken and entered in
Measurement Book (IAFW-2261) in the usual manner. In respect of the buildings for which the PSMBs have been prepared and
duly audited, the measurements recorded therein shall be deemed final and binding.
19.3 The tint of the paint of any description / colour wash / distempering and colour scheme shall be as approved by the GE
without any extra cost to the Government.
20.1 Keeping in view of the Pandemic COVID-19 the contractor shall ensure all safety measures and norms for social
distancing (as notified by NDMA and Min of Family Welfare & Health or other concerned authorities), provision of face masks to
the labours and other basic amenities to the labour employed so that their continued presence could be ensured and work does
not suffered due to their absence for want of safety measures and safeguard against COVID-19 alongwith the following
(a) All work places shall have adequate arrangements for temperature screening and provide sanitizers at convenient
(b) Wearing of face cover is compulsory and thermal scanning of the employee shall be done on daily basis and report
to Engr-in-Charge.
(c) Spitting is prohibited and shall be penalized as per Govt’s instructions.
(d) There shall be strict ban on consuming of liquor, gutka, tobacco and any other drugs to maintain the safe health of
self and surroundings.
(e) Frequent hand washing shall be advised and the materials required to be supplied by the contractor to the staff
employed at work.
(f) Intensive communication and training on good hygiene practices shall be given to the employees.
(g) In case any employee is found to be a victim of COVID-19, then the contractor shall immediately inform the
department and the employee to be directed to report to any government hospital. Also that individual shall not be
employed further till he gets clearance from the hospital.
(h) The cost for the above provisions shall be borne by the contractor and nothing extra is admissible on this account.
AGE (Contract)
(Signature of Contractor ) For Accepting office
CA No GE(A)SOG-Token No 36/24-25 Serial Page No 21
1. The quantities given in this Schedule are provisional. The quantity may vary as per actual at site. The contractor shall not
have any claim whatsoever for variation in quantities.
2. The rates of unserviceable materials obtained from demolition/dismantling are assessed by the department and are inserted
in Column 5 here-in-below. The contractor shall have no claim what-so-ever if the actual value of material is different from the
assessed value indicated in Column 5. The tenderers shall be deemed to have visited the site and accounted themselves with
the nature, extent and quality of material that become contractor's property as per this Schedule.
3. The unserviceable material obtained from dismantling/demolition/taking down shall remain in the custody of the Engineer-in-
charge. These materials shall not be used by the contractor in the work and shall be removed from the site of work as directed
by the Engineer-in-Charge after exercising due check. The unserviceable material indicated in the Schedule of credit shall
become property of the contractor only after the approval of Accepting Officer. Contractor shall only be allowed to take away the
retrieved materials only after recovery / adjustment had been made from his dues against these materials. Such material shall
be stacked on the site till credit thereof is recovered and the unit rates for demolition/ dismantling shall be deemed to include for
this element. Removal/ transportation of retrieved unserviceable materials which shall become contractor's property shall be the
responsibility of the contractor without any extra cost to Govt.
4. It is clarified that no percentage (Plus/Minus) can be quoted by the tenderers on rates/amount of this Schedule of Credit and
each credit rate as inserted by the department is firm. The rates/amount inserted by the department in Schedule of Credit shall
be considered with regard to arriving at the Contract Sum & for payment purpose etc.
5. Any retrieved material not listed in this schedule shall be Govt property and deposited in the store yard of Engineer-in-charge.
6. Accepting Officer reserve the right to retain any or the full quantity of demolished / dismantled materials which in his opinion
is serviceable and same shall be deposited by the contractor in the store yard of Engineer-in-charge without any extra cost to
Govt. The contractor shall not have any claim whatsoever on this account. However, the recovery shall be effected only for the
quantities issued to the contractor.
2. Deduct:- Credit amount as per Schedule of Credit on Srl (-) : Rs. 2,800.00 (Minus)
Page No. 21
(See Condition 15, 34 and 35 of IAFW-2249)
S.No Quantity Particulars Details of Hire Charges Stand by Place of issue Remarks
MES crew Per unit Per charges Per by name
supplied working day unit Per Off
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
S.No Quantity Particulars Rate Per unit Per working day Place of issue by name Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Special conditions & Specifications signed by the Officer issuing the tender documents.
2. Blank.
4. MES Standard Schedule of Rates 2009 Part-I (Specifications) and Standard Schedule of Rates 2020 Part-II
(Rates) (hereinafter and in IAFW-2249 referred to as the MES Schedule) together with errata/amendments as
5. General conditions of contracts IAFW-2249 (1989 print) together with amendment No. 1 to 49 and errata No. 1 to 20.
6. REFER CONDITION 31 OF IAFW-2249 (GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACTS) : The water will be supplied by
the MES and shall be charged at the rate of Rs 3.75 for per Rs 1000/- worth of work done priced at contract rates.
*(a) That the sum of Rs 90,000/- (Rupees Ninety thousand only) forwarded as earnest money either be retained
on account of security deposit or be refunded by Government on receipt of an equal amount as security deposit within
the time specified vide condition 19 of IAFW-2249.
(b) To execute all the works referred to in the said documents upon the terms and conditions contained or
referred to therein at the item rates contained in the above said BOQ or, at such other rates as may be fixed under the
provision of Condition 62 of IAFW-2249 and to carry out such deviations as may be ordered vide Condition 7 of IAFW-
2249 upto a maximum of 10% (Ten percent) and further agree to refer all disputes as required vide Condition 70 of
IAFW-2249 to the sole Arbitration of a serving officer having degree in Engineering or equivalent or having passed
final/direct final Examination of Sub Division II of Institution of Surveyors (India) recognised by the Govt of India to be
appointed by the Chief Engineer Bathinda Zone Bathinda or in his absence the officer officiating as Chief Engineer
Bathinda Zone Bathinda if specifically delegated in writing by Chief Engineer Bathinda Zone Bathinda, whose decision
shall be final conclusive and binding.
duly authorized to sign the tender for and behalf of M/S _______________________________________________________
Dated ______________________________
_____________________________ ___________________________________
Telephone No.______________________
________________________ alteration(s) have been made in these documents and as evidence that these alteration(s) were
made before the execution of the contract agreement, they have been initialed by the contractor and AGE (Contracts) ,for GE
(Army ) Suratgarh Military Station. The said officer is hereby authorized to sign and initial on my behalf the documents forming
part of this contract.
The above tender was accepted by me on behalf of THE PRESIDENT OF INDIA at the item rates contained in the
A copy of the General Conditions of Contracts (IAFW-2249 : Print-1989) with Errata and Amendments has been
supplied to me/us and is in my/our possession. I/We have read and understood the provisions contained in the aforesaid
GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACTS before submission of this tender and I/We agree that I/We shall abide by the terms
and conditions thereof as modified if any elsewhere in these tender documents.
It is hereby further agreed and declared by me/us that the General Conditions of contracts (IAFW-2249 : Print-1989)
including Condition 70 thereof pertaining to settlement of disputes by Arbitration, containing 33 pages (Serial page No. 26 to 58)
with errata 1 to 20 and amendment No 1 to 49, containing 30 pages (Serial Page No . 59 to 88 form part of these tender
It is hereby agreed that the “Schedule of Minimum Fair Wages” (SMFW) as published vide Government of India
Notification dated 10 Mar 1992 (Revised upto date) form part of these tender documents.
My/Our signature hereunder amounts to my/our having read and understood the provisions contained therein and I/We
agree that I/We shall abide by the same and that aforesaid documents form part of this tender.
Note : “Schedule of Minimum Fair Wages” referred to above is available for reference in the Office of Accepting Officer.
CA NO GE(A)SOG-Token No 36/24-25 Serial Page No. 99
1.1 The following special Conditions shall be read in conjunction with General Conditions of Contracts, IAFW-
2249 and IAFW-2159/IAFW-1779A including Errata/amendments thereto as mentioned. If any provision in these
Special Conditions is at variance with that of the aforesaid documents, the former shall be deemed to take precedence
there over.
1.2 The work under this contract shall be carried out in accordance with Schedule ‘A’ (referred to as the Bill of
Quantities), the Particular Specifications, Drawings (where applicable) and other provisions in MES Schedule.
1.3 The term ‘General Specifications’ referred to hereinbefore, as well as referred to in General Conditions of
Contracts (IAFW-2249) shall mean the specifications contained in the MES schedule.
1.4 General Rules, Specifications, Special Conditions and all preambles in the MES Schedule shall be deemed to
apply to the works under this contract. In case of any discrepancy, the provisions in these tender documents shall take
precedence over the aforesaid provision in the MES Schedule.
2.1.2 The work lies in UNRESTRICTED AREA. However, the contractor, his agents, servants, workmen and vehicles may
pass through the unit lines, in which case, the Engineer-in-Charge at his discretion, has the right to issue the passes, control
their admission to the site of work or any part thereof. The contractor shall on demand by the Engineer-in-charge shall submit a
list of personnel etc. concerned and any other information called for by the Engineer-in-Charge and shall satisfy the Engineer-
in-Charge as the bonafide of such people. Passes shall be returned at any time on demand by the Engineer-in-Charge and in
any case on completion of work.
2.1.3 The contractor and his work people shall observe all the rules promulgated from time to time by authority controlling
the area where the work is to be carried out e.g. prohibition of smoking etc. Any person found violating the security rules laid
down by the authority shall be immediately expelled from the area without assigning any reasons whatsoever and the contractor
shall have no claim on this account. Nothing shall be admissible for any man hours lost on this account.
2.2 CONDITIONS FOR WORKING IN RESTRICTED AREA. All works lies in RESTRICTED AREA. The restrictions for entry to
work site and conditions of working in restricted area shall be as under:-
(a) VISIT TO SITE WITHIN THE RESTRICTED AREA. Permission to enter the restricted area at the time of
submission of tenders can be obtained through the Garrison Engineer. Tenderers are advised to send prior intimation of their
agents, representatives etc. if any, dates and time of their proposed visit so that necessary arrangements may be made by GE
to secure admission. Whether a tenderer visits the site or not, shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the restriction of
entering into/ exit from and other working conditions within the Restricted Area.
(b) ENTRY AND EXIT: The contractor and his work people shall observe all the rules promulgated from time to
time by authority controlling the area where the work is to be carried out e.g. prohibition of smoking, movement control etc.The
contractor, his agent(s)/representatives, workmen etc. & his materials, carts, trucks or other means of transport etc. will be
allowed to enter through & leave from only from such gate or gates and at such times as the GE or authorities in-charge of the
Restricted Area may at their sole discretion permit to be used. The contractor’s authorised representative is required to be
present at the place of entry & exit for the purpose of the identifying his carts, truck etc. to the person in charge of the security
of Restricted Area.
CA NO GE(A)SOG-Token No 36/24-25 Serial Page No. 100
(c) IDENTITY OF WORKMEN: Every workmen shall be in possession of an identity card. The identity card shall
be issued after a thorough investigation of antecedents of the labourers by the contractor and attested by Officer-in-Charge of
the unit concerned in accordance with the standing rules and regulations of the unit. Contractor shall be responsible for conduct
of his workmen, agents or representatives.
(d) IDENTITY CARD OR PASSES: The contractor, his agent and representatives are required individually to be
in possession of an identity card or pass which will be examined by the security staff at the time of entry into or exit from
the restricted area at any time or number of times inside restricted area.
(e) SEARCH: Thorough search of all persons and transport shall be carried out at each gate and for as many
times gate is used for entry or exit and may also be carried out any number of times at the site within the restricted area.
(ii) The exact working hours, number of working days & non-working days observed for the restricted area,
where works are to be carried out shall be deemed to have been ascertained by the contractor before
submitting his tender. The tenderer’s attention is invited to the fact that the total number of working hours for a
unit prescribed in regulations and they cannot be increased by the GE or authorities controlling the restricted
(iii) Contractor’s materials, transport etc, shall normally be permitted to go out of the area between 7
AM to 6 PM only.
(iv) Contractor may also be allowed to carry out the work beyond the normal working hours for that area (day
& night) with prior approval of GE but however, no movements of materials and transport out of site of works shall be
permitted during night unless special permission is obtained from the factory/ unit authorities.
(g) WORKING ON HOLIDAYS: The contractor shall not carry out any work on gazette holidays, weekly holidays
and other non- working days except when he is specially authorised in writing to do so by the Garrison Engineer. The GE may
at his sole discretion declare any day as holiday or non-working day without assigning any reason for such declaration.
(j) FEMALE SEARCHER: If the contractor desires to employ female labour on works to be carried out inside the
area of factory, depot, park etc, and a female searcher is not borne on the authorised strength of the factory, depot, park etc. at
the time of submission of tender, he shall be deemed to have allowed in his tender for pay and allowances etc for a female
searcher (Group D employee) calculated for the period female labourers employed by him inside that area. If more than one
contractor employs female labourers during any month and female’s searcher (s) has / have to be employed in addition to the
authorised strength of the factory, deport, park etc. the salary and allowances paid to the additional female searchers shall be
distributed on equitable basis between the contractor’s employing female labour taking into consideration the value and period
of completion of their contracts. The GE’s decision in regard to the amount payable on this account by any contractor shall be
final and binding.
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3 OFFICIAL SECRET ACT: The contractor shall be bound by the India Official Secret Act, 1923, particularly Section 5
thereof, all as per condition 2A of IAFW-2249.
4.1 The contractor shall employ only Indian Nationals and verify their antecedents and loyalty before employing them on
the work. He shall ensure that no person of doubtful antecedents and nationality is in any way associated with the work. If for
the reasons of technical collaboration or other considerations the employment of foreign national is unavoidable, the tenderers
shall furnish full particulars of such persons to the Accepting Officer at the time of submission of the tender. As a proof that he
has employed only India Nationals, he shall render a certificate to this effect to GE within one month from the date of
commencement of work.
4.2 The GE shall have full power, and without giving any reason to order the contractor immediately to cease to employ in
connection with this contract, any representatives, agent, servants and workmen or employees whose continued employment in
his (GE’s) opinion is undesirable. The contractor shall not be allowed any compensation on this account.
4.3 The contractor’s attention is also drawn to condition 25 of IAFW-2249 in this connection.
4.4 VERIFICATION OF ANTECEDENTS: Verification of antecedents of the Contractor’s representatives / labour deployed
at site in connection with execution of work under the Contract, as per security requirement of user unit / installation shall be the
responsibility of the Contractor and all expenses in connection with verification of antecedents by police authority / security
agency shall be borne by the Contractor.
4.5 ACCESS TO RESTRICTED AREA AFTER COMPLETION OF WORKS. After the works are completed & surplus
stores etc. removed, the contractor, his agents, representatives or workmen etc., may not be allowed to have access to the
restricted area except for attending any rectification of defects pointed out to him by the GE.
5.1 This contract shall be governed by the provisions of Contract labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970, MINIMUM
WAGES ACT 1948 AND FAIR WAGES, The Employees Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions (EPF & MP) Act, 1952,
The Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Cess Act 1996 and the Payment of Wages Act, 1936
5.2 The Contract labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970 is applicable to this contract. The Contractor will take steps to
get their establishment registered under that and obtained licence.
6.1 Refer to conditions 24 of IAFW-2249.The contractor shall be permitted to store materials including erecting temporary
sheds, temporary workshop and site office at the area(s) of land marked on the site plan(s) or as decided by the GE if the
area(s) are not marked on the site plans. The contractor shall pay licence fee of Re.1.00 (Rupee one only) per year or part
thereof in respect of each and every separate area of land allotted to him. The site shall be as shown on the site plan(s) or as
decided by GE and contractor shall have no claim what-so-ever on this account.
6.2 Labour camp shall be permitted to erect on defence land as shown on site plan or as decided by GE and contractor
shall have no claim what-so-ever on this account.
7.1 The contractor shall furnish the Engineer-in-charge every morning a distribution return of the plant and/or equipment
on the site of the work, stating the following particulars:-
CA NO GE(A)SOG-Token No 36/24-25 Serial Page No. 102
(i) Particulars of plant/or equipment, its make, manufacture, Model No., if any registration No., if any, capacity, year of
purchase etc.
(ii) Total Nos. (Quantity) on site of works.
(iii) Location indicating Nos. (Quantity) at each location on the site of works.
(iv) Purchase value on the date of purchase. For the purpose of this condition plant and /or equipment shall include
vehicles i.e. lorries but neither the workmen's tools nor any manually operated tools/equipment.
7.2 The Engineer-in-charge shall record the particulars supplied by the contractor in the works diary and send monthly
return to the GE for record in his office.
(i) The loss suffered by him on account of any damage or destruction of his plant and or equipment (as defined
in special condition 7 above) or materials or any part or parts thereof. (The amount of loss assessed by the Accepting
Officer of the contract or CWE in the case of contract accepted by GE, shall be final and binding).
(ii) The compensation paid by him under any law for the time being in force to any workmen employed by him for
any injury caused to him or to the workmen's legal successor for loss of the workman's life.
(iii) Payment of compensation for loss or damage to any work or part of work carried out. The amount of
compensation shall be determined in accordance with condition 48 of General conditions of Contracts (IAFW-2249).
(iv) No reimbursement shall be made nor shall any compensation be payable under the above provision unless the
contractor had taken air defence / precautions ordered by the GE concerned, or in the absence of such order,
reasonable precautions taken by the contractor. Neither reimbursement shall be made nor shall any compensation be
payable for any plants/equipment or materials not lying at site of work at the time of enemy action.
10. WATER: Refer condition 31 of IAFW-2249. Water will be supplied by the department at the point(s) as indicated on the
site plan or in the absence of the same at the points decided by the GE. Recovery for water will be charged @ Rs.3.75
for per Rupees 1000/- worth of work done priced at contract rates. Contractor will not be allowed to dig any
well/tubewell inside the Defence land. Cost of supply of water at point stated above shall be borne by MES. Beyond
that it will be responsibility of the contractor to make arrangement as described in para 2 of Condition 31 of IAFW-
2249. The contractor, shall make his own arrangement for the conveyance and storage of water required for the work,
labour/workmen etc. No claim whatsoever in this respect shall be entertained at a later date.
10.1 Size of ferrule at the point of supply shall be 15mm bore unless otherwise indicated in site plan. The duration of water
supply from MES point will be generally as under :-
(i) One hour in the morning.
(ii) One hour in the evening/night.
No claim however, shall be admissible, if there is breakdown of water supply in the MES system or change in timing of
supply of water. Storage of water will be contractor’s responsibility without extra cost to MES. Water may be supplied
by MES even earlier/later than the working hours observed by the contractor
11.1 In case, the contractor desires to buy electricity from MES, he shall be charged for the electric energy consumed at Rs
8.10 for per unit for lighting as well as for power.
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11.2 Electric supply required for the work shall be made available by MES at the points marked on the layout plan or in the
absence of the same, at the points as decided by the Garrison Engineer. The main switch and KWH meters to register
the electric energy supplied shall be provided and installed by MES, Contractor shall provide all necessary cables
fittings to and from the main switch in order to ensure a proper and suitable supply of electricity for the execution of the
work. All contractor’s installation shall confirm to and be strictly in accordance with Indian electricity Act & rules,
Manpower, the layout of cable etc as proposed by him shall be as per plan approved by the Engineer-in-charge. Any
risk either for material or for personnel shall be the contractor’s responsibility.
11.3 MES do not guarantee continuity of supply and no compensation whatsoever shall be allowed for supply becoming
11.4 GE or his representative shall be free to inspect all the power consuming devices or any electrical lines provided by the
contractor. Any devices or electric lines provided by the contractor, which is not to the satisfaction of the GE shall be
disconnected from the supply, if so directed by him.
Reference condition 14 of IAFW-2249 General Conditions of contracts. Delete this condition in toto and substitute as
“Neither quarries are available nor shall the quarrying be permitted on the defence land”.
(a) Engineering establishment for work costing between Rs 7.5 Lakhs to Rs. 50 Lakhs
A degree holder in engineering from Govt recognised institution or equivalent final or direct pass of sub
division II of the Institution of Surveyors (India), with at least 02 years practical experience of works.
(b) Engineering establishment for work costing below Rs 7.5 Lakhs
A diploma holder in Engineering from a Govt. Recognised Institute with adequate practical experience of the
17.1 Refer Conditions 58 of General conditions of contracts (IAFW-2249). The contractor shall not pay wages lower than
minimum wages for labour as fixed by the Govt of India/State Govt/Union Territory, whichever is higher.
17.2 Contractor’s attention is also drawn, amongst other things to the “explanation” to the schedule of minimum wages
referred above.
17.3 The fair wages referred to in Condition 58 of IAFW-2249 will be deemed to be the same as the minimum wages,
referred to above upto date from time to time.
17.4 Schedule of minimum wages are not enclosed along with tender documents. However contractor shall be deemed to
have verified the minimum fair wages payable as on the last due date of receipt of tender.
17.5 The contractor shall have no claim whatsoever, if on account of local factor and or regulations, he is required to pay
the wages in excess of minimum wages as described above during the execution of work.
18. e-PAYMENT : Department at their option may make e-payment to contractor. For this purpose contractor shall submit
his bank account number and other e-payment details i.e. Name of bank, IFSC code, Bank cancelled cheque or photo
copy of cheque or front page of saving bank pass book for making e-payment after acceptance of tender to concerned
20.2 It is understood and agreed between the parties hereto that the rights and obligations of the parties shall be deemed to
be in suspension during the continuance of the force majeure event as aforesaid and the said rights and obligations shall
automatically revive upon the cessation of intervening force majeure event. The period within which the rights & obligations of
the parties shall be in suspension due to the force majeure event shall not be considered as a delay with respect to the period
of delivery and/or acceptance of delivery under the contract or otherwise the detriment of either party.
20.3 Not with standing the provisions of the immediately foregoing clauses it is further understood and agreed between the
parties hereto that in the event of any force majeure persisting for an uninterrupted period exceeding 6(six) months, either party
hereto reserves the right to terminate this contract upon giving prior written notice of 30 (thirty) days to the other party of the
intention to terminate without any liability other than reimbursement on the terms provided in this agreement of the goods
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(a) The time and progress chart to be prepared as per condition 11 of General Conditions of contracts (IAFW-2249), shall
consist of detailed network analysis and a time Schedule. The critical path network will be drawn jointly by the GE and the
contractor soon after acceptance of the tender. The time scheduling of the activities will be done by the contractor so as to finish
the work within the stipulated time. On completion of the time- schedule a firm calendar date schedule will be prepared and
submitted by the contractor to GE, who will approve it after due scrutiny. The schedule will be submitted in four copies within
two weeks from the date of handing over the site.
(b) During currency of the work the contractor is expected to adhere to the time schedule and this adherence will be part
of the contractor's performance under the contract. During the execution of the work the contractor is expected to participate in
the reviews and updating of the network undertaken by GE. These reviews may be undertaken at the discretion of the GE either
as a periodic appraisal measure or when the quantum of work ordered on the contractor is substantially changed through
deviation order (s) or amendments. Any revision of the Schedule as a result of the review will be submitted by the contractor to
the GE within a week who will approve it after due scrutiny. The contractor will adhere to the revised schedule thereafter. In
case of Contractor disagreeing with the revised Schedule, the same will be referred to the Accepting Officer whose decision will
be the final, conclusive and binding. GE's approval to the revised Schedule resulting in completion date beyond the stipulated
date of completion shall not automatically amount to grant of extension of time. Extension of time shall be considered and
decided by the appropriate authority in terms of condition 11 of IAFW-2249 and separately regulated.
(c) The Contractor shall mobilise and employ sufficient resources to achieve the detailed schedule within the broad frame
work of the accepted methods of working and safety.
(d) No additional payment will be made to the Contractor for any multiple shift work or other incentive methods
contemplated by him in his work schedule even though the time schedule is approved by the department.
23.1 Tenderers special attention is drawn to condition 2-A & 3 of General conditions of contracts (IAFW-2249) for
compliance. The contractor shall not communicate any classified information regarding the works either to sub- contractors or to
any other person(s) without prior approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor shall also not make copies of the design
and drawings and other documents furnished to him in respect of the work and he shall return all documents on completion of
the work or earlier determination / or termination of contract.
23.2 The contractor shall attach with final bill the receipt from the Engineer-in-Charge to the effect that the contractor has
returned the classified documents as per condition 3 of General conditions of Contracts (IAFW-2249).
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24.3 The aforesaid provisions will however not absolve the contractor to use required quantity of cement in work.
Refer Condition 49 of General Conditions of Contracts (IAFW-2249). The Contractor shall clean all floors; remove
cement, lime or paint drops, clean joinery, glass panels etc. Touch up all paint work and carryout all necessary items of work in
connection therewith and have the whole premises clean and tidy to the entire satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge before
handing over the item/works. No extra payment shall be admissible to the contractor for the operation.
27.1 The quantity of materials such as cement, steel, paints, water proofing compound, chemicals for anti-termite treatment
and the like, as directed by Engineer-in-Charge (the quantity of which cannot be checked after incorporation in the works), shall
be recorded in Measurement Books and signed by the contractor and the Engineer-in-Charge as a check to ensure that the
required quantity has been brought to site for incorporation in the work.
27.2 Materials brought to site shall be stored as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and those already recorded in
Measurement Book shall be suitably marked for identification.
27.3 Contractor shall produce vouchers/invoices from the manufacturers and/or their authorised agents for the full quantity
of the following materials as applicable as a pre-requisite before submitting claims for payment for advance on account of the
work done and/or materials collected in accordance with Condition 64 of General Conditions of Contracts (IAFW-2249):-
27.4 The contractor shall, on demand, produce to the GE, original receipted vouchers/invoices in respect of the materials
other than as stated in condition 27.3 above. Vouchers/invoices so produced and verified shall be stamped by Engineer-in-
Charge indicating contract number. The contractor shall ensure that the materials are brought to site, in original sealed
containers/packing, bearing manufacturer’s marking except in the case of the requirement of materials(s) being less than
smallest packing.
27.5 Bitumen shall be purchased directly from mainmanufacturers only. In case of small quantity, the Accepting Officer may
allow procurement of Bitumen from authorised dealers of main manufacturers. Purchase vouchers for the same shall be
defaced by the Engineer-in-Charge, indicating reference to the Contract number under his dated signature and photocopies
thereof shall be kept on record so as to avoid their being used again.
27.6 The vouchers will clearly indicate the Contract number and the IS No. and specific alternative to which the material
conforms in case of various alternatives in IS.In case the contractor procures the Bitumen mix from Hot Mix Plant, the copy of
voucher of Bitumen provided by the main manufacturer to the Hot Mix Plant shall be submitted by the contractor.
28.2 The materials and articles, which have been specified from certain makers/ manufacturers, shall be of
makes/manufactures as specified in the “List of Approved Makes” hereinafter. If the manufacturers specified in tender
documents make both ISI marked and conforming to ISI, the materials/articles shall be ISI marked.
28.3 The materials and articles, which have not been specified in tender documents by makes/manufacturers, shall be as
(i) If ISI marked materials are being manufactured the same shall be ISI marked. For list of ISI marked
manufacturers refer website of BIS i.e. www.bis.org.in.
(ii) If ISI marked materials are not being manufactured, the same shall be conforming to IS specifications.
28.4 Materials of local origin shall be as specified and conforming to samples kept in GE’s office. The tenderer is advised to
inspect sample of materials which are displayed in the office of GE, before submitting his tender. The tenderer shall be deemed
to have inspected the samples and satisfied himself as to the nature and quality of materials, he is required to incorporate in the
work irrespective of whether he has actually inspected them or not.
28.5 The contractor shall not procure materials and articles unless the samples are first got approved from the Garrison
29 APPROACHES:The contractor shall make arrangements for and provide at his own cost all temporary approaches, if
required to the site(s), after obtaining approval in writing of the GE to the layout of such approaches.
30. LOCATION OF BUILDINGS AND WORKS: There may be some changes in location/sitting of building shown in site
(layout) plan(s) to suit local conditions and/or departmental requirements. The contractor shall have no claim whatsoever
consequent to such changes in the location/sitting of works.
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31. WATCH/LIGHTING:The contractor shall at his own cost take all possible precautions to ensure safety of life and
property by providing necessary fencing, barrier, light, watchmen etc., during the progress of work and as directed by the
32. Pricing of Deviations :The principle enunciated, in condition 62 of IAFW-2249 shall apply to various parts of schedule
‘A’ of the contract. The contractor’s percentage applicable for pricing deviation as per condition 62 of IAFW-2249 shall be the
contractor’s percentage for the respective parts of Schedule ‘A’.
33. Making good :- The contractor shall leave or form holes in concrete (Plain or RCC), Brick work, stones masonry and
in any other situation as required for the work as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and make good in the same mortar and
mix as specified for that portion of work.
(ii) In addition to completion of all other stipulations under condition 49 of IAFW-2249, the completion certificate under
condition 49 of IAFW-2249 shall be issued only after vacation of site/area of land/building allotted to the contractor.
However the contractor may be permitted by the GE in writing to retain such areas of land / building which is in the
opinion of GE may be required for storage of materials required for rectification of defects (decision of the GE shall be
final and binding in this regard). Soon after the rectification of defects such area of land/building shall be vacated and
delivered to the Engineer-in-Charge in a neat state. Payment of final bill shall be made to the contractor only after such
areas of land/building are vacated by the contractor.
35.2 The rate quoted by contractor shall also includes all taxes/duties i.e. trade tax on works Contracts, GST, custom duty,
octroi duty & any other taxes/duties as applicable. This is an express condition of this contract and no claim of the contractor
shall be entertained by MES on this account.
35.3 It is mandatory for the contractors to upload their GST registration number alongwith the ‘T’ bid. This will be the one of
the criteria for qualifying in ‘T’ bid evaluation. The contractors who do not upload GST registration number, shall be disqualified
in ‘T’ bid evaluation and his/their finance bid shall not be opened.
35.4. Notwithstanding above, it shall also be mandatory that contractor will intimate their GST REGISTRATION NUMBER to
GE before payment is released to them failing which no payment shall be released on a/c of RAR/Bill. No claim whatsoever on
this account shall be entertained.
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(b) (i) The taxes which are levied by Govt at certain percentage rates of contract sum/amount shall be termed as
“taxes directly related to contract value” such as GST, Labour Welfare Cess/tax and like as applicable but
excludingincome tax. The tendered rates shall be deemed to be inclusive of all “taxes directly related to Contract Value
“with existing percentage rates as prevailing on last due date for receipt of tenders. Any increase of percentage rate
of“taxes directly related to contract value “with reference to prevailing rates on last due dates for receipt of tendershall
reimbursed to the contractor and any decrease in percentage rates of “taxes directly related to contract valuewith
reference to prevailing rates on last due date for receipt of tenders shall be refunded by the Contractor to
theGovt/deduct by the Govt from any payment due to the contractor. Similarly imposition of any new:” taxes
directlyrelated to contract value “after the last due date of receipt of tender shall be refunded by the contractor to
theGovt/deducted by the Govt from the payments due to the contractor.
(ii) The contractor shall, within a reasonable time of this becoming aware of variation in percentage rates and/or
imposition of any further “taxes directly related to contract value”, give written notice thereof to the GE stating that the
same is given pursuant to this Special Condition, together with all information relating thereto which he may be in a
position to supply. The contractors shall submit the other documentary proof/ information as the GE may require.
(c) The contractor shall, for the purpose of this condition keep such books of account and other documents as
are necessary and shall allow inspection of the same by a duly authorized representative of Govt, and shall further, at
the request of the GE furnish, verified in such a manner as the GE may require, any documents so kept and such other
information as the GE may require.
(d) Reimbursement for increase in percentage rates/imposition of “taxes directly related to contract value” shall
be made only if the contractor necessarily and properly pays additional “taxes directly related to contract value” to the
Govt. without getting the same adjusted against any other tax liability or without getting the same refunded from the
concerned Govt Authority and submits documentary proof for the same as the GE may require.
(e) The Contractor’s quoted rates shall be deemed to be inclusive of all taxes/cesses viz GST, duties, royalties, octroi
and other levies payable under respective statutes as applicable on the date of receipt of tender. It may be noted that
any tender imposing any condition in this regard or on any other account shall be treated as a conditional tender and
the same shall be liable to be rejected
(b) A LEVEL TESTS FOR WORKS COSTING UP TO Rs 100 LAKHS:- The contractor may set up site laboratory at his
option for works costing upto 100 lacks. The other stipulations will be same as specified in preceding Para (a). However in case
the contractor has not set up the site laboratory and tests are carried out in Zonal or any other laboratory approved / set up by
GE, the recovery shall be made at the rates given in Appendix ‘A’ for tests carried out in Zonal lab or otherwise as per actual
rates in case the tests are carried out in other labs. Testing charges will be deducted from the RAR’s irrespective of the test
results for such tests.
(c) B & C LEVEL TESTS : For tests of ‘B’ and ‘C’ level as indicated in Appendix ‘A’, the contractor shall provide all
facilities for testing of materials at Zonal Laboratory/Govt approved laboratories or test houses/Engineering Colleges at his own
cost. The lump sum / rates quoted by the contractor shall deemed to be inclusive of these tests. For ‘C’ level tests, actual cost
of testing shall be borne by the Contractor and for ‘B’ level tests recovery shall be made at the rates of various tests concluded
in Zonal Laboratory of MES as indicated in Appendix ‘F’. Wherever it is convenient to get ‘B’ level test done at approved test
house / Engineering College, the same can be done at the cost of the contractor and no separate recoveries will be made by
the Department for the same.
(d) The recoveries on account of testing charges wherever applicable shall be effected from the running account
payments due to the contractor payable after completion of the respective test or whenever the test is due whichever is earlier.
(e) This clause supersedes all other stipulations, if any, with regard to testing of materials specified elsewhere in the
tender documents.
(a) The cost of testing of materials as listed in Appendix ‘A’ to Particular Specification except materials issued
under Schedule ‘B’ shall be borne by the contractor.
(b) Tests of various materials as specified in SSR Part-I shall be carried out.
(c) Rates given under Col 7 of Appendix ‘A’ shall be per lot of samples.
39.1.1 The scope of conciliation shall be as per condition 71 of IAFW 2249 (General Conditions of Contracts).
39.2.1 The party initiating conciliation shall be send to the other party a written invitation to conciliate briefly identifying the
subject of the dispute.
39.2.2 Conciliation proceedings shall commence when the other party accepts in writing the invitation to conciliate.
39.2.3 If the other party rejects the invitation there will be no conciliation proceedings. If the party initiating conciliation does not
receive a reply within 30 days from the date on which he sends or within such other periods of time as specified in the invitation.
He may elect to treat this as a rejection of the invitation to conciliate and if he so elects, he shall inform in writing the other party
39.3 Number of conciliators: There shall be a Sole conciliator for works costing less than Rs 10.00 Crore and a disputes
resolution board (DRB) consisting of three conciliators for works costing more than Rs 10.00 Crore.
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39.4 Appointment of conciliator : Disputes (other than those for which the decision of the CWE or any other person is by
the contract expressed to be fixed and binding) shall be referred to the sole conciliator viz serving Officer not below the rank of
superintending Engineer/ Superintending Engineer (QS&C) in case of works costing less than Rs 10 Crores and to Disputes
Resolution Board (DRB) consisting of three Serving Officers, having degree in Engineering or equivalent or having passed
final/Direct final examination of sub division-II of Institution of surveyors(India) to be appointed by the Engineer-in-Chief, Army
Headquarters, New Delhi or in his absence the Officer officiating as Engineer-in-Chief or Director General of Works specifically
delegated by the Engineer-in-Chief in writing.
39.5 Status & Effect of Settlement Agreement:The settlement agreement signed by the parties as a result of conciliation
proceedings shall be the same status and effect as it is an arbitral award on agreed terms.
40. PERFORMANCE SECURITY DEPOSIT : Performance security in any of the forms given in clause 19 of IAFW 2249
for an amount equal to 5% of the contract sum. Failure of the successful contractor to comply with the requirements of sub-
clause 19.1 of IAFW-2249 shall constitute sufficient grounds for cancellation of the award of work and forfeiture of the Earnest
Money. In case of MES enlisted contractor, amount equal to the Earnest Money stipulated in the Notice Inviting Tender, shall be
notified to the tenderer for depositing the amount through MRO. Issue of tender to such tenderers shall remain suspended till
the aforesaid amount equal to the Earnest Money is deposited in Government Treasury. Work Order No 1 shall be placed only
after submission of Performance Security of adequate value by the contractor. In case a fixed deposit receipt of any Bank
furnished by thecontractor to the Government as part of the “Performance Guarantee” and the Bank is unable to make payment
against the said fixed deposit receipt, the loss caused thereby shall fall on the contractor and the contractor shall forthwith on
demand furnish additional security to the Government to make good the deficit.
42. Refund of Performance Security: Refer condition 19 and 68 of IAFW-2249. Performance security deposit may be
refunded to the contractor after the expiration of the defects liability period provided that the contractor have been paid the final
bill and have rendered a No-Demand certificate on prescribed format.
1.1 The work under this contract shall be carried out in accordance with Schedule ‘A’, Special conditions,
Particular specifications, General specifications and other provisions given in MES standard Schedule of
rates read in conjunction with each other.
1.2 The term “General specifications” referred to above as well as in IAFW-2249 (General conditions of
contracts) shall mean the specifications contained in MES standard Schedule of Rates 2009 Part-I
(Specifications) and 2020 Part II (Rates) briefly mentioned as MES Schedule or SSR.
1.3 7General rules, specifications, special conditions and preambles in the MES schedule shall deemed to be
applicable to the work under this contract, unless mentioned otherwise in these tender documents and in
case of conflicting provisions in the aforesaid documents the provisions contained in these tender
documents shall take precedence over the above said provisions in the MES Schedule.
1.4 Where specification for any items of work are not given in MES schedule or in these particular
specifications, specifications as given in relevant Indian Standard or as per code or practice shall be
1.5 The rates quoted by tenderer(s) shall be deemed to be included for the cost of necessary safety appliances
required for the workers.
2.1 Work under this contract shall be as per work orders placed by the Engineer-in-Charge and as specified in these
particular specifications and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. The tenderer are however advised to visit the
sites in consultation with Engineer-in-Charge to ascertain the actual location of work, nature of work,
quantum of work etc involved in different locations. However, no claim whatsoever whether the contractor
visits the sites or not shall be entertained at any stage.
3.1 The materials to be incorporated under this contract shall be ISI marked and not their equivalent or those
complying with IS. Where specified makes/brands have been mentioned in Schedule ‘A’ and particular
specifications these shall take precedence to ISI marked items, if specified make/bands are manufactured
with both i.e. with ISI marking and without ISI marking then only ISI marked make/brand shall be
3.2 All type of materials, stores and other parts, required to be incorporated in this contract shall be brought by
the contractor in original packings/cartons. The original purchase vouchers/invoices shall be produced by
the contractor duly signed by him for verification of Engineer-in-Charge prior to incorporation in the work.
3.3 Sample of materials to be got approved from Engineer-in-Charge and Garrison Engineer in the sample approval
register before their incorporation in the work.
4.1 All proprietary materials such as water proofing compound, bitumen, paints and like which loose their
identity and which can not be measured after incorporation in the work shall be recorded in the
measurement book and signed by the contractor and the Engineer-in-Charge.
5. EXCAVATION IN TRENCHES : Refer Para 3.3.4, 3.13 to 3.13.5 of MES Schedule Part-I.
6. SURFACE EXCAVATION : Surface excavation shall be carried out all as specified in Paras 3.3.2 of MES
Sch 2009 Part-I including cutting of bushes where required and ordered.
7. EXCAVATION IN POST HOLES : Excavation shall be carried out as per Sch ‘A’
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9.1 Cement: Contractor shall procure the same under his own arrangement for the entire completion of the
work. Provision of condition 10 of IAFW-2249 be read in conjunction with this clause.
9.2 The specifications and other provisions laid down vide section 4 Paras 4.3 to 4.3.1 of SSR (Part-I) shall be
read in conjunction with the provisions contained in the subsequent paras here-in-after.
9.4 SOURCE OF PROCUREMENT : Cement shall be procured by the contractor under his own arrangement
and at his own cost from main producers of cement as listed in Appendix ‘A’. However, in case the total
requirement of cement is less than 1200 bags, the contractor can procure cement from the authorized
distributor/dealer of the approved firms. In such a case, it shall be ensured by AGE that the cement
procured from authorized distributors/dealer is not more than two months old. In case the week/date of
manufacture of cement printed is more than two months old, the cement shall be rejected and the contractor
shall remove the same at his own cost and arrangements. Simultaneously contractor shall take immediate
action to procure fresh cement. The particulars of the manufacturers/ supplier of cement along with the
date of manufacture shall be submitted by the contractor separately for each lot of cement procured. Each
lot of cement procured by the contractor shall be recorded in the measurement book as ”NOT TO BE
ABSTRACTED” and shall be supported with authentic original purchase vouchers highlighting the makes,
batch Nos., quantity etc.
9.5 Mixing of cement of different type shall not be admissible (Refer para 4.3 of SSR (Part-I) in this connection).
9.6 IDENTIFICATION : Marking of each cement bag shall be as per relevant IS Code.
9.7 SCHEDULE OF SUPPLY : Schedule of supply of cement shall be finalized by the contractor with GE and
shall be incorporated in CPM Chart so that supply of cement is monitored in a way so as to avoid any delay
in completion of the work. The complete requirement of cement will be worked out before making any RAR
payments and sufficient in advance of the date of completion. No extension of time will be considered for
non-availability of cement. Every cement godown shall be provided with two locks, on each door. The key of
one lock of each door shall remain with Engineer-in-Charge or his representative and that of the other lock
with the contractor’s authorized agent at site of work so that cement is removed from godown only
according to daily requirement with the knowledge of both the parties. Cement for purpose of accounting
shall be on the basis of Nos of bags. Minor variations in cement not more than 2% by weight of cement in a
bag will be permissible for purpose of accounting of cement bags. However cement shall be incorporated in
the work on actual basis where specified without any additional cost.
9.8 (a) TESTING OF CEMENT : The contractor shall submit the manufacturer’s original vouchers and test
certificate along with the test sheet giving the result of physical test as applicable and the chemical
composition of the cement or authenticated copy thereof, duly signed by the manufacturer with each
consignment. The Engineer-in-Charge shall record these details in the cement Acceptance Register as
given as Appendix ‘C’ to Particular specification after due verification. The GE shall also organize
independent testing at random sample of cement drawn from various lots from the National Test House,
SEMT CME Pune, Regional Research laboratories, Government approved laboratory, Zonal laboratory,
Govt Engineering College, laboratory as per IS-3535-1986 (methods of sampling hydraulic cement) IS4031
(Method of physical test for hydraulic cement) and IS 4032-1985 (Method of chemical analysis of hydraulic
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(Method of chemical analysis of hydraulic cement). In case cement test result does not fall within acceptable
limit, respective lot of cement shall be rejected and shall be removed by the contractor within 24 hours from
the site. The cost of tests shall be borne by the contractor irrespective of status of the results and no claim
shall be/to be entertained on this account and condition 10 of IAFW-2249 shall be deemed to be amended
(b) In case total requirement of cement bags is less than 1200 bags and the contractor procures the cement
from authorized distributor/dealer of the approved firm the contractor will have to submit test certificate of
the batch issued by the main producers. In such a case the independent testing shall be at the discretion of
GE. However in a particular case when the contractor does not produce the factory test certificate, the
testing of cement by GE will be mandatory. However the testing will be restricted to IS 4031 (Methods of
physical test for Hydraulic cement) only)
(c) Sample of cement from each lot shall be collected by the Engineer-in-Charge and GE in accordance with
IS-3534-1986. Minimum of 2% of the bags will be tested.
9.9 STORAGE (FOR OPC) : The cement shall be stored and stacked properly. Precautions in storage shall be
observed as per para 4.3.1 to 4.3.3 of SSR (Part-I). Inspection shall be carried out once a day by the rep of
GE associated with the work and rep of contractor. It shall be ensured that tested and untested cement are
segregated and stored separately with distinct identification. Not more than 3 months requirement should be
procured and held in stock to avoid its deterioration.
9.10 DOCUMENTATION (FOR OPC): The contractor shall submit original purchase vouchers from the main
producer (or from authorized distributor/dealer of the approved firm in case total requirement of cement is less than
1200 bags) for the total quantity of cement supplied under each consignment to be incorporated in the work.
Any consignment received at the work site shall be inspected by the GE along with relevant documents
before acceptance. The original vouchers and the test certificate shall be defaced by Engineer-in-Charge
and the contractor or his representative and kept on the record in the office of GE duly authenticated and
with cross reference to the control number recorded in the cement acceptance register. The cement
acceptance register will be signed by JE (Civil), Engineer-in-Charge, GE and Contractor or his rep. The
entire quantity of all types of cement shall also be suitably recorded in MB for record purpose before
incorporation in the work as mentioned here in before and shall be signed by the Engineer-in-Charge and
the contractor.
9.11 REQUIREMENT OF PROCUREMENT (for PPC): While procuring PPC, the following requirements shall be
ensured and certificate to that effect shall be obtained for each batch from the manufacturer:-
(a) The quality of fly ash is strictly as per IS 1489 (Part-I) – 2002.
(b) Fly ash is inter-ground with clinker not mixed with clinker.
(c) Dry fly ash is transported in closed containers and stored in silos. Only pneumatic pumping should be used.
(d) The fly ash is received from thermal power plants using high temperature combustion above 1000 degree
centigrade shall be used.
(e) The fly ash content in PCC shall not exceed 25% to ensure consistency.
9.12 TESTING OF CEMENT (for PPC): The manufacturer shall carry out inspections and testing of cement in accordance
with relevant BIS provisions. The contractor shall submit the manufacturer’s test certificate in original along with the
test sheet giving the result of each physical test as applicable and chemical composition of the cement or
authenticated copy thereof, duly signed by the manufacturer with each consignment. The Engineer-in-Charge shall
record these details in the cement Acceptance Register as given at Appendix ‘C’ after due verification. The GE shall
also organise independent testing at random sample of cement drawn from various lots from the National Test House,
SEMT CME, Regional Research Laboratories, Govt. approved laboratories, Zonal laboratories, Govt. Engineering
College Laboratory as per IS-3535–1986 (Method of sampling hydraulic cement), IS-4031 (Method of physical test for
hydraulic cement) and IS-4032–1985 (Method of chemical analysis of hydraulic cement). In order to undertake
departmental testing requisite facilities shall be organized.
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9.13 STORAGE (for PPC): Cement shall be stored over dry platform atleast 20cm high in such a manner as to prevent
deterioration due to moisture or intrusion of foreign matters. In case of store room, the stack shall be atleast 20cm
away from floors and walls. The stacking shall not be more than 10 bags high. It shall be ensured that tested and un-
tested cement are segregated and stored separately with distinct identification.
9.14 DOCUMENTATION (for PPC) : The contractor shall submit original purchase vouchers from the supplier for the
total quantity of cement supplied under each consignment to be incorporated in the work. All consignments received
at the work site shall be inspected by the GE along with the relevant documents before acceptance. The original
vouchers and test certificates shall be defaced by the Engineer-in-Charge and the contractor or his representative and
kept on record in the office of GE duly authenticated and with cross reference to the control number recorded in the
cement acceptance register. The cement acceptance register will be signed by JE (Civil), Engineer-in-Charge, GE and
Contractor or his representative. The Accepting Officer may order board of officer for random check of cement and
verification of connected documents. The entire quantity of all type of cement shall also be suitably recorded in the
M.B. for record purposes before incorporation in the work as mentioned here-in-before and shall be signed by
Engineer-in-Charge and contractor.
Notes: - 1. In case estimated requirement for entire completion of work is less than 1200 bags, contractor can procure
cement from the authorized distributor/dealers of the approved firms mentioned here in before. However contractor will
have to submit test certificates for the batch issued by the firm.
2. In case of above the independent testing will be at the option of GE, if the factory test certificate are produced by the
contractor .In a particular case when contractor fails to produce the factory certificates, testing of cement by GE will be
mandatory. However the testing will be restricted to IS-4031.
3. The Engineer-in-charge will ensure that cement accepted should not be more than two months old. The week/date
of manufacturer of cement is always printed at the bottom end of the cement bag. The marking of manufacturer date
on cement bag is of particular nature and all official are required to clearly understand the method of marking.
4.Cost of testing, material, transportation etc shall be borne by the contractor without any extra cost from the Deptt.
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10.1 Cement shall not be issued under Sch ‘B’ and same shall be procured by the Contractor under his own arrangement
for the entire completion of work.
10.2 COARSE AGGREGATE :- Coarse aggregate for all cement concrete work shall be broken, crushed stone.
Broken/crushed stone aggregate shall be obtained from the quarries as mentioned in “Source of material”. Coarse
aggregate shall be as specified in Clause 4.4.1, 4.4.2, 4.4.3,, and of MES Schedule (Part-I).
10.3 FINE AGGREGATE :- Fine aggregate for all cement concrete shall be natural coarse sand obtained and shall be as
specified in Clause 4.4.1, 4.4.2, 4.4.3,,, of MES Schedule (Part-I) as laid down for grading Zone-
10.4 Grading of coarse aggregate unless otherwise specified shall be as follows:-
(i) For plain cement concrete below 30mm thickness 12.5mm graded
(ii) - do - but between 30mm to 75mm thickness 20mm graded
(iii) - do - but over 75mm thickness 40mm graded
(iv) RCC Work in all situations 20mm graded
10.5 MIX OF CEMENT CONCRETE:- Unless otherwise specified, mix of concrete in various situations shall be
as described in relevant items of Sch ‘A’ Part-I. Where no mix is specified, the same shall be deemed to be
1:2:4 (volumetric mix) using graded stone aggregates.
10.6 WORKABILITY OF CONCRETE: Refer para 4.11.4 of MES Sch Part-I.
10.7 MIXING, DEPOSITING, RAMMING ETC.: Mixing, laying and consolidating etc. Of cement concrete shall
be carried out all as specified in MES Schedule Part-I. However, for small quantities, hand mixing may be
done with prior approval of Engineer-in-Charge.
10.8 TRANSPORTING OF CONCRETE: Refer para 4.11.9 of MES Schedule Part-I.
10.9 PLACING OF CONCRETE: Refer para 4.11.10 to of MES Schedule Part-I.
10.10 CURING OF CONCRETE:- Refer para 4.11.13 and MES Schedule Part-I.
10.11 WATER PROOFING COMPOUND:- Refer para 4.8 of MES Schedule (Part-I).
10.12.2 As soon as possible, after receiving the order to commence the work, the contractor shall procure sufficient quantities
of the aggregates and cement and submit samples to the Zonal Laboratory, Chief Engineer Bathinda Zone/ any Govt.
approved laboratory to test their characteristics. The mix Design shall be carried out by the SEMT wing Pune/Govt
Engineering College/MES Laboratory at contractor’s cost as approved by GE. The representative of the Garrison
Engineer and the contractor shall be associated with the concrete mix design. . In case the mix design is carried out in
Zonal Lab, Chief Engineer Bathinda Zone/SEMT wing Pune, recovery of Rs. 5,000.00 (Rupees five thousand only) per
test shall be recovered from contractor’s dues. However in case if same is carried out by Govt Engineering College,
Contractor shall pay the requisite charges to the said agency at his own.
10.13 FINISHING TO EXPOSED SURFACES OF CONCRETE:- Refer paras,, (c), (d) & (e)
of MES Schedule Part-I.
10.14 FORMWORK: Formwork shall be for rough finished surfaces as specified in MES Schedule Part-I. All the
formwork shall be of steel. Contractor shall use properly designed steel form work (both Props & Surfaces).
11.2 SAND: Refer to paras 5.4, 5.4.1 and 5.4.2 of MES Schedule Part-I and shall be obtained from
11.3 BRICKS: Refer to paras 5.6.1 to 5.6.9 of MES Schedule Part-1. The bricks shall have minimum
compressive strength of 75 Kg/Sqcm and shall be best quality available obtained from
SURATGARH/HANUMANGARH/ ANUPGARH/ VIJAYNAGAR and shall be old size bricks as mentioned in
paras 5.6.3 of MES Schedule Part-I. However, size of old size bricks shall be as given below:-
(a) Length From 22 to 23 cms
(b) Breadth From 10 to 12 cms
(c) Depth/thickness From 6.5 to 8 cms fly ash bricks to be used shall be Fly ash bricks as specified in clause 5.7 of SSR Part –I and of old size
23x11.5x7.5 cm nominal size subject to tolerance as specified in clause 5.6.4 of SSR Part-I. The compressive strength
of the brick shall not be less than 75 kg/Sqcm Fly ash bricks for brick masonry where ever indicated shall to following
specifications :-
(a) Pulverized fuel ash lime bricks shall conform to the classification on the basis of average wet compressive strength
as specified in IS-12894.
(b) The dimensions and tolerances and method of test should conform to the requirement of IS-12894.
(c) Pulverized fuel ash commonly known as fly ash shall conform to grade 1 or 2 of IS-3812
(d) Bottom ash used as replacement of sand shall not have more than 12% loss on ignition when tested.
(e) Lime shall be class ‘C’ hydrated lime of IS-712
(f) Any suitable addition considered not detrimental to the curability of the bricks such as gypsum cement etc shall be
used if considered necessary without any price adjustment.
(g) Pulverized fuel ash lime bricks shall meet the physical characteristics as stipulated in IS-12894
(a) After initial curing of brick work, the same shall be left to dry for 21 days. The efflorescence appearing on
the brick work shall be brushed and thoroughly washed with water.
(b) The brick surfaces then again be left to dry for 30 days and again brushed and washed with water and
again the same process is repeated after 45 days
(c) Finally tamarind solution/hydrochloric acid 1:10 of the concentration approved by GE shall be applied on
the brick work before plastering LAYING AND BONDING
Bricks shall be laid and bonded all as specified in clause 5.23 and 5.24 of MES Schedule Part – I as specified for
old size bricks (FPS conventional bricks).
Table for frequency for normal mass , tensile , bend and rebend test of steel
1.. Bars size less than 10mm 1 Sample; (3 Specimens) for each test for every 25
tonnes or part thereof.
2. Bar size 10mm to 16mm 1Sample (3 Specimens) for each test for every 35
inclusive tonnes or part thereof.
3. Bars size over 16 mm 1 Sample (3 Specimens) for each test for every 45
tonnes or part thereof.
4. Tensile test 1Test for every 25 tonne of steel or part thereof
5. Bending test 1Test for every 25 tonnes of steel or part thereof
(i) For various tests, acceptance criteria , tolerance etc, refer Appendix ‘D’ and relevant B/S codes DOCUMENTATION The contractor shall submit original machine numbered purchase vouchers from the main manufacturer for
the total quantity of steel supplied under each consignment to be incorporated in the work. All consignments
received at the work site shall be inspected by the GE alongwith the relevant documents before
acceptance. The original purchase vouchers and the test certificates shall be defaced by the Engineer-in-
Charge and kept on record in the office of the GE duly authenticated and with cross-reference to the control
number recorded in the steel acceptance register. The steel acceptance register shall be signed by JE
(Civil), Engineer-in-Charge, GE and contractor. The entire quantity of all steel items shall also be suitably
recorded in the Measurement Book for record purposes as “ not to be abstracted” before incorporation in
the work and shall be signed by the Engineer-in-Charge and the contractor. Galvanised steel sheets (plain and corrugated) shall be conforming to IS-277 with medium coating of zinc,
nominal 275 g/Sqm.
15.4 Steel of different sizes shall be stacked separately for each classification of steel. Separate area shall be
earmarked. Steel shall be marked with distinct painting marks for easy identification.
15.5 All steel shall be as stored at least 15 cm above the GL Steel shall be stored in a manner so as to prevent
distortion and corrosion. Any section that has deteriorated and corroded or if considered defective by Engineer-
in-Charge shall not be used in the work and shall be removed by the contractor without any extra cost. It shall
be the responsibility of the contractor to make sure that all possible arrangements are made for the safe
custody of the steel. In case of any loss of steel, contractor shall only be responsible and the loss shall be made
good without any delay and no claim shall be admissible on this account.
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22.6 Each container of paint and primer shall bear the following particulars:-
(a) Manufacturer’s trade mark.
(b) Reference to Indian Standard to which they comply.
(c) Name of product.
(d) Date of manufacturing.
(e) Date of requirement.
(f) Batch No.
(g) Storage requirement.
(h) Storage life.
(j) Date of expiry.
22.7 Each lot of paint and primer shall be checked by Engineer-in-Charge and approved by him after verifying
form invoices, package and batch No. Materials shall be incorporated in the work only after written
approval from Engineer-in-Charge.
22.8.1 All brushes, tools, pots, kettles etc, used in carrying out the work shall be free from foreign matter and
shall be thoroughly cleaned with hot water and solutions at the end of a day’s work or before use for a
different type of materials. No finish shall be executed until a sample of the finish to the required colour
and shade has been approved by the GE.
22.8.2 The colour shall be even shade over the whole surface. If it is patchy or otherwise bad, the work shall be
redone by the contractor at his own expense.
22.11.2 Two coats of paint shall be applied as per manufacturer instructions. The drying period between two coats
shall be minimum 6-8 hours or as per Manufacturer’s instructions. The shade shall be as approved by GE.
The finish of paint shall be matt finish.
22.11.3 The paint shall be as per Manufacturer’s original colour as available or shade card. No mix of tint shall be
made into original shade.
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22.12.1 The work of applying primer and paint shall be got carried out by the authorized team of the manufacturer.
A certificate from their authorized representative shall be obtained by the contractor to the effect that
works of painting and primer have been carried out under their strict supervision and as per
manufacturer’s instructions. The same shall be submitted by the contractor to GE. The contractor shall
also obtain a written guarantee (only applicable for exterior emulsion paint) for effectiveness of paint
against fading out, manufacturer’s instructions. The same shall be submitted by the contractor to GE. The
contractor shall also obtain a written guarantee (only applicable for exterior emulsion paint) and warranty
for effectiveness of paint against fading out, peeling off, cracking, duct / algae accumulation etc for 5 (Five)
years from the certified date of completion of entire work from the manufacturer and submit the same to
GE before completion of entire work.
22.13.1 The painting work shall be carried out by using proper scaffolding. No zoola is permitted for the work under
any circumstances. Suitable scaffolds shall be provided for workmen.
22.13.2 Scaffolding or staging more than 3.5 Meters above the ground or floor, swung or suspended from any
overhead support or erected with stationery support shall have a guard rail properly attached, braced and
otherwise secured at least 1 meter high above the floor or platform of such scaffolding or staging and
extending along the entire length of the outside and ends thereof with only such openings as may be
necessary for the delivery of materials. Such scaffolding or staging shall be so fastened as to pervent it
from swaying form the building or structure.
22.13.3 Every opening in the floor of a building or in a working platform be provided with suitable means to prevent
the fall of persons or materials by providing suitable fencing or railing whose minimum height shall be 1
22.13.4 Safe means of access shall be provided to all working platforms and other working places.
22.13.5 The rates quoted are deemed to include the above provision of scaffolding and no extra will be payable to
contractor on this account. The scaffoldings shall be removed only after obtaining clearance of Engineer-
in-Charge / Garrison Engineer after considering the quality of the work undertaken on completion of the
22.14.2 It is also advised, contractor to have insurance cover for his workmen working at heights against any
eventuality from any reputed insurance agencies. Department will not be responsible for any untoward
incident happening due to lack of safety precautions taken by contractor.
(i) Extent of area to be painted.
(ii) Sample of painting work (Area to be decided by GE).
(iii) After preparation of surface and before applying priming coat.
(iv) After applying priming coat.
(v) After applying first coat of paint.
(vi) After applying second coat of paint.
22.16.1 Before commencement of painting work all doors / windows/ ventilators, Balcony railings etc shall be
covered properly for protecting from the drips of paint/ primer while paining, to the entire satisfaction of
Engineer-in-Charge. Covering shall be done with tarpaulin or ply wood. After completion, the surrounding
area, glass panes, flooring shall be cleaned and all the paint marks on it shall be removed.
22.16.2 Contractor’s quoted rates shall to deemed included for the above said provision and nothing extra shall be
admissible on this account.
25.2. The tendered rates shall be deemed to include any minor work which are obviously land fairly intended as per current
practice and workman not have been referred to in these documents, but are essential for the work. In the event of
difference of opinion to whether the item is inclusive or not the decision of the Accepting Officer shall be final,
conclusive and binding.
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26. GENERAL. If any of the specifications are not given above, the material used shall either bear
ISI marking or conforming to ISS (if ISI marked not manufactured) and workmanship shall be all as per MES Schedule 2009
part I.
27.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for compliance of all statutory provisions relating to minimum wages, Provident
Fund and Employees State Insurance other rules/regulations framed by Govt time to time etc. in respect of the persons
deployed by him.
27.2 The Contractor shall also liable for depositing all taxes, levies, Cess, service tax or any other taxes etc. on account of
service rendered by it to the Department to the concerned tax collection authorities from time to time as per extant rules and
regulations on the matter.
27.3 The Contractor shall maintain all statutory records/details under the applicable law. The agency shall produce the
same, on demand to the concerned authority of this Department or any other authority under law.
27.4 The Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) and service tax shall be deducted as per the provisions of the Income Tax
Department / Excise and Sales Department respectively, as amended from time to time and a certificate to this effect shall be
provided to the contractor by the Department or to the Department by the Department contractor.
27.5 In case, contractor fails to comply with any statutory / taxation liability under appropriate law, and as a result thereof
the Department is put to any loss / obligation, monitory or otherwise, the Department will be entitled to get itself reimbursed
out of the outstanding bills or the Security Deposit of the agency, to the extent of the loss or obligation in monitory terms.