MTT Revision Guide
MTT Revision Guide
MTT Revision Guide
Medicine Through
Revision Notes
Need To Know
In Depth Timeline
Section A - Nominated Topic Pack
Middle Ages
18 & 19c
Factors That Helped Development Of Medicine
Factors That Hindered Development Of Medicine
Section C - Public Health
Cause & Cure Disease and Anatomy/Physiology Through The
Surgery Through The Ages/Public Health Through The Ages
Exam Words
Audio-Visual Materials
What You Need To Know !
This comes straight from the exam and unfortunately everything on this list needs to be looked at
revised as the questions may be on any of this.
The Exam
There are 3 sections to the exam paper
Section A
This is the nominated topic and this year is : DISEASE AND INFECTION
There will be 4 questions all based on sources. It is out of 26.
Section B
There are two sections - you choose one. Each section has two questions. It is out of 12.
Section C
Public Health - same as above!
"In the section on Public Health, with a focus on Britain, the emphasis is on the changing role of
government, both local and national, in providing health facilities for the people."
Basic Timeline
Prehistoric Medicine
2.5 million BC-8000BC
health, herbs, spirits, trephining, aborigines
Ancient Egypt
6000 - 30 BC
gods, mummies, no dissection
Ancient Greece
Asclepios, Hippocrates, Hippocratic oath, Four Humours, Alexandria
Public health, army, Galen
Dark Ages/Middle Ages
400 - 1400
no new learning, faith and superstition, monasteries, medical schools, Galen, Four
Humours, planets, herbs, Black death, public health
Arabic medicine
Mohammed, learning, Rhazes, Avicenna
New ideas, science, Royal Society, printing, Paracelsus, Great Plague, Vesalius, Pare,
18 & 19C Medicine (also called Enlightenment & Industrial Revolution)
Jenner, Nightingale, Germ Theory, Pasteur, Koch, anaesthetics = Simpson,
antiseptics = Lister, Chadwick, cholera, Snow.
Twentieth Century
Penicillin - Fleming, Florey and Chain, blood groups and transfusions, X-rays,
transplants, NHS, Bevan.
The following brief outline would be a very useful table to memorise:
Periods of
Prehistoric Times
Ancient Times:
None known because
of the lack of written
400 A.D
explanations of disease
(spirit world). Use of
charms and magic,
some herbal remedies
and some primitive
surgery e.g. trephining
Settled civilisation and
therefore some
important progress.
Examples: Egyptians
learnt about anatomy
through religious
practise of
mummification. Greeks
saw the first ever
natural explanation of
disease with
Hippocrates theory of
the Four Humours. The
Chinese developed
acupuncture, Babylon
developed public health
systems. The Romans
were able to develop
public health systems
across their huge
Empire. In all Ancient
civilisations however
natural and
approaches went side
by side
Regress in Western
Europe as Roman
empire collapsed.
Power of RC Church
large barrier in the way
of medical progress.
In contrast Arab
Da Vinci
Reawakening of
interest in learning and
knowledge. Improved
travel and reduction in
influence of Church
resulted in great
progress in some areas
of medicine, especially
anatomy and
Chadwick and many
many more!!
The Modern
Florey and Chain
2008 A.D.
Section A
The nominated topic for this year is:
So what could be in this bit of the paper? Who knows but it will
be how people have thought disease was caused and the cures
and how people dealt with infection.
Look at the Mindmap for some general ideas.
'The ideal way to get rid of any infectious disease would be to shoot instantly every
person who comes down with it.' H L Mencken
In the 1800s, laboratory research - notably by Pasteur, Koch and their pupils significantly advanced our understanding of disease. The resulting germ theory gradually
supplanted the prevailing miasma and contaRJon theories. Ironically, proponents
of miasma theory had greatly influenced public health reforms. Industrialised and
overcrowded, 19th-century cities were havens for diseases such as typhoid, tuberculosis
and, increasingly, cholera. It was while researching a cholera outbreak in 1854 that
London doctor John Snow produced his ground-breaking work on disease transmission.
Penicillin, the poor and the protection of the state
Despite some improvements, infant mortality rates in Britain in 1900 were actually
higher than in 1800. Diphtheria, measles and whooping cough all took a cruel toll on
poor and ill-nourished children. Fortunately, growing state intervention and the wider
fruits of biomedical research reversed this trend. Germ theory focused research onto the
newly identified disease pathogens and the results were new vaccines and 'magic bullet'
antibacterial drugs which revolutionised treatment. The pinnacle of these achievements
was the production of penicillin during the Second World War (1939-45).
The decline of disease in the developed world
Ancient Egypt
Like most early people they thought that disease was caused by gods and spirits. Special
prayers or spells could be said to make a person better. Charms could be worn to keep evil
spirits away. A priest could be brought in to deal with evil spirits possessing the ill person.
Later healing was done by people who were not priests. A class of doctors emerged. A belief
spread that some diseases had natural causes and came about when the internal channels of
the body became blocked. Medicines were given to unblock these channels e.g. substances to
make the patient sick or go to the toilet. Herbs and plants which could deal with everyday
problems such as stomach upsets, burns and sprains were discovered and knowledge was
passed down to others after a system of writing had developed.
Ancient Greece
The Greeks at first thought that things which they did not understand e.g. earthquakes and
diseases were caused by gods. Temples called Asceplia were dedicated to a legendary god or
healer called Ascepfios and were built all over Greece. Patients would sleep in these and
during the night they believed that Asceplios and his two daughters, Panacea and Hygea,
would treat the sick. Snakes would lick the affected parts. In the morning the patient would
wake up cured. These temples were so calm and peaceful that they became the Greek
equivalent of our health farms and convalescent homes. Patients whose illnesses were caused
by stress and worry could recover.
As in Egypt a belief later spread that illnesses had natural causes and cures. Hippocrates and
his followers put forward the Four Humour Theory. They noticed that whenever some one
was ill one or more of four liquids (or humours) was present. (BLOOD, PHLEGM, YELLOW
BILE AND BLACK BILE) They were confusing EFFECTS of the illness with the CAUSES of it.
Treatments were developed to remove the extra amount of humour or to encourage more of it
to be produced. Hippocrates also developed the writing down of symptoms. This was called
clinical observation and doctors could tell the patients how the disease would develop and give
medicines to treat each stage. They also thought that exercise and diet could help to maintain
a balance of humours and body temperature e.g. eating a lot and drinking little in winter and
eating less and drinking a lot in summer.
Ancient Rome
The Romans also thought that gods could cause and cure illness. They accepted Greek ideas
and believed in building temples to Asceplios. They also accepted the Four-Humour Theory.
Galen reinforced the belief in this and prescribed the use of opposites e.g. Hot showers for
people suffering with colds and lettuce and cucumbers for those with fevers.
They were a very practical people and also saw the value of exercise in preserving health.
They built a temple to Febris, goddess of fever but showed the practical side of their nature by
draining the marshes which spread malaria. Their main contribution to the history of Public
Health is their recognition that diseases were spread by poor drinking water and poor disposal
of sewage. They built aqueducts to bring fresh wsaer into their settlements from springs and
latrines and sewers to take sewage into the rivers. They did not just build these in Rome.
Everywhere they settled they were ready to build aqueducts, latrines and sewers. There are
remains of aqueducts (the bridge-like structures which carried water across valleys) in Italy,
Spain and France. They also used herbs as medicines and we can read about these in books
that Doctors wrote.
Renaisance times
Many of the old ideas continued e.g. disease being a punishment from God, bad smells
spreading disease, the value of herbs, the position of the moon, stars and planets affecting
health and the four humour theory. Printing helped to spread new ideas very quickly.
Vesalius pointed out the mistakes that Galen had made. Pare suggested using cool lotions on
wounds instead of boiling oil and he sewed up cut blood vessels after amputations but
infection still killed many of his patients. The one important breakthrough was Harvey's
discovery of how the blood circulated. Knowledge of this rarely improved treatments and an
incorrect belief in the value of bleeding patients still continued.
By Mr Davies
At end of the 18th century Edward Jenner discovered a method of preventing smallpox.
He called his method vaccination. (Look back at the section on the Renaissance to
remind yourself about Jenner's work) Smallpox was on the way to being defeated but:
It was to be another 80 years before another vaccine was discovered - Jenner's work
did not lead directly to other developments, because the cause of disease had yet to be
Pasteur and the Germ Theory
Spontaneous Generation
By 1800 most scientists and doctors knew of the existence
of micro-organisms, called germs or bacteria. But they
thought that the germs were the result of disease not the
cause of it - in other words germs were spontaneously
generated by disease.
Some believed that disease was caused by gases, called
Others had different theories, but no-one thought that
germs were the cause.
Louis Pasteur was the scientist who first linked germs and
Why did the discovery happen when it did?
In 1857 Pasteur was asked to investigate a problem that
was costing the brewing industry money. The problem was
caused when the sugar beet, used to make alcohol, went
sour during fermentation.
What did he discover and how?
He examined samples of the sour liquid under a
He thought that the souring was caused by germs in the
air, so he conducted experiments with water in a swanneck flask.
When the water was heated, the warm air was pushed
out of the flask around the bend in the neck.
The curved neck then trapped the air and the germs it
When the neck was broken, the air (and germs) rushed
in and decay set in.
This proved that germs were actually causing the decay.
Louis Pasteur was a French
chemist. In 1849 he was made
Professor of Chemistry at
Strasbourg, and in 1854 he
moved to Lille. He was the
first person to prove the
connection between germs and
decay and then the connection
between germs and disease.
Pasteur made many of his
investigations for businesses
who had problems that were
losing them money. His
researches were not always
continuous. His work on
silkworm disease, begun in
1865, was interrupted by
deaths in his family. In 1868 a
brain haemorrhage left him
paralysed on one side. He
stopped working, but by 1877
he was back, investigating
His investigations of animal
diseases had good results. He
discovered vaccines for
chicken cholera (1880)
anthrax (1881) and rabies
(1885). The deaths of two of
his daughters from typhoid
fever moy have started his
investigations into human
disease. He tried to produce a
cholera vaccine as early as
1865, but failed. In 1888 the
French government set up the
Institute Pasteur, for Pasteur
and others to further medical
Some scientists refused to accept his findings and clung on to the spontaneous
generation theory.
Others realised that he had made a breakthrough.
Further developments
1867 P. showed that germs caused silkworm disease pebrine.
Microbe discovered
Kitasato & Yersin
Task 1
Explain how the work of Pasteur was helped by the demands of industry.
Task 2
Explain how the work of Koch was helped by new Developments in technology.
Task 3
Explain the part played by chance in the discovery of the principle of vaccination in the
case of both Jenner's and Pasteur's work.
Pasteur and the Anthrax Vaccine
In 1877 Pasteur's research team had begun research into the anthrax germ.
Pasteur and his team, led by Dr. Emile Roux, now set to work on a prevention for
An experiment, using the process that had led to the discovery of the chicken
cholera vaccine, was conducted.
Journalists, politicians and farmers attended the experiment, on a farm near Paris.
It was entirely successful - Pasteur had proved publicly that vaccination was an
effective way of preventing disease.
Reaction and results
Within days the discovery was known worldwide - journalists sent reports by
electric telegraph.
Task 4
Explain how the rivalry between Pasteur and Koch helped progress in the treatment of
Task 5
Explain how improvements in communications (railways, the press, electric telegraph)
helped medical progress. Add this to your Factors Summary booklet.
Pasteur and Rabies
1882 Pasteur and his team set out to produce an effective vaccine for the invariably
fatal disease of rabies.
He picked up on some work being carried out by Emile Roux, using dried spines from
rabid rabbits!
He gave a series of injections, using a stronger culture each time and ending with a
new, fresh one. This gradual increase of virulent genus resulted in immunity. They
were not confident about the process.
Once more chance intervened. In 1885, a mother arrived at the laboratory with her
son, who had been bitten by a rabid dog. Joseph Meister was doomed unless Pasteur
tried the untested vaccine. He tried it - it worked.
Task 6
Add this to your Factors Summary booklet as an example of chance affecting change
In this case a combination of scientists worked out how diphtheria was caused and came
up with a prevention:
Emil von Behring, a former member of Koch's team, developed a serum from the
blood of animals that survived the toxin - he called it an "anti-toxin". Injected into
the body it prevented the germ from producing toxin within the body.
Koch, under pressure from the German government, announced a vaccine for TB at the
10th International Medical Congress in 1890. The vaccine, tuberculin, seemed to work
on animals - it did not work on humans. Koch was blamed - his career waned but his team
government help
The national prestige that scientists like Pasteur and Koch brought to their respective
countries, meant that their governments gave them help and funded their research
institutes to make their work easier.
Task 7
Add the work of Pasteur and Koch to the government section of your Factors Summary
Task 8
(a) Explain the germ theory of disease.
(b) Explain how the theory opened the way to further developments in medicine.
(c) Why did some doctors oppose the germ theory?
Task 9
Look at the diagram below. Which do you think was the most important factor behind
the success of Pasteur and Koch? Explain your conclusion.
In 1850 there were still several different ideas about what caused disease.
Pasteur was asked by Monsieur Bigo to explain why his alcohol fermentation had gone bad. His experiments
showed that germs caused decay.
Pasteur demonstrated that germs caused disease in animals.
Robert Koch was able to prove that each type of germ caused a specific disease by his work on anthrax.
Both Pasteur and Koch built teams of scientists and doctors to help their developments.
bacteria to be studied
chemical dyes to stain
Indus try,Science
& technology
Personal qualities
intelligent, persistent
and determined
enough to speak in
public at the risk of
abuse from doubters
French < Sermon
fund research
Salvarsan was not very soluble and was difficult and painful to inject into veins.
Some doctors thought that people would become more promiscuous if they knew
that syphilis could be cured.
Many doctors did not like the idea of giving patients arsenic in any form.
Task 10
(a) What progress had been made in the fight against infectious disease by 1900?
(b) What new breakthrough was needed?
Task 11
Look at the diagram below. What factors enabled the discovery of Salvarsan 606 to be
Was any one of these factors more important than the others? Explain your answer.
Progress in the chemical
industry provided Ehrlich with
the idea that chemicals (e.g.
synthetic dyes) might be able
to kill germs inside the body.
Personal Qualities
Ehrlich was determined and
skilful. He was inspired by
Koch and Behring.
Research Techniques
Teamwork and careful
observation were crucial.
Hata had the patience to recheck previous work
Domagk worked for a large chemical firm in Germany. He was inspired by the work of
Ehrlich to carry out research looking for dyes that might destroy infecting microbes
within the body. His determination paid off and he made two key discoveries:
gcrmanin - a drug effective against sleeping sickness.
prontosil (1932) a red dye which stopped the streptococcus microbe (causes blood
poisoning) from multiplying in mice.
1935 Domagk's daughter pricked herself with an infected needle and bloodpoisoning set in. With nothing to lose, he injected her with a huge dose of prontosil
- she turned slightly red but made a rapid recovery.
French scientists carried out further research and found that the compound in the
dye, which acted on the germs, was sulphonamidc - a chemical derived from coal tar.
If it was to be of practical use in treating humans, some way had to be found of turning
the mould into a pure drug. Fleming and his colleagues could not get the specialist help
and money to do this. He published his findings in medical journals in 1929 and 1931 and
then did nothing more.
1891 Behring discovered that anti-toxin serum could be used to cure diphtheria in humans.
1909 Ehrlich and Hata discovered a new chemical drug, Salvarsan 606, which kills the syphilis germ. This
was the first chemical 'magic bullet'.
1932 bomagk discovered prontosil - the second magic bullet and first of the sulphonamide drugs.
1928 Fleming discovered penicillin - the first antibiotic. He did not go on to develop it further
1938 Florey and Chain began their research into the production of pure penicillin at Oxford.
1942 The US chemicals industry invested in the mass production of penicillin, so that it was readily
available to the Allied forces in the Second World War.
Task 12
Louis Pasteur once said, "chance favours the prepared mind". Consider this statement in
the light of the discovery of penicillin in 1928.
Task 13
What part did the following factors play in the penicillin story?
- The brilliance of individual scientists?
- Teamwork?
- War?
Which do you think was the most important? Explain your answer.
Task 14
a) What is the Fleming "myth"?
b) How did it come into existence?
c) Who do you think deserves the credit for penicillin: Fleming or Florey and
Chain? Explain your answer.
Task 15
Complete the relevant sections in your Factors Summary booklet.
2.5 million BCE -8,OOOBCE
Key Facts
Prehistoric - prehistory
Prehistoric Medicine
The term "prehistoric" refers to the time before
recorded history. This means that we no
written evidence about this time. It is usually said to
be about 500,000 years ago.
Prehistoric people lived all over the world but they left
the prehistoric period at different times, depending on
when writing developed - Britain remained prehistoric
long after hgypt and the Middle East because writing
developed much later in Britain.
The earliest prehistoric people had the following
features in common:
They were nomads.
They were hunter-gatherers.
They lived in small groups with no complicated
political arrangements.
- They had very simple technology - spears, bows and arrows, axes, knives and scrapers
made from wood, bone and stone.
They had no system of writing
There is in fact some evidence that a form of surgery was performed. Skulls have been
found with holes deliberately drilled in them. This kind of operation is called trephinning
and is done on living people. The skulls have been found in burial sites with the
complete body of the person and the disc of bone alongside. The disc often has holes in
it, indicating that it could have had a thong threaded through it, so that it could be worn
around the neck. All of the skulls are from adults and most of them show signs of bone
growth around the hole, indicating that people lived, often for some time, after the
operation. It is, however, difficult to find out why this operation was performed.
Some Theories
- the holes were made in the skull so they could be used as drinking vessels.
1876 the operation was performed on children, and those who survived were
thought to have great magic power. When the person died the skull and the pieces of
bone taken out were used as powerful charms.
1930 they were performed on people who had skull injuries and, later on people with
other problems, perhaps epilepsy or very bad headaches.
1945 - it may have been performed to let evil spirits out of the body.
Ancient Egypt
Key Facts
Key Words
Imhotep (first recorded doctor)
/ Pfantt/Htrfa
Knew very little
about nervous
Good knowledge
of structure in
~\n dissection
not allowed
Key Question
Herbal remedies
Simple surgery
Charms and spells
Personal hygiene
Food rotting in the channels of the body
Ancient Greece
800BCE - 338BCE
Key Facts
The Asklepion was a temple of healing to the god
Askelpios. Temple snakes would crawl over the sick.
There were over 200 temples in Greece.
Hippocrates is vital to know. Came up with the 4
Humours but more importantly said that disease was
not caused by god but by natural causes.
Key Words
4 Humours (black bile, yellow bile, blood, phlegm)
"Each disease has a natural cause...if we can find the
cause, we can find the cure." Hippocrates
Greek Medicine
Aseclepius - Greek God of Healing Snake/serpent symbol
Ascelpion -Temple of the Greek God Asclepius built in quiet places. It might have baths,
gymnasium and stadium as well as temples of worship
Panacea and Hygeia - Aseclepius' daughters who helped him heal the sick
Why visit an Asclepion? - To worship Asclepius and so to be heaied by God
in an Asclepion visitors would make offerings to god, pray and sieep. They believed that the
snake/his daughters would visit them at night and cure the patient. Natural treatments with
baths and gyms
Greek thinkers were called philosophers. Although they still believed in Gods and
spirits they also wanted to find out why the world was at it was.
Through observation of sick people, noticed that often liquids oozed out of their
These liquids were called the 4 Humours 1) Phlegm 2) Blood 3) Black bile 4} Yellow
The 4 Humours
> Belief that the body was mad of 4 liquids called humours
> Humours were black bile, yellow bile, blood, and phlegm
> It was believed that if the humours got out of balance then the body would
become ill so the humours had to be kept in balance
> Linked to the Greek theories of the world ie. 4 elements and 4 seasons
Father of modern medicine - very important
Questioned old superstitious ideas
Turned medicine more into a science
Wrote books on detailed lists of symptoms and treatments
Hippocratic Oath - code of conduct for doctors, high standard to benefit
patients not doctors
Clinical observation - encourages doctors to use natural causes.
Observing and examining patients very closely.
Natural theory - wrote down the theory of 4 humours
Believed in the importance of prevention of illness
Lifestyle could affect health
Improved health, medical knowledge, new ideas.
Why is Hippocrates important?
3, Encouraged
Treating iilness
Believed that the doctor should help nature restore balance
Purging to balance the humours e.g. laxatives, emetics, bloodletting
Public health and hygiene - lived in cramped houses in narrow streets, poor water
and sewage facilities
Anatomy and physiology - no information in the Hippocratic writings other than the
main organs being describe; dissection was banned
510BCE - 400AD
Key Facts
Romans conquered the majority of Europe. To do this they
needed an army. And a healthy army was a strong army.
'Prevention is better than cure' is a key phrase.
Religion is still important and they believed in gods like the
Roman Invention:
Town planning
Public bathing
Public lavatories
Galen, doctor to Roman centurions. Very important. Religion
stopped Galen cutting up people so he used apes and pigs. He
was very wrong about anatomy - pigs/bears are different to
Sharing ideas
Investigation into illness/cures easier when more common
Effective methods
new methods to treat illness
V Theory of Humours
Natural remedies
They used Opium as a weak anaesthetic and turpentine and pitch as antiseptics
Public Health
Believed the body was well designed - Christian church supported his
because it fitted in with their Ideas about God/World
Wrote many books on medicine which were used for many centuries
that was made
an advance on
The Roman Empire overlaps
chronologically with the Ancient
Greek period - the Romans
also had contact with Egyptians.
T^e Romans developed ideas
such as Regimen.
Roman medicine continued to
mix supernatural and natural
i"uims of medicine.
The Army
The Army of the Roman empire
had to be kept fit and healthy.
The Army was stationed across
the whole of the Empire.
The army spent much of it's
time building roads and Public
The welfare of the army is a
major reason for investment in
Public Health.
Public health
Empirical Observation led the
Romans to realise that bad
smells were linked with poor
i he Romans invested in Public
Health across the whole Empire.
r.v::it; had over a hundred
Sewers and Aquaducts
lso built by the Romans.
Galen worked with Gladiators, in
an Asclepion and trained at the
best schools.
Galen became the physician to
the Emperor's son which
allowed him to write.
Galen developed the ideas of
Galen described quite
accurately, the anatomy of the
Human body.
Middle Ages
476AD - 1445AD
The Roman Empire has collapsed and in Europe there was now
not one ruler. Groups fought for the right to rule the land. There
were numerous wars.
The beginning of the Middle Ages is sometimes called 'The Dark
Ages'. The things the Romans invented were left to break down,
key books from Greeks and Romans were lost or destroyed.
The Church took the place of doctors and hospitals. The emphasis
was on care and religion rather than medicine.
Generally very little progress medically in the Middle Ages.
Generally poor public health if you were poor. If wealthy you
would have regular baths.
1348 - Black Death - no understanding why. Superstition and god
Medicine regressed in the Middle Ages.
In the Islamic World (Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt) there WAS
Ibn Sina
Controlled ideas in medicine supported Galen's ideas as they fitted in with their
Role of monasteries: preserved Greek and Roman writings, became medical centres,
developed public health systems
Hospitals - without church there would have been no hospitals, main function is to
provide assistance to the sick and poor; Christians believed it was their duty to help
the sick
St. Benedict, founder of the Benedictine monks
believed that the cure of the sick was one of the most
important duties of monks. During the dark ages,
monasteries were the only hospitals in Europe.
Patients were cared for in the hospitals until they
recovered or died. Their fate was God's will. Prayer
and/or pilgrimages to holy shrines were considered
the best methods of effecting a cure.
The prophet
Importance of Learning
The teachings of Islam stressed the importance of learning. The Koran, the holy book of Islam
states Those who know and those who do not are not equal". Mohammed himself said "One
hour of teaching is better than a night of praying".
Medicine in Islam
The teachings of Islam encouraged cleanliness and personal hygiene. They were not to pray until
their bodies and clothes were spotlessly clean.
Hospitals were run by the government. There were separate wards for each sex and often for
different diseases as well.
Only qualified physicians were allowed to practice medicine and hospitals were considered
places of learning as well as healing centres. Most hospitals also had libraries containing
translated medical texts including those of Galen and Hippocrates. Detailed records of patients,
their medical treatment and their progress were kept.
Patients were first treated with physiotherapy and diet. If this failed drugs would be used and
finally, surgery.
Islam teaches that God provides a cure for every illness and so physicians sought to find new
cures and remedies.
The science of Chemistry was considered very important in Islam and as a result many new
drugs were developed. The Islamic Materia Medica (substances used in medicine) grew due to
links with both the West and the East.
Dissection was forbidden by the Islamic religion and so Islamic doctors knowledge of anatomy
was not as advanced as their knowledge of physiology and remedies.
Rhazes was a Persian physician and philosopher. He is important because he
wrote more than 150 books and translated Greek medical texts into Arabic. He
identified the difference between smallpox and measles. He built a teaching
hospital and encouraged recording of treatments and symptoms.
Avicenna was the most famous Arab doctor. He travelled around the Arab Empire
and spent time teaching and practising medicine in Cordoba, Spain. He was the
first surgeon to describe the different parts of the eye. He also recognised the link
between emotions and health as well as the link between nerves and muscles and
nerves and pain. He wrote the Canon of Medicine which brought together all
medical knowledge to date and was a standard medical text for over 600 years.
Writings copied #
based on |
Hip/Galen; i
Copied and
Greek writings
important to
Followed theory
of 4 humours ;i
ycscnpiions OF
smallpox and
responsible for
bringing Greek
lbn a
The Renaissance
1492AD - 1642AD
Renaissance means 'rebirth'. This is a movement from Italy
where people began to question things.
The teachings of the Catholic Church were beginning to
become challenged.
Vesalius - first person to dissect a body and discover that
Galen was wrong on numerous points on anatomy.
Printing is invented so ideas spread quickly.
Pare - French army surgeon who invented the ligature.
Harvey - discovery of the circulation of blood and purpose
of heart.
1665 - The Plague. Mixture of religious reasons for it
(planets, god, Jews) but many thought there was a
sensible answer.
Galens ideas
about anatomy
- dissection
Dissecting human
Recording information
Checking results
when they went
against Galen's ideas
Born in
Died in
Professor of surgery and
teacher of anatomy
New ways of
wounds eg,
Wounds treated by
pouring boiling oil on
them to help heal
wounds sealed to stop
them bleeding by
cauterising ie using a red
hot iron
He discovered wounds
healed quickly if boiling
oil was not used
Bandages were placed
on wounds - special mix.
Stopped cauterising,
tied ends of arteries -
* Forced to use an
alernative method
which worked when
oil ran out
* Knowledge of Ancient
Roman treatments
Circulation of
blood +
proved Galen
People with cowpox never get
I f\^
* ClMlwP
1 ** W *
Modern Medicine
1900AD - 2011AD
Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin kills disease.
Howard Florey & Ernst Chain mass produced it (it
was needed for WW2)
WW1 & WW2 are important as new technology was
invented to help those that were injured in the wars.
1914 - Marie Curie discovered X rays.
1917 - Harold Gillies - pioneer in plastic surgery at
Queens (Mary's), Sidcup.
Science and
Individual Genius
Imhotep (2730BC)
Hippocrates (460-377BC)
Galen (129-199 AD)
Avicenna (980-1037AD)
Pare (1510-1590 AD)
Harvey (1578-1657 AD)
Jenner (1749-1823 AD)
Pasteur (1822-1895 AD)
Koch (1843-1910)
Lister (1827-1912)
Chadwick (1800-1890)
Simpson (1811-1870)
Nightingale (1820-1910)
Beveridge (1879-1963)
Fleming (1881 -1955)
Florey (1898-1968) and Chain (1906-1979)
Barnard (1922-)
Lack of
Science &
Section C
We know that cities in India had sewers around 1500 B.C. Crete had an
elaborate system of sewers and water supply but volcanic eruptions
buried them. The Romans had to find their own answers to problems
which Cretan engineers had already solved.
Importance of the Romans
The Romans are important because they went much further than any
other people in the Ancient World. The Romans wanted clean water
and good drainage for people throughout their empire. In other words
the Romans were the first people to plan and carry out a programme
of public health on a large scale. An example of the practical nature is
how they tried to stop fevers. At first they tried praying to the goddess
Febris but later took the sensible step of draining the marshes. They did
not know that mosquitoes spread the fever but they found a way of
breaking the chain of infection. The Greek idea which most influenced
the Romans was the importance of staying healthy. To the Romans it
seemed much more practical to spend time keeping fit than to spend
money on doctors for the sick. "We must pray for a healthy mind in a
healthy body/1 wrote Juvenal, a Roman poet. The Romans believed it
was important to build their settlements - their cities, villas, villages and
army forts - in healthy places near good springs, rivers or wells. They
built conduits (channels) to bring water into their settlements. When the
water had to go over hills and valleys the Romans built the conduits
(channels) on top of arches. These looked like bridges and were called
aqueducts. They were so well built that a number are still standing
today 1700 or more years later. Besides clean drinking water, the
The Roman Empire collapsed around 450 A.D. and there followed a
long period of great disorder. It was healthier to live in Arab-occupied
Europe than in the Christian-ruled areas because the Arabs believed in
cleanliness. No Christian ruler was powerful or rich enough to carry on
what the Romans had done. Public health conditions grew worse.
Rivers were used as dumping grounds for sewage and other waste and
also as sources of drinking water. As towns grew in size, the problem
became worse. Town governments passed laws against dumping
sewage and other waste but could not suggest ways of dealing with
the problems. The Black Death reached Europe in 1340 and spread
very quickly. The filthy streets and piles of rubbish encouraged rats and
they carried the fleas which spread the disease. Making travellers spent
40 days (quarantine) outside cities to help to keep infected people
away was a sensible method of preventing the plague as was advice
to keep away from infected people. The carrying of sweet-smelling
flowers and burning strong-smelling materials did not help stop the
plague spreading. There were other epidemics of the plague. The 1665
epidemic was the last major one in Britain. Problems of providing water
and taking away sewage lasted until the middle of the 1800s. The
development of steam-powered pumping engines made
improvements possible.
As more and more people moved into the towns to work, houses were
built as close together as possible. Many of them were damp and
overcrowded. Many towns had no sewers and everywhere there were
stinking toilets and piles of filth which seeped into rivers from which
drinking water was taken. All this encouraged disease, especially
among the poor. Tuberculosis, Typhoid (spread by water and food)
and Smallpox attacked people already weakened by overcrowding,
poor diet and exhaustion. The average life expectancy for a poor
person born in Manchester in 1830 was only 19.
* *f K .
When the Ron^fiijpjre tx)l(ipsecnftplout 50CfADt practical meaiCres for public health
disappeared. !Piere wng,no onb to repair thadoaths and aqusdu<&&, and medieval
governments cfi^not have'fl power or rnoj^jp do anythjpg fcboutjujblic hwth.
Medieval tow|s were teft to sorties outl&TOmselvgjis 'Town
did not like towp^iirron^aQdfe!t fc$@snot their r^ponsjWIIy. As towns grew, rubbish
and sewage pileaiip in the streets. P0Spte ottgn goHheirjtfater from the same river they
emptied their latrine into. Medial monasteries and chupDh hospitals were the exception to
this rule. They wa$ftegyEdean, had a fresh water supply ap<J wereJbuilt of stone rather
than wattle an<Jp(tob/^pRli coukt^|^^pcorDtf^^d withDuring the Black Death in th^ 1340s,
Salted inlhe monlsterie^vere less likely
to get ill and monflikely tcjjfeijrvive if they"S91S6fabme poorly. Tiie gov^iment did very little
to stop the plagijijspre^ilng, partly because they blamed supefttitiou^puses for the
disease and partiyb^&ause they were not rich or powerful enou^|^^Ke the towns
During the Great Plague 1666, when bubonic plague came back to London, there was
more of an understanding that poor hygiene caused poor health. The Lord Mayor ordered
the streets to be cleaned and although it made London a healthier place, it did little to stop
the Great Plague spreading.
Industrial Revolution 1750 - 1900
From 1750, Britain industrialised and population increased rapidly. Towns became
overcrowded, housing was poor and there were inadequate water supplies. There were
few proper sewers and no system for collecting rubbish. There were no planning and
building regulations as the government believed in laissez-faire. There was little
understanding of the true causes of disease. As a result there were real problems with
diseases such as typhoid and TB. In 1831 a new disease hit Britain and forced the
government to take action - cholera. The government asked Edwin Chadwick to look into
the links between poverty and bad health. His report, The Sanitary Conditions of the
Labouring Population of Great Britain', proved the links between poor living conditions and
bad health and recommended that government action should be taken. This resulted in the
Public Health Act of 1848. The 1848 law allowed towns to set up a Local Board of Health
but these boards could not force towns to take any action.
Further developments took place;
1848 & 1854 = Further cholera epidemics
= Free vaccination for smallpox
= John Snow proved a link between cholera and poor water supply.
= Pasteur published his work on 'Germ Theory'
= Working men got the right to vote.
These factors put pressure on the government to do something about public health and the
1875 Public Health Act was pass^ ^llitol^Jfimed (peal councils to take responsibility
for public health. Streets, sewQ^^j| water si^^^i to be kept clean and healthy and
all councils had to employ inspectors to enforce the laws. T
.[/* *
The 20th Century
fj# *
By 1900 most governmertB in ri|h countries like Britain a epte&that it was part of their job
to organise a good public^healthjlystern with pure water
d effective sewers. However,
living conditions were stipoor |H between 1886 and 1
philanthropists like Rowntree
and Booth carried out sUKeys whichJpked poor
In 1902 the
nation was shocked to fimthat4(0(t>f|fA6 menTOVf|fn
r War were
and Lloyd
brotjgiht irf|sei11slaf refonri to Wppoor peopl
fame known as
the Liberal Social Refofurs; *
1906 ,- fecal authoriftftfjjiven the
1909 Age Pensf% AcT^^p^^^ige
1911 - National Insurapjjp Act
tess &j$piemployment benefit to some.
1919 - Hl^^^q siMJpimPJannmg Acts.
The First and Second World Wars sF^^f^'tl^^sMS^TOthow irtfportaritlt was to keep
the working clasps healthy and 'fighting fif .^Evacuation brdittat man/social problems to
the attention of ^authorities. After the Second World War enfed in
the new Labour
government introcftji^eflthe National Health Service of NHS, this Free hospitals
Free Doctors
Free Dental services
Social Services - care of the elderly and children
Many people were against the idea of the NHS because it would cost a lot of money in
taxes. Although it was a success, it proved to be very expensive and not long after the
NHS began, charges had to be introduced for adult dental services and prescriptions.
Ancient Egypt
Still believed disease was caused by the gods. Some doctors, however,
started using natural ideas and diagnosed symptoms.
Had healing temples called Asklepions (supernatural). Hippocrates put
forward a natural theory (the Four Humours). It was wrong, but it set
medical development in the right direction.
The Romans
The Renaissance
The Modern
Period (1750-1900s)
Ancient Egypt
Ancient Greece
Dissected dead animals. Thought that the bone structure of the human
body was like that of an animal.
The Romans
Galen dissected apes and pigs. He thought that humans had the same
anatomy, which was only partly true. Supported by the Church and his
writings blindly followed for 1,500 years, even though he had made
many mistakes. No one challenged his ideas until the Renaissance.
Galen's work was kept alive by Arab doctors. Islamic religion did not
allow dead bodies to be dissected, so little new knowledge was found.
In Western Europe In the late Middle Ages the Christian Church also
would not allow human dissection, Galen's work was still followed.
The Renaissance
Vesalius' The Fabric of the Human Body was a turning point. Vesalius
dissected human bodies and proved Galen wrong. The power of the
Church declined as old ideas proved wrong. In 1628 Harvey proved that
blood was pumped around the body by the heart.
The Modern
Period (1750-1900s)
(Before 3000BC)
Ancient Egypt
Ancient Greece
Prehistoric Times
The Renaissance
Par forced to use a lotion of oil of roses, egg yolks and turpentine (a
chance happening). Also used silk thread to tie up arteries, rather than
stop the bleeding by using a cauterising iron.
The Romans
The Modern
Period (1750-1900s)
Ancient Egypt
Minoan Crete
The Romans
The Renaissance
There was little improvement. Towns remained dirty. Rich people had
better hygiene than the poor.
The Modern
Period (1750-1900s)
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Another good website is this one. Loads of good Youtube clips for each
period of History.