2020期末題目解答 240103 203756

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Introduction to Quantum Physics Final Exam 2020 Total 115 points student ID: Name:

Physical constants and hints

(me=9.11×10-31 kg, h=6.626×10-34 J·s, c=3×108 m/s, e=1.6×10-19 C, 1 amu= 1.67×10-27 kg,
μB=eℏ/2me=9.27×10-24 J/T, ε0=8.854×10-12 C2/N·m, μ0=4π×10-7 T·m/A, kB=1.38×10−23J/K=8.617×10−5eV/K,
a0=5.29×10−11 m, B=𝜇 𝐼 ⁄2𝑟 , cos2x=1-2sin2x, d 2ψ  2m Eψ  0
, Ψ  Ae
  Et  px  )
 i
dx2 2
(U  0)

1-7 10 points each

(1) Describe how you can get both the bond length and vibration ground state energy of CO
experimentally from the vibration-rotation spectra. Please describe quantitatively (with math
formula), assuming the mass of carbon and oxide atoms are already known, denoted as mO and mC.

(2) (a) Calculate the probability that a particle in a one-dimensional infinite potential well whose range is
from x=0 to x=a can be found between x=a/3 and x=a/2 if the particle is in the ground state. Compare
the result with the classical prediction.
(b) Calculate the expectation value of momentum for the particle in the ground state in the well. (use
operator) Explain your calculated result.

(3) Please combine the working principle of spintronics and tunneling behavior to give a device which can
be used for the non-volatile memory (that is, when power is off, the memory still remember its content).
Please describe the working principle of this memory.

(4) When we check the emission spectrum of H atom in details

without the presence of a magnetic field, we may observe
spectral line splitting of the longest wavelength of Lyman series
(n=2 n=1).
(a) Please explain the origin of the spectral line splitting.
(b) Please calculate the spectral line splitting, that is, the
wavelength difference between two lines. (Frequency of revolution of e– in n=2 is 844 THz)

(5) (a) Find the minimum magnetic field needed for the normal Zeeman effect to be observed in a spectral
line of 400 nm wavelength when a spectrometer whose resolution is 0.01 nm is used.
(b) For an element with two valance electrons (both are in n=3 and p orbitals), please give possible term
symbols for the situation in which only (normal) Zeeman effect is observed but anomalous Zeeman
effect is not observed when we put the atom in an applied magnetic field.

(6) We deposit a monolayer conductive Ag film. The conduction of electrons is confined in two dimensions.
(a) Please derive the n() (the number of electrons at energy  per unit area). 4 points
(b) Please express the Fermi energy (EF) at 0K in terms of area density of free electrons (N/L2) 3 points
(c) If N/L2 is 1.2*1015 atoms/cm2, what temperature is necessary for the average molecular energy in an ideal
mono-atom gas to have this value? 1 points
(d) Why is the temperature so different for free electron and ideal gas to have the same energy? 2 points

(7) (a)Derive and explain the observed energy density of black body irradiation based on Einstein model.
You should derive the density of standing waves in a cavity (the same as the available states of phonons)
first and then give the distribution function. Finally give the formula of energy density.
(b) Please calculate the total number of photons per unit volume as a function of temperature T. (Hint:

x 2 dx
0 e x  1  2.404)

8-12 6 points each

(8) According to the classical EM theory, the electron in an atom should pursue a curved path and spiral
into the nucleus. Based on the nature of wave properties of electron, how does quantum mechanics
explain this phenomenon?

(9) We would like to characterize the surface composition of AlGaAs nanorod. Therefore, Auger electron
spectroscopy is used.
(a) We detect the KL1L23 Auger electron of Al, please draw the schematic diagram of this transition.
(b) In what conditions, you may consider to use XPS to do surface analysis?

(10) You are given two systems with identical particles. One system (system (A)) consists of ideal gas
molecules. The other system (system (B)) is composed of unknown particles, whose spins are zero or
integral numbers. The particles in the system B cannot be distinguished. The energy level E is already
occupied by one particle in both systems. Please explain in terms of wave functions why the system B
has higher probability than the system A for other particles to occupy the same energy level E.

(11) Plot how total angular momentum J, L, and S (with quantum number J=2, S=1, L=2) respond to an
external magnetic field B and explain how the anomalous Zeeman Effect happens. You need to plot the
relationship between J, L and S.

(12) We use X-ray fluorescence (XRF) to characterize the composition of CuZnSnS thin film for solar cells.
(a) Please briefly describe the working principle of XRF. (3 points)
(b) We use Zn Kα to know the Zn content of CZTS film. Please estimate the wavelength of Zn Kα.
Note that the ionization energy of H atom is 13.6 eV and the atomic number of Zn is 30. (3 points)

13-15 5 points each

(13) When we deposit a thin film ZnS, if the oxygen is present, we may have a chance to get ZnO. How do
you know our deposited film is ZnS or ZnO? Please give two measurements (XRF is excluded) we
mentioned in class and describe how you can tell the difference.

(14) To form the bonding state, does the spatial wave function need to be symmetric or antisymmetric?
Does this violate the nature of wave function of electron? Why?

(15) At room temperature, we may only observe one spectrum line for Pb vibration spectrum. If we raise
temperature to the 0.8 Tm (Tm= melting temperature), what do you see the difference of the vibration

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