1642155996income Tax 5th PDF PDF
1642155996income Tax 5th PDF PDF
1642155996income Tax 5th PDF PDF
University of Calicut
Bachelor of Business Administration
BBA5B10 (Elective 1) Income Tax
Time: 5hours per week Credits: 4
Internal: 20 External 80
Objectives: To impart basic knowledge and equip students with application of
principles and provisions income tax act 1961 amended up to date.
Unit 1
Basic concepts: Income - Agricultural income - Person- Assessee – Assessment year-
Previous year - Gross total income- Total income - Maximum marginal rate of tax -
Residential status - Scope of total income on the basis of residential status – Exempted
income under section. 15 Hours
Unit 2
Computation of income under different heads: Salaries – Allowances – Perquisites – Profit
in lieu of salary – Gratuity – Pension – Income from house property: Annual value of house
property – Computation under different circumstances - Deduction from annual value
30 Hours
Unit 3
Profit and gains of business or profession: Definition – Computation – Allowable expenses
and not allowable expenses – General deductions – Provision relating to depreciation.
10 Hours
Unit 4
Capital gains: Definition of capital assets – Long term and short term – Transfers – Cost of
acquisition – Cost of improvement – Exempted capital gains. Income from other source:
Definition – Computation – Grossing up – Deductions and other relevant provisions.
10 Hours
Unit 5
Total income and tax computation: Income of other persons included in assessee’s total
income – Aggregation of income and set off and carry forward of losses – Deduction from
gross total income – Rebates and reliefs – Computation of total income of individuals.
15 Hours
Subject: Income Tax
Module: 1
When tax is levied on a person INDIRECT TAX
directly and he himself pays the It is paid by the tax payer
amount to the authorities, it is through an intermediary. here
called direct tax. Here incidence incidence and impact of tax are
and impact of taxes are on the on different persons. eg:- GST
same person. eg:- income tax
The provisions of income tax are contained in the income tax act 1961 which extends to the
It is the supreme authority of income tax in India. It is empowered to frame rules under the
Features of income tax
Income tax is a direct tax
It is an annual tax
Tax rate is fixed by the annual finance act
Any income whether legal or illegal is taxable
Income is calculated under 5 heads
Income from salary
Income from house property
Income from business or profession
Income from capital gain
Income from other source
1. INCOME [Section 2(24)]
Under this section, income includes:
Profit and gains
Dividend, Interest etc…
Salary, Allowances, perquisites etc.
Capital gains
Winning from lotteries, crossword puzzles, races, card games or betting
Amount received from employees contribution to any provident fund or other welfare
Voluntary contributions received by a trust created for charitable or religious purpose
Any sum received under keyman insurance policy
2. PERSON [Section 2 (31)]
Tax is payable by a person. It includes:
An individual
A Hindu Undivided Family (HUF)
A company
A firm
An Association of Persons(AOP) or Body of Individuals (BOI)
A local authority
Every Artificial Juridical Person (University, Public Corporation)
3. ASSESSEE [Section 2(7)]
Assessee means a person:
Who is liable to pay tax or any other sum of money like interest or penalty under the
In respect of whom any proceedings under this act have been taken for the assessment
of his income or income of any other person in respect of which he is assessable
In respect of whom any proceedings under this act have ben taken for the assessment
of loss sustained by him or for the amount of refund due to him
Who is deemed to be an assessee
Who is deemed to be an assessee in default
Deemed assessee
A person who is considered as an assessee for some other person or representative of some
other person is called deemed assessee. For e.g. Parents of minor child, agent of person.
Assessee in default
When a person is liable to do a work or duty under this act and if he fails to do that, he is
called assessee in default. For e.g.. Employer liable to deduct TDS and if he fails to do that,
then he is assessee in default.
Any rent or revenue derived from land which is situated in India and is used for agricultural
purposes and any income derived from such land by agricultural operations or any process or
sale of such produce and any income from farmhouse, is treated as agricultural income.
5. GROSS TOTAL INCOME [Section 80 B(5)]
The total of income under five heads of income is called gross total income.
6. TOTAL INCOME [Section 2(45)]
Total income = GTI – All deductions under section 80. it is the income on which income tax
is calculated. It is also known as taxable income.
It is the rate of tax including surcharge applicable to the highest slab of income of an
individual, AOP or BOI as specified in the finance act each year. Present maximum rate for
individual is 30%.
Any receipt of casual or non-recurring nature is casual income e.g… winnings from lottery,
crossword puzzles, card games or betting.
9. ASSESSMENT YEAR [Section 2(9)]
Assessment year means the period of 12 months commencing on the first day of April every
year and ending on 31st march of the next year. It is the year in which assessment is made on
the income of the PY.
Current AY: 1-4- 2020 to 31-3-2021
10. PREVIOUS YEAR [Section 3]
It is the financial year immediately preceding assessment year. It is the year in which income
is earned.
Current PY: 1-4-2019 to 31-3-2020
Exceptions to the general rule – Accelerated assessment
Income of non-resident from shipping business
Income of persons leaving India
Income of an association of persons or a body of individuals formed for a particular
Transfer of property to avoid tax
On discontinuance of a business or profession
Residential status and Tax liability
Residential status of an assessee is determined with reference to his residence in India during
the previous year
Residential status of an individual [Section 6(1)]
An individual may be:
A resident in India popularly known as ordinarily resident
A not-ordinarily resident in India
A non-resident
Basic conditions
1. He is in India in the previous year for a period of 182 days or more
2. He has been in India for at least 365 days during the 4 years preceding the previous year
and is in India for at least 60 days during the previous year.
Exceptions to the above rule of 60 days stay in India
1. An individual, who is a citizen of India and leaves India in any previous year for the
purpose of employment or as a member of the crew of an Indian ship, must have
stayed in India for at least 182 days during the previous year instead of 60 days.
2. If any citizen of India or a foreign national of Indian origin, who is living outside
India, came on a visit to India in the previous year, he must have stayed in India for at
least 182 days during the previous year instead of 60 days.
Additional conditions
1. He has been resident in India in at least two out of the ten previous years preceding
the relevant previous year.
2. He should have been in India for at least 730 days in all during the seven previous
years preceding the relevant previous year
Basic conditions Any one of the basic Any one of the basic Not satisfies any basic
conditions conditions conditions
For determining number of days of stay in India, days of entry and exit
should be included.
Residential Status Of Hindu Undivided Family (Huf)
Control and management of its affairs is situated wholly or partly in India
Control and management of its affairs is situated wholly outside India
Incidence of tax depends on the residential status of assesse.
1. Income received
It means receipt of income for the first time.
2. Income deemed to be received in India
It means which is not actually received in India but considered as income received in India.
Annual increase to the balance of a RPF of an employee
Dividend declared by an Indian company
Tax deducted at source
Employer’s contribution to central government pension scheme
3. Income which accrues or arises in India
It is called so when the assesse obtain the right to receive it. Eg: interest on debentures due
but not received.
4. Income deemed to accrue on arise in India
It means income actually not arisen in India but it is deemed to accrue or arise in India under
income tax act.
Income any business connection in India
Income from any property in India
Salary earned in India( work done in India) but received outside in India
Salary payable by the govt of India to a citizen of India for service rendered outside in
Dividend paid by an Indian company outside India
Interest paid by the govt of India on money borrowed outside India
Royalty payable by the govt of India
Fees for technical services payable by Indian govt
Subject: Income tax
Module: 2
Payment in cash made by the employer to his employee monthly, other than salary is called
allowances. These are for meeting some particular requirements connected with the service
rendered by an employee. Allowance may be
Fully taxable allowances
Fully exempted allowance
Partly taxable allowance
DA on account of high prices. DP is a part of DA given as per terms of employment
and considered as part of basic salary.
Interim relief allowances.
Project allowances
Fixed medical allowances
Tiffin allowances
Servant allowances
Proctor/ wardenship allowances
Deputation (substitution) allowances
Overtime allowances
Hill allowances (above 1000 mtrs)
Marriage allowances
Non practicing allowances
Family allowances
Lunch/dinner/refreshment allowances
Special allowances
Holiday trip allowances
Festival allowances
Entertainment allowances ( non-government employees)
Transport allowances (except handicapped employees).
1. HRA
2. Special allowances (official) sec 10(14) i
3. Special allowances (personal) sec 10(14) ii
HRA (House Rent Allowance)
HRA is exempt subject to least of the following
Actual HRA received
Rent paid in excess of 10% of salary
40% of salary
(50% in case of Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata)
Foreign allowances-allowances given to government employees for rendering services
Sumptuary allowances to high court and supreme court judges
Allowances paid to employees of UNO
Compensatory allowances given to judges
Any benefit attached to an office or position in addition to salary or wages (cash/kind)
1. Tax free perks
2. Perks taxable to specified employees only
3. Perks taxable to all employees
Medical benefit
o Employer hospital – fully exempted
o Government hospital – fully exempted
o Private recognized hospital – fully exempted
o Private unrecognized hospital – fully taxable
o Foreign hospital –
Exempted up to the extent approved by RBI
Expenses of stay and travel of the patient and one attendant is exempted
provided the GTI of the employee does not exceed the amount approved by
Tea, snack provided in work place
Residential accommodation at site
Expenses on telephone (including mobile phone)
Scholarships to employees & children
Conveyance facility
Expenses on refresher course
Tax paid by the employer on the value perquisites
Employers contribution to staff group insurance scheme
Perquisite to government employees posted abroad
Perquisite to high and supreme court judges
Rent free house to ministers, officer of parliament, or opposition leader
Laptop and computers for free use
Periodicals and journals
Interest free or concessional loan up to 20000. ( if more than 20000, then 20000 is
Interest free loan for specified diseases
Transfer of asset after using more than 10 years
Leave travel concession
Salary= BP+DP+ Bonus+ commission+ all taxable allowance except normal DA+
Leave encasement during service
2. Amount paid by an employer in respect of any obligation which otherwise
would have been payable by the employees
Payment of employee’s hotel bill or club bill by the employer if it is not
connected with employer’s business.
Payment of any loan due by employee
Payment of education expenses of the employee’s children
Payment of salary to a domestic servant of an employee
Payment of employees income tax
3. Assurance on the life of the employees
4. Use of movable asset
10% of the actual cost of asset or amounts of hire charges paid or payable by the
5. Free meals
Exempted up to 50 per meal
6. Interest free or concessional loan
Loan up to 20000- NIL
Loan for medical treatment- NIL
Other cases - simple interest on loan computed at the rate p.a. charges by
state bank of India or difference between interest charges by the SBI and
7. Holiday enjoyment
8. Gifts
Gift of 5000 or more is taxable.
9. The perquisite in respect of credit cards
10. Electronic gadgets/ computers
11. Employers contribution toward superannuation fund
Contribution of 150000 per year is exempted. Excess contribution is taxable.
12. Allotment of sweat equity shares
13. Allotment of shares listed on a recognized stock exchange
Specified employee:-
1. He is a director of a company
2. He possess 20% equity shares in a company
3. His salary income exceeds Rs 50000
The following perquisites are taxable for specified employees only
Gas, electricity provided at free or concessional rate
Education facility
Salary of sweeper, watchmen, Gardner and PA
Medical facility
Transport facility by a transport undertakings
Education facility:
Does not exceed 1000 per child per month – NIL
If exceeds 1000 per child per month – cost of education in
similar institution will be taxable
Used for official purpose NIL Used for official NIL
only purpose
Used for personal purpose Expenses met by Used for personal amount reimbursed
only purpose by employer
employer + salary of
driver (900 P.M) + 10%
Used for both official & 1800pm (small car) Used for both Small car: amount
personal purpose 2400pm (large car) official & personal reimburse –
Expenses met by employer Add 900pm (drivers
salary) Large car: amount
Add 900pm(driver’s
It is provided for future.
1. Statutory provident fund (SPF)
It is a PF to which Indian PF Act 1925 applies. It is maintained by government or semi
government offices. It is fully exempt from tax
2. Recognized provident fund (RPF)
It is a PF to which Indian PF Act 1952 applies. It is maintained by private sector
3. Un recognized provident fund (URPF)
It is PF neither statutory nor recognized. It is approved by PF commissioner but not by the
commissioner of income tax.
4. Public provident fund (PPF)
Every individual can subscribe this fund any amount being not less than 500 and not more
than 150000 in a year.
Employee Already taxed Already taxed X X
Interest Exempt 9.5% Exempted X X
Employer Exempt 12% Exempted X -
Interest Exempt 9.5% Exempted X -
Lump sum Exempt Exempt Taxable X
Any terminal benefits or payment made instead of salary. It includes
Compensation for loss of employment
Payment under URPF or superannuation fund
Payment under key man insurance scheme
Payment before joining or after retirement
Gratuity – sec 10(10)
Pension and commuted value of pension – sec10(10A)
Retrenchment compensation – section 10 (10B)
Compensation on voluntary retirement – sec 10(10C)
Amount from provident fund – sec 10(11)(12)
Gratuity sec 10(10)
A. Government employees – fully exempted (sec 10(10) i)
B. Nongovernment –
1. Covered by the payment of gratuity act 1972 (sec 10(10)ii)
Least of the following is exempted
15/26 * last month salary* completed years of service (6 months
and above considered as a year)
Rs 2000000
Actual gratuity received
Salary = BP + DA+ Commission on turnover
Pension and commuted pension (sec. 10(10A)
Pension – fully taxable under the head salary
Un commuted pension- fully taxable
Commuted pension government employees- exempted
Commuted pension non-government employees:
1\3 of full pension exempted if received gratuity
1\2 of full pension exempted if not received gratuity
Leave encashment -sec 10(10AA)
Leave encashment during service- fully taxable
Government employees- exempted
Non-government employees- least of the following is exempted
Actual amount received
Rs 300000
Last 10 month salary
Average salary * leave of credit (maximum 30 days in a year)
Amount from PF- sec.10(11)(12)
1. Entertainment allowances
Government employees
Amount received
20% of basic salary
Rs 5000
Whichever is less.
If two or more persons own a house property jointly then they is known as co-owners. If
individual share of each co-owner is definite and ascertainable then the share of each such
person shall be taxable under his income. Owner includes legal owner beneficial owner and
deemed owner.
Legal owner
He is a person who has the legal title of the property as per the Transfer of Property
Act, Registration Act etc.
Beneficial owner
He is a person who enjoying the property as an owner to full extend he will be treated as a
beneficial owner of such property and will be charged under the head income from house
Deemed owner or fictional owner
In following cases a person should be treated as a deemed owner of the property and liable to
An individual who transfers a house property without adequate consideration to
his or her spouse, or a minor child not being a married daughter, shall be deemed to
be the owner of that house property transferred.
The holder of an impartible estate shall be deemed to be the individual owner of all
the properties comprised in this estate.
A member of co-operative society, company or other association of persons to whom
a building or part thereof is allotted or leased under a house building scheme is
deemed to be the owner of that building.
A person having long term lease rights in a property under a lease
agreement extending to 12 years or more in the aggregate including the term for
which the lease may be extended.
A person who is allowed to take or retain possession of any building or part of their
of in part performance of a contract of the nature referred to in section 53A of the
Transfer of Property Act 1882 shall be deemed to be the owner of the property.
Gross annual value - Deemed to be let out
If an assessee is holding more than two house property and all of them for self-occupation , in
such a case only two houses of this choice is treated as self-occupied and all other houses will
be considered as deemed let out. 2 house Property can be considered as self-occupied
property. If the assessee considered the second house also as self-occupied property, then he
is eligible for a total deduction of maximum Rs 200000 towards interest on housing loan of
both the property.
GAV Of self-occupied house remaining vacant due to employment
Here the assessee derives no benefit from the property so annual value is Nil.
1 FRV XXX Higher XXX
Actual rent XXX Higher
iv) Interest on loan
Self-occupied house
NAV: Nil ------------
Subject: Income Tax
Module: 3
Contribution made to outsiders
To approved research organization or university or college or other institutions - 150 %
Contribution to a company - 100 %
Social or statistical research - 100%
National laboratory for a recognized university or an Indian Institute of Technology -
Expenditure on in-house research- 150%
Capital expenditure incurred by the assessee himself
Fully allowed as expense incurred during 3 years immediately preceding the commencement
of business.
Further depreciation will not be allowed in respect of the asset
Unabsorbed capital expenditure on scientific research can be carried forward for
unlimited period.
7. Capital expenditure to obtain right to use spectrum for telecommunication services
(u/s 35 ABA)
8. Expenditure for obtaining license to operate telecommunication service (u/s 35 ABB)
9. Expenditure on eligible project specified by central government (u/s 35 AC)
10. Expenditure on specified business (u/s 35 AD)
Specified business means:
Setting up and operating a cold chain facility
(Cold chain facility means a chain of facilities for storage and transportation of agricultural
and forest produce, meat, and meat products, marine and dairy products etc.)
Setting up and operating a warehousing facility for storage of agricultural produce.
Laying and operating a cross country natural gas or crude or petroleum oil pipeline network for
Business of building and operating a new hotel of 2 star or above anywhere in India
Business of developing and building a housing project.
11. Expenditure for carrying out rural development program notified by central government
(u/s 35 CCA)
12. Expenditure on agricultural extension projects (u/s 35 CCC)
13. Expenditure on any skill development project (u/s 35 CCD)
14. Amortization of amalgamation or demerger in 5 years (u/s 35 DD)
15. Amortization of VRS expenses in 5 years (u/s 35 DDA)
16. Expenditure on minerals prospecting in 10 years (u/s 35 E)
17. Other deductions U/S 36
Insurance premium paid to cover the risk of damage or destruction of stock
Bonus or Commission paid to employees
Interest on borrowed capital
Contribution to recognized provident fund
Contribution to pension scheme
Contribution to approved gratuity fund
Write off of useless or dead animals
Bad debts
Expenditure on promotion of family planning among employees
Discount on zero coupon Bond
18. General deductions U/S 37
Expenses incurred in purchase manufacture and sale of goods
General expenses incurred in the day-to-day running of the business
Expenses incurred in defending cases
Amount of VAT paid
Payment of excise duty
Retrenchment compensation paid
Commission paid
Compensation paid to employees
Royalties paid
Legal expenses
Listing fee paid
Depreciation (U/S 32)
Depreciation is charged on block of asset. Block of assets means the assets falling in the same
rate of depreciation. Following conditions are to be fulfilled
Assessee must be the owner of the asset
Asset must be used for the purpose of business or profession
Such use must be in the relevant previous year
Computation of depreciation
Opening WDV XXX
Add: Purchases during the year XXX
Less: Sales during the year XXX
Closing WDV XXX
Note: If the asset is put to use for less than 180 days in the year, depreciation will be allowed
at 50 % of the eligible rate.
Additional depreciation for plant and machinery@ 20%
A new plant and machinery should be acquired and installed after 31/03/2005
It should be used for manufacturing purpose during the previous year
It shall be allowed 10% if the asset is put to use for less than 180 days
Assets Percentage
Residential building 5%
Nonresidential building 10%
Building for water treatment system 40%
Temporary building 40%
Furniture and fittings 10%
Computation of business income
Net profit as per P/L A/C XXX
Add: 1) Disallowed expenses debited in P/L A/C XXX
2) Allowed income not credited in P/L A/C XXX
3) Under valuation of closing stock XXX
4) Over valuation of opening stock XXX
Less : 1) Disallowed income credited in P/L A/C XXX
2) Allowed expenses not debited in P/L A/C XXX
3) Under valuation of opening stock XXX
4) Over valuation of closing stock XXX
Taxable business income XXX
Disallowed expenses
Income tax
Wealth tax
Fringe benefit tax
Municipal tax
All reserves and provisions
Interest on capital
Capital expenditure
Life Insurance Premium
Personal expenses
Past losses charge to profit and loss account
Payment in excess of Rs 10,000 to a person in a day
Payment outside India were tax is not deducted at source
Contribution to any un approved fund
Disallowed income
Rent from let out building (not for employees)
Interest on securities
Bad debt recovered if disallowed earlier
Income tax refund
Gift (not related with profession)
Sale of capital asset
All other income not received exclusively from business or profession
Subject: Income Tax
Module: 4
STCA or LTCA Asset
Securities listed in a recognized stock
STCA if held for < = 12 months exchange (other than unit)
LTCA if held > 12 months Units of the UTI or equity oriented fund
Zero coupon bond
Unlisted shares
STCA if held for < = 24 months Land or building or both
LTCA if held > 24 months
Any transfer made by a non-resident of such foreign currency convertible bonds or shares
as may be specified by the central government to another nonresident where the transfer is
made outside India.
Any transfer of a capital asset which is a work of art or archeological, scientific or artistic
importance to the government, university, national art gallery or any other public museum
notified by central government.
Any transfer made before 31/12/1998 by a person who is a member of a recognized stock
exchange to a company of his membership rights in the stock exchange to the company
incorporated for this purpose.
Any transfer of land by a sick industrial company under the scheme prepared by BIFR,
partnership, the transfer of capital asset or intangible asset to LLP is not regarded as a
transfer if the conditions are satisfied.
Transfer of a capital asset being a government security made outside India through an
Asset should be long term capital asset
Securities are equity shares of a company or units of equity oriented funds.
Transaction is chargeable to security transaction tax.
Deemed transfer
If a capital asset is converted in to stock in trade then it will be deemed as a transfer. The
difference between market value and cost price shall be taxable as capital gain.
Transfer capital asset by a person to firm, AOP or BOI:
In which assessee is or becomes a partner or as a member, profit or gain arising of such
transfer shall be considered as capital gain and taxable.
Transfer of capital asset on dissolution of firm, AOP, BOI:
Gain arising out of such transfer shall be chargeable to tax as the income of the firm or AOP,
Difference between long term capital gain and short term capital gain
Long term capital gain Short term capital gain
Arises out of transfer of long term capital Arises out of transfer of short term capital
asset. asset.
These are taxed at the rate of 20% These are taxed at the rate of 15% or
applicable the tax rate applicable to all
other incomes
Cost of acquisition and cost of improvement No indexing is done
are needed to indexed
If LTCA is acquired before 1/4/2001, then No such option is available here.
the fair market value is taken as cost of
Exemptions u/s Exemptions u/s 54B,54D, 54G can be
54,54B,54D,54EC,54ED,54F and 54G can deducted
be deducted
LTCL can be setoff only against LTCG STCL can be set off from both LTCG and
Computation of STCG- section 48
Full value of consideration received or accruing XXX
1. Cost of transfer XXX
2. Cost of acquisition XXX
3. Cost of improvement XXX
Gross short term capital gain XXX
Less: exemption u/s 54 B/ 54 D/ 54 G xxx
Taxable STCG XX
Computation of LTCG- section 48 (1)
Full value of consideration received or accruing XXX
1.cost of transfer xxx
2. Indexed cost of acquisition xxx
3. Indexed cost of improvement xxx
Gross long term capital gain XXX
Exemption u/s 54/ 54 B/ 54 C/ 54 D/ 54 F/ 54 G/ 54 GA xxx
Taxable LTCG XXX
Indexed cost of accusation = cost of acquisition * CII for the year of sale
CII for the year of acquisition
Indexed cost of improvement = cost of improvement* CII for the year of sale
CII for the year of improvement
DEPRECIABLE ASSET: gain arising from such asset is always treated as STCG.
I. Capital gain in case of amount received from insurance on account of damage or
destruction of any capital asset
Profit or gain arising from receipt of such money or other as it shall be chargeable to
Income Tax under the head capital gain in which previous year the capital gain shall arise.
It' shall be value of any money or the fair market value of other is it for the date of such
II. Capital gain on conversion of capital asset into stock in trade
The conversion of capital asset into stock in trade is treated as a transfer but the capital
gain will not arise in the previous year in which the asset is converted it will arise in the
previous year in which the asset is converted it will arise in the previous year in which
such converted asset is sold or otherwise transferred. The fair market value of the asset as
on the date of such a conversion shall be deemed to be full value of the consideration of
the asset.
III. Transfer of capital asset to a firm/ BOI/AOP
Capital asset is transferred by a partner to his partnership firm or AOP/ BOI by the way of
his capital contribution is treated as transfer and capital gain will be taxable in the hands
of the partner or members as his income in the previous year in which such transfer takes
IV. Capital gain on compulsory acquisition of a capital asset
Government has acquired an asset of a person by the way of compulsory acquisition the
capital gain will be treated as follows
Initial compensation
It is taken as full value of consideration. Capital gain is chargeable to tax in the year in
which the initial compensation is first received
Additional compensation
If a Court/ Tribunal/ Authority enhances compensation it will be taxable in the year in
which enhanced compensation or additional compensation is received. For this purpose
cost of acquisition and cost of improvement are taken as nil.
V. Computation of capital gain in case of joint development agreement.
Where the capital gain arises to an assessee being land or building or both under a
specified agreement the capital gain shall be chargeable to income tax as income from the
previous year in which the certificate of completion for the whole or part of the project is
issued by the competent authority.
VI. Capital gain on transfer of shares/ debentures in the hands of non-resident
If a non-resident acquires shares in or debentures of an Indian company by utilizing
foreign currency, the gain will be calculated in the same foreign currency which was
initially utilized in acquiring shares or debentures. After calculating capital gain in
foreign currency it will be converted into Indian currency
VII. Capital gain on transfer of securities in demat form
Demat account is a safe and convenient means of holding securities just like a bank
account for his fund. The idea of dematerialized account is to avoid the need to hold
physical shares. For computing capital gain chargeable to tax the cost of acquisition and
period of holding of any security in demat form shall be determined on the basis of first in
first out (FIFO) method.
VIII. Capital gains on distribution of assets by companies in liquidation
Here distribution shall not be regarded as a transfer by the company. Therefore there will
be no capital gain to the company. However, where a shareholder on the liquidation of a
company receives any money or other assets from the company in lieu of the shares held
by him such a shareholder shall be chargeable to income tax under the head capital gain
in respect of the money and the asset so received.
Cost of acquisition
It is the value for which the asset is acquired by the assessee.
1. Cost of acquisition and improvement to previous owner will be deemed to be cost of
acquisition and improvement if the asset is acquired by the following mode of transfer:-
By succession, inheritance
by distribution of an asset by liquidation
under a gift or will
On partial / total partition of HUF
2. Cost of acquisition of self-generated capital asset
The cost of acquisition on of certain self-generated capital asset like goodwill of
business, tenancy rights, route permits, loom hours, right of manufacturer, produce
or process of any article or thing is the cost at which the same is purchased
Otherwise the cost of acquisition is nil.
3. Cost of acquisition of bonus/ right shares
Cost of acquisition of bonus shares is nil
Cost of right shares is cost at which it is purchased
If the right is renounced - the cost of right is nil.
If right share is purchased by others the cost of share is purchase price + cost of
purchase of right.
4. Cost of acquisition of asset acquired prior to 01-04-2001
The cost of acquisition of any property acquired prior to 01-04- 2001 will be the fair
market value of that property as on 01-04- 2001 or actual cost of acquisition at the
option of the assessee higher.
5. Cost of acquisition in case of advance money received and forfeited
Should be deducted from the cost of acquisition
If it is received and forfeited on or after1-4-2014 it shall not be deducted from cost
of acquisition. It should be treated as income from other sources
3. Section 54D- any assessee
Compulsory acquisition of land and building
Land and building should be used by the assessee for industrial undertaking at least 2 years
immediately before the date of transfer
The assessee has within a period of three years after such transfer purchased any other land or
building or constructed any building for re-establishing the industrial undertaking
Exemption = capital gain invested
4. Section 54EC etc. - Any assesse
Transfer of long term capital assets (land or building) and invested in long term specified
asset (redeemable after 5 years, NHAI or RECL bonds)
The new asset should be purchased within 6 months from the date of transfer
8. Section 54G – Exemption of capital gain on shifting of industrial undertaking from
Urban area to Non-Urban area.
The capital gain arising on transfer of fixed asset other than furniture and fixtures of
industrial undertaking effected to shift it from an urban area.
Following conditions for claiming the examination are as under:
The transfer is affected in the course of shifting undertaking from an urban area to any
area other than an urban area.
Asset transferred is machinery, planned, building land or any right in building or land
used for the business of industrial undertaking in an urban area.
The capital gain is utilized within one year before or three years after the date of
For purchasing new machinery or plant or building or land for taxpayers business in
that in new area.
Shifting of the old undertaking and its establishment to the new area.
Incurring of expenditure on other purposes specified in this scheme notified for the
9. Section 54 GA - Shifting of an industrial undertaking from urban area to any special
economic zone
It is exempt of the following conditions were satisfied:
The transfer should be a long term or a short term capital asset such as plant,
machinery, building or land or right in building or land.
Such asset has been used for the purpose of business of industrial undertaking situated
in urban area.
The transfer should be done in connection with shifting of industrial undertaking in
The amount of capital gain must be used within a period within a period of one year
before or three years after the date of transfer to purchase machinery or plant, to
acquire land to construct building for the purpose of business in SEZ.
(The unutilized amount capital gain mast is deposited in a capital gain deposit
10. Section 54GB- Exemption of long term capital gain tax on transfer of residential
In this case assessee can claim exemption from capital gain tax if he invests the
net consideration in equity shares of a new SME company. Such SME company is required
to invest this amount in purchase of a new plant and machinery.
This exemption can be claimed subject to the following conditions:
The investee company should qualify as a small or medium enterprise under the
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Act 2006.
The company should be engaged in the business of manufacture of an article or a
SME Company should be incorporated within the period from 1st of April of the year
in which capital gain arises to the assessee and before the due date for filing the
return by the assessee.
The assessee should hold more than 50 % of the share capital or the voting right after
the subscription in the shares of a SME company.
The assessee will not able to transfer the above shares for a period of 5 years.
The company will have to utilize the amount invested by the assessee in the purchase
of new plant and machinery within a period of one year from the date of subscription
in the equity shares.
If the entire amount is not so invested before the due date of filing the return of
income by the assessee, then the company will have to deposit the amount in the
scheme to be notified by the central government. The above new plant and machinery
acquired by the company cannot be sold for a period of 5 years.
The exemption would be available in case of any transfer of residential property made
on or before 31st March 2017.
11. Section 54 H - Extension of time for acquiring new assets for depositing or investing
amount of capital gain
Where the transfer of original asset by the way of a compulsory acquisition under any law,
and the amount of compensation awarded for such acquisition is not received by the assessee
the date of transfer, the period of acquiring the new asset or the period for depositing or
investing the amount shall be extended in relation to the amount of compensation as is not
received on the date of transfer.
Tax on capital gain
It is chargeable as per normal rates of income tax related to assessee. Other words, it is added
to total income, and tax payer is taxed according to their income tax slab.
Tax on STCG on transfer of equity shares in a company or units of an equity - oriented
fund. (Section 111A)
It is applicable on transfer of equity shares through recognized stock exchange and such
transaction is liable to securities transaction tax. It is taxed at 15%.
If, STT not paid when shares are listed in recognized stock exchange located in an
International Financial Services Centre. – 15%.
20% of capital gain computed after allowing indexation benefits
10% of capital gain computed without giving the benefits of indexation
Income not chargeable under any other head is chargeable to tax under this head. Section 56
to lays down a list of incomes which are taxable under this head:
1. Dividend
2. Casual income eg: of winning from lotteries, crossword puzzles etc.
3. Gift
4. Share premium in excess of fair market value of shares
5. Income by way of interest received on compensation or enhanced compensation
6. Sum of money received as an advance or otherwise in the course of negotiations for transfer
of a capital asset
7. Any sum received by the assessee from his employee as a contribution to provident fund etc.
8. Interest on securities
9. Income from letting of machinery, plant or furniture
10. Composite rent
11. Any sum received under key man insurance policy
(Key man insurance policy means a life insurance policy taken by a person on the life of
another person who is either the employee or is connected in any manner with the business of
that person.
12. Any compensation or other payment due to or received by any person in connection with the
termination of his job, meant for the modification of the terms and conditions relating thereto
In addition to above following items are also chargeable under the head of other source:
Income from subletting of a house property
Interest on bank deposit
Interest on company deposits, interest on loans etc.
Remuneration received from a person other than his employer for evaluation of answer scripts
Income from royalty
Directors fees
Rent from a vacant land
Insurance commission
Income from undisclosed source
Income from private tuition
Interest on income tax refund
Family pension received by the family members of a deceased employee
Dividend received from a cooperative society
Income from activity of owning and maintaining race horse
Stipend to trainee
Interest on employees contribution towards and recognized provident fund at the time of
payment of lump sum amount
Agricultural income received outside India
Income from leasehold property
Rent of trademark
Salary of MP, MLA or Council
Unexplained cash credit, investment, money, expenditure
Remuneration from writing articles in journals
I. Dividend
(Dividend means the sum received by a shareholder of a company on the distribution
of its profits whether out of taxable income for tax free income. It is immaterial
whether it is received in cash or kind.
o Dividend received from a domestic company is not taxable in the hands of the
receiver under section 10 (34)
o The assessee is required to pay a tax @10%, if the total income from dividend
exceeds Rs 10 lakh section (115 B BDA)
o Dividend from a foreign company and deemed dividend from an Indian company
under section 2(22) are taxable in the hands of shareholders under this head regardless
whether they are investment or stock in trade.
o Dividend received from a co-operative society is taxable under this head
Deemed dividend
Deemed dividend is the dividend which is not actually paid as a dividend but assumed to be
dividend for the purpose of taxation under Income Tax law. In case of closely held company
payment by the way of loan or advances treated as a dividend to the extent of following
1. Such loan or advance is given to a registered shareholder who beneficially holds 10 % or
more of equity shares in the loan giving company.
2. such a loan / advance are given to a" concern" which may be a HUF,
Sole proprietor, Firm, AOP, BOI or a company where by one of the shareholders beneficially
holding 10 % equity share capital in the closely held company has a substantial interest in the
"concern". Substantial interest in a concern is if he is at any time during the previous year
beneficially entitled to at least 20 % of the income of such a concern. Ceiling limit of the
dividend is the extent of accumulated profit.
Bonus shares declared by the company shall not be dividend as there is no release of
Any expenditure incurred in respect of exempted dividend is shawl not be allowed as
Income from units of a specified company or a mutual fund is exempt in the hands of
the unit holder
Deductions from dividend income:
1. Commission or remuneration for releasing dividend
2. Interest on loan
3. Any other expenditure incurred wholly and exclusively for earning dividend except
in the nature of capital expenditure or personal expenses
II. Casual Income: winning from lottery crossword puzzle
Such income should be fully taxable and no deduction should be allowed. Tax is charged at a
flat rate of 30 % if the amount exceeds Rupees 10000. The person responsible to give tax on
net amount of winnings but the amount includible in taxable income of the recipient it will be
the amount of gross winning. Net winning is the amount received by the recipient after tax
deduction at source grossing up of income. Casual income is to be grossed up when the
amount given in the question as "net”, “received", or "after deduction of tax" or is "collected
by bank".
Gross up value = Net amount /70*100
No deduction can be claimed from such income even if such expenditure is engaged
exclusively and wholly for earning searching come.
Deductions u/s 80C to 80 U is also not available for such income.
III. Gift
Gift means any sum of money, movable property or immovable property which received
without consideration or inadequate consideration. Property does not include furniture,
clothes etc. the provision of this section shall not apply. There are taxable gift and exempted
Taxable gifts
1. Any amount received as gift up to rupees 50000 in 1 year is not taxable in the hands
of recipient. But if amount exceeds Rs. 50000 then whole received amount will be taxable.
2. Any immovable property received without consideration and stamp duty value of property
exceeds Rupees 50000 the stamp duty value of the property is taxable.
3. Any movable property is received for a consideration which is less than the stamp duty
value of the property by an amount exceeding rupees 50000 then the difference between
stamp duty value and the consideration is chargeable to tax. If the difference between the
actual value and stamp duty is less than 50000 the transfer is not considered as a taxable gift.
4. Any movable property received without consideration and the fair market value of which
exceeds Rupees 50000 the whole of the aggregate fair market value of such property.
5. Any movable property is received for a consideration which is less than the aggregate fair
market value of the property by an amount exceeding rupees 50000 and then the difference
between aggregate fair market value and the consideration is chargeable to tax.
Exempted gift
Gift received from relatives
Relatives defined by income tax act as follows:
Spouse, brothers, sisters, parents, brother in law, sister in law, father in law, mother in
Gift received on occasion of the marriage of the individual
Gift received under a will or by way of inheritance
In contemplation of death of the payer
Any local authority trust or university
IV. Interest on Securities
The term security generally means a document acknowledging the debt taken by the
government or some other establishment from general public. Income from security is
also not chargeable to tax under the head. Interest on security means
a) Interest on any security of the central government or a state government
b) Interest on debentures or other securities issued by or on behalf of a local
authority or a company or a corporation established by a central, state or
provincial act.
Interest on securities taxable as per cash basis or due basis depending on the method of
accounting followed by the assessee. If there is no method is followed then it should
always be taxable on due basis.
Interest shall be taxable when such interest force due. Due date of interest as prescribed
by the issuing authority. Interest on securities is chargeable in the hands of the person
who happens to be its owner at the time when the interest becomes due.
The expenses such as collection expenses interest on loan and any other expenditure are
detectable from the interest income.
Types of securities
There are four types of securities.
1. Tax- free government securities
Interest on securities is fully exempt from tax under section 10 (15). Interest on such securities is
neither included in total income nor it is taxed.
2. Less tax government securities
These securities are either by central or state government. These are taxable securities but no tax
is deducted at source on such securities. Interest on such securities will not be grossed up.
3. Tax free non-government securities
These securities are not tax free actually. The tax on the interest amount is actually paid by the
company. The assessee get full amount of interest from the company without deducting any tax.
For income tax purpose the tax paid by the company on the interest is to be added with the
interest received by the assessee and his gross amount shall be included in his total income. This
process is called grossing up.
4. Less tax non-government securities
These securities are taxable securities and income tax is deducted at source on the amount of
interest calculated at the percentage stated on the securities and balance of the amount of interest
paid to the security holder. Here the gross amount of interest shall be included in the total
income of the assessee.
Tax free securities
For all assessee
12 year national saving annuity certificate
National Defense Gold Bonds, 1980
Special bearer bonds, 1991
Treasury Savings Bank deposit certificate(10 years)
Post office cash certificates (5 years)
National plan certificate (10 years)
National plant saving certificate (12 years)
Post office National Savings certificate (12 years/7 years)
Post office savings bank account
Individual account- maximum exemption limit Rs. 3500
Joint account- maximum exemption limit is Rs. 7000
Post office cumulative time deposit account ( 15 years)
Special deposit scheme 1981
Fixed deposit scheme governed by the government saving certificate (fixed deposit) rules
Fixed deposit scheme governed by the post office( fixed deposit) rules 1968
Public account in post office (up to 5000)
Bonds issued by local authority and specified by the central government
Gold deposit bonds 1999
For individuals and HUF
Interest on 7% capital investment Bond
Interest on 8 % relief bonds, 2002, 6.5 % savings Bond 2003.
Interest on notified bonds or debentures of public sector companies
Interest Exempted
Interest on notified securities, bonds, certificate, deposits etc.
Interest on notified capital investment bonds
Interest on notified relief bonds
Interest on notified a bonds in the hands of non-residents
Nonresident account
Interest on notified savings certificate
Interest on gold deposit bonds 1999 for deposit certificate under gold monetization
scheme 2015
Dividend from a domestic company
Grossing up of interest if it is given net of TDS
In some problem interest income received (net interest) is given rather than interest earned. In
such case it is needed to gross up the interest income received.
Rules for grossing up per interest on securities
If the rate of interest is given only the interest of tax free commercial securities is
grossed up and interest on all other securities is not gross up.
Interest on tax free commercial securities is always grossed up. Whether its rate
percent is given or the amount received is given.
Interest on less tax securities is gross up only when the amount received is given.
Generally tax on interest on securities is required to be deducted at 10%.
Interest received*100/90
Deduction of tax at source (TDS)
The person or company who deducted tax is required to deposit such a mode of tax deducted
to the government treasury on behalf of the assessee. This is known as deduction of tax at
Rates of TDS
Interest on securities- 8% of savings (taxable) bonds, 2003 or 7.75% savings
(Taxable) bonds, 2018 during the financial year- 10%
Interest on securities- issued on behalf of any local authorities statutory corporation
listed debentures of a company and other industrial securities -10%
Interest( any other person)- 10%
Winning from lottery- 30%
Winning from horse race- 30%
Bond washing transaction
Is the technique adopted by high income group of assessee by transferring their securities to
low-income class of assessee on the eve of the due date of interest. It is a method of sale and
repurchase of same or similar securities with a view to avoid attacks. After the date of interest
they again transfer the securities in the name of the real owner. By doing this income tax
department suffers huge losses of revenue.
Family Pension
Regular monthly amount payable by the employer to a person belonging to the family of a
deceased employee. It is taxable under the head income from other sources after allowing
standard deduction.
Standard deduction: Minimum of 1/3 rd of such pension, Rs 15000
From the gross amount of income from other sources the following deductions are available
to assessee:
In case of interest from securities any reasonable sum paid by the way of
remuneration or commission for the purpose of realizing Such income
In case of income from plant and machinery or furniture given out on hire the
following expenses allowed as deduction:
Current repair to building
Current repair to machinery, plant or furniture
Insurance premium paid
In case of any expenditure other than capital expenditure or personal expenditure
which has been in necessarily and exclusively for earning income
In case of family pension
In case of interest on compensation or enhanced compensation - 50% of such interest
Subject: Income tax
Module: 5
Net profit * Value of the asset on first day of previous year
Value of the asset on first day of previous year
7. Income of minor child
The income of minor child will be clubbed in the income of that parent
(mother/father) whose total income (excluding the income of the minor child) is
The minor child not suffering from any disability of the nature specified in
section 80U
The income of the minor child is once included in the total income of either
parents, any such income arising in any subsequent year shall not be clubbed in
the total income of the other parent.
If the marriage of the parents does not subsist then the income of the minor child
will be included in the income of that parents who maintains the minor child in
the relevant previous year.
Were both the parents of the minor child are not alive, the income of the minor
child cannot be assessed in the hands of any other relatives.
Certain incomes taxed in the hands of minor child only (not clubbed in the hands
of parents)
o Any income earned by a minor child who is suffering from any disability
specified in section 80U
o Any income earned by the minor child on the account of any manual
work done by him.
o Any income earned by the minor child on account of any activity
involving the application of his skills, talent or specialized knowledge and
Exemption: Where the minor child’s income has been clubbed in the total income of
his parents, such a parent will be entitled to an exemption to the extent of such income
or 1500 whichever is less.
8. Transfer of separate individual property to Hindu Undivided Family (conversion
of the property)
Converts a separate property as the property of the HUF
Throws the property into the common stock of the family
Otherwise transfers his individual property to the family.
For inadequate consideration then the income resulting from such transferred property shall
continue to be clubbed in the total income of the individual.
In computing total income of an assessee, the following income shall also be included in his
income along with the income of the assessee.
1) Share in income of Association of Persons or Body of Individual
2) Deemed income: -
Cash credit
Unexplained Investments
Unexplained money
Amount of investment not fully disclosed in books of accounts
Unexplained expenditure
Amount borrowed or repaid on hundi
Taxation of deemed income
Undisclosed income is to be taxable at special rate that is at 30 %. No deduction in respect of
any expenditure or allowance shall be allowed to the assessee while computing deemed
Intra source set off (section 70)
Loss of speculation can be set off only against speculation gain.
Loss from business or other activity can be set off against profit from other business.
Long term capital loss can be set off only against long term capital gain.
Short term capital loss can be set off against short term and long term capital gains.
Loss from owning and maintaining race horses shall be set off only against income
from such activity.
Loss from lottery, cross word puzzles, gambling, card games or betting cannot be set
off against any income.
Inter head set off (Section 71)
Loss from speculation cannot be set off against any other income.
Loss under the head capital gain cannot be set off against any other income but only
against capital gain.
Loss from business of owning and maintaining race horses cannot be set off against
any other income.
Loss under the head business or profession cannot be set off against income under the
head salary.
Loss from owning and maintaining race horses cannot be set off against any other
heads of income.
Loss from house property
Any loss under this head can be set off against the income under any other head. But
such set off shall be allowed subject to a maximum of 2 lakh. Carry forward of HP
loss: 8 years.
Loss from business and profession
The following are the principles of carry forward and set off in case of business loss:
After carry forward in subsequent years, it can be set off against any business
income. They can also be set off against speculation profit.
In order to get the benefit of carry forward of loss the business in respect of
which the loss was incurred should be continued for at least part of the year in
which set off is claimed. Discontinuation and restart would be treated as a
violation of this condition.
The bought forward business loss can be set off against any income in respect
of a discontinued business.
Loss can be carried forward for 8 assessment years.
Loss cannot be carried forward unless the return of income for that previous
year is filed on time.
Loss can be carried forward only by the person who has incurred it.
Carry forward and set off of speculation loss
Speculation loss it can be set off only against income from speculation. It is not
possible to set off against income of that year, and then it can be carried forward as a
set off only against the income from speculation up to a period of 4 assessment year
from the period from which the loss was incurred.
Loss under the head capital gain
Short term capital loss
It can be set off in the same assessment year with the capital gain arising out of short
term or long term capital asset. Carry forward to 8 years.
Long term capital loss
Such a loss can be set off against the gain from any other long-term capital assets
only. Carry forward: 8 years.
Loss of Discontinued business
When a business have been discontinued before 1-4 -1999 and bought forward loss
of such a business cannot be set off against the income of any other business or
Loss on maintenance of horse races
Race horse owners are allowed to stay out of their losses against the income arising
out of owning and maintaining horse race. It can be carry forward: 8 years.
Sequence of set off
a) Current year capital expenditure on scientific research
b) Current year expenditure on family planning
c) Current year depreciation
d) Brought forward losses from business/profession
e) Unabsorbed expenditure on family planning
f) Unabsorbed depreciation
g) Unabsorbed capital expenditure on scientific research.
Section 80C -Deduction in respect of life insurance premium contribution to PF etc.
1. Insurance premium paid on insurance of the life of self-spouse for his child.
The amount paid should not exceed 20% of the actual capital sum insured.
Policy issued on or after 1-4- 2012, the qualifying amount should not exceed 10% of
the actual sum insured.
The policy issued on or after 1-4- 2013 for insurance on the life of a person who is a
person with disability or severe disability or suffering from disease referred in section
80 DDB the qualifying amount should not exceed 15 % of the sum assured.
2. For a contract of annuity on the life of self or spouse or his child.
3. Sum deducted from his or her salary for securing his a deferred annuity for making
provision for his wife for children. The sum deducted should not exceed 1/5th of the
4. As contribution to any provident fund to which provident fund act 1925 applies
to public provident fund (15 year) recognized provident fund, and approved
superannuation fund.
5. Subscription towards any security of the central government or any such deposit
scheme (notified by central government)
6. Subscription to saving certificates
7. Contribution for participating in the unit linked insurance plan of UTI, LIC,
Mutual Fund
8. Sum paid towards and duty plan of LIC of India or any other insurer
9. Sum paid as contribution to any unit of mutual fund
10. Interest due on the national saving certificate
11. Investment in a term deposit
12. Subscription to such bonds issued by National bank for Agriculture and Rural
13. Investment made on or after 1 - 4 - 2007 in post office 5 year time deposit
14. Investment made on or after 1-4-2007 in senior citizen saving Scheme
15. Investment made in Sukanya Samridhi scheme for welfare of girl child
16. Contribution by a Central Government employee to his tier 2 account of national
pension system for a fixed period of at least 3 years.
Section 80CCC, (i)-deduction in respect of contribution to certain pension funds
If an individual deposited any amount out of his income under a contract for any annuity plan
of Life Insurance Corporation of India for receiving pension from the fund shall be allowed a
deduction of the whole of the amount paid or deposited or 150000 whichever is less. This
limit would be subject to the overall limit of 150000 provided in section 80CCE.
Section 80CCD (1) - Deduction in respect of contribution to pension scheme of central
This deduction is available to those employees who are appointed by the central government
on or after 1-1 -2004 or being an individual employed by any other employer or any other
assessee. The amount of deduction is:-
Amount deposited by the employee during the previous year in the pension scheme
notified by the government or 10 % of his salary whichever is less.
In case of any other individual (non-salaried) maximum of 20% of his gross total
income is allowed.
Amount contributed by the central government or 10% of salary whichever is less.
Salary includes DA (in terms of employment) and excluded all other allowances and
Section 80CCD (1B)
An additional deduction is allowed in respect of any amount paid up to 50000 rupees for
contribution made by any individual assessee under NPS. Deduction of rupees 50,000 under
section 80CCD (1B) is an addition to the overall limit of rupees 150000 provided under
section 80CCE.
Section 80CCE- Total amount of deduction
As per section 80CCE the aggregate deduction under section 80C, 80 CCC and 80 CCD (1)
will be subject to the overall limit of 150000. That means the maximum deduction allowable
as per section 80C, 80CCC and 80CCD (1) will be rupees 150000.
Section 80D - Deduction in respect of medical insurance premium health checkup and
medical treatment
Taxpayers can claim deductions for health insurance premiums paid for ensuring self-spouse
dependent children and parents. The tax deduction is applicable on both health insurance and
medi claim policies. Male children if not employed then they can be covered up to 25 years.
Whereas female children can be covered until she gets married (only if he is unemployed).
Only premium amount can be claimed as a deduction.
1. Self & family25000
2. Self &family + Parents25000 + 25000 = 50000
3. Self &family + parents (senior citizens) 25000 + 50000=75000
4. Self (senior citizen)& family + parents (senior citizen) 50000 + 50000 = 100000
Single premium health insurance policy/multi-year medi claim policy
If the assessee prefers to pay insurance premiums for multiple years in one year itself (may
get discount on premium rates) the deduction should be allowed proportionally over the years
for which the benefit of the health insurance is available (subject to the overall monetary
Section 80 DD-Deduction in respect of maintenance and support of handicapped
Deduction is allowed if the individual or HUF.
a) Expenditure for the medical treatment, training and rehabilitation of the dependent there
being a person with the dependent, disability or
b) Paid any amount to LIC or any other insurer in respect of schemes for the maintenance of
a disabled dependent.
Amount of deduction:
Normal individual - 75000
Person with severe disability – 125000
(Here dependent means spouse, children, parent, brothers and sisters in the case of an
individual and member in case of HUF who are wholly or mainly dependent on such
individual or HUF for support and maintenance who has not claimed any deduction under
section 80U.)
Section 80DDB-deduction in respect of medical treatment of certain chronic and
protracted disease such as cancer, AIDS, Thalassemia etc.
This direction is allowed to an individual or a HUF who incurred medical expenditure on
himself or a dependent. The amount of deduction is allowed as follows:
The assessee actually paid this amount for the medical treatment of specified disease
assessee should submit a certificate in this respect.
Section 80E - Deduction in respect of interest on loan taken for higher education including
Vocational Studies
Any amount paid by the assessee as interest on such loan is allowed as deduction. The
deduction will be allowed for a maximum period of 8 years from the year in which payment
of interest on loan begins or till the interest is paid in full whichever is earlier.
Section 80 EE- Deductions in respect of interest on loan taken for acquiring residential
house property
Deduction allowed is the amount of interest payable on such a loan subjected to a maximum
of 50000. The deduction is allowed only if the assessee fulfills the following instructions:
1. The loan is sanctioned during the period of 1-4 -2016 to 31-3-2017
2. The amount of loan does not exceed 35 lakhs
3. The value of residential house property does not exceed 50 lakhs.
4. The assessee does not own any residential house property on the date of sanction of
the loan.
5. Interested in respect of which deduction has been claimed under this section, shall not
be deductible under any other provisions of the same or any other assessment year.
This direction is allowed over and above of rupees 200000 allowed as per section 24 interest
paid in respect of loan borrowed for acquisition of a self-occupied property.
Section 80 EEA - Deduction in respect of interest on loan taken for affordable house
Amount of deduction is, interest payable on loan taken subject to a maximum of 150000.To
get deduction the following conditions are to be satisfied:
1. The loan is sanctioned during the period of 1-4 -2019 to 31-3- 2020
2. The stamp duty value of residential house does not exceed 45 lakhs.
3. The assessee does not own any residential house property in the date of the sanction
of loan.
4. Amount of deduction allowed shall not be deductible under any other provisions for
the same in the same assessment year.
80EEB-Ddeduction in respect of interest on loan taken for electric vehicles
Electric vehicle means a vehicle run exclusively on a traction battery and having electric
regenerative Breaking system. Amount of deduction allowable is the interest payable on loan
taken subject to a maximum of 150000. Deduction allowed will not be claimed in any other
Section 80G-Deduction in respect of donation to certain funds charitable institutions etc.
Types of donations
No limit donations (deduction allowed @100% of the qualifying amount)
No Limited donations ( deduction is allowed a@ 50% of the qualifying amount)
With Limited donation (deduction allowed 100% of the qualifying amount)
With limit donation (deduction allowed 50 % of the qualifying amount )
No Limited donations (100% of qualifying amount)
The National defense fund
The Prime Minister's national relief fund
The Prime Minister's Armenia earthquake relief fund
National foundation for communal harmony
Any approved university or any educational institution
The chief Minister's earthquake relief fund Maharashtra
The Zilla SaksharthaSamithi.
The national blood transfusion Council or state blood transfusion Council
Fund set up by a state government for the medical relief to the poor
Central welfare fund of the army and Air Force and the Indian navel benevolent fund
National illness assistance fund
Chief Minister's relief fund or the Lt.Governor's relief fund
National sports fund or National cultural fund or fund for technology development
and application.
Any fund set up by the state government of Gujarat exclusively for providing relief to
the victims of earthquake of Gujarat
The national trust for Welfare of persons with Autism , cerebral palsy , mental
retardation and multiple disabilities
National children's fund
National fund for control of drug abuse
Swachh Bharat kosh
Clean Ganga fund
Donation to PM cares fund:(Donation up to 30-06-2020)
No Limited donation (deduction allowed at 50% of the qualifying amount)
The Prime Minister's drought relief fund
The Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial fund
Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust
Rajiv Gandhi Foundation
With limit donation (deduction allowed100% of the qualifying)
Government or local authority, institution or association to be utilized for the purpose
of promotion of family planning.
Indian Olympic Association or to an institute notified by the central government for
the development of infrastructure for sports and games in India
With Limited donation (deduction allowed for 50% of the qualifying amount)
The government or local authority utilized for charitable purpose
Charitable organizations
Any organization constituted for the development of housing and planning of cities ,
towns and villages
Any notified the temple , Mosque, Gurudwara , Church or other place (For renovation
or repair)
To a corporation formed to protect the minority interest.
Conditions for allowing deduction
Donation given should not be in kind. If the amount of donation exceeds 2000, it
should be paid by any mode other than cash.
Donation should not be given for the benefit or any particular religion, class, creed or
community. But it does not include a scheduled caste, Scheduled Tribes and backward
class or women or children, which are not for any particular religious community or
80GG- Deduction in respect of rent paid.
Here, he will get a deduction:
1. Rent paid less 10% of adjusted total income.
2. 25% of adjusted total income
3. 5000 P.M
Whichever is less
Adjusted total income = Gross total income - long term capital gain + short term capital
gains if any + deduction under section 80C to 80U before deduction as per section 80 GG.
Section 80 GGA- Deduction in respect of certain donations for research or rural
An assessee (other than, one who’s Income is taxable under business and profession) he's
eligible for this deduction. Here assessee can deduct 100% of the amount paid to the
following institutions:
a) An approved research Association which has its own object the undertaking of
research in social science or statistical research or to a University, College or other
institution to be used for scientific, social and statistical research.
b) An institution which has its object the undertaking of any programme of rural
development, to be used for carrying out any programme of rural Development or
an Association which has its object the training of person for implementing
programme of rural development.
c) A public sector company or a local Authority or to an Association or institution
approved by the National Committee, for carrying out any eligible projected or
scheme or to the undertaking of any programme of conservation of Natural Resources
or of afforestation to be used for carrying out any programme of conservation of
Natural Resources or to the national urban poverty eradication fund set up and
notified by the central government.
No deduction shall be allowed in respect of l any sum exceeding 10000, unless such sum is
paid by any mode other than cash.
80 GGB-Deduction in respect of contributions made by an Indian company to political
parties or an electoral trust.
The amount contributed is allowed as deduction.
80GGC-Deduction in respect of contributions made by an individual to political parties or
electoral trust.
The amount contributed by an assessee who is not a local Authority or artificial
juridical person, is eligible for deduction. No deduction shall be allowed under section 80
GGB&GGC in respect of any sum contributed by the way of cash.
80 IA -Deductions in respect of profit and gains from industrial undertaking or enterprises
engaged in infrastructure development
The amount allowed as deduction in respect of Telecommunication services 100% for the
first 5 years and 30% for the next five years. In other cases the amount of deduction is 100%
for 10 consecutive assessment years
Section 80 IAB- Deduction in respect of profit and gain by an undertaking for enterprise
engaged in development of special economic zone.
Enterprise will get a deduction of 100% for the profit and gains derived from such business
for 10 consecutive assessment years, but the development of special economic zone should
begin on or before March 31st 2017. The assessee can opt for any 10 consecutive years out of
15 years beginning with the year in which SEZ is notified by the government.
Section 80 IAC deduction in respect of profit and gains of eligible start up from an eligible
Eligible startup means a company or LLP incorporated during 1-4 -2006 to 31-03- 2019
whose total turnover is up to 25 crores during any of the previous year from 2016-17 to
2020-2021.The amount of deduction is allowed here is 100% of the profit and gains for 3
consecutive assessment years. The assessee may opt for any 3 consecutive years out of 5
years beginning with the year of its Incorporation.
Section 80IB-Deduction in respect of profit and gains from industrial undertaking other
than infrastructural development, ships or hotel etc.
No deduction under this section shall be allowed to an undertaking engaged in
refining mineral oil, if it begins refining on or after 1-4-2009. But it is not applicable in case
of public company. A 5 year tax holiday also be allowed to hospital located anywhere in
India (except 7 urban agglomerations) provided the hospital is constructed and has started or
start functioning between 1-4- 2008 and 31- 03 -2013. An undertaking begins commercial
production of natural gas on or after 1-4 -2009 but before 31-03- 2007- deduction is allowed
100% of profit for initial 7 assessment years.
Section 80IC- deduction in respect of profit and gain from undertakings or enterprise in
special category states.
Section 80 ID - Deduction in respect of profits and gains from business of hotel and
Convention centers in specific area.
Section 80 JJA -Deduction in respect of profits from the business of processing of bio-
gradable waste
Here deduction is available for a period of 5 consecutive assessment years relevant to the
previous year in which such business commences. (100% deduction)
Section 80 JJA deduction in respect of employment of new workmen
Here a deduction is allowed of an amount equal to 30% of additional wages paid to the new
regular workers employed by the assessee in the previous year for 3 assessment years. In
order to claim this incentives, it has been extended to units employing 50 (instead of 100)
regular work man.
Section 80 QQB-Deduction in respect of royalty income of authors
He will get a deduction of Rs. 300000 or whole of such income (Royalty maximum @15 %
of the value of such books sold less expenses attributable to such income) whichever is less,
is allowed as deduction.
Section 80-RRB deduction in respect of royalty on patents
The amount of deduction is whole of such income or rupees 300000 whichever is less.
Section 80 TTA Deduction in respect of interest from bank
Here an individual or HUF, interest from savings bank account with a bank, cooperative
bank, Post Office bank, up to 10000 will not be taxable(It is not applicable in case of fixed
Section 80 TTB- Deduction in respect of interest on bank/post office deposits in case of
senior citizen
Here deduction is equal to 50000 or the amount of aforesaid interest, whichever is lower.
Section 80U-Deduction in the case of permanent physical disability (including blindness)
Normal disability- Rs. 75000
Severe disability- Rs. 125000
Income Tax Act does not define the term agricultural income. Instead it gives a list of income
that can be treated as agricultural income. Section 2(1A) of the Act defines agricultural
income as follows:
Any rent or revenue derived from land that is situated in India and is used for
agricultural purpose
Any income derived from such land by,
a) Agriculture
b) Any process ordinarily employed by a cultivator or receiver of rent in kind to
make the produce fit to be taken to market.
c) The sale by a cultivator or receiver of rent in kind of the produce in respect of
which no process has been performed other than a process of the nature
described in the above paragraph.
Any income derived from farm house.
Criteria to determine agricultural income
Income derived from land situated in India
Land is used for agricultural purpose
Land is situated in India.
Types of Agricultural income
Rent or revenue from agricultural land
Income derived from agriculture
Income from any process used by the cultivator to render the product marketable
Income from the sale of produce raised or received as rent in kind
Income from buildings used for agriculture
Any income derived from saplings or seedlings grown in a nursery.
Partly agricultural income
Profit of business other than Tea (Rule 7)
Market value of agricultural product raised can be deducted from total profit of such
assessee. The rule is applicable in case of cotton, tobacco, sugarcane etc.
Profit from Tea manufacturing (Rule 8)
Tea leaves grown - 40% treated as business income
- 60% treated as agricultural income.
Income from the manufacturing of centrifuged latex or cenex
65% - Treated as agricultural income
35% - Treated as business income.
Income from coffee manufacturing
75% - of sale and cured of coffee grown is treated as agricultural income.
25% - Treated as business income.
Examples of Agricultural income
Income from sale of dried tobacco leaves in which green tobacco leaves are dried by
using some process.
Grazing fees realized from piece of land which was used for grazing animals or used
for agricultural purpose
Cattle are rare and exclusively for agricultural purposes and on the farm any income
received on the sale of milk and the butter would be agricultural income
Examples of Nonagricultural income
Income from the sale of wild grass
Income from the sale ginned cotton
Share of agricultural procedure received by a person for supply of water
Method of integration
Agricultural income is exempt from tax under section 10(1). But in the case of individual,
HUF, AOP/BOI or artificial juridical person, if the net agricultural income exceeds Rs.5000
it is taken into account for determining the rate of income tax on other urban income liable to
tax. Then relief of tax is allowed on such agricultural income.
Net agricultural income is integrated with non-agricultural income.
Income tax is calculated on this integrated income at the rates prevailing each
assessment year.
Then income tax will be calculated on the net agricultural income as increased by an
amount of Rs. 250000, Rs.300000, and Rs.500000 as the case may be.
Income tax calculated under 3 above is deducted from the income tax calculated 2
Rates of income tax for the assessment year 2020-2021
Normal rates of tax
Net income Income tax rates
Where the total income does not exceeds 250000 Nil
Where the total income exceeds 250000 but does 5% of the amount by which the total
not exceed 500000 income exceeds 250000
Where the total income exceeds 500000 but does 12500 + 20% of the amount by which
not exceed 1000000 the total income exceeds 500000
Above 1000000 by which the total income 1,12500 + 30% of the amount 10,00000
Individual’s age above 80 years
Where the total income does not exceed 500000 Nil
Where the total income exceeds 500000 but does 20% of the amount by which the total
not exceed 1000000 income exceeds Rs. 500000
Above 1000000 by which the total income 100000 + 30% of the income exceed
exceeds 10,00000