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STS 101

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Tuesday, 3 September 2024 6:20 pm

Science and technology studies, or science, technology and society studies (both
abbreviated STS) is the study of how society, politics, and culture affect scientific
research and technological innovation, and how these, in turn,
affect society, politics and culture.

Written Notes Additional:

• STS is learned to be conscious and aware of the proper use of technology

• Culture describes society


• The course deals with interactions between science and technology and
social, cultural, political and economic contexts that shape and are shaped by
them (CMO No. 13 series of 2013).

• This interdisciplinary course (hindi lang isang topic pinaguusapan) engages

students to confront the realities brought about by science and technology in
society. Scientific knowledge and technological development happen in the
context of society with all its socio – political, cultural, economic and
philosophical underpinnings at play.

• This course seeks to instill reflective knowledge in the students that they are able
to live the good life and display ethical decision making in the face of scientific
and technological advancement. This course includes mandatory topics on
climate change and environmental awareness.


• STS as an explicit academic field of teaching and research emerged in

the United States in the mid-1960s, as scholars and academics alike raised
doubts about the theretofore largely unquestioned beneficence of science
and technology. Public concerns relating to such areas as consumerism
(pagtangkilik sa mga produkto) , the environment, nuclear power, and
the Vietnam War began to lead to a critique of the idea of techno scientific
progress that many people had generally come to believe



○ Rachel Louise Carson was an American marine biologist, author, and

conservationist whose book Silent Spring and other writings are credited
with advancing the global environmental movement.

○ Marked by such popular works as Rachel Carson's Silent Spring (1962) that
raised questions about the hazards associated with chemical insecticides
such as DDT
○ Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, commonly known as DDT, is a colorless,
tasteless, and almost odorless crystalline chemical compound, an organ

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tasteless, and almost odorless crystalline chemical compound, an organ
chlorine, originally developed as an insecticide, and ultimately becoming
infamous for its environmental impacts.

○ FOUNDER OF UNITED STATES EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)


○ Silent Spring is an environmental science book by Rachel Carson. The

book was published on September 27, 1962, documenting the adverse
environmental effects caused by the indiscriminate use of pesticides.
Carson accused the chemical industry of spreading disinformation, and
public officials of accepting the industry's marketing
claims unquestioningly.

○ Nutrition facts on products started because of her.


○ Ralph Nader's automotive industry expose, Unsafe at Any Speed(1965), STS

reflected a widening activist and public engagement with techno
scientific issues and concerns.

○ Ralph Nader is an American political activist, author, lecturer, and

attorney, noted for his involvement in consumer protection,
environmentalism and government reform causes.

○ Unsafe at Any Speed: The Designed-In Dangers of the American

Automobile by Ralph Nader, published in 1965, is a book accusing car
manufacturers of resistance to the introduction of safety features such as
seat belts, and their general reluctance to spend money on improving

○ Made the use of seatbelt infamous.



○ Law of Gravity (all things near earth are pulled towards its center)

○ Law of Motion

○ Law of Acceleration

ROYGBIV - the true colors of light

CH4 - methane/biogas, organic, gas from an organic matter.\

Carbon - all organic matter have carbon kahit namatay na

Radiocarbon Dating - pag-alam kung gano na katanda ang isang organic



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○ Physicist

○ Relativity (there is no absoulute motion,, it is just relative to the position of

the observer). There is no absolute reference frame. One can measure
velocity if the object or momentum is only in relation to other objects. The
speed of light is constant irrespective of who measures it or how fast the
person measuring it is moving.

• According to Carl Sagan, Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a

body of knowledge.

• We are very familiar with the etymology of the term science which defines it as
body of knowledge.

• Etymology of science - The word science came from the latin word “scientia”
which means to know

• Studying science is not just collection of facts. But also involves analysis ,
problem solving, critical thinking, testing, observing and predicting.

• If we try to trace the genesis (pinagmulan) of the discipline of science, we will

have to consider the basic reasons why the field emerged. By nature human
beings are curious and this eagerness to know or to learn something will lead to
discovery and exploration of the world.

• Science is an organized body of knowledge based on facts , gathered through

observations, experiments and experiences.

• Science can also be used to construct and verify laws , conclusions and
theories about nature.

• As well , science can also serve as a basis of developing technology for the
benefit of man and the environment

• Science is powerful but we also have to remember that it has its limitations too.

• Furthermore , science can’t answer questions of morality. Morality is dictated by

social rules and culture.

• Supernatural events can’t be explained by science.

• Another definition of science that may help us to understand its nature is

“ Science is present verification without ultimate certainty”

• Science is a tool in order for us to appreciate how omniscient (all-knowing) is

our creator. The role of science is just to understand how well ordered the
creations are and before we realize it, it is already made by a Supreme Being .


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Tuesday, 3 September 2024 8:39 pm

- It comprised of products and processes created by engineers to meet our needs
and wants.
- study of our human made world
- Deals with what can be?
- Greek word "techne" means technique, art, skill , manner of how u create
- logos - words

- study of natural world
- deals with what if?

- allows us to send signals around the world
Ex: tv, internet, satellite, GPS, cellphones

- giving or exchanging information, may feedback
Ex: Magazines, DVDs, photography, video games

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Ex: Magazines, DVDs, photography, video games

- creates tools to treat disease or injury
Examples: lasers, ultrasound, prostheses, medications

- creates tools to minimize effect of technology on the development of living things.
Examples: hybrid vehicles, conservation, waste management(recycling)

- manufacturing of physical goods on an assembly line and the construction of
structures on a job site.

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- Energy is the ability to do work.
Ex: Chemical energy, mechanical energy, thermal energy, electrical energy, radiant
energy, gasoline, motion, steam, electricity, light.

- nanotechnology is manipulating materials on an atomic or molecular level.
Ex: Sensors, nanobot, molecular manufacturing

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Tuesday, 3 September 2024 8:48 pm

• Compose of group of people that live in a particular area or territory that shares
the same culture.
• They follow and developed organized patterns of relationship through
interaction with one another.
• Large group of people who live together in organized way, making decisions
about how to do things and sharing the work that needs to be done.

• Sociology is the study of social life, social change, and social causes and
consequences of human behavior
• It investigates the structure of groups, organizations, society, and how people
interact within these contexts.
• Socio - social, logos - words

- survival, hunting, women gatherers, with tamed dogs
- Hunter-gatherer culture is a type of subsistence lifestyle that relies
on hunting and fishing animals and foraging for wild vegetation and
other nutrients like honey, for food. Until approximately 12,000 years
ago, all humans practiced hunting-gathering.

- pag-aalaga ng hayop, lamb
- A pastoral society is a nomadic group of people who travel with a
herd of domesticated animals, which they rely on for food. The word
'pastoral' comes from the Latin root word pastor, which means

- alaga hayop and pagtatanim
- may bahay na, kaya na suportahan pamumuhay
- A horticultural society is one in which people subsist through the
cultivation of plants for food consumption without the use of
mechanized tools or the use of animals to pull plows.

- variations of plants and vegetables
- trading
- development of agriculture
- An agrarian society, or agricultural society, is any community whose
economy is based on producing and maintaining crops and
farmland. Another way to define an agrarian society is by seeing how
much of a nation's total production is in agriculture

- hierarchy
- umusbong nung bumagsak
- roman empire (king, nobility, knights, peasants)
- Feudal society refers to a social system characterized by a
hierarchical structure in which land is owned by a small ruling class
and is worked by peasants in exchange for protection and other

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and is worked by peasants in exchange for protection and other


○ Technologies of mass production are used to make vast amounts of goods

in factories
○ Machineries become the power house of production goods and
providing services
○ Steam engine, textile and fabric, mechanical seeders and harvesters,
paper and glass, nighttime productivity, education and healthcare


○ Stronger emphasis on the university and polytechnic institutes

○ Development of newer scientific disciplines
○ Replacement of practical knowledge with theoretical knowledge
○ Replacement of blue-collar manual laborers with technical and
professional workers

ERAS OF HUMAN HISTORY (Pre-History to Contemporary Period)

BC - Before Christ, BCE - Before Common Era

THE STONE AGE (2.5M BC - 3000BC)

documents of human migration from Africa and first use of tools by
Neanderthals (
extinct species of human that was widely distributed in ice-age,
an uncivilized, unintelligent, or uncouth person) , Denisovans (extinct hominin
relatives, the first ancient hominin species to be revealed by genes alone, not
by fossil classification) and early humans.

▪ humans lived in small, nomadic groups

▪ ice age
▪ stone tools, pottery
▪ land bridges

THE BRONZE AGE (3000BC - 1300BC)

humans settle in Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley and ancient Egypt; invention of
the wheel and metalworking. (Indus Valley and ancient Egypt - lahat malapit
sa ilog)
▪ adding tin to copper to make bronze
▪ large-scale societies joined under a central government (for
protection) by a powerful ruler
▪ Sumer, Babylonia and Athens
▪ Cuneiform, epic of Gilgamesh
▪ Code of Hammurabi (eye for an eye…)
▪ First Greek civilizations (Trojan war)

THE IRON AGE (1300 BC -600 BC)

formation of planned cities, introduction of ironworks, steel, and writing systems

▪ From tin and copper to iron

▪ Creation of steel by Hittites (were famous for their skill in building and
using chariots. They also pioneered the manufacture and use of iron.)

▪ Cast iron (tunaw iron) , steel weapons and tools, quenching

(pagbabagahin iron tas banlaw tubig), coins, rotary quern stone ( for
various types of grains)

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various types of grains)

TWO Ways to Quench:

i. water - para matulis
ii. oil - for durability


It marked the beginning of a philosophical period in world history as well as the
first recorded sources of human history. It is the Birth of philosophy

▪ Formation of organized cities called polis
▪ Mathematical advancement, geometry and trigonometry
▪ Astronomy, geocentric and heliocentric system
▪ Aristotle (first scientist) , scientific method, observations
▪ Medicine, zoology, botany, physics, optics
▪ Geometry (constellations) , trigonometry (group of stars)
▪ Hippocrates - magaling na doctor sa greece, nag-umpisa ng minor
▪ Volume - space occupied by an object
▪ Density - empty space sa loob
▪ Angle of Incidence - ray na tumama
▪ Angle of reflection -nagrereflect
▪ light is a wave

▪ Cement (made with mixture of volcanic ash and limestone) or
▪ Acta Diurna (The Ancient Roman Newspapers)
▪ Roman Aqueducts (para daluyan ng dam)
▪ Ancient Rome's Welfare/Early Social Security
▪ Ancient Rome's Roads and Highways
▪ Elements of surgery
▪ Sanitation
▪ Elements of the modern legal system (innocent until proven guilty)


(medieval, post-classical, dark ages)

▪ Collapse of Roman Empire, rise of Islam, height of Catholic church

(crusade - ubusin Muslim dahil sa paniniwala there is only one God)
▪ Black plague (Yersinia Pestis), European exploration, Distillation,
magnetic compass, spectacle (eyeglasses)
▪ Lack of scientific and technological advancement

Yersinia pestis - came from rats, the plague that killed 20M people, it
targets the lymphatic system , discovered by Alexandre Yersin

EARLY MODERN ERA (1450-1750 )

▪ Characterize as the resurgence or revival of classical values and

philosophies, and great scientific discoveries.
▪ School of athens (1508-1511)

▪ Microscope, and telescope

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▪ Microscope, and telescope
▪ Printing press (Johannes Guttenberg)
▪ Gregorian Calendar by Pope Gregory
▪ From geocentric to heliocentric
▪ Circular orbit vs elliptical orbit
▪ William Shakespeare

Cell Revolves
Julian Calendar by Julius Caesar but it is faulty

▪ battery - Alexandro Volta
▪ Vaccine - Edward Jenner
▪ Law of Motion - Isaac Newton
▪ Age of reason and Reformation
▪ Saw the re-examination politics, economics, and science


The influence of Renaissance and Enlightenment resulted to great
technological advancement. The word of politics and government was
challenge by wars and revolutions resulting to the end of monarchy in many


○ East India Trading company
○ Heat and Steam
○ Steam Engine(James Watt improved Thomas Newcomen's steam engine)
○ Locomotive, railways, ships
○ Metallurgy - spare parts, rods
○ Textile and fabric

Negative Effects
○ Cholera epidemic
○ child labor
○ overexploitation of natural resources
○ carbon emission
○ poor economic condition


American Revolution, French Revolution, Spanish-American Wars for
Independence, Italian Revolutions, Greek War of Independence, and the
Spring of Nations

C. AGE OF IMPERIALISM (1800- 1914)

France, Britain, Spain, Netherlands and US colonized other nations around the

○ Victorian Era by Queen Victoria (grandmother of queen Elizabeth) ,

Stereotype/double standard
○ 2nd industrial revolution (electricity)
○ light bulb by Thomas Edison, telephone by Alexander Grahambell, wireless
technology (radio and telegraph)
○ petroleum refining
○ internal combustion engine
○ airplane, automobile/tractor
Charles Darwin (evolution)

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○ Charles Darwin (evolution)
○ Faraday and Maxwell, electricity, and magnetism
○ Dalton and Mendeleev, Chemistry
○ Louis Pasture, Joseph Lister, medicine and public health
○ Albert Einstein (Theory of Relativity)

D. WORLD WAR I (1914 - 1918)

○ Worldwide conflict centered in Europe
○ Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (heir to austrian-hungarian
○ Fritz Haber (Haber Process - used in the manufacturing of ammonia from
nitrogen and hydrogen and Haber-Bosch Process - method of directly
synthesizing ammonia from hydrogen and nitrogen)
○ Sonar - sound waves parang ultrasoun
○ Chemical Weapon Attack
○ Blood Banks
○ Spanish Flu

E. INTERWAR PERIOD (1918 - 1939)

○ Great Depression - The Great Depression was a devastating and
prolonged economic recession that followed the crash of the United
States stock market in 1929
○ Television
○ Penicillin (Alexander Fleming)
○ Quantum Mechanics and atom
○ Social Security

F. WORLD WAR II (1939 - 1945)

○ Germany’s invasion of Poland
○ Flu Vaccines - made with dead viruses
○ Mass production of penicillin- because of war, need of immediate
○ Blood Plasma transfusion
○ Electronic computers
○ Radar
○ Atomic bomb (nuclear bomb)


○ Also known as the information age. The period in which technological
advances define social, economic, and political life.
○ Carbon dating
○ Nuclear energy, renewable sources of energy
○ CT scan and MRI ultrasound
○ Greenhouse effect and CFCs
○ AIDS virus
○ Internet
○ Gadgets (smartphones, laptop, computer)
○ Virtual and augmented reality
○ Artificial Intelligence

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Tuesday, 24 September 2024 9:22 pm

CIVILIZATION: an advanced state of human society, in which a high level of culture, science,
industry, and government has been reached.


Mesoamerica includes the entire area of Central America from Southern Mexico up to the
boarder of South America. There is no doubt that Meso American region is rich in culture and
knowledge prior to the arrival of its European colonizer.

Mesoamerica: middle part of america, lower boundaries of north america and upper boundary
of south america

One of the famous civilization that lasted for approximate 2000 years. These people are known
for their works in astronomy (describes celestial bodies). They incorporated their advanced
understanding of astronomy in their temples and other religious structures.

This allows them to use their temples for astronomical observation. For example, the pyramid at
Chizen Itza in Mexico is situated at the location of the sun during the spring and fall

• Mayan knowledge and understanding about celestial bodies was advanced for their time,
as evidenced by their knowledge of predicting eclipse and using astronomical cycles in
planting and harvesting. The Mayans are also known for measuring time using two complicated
calendar systems.
The Maya Calendar. The Maya actually used two calendars, a sacred year of 260 days and a
vague year of 365 days

The Mayans also developed the technology for growing different crops and building elaborate
cities using ordinary machineries and tools. They built hydraulics system with sophisticated
waterways to supply water to different communities.

Further , they used various tools and adapt themselves to innovation especially in the field of
arts. The Mayans built looms for weaving cloth and devised a rainbow of glittery paints made
from mineral called mica. Once rubbed, it changes color. It was used for mayan money or

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from mineral called mica. Once rubbed, it changes color. It was used for mayan money or



• The Inca civilization is known for creating the largest empire ever seen in the Americas, their
impressive agricultural techniques, and their art and architecture which uniquely combined
geometrical stonework with the natural landscape.

Tawantinsuyu Empire ("The Four Regions Together)

- bago pa maestablish columbia
- Stone community sa bulubundukin part of mesoamerica

The following were scientific ideas and tools that they developed to help them in everyday life:
1. roads paved with stones

2.stones building that surmounted earthquakes and other disaster

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Machu Picchu, one of the New Seven Wonders of the World, is believed to have been built in
1450 AD.

3. The first suspension bridge

This Suspension Bridge Is Made From Grass The 120-foot-long Incan bridge has been built and
rebuilt continuously for five centuries.

4. irrigation system and technique for storing water for their crops to grow in all types of land.

The Inca often irrigated these terraces by using water melting from nearby glaciers. The Inca
transported this freshly melted water to crop fields by building irrigation canals to move the
water and cisterns to store the water. The water is from melted water from nearby glaciers.
Irrigation Canal: to move the water

5. Calendar with 12 months to mark their religious festivals and prepare them for planting

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The Inca used their calendar to mark religious festivals as well as the seasons so they could
plant their crops at the correct time of the year. They studied the sun and the stars to calculate
their calendar. The Inca calendar was made up of 12 months. Each month had three weeks of
ten days each. The calendar depicts kung ano apat ang gawain at a specific point in time. 12
months, 3 weeks, 10 days


• Made substantial contributions to science and technology and to the society.

• The legendary origin of the Aztec people has them migrating from a homeland called
Aztlan to what would become modern-day Mexico.
• The Aztec civilization is known for being the last of the great Mesoamerican cultures before
the Europeans arrived.

1. Mandatory Education
○ Aztecs put value on education; that is why their children are mandated to get
education regardless of their social class, gender and age.

2. Chocolate
○ Cocoa and fruit juice
○ Cacao tree in mexico
○ Aztec in Mexico developed chocolate during their time. The chocolates was made
of cacao.
○ By the 15th century, the Aztecs used cocoa beans as currency. They believed that
chocolate was a gift from the god Quetzalcoatl, and drank it as a refreshing
beverage, an aphrodisiac, and even to prepare for war.

○ Prevent muscle spasm and relax muscles , which could help during the injury

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4. CHIINAMPA (it was built for high tide where there is a tendency to destroy crops)
It is a technique used in Mesoamerican agriculture which relies on small, rectangular
are as of fertile arable land to grow crops on the shallow lake beds in the Valley of

○ Narrow boat used for travelling
○ Canoe was very useful for navigating the canals and lake surrounding Tenochtitlan.
These canoes were made from hollowed out logs burned by fire. Aztec carpenters
also made a flatbottomed boat similar to a raft, consisting of planks of wood tied
together with tight fibers
○ Density = mass/volume


Asia is the biggest continent in the world and the home of many ancient civilization . It is a
host of many cultural , economic, scientific and political activities of all ages. In the field of
science , technology and mathematics , great civilizations have stood out ;. These

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science , technology and mathematics , great civilizations have stood out ;. These
civilization were incomparable in terms of their contributions to the development of
knowledge during their time

India is huge peninsula surrounded by vast bodies of water and fortified by huge mountains in
its northern boarders. The Indians creatively developed various ideas and technologies useful in
their everyday lives.

Jai Ho - Let the victory prevail

• Their iron steel is the best and held with high regard in the whole of Roman Empire.
• Among India's many claims to fame is the ancient medical science known as Ayurveda
System (from the Sanskrit words ayur, or life, and veda, science). This is a healing method
that relies on herbs as medicines for maintaining good health. The 5,000-year-old system of
natural healing is originated in India's ancient Vedic culture. It was suppressed during the
years of foreign occupation, but its medical practices have been enjoying a resurgence
both in its native land and throughout the world.
• every individual has three bodily states -- Vata, or air and ether, which give us movement
and activity; Pitta, or fire and water, responsible for heat, appetite and digestion; and
Kapha, or earth and water, responsible for water and bodily fluids. When these states are in
perfect balance,
• Susruta Samhita: first doctor in India , first to perform circumcision or pagtutuliin India,
describes different surgical and other medical procedures famous in Ancient India

• The highlight of Sushruta's surgical magnificence was the surgery of nasal reconstruction or
rhinoplasty (repairing the disfigured nose with a flap of skin from the forehead) that he
used to reconstruct noses that were amputated as a punishment for crime.

• Ancient India is also notable in the field of astronomy they developed theories on the
configuration of the Universe .
• Siddhānta Śiromaṇi is the major treatise of Indian mathematician Bhāskara II. He wrote the
Siddhānta Śiromaṇi in 1150 when he was 36 years old.

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Ancient India is known for their mathematics . It begins in Indus Valley Civilization. The people
of this civilization tried to standardize measurement of length to high degree of accuracy

• Indian Astronomer and Mathematician used the concept of Aryabhatiya Introduced a

number of trigonometric functions, tables and techniques as well as algebra.
• The scientist Aryabhata wrote the book 'Aryabhatiya', which included many formulae for
mathematical operations. Aryabhata was also an astronomer. He stated that the earth
revolves around the sun.

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• Brahmagupta suggested that the gravity was a force of attraction
• Brahmagupta (ad 628) was the first mathematician to provide the formula for the area of a
cyclic quadrilateral. His contributions to geometry are significant. He is the first person to
discuss the method of finding a cyclic quadrilateral with rational

CHINA (one of the most powerful)

China is one of the ancient civilizations with substantial contributions in many areas of life like
medicine , astronomy , science , mathematics , arts, philosophy and music .

In Mongol eyes, China was part of greater Mongolia. In Chinese eyes, Mongols are in fact
Chinese, back to Genghis, and beyond.

The Mongol armies started their attack in 1211, invading from the north in three groups; Genghis
Khan led the center group himself. For several years they pillaged the country;

Under the leadership of the infamous Genghis Khan and, later, his grandson, Kublai Khan,
Mongol nomads overran the Chinese armies and ushered in the Yuan Dynasty of China. Over
the course of its existence, the empire would become the largest contiguous land empire in


- this river started the civilization
- served as the trade route

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- served as the trade route

The Chinese are known for the traditional medicines and modern doctors (both have a license),
a product of centuries of experiences and discovery of the Chinese people. They discover
various medical properties and uses of different plants and animals to cure human illness.

Gekko: used for asthma medication

China legalized abortion (one child policy)

ACUPUNCTURE: is one of the most popular forms of Chinese Traditional Medicine in the
mainland, and is well recognized and practiced abroad (even by Western doctors).
Acupuncture treats patients by the insertion and manipulation of needles in the body, in an
attempt to balance the body. Acupuncture proponents claim that the practice relieves pain,
treats infertility, prevents disease, promotes general health, or can be used for therapeutic

In terms of technology , the Chinese are known to develop many tools. Among the famous
discoveries and inventions of the Chinese civilization were , compass, papermaking ,
gunpowder and printing tools that became known in the West

• In the field of astronomy , the Chinese also made significant records on supernovas , lunar
and solar eclipse and comets. They also observed heavenly bodies to understand weather
changes and seasons that may affect their daily activities.

They used Lunar Calendar: they celebrate new year in the first new moon of the year. New
moon happens between 3rd week of January and 3rd week of February.

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moon happens between 3rd week of January and 3rd week of February.

China made substantial contributions in various fields . The contribution made along with
mathematics , logic and philosophy and medicine.

How ever cultural factors prevent Chinese achievements from developing into modern
science, it may have been the religious and philosophical framework of Chinses intellectual
that made them unable to accept new ideas of laws of nature.

MIDDLE EAST COUNTRIES (Mesopotamia --> now Iraq, Persia --> Turkey, Sumeria -->
Southern Iraq)

Mesopotamia: Cradle of Civillization in Middle East

The Middle East countries are dominantly occupied by Muslims. With the spread of Islam in 7th
and 8th centuries , a period of scholarship , or what is called the Golden Age lasted until the
13th century.

In mathematics , the mathematician Muhammad ibn Musa al Khwarizmi gave his name to
the concept of the algorithm while the term algebra is derived from al-jabr, the beginning of the
title of one of his publication. What is now known as Arabic Numerical System (dito nagstart
algebra, use of letters and symbols, expressions) originally from India, But Muslim
mathematicians did make several refinements to the number system such as introduction of
decimal point notation.

Muslim chemist and alchemist also played an important role in the foundation of modern
chemistry . In particular , some scholars considered Jabir ibn Hayyan to be the “Father of

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Ibn Al-Haytham : father of modern optics

In the field of medicine , Ibn Sina pioneered the science of experimental medicine and was
the first Physician to conduct clinical trials (pagbunot ng ngipin). The most notable works in
medicine , the Book of healing and the Canon of Medicine use as standard medicinal texts in
both the Muslim world and in Europe during the 17th century. Among his many contributions
are the discovery of the contagious nature of infectious disease and introduction of the clinical
pharmacology .


Africa is blessed in natural and mineral resources . Science also emerged in part of the planet
long before the Europeans colonized it . The history of science and mathematics show that
similar to other ancient civilizations in Africa are knowledge producers ,too.

The metallurgy was also known in the African regions during the ancient times. North Africa and
Nile Valley imported iron technology from the Near East Region that enabled them to benefit
from the developments during the Bronze Age . They invented metal tools (bronze) used in their
homes , in agriculture and building their magnificent architectures.

Mathematics was laso known to be prominent in the life of early people in the African
continent . The Lebombo Bone from the mountains between Swaziland and South Africa, Which

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continent . The Lebombo Bone from the mountains between Swaziland and South Africa, Which
may have been a tool for multiplication , division and simple mathematical calculation.

They have knowledge of the basic concepts of algebra and geometry . The Islamic Regions in
Africa during the medieval period was also benefiting from mathematical learning , which is
considered advance during those times, such as algebra, geometry and trigonometry .

Medical procedures performed in ancient Africa before they were performed in Europe
include vaccination (dito nagstart), autopsy, limb traction and broken bone setting, bullet
removal, brain surgery, skin grafting, filling of dental cavities, installation of false teeth, what is
now known as Caesarean section, anesthesia In addition, African cultures preformed surgeries
under antiseptic conditions (equipments undergone sterilization process) universally when this
concept was only emerging in Europe

Ancient African architecture has a mystical charm that reveals the true nature of the continent
that is steeped in tradition and culture. While we live in modern times with beautiful modern
buildings, it is the primeval structures that burst with ageless allure and fascination

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Saturday, 5 October 2024 3:11 pm

Indigenous science technology

Science in pre spanish, is embedded in the way of life of people. Planting, taking
care of animals, for food production.


Hindi nadiskubre ang Pilipinas, bago pa sila dumating mmay Pilipino na, 1521
Filipinos were already aware of the medicinal and therapeutic properties of plants
and methods of extracting medicine from herbs.

They already have an alphabet, number system, measuring system, and calendar.

Unang alpabeto: baybayin

The banaue rice terraces - among the sophisticated products of engineering by pre
spanish era filipinos in IFUGAO

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Musical instrument development

FILIPINO HAS UNIQUE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN : Bahay Kubo: kapag meron, may pera

KAWAYANG TINIK - native na kawayan ng Pilipinas

Like mayan, may idea sa mining at bigyan halaga ang mineral.


GOD: spreading christianity

GOLD: mayaman sa ginto ang pilipinas (natural resources)
GLORY: spices in PH in europe they only have tomatoes and salt

They brought culture like use of spoon and fork

Established school for boys and girls
Introduced subjects and discipline: beginning of formal science and technology

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Introduced subjects and discipline: beginning of formal science and technology

UNIVERSITY OF STO TOMAS - built by spanish friars, pinakamatandang university sa

timog silangan asya

Life slowly become modernized

Replicated tools from spain: spoons form made of wood

The World of the Manila-Acapulco Galleons: The Global and Human Context by
Carlos Madrid an Edgardo Angara
• This illustrated scholarly book provides a concise overview of the Manila–
Acapulco galleon trade, which served as an impetus to early-modern
globalization. It presents this epoch from a comparative and global
perspective and draws on interdisciplinary research from an international roster
of scholars.
• During the heyday of the galleon trade, Manila became one of the world's
great ports, serving as a focus for trade between China and Europe.

• The house during the spanish period was made from combination of concrete
and wood

• Manila cathedral inside intramuros - mother chart, sentro ng katolisismo

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San Agustin church - oldest church in ph in intramuros - bulit by spanish agustin friars

7 churches pero dalawa nalang natira dahil sa world war 2

Jose rizal
Palipat lipat ng school sa pinas dahil nabubully
His wisdom is a product of spanish
Unibersidad de madrid - where he studied optalmologist
1898 nakalaya


establish public education system

Improved engineering works and health conditions of the peope

UNIVERSITY OF THE PH - built by american

Oblation monument, nakaharap sa kanluran, pagkilala sa nagawa ng america sa
ph . First teachers are thomasites even sa bulsu (bicat) - sundalong amerikano na
nakasakay sa barkong thomas - thomasites

UP - 1908
BULSU - 1904


They bombed ph under the influence of US

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The reparation money from japan was concentrated on building highways and
providing technological trainings and human resources development
Establishment na may japan map means na sila nagfund
JAICA - memorandum of agreement of japan and phh na tinutulungan nila tayo sa
technology na LRT, one of their commitment

According to studies, konti lang bata na gusto magpursue sa courses na may

kinalaman sa science and technology


1. Special Science Elementary School (SSES)

- deped order no 73 s 2008 and ddeped order no 51 series 2010. started iin june
2007 with 57b identified elem school that participated or were identified as
science elem schools in the country

Ordinary class: grade 3 may science na

Sses: science and health tinuturo na sa grade 1 with longer time compared to
other subs (70 mins : grade 1-3) (grade 4-6: 80 minutes)

Class na pinili ahil mataas interest sa science, nkbukod s ordinary class

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Class na pinili ahil mataas interest sa science, nkbukod s ordinary class


Basic science elem and highs chool: concepts and basic. Tertiary: deeper
understanding of envvironment, appreciation of science and scientific works.
This is done through offering General Education curriculum.


Philippine Science High School System

PHISCIEH - pinakauna

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PHISCIEH - pinakauna

Advanced science high school - ung mga sa college tinuturo na

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Mikaela Irene Dimaano Fudolig - Summa Cum Laude
1.09 average @ UP
Bs physics
Master inphysics
Ph d in physics at 20 yrs old
23 yrs old
12 yrs old nasa college na
16 yrs old college na sa UP
19 master's degree

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