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Disclaimer: These guidelines are issued as guidance only.

The directions / instructions issued in the

provision of Law, Regulation, SEBI, and Exchange circular which are referred to in these guidelines
are final for decision making in the matter. These guidelines are not and should not be construed as
substitution / clarification / explanation on any matter on which provision of Law, Regulation or SEBI /
Exchange circular were issued.




1. Which listed Companies are mandatorily required to file BRSR?

Top one thousand listed Companies based on market capitalization shall mandatorily submit BRSR
in the format as specified by the SEBI Circular SEBI/HO/CFD/CMD-2/P/CIR/2021/562 dated May
10, 2021.

Link of market capitalization as on March 31, 2024, is given below:

For e.g. If the listed Companies are falling under top one thousand listed Companies based on
market capitalization as on March 31, 2024, filing of BRSR shall be applicable to them for the
Financial Year 2023-24.

2. If the Company is not falling under top one thousand listed Companies based on market
capitalization as on March 31, 2024, but the Company was falling under top one thousand
listed Companies based on market capitalization as on March 31, 2023, will BRSR be
applicable to the Company for March 31, 2024, pursuant to Regulation 3 (2) of SEBI LODR,

Pursuant to Regulation 3(2) of the SEBI LODR, 2015 - The provisions of these regulations which
become applicable to listed companies on the basis of market capitalisation criteria shall continue
to apply to such companies even if they fall below such thresholds.

The listed companies are requested to comply with the existing Regulation.

3. Can the listed Companies which do not form part of top one thousand listed Companies file
BRSR on a voluntary basis?

Yes, listed Companies which do not form part of top one thousand listed Companies including the
Companies which have listed their specified securities on the SME Exchange, may voluntarily
submit BRSR.

4. If the listed Company is in top one thousand market capitalization list of NSE & not in top
one thousand market capitalization list of BSE or vice versa. Whether the applicability for
filing BRSR is with NSE / BSE only or with NSE & BSE together?

If the listed Company is in the top one thousand market capitalization list on any Exchange, then
the listed Company is required to file BRSR with both the Exchanges.


5. Which listed Companies are mandatorily required to obtain reasonable assurance on BRSR

Top 150 listed Companies based on market capitalization as on March 31, 2024, shall mandatorily
obtain reasonable assurance of BRSR Core as specified by the SEBI Circular SEBI/HO/CFD/CFD-
SEC-2/P/CIR/2023/122 dated July 12, 2023.

If the listed Companies have obtained assurance and selects “Yes” for “Whether the company has
undertaken reasonable assurance of BRSR Core?” under BRSR utility, then it shall be mandatory
to provide details of Point 15 i.e. Name of the Assurance provider & Point 16 i.e. Details of
Assurance obtained, in the BRSR utility. If listed Companies select “All / Partial” option under
Point 16 in the BRSR utility, then the listed Companies need to specify whether the assurance
obtained is “Reasonable Assurance” or “Limited Assurance”.

Also, a copy of Reasonable Assurance Certificate is mandatorily to be attached along with the
BRSR while submitting PDF & Annual Report with the Exchanges.

6. Whether the BRSR XBRL utility at the BSE portal can be used for uploading at NSE NEAPS
portal and vice-versa?

Yes, listed Companies can use either of NSE or BSE BRSR XBRL utility to upload at either of the
Exchanges. The utility is compatible at both BSE and NSE.

7. What is the mode of submission of BRSR with the Exchange?

The BRSR is to be submitted with the Exchange in PDF and XBRL mandatorily. The path for
submitting the same is enumerated as under:

For submission of BRSR in XBRL mode:

The listed entities shall visit XBRL section of the Listing Centre

For submission of BRSR in PDF mode:

Listing Compliance – Corporate Announcement – Security Type (Equity and Debt/CP) – Scrip
Code - Category / Sub-Category - Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting (BRSR)

8. What is the timeline for submitting the BRSR in PDF and XBRL format?

BRSR PDF and XBRL shall be submitted on the same day of submission of Annual Report with
the Exchanges.

9. Whether the BRSR can be provided as a LINK in the Annual Report of the Company instead
of publishing the whole report?

Yes, BRSR Link can be provided in the Annual Report instead of publishing the whole report.

10. Is there any option for Revision for BRSR XBRL and PDF filed with the Exchange?

Yes, BRSR filed with the Exchange can be revised by listed Company on the following path.

For submission of BRSR in XBRL mode:

The listed entities shall visit XBRL section of the Listing Centre


For submission of BRSR in PDF mode:
Listing Compliance – Corporate Announcement – Security Type (Equity and Debt/CP) – Scrip
Code - Category / Sub-Category - Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting (BRSR)

Please note that although option for filing revised BRSR with the Exchange is available, the same
needs to be exercised only as a last resort and sparingly. The Exchange request(s) the listed
Companies to verify the correctness of data and other fields prior to filing the original BRSR
submission with the Exchange.

Further, listed Companies need to submit Covering letter, wherein they should update what are the
changes in the revised filing made.

11. What should listed Companies do in case data is not available for certain Industries / fields?

Some of the disclosures sought under the BRSR XBRL may not be applicable to certain industries,
in such cases, the Company can state that such disclosure is not applicable along-with reasons for
the same. The reason shall be provided in BRSR pdf and in BRSR XBRL under add Notes.

12. Has Exchange published any material / guidance note on BRSR?

The companies can refer SEBI Circular SEBI/HO/CFD/CFD-SEC-2/P/CIR/2023/122 dated July

12, 2023 for submitting disclosures to the exchange.

13. What about listed Companies who are already preparing BRSR as per internationally
accepted standards?

Those listed Companies which prepare and disclose sustainability reports (as part of annual report)
based on internationally accepted reporting frameworks such as GRI, SASB, TCFD, Integrated
Reporting, can provide the cross-reference of the disclosures made under such framework to the
disclosures sought under the BRSR. Further, if the data sought in the reporting format is already
disclosed in the annual report, the listed Company can provide a cross-reference to the same.

Thus, a Company need not disclose the same information twice in the annual report. However, the
Company should specifically mention the page number of the annual report or sustainability report
where the information sought under the BRSR format is disclosed as part of the report prepared
based on internationally accepted reporting framework.

14. Where will be the BRSR filings displayed on BSE website?

BRSR filings shall be viewed on BSE website on Get Quote Page after mentioning Scrip Code.


(BRSR / BRSR Core)

Exchange Observations based on the BRSR Submissions F.Y. 2022-23

In order to have consistent, comparable, and useful information available to the investors and to
provide guidance to the listed Companies with respect to filing of the disclosure requirements for
BRSR, the said filings made by the listed Companies with the Exchange for F.Y. 2022-23 have
been reviewed and the principal areas of BRSR submissions and general observations pertaining to
the submission received by the Exchange have been discussed hereunder.

There are number of variations and lack of uniformity noticed in disclosures made under the BRSR
submissions made by the listed Companies.

Below are some of the observations on BRSR submissions made by the listed Companies along
with the specificity on what Companies must disclose, which will produce more useful
information for the investors.



 It may be noted that the BRSR format requires Companies to provide a Yes/ No response to a
set of questions on Policy formulation across 9 principles. However, some Companies have
either not disclosed information in the prescribed format or not provided mapping of answers
to questions under BRSR format with their sustainability report (applicable in case
sustainability report is published).

 With regards to the providing the links of the Policies under the BRSR format (wherever
applicable), some Companies only provide link of their website and not specific document link.

 In case of turnover rate for permanent employees and workers, Companies have provided an
overall turnover rate instead of actual turnover rate for individual category.

 If the Company has hired differently abled employees and workers, details for the same shall
be provided.

 Companies have not provided details like break up of contract workers enrolled, break up of
employees or workers or break up of permanent and non-permanent employees.

 For products / Services sold by the company (accounting for 90% of the Company’s Turnover),
Companies shall provide bifurcation based on the various products and various NIC codes and
the total shall not exceed 100%.



 For Point 1, some Companies have disclosed absolute values instead of percentage as required
in Percentage of R&D and capital expenditure investments.

 For Point 2 a. & b. Details pertaining to procedures in place for sustainable sourcing and
percentage of inputs sourced sustainably, lack of uniformity was observed in disclosures made
under this category. Details for the percentage of inputs sourced sustainably is expected to be
provided for total sourcing.

 In case of Point 3 for the details of processes in place to safely reclaim products for reusing,
recycling, and disposing at the end of life, Companies must mandatorily provide this
information and if the same is not applicable to the Company, the reason for the same shall be


 Lack of uniformity was observed between disclosures made under measures of well-being of
employees / workers and the disclosures under the employees and workers (including
differently abled) provided in General Disclosure – Point 21a. & b. If there is any difference in
both the categories, the reason for such difference shall be provided in “Add notes” column.

 Percentage of employees / workers covered under maternity benefits to be disclosed as a

percentage of only female employees / workers and not total employees. (same shall be
followed for paternity benefits).

 It was observed that some Companies have carried out assessment for the year but details for
corrective actions were not provided in the relevant section i.e. under Point 15.

 Companies are required to disclose skill upgradation training provided to employees and
workers whether permanent or non-permanent. It was observed that Companies have provided
the said disclosures only for permanent employees and have not included non-permanent
employees and workers under the skill upgradation data.


 Companies have provided the details of actual remuneration for total employees however
median remuneration was not disclosed for employees.


 Wide divergence was observed in some Companies within the same industry, indicating that
although Companies are operating within same industry yet there is asymmetry in disclosure
made with regards to environmentally sustainable practices and disclosure.

 For details of total energy consumption (in Joules or multiples) and energy intensity, some
Companies have disclosed the data in units other than joules. Few Companies disclosed the data
on energy consumption, however, have failed to precisely disclose the measurement units in


the following format. As per the updated XBRL, a dropdown for unit column has now been
provided in the utility for uniformity of disclosures.

 Some Companies have provided the disclosure under the Performance, Achieve and Trade
(PAT) Scheme irrespective of applicability of the said Scheme. This point of PAT scheme is
applicable only to certain class of industries which have been identified under PAT Scheme of
the Government of India and identified as designated consumers. The Companies are advised
to mention as “Not Applicable” if the Scheme is not applicable.

 For applicability of total energy consumption and energy intensity / air emissions (other than
GHG emissions) / greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions) the Companies
shall select Yes / No based on their applicability. The Companies if selects Yes – needs to select
the applicable Unit from drop down.

 While Financial Services industry on one hand claims GHG emissions are not materially
relevant while making disclosures on environmental parameters, yet GHG emission in
Financial Services Industry was greater than the emission in Automobiles industry.

 The disclosures of Air Emission are not uniform across industries.

 Few Companies have not provided adequate disclosures on renewable energy, while some
companies have not made any detailed updates whereas some Companies have provided
disclosures on the initiatives on renewable energy, but not disclosed any data on the same.
Maximum number of Companies not disclosing data are from financial services sector.

 Few Companies from Consumer Durables and Oil Gas & Consumable Fuels Industries have
disclosed data on water discharge. Whereas significant number of Companies in Consumer
Services and Other Industries have not made these disclosures.

 For disclosures related to water, although as per their data size, Companies have used varied
decimal options, i.e. reported either in Litres, Kilo Litres, ‘000 Kilolitres, Million KL, Mega
KL, Million Cubic Meter (MCM), etc.

 Companies have provided the disclosures of waste management at an aggregated level instead
of providing details in a bifurcated manner as provided under the format for specific heads (i.e.
e-waste, plastic waste etc).

 Companies have made disclosures for waste management in Metric tonnes or kilograms or kilo
tonnes. Companies are advised to provide the said details in Metric Tonnes only.

 Some companies from industries like Construction Materials, Cement, Power and FMCG, have
disclosed total waste recovered or disposed more than the total waste generated. However,
companies have not provided adequate justification in this regard.

 Most Companies under the Financial Services industry have stated that given the nature of their
business, disclosures relating to waste have limited applicability to them. However, they should
provide adequate disclosures on waste generated such as e-waste, battery waste, paper waste
and plastic waste from their operations.



 For Information relating to data breaches, the Companies have provided reference relating to
general complaints which are not pertaining to data breach and have provided little to no
disclosures regarding instances of data breaches during the year. Companies shall ensure to
provide the details only for data breach under this category.

 Companies from industries such as Consumer Durables and Metals & Mining have not recorded
any complaints regarding the irresponsible Advertising, Delivery of Essential Services and
Restrictive/ Unfair Trade practices i.e. all their customer complaints were classified under other

**The listed Companies must carefully consider the above points while submitting BRSR XBRL
utility. Further the Companies are advised to ensure that there are no deviations in the
submissions made in XBRL and PDF. **


Few illustrations for inconsistencies observed in BRSR filings are given as below.

1. Listed entities have mentioned overall turnover rate instead of actual turnover in the below
screenshot –

2. Company has disclosed zero energy consumption from renewable sources in the first table and
reported 2,21,405.21 GJ in another table -

3. Total Employees count reported in General Disclosure does not match with the total employees
reported under training given to employees and workers -


4. Total waste recovered and disposed is more than the waste generated.

5. Entity has provided training to total workers on skill upgradation more than the total strength and
still the number shows 100% & vice versa.



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