Conchri Modules 1 3
Conchri Modules 1 3
Conchri Modules 1 3
Module 1
What is Morality?
- The standard to measure the quality of actions
What is Christian Morality?
Principles of Morality based on the teachings of Christ?
Sources of Teachings of Christian Morality?
a. Scriptures – the Written Word of God
b. Sacred Tradition -consists of the teachings that the apostles passed on
orally through their preaching
c. Magisterium-the teaching authority of the Church. It is composed of the
Pope and the Bishops.
Module 1
What is the difference between Morality and Ethics?
Ethics and morality are closely related concepts, but they have distinct
Ethics refers to a set of principles and values that guide an individual's behavior
and decision-making
Morality - refers to the actual beliefs, values, and practices that individuals or
groups hold about right and wrong. It is a personal or societal set of standards
that guide behavior
In essence, ethics provides a framework for understanding morality,
while morality represents the actual beliefs and practices that people follow.
While ethics can offer guidance, morality shapes our actions and decisions in
everyday life
Module 1
What is Moral Vision?
-a way of viewing ourselves & others which shapes who we are & how we
behave morally
Factors that contribute to our Moral Vision (Sources of Morality)
a. Parents and Family
b. Community
c. State
d. Religion
Example: The Parable of the Good Samaritan
Summary: Every one has a moral sense of right and wrong
Module 1
The 5 Approaches to Morality
1. Morality as Law
2. Morality as Inner Conviction
3. Morality as Personal Growth
4. Morality as Love
5. Morality as Social Transformation
Summary: Every one has a moral sense of right and wrong
Module 1
Human Dignity
-Halaga, Dangal, Dignidad, Worth, Value
- The inherent dignity of Man.
- A concept rooted in the belief that a person’s worth is not something that he
earned because of his class, race, abilities, religion, or another advantage. It is
something all humans are born with. Simply by being human, all people deserve
Module 1
Moral and Legal
Are all moral acts legal?
Are all legal acts moral?
Is the opinion of the Majority always right?
Is subjective Morality above Objective Morality
Module 2 The Social Man