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AZITHROMYCIN the dose, just carry on with your regular

Your dosage is: schedule.

Other names: Zithromax
 250 mg tablet What ADVERSE EFFECTS can this
600 mg tablet drug cause? What should you do
WHY is this drug prescribed? about them?
____tablet(s) (____mg) once a day
Azithromycin is an anti-infective drug _____day(s) a week Azithromycin is usually well tolerated. At
(antibiotic) that is used to prevent or the higher doses, it may cause
treat Mycobacterium avium complex or diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. If you
(MAC) infection. Azithromycin may also experience any of these adverse effects
be used to treat other types of infections and they are bothersome, please talk to
20 mg / mL oral suspension
such as bacterial pneumonia, your doctor or pharmacist. They can
40 mg / mL oral suspension
toxoplasmosis, and sexually transmitted suggest ways of managing these
diseases (ie. chlamydia). adverse effects.
____mL (____mg) once a day
____day(s) a week
Rarely, temporary hearing disruptions
HOW should this drug be taken? (fullness of the ears, decreased hearing,
The azithromycin tablets can be taken
with or without food. However, the ringing of the ears), rash and other
Depending on the type of infection you allergic reactions have been reported.
azithromycin oral suspension should be
have, the dose of azithromycin will vary. If these symptoms occur, please contact
taken 1 hour before or 2 hours after a
For example, when used to prevent your doctor or pharmacist.
meal. The azithromycin oral suspension
MAC the usual dose of azithromycin is bottle should be well shaken before
1200 mg orally taken once weekly. each dose. Rarely, increases in your liver
Other doses may also be prescribed.
enzymes, a sign that indicates liver
Take azithromycin for the duration of damage, can present itself. If you have
When used in combination with other time it is prescribed. If you stop it to take azithromycin for a long period of
drugs for the treatment of MAC, the earlier, your infection may come back. time, your doctor will check your blood
usual dose is 500 mg daily. If the infection worsens or persists, for changes in your liver enzymes.
consult your doctor.
For bacterial pneumonias, the
It is important that you keep your
medication is prescribed for 5 days, and
doctor appointments and come for
for chlamydia, it is administered as a What should you do if you your laboratory tests so that your
single 1 gram dose.
FORGET a dose? progress can be followed.
Azithromycin is available as a 250 mg or
If you miss a dose of azithromycin, take
600 mg tablet. It is also available as an
it as soon as possible. However, if it is
oral suspension.
time for your next dose, do not double
What other PRECAUTIONS should suspension should be kept between 5 to
you follow while using this drug? 30°C. The suspension is good for 10
days after it is prepared. Ensure that
This medication is usually safe when the drug has not expired by checking
taken with most other medications. the expiry date (“EXP”) shown on the
However, inform your doctor and outside of the package. AZITHROMYCIN
pharmacist of all prescribed and non-
prescribed drugs you are taking. As Do not store in your bathroom. Heat and
well, you should inform them of natural moisture may cause the drug to be less
products you are taking. If you wish to active.
start a new drug or natural product,
please consult with your pharmacist If you have any questions or MEDICATION
before doing so. concerns about this drug or if you
are experiencing adverse effects,
Drugs that may influence the effect of please discuss them with your FACT SHEET
azithromycin include aluminum and pharmacist, doctor or nurse.
magnesium-containing antacids and
drugs [ie. Amphogel®, Diovol®, Write questions or concerns down to
Maalox]. If you need to take these ensure they are addressed.
drugs, they should be taken 1 hour
before or 2 hours after azithromycin. The following pharmacist is available to
answer questions:
If you have a history of liver disease
(cirrhosis, hepatitis), please notify your Pharmacist: __________________
doctor prior to taking this medication. Telephone: __________________

If you have a history of allergies to

either erythromycin or
clarithromycin, please notify your
doctor prior to taking azithromycin.

Reference: Product Monograph. Zithromax (azithromycin).

How should this drug be STORED? Kirkland, Qc, Canada: Pfizer Canada Inc., 2007. Prepared
by the Ontario HIV Pharmacy Professional Specialty Group,
2003. Reviewed 2009.
Azithromycin tablets should be stored in
a cool (15-30°C) dry place, protected Additional medication fact sheets and updates may be found
from light and well out of the reach of at:
children. The azithromycin oral

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