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Total No. of Printed Pages: 2

Total No. of Questions: [09|

B.Tech. (Mech. Engg.) Semester -

Subject Code: BMECS1302
Paper ID: 18112312

Time: 03 Hours
Maximum Marks: 60
Instruction for candidates:
1. Section A is compulsory. It consists of 10
parts of two marks each.
2. Section B consist of 5
questions of 5 marks each. The student has to attempt any 4
questions out of i.
3. Section C consist of 3 questions of 10 marks each. The student as to attempt any 2

Section - A (2 marks each)

Q1. Attempt the following:
a) Differentiate between real and ideal fluids.
b) Convert I kg/s-m dynamie viscosityin poise.
c) What are the properties of Newtonian fluid?
d) What are the characteristies of laminar flow?
e) What are the factors influencing the frictional loss in pipe flow.
)What is meta centre and meta centric height?
g) Differentiate between Compressible and incompressible flow.
h) What is difference between gauge pressure and absolute pressure?
i) How does viscosity of a fluid vary with temperature?
j) What is the principle of venturimeter?

Section- B (5 marks each)

Q2. A cubical tank has sides of 1.5 m. It contains water of depth 0.6 m. The upper remaining
part is filled with oil of relative density 0.90. Determine the total pressure force and its
location on one of the vertical side of the tank.
03. How metacentric height of'a floating body is determined experimerntally?.
Q4. Discuss any three similarity laws or model laws.
Q5. Enumerate major and minor losses in pipe flow, Derive an expression for loss of head due
to friction in pipes
Q6. Derive an expression for the depth of paraboloid formed by the surface of a liquid
Containcd in a cylindrical tank which is rotated at constant angular velocity about the axis.

Section-C (10 marks each)

Q7. Describe following Dimensionless numbers along with their significance
a) Reynold's Number
b) Froude's Number
c) Euler's Number
d) Mach's Number
e) Weber's Number
98. 1.) The pressure difference in a pipe of diameter D and length I due to turbulent flow
depends upon the velocity V, viscosity u, density p, and roughness k. Using Buckingham's
pi theorem obtain an expression for pressure difference.
ii.) A horizontal pipe line 40 m long is connected to a water tank at one end and discharges
freely into the atmosphere at the other end. For the first 25 m of its length from the tank,
the pipe is 150 mm diameter and its diameter is suddenly enlarged to 300 mm. The height
of water level in the tank is 8 m above the centre of the pipe. Considering all losses of head
which occur, determine the rate of flow. Take f= .01 for both sections of the pipe.
Q9. Find the total of pressure on a triangular plate of base 2 m and height 3 m which is
immersed in water in such a way that the plane of the plate makes an angle of 60° with the
free surface of the water. The base of the plate is parallel to water and at a depth of 2.5 m
from water surtace.

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