Arc 2 Face

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Arc2Face: A Foundation Model of Human Faces

Foivos Paraperas Papantoniou, Alexandros Lattas, Stylianos Moschoglou,

Jiankang Deng, Bernhard Kainz, and Stefanos Zafeiriou

Imperial College London, UK
arXiv:2403.11641v1 [cs.CV] 18 Mar 2024

Abstract. This paper presents Arc2Face, an identity-conditioned face

foundation model, which, given the ArcFace embedding of a person, can
generate diverse photo-realistic images with an unparalleled degree of
face similarity than existing models. Despite previous attempts to de-
code face recognition features into detailed images, we find that common
high-resolution datasets (e.g. FFHQ) lack sufficient identities to recon-
struct any subject. To that end, we meticulously upsample a significant
portion of the WebFace42M database, the largest public dataset for face
recognition (FR). Arc2Face builds upon a pretrained Stable Diffusion
model, yet adapts it to the task of ID-to-face generation, conditioned
solely on ID vectors. Deviating from recent works that combine ID with
text embeddings for zero-shot personalization of text-to-image models,
we emphasize on the compactness of FR features, which can fully cap-
ture the essence of the human face, as opposed to hand-crafted prompts.
Crucially, text-augmented models struggle to decouple identity and text,
usually necessitating some description of the given face to achieve sat-
isfactory similarity. Arc2Face, however, only needs the discriminative
features of ArcFace to guide the generation, offering a robust prior for a
plethora of tasks where ID consistency is of paramount importance. As
an example, we train a FR model on synthetic images from our model
and achieve superior performance to existing synthetic datasets.

Keywords: Face synthesis · ID-embeddings · Subject-driven generation

1 Introduction
Learning statistical priors from data to generate new facial images is a highly
popular problem at the intersection of Computer Vision and Machine Learning.
Arguably, the most well-known early method was the so-called Eigenfaces [79],
which applies the Karhunen-Loeve expansion, also known as Principal Compo-
nent Analysis (PCA), to a set of facial images. The success of Eigenfaces with
well-aligned frontal facial images captured under controlled conditions spurred
a significant line of research into linear and nonlinear component analysis over
25 years ago. Probably the pinnacle of PCA applications was in 3D Morphable
Models (3DMMs) [6], where it was used to learn a prior for facial textures rep-
resented in a UV map. However, when directly applied to 2D images, PCA had
2 F. Paraperas Papantoniou et al.

Arc2Face images Arc2Face + ControlNet

Input image ID


Fig. 1: Given the ID-embedding from [14], Arc2Face can generate high-quality images
of any subject with compelling similarity. Using popular extensions, such as Control-
Net [96], we can explicitly control facial attributes such as the pose or expression.
many shortcomings, including the requirement for images to be perfectly pixel-
aligned. Furthermore, it could not describe hair (facial or not) and also struggled
with non-linearities introduced by facial expressions and lighting conditions.
The recent evolution of deep neural networks (DNNs) has made it feasible
to overcome many of the limitations inherent in simple linear statistical models,
such as PCA, enabling the learning of statistical priors from large-scale facial
data captured under varied recording conditions. Arguably, the most success-
ful method, based on Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) [25], is Style-
GAN [38] and its variants [37, 39]. StyleGAN learns a decoder governed by low-
dimensional latent codes, which can be sampled to generate images. Moreover,
StyleGAN can be used to fit images to its distributions (i.e., find the best la-
tent code to generate a specific image) [85], proving highly useful as a prior for
many tasks, including 3D face reconstruction for facial texture generation [24].
Additionally, several studies have discussed how StyleGAN’s latent spaces can
be utilized for controllable manipulations (i.e., changing the expressions or the
pose of facial images) [27, 73, 102]. However, to date, identity drift remains a
challenge in latent space manipulations using StyleGAN.
One of the first problems to find a robust solution with the advent of deep
learning is face recognition (FR), generally approached by identifying features
that represent facial identities (also known as ID-embeddings). These features
are so powerful that they are used in smartphones for face verification, leading
to a vast research field. Arguably, the most widely used ID-embeddings are
those produced by the ArcFace [14] loss. ArcFace features have been utilized as
perceptual features for 3D face reconstruction and generation. However, robustly
controlling the identity within the StyleGAN framework remains challenging,
mainly due to the necessity of large high-resolution datasets with significant
intra-class variability.
In the past couple of years, another revolution concerning generative methods
has occurred in deep learning. The emergence of the so-called Diffusion Mod-
els [74] has demonstrated not only the possibility of modeling the distribution
of images and sampling from it [17, 29, 76], but also the feasibility of guiding the
generation process with features that correlate images with textual descriptions,
Arc2Face: A Foundation Model of Human Faces 3

such as CLIP [59, 62]. Recently, it has been shown that other features, e.g., ID-
embeddings, can be incorporated to steer the generation process for faces, to
not only adhere to textual descriptions but also to the facial characteristics of a
person’s image [11, 56, 80, 83, 90].
A challenge arises when combining CLIP features with ID-embeddings be-
cause CLIP features contain ID-related information (otherwise, generating the
image of a famous celebrity from a textual prompt would not be possible), as
well as possess contradictory features to ID-embeddings (e.g., when requesting
a photo of a “Viking” with the ID-embeddings of a Chinese person). Hence, al-
though these models are useful for entertainment purposes and demonstrate the
power of diffusion models, they are neither suitable for the controlled generation
of facial images nor for sampling conditioned to the ID features of a specific
In this paper, we meticulously study the problem of high-resolution facial
image synthesis conditioned on ID-embeddings and propose a large-scale foun-
dation model. Developing such a model poses a significant challenge due to the
limited availability of high-quality facial image databases. Specifically:
• We show that smaller, single-image-per-person databases [38] are insufficient
to train a robust foundation model, thus, we introduce a large dataset of high-
resolution facial images with consistent identity and intra-class variability
derived from WebFace42M.
• We adapt a large facial identity encoder trained solely on ID-embeddings,
in contrast to text-based models where ID interferes with language.
• We introduce the first ID-conditioned face foundation model, which we make
available to the public.
• We propose a robust benchmark for evaluating ID-conditioned models. Our
experiments demonstrate superior performance compared to existing ap-

2 Related Work
2.1 Generative Models for the Human Face
The task of facial image generation has witnessed great success in recent years,
with the advent of style-based GANs [37–39,51], even for view-consistent synthe-
sis [3,8,9,16,26,53,70]. Despite early attempts to condition GANs on modalities
such as text [33, 34, 67], the recent Diffusion Models [17, 29, 76, 88] have shown
tremendous progress. Trained on large-scale datasets, several prominent models,
including DALLE-2 [60], Imagen [66], or Stable Diffusion [62], have emerged,
marking a breakthrough in creative image generation. Later models have enabled
an even higher level of detail [57]. Nevertheless, dataset memorization remains
an issue in such models [75]. Moreover, recent methods have achieved even 3D
human generation using general [42,55] and text-guided diffusion models [32,95].
In terms of controlling the generation output, adding images alongside text
has been proposed. For example, ILVR [12] conditions sampling on a target
4 F. Paraperas Papantoniou et al.

image through iterative refinement, while SDEdit [50] adds noise to the input
before editing it according to the target description. DiffusionRig [18] enables ex-
plicit face editing, using a crude 3DMM [20] rendering to condition generation on
pose, illumination, and expression. Perhaps the most notable approach, Control-
Net [96], first achieved accurate spatial control of text-to-image models, with the
addition of trainable copies of network parts. In a different direction, universal
guidance was introduced [5] to avoid re-training the model during conditioning.
While the combined use of text and spatial control can enable manipulation of
an input photo to some extent, it cannot accurately generate one’s identity under
any conditions, which is addressed by subject-driven generative models.

2.2 Subject-specific Facial Generation

When considering subject-conditioned generation, face recognition (FR) models
provide a powerful platform for identity features extraction from facial images,
since they typically extract comprehensive facial embeddings in order to measure
identity similarity (e.g. [7, 14, 15, 40]). Therefore, the inversion of such models
in a black-box setting has been shown capable of producing facial images from
an identity embedding [49, 61, 81, 89], even when using GAN and diffusion archi-
tectures for zero-shot generation [19,35,78]. However, current inversion methods
are either trained on low-resolution datasets [19,78] designed for face recognition
or use high-quality but limited images [35], constraining their generalizability.
The most impressive results have recently been shown as extensions of Stable
Diffusion [62]. The main paradigm emerged from Textual Inversion [22] and es-
pecially DreamBooth [64], which fine-tunes a diffusion model on several images
of a subject, to learn a subject-specific class identifier reproducing that specific
subject. Follow-up works reduced the optimization time, such as HyperDream-
Booth [65], which utilizes LoRA [30] and a hypernetwork to perform tuning on
a single image. Similarly, E4T [23] and ProFusion [101] propose encoder-based
approaches, while CustomDiffusion [43] optimizes only a subset of network’s pa-
rameters. Moreover, Celeb-Basis [93] and StableIdentity [82] learn an embedding
basis from a set of celebrities that can be used to condition the text-based model.
In a generalized manner, Kosmos-G [54] introduced a multi-modal perception
model that accepts various inputs, including facial images.
Closest to ours lies a series of recent works that condition Diffusion Models
directly on facial features for tuning-free personalization. Various approaches,
including FastComposer [86], PhotoVerse [10] and PhotoMaker [45], employ fea-
tures from the CLIP [59] image encoder to represent the input subject. However,
this representation is constrained by the CLIP’s facial encoding abilities. Meth-
ods such as Face0 [80], DreamIdentity [11], and PortraitBooth [56] condition
the model additionally on FR embeddings for improved fidelity. Similarly, IP-
Adapter [90] uses a decoupled cross-attention mechanism to separate text from
subject conditioning, and has released post-publication [91], an impressive model
based on ID features. InstantID [83] extends [91] with an additional network for
stronger ID guidance and facial landmarks conditioning. Finally, FaceStudio [87]
learns combined CLIP and ID-embeddings, achieving impressive stylizations.
Arc2Face: A Foundation Model of Human Faces 5
frozen pseudo-prompt

Tokenization + Embedding Retrieval

“photo” “of” “a” <id> “person”

Detect & Crop ArcFace ID


Encoder … Frozen

Fig. 2: Overview of Arc2Face. We use a straightforward design to condition Stable Dif-

fusion on ID features. The ArcFace embedding is processed by the text encoder using a
frozen pseudo-prompt for compatibility, allowing projection into the CLIP latent space
for cross-attention control. Both the encoder and UNet are optimized on a million-scale
FR dataset [103] (after upsampling), followed by additional fine-tuning on high-quality
datasets [36, 38], without any text annotations. The resulting model exclusively
adheres to ID-embeddings, disregarding its initial language guidance.

A common concept in prior works is to use subject embeddings as an addi-

tional conditioning mechanism on top of text. Therefore, they exhibit a deficiency
in identity retention due to the ambiguous relation of text description and fine
identity characteristics. In contrast, in this work, we introduce a model solely
conditioned on robust identity features, achieving state-of-the-art control and
identity retention, as shown in Fig. 1.

3 Method

Our objective is to develop a foundation model that accurately generates images

of any subject independent of pose, expression, or contextual scene information.
To that end, we employ the ArcFace [14] network as our feature extractor, owing
to its intrinsic ability to filter out such information. Our model extends a pow-
erful Stable Diffusion [62] backbone, enabling efficient sampling of high-quality
images. Specific details of our methodology are provided in the subsequent sec-

3.1 Preliminaries

Face Recognition Features: The utilization of pre-trained FR networks to

constrain face-related optimization or generation tasks has seen significant suc-
cess in recent years. Typically, ID similarity is employed as an auxiliary loss,
often by extracting features from multiple layers of these networks. In this work,
we aim to utilize these networks as frozen feature extractors in order to condi-
tion a generative model of facial images. In particular, let ϕ denote the forward
function of a pre-trained ArcFace [14] network. Given a cropped and aligned
face image x ∈ RH×W ×C , ϕ extracts a high-level embedding w = ϕ(x) ∈ R512 ,
designed to separate the face from other subjects. We rely only on this vector
to recover novel images of the subject, without access to any intermediate layers
of [14]. As shown by Kansy et al . [35], it is possible to learn this mapping via
a conditional diffusion model without any ID-specific loss functions. Similarly,
6 F. Paraperas Papantoniou et al.

we employ w to condition our model by projecting it onto the cross-attention

layers of the generator, following the successful paradigm of Stable Diffusion.

Latent Diffusion Models: Diffusion models [17, 29, 76] employ a denoising
mechanism to approximate the distribution of real images x. During training,
images undergo distortion through the addition of Gaussian noise √ via a predeter-
mined diffusion schedule at different timesteps t, given by xt = ᾱt x0 +(1− ᾱt)ϵ.
At the same time, a denoising autoencoder ϵθ (xt , t) is trained to recover the nor-
mally distributed noise ϵ ∼ N (0, I) by minimizing the prediction error :

\mathcal {L} = \mathbb {E}_{x_t,t,\epsilon \sim \mathcal {N}(\mathbf {0},\mathbf {I})}\left [ || \epsilon - \epsilon _{\theta }(x_t, t) ||_2^2 \right ]\label {eq:unet_loss} (1)

The Latent Diffusion (LD) model [62] is a widely adopted architecture within the
diffusion framework. Notably, a Variational Autoencoder (VAE), E, is employed
to compress images into a lower-dimensional latent space z = E(x) for efficient
training. Moreover, LD introduces a universal conditioning mechanism, using a
UNet [63] as the backbone for ϵθ , with cross-attention layers to map auxiliary fea-
tures C to its intermediate layers for conditional noise prediction ϵθ (zt , t, C). Par-
ticularly, Stable Diffusion (SD) represents a text-conditioned LD model, which
uses text embeddings C, produced by a CLIP encoder [59], to enable stochastic
text-to-image (T2I) generation. Trained on the LAION-5B database [68], SD
stands as a foundation open-source T2I model which is commonly utilized by
the research community as a powerful image prior for downstream tasks.

3.2 Base Models

To demonstrate the effectiveness of ID-embeddings in face reconstruction and
highlight the necessity of extensive datasets, we conducted initial experiments
training an ID-conditioned model from scratch on low-resolution images with
varying data sizes. This initial model follows the conditional LD format [62], i.e.
a perceptual autoencoder and a UNet denoiser equipped with cross-attention
layers, and is trained on image-embedding pairs using the standard loss of Eq. 1.
Fig. 3 compares the performance of the model when trained on three differ-
ent datasets: FFHQ [38] (70K single-person images, downsampled to 256 × 256),
WebFace42M-10% (a subset with ∼4M images from ∼200K identities), and the
complete WebFace42M [103] dataset. For each model, we generate images based
on 400 real and 500 synthetic input faces (see Sec. 4.1 for the images used in
our experiments) and measure the ID similarity between the input and gener-
ations. Results reveal that a model trained on FFHQ [38] exhibits limited ID
retention due to the relatively modest number of images and IDs. In contrast,
WebFace42M [103], despite comprising low-resolution face images (112×112 pix-
els) cropped around the facial region for FR training, proves particularly suitable
for our task, even when reduced to 10% size. Notably, it constitutes the largest
public FR dataset, consisting of approximately 42M images, and, in contrast
to other facial datasets (e.g. [38, 69, 100]), it contains significant and consistent
intra-class variation, which is crucial for diverse generations of the same ID.
Arc2Face: A Foundation Model of Human Faces 7

Expanding upon this finding, we then develop Arc2Face, which enables the
synthesis of photo-realistic images at higher resolutions. This model is derived by
fine-tuning SD on a restored version of WebFace42M [103], along with FFHQ [38]
and CelebA-HQ [36] for enhanced quality, as detailed below.

Identity similarity distribution Identity similarity distribution

WebFace42M WebFace42M
WebFace42M-10% WebFace42M-10%

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(a) Synth-500 (b) AgeDB

Fig. 3: ArcFace [14] similarity distributions between input and generated faces from LD
models trained on the ID-to-image task. We use two different datasets of input IDs for
evaluation (500 and 400 IDs respectively) and generate 5 images per ID. We compare
models trained on three datasets: FFHQ, WebFace42M-10%, and WebFace42M.

3.3 Arc2Face

Motivated by the ID retention offered by large-scale databases, we structure

our model in two ways: 1) we employ a pre-trained SD [62] as our prior, 2) we
automatically generate a high-resolution dataset from [103], enabling efficient
training of our backbone without compromising its superior quality priors.

ID-conditioning: Our model is implemented with stable-diffusion-v1-5,

which uses a CLIP text encoder [59] to guide image synthesis. Our goal is to
condition it on ArcFace embeddings, while directly harnessing the generative
power of its UNet. Thus, it is necessary to project ArcFace embeddings to the
space of CLIP embeddings, used by the original model. We achieve this by feed-
ing them into the same encoder and fine-tuning it to swiftly adapt itself to the
ArcFace input. This approach offers a more seamless projection than replacing
CLIP with an MLP as in recent works [45, 82, 87] (see Sec. 4.4 for an ablation
comparison). To ensure compatibility with CLIP, we employ a simple prompt,
“photo of a <id> person”. Following tokenization, we substitute the placeholder
<id> token embedding with the ArcFace vector w, yielding a sequence of token
embeddings s = {e1 , e2 , e3 , ŵ, e5 }. Here, ŵ ∈ R768 corresponds to w ∈ R512 af-
ter zero-padding to match the dimension of ei ∈ R768 . The resulting sequence is
fed to the encoder τ , which maps it to the CLIP output space C = τ (s) ∈ RN ×768
(with N denoting the tokenizer’s maximum sentence length). This process is il-
lustrated in Fig. 2. Note that as a byproduct of this operation, the ID information
is shared across multiple embeddings in the output of τ , offering more detailed
guidance to the UNet. This concept is also used in recent works [11, 80]. During
8 F. Paraperas Papantoniou et al.

training, we consistently employ this default pseudo-prompt for all images. This
intentional choice directs the encoder’s attention solely to the ID vector, disre-
garding any irrelevant contextual information. Consequently, through extensive
fine-tuning, we effectively transform the text encoder into a face encoder specif-
ically tailored for projecting ArcFace embeddings into the CLIP latent space.

Dataset: We retain WebFace42M [103] for its vast size and intra-class vari-
ability, which, however, suffers from low-resolution data and a tight facial crop.
Even more, the pre-trained SD backbone is designed for a resolution of 512 × 512
and a similar resolution is required to fine-tune Arc2Face. To alleviate this, we
meticulously upsample them using GFPGAN (v1.4), a state-of-the-art blind face
restoration network [84], denoted as γ. We perform degradation removal and 4×
upscaling to 448 × 448, so that x̂ = γ(x). GFPGAN is a GAN-based upsam-
pling method, with a strong face prior using both adversarial and ID-preserving
losses, achieving crisp and faithful restoration. We follow this process on a large
portion of the original database, given our computational limits, acquiring ap-
proximately 21M images of 1M identities at 448 × 448 pixels. Using the restored
images x̂, we train Arc2Face. Albeit of higher quality, this dataset is still limited
to a tightly cropped facial area for FR training. While it allows to learn a robust
ID prior, a complete face image is usually preferred. Thus, we further fine-tune it
on FFHQ [38] and CelebA-HQ [36], which consist of less constrained face images.
Our final model generates FFHQ-aligned images at 512 × 512 pixels.

4 Experiments
4.1 ID-consistent Generation
We perform extensive quantitative comparisons to evaluate the performance of
recent ID-conditioned models in generating both diverse and faithful images of a
subject. Details about the methods and comparison process are provided below.

Methods We compare against recent zero-shot methods that condition synthe-

sis on identity information. Typically, these methods employ either CLIP image
features or FR features to achieve tuning-free customization of SD on a given
face. In particular, we compare against the following open-source methods:
1) FastComposer [86], which combines text with features extracted from the
CLIP image encoder. It further uses a localized attention mechanism and pro-
poses delayed subject conditioning during sampling for improved text editability.
It is trained on FFHQ-wild [38], automatically annotated with text prompts.
2) PhotoMaker [45], which extracts CLIP features from one or a few images of a
subject and combines them with text to condition the model. It is trained on a
custom dataset with 112K images from 13K celebrities collected from the web.
3) IP-Adapter-FaceID (IPA-FaceID) [90, 91], which uses a decoupled attention
mechanism for ID features in addition to text. Subsequent versions (IPA-FaceID-
Plus and Plusv2 ) also use a combination of ID with CLIP image embeddings.
Arc2Face: A Foundation Model of Human Faces 9

Identity similarity distribution Identity similarity distribution ID similarity - User evaluation

Arc2Face (Ours) Arc2Face (Ours)
InstantID InstantID
IPA-FaceID-Plus IPA-FaceID-Plus 29.0%
IPA-FaceID-Plusv2 IPA-FaceID-Plusv2
PhotoMaker PhotoMaker
FastComposer FastComposer

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Arc2Face (Ours) InstantID
(a) Synth-500 (b) AgeDB

Fig. 4: Distribution of ArcFace similarity between input IDs, syn- Fig. 5: Percent-
thetic (a) or real (b), and generated images of them by different age of user votes
models. As all non-CLIP-based methods use [14] for condition- received by our
ing, we evaluate them with [14]. For an evaluation with a different method and In-
network, please refer to the Supp. Material, where similar obser- stantID re. ID fi-
vations can be made. delity.

4) InstantID [83], which extends IPA-FaceID with an IdentityNet, akin to Con-

trolNet, conditioned on FR embeddings and sparse landmarks. It is trained on
LAION-Face [100], plus 10M automatically annotated images from the web.

Prompt Selection Since the aforementioned methods are tailored for text-
driven synthesis, their ability to generate consistent IDs depends heavily on the
input prompt. Although this allows creative stylizations, it demands prompt
engineering and user inspection. To eliminate subjective bias, we suggest an
automatic evaluation using a simple prompt, “photo of a person”, for all samples.
This enables us to assess ID-retention performance based on face features without
elaborate text descriptions, ensuring a fair comparison across all methods.

Datasets and Metrics We construct two datasets for our comparison. The
first, hereafter denoted as Synth-500, includes 500 images of never-before-seen
identities, generated by [1]. The second is a selection of 400 real images from the
public AgeDB [52] database, chosen based on higher resolution. For each image,
we generate 5 samples using all methods and calculate the following metrics: 1)
ID similarity: we compute the cosine similarity of ID features between the input
and generated faces. The corresponding distributions are plotted in Fig. 4. 2)
LPIPS distance: similarly to [45], we assess the diversity of generation by calcu-
lating the pairwise perceptual distance (LPIPS) [97] between images of the same
ID. The average distance for all pairs is reported in Tab 1. To focus on the actual
facial diversity, we first detect and align all faces and remove the background
using an off-the-shelf parser [2]. 3) Exp./Pose diversity: we predict the expres-
sion and pose (jaw/neck articulation) parameters of the FLAME model [44] for
each sample using EMOCA v2 [13, 21] and compute the average pairwise ℓ2 ex-
pression and pose distances between images of the same ID. 4) FID: we use the
FID [28, 71] metric to assess the quality of samples (after face detection and
alignment) with respect to the input images. Results are presented in Tab 1.
As depicted in Fig. 4, existing methods, particularly [45, 86] that rely on
CLIP features, struggle to preserve the ID without detailed text descriptions
of the subject. InstantID [83] attains the highest similarity, behind Arc2Face.
10 F. Paraperas Papantoniou et al.

LPIPS↑ Exp. (ℓ2 )↑ Pose (ℓ2 )↑ FID↓

Synth-500 AgeDB Synth-500 AgeDB Synth-500 AgeDB Synth-500 AgeDB
FastComposer 0.389 0.487 3.597 4.678 0.163 0.225 13.517 31.736
Photomaker 0.410 0.424 3.920 4.283 0.167 0.165 13.295 8.410
InstantID 0.386 0.437 3.733 4.569 0.059 0.082 22.859 18.598
IPA-FaceID (SDXL) 0.402 0.462 4.648 5.812 0.181 0.197 7.104 24.105
IPA-FaceID-Plus 0.320 0.384 2.706 3.518 0.150 0.194 14.880 11.817
IPA-FaceID-Plusv2 0.356 0.429 3.147 4.092 0.185 0.236 9.752 10.798
Arc2Face (Ours) 0.506 0.508 6.375 5.966 0.317 0.273 5.673 6.628

Table 1: Quantitative comparison between Arc2Face and [45, 83, 86, 90] on 500 syn-
thetic and 400 real IDs. We produce 5 samples per ID for all methods and assess the
diversity of generated faces using perceptual and 3DMM-based distances, as well as
their quality based on FID. Bold values denote the best results in each metric.

However, this results in limited pose/exp. diversity as it further uses the in-
put facial landmarks to constrain generation. Arc2Face does not require any
text or spatial conditions and achieves the highest facial similarity as well as
diversity and realism across both datasets. This particularly highlights the effi-
ciency of ID-embeddings in the context of face generation against CLIP image
or text features. A visual comparison with the above methods is provided in
Fig. 6, whereas additional qualitative results and visualizations are provided in
the Supp. Material. We further conducted a user study to compare with the
second best-performing method in terms of ID similarity, i.e. InstantID [83]. In
particular, we asked 50 users to choose the method whose result best resembles
the input face, regardless of quality or realism, for a randomly selected set of 30
IDs from our datasets. The two methods were randomly presented side-by-side.
Fig 5 confirms a strong preference for Arc2Face in terms of ID resemblance.

4.2 Face Recognition with Synthetic Data

To further demonstrate the potential of our model, we use it to create syn-

thetic images for FR training. In particular, we sample novel ID vectors from
the distribution of ArcFace embeddings learned by PCA on WebFace42M [103],
while ensuring sufficient intra-class variance for the vectors of the same ID. To
guarantee the uniqueness of generated subjects, we keep only those with ID
similarity between them below 0.3. We compare against recent methods that
train FR models on synthetic data, namely SynFace [58], DigiFace [4], and DC-
Face [41], following their training scheme with IR-SE-50 [14] as a backbone and
the AdaFace [40] loss function. The trained models are evaluated on LFW [31],
CFP-FP [72], CPLFW [98], AgeDB [52] and CALFW [99] datasets, ensuring
large pose [72, 98] and age [52, 99] variation. In Tab. 2, we present results for
0.5M and 1.2M settings, corresponding to the size of CASIA-WebFace [92] and an
increased size, respectively. Arc2Face surpasses DCFace in all five test datasets
with an average improvement of 2.17% in the 0.5M regime and 1.93% in the 1.2M
regime. Especially on the CFP-FP dataset, Arc2Face significantly outperforms
DigiFace and DCFace, showing high ID-consistency under large pose variation.
Arc2Face: A Foundation Model of Human Faces 11


Input FastComposer PhotoMaker InstantID Arc2Face (Ours)
(SDXL) Plus Plusv2

Fig. 6: Visual comparison of Arc2Face with state-of-the-art methods [45, 83, 86, 90]
using the abstract prompt “photo of a person” to focus on their ID-conditioning ability.
Methods Venue # images (# IDs× # imgs/ID) LFW CFP-FP CPLFW AgeDB CALFW Avg
SynFace ICCV21 0.5M (10K × 50) 91.93 75.03 70.43 61.63 74.73 74.75
DigiFace WACV23 0.5M (10K × 50) 95.4 87.4 78.87 76.97 78.62 83.45
DCFace CVPR23 0.5M (10K × 50) 98.55 85.33 82.62 89.70 91.60 89.56
Arc2Face - 0.5M (10K × 50) 98.81 91.87 85.16 90.18 92.63 91.73
DigiFace WACV23 1.2M (10K × 72 + 100K × 5) 96.17 89.81 82.23 81.10 82.55 86.37
DCFace CVPR23 1.2M (20K × 50 + 40K × 5) 98.58 88.61 85.07 90.97 92.82 91.21
Arc2Face - 1.2M (20K × 50 + 40K × 5) 98.92 94.58 86.45 92.45 93.33 93.14
CASIA-WebFace (Real) 0.49M (approx. 10.5K × 47) 99.42 96.56 89.73 94.08 93.32 94.62

Table 2: Verification accuracies of FR models trained with synthetic datasets. Syn-

Face [58] is a GAN-based dataset with a latent space mixup technique. DigiFace [4] is
a 3D model-based dataset with image augmentation. DCFace [41] is a diffusion-based
dataset with separate ID and style as dual conditions.

4.3 Pose/Expression Control

Our model can be trivially combined with ControlNet [96] for spatial control of
the output. In particular, we use EMOCA v2 [13, 21] to perform 3D reconstruc-
tion on FFHQ [38], and train a ControlNet module, conditioned on the rendered
face normals. During inference, we can render the 3D face normals of a source
person under the expression and pose extracted from a reference image. This
rendering is used to guide the synthesis of the source identity as shown in Fig. 7.

4.4 Ablation Studies

ID-conditioning via MLP To achieve ID-conditioning in SD, we map Ar-

cFace [14] features to the CLIP embedding space by adapting the pre-trained
12 F. Paraperas Papantoniou et al.


Fig. 7: Samples from Arc2Face, conditioned on a 3DMM [13,44] using ControlNet [96].

text encoder [59] through extensive fine-tuning. Recent approaches combining

text and ID-conditioning typically employ a simple MLP for subject embedding
projection [11, 45, 56, 80, 82, 86, 87]. To validate our choice, we conducted an ab-
lation study, replacing the CLIP encoder with a 4-layer MLP while maintaining
the same training setting. Fig. 8 shows that our MLP-based model yields lower
face similarity in generated images. Since SD is trained with CLIP embeddings,
using the same encoder is a more natural choice than training an MLP to learn
the CLIP latent space. Additionally, the former represents a well-established ar-
chitecture, while the latter would necessitate a more extensive hyperparameter
search, rather than a simple selection of a shallow MLP, as seen in most works.
Principal Component Analysis To explore the intrinsic dimensionality of
our facial ID representation, we conducted PCA on the ArcFace embeddings
derived from WebFace42M images. Fig. 9a depicts the cumulative percentage
of variance explained by the principal components. Notably, maintaining facial
fidelity requires at least 300-400 components, as fewer components result in no-
ticeable distortion, as shown in Fig. 9b. This reveals the challenge of compressing
ArcFace embeddings significantly, emphasizing the inherent complexity of our
facial ID representation.

Identity similarity distribution Identity similarity distribution Cumulative Explained Variance Input 100 200 300 400 512
Arc2Face Arc2Face
Arc2Face w/ MLP Arc2Face w/ MLP




0 100 200 300 400 500
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Number of components

(a) Synth-500 (b) AgeDB (a) Cumulative Var. (b) PCA projections

Fig. 8: ID similarity [14] distributions be- Fig. 9: PCA on ID-embeddings: We show

tween input and generated images from our the cumulative percentage of variance
model. We compare the proposed approach across components (a) and samples from
with that of using an MLP for the projec- Arc2Face when projecting ID vectors to a
tion of ID vectors to the CLIP latent space. varying number of components (b).
Arc2Face: A Foundation Model of Human Faces 13

Averaging ID Features ID-embeddings offer a compact representation of

the facial characteristics that allows interpolation across different images. In
Fig. 10, we provide transitions between pairs of subjects by linearly blending
their ArcFace vectors. In the Supp. Material, we also show how ID resemblance
may benefit from averaging embeddings from multiple images of the same person.

Fig. 10: ID interpolations between pairs of subjects. Arc2Face generates plausible faces
along the trajectory connecting their ArcFace vectors.

Generalization Ability By training on an extensive dataset with more than

1M IDs and significant intra-class variance, our model is capable of reproducing
photos of any person with high fidelity. To further assess its capacity, we examine
whether or not Arc2Face has learned to replicate its training IDs by exploring
the output images for the 500 previously unseen identities from Synth-500. In
particular, for each of the 2.5K samples (5 per ID), we identified the closest
training image - defined as the one exhibiting the highest ID similarity within
the combined set of restored WebFace42M, FFHQ, and CelebA-HQ. Fig. 11b
shows some examples of generated images and their closest matches from the
training data. We further plot the distribution of similarities in Fig. 11a. No-
tably, the generated images exhibit an average cosine similarity of 0.37 to their
closest training sample and 0.74 to their (unseen) input features. This observa-
tion indicates that our model indeed does not memorize images from the training
set, confirming its ability to faithfully reconstruct faces of novel identities.
Identity similarity distribution
Generated - Input
Generated - Closest train sample

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

(a) ArcFace similarity distributions between (b) Examples of generated faces (top) and their
input/output and output/closest-train-image. closest train samples (bottom).

Fig. 11: We show that Arc2Face does not replicate its training data. We generate
images for 500 unseen IDs from Synth-500 and retrieve the train image with the highest
ID similarity for each one. The average similarity between each output and its closest
match is 0.37, whereas the similarity between the output and input features is 0.74.
14 F. Paraperas Papantoniou et al.

4.5 Implementation Details

We start from stable-diffusion-v1-5 and fine-tune both the UNet and CLIP
encoder with AdamW [46] and a learning rate of 1e-6, using 8 NVIDIA A100
GPUs and a batch size of 4 per GPU. First, we train on 21M restored images
from WebFace42M for 5 epochs with a resolution of 448×448, and then fine-tune
on 512 × 512 - sized FFHQ and CelebA-HQ images for another 15 epochs. All
our results shown in this paper are generated using DPM-Solver [47, 48] with
25 inference steps and a classifier-free guidance scale of 3, which we empirically
found to produce highly realistic images. For ID-embedding extraction, we use a
frozen IR-100 ArcFace [14] trained on WebFace42M and normalize embeddings
to unit magnitude. Regarding the methods we compare against, we use the
official implementations and, in all cases, select the default hyper-parameters.

5 Limitations and Impact

In this work, we introduce a model capable of generating high-quality facial

images from facial embeddings. Our method is limited by the capacity of the
face embeddings encoder [14], as well as the datasets used [103], both of which
are fortunately state-of-the-art. Moreover, only one person per image can be
generated. Despite these limitations, we provide a foundation model, that can
be further fine-tuned to other datasets and modalities, aiding follow-up research.
Arc2Face can benefit various industrial and research applications, including
media, entertainment, and data generation for face analysis and synthesis. We
stress the ethical aspects of our work, as such technologies can be misused to cre-
ate unoriginal facial images. We thus restrict the training data to the facial region
only. The community must adhere to ethical responsibilities and support fake
content detection [77]. Moreover, as such technologies proliferate, it is important
to ensure that they remain equally effective across different demographics. Most
prior art (e.g. [45,82]), is based on biased celebrity datasets [59]. Instead, we use
ID-embeddings, which although not perfect [94], enable a general approach to
facial generation and encourage working with balanced synthetic datasets.

6 Conclusion

In this work, we explore the power of ID features derived from FR networks as a

comprehensive representation for face generation in the context of large-scale dif-
fusion models. We show that million-scale face recognition datasets are required
to effectively train an ID-conditioned model. To that end, we fine-tune the pre-
trained SD on carefully restored images from WebFace42M. Our ID-conditioning
mechanism transforms the model into an ArcFace-to-Image model, deliberately
disregarding text information in the process. Our experiments demonstrate its
ability to faithfully reproduce the facial ID of any individual, generating highly
realistic images with a greater degree of similarity compared to any existing
method, all while preserving diversity in the output. We hope our model encour-
ages further research in ID-preserving generative AI for human faces.
Arc2Face: A Foundation Model of Human Faces 15

Acknowledgements. S. Zafeiriou and part of the research was funded by the

EPSRC Fellowship DEFORM (EP/S010203/1) and EPSRC Project GNOMON

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22 F. Paraperas Papantoniou et al.

Arc2Face: A Foundation Model of Human Faces

(Supplementary Material)

A Effect of Training Dataset Size

As stated in the main paper, our initial experiments on low-resolution images

showed that FFHQ [38] is insufficient for training a foundation ID-conditioned
model, and large-scale datasets with multiple images per ID are essential for
this task. In addition to the evaluation presented in Fig. 3, Fig. 12 provides
samples from our base Latent Diffusion model, trained on either FFHQ or Web-
Face42M [103] (before restoration), where significant ID-distortion can be ob-
served for the former, confirming the superiority of FR datasets.

Fig. 12: Visual comparison of ID-conditioned latent diffusion models trained from
scratch on FFHQ and WebFace42M. FFHQ samples are aligned to the WebFace42M
template (112 × 112 pixels) for simplicity.
Arc2Face: A Foundation Model of Human Faces 23

B Using Multiple Images per ID

Our model provides state-of-the-art ID-retention by relying solely on the Ar-
cFace [14] embeddings of a single input image. However, in some cases, given
multiple images of the same person, averaging the ID-embeddings may lead to
slightly higher ID resemblance in the generation as shown in Fig. 13. Despite
their highly discriminative nature, ID-embeddings from FR networks may still
encode some ID-irrelevant features, such as expression or appearance, to a small
extent. Consequently, averaging across diverse inputs proves beneficial in filtering
out this noisy information.

Input Generated Input Generated

Identity similarity distribution
Arc2Face (Ours)
1 2 1 2 IPA-FaceID-Plusv2

3 4 3 4 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig. 13: Effect of averaging ArcFace features from Fig. 14: ID similarity [40]
multiple input images. Increasing the number of ID between 400 input IDs and
vectors used (indicated at the bottom left of each re- generated images of them (5
sult) leads to improved fidelity of samples. per ID) by different models.

C Retrieving the Closest Training Samples

We have shown that, unlike the image memorization observed in T2I models [75],
our model avoids replicating its training IDs, owing to our extensive training
dataset. Fig. 11b shows examples of generated images from our model and their
closest training images in terms of ID similarity. For a comprehensive analysis,
we include additional examples in Fig. 15, where a significant ID distance can
be found between each sample and its closest match.

D Additional Qualitative Results

We expand our visual comparison with relevant methods [45,83,86,90] in Fig. 16.
Moreover, we compare their distributions of ID similarity with respect to the
input in Fig. 14. This comparison follows the evaluation protocol described in
the main paper for our real-image dataset (refer Sec. 4.1). However, we use a
different FR network for ID-embedding extraction, namely AdaFace [40], for
completeness. The distributions closely resemble those presented in the main
paper, confirming the superiority of Arc2Face in terms of ID retention.
Finally, we provide additional visual results of our model in Fig. 17 and 18, as
well as examples of our model combined with ControlNet [96] for explicit control
in Fig. 19 and 20.
24 F. Paraperas Papantoniou et al.


0.35 0.28 0.35 0.35 0.34 0.29 0.28 0.31


0.32 0.35 0.37 0.40 0.24 0.29 0.34 0.33


0.32 0.33 0.36 0.43 0.31 0.29 0.32 0.39

0.30 0.33 0.19 0.37 0.33 0.30 0.34 0.31

0.26 0.30 0.22 0.35 0.30 0.32 0.29 0.33

0.28 0.36 0.27 0.34 0.41 0.27 0.38 0.41

Fig. 15: Faces generated from Arc2Face and their closest train samples, determined
by ArcFace similarity (displayed at the bottom left). The generated faces correspond
to ID vectors from our synthetic dataset (see Sec. 4.1). For the purpose of comparison,
the generated faces are cropped to the training face template.
Arc2Face: A Foundation Model of Human Faces 25


Input FastComposer PhotoMaker InstantID Arc2Face (Ours)
(SDXL) Plus Plusv2

Fig. 16: Comparison of Arc2Face with [45, 83, 86, 90]. As described in the paper, we
use the abstract prompt “photo of a person” for the text-based methods to focus on
their ID-conditioning ability.
26 F. Paraperas Papantoniou et al.

Fig. 17: Multiple samples produced by our model conditioned on the input ID (leftmost
Arc2Face: A Foundation Model of Human Faces 27

Fig. 18: Multiple samples produced by our model conditioned on the input ID (leftmost
28 F. Paraperas Papantoniou et al.


Fig. 19: Additional results from Arc2Face, conditioned on a 3DMM [13, 44] using
ControlNet [96].
Arc2Face: A Foundation Model of Human Faces 29


Fig. 20: Additional results from Arc2Face, conditioned on a 3DMM [13, 44] using
ControlNet [96].

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