Eurasia Ana Metin
Eurasia Ana Metin
Eurasia Ana Metin
Yunus Karakuyu
Uşak Üniversitesi, TURKEY
Yusuf Ay
Eskisehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi, TURKEY
Received 13 December 2013; revised 27 June 2014; accepted 27 November 2014; published online first 29 November 2014
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the Project-Based Learning (PBL)
method on undergraduate students’ achievement and its association with these students’
self-efficacy beliefs about science teaching and pinions about PBL. The sample of the
study consisted of two randomly chosen classes from a set of seven classes enrolled in the
Science Teaching Course in a Primary School Education Department of a State University
in Turkey. The randomly assigned treatment group (n =33) was instructed based on a PBL
method. The control group (n = 33) was instructed through the use of a traditional
teaching (TT) method. The Science and Technology Teaching Achievement Test
(STTAT) and self-efficacy belief scale (SEBS) were used as pre- and post-test measures.
The results showed that students in the treatment group produced better performance on
the Post- SEBS and the Post-STTAT. The students in the treatment group expressed
mostly positive opinions about the use of the Project-Based Learning method.
State of the literature The basis of PBL is related to the idea of the
progressivism in the beginning of the 20th century. The
Many types of student-centered learning reconstructive approach by John Dewey, the project
approaches have been implemented in Science method of Klipatrick and the discovery learning
education in recent years. approach by Bruner are the fundamentals of project-
PBL is used as a strategy for research-based based learning. The aim of this learning method is to
investigations to find solutions to daily life enable students to learn the subjects in an integrated
problems. In this approach, students taking way (Hamurcu, 2003). On the whole, PBL is defined as
responsibility for their own learning and working the students’ study efforts for a certain period of time to
collaboratively with others, enhance their reach a specific goal or result either individually or in a
investigation and problem solving skills. group through an active participation. The main aim of
In recent years studies have shown that teachers PBL is to help students take responsibility for their own
encounter some problems in using student- learning and encourage them to work with others
centered learning approaches in science courses. collaboratively (Cole, Means, Simkins and Tavali, 2002;
Hence, teachers need to acquire more experience Saban, 2000). PBL is a good method for those students
in how to use project based learning strategies in who do not like just sitting and listening to lessons and
science courses. it improves the critical thinking and idea synthesis
abilities of the students. The projects must be related to
Contribution of this paper to the literature
real life situations and students must understand what
This study explores students’ achievement and they are learning and why they are learning these. At the
self-efficacy beliefs. end of each lesson, teachers should explain alternative
Self-efficacy beliefs are important targets for uses of the information, skills, attitudes and behaviors in
individuals to decide for themselves and these the projects (Titiz, 2001). In the project-based method,
beliefs affect the decisions of individuals on how learning means that the learners are reconstructing their
much effort they should put into achieving their intellectual knowledge. Students can build their own
personal goals. knowledge by having real life experiences. On the other
Research improves pedagogical skills. High level hand, they can be autonomous during the process and
skills entail document preparation, event can make decisions by themselves. Such a situation
development, and preparation of written and improves their motivation, strategic motivation and
visual materials. prediction skills. This learning method also attracts the
unwilling students and creates a learning environment
Hence, this study aims to enhance the science
where students with different abilities can create a more
education literature on PBL.
homogenous group (Solomon, 2003).
In recent years, there has been an increase in the
experience with understanding science processes. The number of researches studying PBL approaches in
importance of research methods in enhancing one’s learning environments. In the studies related to PBL, it
knowledge is acknowledged by all educators. The has been concluded that this approach has contributed
processes in education where learners ask their own positively to students’ academic achievement
questions, plan their research, analyze and express their (Cengizhan, 2007; Kanter and Konstantopoulos, 2010 ;
own findings and structure their own understanding Selçuk, 2010; Shih, Chuang and Hwang , 2010), to
enable a more effective and lasting learning. Research- meaningful learning in science courses (Kanter, 2010;
based instruction requires a great deal of interaction Krajcik, McNeill, and Reiser, 2008), to students’
between environment, content, materials, teacher and individual learning (Chang and Tseng, 2011), to their
learner (Orlich, Harder, Callahan and Gibson, 1998). attitude towards science courses (Tortop and Özek,
The most important part of this method is that it gives 2013 ), and to their academic personality (Korkmaz and
both teacher and learner the opportunity to question, to Kaptan, 2002). Additionally, Hung, Hwang and Huang
express their opinions and to find solutions. (2012) revealed in their study that technology-aided PBL
Furthermore, it has some positive results like the was effective in enhancing students’ motivation in
students’ being active, having improved understanding, learning science, their capability in problem solving and
and developed skills to understand the nature of science their learning achievement. Contrary to this, some
better (Metz, 2004; Wallace, Tsoi, Calkin and Darley, studies claimed that this approach has no significant
2004). A teaching approache which provides a concrete effect on the improvement of students’ academic
learning environment in science courses, and enables achievement (Ayan, 2012; Tabuk and Özdemir, 2009;
students to take part in an active learning environment Chang and Tseng, 2011).
is a project-based learning (PBL) approach (Zacharias Self-efficacy is an important concept in Social
and Barton, 2004). Learning Theory of Bandura (Bandura, 1995). It is the
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Interview Form Evaluation: The groups were given feedback by the
researcher and other students and asked questions.
In order to solicit the opinions of the students on The implementation of the traditional teaching
the method used, an interview form composed of open- method was as follows: In the control group, the
ended questions was developed by the authors. While learning theories mentioned above were explained to
developing the form, literature survey on the field was the students by the researchers and students were given
done and the opinions of two science education experts examples of the use of the relevant theories. During the
were obtained. Interviews using the interview form were course, the theories with their different features were
held with 10 students in the treatment group who introduced, the ways of applying these theories and the
volunteered to participate. activities related to the use of the theories were
explained to the students. These activities were were
Treatment conducted on the topics and objectives of the 4th and
the 5th grade science and technology courses. After the
The treatment and control groups had classes for activities, the students were asked questions and were
three hours a week, with a total of 27 hours over 9 required to generate examples.
weeks. The topics covered during the instruction were
as follows: Jean Piaget and learning theory, Jerome Data Analysis
Bruner and discovery learning, Robert Gagne and
learning theory, David Ausebel and learning, multiple The data obtained from the subjects were entered
intelligences theory, constructivist theory, and the 5-E into an EXCEL datasheet and in order to determine
model. effects of the project-based method on students’
Before instruction, students in the treatment group academic achievement and self-efficacy beliefs, an
were briefed about project based learning and were told analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was performed on
what to do at each stage. The instruction in the project- the data to test the first research question, while an
based learning method was done as follows: independent t-test was performed to answer the second
Determining the topic and subtopics and organizing research question.
the groups. There were 6 groups in the treatment group. For the analysis of the qualitative data, the
Three of the groups included 5 students and the other structured interview form was used with 10 students
three groups included 6 students in them. The students who volunteered from the treatment group. Then, the
themselves decided on the name of their group. The recordings were transcribed and were subjected to a
students were told about the topics and subtopics. content analysis and categorized. The interviews were
Formulation of Group Project Plans: A timetable recorded and then analyzed by two separate researchers.
was made for each group and the date of each group The Miles and Huberman (1994) reliability formula.
was decided. During a three-hour lesson, the researcher (Reliability = Consensus / (Consensus +
introduced the topic to the students a week earlier and Dissidence), was used in the analysis.
the students were told to organise study projects on the According to this formula the reliability was found
topics of the project concerned. In the following week, to be 90%. If the reliability was greater than 70% the
one group of students made their presentation, but all data were considered reliable (Yıldırım & Şimşek, 2005).
the groups submitted project reports to the teacher. The Hence, the results obtained from the study can be said
groups were given time to decide on who will give the to be reliable. While reporting the interviews, the
presentation in the group content of the questions was explained and the
Applying the project: The groups were required to categories of all questions were presented and
plan their projects on the topics in the science and quotations from the interviews were given.
technology courses as taught at the fourth and the fifth
grade. The resources that they would be able to utilize RESULTS
and the format of the project were explained to the
students. During the process of carrying out the Based on the data obtained by the Self- Efficacy
projects, the students were encouraged to talk to the Belief Scale (SEBS), the students’ mean and standard
researcher to get feedback. deviations for the pretest and posttest scores for the
Planning the presentation: The groups were treatment and the control groups were calculated and
advised to plan their presentation using the following displayed in Table 1.
headings: introduction, methodology, findings, It is seen from the table that students’ mean scores
discussion and comments, conclusion and suggestions. in the pre-SEBS and post-SEBS were similar for the
Presentation: The groups presented their projects treatment and the control groups. Prior to the
with their goals to the other class members. treatment, an independent t-test was employed to
determine whether there was a statistically significant
472 © 2015 iSER, Eurasia J. Math. Sci. Tech. Ed., 11(3), 469-477
The effects of project based learning
Table 1. The mean and standard deviation for pre-SEBS and post-SEBS
Groups Dependent Variables n Mean Standard Deviation
Project-based Pre- SEBS 33 70,757 7,504
Learning Post- SEBS 33 72,969 9,040
Traditional Method Pre- SEBS 33 67,757 7,504
Post- SEBS 33 65,757 7,927
Table 2. Summary of ANCOVA Comparing the Mean Post-SEBS Scores of Students in Treatment and Control
Source Dependent Means Partial
df F P
Variable Square Eta Square
Pre- SEBS Post- SEBS 1, 63 1116,35 19,808 0,000* 0,239
Group Post- SEBS 1, 63 485,14 8,608 0,005* 0,120
n=66, p<0,05
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I. Bilgin, Y. Ay & Y. Karakuyu
Table 4. The Opinions of the Students from the Primary Education Department on the Use of Project-Based Learning in
the Science and Technology Teaching
The content of the question Categories Quotations
“We did activities on the topics. The presentations and
Learning process
explanations were very effective in teaching and learning
Science teaching
The effect of project-based of science subjects and they enabled us to develop our
The application of learning theories
learning on Science and abilities at the high levels.”
Permanence of learning
technology teaching
Learning by experiencing
“It was very good for our understand science teaching
Learning level
Material use in science teaching
The feeling of fear and nervousness about
“I used to answer „No, I cannot‟ when I was asked
whether I could teach science…. During the science
Interesting and enjoyable teaching and
The effects of project-based education depending on project-based learning method, I
learning on the efficiency of had a chance to get acquainted with the approaches and
Why, what and how to do
science teaching. this helped me to improve myself…...from now on I
Methods and techniques
know how to lecture in accordance with constructivist
Preparing activities
and multiple intelligence theories.”
Not being able to get used to the new method
Lack of time “We utilized from the Internet. Therefore, there was
The structure of the groups information pollution and we had difficulty in the
Difficulties faced by students
Deficiencies in science and technology analysis.”
during the science and technology
Students from social sciences
teaching course
Internet “The sample activities limited us while we were
Information pollution preparing activities…..”.
The effects of project-based Work share
“While doing research, we shared information…….”
learning in science and technology Participating in group work
teaching on the students’ Information exchange and share
“ ……during the preparation of the project, we had
cooperative and systematic Producing a product cooperatively
work-share; we collected data and shared them.”
studies. Interactive learning environment
Planned working and reaching to a result
The effect of project-based
“… we are able to know which unit contains which
learning on helping the students to Positive
topics and we also knew their content.”
get acquainted with the units and The content and limits of the topics
“….we can have knowledge about the advanced
topics of science and technology Relation between the topics
information on the topics and know the relation
teaching course in the 4th and 5th Scientific content of the topics
between the topics.”
Positive “Our classmates from the field of science have better
Positive contribution knowledge than us….we were less interested in the
The effects of different group To be able to develop activities course as we did not like it.”
levels on the course Negative “Differences within the group contributed to the project
Work-share and the contributions of the friends led to a better
Understand project.”
Individual responsibility
Data collection, presentation and literature “I was able to improve effective use of computer and I
survey used it in material design”.
The effects of project-based
Developing activities
learning method on the students’
Designing material “… I tried to make the lesson more effective with the
ability to work independently
Sense of mission activities I did individually.”
Using computers in education
Being reluctant in individual work
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