13-File System Structure

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File System Structure:

On a Linux system, everything is a file if something is not a file, it is a process. Most files are
regular files; they contain normal data, for example text files, executable files or programs,
input for or output from a program and so on. As Linux stores data and programs in files. These
are organized in directories. A directory is just a file that contains other files or directories.

In Windows operating system, we have C:\ drive, and there are many directories under C:\,
such as Documents and Settings, Program Files, etc. In Linux, we can think of / (root directory)
as C drive in Windows. All file system directory or mount points in Linux are under / directory.
There are many directories full of child directories and files. Some directories such as bin, sbin
and lib can be found in several other directories too. The following table describes many of the
most common Linux directories. Some file system and directories structure in one Linux
distribution maybe different from other Linux distributions.

File System Hierarchy:

All files on a Linux system are stored on file systems which are organized into a single inverted
tree of directories, known as a file system hierarchy. In the inverted tree, root lies at the top
and the branches of directories and sub-directories stretch below the root.

1 | P a g e Created by Ahmad Ali E-Mail: [email protected] , WhatsApp: 00966564303717

/ Root directory of the system
/bin This directory contains Linux binaries like the cd and ls command
/sbin This directory holds system binary files commands (like fdisk)
/etc This directory contains all the administration system files like passwd
/dev This directory contains the device configuration files
/proc This directory contains the processes and kernel information files
/var This folder contains variable data for databases, logs, and websites
/tmp All users have permission to place temporary files here
/usr Keeps Linux system files installed software, shared libraries etc
/home Location of users' personal home directories and configuration
/boot This directory contains the Linux bootloader files
/lib Libraries essential for the binaries, keep System Libraries
/opt Optional application software packages
/mnt Temporarily mounted file systems
/media Mount points for removable media such as CD-ROMs
/srv This folder contains data related to system server functionalities
/root The root (super-user) home directory
/run This directory holds runtime system data
/sys This folder contains configurations about devices and drivers

/bin Binaries /sbin System binaries

/dev Devices /etc Etcetera
/lib Libraries /proc Processes
/mnt Mount /opt Option
/temp Temporary /usr User
/srv Serve /var Variable
/run Runtime

2 | P a g e Created by Ahmad Ali E-Mail: [email protected] , WhatsApp: 00966564303717

3 | P a g e Created by Ahmad Ali E-Mail: [email protected] , WhatsApp: 00966564303717

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